Katasonov read articles. Who are you, Mr. Katasonov? "not a government, but a colonial administration"

Valentin Yurievich Katasonov(born April 5, 1950, USSR) - Russian scientist-economist, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of International Finance at MGIMO. Publicist. Specialist in environmental economics, international capital flow, project finance, investment management, monetary system, international finance, economic sociology, economic history and the history of economic thought.


Graduated from the Faculty of International economic relations Moscow state institution international relations Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR in 1972 (specialty "economist in foreign trade").

In 1976-1977 he taught at MGIMO.

  • In 1991-1993 - consultant of the Department of International Economic and social problems UN - DIESA.
  • In 1993-1996 - Member of the Advisory Board under the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
  • In 1995-2000 - Deputy Director of the Russian program for organizing investments in improving the environment (project World Bank management environment).
  • In 2000-2010 - economic adviser to the Central Bank Russian Federation.
  • In 2001-2011 - Head of the Department of International monetary relations MGIMO (U) Russian Foreign Ministry.
  • Currently, he is a professor at the Department of International Finance at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (U) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

Social activity

Corresponding member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship, since January 2012 heads the Russian economic society them. S.F. Sharapova (REOSH). He is actively engaged in publicistic activities. Award Winner International Competition business journalism "Presszvanie" (2014), winner of a number of literary and journalistic awards. Chief Editor printed organ of REO - the magazine "Our business". Author of about forty books - scientific monographs, philosophical reflections and journalistic works. Author of the documentary film "World Bondage" (2014; four episodes). Regular contributor information resource Global Research (Canada) and other foreign electronic publications.


Known Russian economists Stepan Demura, Mikhail Khazin, Mikhail Delyagin and others highly appreciate the qualifications of Valentin Yurievich Katasonov as an expert. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of International Finance at MGIMO Vladimir Burlachkov spoke positively about the monograph "Gold in the History of Russia", noting its complexity and consistency in the study of the question posed.

Doctor of Economics, Senior Researcher Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Renat Bekkin spoke critically about the publicist book “On Interest: Loanable, Jurisdictional, Reckless”, noting that the book is permeated with conspiracy theories, the author’s desire to adjust historical facts under a predetermined scheme, a biased selection of sources and utopian economic "recipes" for solving the problem set in the book.

V. Yu. Katasonov was awarded honorary diploma Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and received gratitude from VTB Bank.


Applied economics books

  • Project finance as new method organizations in the real sector of the economy / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: Ankil, 1999. - 167 p.
  • Project finance: organization, risk management, insurance. M.: Ankil, 2000.
  • Project financing: world experience and prospects for Russia / V. Yu. Katasonov, D. S. Morozov, M. V. Petrov. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Ankil, 2001. - 308 p.
  • Flight of capital from Russia / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M. : Ankil, 2002. - 199 p.
  • Capital flight from Russia: macroeconomic and currency-financial aspects / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: MGIMO, 2002.
  • Investments in the fuel and energy complex of Russia: main indicators, sources and methods of financing / V. Yu. Katasonov, M. V. Petrov, V. N. Tkachev. - M.: MGIMO, 2003. - 412 p.
  • Investment potential economic activity: macroeconomic and financial credit aspects/ V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: MGIMO-University, 2004. - 318 p.
  • Investment potential of the economy: mechanisms of formation and use / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: Ankil, 2005. - 325 p.
  • Gold in the history of Russia: statistics and estimates. - M.: MGIMO, 2009. - 312 p.
  • Banking: textbook. allowance / otv. ed. V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: MGIMO-University, 2012. - 266 p.
  • Money. Credit. Banks: a textbook for bachelors / ed. V. Yu. Katasonova, V. P. Bitkova. - M.: Yurayt, 2015. - 575 p.

The death throes of the Fed's pyramid scheme. Racketeering and expropriation of the Washington Regional Committee.

The book attempts to comprehend the events of the last period of US history, which falls at the beginning of the 21st century. The focus of the work is on economic and financial-monetary aspects. current situation America.

