Valentin Yuryevich Katasonov who is by nationality. Who are you, Mr. Katasonov? Spiritual and religious foundations of capitalism

The fundamental works of the Russian scientist, Doctor of Economics Valentin Yurievich Katasonov, explore the history and ideology of capitalism - a monetary civilization that created a new system of slavery, more effective than the traditional slave system.

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Golden scammer. The new world order is like a financial pyramid.

Year of publication 2013

MGIMO professor and famous publicist V.Yu. Katasonov in his new book reveals the background of the global financial crisis as the intrigues of banksters (the word is derived from "banker" and "gangster"), seeking to put the world before a choice between bad and very bad. Banksters are playing a win-win golden scam. Moreover, the role of "suckers of last resort" in the global financial system is destined for Russian citizens. Who withdraws money offshore and how will they be withdrawn? What you need to know about the upcoming global confiscation of bank deposits? Who stole all the gold in the world? Will gold become world money again? What awaits the dollar, euro and ruble in the near future? How to save your money in the face of bankster robbers? Read about it in the new book by Valentin Katasonov.

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Capitalism. History and ideology of "monetary civilization".

Year of publication 2013

The fundamental work of the Russian scientist, Doctor of Economics Valentin Katasonov, explores the history and ideology of capitalism - a monetary civilization that created a new system of slavery, more effective than the traditional slave system.

The author convincingly proves that the basis of capitalism is the ideology of Judaism, which divides the whole world into a certain select minority and the rest of humanity, called to serve it. Katasonov explores the genesis of the development of capitalism from the ancient world to the present day, showing the formation of tax and debt slavery.

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World cabal: Jewish robbery.

Year of publication 2013

Valentin Yuryevich Katasonov - professor at MGIMO, Doctor of Economics - is known as a researcher of the behind-the-scenes sides of the world financial system. In his books, he shows who and how regulates financial flows in the world, and most importantly, why Russia, with many unresolved internal problems, is now a sponsor of the West and sends billions of dollars there.

According to the author, the powerful banking clans of the West, primarily the Rothschilds, have long developed their own global financial doctrine and are doing everything so that Russia will always remain a monetary and raw material appendage of Western civilization.

How this doctrine was developed, what specific actions were taken and are being taken to implement it, what role is assigned to the current Russian government in it - Valentin Katasonov dwells on all this in detail in his new book presented to your attention. The materials cited by the author have been collected over many years and are exclusive.

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About the percentage of loans, jurisdictional, reckless.

Year of publication 2011

A systematic analysis of the underlying causes of the global financial and economic crisis provides the richest problematic material for research at seminars and lectures with students and senior students of economic universities and faculties.

The author considers the origin and formation of the so-called "monetary civilization" or market economy in the context of the spiritual and moral evolution of society. Overcoming the permanent crisis, according to the author, is possible only with the complete dismantling of the "monetary civilization". The rather radical conclusion of the author allows maintaining and deepening interest in the study of economic disciplines. The retrospective-prognostic presentation of the material allows the reader to build their own causal scenarios, models of the present and future, allows you to agree with the author or oppose him, which makes the book an effective teaching aid.

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From slavery to slavery. From Ancient Rome to Modern Capitalism.

Year of publication 2014

The book represents an attempt at a metaphysical understanding of the history of mankind from ancient Rome to the present day. Despite many changes in everyday life, the incredible development of the productive forces, the emergence of many technical innovations, the people and society of Ancient Rome and our time are surprisingly similar. We habitually call the society of that time a slave system, and modern society - capitalism. Meanwhile, at that time there was slave-owning capitalism, and in our time we have capitalist slave-owning. Two thousand years ago, humanity was on the brink of an abyss. Today it teeters on the same abyss.

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Religion of money. Spiritual and religious foundations of capitalism.

Year of publication 2013

For the first time in more than a hundred years since the publication of the works of German sociologists Max Weber and Werner Sombart, the proposed book returns to a fundamental understanding of the religious and spiritual roots of modern capitalism.

The author critically analyzes the work of these sociologists, separates the "grain" from the "chaff" in their concepts, reveals new phenomena in capitalism, due to the spiritual transformations of man and society in the XX - early XXI centuries The paper puts forward the fundamental thesis that today all the major world religions are undergoing a process of transformation into a single world religion, which the author conventionally calls the "religion of money".

Such a “diagnosis” is extremely important for humanity to realize the underlying causes of the crises and cataclysms approaching it and consciously begin to dissociate itself from the “religion of money”. The final part of the work summarizes the Christian (Orthodox) alternative to capitalism.

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Masters of money. 100 year history of the Fed.

Year of publication 2014

In the twentieth century, the United States managed to become a hegemon. In the 21st century, America is the only superpower, the world's creditor and the world's gendarme. And it owes all this to the Federal Reserve System, the structure that stands behind all American politics.

This year will be the centenary of the Federal Reserve, which acts as the central bank of the United States. For a century, politicians and statesmen who were trying to rein in a private corporation with a sly "US Federal Reserve" sign.

Today, for the majority of Americans, the threats associated with a permanent financial and economic crisis have become obvious. Gradually, an understanding began to emerge of the role that banksters and the US Federal Reserve, which owns the "printing press", are playing in creating this crisis. But the Fed is becoming the object of criticism and sharp attacks not only from the Americans.

