Where is the board of the International Monetary Fund. International Monetary Fund. IMF and Russia. The role of the IMF in regulating international monetary and financial relations

In the same year, France took the first loan. Currently, the IMF unites 185 states, and 2,500 people from 133 countries work in its structures.

The IMF provides short- and medium-term loans with a deficit in the balance of payments of the state. The provision of loans is usually accompanied by a set of conditions and recommendations aimed at improving the situation.

The policy and recommendations of the IMF in relation to developing countries have been repeatedly criticized, the essence of which is that the implementation of the recommendations and conditions is ultimately aimed not at increasing the independence, stability and development of the national economy of the state, but only tying it to international financial flows.

IMF Official Targets

  1. “to promote international cooperation in the monetary and financial sphere”;
  2. "to promote the expansion and balanced growth of international trade" in the interests of developing productive resources, achieving a high level of employment and real incomes of member states;
  3. "ensure the stability of currencies, maintain orderly monetary relations among member states" and prevent "the depreciation of currencies in order to obtain competitive advantages";
  4. assist in the creation of a multilateral system of settlements between member states, as well as in the elimination of currency restrictions;
  5. provide temporary foreign exchange funds to member states that would enable them to "correct imbalances in their balance of payments".

Main Functions of the IMF

  • promotion of international cooperation in monetary policy
  • expansion of world trade
  • lending
  • stabilization of monetary exchange rates
  • advising debtor countries

Structure of governing bodies

The supreme governing body of the IMF is Board of Governors(English) Board of Governors), in which each member country is represented by a governor and his deputy. Usually these are finance ministers or central bankers. The Council is in charge of resolving key issues of the Fund's activities: amending the Articles of the Agreement, admitting and expelling member countries, determining and revising their shares in the capital, and electing executive directors. The Governors meet in session, usually once a year, but may meet and vote by mail at any time.

The authorized capital is about 217 billion SDRs (as of January 2008, 1 SDR was equal to about 1.5 US dollars). It is formed by contributions from member countries, each of which usually pays approximately 25% of its quota in SDRs or in the currency of other members, and the remaining 75% in its national currency. Based on the size of quotas, votes are distributed among member countries in the governing bodies of the IMF.

The largest number of votes in the IMF (as of June 16, 2006) are: USA - 17.8%; Germany - 5.99%; Japan - 6.13%; UK - 4.95%; France - 4.95%; Saudi Arabia - 3.22%; Italy - 4.18%; Russia - 2.74%. The share of 15 EU member countries is 30.3%, 29 industrialized countries (member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD) have a total of 60.35% of votes in the IMF. The share of other countries, which make up over 84% of the number of members of the Fund, accounts for only 39.75%.

The IMF operates the principle of "weighted" number of votes: the ability of member countries to influence the activities of the Fund by voting is determined by their share in its capital. Each state has 250 "basic" votes, regardless of the size of its contribution to the capital, and an additional one vote for every 100 thousand SDRs of the amount of this contribution. This arrangement ensures a decisive majority of votes for the leading states.

Decisions in the Board of Governors are usually taken by a simple majority (at least half) of the votes, and on important issues of an operational or strategic nature, by a “special majority” (respectively, 70 or 85% of the votes of the member countries). Despite some reduction in the share of US and EU votes, they can still veto key decisions of the Fund, the adoption of which requires a maximum majority (85%). This means that the United States, together with the leading Western states, has the ability to exercise control over the decision-making process in the IMF and direct its activities based on their own interests. As for the developing countries, if there is coordinated action, theoretically they are also able to prevent the adoption of decisions that do not suit them. However, it is difficult for a large number of heterogeneous countries to achieve coherence. At a meeting of Fund leaders in April 2004, the intention was to "enhance the ability of developing countries and countries with economies in transition to participate more effectively in the IMF's decision-making mechanism."

An essential role in the organizational structure of the IMF is played by International Monetary and Financial Committee IMFC (English) International Monetary and Financial Committee , IMFC). From 1974 until September 1999, its predecessor was the Interim Committee on the International Monetary System. It consists of 24 IMF governors, including from Russia, and meets in its sessions twice a year. This committee is an advisory body of the Board of Governors and does not have the power to make policy decisions. Nevertheless, it performs important functions: directs the activities of the Executive Council; develops strategic decisions related to the functioning of the world monetary system and the activities of the IMF; Submits proposals to the Board of Governors to amend the Articles of Agreement of the IMF. A similar role is also played by the Development Committee - the Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the World Bank and the Joint IMF - World Bank Development Committee).

The Board of Governors delegates many of its powers to the Executive Board. executive board), that is, the directorate that is responsible for the conduct of the affairs of the IMF, which includes a wide range of political, operational and administrative matters, in particular the provision of loans to member countries and the supervision of their exchange rate policies.

The IMF Executive Board elects a Managing Director for a five-year term. Managing Director), who heads the staff of the Fund (as of September 2004 - about 2,700 people from more than 140 countries). He must be a representative of one of the European countries. Managing Director (since November 2007) - Dominique Strauss-Kahn (France), his first deputy - John Lipsky (USA).

Head of the IMF Resident Mission in Russia Neven Mates

Main lending mechanisms

1. reserve share. The first portion of foreign currency that a member country can purchase from the IMF within 25% of the quota was called "gold" before the Jamaica Agreement, and since 1978 - the reserve share (Reserve Tranche). The reserve share is defined as the excess of the quota of a member country over the amount in the account of the National Currency Fund of that country. If the IMF uses part of the national currency of a member country to provide credit to other countries, then the reserve share of such a country increases accordingly. The outstanding amount of loans made by a member country to the Fund under the NHS and NHA loan agreements constitutes its credit position. The reserve share and lending position together constitute the "reserve position" of an IMF member country.