The author considers the state called "United States" as part of the global political and economic system, which can be conditionally called Pax Americana. American state serves as the metropolis of Pax Americana. The second element of the system is the Federal backup system(FRS), which is a private corporation and owned by a narrow group of world loan sharks.

The third element is the dollar, the “production” of the “printing press” of the Fed, which 70 years ago at the Bretton Woods conference received the status of world money and today has become the main world currency. This political and economic system is a symbiosis of the creativity of the “founding fathers” (they are also Illuminati Freemasons) and world bankers.

Anti-crisis. Survive and win

The economic war against Russia has been going on for a long time, but only now it has taken such decisive and frightening forms. For the first time in long years our country is on the verge of a real blockade. Russian property abroad is being seized, trade is frozen, the world seems to be frozen on the verge of a real war, and now its dress rehearsal is being held.

Valentin Yuryevich Katasonov - Professor at MGIMO, Doctor of Economics - is known as a researcher of the behind-the-scenes aspects of the global financial system. His A new book devoted to the hot topic of "economic war". Our country has risen to the challenge and joined the fight on the economic front. But is Russia ready for such a war and can it win it?

Dictatorship of bankocracy

Organized crime in the financial and banking world. How to resist financial bondage.

The global world of finance is organized as a hierarchical system, like a kind of pyramid. At the top of it are the shareholders of the US Federal Reserve, and the Federal Reserve is, first of all, a “printing press”, the products of which (dollars) are distributed to banks, which are the main shareholders of the private corporation Federal Reserve. This is the same financial oligarchy that controls the economy and political life most of the world.

And where are the Russian banks? Their place is at the base of the pyramid. They act only as a kind of mechanism that ensures the collection of wealth in the vast economic space of the Russian Federation and transfers it upwards. Its final recipients are all the same owners of the FRS. The proposed work reveals some aspects of the criminal activities of world banks in Russia, and often the world's bankers do not "shine", they act through their "vassals" - banks with Russian brands.

Behind the scenes of international finance

The book contains an analysis of the most acute problems of the financial world at the beginning of the 21st century, which were not reflected and comprehended in textbooks and scientific literature. Many of these problems, as the author emphasizes, are manifestations of a much more serious problems emerging in the field of geopolitics, sociology and anthropology.

Most of the financial world today is in the “shadow”, the work is trying to unravel some of the secrets of this shadow world. The probability of the second "wave" of the global financial crisis, an overview of the most probable variants of the new world order is given.

The monograph is intended as an additional material for undergraduate and graduate students studying world economy, international finance, sociology and world politics.

golden scam

New world order as financial pyramid.

Publicist Katasonov V.Yu. in his book, he reveals the background of the global financial crisis as the machinations of banksters (the word is a derivative of "banker" and "gangster"), seeking to put the world before a choice between bad and very bad.

Banksters are playing a win-win golden scam. Moreover, the role of "suckers of last resort" in the global financial system is destined for Russian citizens. Who withdraws money offshore and how will they be withdrawn? What you need to know about the upcoming global confiscation of bank deposits? Who stole all the gold in the world? Will gold become world money again? What awaits the dollar, euro and ruble in the near future? How to save your money in the face of bankster robbers?

Temple in Jerusalem as a financial center

The book is an attempt to understand the essence and patterns of development modern world finance by revealing a certain “genetic code” of the earthly history of mankind. The author shows a striking similarity of many features of the modern financial system with those systems that existed in antiquity.

Based Holy Scripture, works of the Holy Fathers, scientific research the ancient financial history of the Jewish people is recreated. It is shown that the Temple in Jerusalem was not only a spiritual and religious center, but also a financial center of the ancient Jews. After the Babylonian captivity, the Jewish people became the bearer of the "spirit of capitalism", having intercepted this baton from the inhabitants of ancient Babylon. The spiritual essence of the modern capitalist system is revealed as the personification of the Cainite civilization, originating from the origins of the existence of mankind.

The work is addressed to all readers interested in history, finance, religion.


History and ideology monetary civilization».

In the fundamental work of the Russian scientist, Doctor of Economics Valentin Katasonov, the history and ideology of capitalism, a monetary civilization that created new system slavery, more efficient than the traditional slave system.

