Douglas McGregor's Theory of Motivation. Theories x, y and z of Douglas McGregor as key elements in the development of a system of knowledge about the motivation of personnel to work

According to McGregor's approach, to a large extent, management actions are ineffective due to misconceptions leaders about the motives of behavior and the nature of a person at work. (5, p. 119)

McGregor called the assumptions of an autocratic leader towards employees Theory X. According to Theory X:

1. People initially do not like to work and avoid work whenever possible.

2. People do not have ambition, and they try to get rid of responsibility, preferring to be led.

3. Most of all, people want security.

4. To force people to work, it is necessary to use coercion, control and the threat of punishment.

On the basis of such initial assumptions, the autocrat usually centralizes powers as much as possible, structures the work of subordinates and gives them almost no freedom in making decisions, seeks to simplify goals, break them down into smaller ones, assign each subordinate his own specific task, which makes it easy to control its execution. , i.e. tightly manages all work within his competence and, in order to ensure the performance of work, can exert psychological pressure, as a rule, threaten.

The hierarchical division in such organizations, as a rule, is very strict, the channels for collecting information work clearly and promptly. This type of leader concentrates on meeting the elementary needs of his subordinates and uses the most autocratic management style.

The ideas of a democratic leader about employees are different from those of an autocratic leader. McGregor called them Theory “Y”:

1. Labor is a natural process. If conditions are favorable, people will not only accept responsibility, they will strive for it.

2. If people are attached to organizational goals, they will use self-management and self-control.

3. Inclusion is a function of the reward associated with the achievement of the goal.

4. The capacity for creative problem solving is common, and the intellectual potential of the average person is only partially used. (6, p.349-350)

It can be seen that a democratic leader proceeds from the idea that people are motivated by the needs of more high level-- in social interaction, in success, in self-expression. He tries to create a situation in which people could self-actualize themselves, and work as such would be a motivator for them, i.e. provide internal motivation for activity. (3, p. 509)

Organizations dominated by a democratic style are characterized by a high degree of decentralization of powers. Subordinates accept Active participation in decision-making and enjoy wide freedom in carrying out tasks. Quite often, having explained the goals of the organization, the leader allows subordinates to define their own goals in accordance with those that he formulated. Rather than exercise tight control over subordinates in the course of their work, the grass-roots manager usually waits until the work is completed to the end to evaluate it. The manager acts as a liaison, ensuring that the objectives of the production group are aligned with the goals of the organization as a whole and ensuring that the group receives the resources it needs.

Since the democratic leader assumes that people are motivated by higher level needs for social interaction, success, and self-expression, he tries to make subordinate responsibilities more attractive. In a sense, he is trying to create a situation in which people motivate themselves to some extent, because their work, by its very nature, is itself a reward. It also helps subordinates understand what they have to decide. most problems without seeking approval or help. But the leader puts a lot of effort into creating an atmosphere of openness and trust so that if subordinates need help, they can not hesitate to turn to the leader. To achieve this, the manager organizes two-way communication and plays a guiding role.

A variety of studies suggest that leaders - adherents of both Theory X and Theory Y achieve significant business success. However, if the manager is faced with a choice, but feels the strength to create a management system like theory Y, it is worth stopping at it, since it will be better both for himself and for his subordinates. But each manager must evaluate whether, under the conditions that are characteristic of the development of his business, the application of theory Y is possible, and also what consequences the application of theory X can cause.

Based on reading the book The Human Side of Enterprise

McGraw-Hill, 2005

Douglas McGregor was a great leader. Competent, witty, and insightful, he was highly respected by his subordinates and believed that people were naturally enthusiastic, responsible, and moral. He believed this so strongly that in 1960 he wrote a book that forever changed management theory, which at the time was based on the notion that people were naturally lazy and only worked when they were forced to. McGregor died in 1964, having made a significant contribution to the theory and practice of management, and his creative heritage will remain the subject of research for a long time to come. Even half a century after its publication, journalists and scientists refer to this regularly republished book! If you manage people, but still haven't read McGregor's book, you should hurry up.