2. credit shares. Funds in foreign currency that can be acquired by a member country in excess of the reserve share (in case of its full use, the IMF's holdings in the country's currency reach 100% of the quota) are divided into four credit shares, or tranches (Credit Tranches), which make up 25% of the quota . Member countries' access to IMF credit resources within the framework of credit shares is limited: the amount of the country's currency in the IMF's assets cannot exceed 200% of its quota (including 75% of the quota paid by subscription). Thus, the maximum amount of credit that a country can receive from the Fund as a result of using the reserve and loan shares is 125% of its quota. However, the charter gives the IMF the right to suspend this restriction. On this basis, the Fund's resources in many cases are used in amounts exceeding the limit fixed in the statute. Therefore, the concept of "upper credit shares" (Upper Credit Tranches) began to mean not only 75% of the quota, as in the early period of the IMF, but amounts exceeding the first credit share.

3. Stand-by Arrangements(since 1952) provide a member country with a guarantee that, within a certain amount and during the term of the agreement, subject to the agreed conditions, the country can freely receive foreign currency from the IMF in exchange for national. This practice of granting loans is the opening of a line of credit. If the use of the first credit share can be made in the form of a direct purchase of foreign currency after the approval of the request by the Fund, then the allocation of funds against the upper credit shares is usually carried out through arrangements with member countries on standby credits. From the 1950s to the mid-1970s, stand-by credit agreements had a term of up to a year, since 1977 - up to 18 months and even up to 3 years due to the increase in balance of payments deficits.

4. Extended Lending Facility(Extended Fund Facility) (since 1974) supplemented the reserve and credit shares. It is designed to provide loans for longer periods and in larger amounts in relation to quotas than under normal loan shares. The basis for a country's request to the IMF for a loan under extended lending is a serious imbalance in the balance of payments caused by adverse structural changes in production, trade or prices. Extended loans are usually provided for three years, if necessary - up to four years, in certain portions (tranches) at fixed intervals - once every six months, quarterly or (in some cases) monthly. The main purpose of stand-by and extended loans is to assist IMF member countries in implementing macroeconomic stabilization programs or structural reforms. The Fund requires the borrowing country to fulfill certain conditions, and the degree of their rigidity increases as you move from one credit share to another. Certain conditions must be met before obtaining a loan. The obligations of the borrowing country, which provide for the implementation of relevant financial and economic measures, are recorded in a Letter of intent or Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies sent to the IMF. The course of fulfillment of obligations by the country - the recipient of the loan is monitored by periodically evaluating the special target performance criteria provided for by the agreement. These criteria can be either quantitative, referring to certain macroeconomic indicators, or structural, reflecting institutional changes. If the IMF considers that a country uses a loan in contradiction with the goals of the Fund, does not fulfill its obligations, it may limit its lending, refuse to provide the next tranche. Thus, this mechanism allows the IMF to exert economic pressure on borrowing countries.


see also


  • Alexander Tarasov "Argentina is another victim of the IMF"
  • The IMF can be dissolved? Yuri Sigov. "Business Week", 2007
  • IMF loan: pleasure for the rich and violence for the poor. Andrew Ganzha. "Telegraph", 2008

In this article, we will talk about the functions of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the principles of work, financing and its interaction with Russia.

What are international funds for?

Their main role is financial and advisory assistance to the participating countries in economic development.

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development has a leading role in the stabilization function. The IBRD or the World Bank includes the Development Association and the Financial Corporation. There are also various international banks serving their regions - Asian, African and European states.

IMF - history of creation

The IMF is a monetary and credit organization that operates as a specialized structure of the UN.

The IMF was created in 1944 at the Bretton Woods Conference. In December 1945, 29 states signed the Fund's Charter.

The main tasks of the Foundation are:

  • promotion of world trade;
  • stabilization of exchange rate fluctuations;
  • assistance to IMF member countries in correcting the deficit of their balance of payments and others.

To date, the IMF includes 188 countries.

How the authorized capital of the IMF is formed

The initial authorized capital amounted to 7.6 billion dollars. USA. Now the IMF uses its own reserve and payment means, the so-called SDRs - special drawing rights. They are not printed, but presented as entries on balance sheets.

With the help of SDRs, the balance of payments is regulated, reserves are replenished, and payments are made for the Fund. Today, the cost of 1 SDR is 1.4 US dollars, and the approximate value of the authorized capital of the IMF is estimated at 238 billion SDRs or 327 billion US dollars.

The fund is replenished by contributions from states according to established quotas. They determine the amount of borrowing, as well as the voting power of the participating country.

The payment structure is something like this:

  1. 25% of the amount goes to the IMF accounts - in the form of SDRs or other foreign currency;
  2. 75% of liabilities are repaid in national currency.

The Russian share of quotas is approximately 2.5%. The percentage of votes of our state, in the total number of voters in the IMF, is 2.4%.

IMF tranche

Short-term or long-term lending to IMF member countries is carried out in portions - in tranches.

The amount of financing can correspond to the usual loan shares (maximum 125% of the quota) or can be significantly increased. The state can receive an increased amount of funds in case of serious difficulties with the balance of payments.

Tranches are paid every six months, three months, a month or more often. IMF resources should be directed towards reforms and stabilization of macroeconomic or structural indicators.

IMF loan conditions

Lending is carried out in conjunction with the nomination of a number of requirements. Failure to comply with the terms of the Fund may result in a refusal to provide further tranches or to restrict lending.

With each new tranche, the requirements of the IMF are becoming tougher. These conditions may be:

  • privatization of state property;
  • ensuring the free movement of capital;
  • optimization or elimination of budget expenditures for the social sphere (health, education, housing, public transport);
  • wage cuts;
  • tax increase and more.

Through the tranche system, the IMF can exert economic influence on the borrowing country.