The author convincingly proves that the basis of capitalism is the ideology of Judaism, which divides the whole world into a certain select minority and the rest of humanity, called to serve it. Katasonov explores the genesis of the development of capitalism from ancient world to the present day, showing the formation of tax and debt slavery.

False prophets of the end times. Darwinism and Science as Religion

Many are sure that "progress" is taking place in the world, that is, the process of gaining by man and mankind more and more complete knowledge. However, there is knowledge and "knowledge".

Knowledge alone brings man closer to what philosophers call absolute truth, and another "knowledge" of it can lead away from this truth. We live in a time when man and mankind are moving by leaps and bounds along the road that leads man farther and farther away from the truth. And the guide that leads mankind along this road, it turns out, strange as it may seem to many, is science. Science is considered by many to be public institution, which is entrusted with the mission of understanding nature, society, and man.

Today, however, there are many signs that it has become a sect. Moreover, a sect that has an openly anti-Christian orientation. bright volume the proof is a pseudoscientific theory called Darwinism.

world bondage

Robbery by...

According to the author, the powerful banking clans of the West, first of all, the Rothschilds, have long developed their own global financial doctrine, and are doing everything so that Russia will always remain a monetary and raw material appendage of Western civilization.

How this doctrine was developed, what specific actions have been taken and are being taken to implement it, what role is assigned to the current Russian authorities, - Valentin Katasonov dwells on all this in detail in his book, presented to your attention.

Robbery of Russia. Racketeering and expropriations of the Washington Regional Committee

The latest developments in the global economy, which began in Cyprus in March 2013, are an excellent educational material, where our Russian kleptomaniacs can be shown that they always act as "suckers" for the global financial oligarchy.

Authorities European Union decided to confiscate a significant part of the funds of depositors in Cypriot banks. A few months later, Brussels approved the application of the bank rescue scheme tested in Cyprus in all countries of the European Union. Tomorrow this scheme can be legalized on a global scale. In fact, before our very eyes, there is a rejection of the cornerstone principle of capitalism - the "sanctity" and "inviolability" of private property.

A global expropriation begins in the interests of a narrow group of the financial oligarchy. In the very near future, it may also hit Russia. The author proposes a program of measures to protect our country from global expropriation in the context of the economic war unleashed by the US and the West against Russia.

Orthodox understanding of society

Sociology of Konstantin Leontiev. Historiosophy of Lev Tikhomirov.

The book of the outstanding Russian scientist Valentin Yurievich Katasonov examines the views of the great Russian thinkers K. Leontiev and L. Tikhomirov, focused on the path of spiritual salvation.

The sociological approach of K. Leontiev and the historiosophical approach of L. Tikhomirov complement each other well, giving a more holistic, “voluminous” Orthodox understanding of society.

Russia and the West in the 20th century

The history of economic confrontation and coexistence.

The book of the outstanding Russian scientist Valentin Yurievich Katasonov shows the history of economic relations between Russia and the West in the 20th century.

The author argues that since the 19th century, Western European countries and the United States have been imposing on Russia a system of unequal economic and financial and credit relations, trying to turn our country into a colony, a raw material appendage Western countries. The West maintains a similar system of relations with Russia even now.

According to Katasonov, the attempts of the West to forever turn our country into a raw material colony are illusory, Russia will return its power, return the loot, and no "Jesuit agreements" of the West will help it.

Sanctions. Economics for Russians

Valentin Yuryevich Katasonov, professor at MGIMO, Doctor of Economics, is known as a researcher of the behind-the-scenes aspects of the global financial system. His new book deals with the hot but little explored topic of "economic warfare". The current economic sanctions, which are organized by the West against Russia in connection with the events in Ukraine, are perceived as a sensational event. Meanwhile, the author convincingly shows that economic wars, with the participation of our country, have been going on for decades.

Special attention the author paid attention to “counter-sanctions”, the experience of countering blockades and embargoes by Russia. Valentin Yurievich gives a forecast for the future of today's sanctions, how Russia will deal with them. And Katasonov's predictions almost always come true!