This is the first Russian FRS study. Its author is Valentin Katasonov, Professor of the Department international finance MGIMO, Doctor of Economics, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship. He has written many monographs and books on how the modern financial system functions.

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Graduated from MGIMO in 1972.
Professor of the Department of International Finance at MGIMO, Doctor of Economics, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship. In 2001-2011 — Head of the Department of International monetary relations MGIMO (U) Russian Foreign Ministry. In 1991-1993 — UN consultant (Department of International Economic and social problems). In 1993-1996 - Member of the Advisory Council under the President European Bank reconstruction and development (EBRD).
In 1995-2000 — Deputy Director of the Russian Program for Organizing Investments in Health Improvement environment(project World Bank on environmental management). Specialist in the field of environmental economics, international capital flows, project financing, investment management. Author of ten monographs, including: "Great Power or Ecological Power?" (1991), "Project finance as new method organizing investment in the real sector of the economy” (1999), “Capital flight from Russia” (2002), “Capital flight from Russia: macroeconomic and monetary aspects” (2002) and others.
List of scientific papers:
Project financing as a new method of organizing investments in the real sector of the economy. M.: publishing house Ankil, 1999.
Project finance: organization, risk management, insurance. M.: publishing house Ankil, 2000.
Project financing: world experience and prospects for Russia. M.: publishing house Ankil, 2001.
Flight of capital from Russia. Moscow: publishing house Ankil, 2002.
Capital flight from Russia: macroeconomic and monetary aspects. Moscow: publishing house Ankil, 2002.
Investments: in the fuel and energy complex of Russia: main indicators, sources and methods of financing. Moscow: MGIMO-University publishing house.
Investment potential economic activity macroeconomic and financial - credit aspects. Moscow: MGIMO-University publishing house.
Investment potential of the economy: mechanisms of formation and use. Moscow: publishing house Ankil.

The first of the heroes of the collection is an American, the author of the sensational book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man", who worked in different countries and promoted the interests of the "masters of money" - the main shareholders of the private corporation "US Fed". Susan Lindauer is also an American who worked as a liaison agent for the US CIA. She was actively involved in the events associated with the destruction of the skyscrapers of the World shopping center, is familiar with the details of this story and confidently asserts that the attack is an operation of the American special services. The third hero is our compatriot, Professor Valentin Katasonov, who is Russia's leading specialist in capitalism, the global financial system and the "masters of money", a regular contributor to Tsargrad, and a leading column "Finance according to Katasonov".

All of them, each in their own way, come to the same conclusions: the “masters of money” subjugate not only the economies, but also the life of most countries, and see themselves tomorrow as the absolute masters of the world. These are religious fanatics who want to become humanoid gods. In fact, these are humanoid demons, considering lies and murders as the main tools of their power and expansion. No wonder the heroes of the book call usurious capitalism the economy and religion of death. Acquaintance with the ideas of John Perkins, Susan Lindauer and Valentin Katasonov will inevitably make you take a fresh look at today's world, make you think. This is what the "owners of money" are most afraid of.

We publish an afterword to the book, written by Valentin Katasonov. He called it "Capitalism as a religion of death":

My friend and colleague Khalid Al-Roshd has already made a brief introduction to the participants in this collection, I will not delve into the details of their extraordinary biographies. I can safely call both John Perkins and Susan Lindauer my like-minded people; I subscribe to every word they say in this book.

I have been dealing with the problems of modern (and not only modern) capitalism for a long time. The results of my research materialized in many books. The main one is “Capitalism. History and ideology of "monetary civilization". The facts and theses contained in the conversations of John Perkins and Susan Lindauer with Khalid perfectly illustrate and reinforce the conclusions of my books on capitalism.

Capitalism is a concrete-historical form of the so-called "Cainite" civilization. This civilization dates back to antediluvian times, and its bearers and successors are the spiritual descendants of the first killer in the history of mankind - Cain. In my writings, I offered readers different definitions of capitalism. John Perkins told me one more thing: capitalism is a society whose core is the "economy of death". The "economy of death" is run by the "masters of money".

"Masters of money" is not just a figurative expression; in my works, I include the main shareholders of the Federal backup system USA. Once they were just usurers, and after the bourgeois revolutions they received the solid title of bankers. The main result of bourgeois revolutions is the complete legalization of usurious operations and the creation of a central bank - the true authority of usurers.

True, in the United States the process of creating such central authority power dragged on for a century and a half. The Federal Reserve was created only in last days 1913. But on the other hand, the shareholders of the US Federal Reserve immediately set to work energetically, provoking the first world war, the world economic crisis and the second world war. As a result, the production of the "printing press" of the FRS - the US dollar became the world currency.

The main shareholders of the Fed - the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Kuhns, the Loebs, the Morgans, the Schiffs and others - became not only the "masters of money", they also became the masters of America, the masters of the economy - first the American, and then the economy of most countries of the world. At the end of the last century, they stepped up the process of globalization (informational, cultural, financial, economic) in order to achieve their ultimate goal. What is she like? Become the masters of the world.