How are IMF debts paid off?

Debtor countries repay each credit tranche within 4-10 years. Thanks to the IMF reforms of 2010-2011. access limits have been doubled. The amount of lending to the world's poorest countries was also increased without the need to pay %% until 2016 inclusive.

The Russian Federation became a member of the IMF in May 1992. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the beginning of 2005 Russia repaid ahead of schedule all credit obligations to the Fund in the amount of approximately $3.3 billion. USA.

Today, the Russian Federation seeks to independently develop and implement economic programs, without attracting IMF resources.

Advice from Sravni.ru: you can follow the official news of the organization on the official website.

We present to your attention a chapter from a monograph on the International Monetary Fund, which analyzes in detail the entire anatomy of this financial institution and its role in the global financial scheme.

Organization of the IMF

The International Monetary Fund, IMF (International Monetary Fund, IMF), like the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, IBRD (later the World Bank), is a Bretton Woods international organization. The IMF and IBRD formally belong to the specialized agencies of the UN, but from the very beginning of their activity they rejected the coordinating and leading role of the UN, referring to the complete independence of their financial sources.

The creation of these two structures was initiated by the Council on Foreign Relations, one of the most influential semi-secret organizations traditionally associated with the implementation of the mondialist project.

The task of creating such structures matured as the end of the Second World War and the collapse of the colonial system approached. The question of the formation of a post-war international monetary and financial system and the creation of appropriate international institutions, in particular an interstate organization that would be designed to regulate currency and settlement relations between countries, became topical. The US bankers were especially persistent in this.

Plans for the creation of a special body to "regularize" currency and settlement relations were developed by the United States and Great Britain. In the American plan, it was proposed to establish a "United Nations Stabilization Fund", the member states of which would have to undertake obligations not to change, without the consent of the Fund, the exchange rates and parities of their currencies, expressed in gold and a special monetary unit, not to establish currency restrictions on current operations and not enter into any bilateral ("discriminatory") clearing and payment agreements. In turn, the Fund would provide them with short-term loans in foreign currency to cover current balance of payments deficits.

This plan was beneficial to the United States - an economically powerful power, with a higher competitiveness of goods compared to other countries and a stable active balance of payments at that time.

An alternative English plan, developed by the famous economist J. M. Keynes, envisaged the creation of an "international clearing union" - a credit and settlement center designed to carry out international settlements with the help of a special supranational currency ("bancor") and ensure balance in payments, especially between the United States and all other states. Within the framework of this union, it was supposed to preserve closed currency groupings, in particular the sterling zone. The aim of the plan, designed to preserve the position of Great Britain in the countries of the British Empire, was to strengthen its monetary and financial positions largely at the expense of American financial resources and with minimal concessions to the US ruling circles in matters of monetary policy.

Both plans were considered at the Monetary and Financial Conference of the United Nations, held in Bretton Woods (USA) from July 1 to July 22, 1944. Representatives of 44 states took part in the conference. The struggle that unfolded at the conference ended in the defeat of Great Britain.

The final act of the conference included the Articles of Agreement (charter) on the International Monetary Fund and on the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. December 27, 1945 The Articles of Agreement on the International Monetary Fund officially entered into force. In practice, the IMF began operations on March 1, 1947.

The money for the creation of this supra-governmental organization came from J.P. Morgan, J.D. Rockefeller, P. Warburg, J. Schiff and other "international bankers".

The USSR took part in the Bretton Woods conference, but did not ratify the Articles of Agreement on the IMF.

IMF activities

The IMF is intended to regulate the monetary and credit relations of member states and provide short- and medium-term loans in foreign currency. The International Monetary Fund provides most of its loans in US dollars. During its existence, the IMF has become the main supranational body for regulating international monetary and financial relations. The seat of the governing bodies of the IMF is Washington (USA). This is quite symbolic - in the future it will be seen that the IMF is almost completely controlled by the United States and the countries of the Western alliance and, accordingly, in terms of management and operational terms - by the FRS. It is no coincidence, therefore, that the real benefit from the activities of the IMF is also received by these actors and, first of all, by the “club of beneficiaries” mentioned above.

The official objectives of the IMF are as follows:

  • “to promote international cooperation in the monetary and financial sphere”;
  • "to promote the expansion and balanced growth of international trade" in the interests of developing productive resources, achieving a high level of employment and real incomes of member states;
  • “ensure the stability of currencies, maintain orderly monetary relations among member states and prevent the depreciation of currencies in order to obtain competitive advantages”;
  • assist in the creation of a multilateral system of settlements between member states, as well as in the elimination of currency restrictions;
  • provide temporary foreign exchange funds to member states that would enable them to "correct imbalances in their balance of payments".

However, based on the facts characterizing the results of the IMF's activities throughout its history, a different, real picture of its goals is reconstructed. They again allow us to talk about the system of global money-grubbing in favor of a minority that controls the World Monetary Fund.

As of May 25, 2011, 187 states are members of the IMF. Each country has a quota expressed in SDRs. The quota determines the amount of capital subscriptions, the possibilities of using the resources of the fund and the amount of SDRs received by the member state at their next distribution. The capital of the International Monetary Fund has steadily increased since its inception, with the quotas of the most economically developed member countries increasing especially rapidly (Figure 6.3).

The largest quotas in the IMF are the USA (42122.4 million SDRs), Japan (15628.5 million SDRs) and Germany (14565.5 million SDRs), the smallest - Tuvalu (1.8 million SDRs). The IMF operates the principle of a "weighted" number of votes, when decisions are made not by a majority of equal votes, but by the largest "donors" (Fig. 6.4).

Together, the US and Western alliance countries have more than 50% of the vote against a few percent of China, India, Russia, Latin American or Islamic countries. From which it is obvious that the former have a monopoly on decision-making, i.e. the IMF, like the Fed, is controlled by these countries. When critical strategic issues are raised, including reform of the IMF itself, only the United States has a veto.

