Summary of acquaintance with the letter and sound x. Summary of the lesson on teaching literacy "sound and letter x". Consonants are sounds that are formed with the participation of voice and noise or only noise.

Lesson summary

reading and speech development

in 1st grade

Theme "Sound and letter X, x"

Prepared by Klimova S.O.


Subject: Sound and letter X, x

Equipment: a series of illustrations on the topic "Where does bread come from", bread products, individual cards - recipes, textbooks, cards - signals

During the classes

    Organizational and preparatory stage

Teacher: The long-awaited call is given,

The lesson starts.

Sit up straight, don't bend

We'll get to work.

- Speech warm-up

Ha - ha - ha - caught a rooster

Ho-ho-ho-goes Pakhom

Hee - hee - hee - ate fish soup.

Wow, wow, wow - fluff flies.

    main stage

- Introduction to the topic of the lesson

There are such words:

"He is the head of everything"

Crisp dressed

Soft black, white ... (Bread.)

Teacher: Let's say the word bread in chorus.

Children: Bread

Kuzmin Mikhail:

Here it is - fragrant bread.

Here it is - warm, golden.

In it is our health, strength,

It has wonderful warmth.

How many hands raised him

Protected, protected! (show bread)

Teacher: A folk proverb says: “Bread is the head of everything!” Do you know why? (according to the possible answers of children). Not a single meal is complete without it, because bread is satisfying and healthy. We all eat white and black bread every day, many people like dryers, cookies, and various cakes. To find out how bread gets on our table, we will go on an exciting journey.

- Analysis of illustrations "Where does the bread come from"

Teacher: In the spring, as soon as the earth thaws and dries out, a tractor enters the field (picture 1),

who plows deep into the earth. Let's say the word tractor in unison.

Children: tractor.

Teacher: I attach seeders to the tractor, and they put grain in the soil in even, neat rows. (picture 4) Let's say the word seeders in chorus

Children: seeders.

Time passes, seeds germinate, shoots appear. And now the whole field is in golden ears. (picture 6). The grains are ripe, the spikelets have turned yellow. It's time to mow them down. Harvesting begins. And other machines enter the field - combines (picture 7). Let's say the word harvester in unison.

Children: combine.

Teacher: To get bread and other bread products, grain is taken to flour mills or mills, where it is ground into flour. (Picture 9)

Then the flour (picture 13) is taken to the bakery. And then baked products are baked from flour (picture 10.12). Then these products are taken to stores where we buy them (picture 11). This is the difficult path our food product must go through to get to our table.

Teacher: What food were we talking about?

Children: about bread.

- Work on the topic of the lesson

    Highlighting the sound "x" in the word - bread.

Teacher: What is the first sound you hear in the word "Bread"?

Teacher: Do you think the X sound is a vowel or a consonant?

Children: Sound X consonant.

Teacher: The sound X is denoted by the letter Ha.

    Designation of sound with a letter. What does it look like?

X is a funny toy,

Wooden turntable -

Wind free girlfriend.

Teacher: What does the letter X remind you of?

Children: windmill

Teacher: What elements does the printed letter X consist of?

Children: Two straight lines that intersect

    Words that start with the letter "X"

Teacher: Think of words that start with the letter X.

Children: hamster, bathrobe, hockey player, etc.

- Physical education minute

Worked guys!

And now it's all about charging!

Turn left, turn right

Bend over, get up.

Hands up and hands to the side

And on the spot jump and jump!

And now we're running,

Well done you guys!

Slow down, children, step

And stay where you are! Like this!

And now we sit together

We still need to work!

- Finger gymnastics "Bread"

Rain, rain, water (Forefinger tap on the palm of the other)

There will be a loaf of bread, (form a circle in front of you with your hands)

There will be rolls, there will be drying, (pat alternately with one palm of the other)

There will be delicious cheesecakes. (connect the thumb and forefinger together, forming a large circle)

- Work in prescriptions

1. Coloring the letter X

Teacher: Open the recipe. What color do we need to paint the letter X?