"Theory X"

What do you think is the most effective method of managing people? According to Theory X, people are inherently lazy and work only under duress. At one time, “theory X” was the most common approach to management, but today it seems outdated - for three reasons:

1. It relies on outdated paradigms. Hierarchical models like the army or the church are not applicable in today's business. For example, today the members of work groups often do not report to a single boss, but solve the problems of several departments at once.

2. She's too abstract. "Theory X" does not take into account the political, social and economic conditions activities of an individual company.

3. It comes from wrong assumptions about human nature. For example, this theory suggests that people can only work under duress. However, any coercion has its limits. Often people work much better under the influence of persuasion or interest in working together.

"Theory X" takes a pessimistic view of human nature. According to her, the relationship between leaders and subordinates is based on mutual hostility. Managers who follow this theory believe that employees are not capable of thinking and acting independently. For this reason, such managers, for the common good of the company, tend to carefully control the activities of their subordinates, assuming that people are not willing to voluntarily take responsibility, since they are only interested in salary. It seems to them that subordinates do not see the big picture of affairs or do not care about the success of the company as a whole. In other words, “Theory X” leaders believe that subordinates work only when someone is constantly watching them.

“Theory X” is based on three premises:

1. People don't want to work. Man has an innate aversion to work and tries to avoid it. Production rates, achievement of targets and time hours are the reaction of managers to natural inclination get people out of business.

2. Coercion is inevitable. The company will not achieve its goals without coercion and intimidation of its employees. Their only incentive to work is punishment, not reward. Promotions, bonuses and benefits only increase the demands of a person, and do not arouse the desire to work hard.

3. People try to avoid responsibility. All they want from life is a quiet job with a regular salary.

What is the fallacy of "Theory X"

In Theory X companies, there is an atmosphere of suspicion that stifles people's natural desire for excellence. First of all, they are frightened off by the fact that the authorities minimize the opportunities for creative self-expression. When an employee suspects that he is in danger of being fired, he begins to think exclusively about self-preservation and is extremely reluctant to take risks - for fear that his bosses will not approve of his actions and even punish him for them.

In order for employees not to be afraid to take risks and more actively put forward innovative proposals, they must first of all feel safe. In other words, they just want to be respected, praised and appreciated. Many people feel the need to feel part of a team in order to be proud of what they have achieved with others. However, managers who believe in “Theory X” believe that any grouping of employees is a threat, as it can prevent successful work companies. Therefore, instead of encouraging collective interaction, such leaders in every possible way try to sow enmity between employees.

Often managers fail to understand why high salaries, medical benefits, good vacation pay, sick pay, and generous pension contributions do little to motivate subordinates. The fact is that all these measures are not enough. First of all, a person would like to know what is doing important and meaningful work. He wants to feel that his opinion is taken into account. Therefore, as soon as he realizes that the company does not appreciate what he does, indifference takes possession of him, he begins to treat his business formally and, when doing work, first of all seeks not to give a reason for dismissal.

“Theory Y”

If "theory X" is wrong, what is its alternative? “Theory Y” offers a completely different approach to managing people: bosses should respect subordinates and give them the opportunity to act independently in order to awaken in them the desire to follow moral principles and observe discipline. According to “theory Y”, if the staff does not show interest in the work and does not follow orders, then the fault should not be the employees, but poor management. “Theory Y” comes from the following postulates:

    People don't have an innate dislike for work. Under certain conditions, employees enjoy what they do.

    Employees do not have to be kept in fear. Properly motivated employees will work without prodding and make active efforts to meet the challenges facing the company.

    The feeling of success gives people pleasure. Achievements increase self-confidence, and as a result, employees are even more eager to achieve their goals.

    People want to do responsible work. It is not true that man is by nature lazy and irresponsible. In fact, he, on the contrary, is looking for any opportunity to do responsible work.

    Human beings are naturally endowed with the ability to be creative. Most people are capable of creative problem solving.

    People are smart and smart. Leaders often greatly underestimate the intellectual abilities of their subordinates.