Ukraine. Economics of Troubles, or Blood Money

Civil War in Spain (1936), Japan's attack on China (1937), Hitler's Anschluss of Austria and the capture of Czechoslovakia by Germany (1938) ... How many European inhabitants of the second half of the 30s suspected that this was not local conflicts, of which there are always enough in the world, and the first stage of a new - the bloodiest in history - world war, that these are the great powers building their geopolitical and economic positions before grabbing each other's throats?

Iraq, Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria... Perhaps, in half a century, historians will call "local" wars in these countries the first stage of World War III?

It remains to find out where the new Armageddon will begin.

Can today's Ukraine, like Poland once did, become a bone of contention between the great powers and a pretext for a nuclear fire sweeping humanity off the face of the planet?

How can we avoid big war?

Masters of money

In the twentieth century, the United States managed to become a hegemon. In the 21st century, America is the only superpower, the world's creditor and the world's gendarme. And it owes all this to the Federal Reserve System, the structure that stands behind all American politics.

This year will mark the centenary of the Federal Reserve serving as central bank USA. For a century, politicians and statesmen who were trying to rein in a private corporation with a sly "US Federal Reserve" sign. Today, for the majority of Americans, the threats associated with a permanent financial and economic crisis have become obvious.

Gradually, an understanding began to emerge of the role that banksters and the US Federal Reserve, which owns the "printing press", are playing in creating this crisis. But the Fed is becoming the object of criticism and sharp attacks not only from the Americans.

Economic war against Russia

The book is devoted to the little-studied topic of "economic warfare".

For many, the current economic sanctions against Russia, organized by the West in connection with the events in Ukraine, are perceived as a sensational and unprecedented event. The author shows that there is nothing sensational in this, since the economic war against our country has been waged for almost a century, since the end of 1917.

The book discusses the main stages, goals and methods of economic warfare against Soviet Russia, the USSR, the Russian Federation. Particular attention is paid to the experience of our country in countering various sanctions, blockades and embargoes. The most powerful answer Soviet Union on the economic war the West has become Stalinist industrialization, during which 9 thousand enterprises were built. The country gained complete economic independence.

The economic theory of the Slavophiles and modern Russia

« Paper ruble» S. Sharapova.

The book examines the economic works of Sergei Fedorovich Sharapov (1855-1911), which absorbed many of the main ideas of the Slavophiles.

In the alternative model of the economy and monetary system proposed by Sharapov, key elements were absolute (paper) money, imaginary capital, reserve capital, state banks, state monopolies in a number of sectors of the economy, regulated by the state exchange rate ruble, etc.

The current state of the Russian economy is very reminiscent of the situation that was a century ago, so many thoughts of Russian Slavophile economists remain relevant to this day.

From slavery to slavery

From ancient rome to modern capitalism.

The book represents an attempt at a metaphysical understanding of the history of mankind from ancient Rome to the present day.

Despite many changes in everyday life, the incredible development of the productive forces, the emergence of many technical innovations, the people and society of Ancient Rome and our time are surprisingly similar. We habitually call the society of that time a slave system, and modern society- capitalism.

Meanwhile, at that time there was slave-owning capitalism, and in our time we have capitalist slave-owning. Two thousand years ago, humanity was on the brink of an abyss. Today it teeters on the same abyss.

Religion of money

Spiritual and religious foundations capitalism.

For the first time in more than a hundred years since the publication of the works of German sociologists Max Weber and Werner Sombart, the proposed book returns to a fundamental understanding of the religious and spiritual roots of modern capitalism.

The author critically analyzes the work of these sociologists, separates the "grain" from the "chaff" in their concepts, reveals new phenomena in capitalism, due to the spiritual transformations of man and society in the XX - early XXI centuries

The paper puts forward the fundamental thesis that today all the major world religions are undergoing a process of transformation into a single world religion, which the author conditionally calls the "religion of money." Such a “diagnosis” is extremely important for humanity to realize the underlying causes of the impending crises and cataclysms and consciously begin to dissociate itself from the “religion of money”. The final part of the work summarizes the Christian (Orthodox) alternative to capitalism.

Stalin's economy

Interest in the Stalin era national history in our society remains consistently high, including the economy of this era.