"Finance according to Katasonov". global economic crisis

John Perkins wrote of himself and others like him as "economic killers". But one should not think that such “killers” are only consultants who ensure the work of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank (WB), the International Development Agency (IDA) and other international financial organizations serving the interests of money owners. The circle of "economic killers" is very wide, and many of them by no means recognize themselves as such. These are those who lead or collaborate with transnational corporations(TNCs) and transnational banks (TNB) or even companies and commercial organizations that do not have obvious signs of transnational business. These are all those who put profit at the head of personal and corporate prosperity and achieve their goal at any cost.

99% of people become victims of this unbridled passion for the endless increase in profits and capital. They are killed - sometimes it is an instantaneous and obvious murder, but more often it is a slow and veiled one. The murder of a person is carried out in many ways: by unleashing large and small wars, by imposing genetically modified products on people, by creating mass unemployment and depriving people of their livelihood, by legalizing “cultural” drug use, by organizing terrorist acts (Susan Lindauer spoke in detail about the organization of terrorism using the example of events 11 September 2001), etc.

In addition to the direct physical destruction of people, these "economic killers" commit an equally terrible crime - they destroy a person morally and spiritually. In this sense, modern capitalism is even more terrible than the slave system that existed, say, in ancient Rome. There, the slave owner owned only the body of the slave, it was physical slavery. And even more than that, the slave owner took care of the slave, since he (the slave) was the property of the slave owner.


Today we are dealing with capitalist slavery, the peculiarity of which is that the worker becomes a "disposable". On the market work force there is a surplus of labor, so it makes no sense for a capitalist employer to bother taking care of workers. Used one, then replaced it with another. Capitalists fanatically fight for privatization natural resources, enterprises, infrastructure, but the task of privatizing a human worker is not on the agenda. It is a resource subject to increasing depreciation. Moreover, it is redundant.

One of the recently deceased "masters of money" David Rockefeller concerned about the overpopulation of our planet. On his initiative, in the 60s of the last century, the Club of Rome was created, which took up the ideological justification for the task of reducing the world's population. In addition, David Rockefeller, as well as many other billionaires (including the current Bill Gates) invested (under the guise of "charity") a lot of money in biomedical research designed to reduce the birth rate of people and establish a "selection" of a person. This is very reminiscent of the eugenics of the Third Reich, which was formally condemned by the victorious countries after the Second World War.

The spiritual destruction of man is also evident. A person who believes in God is not needed by the capitalists, or "masters of the economy". A person who believes in God is an enemy of capitalism. For the "masters of the economy" Christ and Christianity are hated. How else? After all, the Savior warned: “No one can serve two masters: for either he will hate one and love the other; or he will be zealous for one, and neglect the other. You cannot serve God and mammon” (Mat. 6:24). The “masters of the economy” want everyone to serve Mammon without exception. Until recently, they were tolerant of those who tried to sit on two chairs and serve two masters. Today the masks have been dropped. The "masters" call believers, Christians "religious fanatics", "crazy", "mentally ill". Both John Perkins and Susan Lindauer talk about this. I write about this in my book “The Religion of Money. Spiritual and religious foundations of capitalism.

On the one hand, in the United States and other countries of the once Christian West, a real persecution of Christians and even those who can be called nominal Christians (who are trying to worship both God and mammon) has begun. Susan Lindauer - a prime example such bullying.

On the other hand, such an education system is being built that would guarantee that a young person will enter into adult life as a being who is free from such "prejudices" as conscience, God, morality. In fact, the “masters of the economy” have organized a conveyor belt that creates a product that is called homo economicus in textbooks on economics. But behind this indistinct, crafty term, there is by no means a being that has the image and likeness of God (hence, by the way, the word “education” comes from). This is a creature that has the image and likeness of an animal or beast with three instincts-reflexes: pleasure, enrichment and fear. Such a beast is convenient and easy to manage.

As part of modern implementation programs digital technologies and the promoted ideology of transhumanism, there is an active formation of a new creature, which, of course, is not officially called a beast. He is given more indistinct and sly names: "biorobot", "cyborg", "digital man". This is an even more sophisticated murder. You can kill a perishable body, but the human soul, as you know, is immortal. The Savior said: “And do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell” (Mat. 10:28). The devil first of all aims at the human soul.

Susan Lindauer says that American intelligence agencies began to aggressively invade privacy American citizens since the end of the last century. And especially after the adoption by the US Congress at the beginning of this century, the Patriot Act. Apparently, Susan relies on her own experience and observations. In my opinion, true democracy in America began to disappear much earlier. By the way, he wrote about this in his diaries Woodrow Wilson who, as President of America, signed the ill-fated Federal Reserve Act. He repented of his act, realizing that by this act he had given America into slavery to modern moneylenders.

"Finance according to Katasonov". Washington against the European Union

Our emigrant, who lived in the USA, wrote about the same Grigory Klimov. He himself was involved after the Second World War in the so-called "Harvard Project" to remake the human mind; the project was overseen by the Central Intelligence Agency. He recalls this project on the pages of his books “Prince of this world”, “My name is legion”, “Red Kabbalah”, etc.

