The funeral of Anna Samokhina (photo, video). The funeral of Anna Samokhina Doctors discovered a tumor at the last stage

Luda Vin - 10.02.2010 The most beautiful Russian actress died on Monday night. She was only 47 years old. A bright woman with an incomparable smile, this is how her relatives and fans will remember her.

The actress rested at the Smolensk cemetery, next to the grave of her mother-in-law, the mother of her first husband. Relatives refused the civil memorial service, the funeral service was held in the Church of the Smolensk Mother of God. But the temple could not accommodate everyone, so an audio broadcast was organized.

Hundreds of fans of the actress's talent gathered near the church. Many, not hiding their emotions, wept. An ambulance was constantly on duty next to the temple.

At first, a great ceremony was served in the temple. The coffin stood in the center of the church. The lid was open, but a cordon was placed nearby.

Annushka managed to give an order on how to bury her, - says Leonov-Gladyshev.

The ceremony was conducted by Father Victor.

I am burying my beloved actress, my beloved person with special grief, mourning and love, - said the priest. Why are these young people leaving? There are apples that ripen early, and there are those that ripen late. If an early apple is not bitten, it will go bad. Maybe this is not a good comparison, but it seems to me that Anna is ripe for God.

When the goodbye is over. The coffin with the body of the actress was taken to the grave. He was followed by relatives and friends, the fans were asked to stay at the temple. Nobody argued. People were waiting for their turn to say goodbye to Samokhina in the alleys of the Smolensk cemetery. There were many flowers, mostly white roses.

The grave was covered with spruce branches and carnations. Another short funeral ceremony was held here. At some point, the daughter of Anna Vladlenovna Alexandra could not hold back her tears. She burst into tears. Her father immediately approached her, hugged her, whispered something in her ear. A few minutes later, the girl came to her senses, threw a handful of earth into the grave.

Exactly at 16 o'clock Samokhin was buried to applause. They applauded her three times: when they carried the coffin out of the church, when they carried it through the ranks of worshipers, and when they buried it in the ground.

Friends, relatives do not believe in her death.
She was still alive yesterday.
Today is a terrible loss.
Fate - you are definitely wrong!

I do not believe that I left by God's will!
God couldn't do that to her!
She played her roles in the movies
And she wanted to live, create, love.

deserved the recognition of the people
She is like a genius of pure beauty.
The talent faded, and there was not enough strength,
And crossed out the death of her dreams.

Faces flicker in the crowd of fans
Winter Petersburg mourns and cries.
Let, Annushka, you sleep peacefully
In heaven in the February snowfall.

Kingdom of Heaven! May the earth rest in peace!

Many people remember and still love one of the most beautiful actresses of Russian cinema, Anna Samokhina. She always looked amazing, thanks to her photogenic, even before her death! Why did such a beautiful and talented woman leave this world so early, what caused death? This, as well as her life, will be discussed in the article.

Anna Samokhina was born in 1963, her biography began in the Kemerovo region (Guryevsk). The personal life of her parents did not work out, her father drank a lot and soon became an alcoholic.

The childhood of the future actress was not at all joyful: the family lived in a hostel. Anya and her sister slept on mattresses in the common kitchen, from an early age they heard swearing, drunken screams, obscene language.

Anna's father worked as a foundry worker, and her mother worked as a designer, both parents worked at a metallurgical plant. Soon the father died, and the mother raised two daughters alone.

She had a very hard time, so she often lashed out at the children, then cried. In the hope of improving living conditions, the mother wrote a letter to the Central Committee of the CPSU. There was their namesake - Podgorny, by a lucky chance they thought that they were relatives and gave them a room in a communal apartment. But this did not make life easier for a small family.

For some reason, my mother wanted Anya to learn to play the piano and marry a rich gentleman. Therefore, she began to go to a music school. The acting talent woke up early in the girl, at the age of 14 she already played in the folk theater.

The following year, Anya went to Yaroslavl to enter the theater school, she was accepted into the acting department.

The beginning of a creative career

Anna's mentor at the school was Sergei Tikhonov. In her second year, when she was only sixteen years old, the girl married her classmate Samokhin. The young wife took the surname of her husband, and remained with her until the end of her life.