The book of Doctor of Economic Sciences V. Yu. Katasonov, one of the leading economists of modern Russia, reveals the essence of the Stalinist economy, shows its unique character not only in comparison with the economies of other countries, but also with the economy of the USSR in the early and late periods.

The topic of the Stalinist economy is currently quite taboo, since against its background any models of the so-called " market economy", imposed on Russia.

The author breaks through the conspiracy of silence around this topic, gives detailed description such elements of the Stalinist model of the economy as centralized management and planning, single-level banking system, double-circuit money turnover, state monopoly foreign trade and state currency monopoly, cost-benefit mechanism, public funds consumption, etc.

Departments of International Finance MGIMO. Publicist. Specialist in the field of environmental economics, international capital flows, project finance, investment management, monetary system, international finance, economic sociology, economic history and the history of economic doctrines.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 2

    ✪ Non-kosher bankers (Cognitive TV, Valentin Katasonov)

    ✪ Sect "Economics" (Cognitive TV, Valentin Katasonov)



Graduated from the Faculty of International Economic Relations of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1972 (specialty "economist in foreign trade").

In 1976-1977 he taught at MGIMO.

  • In 1991-1993 - Consultant of the UN Department of International Economic and Social Problems - DIESA.
  • In 1993-1996 - Member of the Advisory Council under the President European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD).
  • In 1995-2000 - Deputy Director of the Russian program for organizing investments in improving the environment (project World Bank on environmental management).
  • In 2000-2010 - economic adviser to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation [ ] .
  • In 2001-2011 - Head of the Department of International Monetary and Credit Relations, MGIMO (U) of the Russian Foreign Ministry.
  • Since 2017 - economic observer " Tsargrad TV »
  • Currently, he is a professor at the Department of International Finance at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (U) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

Social activity

Corresponding member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship, since January 2012 he has been the head of the Russian Economic Society. S.F. Sharapova (REOSH). He is actively engaged in publicistic activities. Laureate of the International Business Journalism Competition Press title” (2014), winner of a number of literary and journalistic awards. Editor-in-Chief of the printed organ of REO - the magazine "Our Business". Author of about forty books - scientific monographs, philosophical reflections and journalistic works. Author of the documentary film "World Bondage" (2014; four episodes). Permanent author of the information resource Global Research (Canada) and other foreign electronic publications.


Famous Russian economists Stepan Demura , Mikhail Khazin , Mikhail Delyagin et al. highly appreciate the qualifications of Valentin Yurievich Katasonov as an expert. Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of International Finance MGIMO Vladimir Burlachkov spoke positively about the monograph "Gold in the history of Russia", noting its complexity and consistency in the study of the question posed.

Doctor of Economics, Senior Research Fellow Renat Bekkin critically spoke about the publicistic book “On Interest: Loan, Jurisdictional, Reckless”, noting the permeation of the book with conspiracy theories, the author’s desire to fit historical facts to a predetermined scheme, a biased selection of sources and utopian economic “recipes” for solving the problem set in the book.

V. Yu. Katasonov was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and received gratitude from the bank VTB.


Applied economics books

  • Project financing as a new method of organization in the real sector of the economy / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: Ankil, 1999. - 167 p.
  • Project finance: organization, risk management, insurance. M.: Ankil, 2000.
  • Project financing: world experience and prospects for Russia / V. Yu. Katasonov, D. S. Morozov, M. V. Petrov. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Ankil, 2001. - 308 p.
  • Flight of capital from Russia / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M. : Ankil, 2002. - 199 p.
  • Capital flight from Russia: macroeconomic and currency-financial aspects / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: MGIMO, 2002.
  • Investments in the fuel and energy complex of Russia: main indicators, sources and methods of financing / V. Yu. Katasonov, M. V. Petrov, V. N. Tkachev. - M.: MGIMO, 2003. - 412 p.
  • Investment potential of economic activity: macroeconomic and financial and credit aspects / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: MGIMO-University, 2004. - 318 p.
  • Investment potential of the economy: mechanisms of formation and use / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: Ankil, 2005. - 325 p.
  • Gold in the history of Russia: statistics and estimates. - M.: MGIMO, 2009. - 312 p.
  • Banking: textbook. allowance / otv. ed. V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: MGIMO-University, 2012. - 266 p.
  • Money. Credit. Banks: a textbook for bachelors / ed. V. Yu. Katasonova, V. P. Bitkova. - M.: Yurayt, 2015. - 575 p.