Of course, I could supplement and detail those facts and events of the last decades that were described by my colleagues and like-minded people John Perkins and Susan Lindauer. There is data about this contained in the works of other Western politicians, economists, writers and public figures. For example, in the articles and speeches of the now living American scientist and public figure, U.S. presidential candidate and former political prisoner Lyndon LaRouche, who calls America a "fascist state".

In the same row - John Coleman, an American publicist, a former employee of the British intelligence services, the author of the sensational book The Committee of Three Hundred (in terms of the number of translations and circulations in the world, it is almost as good as John Perkins' book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man; it has been repeatedly published in Russian). In addition, the book Nicholas Hugger"Syndicate", which reveals the history of the creation of a secret world government and describes the methods of expansion of the "masters of money" in the world. All these (and many more not named by me) authors say that the main means of maintaining and strengthening their power by the "masters of money" are lies and murders.

I would especially like to mention such a public figure as Paul Craig Roberts. This is a well-known American economist, political and economic observer, former economic policy assistant to the US Secretary of the Treasury in the administration of Ronald Reagan. Published twelve books revealing the dastardly behind-the-scenes politics of Washington (it's a pity they haven't been translated into Russian yet).

Paul Roberts, like John Perkins, shows close ties between Wall Street banks, the Federal Reserve, the White House, the US military-industrial complex, and the intelligence community. Here is what Paul Roberts writes in one of his latest articles: “Washington is ruled by a shadow government and a “deep state” consisting of the CIA, the military-intelligence complex and financial interest groups. These groups advocate US global hegemony, both financial and military.”

This is a real ball of snakes, which, of course, sting each other in the struggle for power. But this does not prevent echidnas nesting in America from collectively pouncing on their victims around the world. John Perkins goes into detail (based on his practical experience the work of an “economic hit man”) about how Washington tried to bring countries such as Iran, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, etc. to their knees.

In the first echelon are smiling and suave "economic killers" who negotiate with the leaders developing countries and impose on them loans and loans designed to become nooses around the neck national economies. The second echelon is followed by special services that are engaged in hard blackmail, sabotage and murder. Their services are needed if the first echelon has not coped with the task. And if the “knights of the cloak and dagger” do not achieve their goal, then the third echelon comes into play - the military, who begin fighting against the recalcitrant state. John Perkins has long ceased to be an "economic killer", but he closely follows Washington's global politics and believes that little has changed in the methods and algorithms of imperialist expansion since the last century.

Susan Lindauer shows that the targets of these snakes are various countries Near and Middle East. Millions of ordinary Americans are also under the gun. On September 11, 2001, a ritual sacrifice was made in the form of 4,000 human lives. And the soon-to-be-adopted Patriot Act turned America into a huge concentration camp. Susan Lindauer compares this American law with the Criminal Code adopted in the USSR in 1926. But, I dare say, that code operated within the framework of the Soviet state, and Washington considers the Patriot Act as an extraterritorial law, the effect of which, in its opinion, applies to the whole world.

After 9/11, according to my American colleagues, the United States finally became a terrorist state. Paul Roberts draws attention to the fact that the shadow masters of America have finally lost their minds. The tools of terrorism they use are not just al-Qaeda or ISIS. They threaten to use nuclear weapons today North Korea. This is terrorism on the verge of self-destruction.

John Perkins and Susan Lindauer make only passing mention of Russia in their conversations. In his practical work they did not have to work directly with Soviet Union and the Russian Federation. But what we learn from the revelations of Perkins and Lindauer can be safely extrapolated to our country. I believe that after reading the interviews and works of these fighters against capitalism, the reader will have no doubts about what was hidden behind Gorbachev's "perestroika" and Yeltsin's "reforms".

It was the desire of the behind-the-scenes "masters of the economy" to destroy our sovereign state, seize its resources and turn it into a colony of the West. At the same time, reduce the number of "surplus" population, leaving only a few million to service the "pipe". It was covered with demagogic rhetoric, tested in different regions of the world, the policy of "economic killers", the policy of outright genocide.

The Russian political elite is pursuing an extremely inconsistent policy towards the West, especially Washington. She is blind and believes that it is possible to negotiate with the West. Like, today there are economic sanctions, and tomorrow everything will resolve itself. No, it won't dissolve. No one has yet been able to come to an agreement with the "economic killers". Paul Roberts writes about this: “Russia has been designated America's Enemy Number One. And there is absolutely nothing that Russian diplomacy, Russian measured retaliation and Russia's treatment of its enemy as a "partner" can do about it. Dear Russia, you must understand that you have already been appointed to the role of that very single and main Enemy.

Where does this misunderstanding come from? simple truths? In another article, Paul Roberts writes: “Russia is also at a disadvantage because its educated upper class, professors, and businessmen are Western-oriented. Professors want to be invited to conferences at Harvard University. Businessmen want to be integrated into the Western business community. These people are known as "Atlantic Integrationists". They believe that Russia's future depends on whether it is accepted by the West. And they are ready to sell Russia - if only to achieve that they will be accepted.