"Theory X" claims that internal politics company should be determined by its management, without consulting the staff about anything. According to Theory Y, management should take into account both the needs of the company as a whole and the needs of its employees, who, in turn, would like to benefit their organization.

Differences between the two theories

In companies whose management is based on “Theory X”, formal hierarchy is important. Consider the example of quality control work. When an inspector from the Quality Control Department, checking the products of one of the departments, discovers a problem, he reports it to his immediate supervisor. The latter passes this information to the deputy head of the department, who notifies the head of the department, and he calls the deputy for production to tell him the bad news. The deputy returns to his room and calls the workers who were directly related to the problem. Since these workers were unaware that the inspector was checking their products, they immediately find themselves in a situation of confrontation.

In a company operating in accordance with “theory Y”, the controller from the Quality Control Department first of all notifies the employees themselves about the problem found, who immediately begin to solve it. As in the first case, the controller reports to superiors, but by the time his report reaches the top rung of the hierarchy, the problem is solved. At the same time, employees understand that management is not going to punish them or spy on them, and they appreciate this honest approach.

As a result, an atmosphere of mutual respect, not suspicion, is strengthened.

“Theory Y” in practice

director of one high school turned out to be an extremely talented leader. Students at this school consistently achieve excellent results on standardized tests, and their parents maintain good relationships with teachers. Not surprisingly, an inspector from the Department of Education decides to use the director's talents in an administrative position in the school district. After interviewing a dozen candidates, the district council makes a recommendation to this director.

The director is offered a significant increase in salary and a solid position. The only problem is that he does not want to switch to new job. He enjoys being a school principal and watching teenagers grow up, acquire knowledge and communication skills. All subordinates are devoted to him and are ready for a lot for the sake of their boss. The director expresses his disagreement with the inspector from the ministry, but he does not want to give in. He believes that the district will only benefit from this transition, and the director himself will be pleased with his decision as soon as he gets used to his new role.

Two years later, the inspector will still be satisfied with the work of the ex-director, but the latter will feel unhappy and dream of returning to his old school. This is an example of the worst manifestation of “theory X”: for the sake of the common good, a decision is made unilaterally that does not take into account the interests of a particular person. The director in this situation could not refuse new position without compromising their career prospects.

If a school district were run according to Theory Y, then the school principal and the inspector from the ministry would openly discuss their needs with each other. The Inspector would ask the Director to take into account the importance of the proposed position and would offer him his assistance and support in initial period. In addition, he would tell the director how he could use the new opportunities to enrich his experience and develop managerial skills. In turn, the director would probably understand that it is better to take the chance to enrich the experience and agree than to accept the offer with a grudge in his heart. “Theory Y” suggests that even if the leader is forced to resort to coercion for the common good, a mutually acceptable solution must still be found.

“Theory Y” and power

"Theory Y" can be applied even in such an organization as the army, where, it would seem, "theory X" should reign supreme. The military is obliged to unquestioningly carry out the orders of their commanders. An officer who sends soldiers into battle does not worry about whether participation in this battle contributes to their personal growth. American General George Patton, for example, would simply laugh at the notion that in war one must take into account the wishes and needs of soldiers.

However, giving orders and managing are two different things. The officer understands that the battle will be lost if his soldiers do not make every effort to complete the combat mission. This means that he does not control the soldiers, but rather depends on them. General Patton also depended on his subordinates to relay his orders down the chain. Army commanders, like the leaders of ordinary companies, can no more control their people than the weather. They must have complete trust in their subordinates, but still give orders. Trust and command are not mutually exclusive.

Under Theory Y, leaders not only can but must act decisively, for they are ultimately responsible for solving the problems they face. When critical situation subordinates will wait for instructions from them on what actions to take. This does not mean that “Theory Y” becomes irrelevant during a crisis. Even in a critical situation, the leader must treat people politely and impartially, without questioning their motives. Nevertheless, he must act firmly and, if necessary, even fire employees - especially those whose mentality corresponds to "Theory X".