Works, works

  • Great power or ecological colony? / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: Young Guard, 1991. - 224 p.
  • About the percentage of loans, jurisdictional, reckless. - M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2012
  • Russia and the WTO: secrets, myths, axioms. (co-authored) - M .: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2012
  • Should Russia join the WTO? - M .: " Soviet Russia", 2012
  • History: an attempt at Orthodox comprehension. (co-authored) - M .: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2013
  • World cabal. - M.: Algorithm, 2013
  • Masters of money. 100 years of history of the Fed. - M.: "Algorithm", 2014
  • Bankocracy dictatorship. Organized crime in the financial and banking world. - M.: "Book World", 2014
  • Ukraine: the economy of turmoil or blood money. - M.: "Book World", 2014
  • Robbery of Russia. New world order. Offshore and the "shadow" economy. - M.: "Book World", 2014
  • Robbery of Russia. Racketeering and expropriation of the Washington Regional Committee. - M.: "Book World", 2014
  • From slavery to slavery. From ancient Rome to modern capitalism. - M.: "Oxygen", 2014
  • Bretton Woods: key event recent financial history. - M.: "Oxygen", 2014
  • Religion of money. Spiritual and religious foundations of capitalism. - M.: "Oxygen", 2014
  • History as the Providence of God. (co-authored) - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2014
  • Economic theory Slavophiles and modern Russia. "Paper ruble" S. Sharapova. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2014
  • Temple in Jerusalem as a financial center. - M.: Oxygen, 2014
  • America vs Russia. - M.: Knizhny Mir, 2014
  • Behind the scenes of international finance. - M.: Oxygen, 2014
  • Masters of money. - M.: Algorithm, 2014
  • Stalin's economy. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2014
  • Economic war against Russia and Stalinist industrialization. - M.: Algorithm, 2014
  • Sanctions. Economics for Russians. - M.: "Algorithm", 2015
  • Anti-crisis. Survive and win. - M.: "Algorithm", 2015
  • The military strength of the dollar. How to protect Russia. - M.: "Algorithm", 2015
  • Stalin's response to Western sanctions. Economic blitzkrieg against Russia. - M.: "Book World", 2015
  • Genoa Conference in the context of the world and Russian history. - M.: "Oxygen", 2015
  • Russia in the world of reparations. M.: "Oxygen", 2015
  • Ukrainian lawlessness and redistribution. The economic and financial crisis in Ukraine as global threat. - M.: Native country, 2015
  • Russian sociological thought on turn of XIX-XX centuries. K. Leontiev, L. Tikhomirov, V. Solovyov, S. Bulgakov, S. Sharapov. - M.: Native country, 2015
  • Back home! The rise of capitalism in Russia as a history of economic failures. According to the memoirs of the Russian merchant and manufacturer Vasily Kokorev. - M.: Native country, 2015
  • Orthodox understanding of society. Sociology of Konstantin Leontiev. Historiosophy of Lev Tikhomirov. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2015
  • Russia and the West in the XX century. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2015
  • Capitalism. History and ideology of "monetary civilization". Ed. 4th, supplemented. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2015
  • The battle for the ruble. National currency and sovereignty of Russia. - M.: "Book World", 2016
  • World financial pyramid. Financial imperialism, as the highest and last stage capitalism. - M.: "Book World", 2016
  • Chinese dragon in the global financial arena. Yuan against the dollar. - M.: "Book World", 2016
  • Death of money. Where are the "masters of money" leading the world? Metamorphoses of debt capitalism. - M.: "Book World", 2016
  • Imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism. Metamorphoses of the century (1916-2016). M.: "Oxygen", 2016
  • Metaphysics of history. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2016
  • It's time to return home! The rise of capitalism in Russia as a history of economic failures. According to the memoirs of the Russian merchant and manufacturer Vasily Kokorev. - M.: Native country, 2017
  • The global world of finance: from crisis to chaos. Series "Financial Chronicles of Katasonov". - M.: "Book World", 2017
  • Global elites in a fight with Russia. Series "Collection of the Izborsk Club". (co-authored) - M .: "Book World", 2017
  • Financial International and Trump. Series "Financial Chronicles of Katasonov". - M.: "Book World", 2017
  • Philosophy and Christianity. Polemical notes of a "non-professional". - M.: Russian civilization, 2017
  • Digital finance. Cryptocurrencies and electronic economy. Series "Financial Chronicles of Katasonov". - M.: "Book World", 2017
  • False prophets of the end times. Darwinism and Science as Religion. - M.: Publishing house "Oxygen", 2017
  • The closed world of finance. Trusts and offshores. Series "Financial Chronicles of Katasonov". - M.: "Book World", 2017
  • Interest: Loan, Justiciable, Reckless. Financial History of Humankind. - Denver (Co.), USA: Outskirts Press, 2014