"Finance according to Katasonov". Counter-sanctions, "integration" into global economy and the course of the liberals

Alas, the aforementioned "upper class" of Russia is characterized by extreme ignorance. He, apparently, has already become a victim of "economic killers", and he is unlikely to be able to escape from their tenacious clutches. This dependence, first of all, is not economic or political. First of all, it is a spiritual addiction. Our elite made a choice: they began to worship mammon - a pagan idol, one of the gods of the infernal pantheon.

But for those who have not yet fallen into the millstones of a terrible machine called "economic education", there is still a chance. A chance not only to avoid the tenacious clutches of "economic killers", but also a chance to hit those paws and firmly declare to the "economic killers": "Get your paws off Russia!". The books of such brave fighters against capitalism - the religion of death, as John Perkins, Susan Lindauer, Paul Roberts - are a ray of light in this dark kingdom of mammon. The works of these extraordinary in our century authors once again show that only Christianity is the religion of life, and there can be no other alternative in the world. The same John Perkins in his conversation says that the "economy of death" is opposed to the "economy of life". He does not reveal the concept of the second model of the economy, but it is obvious that we are talking about the economy of the Christian civilization.

I would put the works of the brave people listed above, who open people's eyes to capitalism as an "economy of death", the epigraph is the words of the Savior, spoken by Him two thousand years ago to the Pharisees and scribes.

The report of the Ministry of Economic Development is a document of the colonial administration, says a well-known economist

“How much can we go on about these, excuse me, feeble-minded people? asks Valentin Katasonov, referring to the geniuses from the Ministry of Economy. - "Ene-bene-slave, quinter-finter-toad" - and we are trying to translate this into Russian. That's bullshit. This is Berlag's accountant, who ended up in a ward for the insane. Economic development is just a sign that masks the "Ministry of Economic Destruction and Economic Destruction."

Valentin Katasonov Photo: BUSINESS Online


The Ministry of Economic Development wrapped its report in optimistic oil. All this can be called an "oil painting", and the document is called "The Picture of the Economy". But what is fundamentally important? The ministry talks about how wonderful the cut-off price of $40 per barrel of oil under the budget rule is, while the Oreshkinites simultaneously argue that this cut-off price actually makes it impossible for exactly what the ministry should be doing - economic growth. How can such a document come out of the bowels of such a ministry, and what is a budget rule in general in the current conditions?

Here you can chew gum for hours, and I will explain very simply, as for schoolchildren elementary school. The price of black gold today is about 69-70 dollars. The cut-off price is 40. At least half of these forty is to cover the costs of extraction and transportation. It turns out that the Russian budget receives 20 dollars, and the American budget receives 30 dollars. That is, the budget rule is actually a definition of the proportion: what part of black gold exports serves the Russian budget and what part serves the American budget. It turns out that the American budget receives 1.5 times more than the Russian one. Here is the colonial model for you.

This simple truth is covered up by the leadership of the Ministry of Economic Development with pseudo-economic words: “Against the background of the rising price of oil, the current budget rule, according to the Ministry of Economy, will allow achieving a budget surplus of 1% of GDP already in 2018 (for the first time since 2011) and replenish the NWF by $50 billion. The current mechanism in the long run ensures low volatility of all key economic indicators — inflation, economic growth rates, wages.” How much can we go on about these, excuse me, feeble-minded people? “Ene-bene-slave, quinter-finter-toad” - and we are trying to translate this into Russian. That's bullshit. This is Berlag's accountant, who ended up in a ward for the insane. When we discuss it in all seriousness, we start playing by their rules. It is correct to understand that "economic development" is just a sign. In fact, this is the Ministry of Economic Destruction, Economic Destruction. The government is not the government, but colonial administration. There is no economy, there is just a robbery.

You can, of course, say that the bandits on the highway are also involved in the economy, because they redistribute something. Well, let's call robbery the economy. Approximately the same thing happens when we discuss the so-called budget rule. In fact, this means that the bandits put a knife to the victim's throat and say - money or life, wallet or death! Here's money for the subway, leave a penny for a loaf of bread - please give the rest. 20 dollars goes to the budget Russian Federation, 30 "green" goes to the American budget - this is an illustration of how a man walked along the road, and bandits came out to meet him. Accordingly, the Ministry of Economic Development is those pickers, those barkers who led the robbed person into a dark alley. That's all.

Back in the spring, Kudrin, seemingly an ultra-liberal liberal, complained that the budget rule was too rigid and wanted to make some concessions to us, the people of Russia. He talked about the $45 cut-off price. Apparently, at that time there was a very serious situation with the budget, it was necessary to somehow reduce the deficit. However, it doesn't matter - Oreshkin and Siluanov still said - no, there are 40 and there will be 40. It doesn't matter - 40 or 45. The main thing is that there is a robbery. And why are we going to discuss how much we left in the purse of the poor traveler - 30 kopecks or 35? When we discuss the topic in this way, I believe that we thereby lose. We slavishly, servilely agree with the predatory principle and discuss only how many kopecks will be left for us. I cannot agree with this, I am generally against the budget rule, this is my firm position.