The United States, along with other developed countries, has a simple majority of votes in the IMF. For the past 65 years, the countries of Europe and other economically prosperous countries have always voted in solidarity with the United States. Thus, it becomes clear in whose interests the IMF functions and by whom it implements its geopolitical goals.

Requirements of the Articles of Agreement (Charter) of the IMF/Members of the IMF

Joining the IMF necessarily requires the country to comply with the rules governing its foreign economic relations. The Articles of Agreement set out the universal obligations of member states. The statutory requirements of the IMF are aimed primarily at the liberalization of foreign economic activity, in particular, the monetary and financial sphere. It is obvious that the liberalization of the external economies of developing countries provides enormous advantages to economically developed countries, opening up markets for their more competitive products. At the same time, the economies of developing countries, which, as a rule, need protectionist measures, suffer heavy losses, entire industries (not related to the sale of raw materials) become inefficient and die. In section 7.3, statistical generalization allows you to see such results.

The Charter requires member states to eliminate currency restrictions and maintain the convertibility of national currencies. Article VIII contains the obligations of member states not to impose, without the consent of the fund, restrictions on making payments on current operations of the balance of payments, and also to refrain from participating in discriminatory exchange agreements and not resorting to the practice of multiple exchange rates.

If in 1978 46 countries (1/3 of the IMF members) assumed obligations under Article VIII to prevent foreign exchange restrictions, then in April 2004 there were already 158 countries (more than 4/5 of the members).

In addition, the IMF charter obliges member countries to cooperate with the fund in the conduct of exchange rate policy. Although the Jamaican charter amendments gave countries the opportunity to choose any exchange rate regime, in practice the IMF is taking measures to establish a floating exchange rate for leading currencies and to link developing countries' currencies to them (primarily the US dollar), in particular, it introduces a currency board regime. ). It is interesting to note that China's return to a fixed exchange rate in 2008 (Figure 6.5), which caused strong displeasure of the IMF, is one of the explanations for why the global financial and economic crisis did not actually affect China.

Russia, in its “anti-crisis” financial and economic policy, followed the instructions of the IMF, and the impact of the crisis on the Russian economy turned out to be the heaviest not only in comparison with comparable countries of the world, but even in comparison with the vast majority of countries in the world.

The IMF exercises constant "strict surveillance" of the macroeconomic and monetary policies of member countries, as well as the state of the world economy.

For this, regular (usually annual) consultations are used with the government agencies of the member states about their exchange rate policies. At the same time, member states are obliged to consult with the IMF on macroeconomic and structural policy issues. In addition to traditional surveillance targets (eliminating macroeconomic imbalances, reducing inflation, implementing market reforms), the IMF, after the collapse of the USSR, began to pay more attention to structural and institutional changes in member states. And this already calls into question the political sovereignty of the states subjected to “supervision”. The structure of the International Monetary Fund is shown in fig. 6.6.

The highest governing body in the IMF is the Board of Governors, in which each member country is represented by a governor (usually finance ministers or central bankers) and his deputy.

The Council is responsible for resolving key issues of the IMF's activities: amending the Articles of Agreement, admitting and expelling member countries, determining and revising their shares in the capital, and electing executive directors. The Governors meet in session, usually once a year, but may meet and vote by mail at any time.

The Board of Governors delegates many of its powers to the Executive Board, i.e. the directorate, which is responsible for the conduct of the affairs of the IMF, which includes a wide range of political, operational and administrative matters, in particular lending to member countries and overseeing their policies in the area of ​​the exchange rate.

Since 1992, 24 executive directors have been represented on the executive board. Currently, out of 24 executive directors, 5 (21%) have an American education. The IMF's Executive Board elects a Managing Director for a five-year term, who leads the Fund's staff and serves as Chairman of the Executive Board. Among the 32 representatives of the top management of the IMF, 16 (50%) were educated in the United States, 1 worked in a transnational corporation, 1 taught at an American university.

The Managing Director of the IMF, according to informal arrangements, is always European, and his first deputy is always American.

Role of the IMF

The IMF provides loans in foreign currency to member countries for two purposes: first, to cover the balance of payments deficit, that is, in fact, to replenish official foreign exchange reserves; secondly, to support macroeconomic stabilization and restructuring of the economy, and hence - to lend to government budget expenditures.

A country in need of foreign exchange purchases or borrows foreign exchange or SDRs in exchange for an equivalent amount in domestic currency, which is credited to the IMF's account with its central bank as a depositary. At the same time, the IMF, as noted, provides loans mainly in US dollars.

During the first two decades of its activity (1947-1966), the IMF lent more to developed countries, which accounted for 56.4% of the amount of loans (including 41.5% of the funds received by the UK). Since the 1970s The IMF has refocused its activities on lending to developing countries (Figure 6.7).

It is interesting to note the time limit (the end of the 1970s), after which the world neo-colonial system actively began to form, replacing the collapsed colonial one. The main mechanisms for lending at the expense of the IMF resources are as follows.

reserve share. The first "portion" of foreign currency, which a member state can purchase from the IMF within 25% of the quota, was called "gold" before the Jamaica Agreement, and since 1978 - a reserve share (reserve tranche).

credit shares. Funds in foreign currency, which can be acquired by a member state in excess of the reserve share, are divided into four credit shares or tranches (credit tranches), each constituting 25% of the quota. Member states' access to IMF credit resources within the framework of credit shares is limited: the amount of the country's currency in the IMF's assets cannot exceed 200% of its quota (including 75% of the quota contributed by subscription). The maximum amount of credit that a country can receive from the IMF as a result of using the reserve and lending share is 125% of its quota.