The fundamental works of the Russian scientist, Doctor of Economics Valentin Yurievich Katasonov, explore the history and ideology of capitalism - a monetary civilization that created a new system of slavery, more effective than the traditional slave system.

]]> General link to all works listed below. ]]> (click on the white square at the top left, then click "download")

Golden scammer. The new world order is like a financial pyramid.

Year of publication 2013

MGIMO professor and famous publicist V.Yu. Katasonov in his new book reveals the background of the global financial crisis as the intrigues of banksters (the word is derived from "banker" and "gangster"), seeking to put the world before a choice between bad and very bad. Banksters are playing a win-win golden scam. Moreover, the role of "suckers of last resort" in the global financial system is destined for Russian citizens. Who withdraws money offshore and how will they be withdrawn? What you need to know about the upcoming global confiscation of bank deposits? Who stole all the gold in the world? Will gold become world money again? What awaits the dollar, euro and ruble in the near future? How to save your money in the face of bankster robbers? Read about it in the new book by Valentin Katasonov.

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Capitalism. History and ideology of "monetary civilization".

Year of publication 2013

The fundamental work of the Russian scientist, Doctor of Economics Valentin Katasonov, explores the history and ideology of capitalism - a monetary civilization that created a new system of slavery, more effective than the traditional slave system.

The author convincingly proves that the basis of capitalism is the ideology of Judaism, which divides the whole world into a certain select minority and the rest of humanity, called to serve it. Katasonov explores the genesis of the development of capitalism from the ancient world to the present day, showing the formation of tax and debt slavery.

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World cabal: Jewish robbery.

Year of publication 2013

Valentin Yuryevich Katasonov - professor at MGIMO, Doctor of Economics - is known as a researcher of the behind-the-scenes aspects of the global financial system. In his books, he shows who and how regulates financial flows in the world, and most importantly, why Russia, with many unresolved internal problems, is now a sponsor of the West and sends billions of dollars there.

According to the author, the powerful banking clans of the West, primarily the Rothschilds, have long developed their own global financial doctrine and are doing everything so that Russia will always remain a monetary and raw material appendage of Western civilization.

How this doctrine was developed, what specific actions were taken and are being taken to implement it, what role is assigned to the current Russian government in it - Valentin Katasonov dwells on all this in detail in his new book presented to your attention. The materials cited by the author have been collected over many years and are exclusive.

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About the percentage of loans, jurisdictional, reckless.

Year of publication 2011

A systematic analysis of the underlying causes of the global financial and economic crisis provides the richest problematic material for research at seminars and lectures with students and senior students economic universities and faculties.

The author examines the origin and formation of the so-called "monetary civilization" or market economy in the context of the spiritual and moral evolution of society. Overcoming the permanent crisis, according to the author, is possible only with the complete dismantling of the "monetary civilization". The rather radical conclusion of the author allows maintaining and deepening interest in the study of economic disciplines. The retrospective-prognostic presentation of the material allows the reader to build their own causal scenarios, models of the present and future, allows you to agree with the author or oppose him, which makes the book an effective teaching aid.