Appearance and reality

Tough, authoritarian leaders who seem to lack even basic civility often have dedicated and motivated subordinates. If a certain department head has a habit of yelling at subordinates, using foul language and threatening them with disciplinary action, you might think that this style of leadership is -

illustration of “Theory X”. Nevertheless, the subordinates of this chief work no worse, and sometimes even better than the employees of other departments, and at the same time they give the appearance of professionally successful people who are satisfied with their work.

The fact is that this outwardly rude boss is sincerely interested in the life of his employees. He is not indifferent to their family problems, he is always ready to help people who are in trouble. difficult situation, and occasionally invites employees to lunch to show how much he appreciates them. This boss stubbornly defends the interests of subordinates in conflicts with higher authorities and is even ready to sacrifice his position for them. Employees who know they can rely on their bosses believe in own forces and ready to work with high efficiency.

about the author
Douglas McGregor - ex-president Antioch College, one of the founders of the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

McGregor's Theory X and Y is a theory of behavior in management structure and motivation of subordinates to working conditions.

In management, this theory refers to the theories of leadership and power, to procedural motivation, which highlights the degree of control over employees, as well as the behavior of the manager, leader, his actions.

McGregor's X and Y Theory

McGregor, when developing his theories "X" and "Y", considered the motivation of the employee and the behavior of the company's manager from two sides, in two approaches. Therefore, they received different directions, which were called: “Theory X” and “Theory Y”.

Let's consider each of the theories separately.

McGregor Theory X:

  • People are inert by nature, at the first opportunity they shirk in every possible way;
  • Lack of ambition in a person, gets rid of responsibility, works under guidance;
  • The basic principle of the employee is his security;
  • Control, pressure and the threat of punishment makes a person work effectively.

McGregor's Theory Wu:

  • Work is considered to be a characteristic process for a person.
  • Favorable working conditions contribute to the development of self-control and responsibility;
  • The creative solution and the intellectual potential are partially used;
  • When a specific goal is achieved, it is encouraged by a reward.

McGregor's Theory X and Y was proposed in 1960 and published under the title The Human Side of the Enterprise.

McGregor's Theory of Motivation are approaches that were considered consequences of views on natural qualities of man, and appeared in the form of an autocratic, negative theory of "X", and a democratic, positive theory of "Y". The theory is built on the concept of premises and assumptions, as well as the analysis of the relationship of leaders to subordinates.

McGregor's first theory "X" was not true. It currently does not meet our requirements.
McGregor's second theory "Y" states that a person is able to be self-directed and creative, it is only necessary to choose the right motivation.

From the above, we see that there is a significant difference in the two theories.
Therefore, the manager in his practice should adhere mainly to McGregor's "U" theory.

Douglas McGregor theory X and Y

Douglas McGregor remained in my memory as an excellent manager, witty, observant. Has respect from subordinates. He believed and knew that a person is naturally endowed with enthusiasm, moral and responsible.

But in his theory "X" went from the opposite, thereby changing the practice, the theory of management. No wonder D. McGregor, his scientific work in the direction of leadership is intended for leaders, which are currently being reprinted and published.

The procedural theory of motivation, Douglas McGregor's theory of X and Y, describes the control over employees according to the following parameters:

  • Tasks;
  • Quality performance of this task;
  • Time of issuance and completion of the task;
  • Auxiliary methods for the implementation of the task;
  • Implementation of safety instructions during work;
  • Persuasion of the employee in the feasibility of the task;
  • A promise for a successful completion of a worthy bonus;
  • Dedication of the employee to the difficulties associated with work.

A. Maslow writes that many managers are convinced that workers are controlled by any needs from low levels, i.e. according to the "X" theory. McGregor confirms this approach of managers, which manifests itself in a disguised or overt form.

In turn, McGregor promotes the theory of "Y", the idea of ​​​​the general participation of company members in the process of preparation and decisions, giving managers responsibility for the employee and the ability to accept risk as a factor of personal motivation.

The brilliance of MacGregor's "X" and "Y" theory has drawn both recognition and criticism for its simple view of the problem.