Stand-by stand-by arrangements. This mechanism has been used since 1952. This practice of providing loans is the opening of a credit line. Since the 1950s and until the mid 1970s. standby loan agreements had a term of up to a year, from 1977 - up to 18 months, later - up to 3 years, due to an increase in balance of payments deficits.

Extended Fund Facility has been in use since 1974. This facility provides loans for even longer periods (for 3–4 years) in larger amounts. The use of stand-by loans and extended loans - the most common credit mechanisms before the global financial and economic crisis - is associated with the fulfillment by the borrowing state of certain conditions that require it to carry out certain financial and economic (and often political) measures. At the same time, the degree of rigidity of the conditions increases as you move from one credit share to another. Certain conditions must be met before obtaining a loan.

If the IMF considers that a country is using a loan "contrary to the goals of the fund", does not fulfill the requirements put forward, it can limit its further lending, refuse to provide the next loan tranche. This mechanism allows the IMF to effectively manage the borrowing country.

After the expiration of the established period, the borrowing state is obliged to repay the debt (“purchase” the national currency from the Fund) by returning the funds to it in SDRs or foreign currencies. Repayment of stand-by loans is made within 3 years and 3 months - 5 years from the date of receipt of each tranche, with extended lending - 4.5–10 years. In order to speed up the turnover of its capital, the IMF “encourages” faster repayment of loans received by debtors.

In addition to these standard facilities, the IMF has special lending facilities. They differ in purposes, conditions and cost of loans. Special lending facilities include the following. Compensatory lending facility, CFF (compensatory lending facility, CFF), is intended for lending to countries whose balance of payments deficit is caused by temporary and external reasons beyond their control. The Supplemental Reserve Facility (SRF) was introduced in December 1997 to provide funds to member countries experiencing "exceptional difficulties" with their balance of payments and in dire need of extended short-term lending due to a sudden loss of confidence in the currency, which causes the flight of capital from the country and a sharp reduction in its gold and foreign exchange reserves. It is assumed that this credit should be provided in cases where capital flight could pose a potential threat to the entire global monetary system.

Emergency assistance is designed to help overcome the deficit in the balance of payments caused by unpredictable natural disasters (since 1962) and crises resulting from civil unrest or military-political conflicts (since 1995). The emergency financing mechanism, EFM (since 1995) is a set of procedures that ensure the accelerated provision of loans by the fund to member countries in the event of an emergency crisis in international settlements that requires immediate assistance from the IMF.

The trade integration mechanism (TIM) was established in April 2004 in response to possible temporary negative consequences for a number of developing countries of the results of negotiations on further expansion of international trade liberalization within the framework of the Doha Round of the World Trade Organization. This mechanism is designed to provide financial support to countries whose balance of payments is deteriorating due to measures taken towards the liberalization of trade policies by other countries. However, IPTI is not an independent credit mechanism in the truest sense of the word, but a certain political setting.

Such a wide representation of the IMF's multi-purpose loans indicates that the fund offers borrowing countries its instruments in almost any situation.

For the poorest countries (those with GDP per capita below a set threshold) that are unable to pay the interest on conventional loans, the IMF provides concessional “aid” even though the share of concessional loans in total IMF lending is extremely small (Figure 6.8).

In addition, the implicit solvency guarantee provided by the IMF as a "bonus" along with the loan extends to more economically strong players in the international arena. Even a small IMF loan facilitates the country's access to the world loan capital market, helps to obtain loans from the governments of developed countries, central banks, the World Bank Group, the Bank for International Settlements, as well as from private commercial banks. Conversely, the refusal of the IMF to provide credit support to the country closes its access to the loan capital market. In such circumstances, countries are simply forced to turn to the IMF, even if they understand that the conditions put forward by the IMF will have deplorable consequences for the national economy.

On fig. 6.8 also shows that at the beginning of its activity, the IMF as a creditor played a rather modest role. However, since the 1970s there was a significant expansion of its lending activities.

Loan conditions

The granting of loans by the Fund to member states is connected with the fulfillment by them of certain political and economic conditions. This procedure was called the "conditionality" of loans. Officially, the IMF justifies this practice by the need to be sure that the borrowing countries will be able to repay their debts, ensuring the uninterrupted circulation of the Fund's resources. In fact, a mechanism for external management of the borrowing states has been built.

Since the IMF is dominated by monetarist, more broadly neoliberal, theoretical views, its “practical” stabilization programs usually include cutting government spending, including for social purposes, eliminating or reducing government subsidies for food, consumer goods and services (which leads to higher prices on these goods), increasing taxes on personal income (while reducing taxes on business), curbing growth or “freezing” wages, raising discount rates, limiting investment lending, liberalizing foreign economic relations, devaluing the national currency, followed by appreciation imported goods, etc.

The concept of economic policy, which is now the content of the conditions for obtaining IMF loans, was formed in the 1980s. in the circles of leading economists and business circles in the United States, as well as other Western countries, and is known as the "Washington Consensus".

It involves such structural changes in economic systems as the privatization of enterprises, the introduction of market pricing, and the liberalization of foreign economic activity. The IMF sees the main (if not the only) reason for the imbalance of the economy, the imbalance in international settlements of borrowing countries in the excess aggregate effective demand in the country, caused primarily by the state budget deficit and excessive expansion of the money supply.

The implementation of IMF programs most often leads to a curtailment of investments, a slowdown in economic growth, and an aggravation of social problems. This is due to the decline in real wages and living standards, the growth of unemployment, the redistribution of income in favor of the rich at the expense of less well-off groups of the population, and the growth of property differentiation.

As for the former socialist states, the obstacle to solving their macroeconomic problems, from the point of view of the IMF, are institutional and structural defects, therefore, when granting a loan, the fund focuses its requirements on the implementation of long-term structural changes in their economic and political systems.