After graduating from college, the couple was sent to work by distribution in Rostov-on-Don at the Theater of the Young Spectator. Anna's graduation performance was the play "The Threepenny Opera", in which she played Polly. In the Rostov Youth Theater, the aspiring actress played different roles: Baba Yaga, princesses and even monsters.

Then, in the creative biography of Anna Samokhina, there was a forced break due to maternity leave.

In 1983, the actress gave birth to a daughter, this period led her to depression. Because she could not go without a stage for a long time, the routine work at home drove Anna to despair.

But in 1987, the actress reappeared in the theater, began acting in films, and until her death she did not part with her favorite work.

In 1989, Anna moved to Leningrad, where she entered the Theater. Lenkom. The debut in this theater for Anna was the play "Castle in Sweden". In addition, she played in performances:

  • Stars in the morning sky;
  • Dangerous ties;
  • Ray's children.

In addition, the actress played on the stages of theaters: "Wheel", "Baltic House", the theater on Kolomenskaya and the Comedy Theater named after Akimov. In the early 2000s, the actress appeared on the stage of the Moscow independent theater "Arbat". Among her roles were:

  • Margarita ("Master and Margarita");
  • Bianca ("Florence Comedy")
  • Marquise de Gaillard ("Maupassant in Love");
  • Beatrice ("Servant of two masters");
  • Katya ("Monsieur Amadeus");
  • Eva ("Love to the grave");
  • Gabby ("Eight women and ...").

After popularity came to her, the actress began to be actively invited to radio and television in various programs. She participated in such popular TV shows as:

  • "Kinopanorama";
  • "Bluff Club";
  • Club "White Parrot";
  • "Let them talk";
  • “Life is like Life. Real stories of real people”;
  • "Fashionable sentence";
  • "Straight Talk".

She also took part on the Mayak radio in the Alla Dovlatova Show.

In addition, Anna worked as an entertainer at the International Festival "Faces of Love" in 1996, at the concert "Spring of Romance" in 1999, at the "Laurel Leaf" award ceremony in 2008.

Film work

It is more difficult to imagine now an actress more attractive and popular than Anna Samokhina. Her cinematic biography began in 1983 with an episode, followed by several more minor roles. And in 1988, she got a role in the film adaptation of the work of Alexandre Dumas "The Prisoner of the Castle of If." The role of Mercedes, which was played by a young actress, became the reason for her wild popularity. Spectators and professionals drew attention to the young beauty.

After that, she was simply bombarded with offers to act in various films. Until her death, the actress was popular.

Shot from the film "The Prisoner of If Castle"

Undoubted acting talent, magical charm that can drive any man crazy, sexuality (as it is now fashionable to say), fiery temperament, mysterious charm - all this distinguished the young star of the Soviet screen. Among other things, Anna was distinguished by high intelligence and an angelic voice. She also danced beautifully, because she had plasticity and flexibility. The actress was able to fully reveal all these abilities on the screen.

In the same year, Anna starred in the adventure film Thieves in Law. Her character Rita is completely different from the performer herself. The actress admitted that she hates her character because she does not look like her. Anna is a modest and religious person, does not like noisy companies, prefers to spend time reading smart books. And Rita is a stupid, narcissistic girl, striving for absolutely nothing but wealth. However, the audience fell in love with her, probably due to the talented acting of the actress. When Rita is killed at the end, many of the audience wept.

Actress on the set of the film "Don Cesar de Bazan"

The next role of the young actress was a gypsy in the musical film Don Cesar de Bazan. Anna's fiery temperament was fully revealed in this role, in the film she herself dances wonderfully. But although Irina Tskhai sings on the screen with her, the actress had a good voice.

A rather bold film appeared in 1991 "Brunette for 30 kopecks", where Samokhina played the role of a woman of easy virtue. Here she had to forget shame and appear before the audience in frank forms (fortunately she had an ideal figure), but the actress coped with the role perfectly.

In 1992, a film adaptation of Molière's classic Tartuffe was released, where Anna again played with Mikhail Boyarsky.