Douglas McGregor Theory

McGregor's Theory X and Y provide actions for the manager:

  • Structuring the work of subordinates;
  • Do not allow employees the freedom to implement decisions;
  • Each worker has his own task;
  • Check work and execution;
  • Failure to complete the task on time, the manager can apply a psychological onslaught.

Consequently, the manager of the unit tightly and in a timely manner, within the limits of his competence, ensures the implementation of the plan.

The manager prefers to influence the subordinate by mechanisms that appeal to the needs of a high stage (level): huge goals, self-expression and autonomy, the need for belonging. The manager should avoid imposing his will on the worker.

McGregor argued that the dominance of the democratic style in the organization characterizes a high degree decentralization of powers. Putting great efforts to create an atmosphere of trust and openness, an employee who needs help will turn to the manager. By creating a two-way appeal, the manager himself plays the main role - guiding.

McGregor's X and Y theory in brief about the manager

This theory of motivation refers to the procedural, which describes the behavior and types of managers. They are also part of the team, the behavior and motivation of their work are characteristic.

The behavioral characteristics of the manager include: control over employees, which can be an authoritarian and democratic leadership.

Authoritarian leadership characterized by the centralization of power, strict and constant control over a certain category of workers who are psychasthenoids by type. Subordinates belong to theory X: they do not show initiative in work, they obey the leader, they are offended by bad demands, low wages.

Democratic leadership observes the delegation of authority, full agreement in the team, psychological needs (so that employees are valued, respected, praised), taking into account the motivation of employees, improving the content of the task, which corresponds to the theory of W.

Some of the bosses can afford to shout, swear at their subordinates. But the workers forgive him these habits, work well, conscientiously, because in difficult moment the head of the unit will help them, protect them, defend their interests before the higher management.

McGregor's theories X and Y have the right to continue to exist. In practice, they are found in combination with other management styles. References to these theories in today's world are not uncommon in manuals for practical application on the management of members of the enterprise and the motivation of employees.

McGregor's Theory X and Y has a double meaning, where Theory X determines the internal position only of the leader. And the Y theory unites the manager with the subordinates by mutual understanding. The manager takes care of the needs of the company, his subordinates, their needs. Subordinates bring great benefits to the company.

In the 1960s in the United States, Douglas McGregor, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, developed the theory of X and Y, which was the starting point for informal democratic governance. After analyzing how various managers manage their subordinates

Mi, McGregor came to the conclusion that the manager's point of view on human nature lies in a certain set of assumptions, on the basis of which he models his behavior in relationships with staff. Based on this conclusion, he formulated the main approaches to understanding the nature of man that exist in management practice, and also derived from it consequences and recommendations that are of a practical nature.

Theory X assumes that a person in work is initially lazy and passive, tries to evade work and avoid responsibility, does not show any kind of initiative. Management cannot do without a regulated and hierarchical system of coercion for such an employee, i.e., he needs constant monitoring, punishment for mistakes and encouragement for successes (carrot and stick), in daily care from the leader.

Theory Y believes that a person is initially talented and strives to realize his abilities and capabilities, is ready to take personal responsibility, considering the issue of material reward sometimes secondary. At the same time, such a person longs for recognition, understanding and moral support. He has a highly developed need for learning and development, a tendency to participate in the adoption management decisions. He wants to independently choose ways to perform a particular task, showing initiative and creativity, is capable of self-control and does not need constant care from the leader.

This is what Chinese wisdom says. “Checking endlessly the one to whom we give the order, do we not become like a person pulling a sprout out of the ground to make sure whether the roots are growing or not?”

1.1. Basic theories of motivation

Thus, theory X embodies a purely mechanistic approach to the consideration of personality, assuming that the basis of its development is the repeated repetition of an action leading to its automation (reflex).

Theory Y corresponds to the humanistic approach and involves the recognition of the uniqueness and originality of each individual, the improvement of relationships in the team, taking into account the motivation of people and their psychological needs, enriching the content of the work.

An analysis of this concept shows that theory X proceeds from the fact that people are dominated by needs of a lower order, and theory Y, accordingly, sees in people, first of all, needs of a higher order.