Children: Blue

2. Letter letters X, x (Sonya Zakharova and Misha Kuzmin circle the letter)

Teacher: pick up pens and write the letter X. We start writing from the upper left corner, draw a straight line to the lower right corner. We start writing the second element from the upper right corner, draw a straight line to the lower left corner.

3. Definition of sound X in words

Teacher: look at the picture, what is shown?

Children: fly agaric, refrigerator

Teacher: Where is the X sound in the word fly agaric?

Children: the X sound is in the middle

Teacher: Color the square in blue.

Teacher: where is the X sound in the word refrigerator?

Children: Sound X is at the beginning of a word

Teacher: Color the square in blue.

Teacher: cards - copybooks put aside, all attention to me.

- Visual gymnastics

Oh how long we wrote

The children's eyes are tired. (blink eyes)

Look out the window. (look left)

Ah, how high the sky is. (look up)

We'll close our eyes now, (close your eyes with your palms)

In the class, we will build a rainbow, (outline an arc with our eyes) left and right

Let's go up the rainbow

Turn right, turn left, (move right, left)

And then we roll down, (look down)

Squint hard, but hold on. (squint, open and blink)

- Work with the textbook

Reading syllables with the letter X

Teacher: Let's open the bookmark books. Let's read the syllables with the letter X.

(individual work Misha Kuzmin reads the text "Bread" from the cards)

    The final stage

- Summary of the lesson

Teacher: What sound did we meet today at the lesson?

Children: sound X

Teacher: Is the X sound a vowel or a consonant?

Children: Consent

Teacher: What did you like about the lesson? In what mood do you leave the lesson? Show signal card.

“Sounds [x], [x′]. Letter X.

Target: to form the correct pronunciation of the sounds [x], [x′] in syllables, words, phrases, to distinguish them by ear and in pronunciation from other sounds.


    Develop phonemic awareness; to teach children to pronounce the sounds [х], [х′] correctly in speech, distinguishing them from other sounds of the Russian language.

    Highlight the sounds [x], [x ′] at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word.

    Get to know the letterX , make words from letters.

    Develop attention, memory, thinking, motor skills.

Organizing time


- Imagine how an old grandmother climbs the stairs, it’s hard for her, she moans: “Oh, oh, oh!” You helped her and told your mother about it. Mom was delighted: “Ah, ah, ah!” At the holiday you danced: "Eh, eh, eh!" And they were completely tired: “Wow, wow, wow!”

Lesson topic message.

Exhibited toy Piggy - braggart.

- Today our guest is Piggy. This Piggy is such a braggart! He claims to know everything about everyone.

Piggy, do you know what sound your name begins with? (from the sound [k]). Do you agree with him?

- What was the first sound you heard in the words "Piggy, braggart"? (Sound [x]).

Today we will listen and pronounce the sound [x] and [x′]. The sound [x′] is the brother of the sound [x]. They are very similar and at the same time different. Today we will learn to distinguish between them.

Sound characteristic.

Characteristic: [x] - consonant (the tongue creates a barrier to air), deaf, it can be hard and soft and is indicated in blue and green (the letter “X” and its sound designations are placed on the board).

The development of phonemic perception.

- Let's teach Piggy to distinguish the sound [x] from other sounds, let's play the game "Catch the sound".

X, P, M, X, K, R, T, X, L, T, K, X

Ha, ho, pu, ky, hy, ta, pa, ha, ah, om, oh, ap, et, eh

Bread, milk, loaf, moss, ear, duck, fish, tails, clouds, dishes, trunk.

The game "Add sound", which is lost from words.

Petu ..., pasta ..., burrow ..., city .., rest ..., zapa ..., shoro ..., mo .., laugh ..., fear ....

The game "Replace the first sound" in the word with the sound [x].

Salad - bathrobe, hunger - cold, rubbish - choir, year - move, dump - praise, buzz - lose weight, Gleb - bread.

Pronunciation of "X" in words.

- Piggy wants to tell you riddles. He says that there is an “X” sound in the answers. Let's check?

Soft, fragrant, tasty fresh, with a crispy crust, (BREAD).

- Where does the sound [x] sound in the word?