The IMF is pursuing a very ideological policy. In fact, it finances the restructuring and inclusion of national economies in global speculative capital flows, i.e. their "binding" to the global financial metropolis.

With the expansion of credit operations in the 1980s. The IMF has taken a course on tightening their conditionality. It was then that the use of structural conditions in IMF programs became widespread, in the 1990s. it has increased significantly.

It is not surprising that the recommendations of the IMF to the recipient countries in most cases are directly opposite to the anti-crisis policy of developed countries (Table 6.1), which practice countercyclical measures - the drop in demand from households and businesses in them is compensated by increased government spending (benefits, subsidies, etc.). n) by expanding the budget deficit and increasing public debt. In the midst of the global financial and economic crisis in 2008, the IMF supported such a policy in the US, the EU and China, but prescribed a different “medicine” for its “patients”. "31 of the 41 IMF bailout agreements are pro-cyclical, that is, tighter monetary or fiscal policy," says a report from the Washington-based Center for Economic and Policy Research.

These double standards have always existed and many times led to large-scale crises in developing countries. The application of the IMF recommendations is focused on the formation of a monopolar model for the development of the world community.

The role of the IMF in regulating international monetary and financial relations

The IMF periodically makes changes to the world monetary system. First, the IMF acted as a conductor of the policy adopted by the West at the US initiative to demonetize gold and weaken its role in the global monetary system. Initially, the IMF Articles of Agreement gave gold an important place in its liquid resources. The first step towards eliminating gold from the post-war international monetary mechanism was the cessation by the United States in August 1971 of gold sales for dollars owned by the authorities of other countries. In 1978, the IMF charter was amended to prohibit member countries from using gold as a medium of expression for the value of their currencies; at the same time, the official dollar price of gold and the gold content of the SDR unit were abolished.

The International Monetary Fund has played a leading role in expanding the influence of transnational corporations and banks in countries with transitional and developing economies. Providing these countries in the 1990s. borrowed resources of the IMF to a large extent contributed to the activation of the activities of transnational corporations and banks in these countries.

In connection with the process of globalization of financial markets, the executive board in 1997 initiated the development of new amendments to the IMF Articles of Agreement in order to make the liberalization of capital movements a special goal of the IMF, to include them in its sphere of competence, i.e., to extend to them the requirement to abolish foreign exchange restrictions. The Interim Committee of the IMF adopted at its session in Hong Kong on September 21, 1997, a special statement on the liberalization of capital movements, calling on the executive board to expedite work on amendments in order to "add a new chapter to the Bretton Woods agreement." However, the development of the world currency and financial crises in 1997-1998. slowed down this process. Some countries have been forced to introduce capital controls. Nevertheless, the IMF maintains a principled approach to the removal of restrictions on the international movement of capital.

In the context of the analysis of the causes of the global financial crisis of 2008, it is also important to note that the International Monetary Fund relatively recently (since 1999) came to the conclusion that it is necessary to extend its area of ​​responsibility to the sphere of functioning of world financial markets and financial systems.

The emergence of the IMF's intention to regulate international financial relations caused changes in its organizational structure. First, in September 1999, the International Monetary and Financial Committee was formed, which became a permanent body for strategic planning of the IMF on issues related to the functioning of the world monetary and financial system.

In 1999, the IMF and the World Bank adopted a joint Financial Sector Assessment Program, the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP), to provide member countries with a tool to assess the health of their financial systems.

In 2001, the Department for International Capital Markets was established. In June 2006, the United Department of Monetary Systems and Capital Markets Department (MSCMD) was established. Less than 10 years have passed since the inclusion of the global financial sector in the competence of the IMF and from the beginning of its "regulation", when the most massive global financial crisis in history erupted.

The IMF and the global financial and economic crisis of 2008

It is impossible not to note one fundamental point. In 2007, this world's largest financial institution was in a deep crisis. At that time, practically no one took or expressed a desire to take loans from the IMF. In addition, even those countries that received loans earlier tried to get rid of this financial burden as soon as possible. As a result, the size of ordinary outstanding loans fell to a record for the 21st century. marks - less than 10 billion SDRs (Fig. 6.9).

The world community, with the exception of the beneficiaries of the IMF activities represented by the United States and other economically developed countries, actually abandoned the IMF mechanism. And then something happened. Namely, the global financial and economic crisis broke out. The number of new loan arrangements, which had been approaching zero before the crisis, increased at a rate unprecedented in the fund's history (Figure 6.10).

The crisis that began in 2008 literally saved the IMF from collapse. Is this a coincidence? One way or another, the global financial and economic crisis of 2008 was extremely beneficial for the International Monetary Fund, and therefore, for those countries in whose interests it functions.

After the 2008 global crisis, it became clear that the IMF needed to be reformed. By the beginning of 2010, the total losses of the global financial system exceeded $4 trillion (about 12% of the world's gross product), two thirds of which are generated in bad assets of American banks.

In what direction did the reform go? First of all, the IMF tripled its resources. Since the London G20 summit in April 2009, the IMF has secured a whopping additional $500 billion in additional lending reserves, on top of the $250 billion it already has, although it is using less than $100 billion for aid programs. After the crisis it has become clear that the IMF wants to assume even more authority to manage the world economy and finances.

The trend is to gradually turn the IMF into a macroeconomic policy oversight body in almost every country in the world. It is obvious that in the conditions of such a "reform" new world crises are inevitable.

In this chapter of the monograph, the material of the dissertation of M.V. Deeva.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was established simultaneously with the World Bank at a conference of central bank economists and other government officials of the major trading powers in Bretton Woods (USA) in July 1944. The governments of 29 countries signed the IMF Agreement on December 27, 1945. The fund began its activities on March 1, 1947. It has the status of a specialized agency of the United Nations.