McGregor himself believed that the assumptions of the theory? more reliable than the assumptions of theory X. Therefore, he advocated the participation of ordinary employees in decision-making on an equal basis with senior managers, entrusting them with responsible and complex work, as well as setting up good relations in a collective. According to McGregor, this approach maximizes the motivation of people to perform the work assigned to them.

McGregor's theories were developed in relation to a single person. Further improvement of motivational approaches to personality development was associated with the development of the organization itself (environment), the study of the determinants of human development in a team. So, William Ouchi proposed his understanding of this issue, called Theory Z and Theory A. Ouchi notes a disproportionate attention to technology and technology to the detriment of the human factor. Therefore, Theory Z is based on the principles of trust, lifetime employment (like attention to a person) and a group method of acceptance.

and Chapter 1. Models and mechanisms of motivation for work_

solutions, which also provides a solid basis for personal development in the course of professional activity.

Unfortunately, science does not have convincing evidence of the reliability of the first or second (or both) set of McGregor's assumptions. There is also no convincing evidence that using Theory Y and adjusting the actions of employees and managers accordingly can increase employee motivation.

Research carried out by us in various organizations, show that both theory X and theory Y may be valid in a particular situation.

More on Theory X and Theory Y according to McGregor:

  1. Social Cognitive Theory and Personal Construct Theory
  2. d) The biological theory of the state, or the theory of the organism
  3. Chapter 5. PHENOMENOLOGICAL THEORY: Carl Rogers' Person-Centered Theory of Personality

Management Theories "X" and "U" D. McGregor

D. McGregor, observing the relationship between management and staff, came to the conclusion that the manager builds his behavior towards subordinates in accordance with his personal ideas about employees and their abilities.

One of the extreme positions, reflecting the traditional view of command and control, is called theory X, and the other is called theory Y.

According with theory X The leader most often expresses his attitude towards subordinates as follows:

1) every person by nature has an unwillingness to work, so he tries to avoid labor costs wherever possible;

2) due to the fact that people are not disposed to work, they should be coerced, controlled, directed or threatened with punishment if they do not make sufficient efforts to achieve the goals set by the organization;

3) ambition is inherent in very few, people try to avoid direct responsibility and prefer to be led;

4) most of all people want personal peace and need protection.

Theory Y describes the opposite idealized situation, in which subordination looks like a partnership and the formation of a team takes place in an ideal environment. It includes the following provisions:

1) the expenditure of physical and spiritual strength at work is just as natural as when playing or relaxing, and in normal conditions a person does not refuse to perform certain duties;

2) the threat of punishment or external control are not the only means that stimulate the achievement of the goals set by the organization. People are endowed with the ability to self-manage and self-control in achieving the goals to which they are committed;

3) commitment to goals is a function of reward, i.e. involvement in the activities of the organization implies that the reward for the activity will strictly correspond to how the tasks facing the team are completed;

4) resourcefulness and creativity very common among the population, but under conditions modern life when technologies are so highly developed, they often remain hidden.

According to McGregor, the theory X- it is command and control through the direct exercise of power. In this case, a person acts as an object of power influence. On the contrary, the theory / is based on the principle of integration or the creation of such conditions in which members of a given organization the best way would achieve goals by directing their energy to achieve the success of the enterprise.

Theory Z. T. Ouchi

home distinguishing feature this theory – substantiation of the collectivist principles of motivation and management in general. The motivation of employees should be based on the values ​​of the "production clan", that is, the enterprise as one big family, of the same kind. These values ​​require employees to develop – with the help of appropriate organization and stimulation – relationships of trust, solidarity, dedication to the team and common goals, satisfaction with work and stay at the enterprise (in cooperation), labor productivity. chief behavior motivator workers is a corporation built on the clan principle. The features of this type of corporation are:

1. Lifetime employment that creates strong job security and ownership common destiny organizations;

2. slow promotion;

3. the universal nature of the qualification,

4. wide communications;

5. collective, consensus-based method of decision-making and group responsibility;

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