Frame from the film "Royal Hunt"

Then the actress played in the films: "Passion for Angelica", "Wolves", "Hurt Me". Her role in the drama "Russian Transit", released in 1994, is interesting. Then Anna participated in the popular TV series: "Streets of Broken Lights" and "Gangster Petersburg".

The last role of the actress was the role in the comedy "Gena Bothon", which was released after her death, in 2014. In recent years, Anna seemed to be in a hurry to do everything, starred in several films and TV shows: "Family House", "Color of Flame", "Jazz Style".


In addition to acting, Anna was engaged in a singing career. Her first solo album was released in 1994 and was called "Wind of Love". She recorded this and the following albums together with the Trumpet Call group. Anna recorded several songs from the first album together with Dmitry Nagiyev. The actress recorded the last album with Semyon Canada.

In addition, Anna starred in video clips. In several clips, she sings with Dmitry Nagiyev. Samokhina shot one of them together with the actor Dmitriev, and two - for the songs of Seeds of Canada. The clip "Alexandrin" was filmed for the song by Philip Kirkorov.

In 1994, Samokhina was awarded the prize to them. Vera Kholodnaya, as the most charming actress.

Personal life

The first love came to Anna early, she was still in the eighth grade. Her romance with classmate German Volgin, a future famous hockey player, was discussed by everyone at school.

Anya's mother was often warned to pay attention to her daughter's love, but Anna later recalled that they did not even kiss Herman. The parents of the "groom" were seriously alert and sent their son to study in Moscow. Anna decided to show the guy what he had lost, and entered the theater school.

The country should be grateful to this young man, because otherwise we would not have received such a talented actress.

Being married, Anna had several novels with famous actors: Arnis Litsitis, Konstantin Kuleshov. Her husband knew about all these adventures, he was quite calm about it. He himself was often on tour and made mistresses, but Anna needed a richer person, and therefore the couple divorced in 1994.

In the same year, Anna married businessman Dmitry Konorov. He owned a cafe, together with Anna they created their own film studio. Also, the second husband helped her buy several restaurants, Anna owned them and worked as an artistic director at a film studio. But after seven years, the couple broke up, and the restaurants were sold.

With third husband Evgeny Fedorov

Then, for two years, the actress lived in a civil marriage with the deputy head of customs, Yevgeny Fedorov, then with a dentist. Anna always joked about getting fat and very ugly men. In fact, she preferred intelligence to male beauty, she believed that beautiful men were stupid. At the end of her life, Anna fell in love with loneliness, refused marriages and relationships with men, tired of them.

Illness and death

Many fans are interested in the biography of Anna Samokhina and the cause of her sudden death. In the fall of 2009, Anna felt severe pain in her stomach and went to the clinic, where she was diagnosed with fourth-degree stomach cancer.

It is said that the cancer was formed due to Anna's penchant for questionable diets, as well as after beauty injections. The daughter denies these versions, and blames the work of the actress for everything. Shortly before her illness, Anna invested in the construction of a mansion, but she was cruelly deceived. So she lost a large sum of money.

Samokhina's doctor says she had a blooming appearance, even at an advanced stage of the disease. She always had a great make-up, she wore a scarf on her head so that the complications of chemotherapy were not visible. Anna did not want to be pitied, she joked until the last moment.

Anna Samokhina died at the age of 47, near St. Petersburg, where she was buried at the Smolensk cemetery.

(A PHOTO) Russian actress Anna Samokhina, who died on February 8 from stomach cancer, forbade her friends to come to her funeral during her lifetime.

The artist did not want anyone to see her in the state to which her illness had brought her.

The last days of 47-year-old Anna Samokhina spent in one of the St. Petersburg hospices.

Friends who were going to visit her in the hospice, she also forbade them to come to her.

The last wish of the actress was a request not to arrange any farewell ceremonies after her death, reports

The referent of the Union of Cinematographers, Irina Pann, told reporters that the family categorically refused the civil memorial service.

On February 10, the funeral of the actress will take place in the Church of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God in St. Petersburg. Anna Samokhina will be buried on the same day at the Smolensk cemetery.

A few days before her death, the actress was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

The last film with the participation of Anna Samokhina "A pseudonym for the hero" will be released in five months.

Anna Samokhina, the first beauty of Soviet cinema, was an ugly duckling as a child.