The message from the Ministry of Economic Development is on the eve of the document of the United States Department of the Treasury, which will concern Putin's closest oligarchic circle. Confirmation of the inviolability of the budget rule - maybe not the most expressive white flag yet, because they have been throwing this white flag for many years, the budget rule has existed for more than one year. Here we should rather talk about other white flags. I would remember the Ministry of Economic Development in connection with the "swine story" around the WTO and pork. Several State Duma deputies turned to the Committee on Economic Policy so that it would prepare a detailed request to the Ministry of Economic Development about this whole “swine story”. Regarding how effectively we promote and protect our interests through the courts. And also - what are the intermediate results of our stay in the WTO - it will soon be 5 years since we are in this cage. And the last point - how expedient is it to continue to stay in the WTO, and does the Ministry of Economic Development consider it necessary to withdraw from the organization? Oreshkintsy hurried. When such an initiative was taken by a group of deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, on the very same day they prepared a report on this topic. There are countless reports! And in this report there is such a phrase: "The competent authorities of the Russian Federation do not find it expedient even to discuss the issue of Russia's withdrawal from the WTO." There you are!

Indeed, there are no even estimates of how much we have lost or gained from WTO membership. From my point of view, of course, we lost, it can be seen with the naked eye. And in this case, the Ministry of Economic Development once again showed that it is the Ministry of Economic Destruction, which acts in the interests of our geopolitical adversary.

Time works against us because we lose even what was created by previous generations. And that, of course, is a crime. This crime is not only economic. The other day I was reading St. Nicholas of Serbia: something similar happened in Serbia. He said, “You are not just stealing from one person, you are stealing from millions of people. Therefore, this sin - the sin of embezzlement - is much more serious. But the budget rule is embezzlement! The beneficiary of this embezzlement may be our overseas "partner" or a specific official. “Moreover, since the budget is mainly created at the expense of taxes of people not of the richest, but of low-income or even poor people, you are stealing from the poor,” this is how Nikolai Serbsky said. And then keep in mind that how many generations shed blood, shed sweat to create all this wealth, this whole country. You steal from ancestors, you steal from generations, you bring the wrath of God upon yourself. This is a very serious thing, it is primarily a spiritual thing. Since some of our officials like to go to churches, I just think that it would be nice for them to read aloud the speech of Nikolai Serbsky, which he addressed to those embezzlers who stole in Serbia on the eve of World War II.

Those 2% economic growth that Oreshkin prophesies to us under the current budget rule and membership in the WTO - what is it from an economic point of view? Is this a statistical error or does it mean something?

First, of course, is statistical chemistry, as I say. There is no advantage there. Secondly, even if there would be a plus and not even 2%, but 10%, keep in mind that all these “plus 10” would be privatized either by our oligarchs or our overseas “partners”. Therefore, economic growth in conditions when the country is in a state of semi-colony is a complete absurdity. We do not need such economic growth at all, because the beneficiaries of this economic growth are everyone except the people.

Valentin Katasonov

"Tomorrow", 01/16/2018

Valentin Katasonov- Doctor of Economics, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship, Professor of the Department of International Finance at MGIMO, Chairman of the Russian Economic Society named after. Sharapova, author of 10 monographs (including Great Power or Ecological Power? (1991), Project Finance as a New Method of Organizing Investment in the Real Sector of the Economy (1999), Capital Flight from Russia (2002), Flight capital from Russia: macroeconomic and monetary aspects” (2002) and many articles.

Born in 1950.

Graduated from MGIMO (1972).

In 1991-1993 he was a consultant to the UN (Department of International Economic and Social Problems), in 1993-1996 he was a member of the Advisory Board under the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

In 2001–2011, he was the head of the Department of International Monetary and Credit Relations at MGIMO (U) of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

The London fixing has been dead for more than four years A number of media reported that on September 19 in London, in a very narrow circle and behind closed doors, a meeting of influential bankers and financiers dedicated to the 100th anniversary of…


Already First World War revealed a strong dependence of success on the battlefield on the state of the economies of the warring countries. This dependence became even more obvious during the Second World War. Like money, along with the sweat and blood of Russians...


The Central Bank commits acts that destroy and destroy Russia. And this is not negligence or mistakes, but a deliberate policy pursued on the command and in the interests of the "masters of money" - the main shareholders of the US Federal Reserve System. So what is it…


For the first time in five years, state assets exceeded liabilities arising from different kind borrowings. What does this mean for ordinary citizens of Russia and when will the robbery of the country end, which the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance call "net lending to the rest of the world"? This is…


The Bank of Russia crushed the entire Russian business. And if he wants, he can send any company, any enterprise to the next world. It's just a matter of time. From decision to liquidation, it can take from several months to several…


According to the head of the Ministry of Economic Development, the "bright future" in the country has already arrived In an interview with a TASS correspondent on September 2 this year Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin made a statement that shocked even the most hardcore supporters of economic liberalism. “What has been done in the macroeconomics of Russia…


Russia is being strangled with the help of the “financial cushion” of the NWF The website of the Bank of Russia has received fresh information on the international reserves of the Russian Federation. As of September 1, 2019, their value amounted to $529.08 billion. For comparison, I note that the value of these reserves as of August 1, 2019 was equal to…


Ten years ago, the acute phase of the global financial crisis ended, but the world economy did not fully recover after that. The last ten years have been unique in world financial history. The central banks of the leading countries of the "golden billion", trying to revive the economy, ...