The organization was created to restore international trade and create a stable world monetary system. The first country to receive IMF assistance on May 8, 1947, was France - it received $25 million to stabilize the financial system that had suffered during the German occupation.

At present, the Fund's main tasks are to coordinate the monetary and financial policies of the member countries, to provide them with short-term loans to regulate the balance of payments and maintain exchange rates.

The IMF played an important role in keeping the Bretton Woods agreements functioning, which consisted of a fixed price for gold and fixed exchange rates against the dollar (freely exchangeable for gold). In the first decades, the IMF most often issued loans to European countries to maintain a trade balance with the United States: Great Britain, France, Germany and other countries had to buy the dollar at a greatly inflated price due to its peg to gold (providing the dollar with gold for 25 years after the end of World War II the war was reduced from 55 to 22%). In particular, in 1966, the UK received $4.3 billion to prevent the devaluation of the pound sterling, but on November 18, 1967, the British currency still depreciated by 14.3%, from $2.8 to $2.4 per pound.

In 1971, due to rising military spending, the United States abolished the free exchange of dollars for gold for foreign governments: the Bretton Woods system ceased to exist. It was replaced by a new principle based on the free trade of currencies (the Jamaican Monetary System). After that, Western Europe no longer had to buy an overvalued dollar against gold and resort to IMF assistance to correct the trade balance. In this environment, the IMF switched to lending to developing countries. The reasons were the crises of oil importers after the crises of 1973 and 1979, the subsequent crises of the world economy and the transition to a market economy of the former socialist countries.

Starting in the 1970s, the IMF began to actively put forward demands on borrowing countries for structural economic reforms (the very possibility of making demands was introduced as early as 1952). Among the typical conditions for the allocation of loans was the reduction of state funding for agriculture and industry, the removal of barriers to imports, and the privatization of enterprises. IMF experts stated that these reforms would help states build an efficient market economy, however, the UN Conference on Trade and Development, as well as many experts pointed out that the fund's actions only worsened the situation of states, in particular, led to a significant decrease in food production and hunger. For a long time, Argentina, which began borrowing money from the Fund in 1985, was considered a model for the effective implementation of IMF recommendations, but in 2001 the state's economic policy led to a default and a protracted crisis.

The main sources of financial resources of the IMF are the quotas of the member states of the organization. Since 1967, the IMF has been issuing a global reserve payment unit for domestic settlements, known as special drawing rights (SDRs). It has a non-cash form, is used to regulate the balance of payments and can be exchanged for currency within the organization. The IMF's main source of financing is the member states' quotas, which are transferred upon joining the organization and can subsequently be increased. The total resource of quotas is SDR 238 billion, or about $368 billion, of which Russia's share is SDR 5.95 billion (about $9.2 billion), or 2.5% of the total quotas. The largest share belongs to the United States - 42.12 billion SDR (about $65.2 billion), or 17.69% of the total quotas.

In 2010, the G20 leaders agreed in Seoul to revise quotas in favor of developing countries. As a result of the 14th quota review, their total size will be doubled, from SDR 238.4 billion to SDR 476.8 billion, in addition, more than 6% of quotas will be reallocated from developed countries to developing countries. So far, this review of quotas has been ratified by the United States.

The supreme body of the IMF is the Board of Governors, which consists of two people (manager and his deputy) from each country - a member of the organization. Typically, these positions are occupied by finance ministers or heads of central banks. Traditionally, the Board of Governors meets once a year. At present, the representative of the Russian Federation in the council is the head of the Russian Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov.

Administrative functions and day-to-day management are entrusted to the Managing Director (since 2011 this post has been occupied by Christine Lagarde) and the Board of Executive Directors, which consists of 24 people (eight directors are appointed from the USA, Germany, Japan, Great Britain, France, China, Saudi Arabia and The Russian Federation, the rest represent groups of states (for example, Northern Europe, North and South South America, etc.) Each of the directors has a certain number of votes depending on the size of the country's economy and its quota in the IMF.The Board is re-elected every 2 years. The Russian Federation has 2.39% of the total number of votes, the US has the most votes - 16.75%.

As of August 2014, the largest IMF borrowers are Greece (with about $4.5 billion in loans), Ukraine (about $3 billion) and Portugal (about $2.3 billion). In addition, loans to maintain the stability of the national economy have been approved for Mexico, Poland, Colombia and Morocco. At the same time, Ireland has the largest debt to the IMF, about $30 billion.

Russia last received money from the IMF in 1999. In total, from 1992 to 1999, the IMF allocated $26.992 billion to Russia. The full repayment of Russia's debt to the IMF was announced on February 1, 2005.

The number of IMF employees is about 2.6 thousand in 142 countries of the world.

The organization is headquartered in Washington, DC.

International Monetary Fund

International Monetary Fund (IMF)
International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Member States of the IMF


188 states

Organization type:
Managing Director
Creation of the IMF charter
Official date of creation of the IMF
Start of activity

International Monetary Fund, IMF(English) International Monetary Fund, IMF listen)) is a specialized agency of the United Nations, headquartered in Washington, United States.

Main lending mechanisms

1. reserve share. The first portion of foreign currency that a member country can purchase from the IMF within 25% of the quota was called "gold" before the Jamaica Agreement, and since 1978 - the reserve share (Reserve Tranche). The reserve share is defined as the excess of the quota of a member country over the amount in the account of the National Currency Fund of that country. If the IMF uses part of the national currency of a member country to provide credit to other countries, then the reserve share of such a country increases accordingly. The outstanding amount of loans made by a member country to the Fund under the NHS and NHA loan agreements constitutes its credit position. The reserve share and lending position together constitute the "reserve position" of an IMF member country.