She was born in 1963 in the city of Guryevsk, Kemerovo Region. A poorly dressed provincial girl from a poor factory family - she was like that at the age of 14.

Anna's childhood did not promise her bright prospects: the entire Podgorny family (Samokhina's maiden name) had a room in the factory dormitory.

The father drank, there was nothing to pamper the children with new clothes (Anya grew up with her sister). Housing conditions were gradually improved: from the hostel, the family first moved to a communal apartment, then the Podgornys saved up for a cooperative.

Anya's mother dreamed for herself and for the girls: the daughters should certainly study music and find a military husband, so that they could have a separate apartment, and in such a favorable situation it was already possible to work, for example, as a music teacher in a kindergarten.

Anna did not resist her mother's plans, she studied for one five. Growing up, she decided to go to the artist. At the age of 14, after the eighth grade, the girl entered the Yaroslavl Theater School.

Anna at that time considered herself an ugly woman, she could not boast of outfits, and it was difficult to outdo her classmates: all beautiful girls, confident in their charms, had an advantage of 2-3 years.

But the first guy on the course, Alexander Samokhin, saw the "ugly girl". At the age of 16, Anya and Sasha already started a family.

The happy family life of the Samokhins will last 15 years. After graduating from college, the guys were distributed to the Rostov theater, daughter Sasha was born. Anna was not spoiled with roles, her husband's profession instead of a separate apartment assumed only a room in a hostel.

At the age of 20, Anna seemed to have returned to the past: the same shared kitchen, no prospects in the foreseeable future.

She had every chance to live in obscurity, but at the age of 24, luck finally turned to face the girl, they write Days.Ru.

In the corridor of the hostel, she met the assistant director Georgy Yungvald-Khinkevich, the author of The Three Musketeers.

Since 1988 - after the release of the film "The Prisoner of If Castle", where Samokhina played the beautiful Mercedes - the directors raced to invite the actress to their projects.

Anna Samokhina in the film "The Prisoner of If Castle"

"Thieves in law", "Don Cesar de Bazan", "Royal Hunt" - Anna did not leave the posters, the beauty of Samokhina was not equal in her generation.

But Soviet cinema was living out its last days, and Russian cinema had not yet had time to be born - the star of the actress was gradually fading away. She starred here and there, but without previous success.

Anna's last film roles will be remembered for "Chinese service" (1999), the series "Black Raven" and "Gangster Petersburg".

In 2009, she managed to star in two films - "Love is not what it seems" and "House with No Exit".

The disease came into her life suddenly. Anna Samokhina has always had great willpower. She did not give up and did not fall into despair when there was no work either in the theater or in the cinema.

And now her relatives believed: the terrible diagnosis would not break her and she would recover. Directors and colleagues were waiting for her return. But Anna Samokhina "burned out" in a few months.

Anna Samokhina in the film "Thieves in Law"

Biography actor career Anna Samokhina. When born and died Samokhin, memorable places and dates. Cause of death. actress quotes, Photo and video.

Years of life:

born January 14, 1963, died February 8, 2010


“The dawn was cold behind the February cloud.
You left like the best ones leave.
In a white dream, in the silence ringing.
Having played life for real!
From the song "We can't save anyone with love ..." to the verses of Marina Snegireva, dedicated to Anna Samokhina

Biography of Anna Samokhina

She decided to become an actress because of an unhappy teenage love. She was separated from her young man by his parents, considering Anna frivolous. The girl suffered so much decided to spite everyone to become an artist, so that the young man would regret what kind of lover he had lost. She never saw her beloved again, but she really became an actress. The most beautiful, most delightful actress of Russian cinema. The biography of Anna Samokhina was a bright story, full of ups, victories, love, glory. But, alas, a short story.
Anna entered the theater school after reading only a couple of lines to the examiners. And immediately, in the first year, I fell in love with the most beautiful student on the course, Alexander Samokhin. She was only 16 years old when she married him, and at 20 she became the mother of Alexandra Samokhina's daughter. After college, she and her husband left to work at the Rostov Youth Theater, and four years later she got the role of Mercedes in the film “The Prisoner of If Castle”, which became a ticket to Samokhina's acting biography. Immediately followed by invitations to other paintings - "Thieves in Law", "Don Cesar de Bazan", "Royal Hunt".