]]> Volume 1. Download ]]>

]]> Volume 2. Download ]]>

From slavery to slavery. From Ancient Rome to Modern Capitalism.

Year of publication 2014

The book represents an attempt at a metaphysical understanding of the history of mankind from ancient Rome to the present day. Despite many changes in everyday life, the incredible development of the productive forces, the emergence of many technical innovations, the people and society of Ancient Rome and our time are surprisingly similar. We habitually call the society of that time a slave system, and modern society - capitalism. Meanwhile, at that time there was slave-owning capitalism, and in our time we have capitalist slave-owning. Two thousand years ago, humanity was on the brink of an abyss. Today it teeters on the same abyss.

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Religion of money. Spiritual and religious foundations of capitalism.

Year of publication 2013

For the first time in more than a hundred years since the publication of the works of German sociologists Max Weber and Werner Sombart, the proposed book returns to a fundamental understanding of the religious and spiritual roots of modern capitalism.

The author critically analyzes the work of these sociologists, separates the "grain" from the "chaff" in their concepts, reveals new phenomena in capitalism, due to the spiritual transformations of man and society in the 20th - early 21st centuries. The paper puts forward the fundamental thesis that today all the major world religions are undergoing a process of transformation into a single world religion, which the author conventionally calls the "religion of money".

Such a “diagnosis” is extremely important for humanity to realize the underlying causes of the impending crises and cataclysms and consciously begin to dissociate itself from the “religion of money”. The final part of the work summarizes the Christian (Orthodox) alternative to capitalism.

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Masters of money. 100 year history of the Fed.

Year of publication 2014

In the twentieth century, the United States managed to become a hegemon. In the 21st century, America is the only superpower, the world's creditor and the world's gendarme. And it owes all this to the Federal Reserve System, the structure that stands behind all American politics.

This year will be the centenary of the Federal Reserve, which acts as the central bank of the United States. For a century, politicians and statesmen constantly appeared in the country who tried to rein in a private corporation with a crafty sign "US Federal Reserve System".

Today, for the majority of Americans, the threats associated with a permanent financial and economic crisis have become obvious. Gradually, an understanding began to emerge of the role that banksters and the US Federal Reserve, which owns the "printing press", are playing in creating this crisis. But the Fed is becoming the object of criticism and sharp attacks not only from the Americans.

This is the first Russian FRS study. Its author is Valentin Katasonov, Professor of the Department of International Finance at MGIMO, Doctor of Economics, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship. He has written many monographs and books on how the modern financial system functions.

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Graduated from MGIMO in 1972.
Professor of the Department of International Finance at MGIMO, Doctor of Economics, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship. In 2001-2011 - Head of the Department of International Monetary and Credit Relations, MGIMO (U) of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In 1991-1993 — UN consultant (department of international economic and social problems). In 1993-1996 - Member of the Advisory Board under the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
In 1995-2000 - Deputy Director of the Russian Program for Organizing Investments in Environmental Improvement (World Bank Project on Environmental Management). Specialist in the field of environmental economics, international capital flows, project financing, investment management. Author of ten monographs, including: "Great Power or Ecological Power?" (1991), "Project finance as a new method of organizing investment in the real sector of the economy" (1999), "Capital flight from Russia" (2002), "Capital flight from Russia: macroeconomic and monetary aspects" (2002) and others.
List of scientific papers:
Project financing as a new method of organizing investments in the real sector of the economy. M.: publishing house Ankil, 1999.
Project finance: organization, risk management, insurance. M.: publishing house Ankil, 2000.
Project financing: world experience and prospects for Russia. M.: publishing house Ankil, 2001.
Flight of capital from Russia. Moscow: publishing house Ankil, 2002.
Capital flight from Russia: macroeconomic and monetary aspects. Moscow: publishing house Ankil, 2002.
Investments: in the fuel and energy complex of Russia: main indicators, sources and methods of financing. Moscow: MGIMO-University publishing house.
Investment potential of economic activity macroeconomic and financial - credit aspects. Moscow: MGIMO-University publishing house.
Investment potential of the economy: mechanisms of formation and use. Moscow: publishing house Ankil.

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