2. credit shares. Funds in foreign currency that can be acquired by a member country in excess of the reserve share (in case of its full use, the IMF's holdings in the country's currency reach 100% of the quota) are divided into four credit shares, or tranches (Credit Tranches), which make up 25% of the quota . Member countries' access to IMF credit resources within the framework of credit shares is limited: the amount of the country's currency in the IMF's assets cannot exceed 200% of its quota (including 75% of the quota paid by subscription). Thus, the maximum amount of credit that a country can receive from the Fund as a result of using the reserve and loan shares is 125% of its quota. However, the charter gives the IMF the right to suspend this restriction. On this basis, the Fund's resources in many cases are used in amounts exceeding the limit fixed in the statute. Therefore, the concept of "upper credit shares" (Upper Credit Tranches) began to mean not only 75% of the quota, as in the early period of the IMF, but amounts exceeding the first credit share.

3. Stand-By Arrangements Stand-by Arrangements) (since 1952) provide a member country with a guarantee that, within a certain amount and during the term of the agreement, subject to the agreed conditions, the country can freely receive foreign currency from the IMF in exchange for national. This practice of granting loans is the opening of a line of credit. If the use of the first credit share can be made in the form of a direct purchase of foreign currency after the approval of the request by the Fund, then the allocation of funds against the upper credit shares is usually carried out through arrangements with member countries on standby credits. From the 1950s to the mid-1970s, stand-by credit agreements had a term of up to a year, since 1977 - up to 18 months and even up to 3 years due to the increase in balance of payments deficits.

4. Extended Lending Facility(English) Extended Fund Facility) (since 1974) supplemented the reserve and credit shares. It is designed to provide loans for longer periods and in larger amounts in relation to quotas than under normal loan shares. The basis for a country's request to the IMF for a loan under extended lending is a serious imbalance in the balance of payments caused by adverse structural changes in production, trade or prices. Extended loans are usually provided for three years, if necessary - up to four years, in certain portions (tranches) at fixed intervals - once every six months, quarterly or (in some cases) monthly. The main purpose of stand-by and extended loans is to assist IMF member countries in implementing macroeconomic stabilization programs or structural reforms. The Fund requires the borrowing country to fulfill certain conditions, and the degree of their rigidity increases as you move from one credit share to another. Certain conditions must be met before obtaining a loan. The obligations of the borrowing country, which provide for the implementation of appropriate financial and economic measures, are recorded in the "Letter of intent" (Letter of intent) or Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies sent to the IMF. The course of fulfillment of obligations by the country - the recipient of the loan is monitored by periodically evaluating the special target performance criteria provided for by the agreement. These criteria can be either quantitative, referring to certain macroeconomic indicators, or structural, reflecting institutional changes. If the IMF considers that a country uses a loan in contradiction with the goals of the Fund, does not fulfill its obligations, it may limit its lending, refuse to provide the next tranche. Thus, this mechanism allows the IMF to exert economic pressure on borrowing countries.

The IMF provides loans with a number of requirements - freedom of movement of capital, privatization (including natural monopolies - rail transport and utilities), minimization or even elimination of government spending on social programs - education, health care, cheaper housing, public transport, etc. P.; refusal to protect the environment; reduction of salaries, restriction of the rights of workers; increased tax pressure on the poor, etc.

According to Michel Chosudovsky,

IMF-sponsored programs since then have consistently continued to destroy the industrial sector and have gradually dismantled the Yugoslav welfare state. The restructuring agreements increased the external debt and provided the mandate for the devaluation of the Yugoslav currency, which hit hard on Yugoslav living standards. This initial round of restructuring laid the foundations for it. During the 1980s, the IMF periodically prescribed further doses of its bitter "economic therapy" while the Yugoslav economy slowly slipped into a coma. Industrial production had sunk to a 10 percent drop by 1990, with all the predictable social consequences.

Most of the loans issued by the IMF to Yugoslavia in the 80s went to service this debt and solve problems caused by the implementation of IMF prescriptions. The Foundation forced Yugoslavia to stop the economic alignment of the regions, which led to the growth of separatism and further civil war, which claimed the lives of 600 thousand people.

In the 1980s, the Mexican economy collapsed due to a sharp drop in oil prices. The IMF began to act: loans were issued in exchange for large-scale privatization, cuts in government spending, etc. Up to 57% of government spending was spent on paying off external debt. As a result, about $45 billion left the country. Unemployment reached 40% of the economically active population. The country was forced to join NAFTA and provide huge benefits to American corporations. The incomes of Mexican workers instantly fell.

As a result of the reforms, Mexico - the country where corn was first domesticated - began to import it. The support system for Mexican farms was completely destroyed. After the country joined NAFTA in 1994, liberalization went even faster, protectionist tariffs began to be eliminated. The United States, however, did not deprive its farmers of support and actively supplied corn to Mexico.

The proposal to take and then pay off external debt in foreign currency leads to an orientation of the economy exclusively to export, regardless of any food security measures (as was the case in many African countries, the Philippines, etc.).

see also

  • Member States of the IMF



  • Cornelius Luca Trading in the global currency markets = Trading in the Global Currency Markets. - M .: Alpina Publisher, 2005. - 716 p. - ISBN 5-9614-0206-1


  • IMF Governance Structure and Member Voices (see table on page 15)
  • The Chinese Renmin Ribao should become the President of the IMF 19.05.2011
  • Egorov A. V. "International financial infrastructure", Moscow: Linor, 2009. ISBN 978-5-900889-28-3
  • Alexander Tarasov "Argentina is another victim of the IMF"
  • The IMF can be dissolved? Yuri Sigov. "Business Week", 2007
  • IMF loan: pleasure for the rich and violence for the poor. Andrew Ganzha. "Telegraph", 2008 - link copy of the article does not work
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF) "First Moscow Currency Advisors", 2009
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