In 1989, Anna left Rostov and settled in St. Petersburg. But then came the 90s, not the best time to work in the cinema. Samokhina, a beautiful and talented actress, had to agree to everything that was offered to her, however, even in the weakest pictures, playing effectively and unforgettably. In the late 90s, the actress Samokhina starred in the successful comedy "Chinese Service" with Yankovsky and Bezrukov, and then often appeared in TV shows.

Personal life

Samokhina's personal life was not easy. After 15 years of marriage, she broke up with her first husband, soon married a second time, to businessman Dmitry Konorov, with the help of which Anna created the Range film studio and opened several restaurants. But after 7 years, this marriage also broke up. In the next marriage, Samokhina lived for two years, and after the break she said that no longer wants to get married. In the last years of her life, Samokhina was fascinated by new projects, worked in entreprises, played in performances.

Cause of death and funeral of Anna Samokhina

The death of Anna Samokhina was a big blow to her family and loved ones. The cause of Samokhina's death was an oncological disease, stomach cancer, diagnosed at a late, inoperable stage. The course of chemotherapy only worsened her condition. Anna spent her last days in a hospice, where Samokhina died on February 8, 2010. A fatal role in the fatal outcome was played by faith in psychics and charlatan healers, following dubious advice, and later professional cancer treatment.

Two days later there were Samokhina's funeral, grave of Samokhina is located at the Smolensk cemetery in St. Petersburg, where the first mother-in-law of the actress, whom she loved very much, is also buried. At the moment when they began to lower the coffin of Samokhina, applause sounded - so close and admirers of this beautiful woman paid tribute to the memory of Samokhina, the most beautiful woman in Russian cinema, who untimely passed away.

Anna Samokhina was one of the most beautiful actresses in Russian cinema

life line

January 14, 1963 Date of birth of Anna Vladlenovna Samokhina.
1978 Admission to the Yaroslavl Theater School.
1979 Marriage with Alexander Samokhin.
1982 Graduation from college, distribution in the Youth Theater of Rostov-on-Don.
1983 Film debut in an episodic role in the film "Plead Guilty", the birth of the daughter of Samokhina, Alexandra.
1987 The main role in the film "The Prisoner of the Castle of If."
1989 Joining the troupe of the Lenin Komsomol Theater in St. Petersburg.
1994 Divorce from Alexander Samokhin, marriage to Dmitry Konorov.
2001 Divorce with Dmitry Konorov.
2004 The main role in the play "Josephine and Napoleon" of the "Wheel" theater in Togliatti, the actual marriage with Yevgeny Fedorov.
2006 Divorce with Evgeny Fedorov.
November 25, 2009 Hospitalization of Samokhina.
November 26, 2009 Diagnosis of gastric cancer in the last stage.
February 8, 2010 Date of Samokhina's death.
February 10, 2010 Funeral of Anna Samokhina.

Samokhina's daughter, Alexandra, is very similar to her famous mother

Memorable places

1. Cherepovets People's Theatre, where Anna Samokhina was admitted at the age of 14.
2. Yaroslavl State Theater Institute (former Yaroslavl Theater School), where Samokhina studied in the workshop of Sergei Tikhonov.
3. Rostov Regional Academic Youth Theater (former Youth Theater), where Samokhina was assigned after graduating from the theater school.
4. Theater "Wheel" in Togliatti, where Samokhina played in the play "Josephine and Napoleon."
5. Theater "Russian entreprise them. Andrei Mironov ”, where Samokhina played in recent years.
6. St. Petersburg Maly Comedy Theater. A. Samokhina (former enterprise theater), where Samokhina played in recent years.
7. Hospice No. 3 in Pargolovo, where Anna Samokhina died.
8. Smolensk Church, where Samokhina's funeral was held.
9. Smolensk cemetery in St. Petersburg, where Samokhina is buried.

Episodes of life

Relatives called Samokhina a "sorceress", it was believed that she could "see" diseases and even make diagnoses, as if looking through people through and through. And sometimes she even predicted the future. Once she was asked if she could predict her own future, to which the actress replied: “No, it’s more difficult with yourself ...”.