Total debt individuals banks in Russia reached a record high of 16 trillion rubles this summer. How to eliminate the debt slavery of the people? Mutual Aid Funds (SMUs) Can Help Moneylenders Reached Everyone In the early 1990s…


Why is it necessary to deprive the Central Bank of the status of an independent institution and make it part of the executive branch Who has not heard catchphrase"divide and rule"? Latin: divide et impera. Someone believes that it was a maxim of the Roman Senate. Someone's copyright...


To whom the gas giant is actually paying out mind-blowing money Summer 2019 was a real holiday for many shareholders Russian companies. In August, the collection of the financial "harvest" that was "grown" last year ends. This means the payment of dividends from profits based on the results ...


Russia raises taxes for citizens of the country, China lowers them. In Russia, small businesses are having a "nightmare", while in China they receive credit support from banks. In a word, in Russia the effective demand of the population is shrinking, while in China it is maintained and…


For several years in a row, there has been a decline in the real incomes of the population in Russia - the same incomes that determine effective demand in the economy. Allowing usurers to act publicly has led to the fact that now many have learned to look at usury, ...


Serious players in the financial markets know that understanding how these markets work is impossible without understanding what is happening and what can happen with gold Gold is the axis of the global financial system financial markets is an…


The mysterious "shadow" oil and gas fund of the Kremlin with a staff of only 10 people is not controlled even by the government of the Russian Federation The word "shadow" is very popular in Russian vocabulary today. For example: "shadow" market, "shadow" banking, "shadow" economy. Those. what is out of scope...


Any literate person knows the word "pawnshop". According to directories and encyclopedias, this is a specialized commercial organization whose main activities are the provision of short-term loans secured by the movable property of citizens that they bring to this organization for storage ....

Department of International Finance MGIMO. Publicist. Specialist in the field of environmental economics, international capital flows, project finance, investment management, monetary system, international finance, economic sociology, economic history and the history of economic doctrines.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 2

    ✪ Non-kosher bankers (Cognitive TV, Valentin Katasonov)

    ✪ Sect "Economics" (Cognitive TV, Valentin Katasonov)



Graduated from the Faculty of International economic relations Moscow State Institute international relations Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR in 1972 (specialty "economist in foreign trade").

In 1976-1977 he taught at MGIMO.

  • In 1991-1993 - Consultant of the UN Department of International Economic and Social Problems - DIESA.
  • In 1993-1996 - Member of the Advisory Council under the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
  • In 1995-2000 - Deputy Director of the Russian Program for Organizing Investments in Remediation of the Environment (World Bank Project on Environmental Management).
  • In 2000-2010 - economic adviser to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation [ ] .
  • In 2001-2011 - Head of the Department of International Monetary and Credit Relations, MGIMO (U) of the Russian Foreign Ministry.
  • Since 2017 - economic observer "Tsargrad TV"
  • Currently, he is a professor at the Department of International Finance at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (U) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

Social activity

Corresponding member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship, since January 2012 heads the Russian economic society them. S.F. Sharapova (REOSH). He is actively engaged in publicistic activities. Award Winner International Competition business journalism Press title” (2014), winner of a number of literary and journalistic awards. Editor-in-Chief of the printed organ of REO - the magazine "Our Business". Author of about forty books - scientific monographs, philosophical reflections and journalistic works. Author of the documentary film "World Bondage" (2014; four episodes). Regular contributor information resource Global Research (Canada) and other foreign electronic publications.


Known Russian economists Stepan Demura, Mikhail Khazin, Mikhail Delyagin and others highly appreciate the qualifications of Valentin Yurievich Katasonov as an expert. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of International Finance at MGIMO Vladimir Burlachkov spoke positively about the monograph "Gold in the History of Russia", noting its complexity and consistency in the study of the question posed.

Doctor of Economics, Senior Researcher Renat Bekkin spoke critically about the publicistic book “On Interest: Loan, Jurisdictional, Reckless”, noting the permeation of the book with conspiracy theories, the author’s desire to fit historical facts to a predetermined scheme, the biased selection of sources and utopian economic “recipes” for solving the problem set in the book.

V. Yu. Katasonov was awarded honorary diploma Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and received gratitude from VTB Bank.


Applied economics books

  • Project financing as a new method of organization in the real sector of the economy / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: Ankil, 1999. - 167 p.
  • Project finance: organization, risk management, insurance. M.: Ankil, 2000.
  • Project financing: world experience and prospects for Russia / V. Yu. Katasonov, D. S. Morozov, M. V. Petrov. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Ankil, 2001. - 308 p.
  • Flight of capital from Russia / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M. : Ankil, 2002. - 199 p.
  • Capital flight from Russia: macroeconomic and currency-financial aspects / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: MGIMO, 2002.
  • Investments in the fuel and energy complex of Russia: main indicators, sources and methods of financing / V. Yu. Katasonov, M. V. Petrov, V. N. Tkachev. - M.: MGIMO, 2003. - 412 p.
  • Investment potential of economic activity: macroeconomic and financial and credit aspects / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: MGIMO-University, 2004. - 318 p.
  • Investment potential of the economy: mechanisms of formation and use / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: Ankil, 2005. - 325 p.
  • Gold in the history of Russia: statistics and estimates. - M.: MGIMO, 2009. - 312 p.
  • Banking: textbook. allowance / otv. ed. V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: MGIMO-University, 2012. - 266 p.
  • Money. Credit. Banks: a textbook for bachelors / ed. V. Yu. Katasonova, V. P. Bitkova. - M.: Yurayt, 2015. - 575 p.