Anna spent the last months of her life in a hospice. The hospice staff said that Samokhina's makeup was always flawless, even on the most difficult days for the actress. To hide the effects of chemotherapy, Anna wore a headscarf and always tried to look beautiful.

On February 7, 2010, a charity concert was to take place, the profit from which would go to Samokhina's treatment. Mikhail Boyarsky, Evgeny Dyatlov, Georgy Shtil and other Russian actors were planning to perform in the concert. But the actress asked not to arrange any concerts, a day later she was gone.

Actress Anna Samokhina dies at 47


“Adventurism is either for schizophrenics or for very strong natures, and I am somewhere in the suspicious middle ...”

"I always need to move forward, I do not accept stagnation in any business."

Documentary film Anna Samokhina. The loneliness of a queen."


“Mom, until the last days, hoped that she would get better and again be able to please with roles. She wanted to be remembered young and beautiful. Even this tragic situation was treated with a smile, did not take everything that was happening seriously. So she burned down literally before our eyes, in a matter of days.
Alexandra Samokhina, daughter of an actress

“It is impossible to come to terms with the fact that a serious, incurable illness cut short the life of a talented actress, a young and charming woman, that many plans remained unfulfilled, hopes did not come true, dreams did not come true. The memory of Anna Samokhina will forever remain in the hearts of all admirers of her bright talent.
Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation

“Anna has always amazed me with her love of life, light, energy, goodwill. It hurts when such people leave - talented, beautiful, spiritually rich, generous in soul. This is a real tragedy for relatives, friends, colleagues, fans. The bright memory of Anna Samokhina will remain in the hearts of all of us - people who sincerely love her.
From the official statement of the Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg

“We have lost a talented, kind, sympathetic person, a wonderful actress. Anya was a good friend and just a very beautiful woman. This is a huge, terrible loss for all of us."
Vitaly Melnikov, director

Anna Samokhina (maiden name - Podgornaya) was born on January 14, 1963 in Guryevsk, Kemerovo region. When she was still small, her family moved to Cherepovets.
At the age of 15, she becomes a student at the Yaroslavl Theater School, where she marries her classmate Alexander Samokhin. After graduating from college, the young family was assigned to work in the Youth Theater of Rostov-on-Don. Here, on November 1, 1983, Anna had a daughter, Alexandra, who followed in the footsteps of her parents and became an actress. After graduating from the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts in 2004, she acted in films and played in entreprises with her mother.
In 1987, she starred in the main female role in Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich's film Prisoner of the IF Castle based on A. Dumas' novel The Count of Monte Cristo. The film debut was successful and a year later she received an invitation to star in the film "Thieves in Law" by Yuri Kara (based on the stories of Fazil Iskander). A whole galaxy of great actors played in this film, and it was warmly received by the audience.
On the wave of success, Anna began to receive offers for new roles. Among her most striking works on the screen, one can note the role in Jan Frid's film Don Cesar de Bazan, where she starred with Yuri Bogatyrev and Mikhail Boyarsky, as well as the role of Princess Tarakanova in the historical drama The Royal Hunt by Vitaly Melnikov.
In the early 1990s, she starred in several dozen films of various genres, from comedies and action films to historical films.
Since 1989, the actress was in the troupe of the theater. Lenin Komsomol of St. Petersburg. She also participated in private performances of the Andrei Mironov Russian Entreprise Theater and the St. Petersburg Enterprise Comedy Theater.
In 1996, Anna Samokhina, being the artistic director of the Range studio, presented the television film Thunderstorm over Russia (based on Prince Serebryany) at the Monaco festival.
Samokhina lived in St. Petersburg, where she ran a business - together with her second husband, Dmitry, she opened the Graf Suvorov and Lieutenant Rzhevsky restaurants. The third husband of the actress was her old friend Eugene, a retired customs officer, but this marriage also broke up.
Anna Samokhina died at 2 am on February 8, 2010 in hospice No. 3 in the village of Pargolovo, Vyborgsky district of St. Petersburg. She was buried on February 10, 2010 at the Smolensk Orthodox Cemetery in St. Petersburg.

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