Works, works

  • Great power or ecological colony? / V. Yu. Katasonov. - M.: Young Guard, 1991. - 224 p.
  • About the percentage of loans, jurisdictional, reckless. - M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2012
  • Russia and the WTO: secrets, myths, axioms. (co-authored) - M .: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2012
  • Should Russia join the WTO? - M .: " Soviet Russia", 2012
  • History: an attempt at Orthodox comprehension. (co-authored) - M .: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2013
  • World cabal. - M.: Algorithm, 2013
  • Masters of money. 100 years of history of the Fed. - M.: "Algorithm", 2014
  • Bankocracy dictatorship. Organized crime in the financial and banking world. - M.: "Book World", 2014
  • Ukraine: the economy of turmoil or blood money. - M.: "Book World", 2014
  • Robbery of Russia. New world order. Offshore and the "shadow" economy. - M.: "Book World", 2014
  • Robbery of Russia. Racketeering and expropriation of the Washington Regional Committee. - M.: "Book World", 2014
  • From slavery to slavery. From ancient Rome to modern capitalism. - M.: "Oxygen", 2014
  • Bretton Woods: a key event in recent financial history. - M.: "Oxygen", 2014
  • Religion of money. Spiritual and religious foundations of capitalism. - M.: "Oxygen", 2014
  • History as the Providence of God. (co-authored) - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2014
  • Economic theory of the Slavophiles and modern Russia. « Paper ruble» S. Sharapova. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2014
  • Temple in Jerusalem as a financial center. - M.: Oxygen, 2014
  • America vs Russia. - M.: Knizhny Mir, 2014
  • Behind the scenes of international finance. - M.: Oxygen, 2014
  • Masters of money. - M.: Algorithm, 2014
  • Stalin's economy. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2014
  • Economic war against Russia and Stalinist industrialization. - M.: Algorithm, 2014
  • Sanctions. Economics for Russians. - M.: "Algorithm", 2015
  • Anti-crisis. Survive and win. - M.: "Algorithm", 2015
  • The military strength of the dollar. How to protect Russia. - M.: "Algorithm", 2015
  • Stalin's response to Western sanctions. Economic blitzkrieg against Russia. - M.: "Book World", 2015
  • Genoa Conference in the context of the world and Russian history. - M.: "Oxygen", 2015
  • Russia in the world of reparations. M.: "Oxygen", 2015
  • Ukrainian lawlessness and redistribution. Economic and financial crisis in Ukraine as global threat. - M.: Native country, 2015
  • Russian sociological thought on turn of XIX-XX centuries. K. Leontiev, L. Tikhomirov, V. Solovyov, S. Bulgakov, S. Sharapov. - M.: Native country, 2015
  • Back home! The rise of capitalism in Russia as a history of economic failures. According to the memoirs of the Russian merchant and manufacturer Vasily Kokorev. - M.: Native country, 2015
  • Orthodox understanding of society. Sociology of Konstantin Leontiev. Historiosophy of Lev Tikhomirov. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2015
  • Russia and the West in the XX century. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2015
  • Capitalism. History and ideology of "monetary civilization". Ed. 4th, supplemented. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2015
  • The battle for the ruble. National currency and sovereignty of Russia. - M.: "Book World", 2016
  • World financial pyramid. Financial imperialism, as the highest and last stage capitalism. - M.: "Book World", 2016
  • Chinese dragon in the global financial arena. Yuan against the dollar. - M.: "Book World", 2016
  • Death of money. Where are the "masters of money" leading the world? Metamorphoses of debt capitalism. - M.: "Book World", 2016
  • Imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism. Metamorphoses of the century (1916-2016). M.: "Oxygen", 2016
  • Metaphysics of history. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2016
  • It's time to return home! The rise of capitalism in Russia as a history of economic failures. According to the memoirs of the Russian merchant and manufacturer Vasily Kokorev. - M.: Native country, 2017
  • The global world of finance: from crisis to chaos. Series "Financial Chronicles of Katasonov". - M.: "Book World", 2017
  • Global elites in a fight with Russia. Series "Collection of the Izborsk Club". (co-authored) - M .: "Book World", 2017
  • Financial International and Trump. Series "Financial Chronicles of Katasonov". - M.: "Book World", 2017
  • Philosophy and Christianity. Polemical notes of a "non-professional". - M.: Russian civilization, 2017
  • Digital finance. Cryptocurrencies and electronic economy. Series "Financial Chronicles of Katasonov". - M.: "Book World", 2017
  • False prophets of the end times. Darwinism and Science as Religion. - M.: Publishing house "Oxygen", 2017
  • The closed world of finance. Trusts and offshores. Series "Financial Chronicles of Katasonov". - M.: "Book World", 2017
  • Interest: Loan, Justiciable, Reckless. Financial History of Humankind. - Denver (Co.), USA: Outskirts Press, 2014
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