With a red comb, the grain pecks, sings loudly. (ROOSTER).

A motley quack, catching frogs, waddling, stumbling. (DUCK)

Small, black, flying around the room, buzzing loudly. (FLY).

- What picture is missing here? (duck)

- Let's name these pictures, which one is superfluous? Why?

Sunflower, tassel, bathrobe, fly agaric.

Artist, crackers, plate, refrigerator.

- And now we will correct the words that Piggy did not learn to pronounce correctly.

Muta sits on the glass. (No, fly). The picture is drawn by an artist. (Artist). Here is the saffar. (sugar). The elephant has a phobot. (trunk).

- Our Piggy has a friend hamster Homka. Let's do exercises with him.


Homka - hamster, hamster, striped barrel.
Homka gets up early, washes his cheeks, rubs his neck.
Homka sweeps the hut and goes out to exercise.
One, two, three, four, five!
Homka wants to become strong.

Introduction to the letter "X".

- What does the letter "X" look like?

The letter "X" from the fingers: cross the index fingers of the left and right hands.

Printing it with chopsticks on the table, on the neighbor's back.

Game in the subgroup "The word crumbled."

Let's make words from letters.

(Sound accompaniment - howling wind). - The words fell apart. Let's make words from letters. Look, there is an icon on the back of the letter. Gather in subgroups by icons and make up your words.

1 subgroup: fluff. 2 subgroups: moss. 3 subgroup: ear. 4 subgroup: Homa.

Game "Live Letters" (on the board magnetic letters)

Let's make a word: ear, hut, echo, grip, flies.

Exercise "Gifts for Piggy".

(Based on pictures).

- Guys, let's give Piggy gifts with his favorite sound in the names. For example: - I will give Piggy a refrigerator so that he can store food in it. (Children make sentences)

Summary of the lesson.

Lesson Objectives:

  • acquaintance of students with a new letter: printed, lowercase, capital;
  • teaching children to read and write words with the letter "X", the ability to listen intently and speak meaningfully;
  • development of phonemic hearing, thinking, language sense, attention, speech;
  • fostering a careful attitude to bread, to working people.

Equipment: models of wagons with cards of studied letters and the letter "X", proverbs, riddles.

During the classes

1. Repetition of the studied material

W.: Today we are going on a journey. Guess who will be the passengers of our train. For this …

*Complete the sentences

"We write and see ..." ( Letters)
"We hear and pronounce ..." ( Sounds)

W.: Passengers are letters of vowels and consonants.

*Semantic grouping

W.: In our train, the carriages are of different colors.

- The letters of what sounds will we put in a red car on two shelves? ( Vowel letters)

On the desk:

W.: The most "vociferous passengers" live in the next car. name them

W.: The letter of what sound will we take out separately? ( Y)

-Justify your answer. (The letter of a voiced unpaired soft sound, the rest are paired in hardness, softness).

W.: Distribute the remaining letters.

D.: These are letters of paired voiced and unvoiced sounds.

D.: The lower shelf of the car is the letters of deaf sounds [w], [u`], [h`], and the upper one is the letter of a voiced unpaired solid.

W.: The last car we have without a passenger. There goes a printed letter, which we will get acquainted with today.

2. Acquaintance with a new letter

*Letter modeling

W.: Assemble a letter from elements

The student is at the blackboard, the rest are on the desk.

W.: Look at the alphabet and what is the name of the letter? ("HA")

3. Writing a lowercase letter in a notebook for printing

4. Introduction to the written lowercase letter

W.: Look at the poster. What elements make up the written letter "HA"?

D.: Of two semi-ovals.

*Show the writing of the letter on the board.

*Letter in the air.

* Writing the letter "X" by students in a notebook.

W.: Select the most beautiful letter. Try to write beautifully, neatly and correctly and all other icons.

5. Acquaintance with the sounds [x] and [x`]

W.: Think about how many and what sounds the letter X can stand for? To do this, select words with this letter. ( Crunch, gunpowder, cunning, frail, etc.)

* Sound characteristic

D.:[x] - consonant, deaf, hard, [x`] - consonant, deaf, soft.

*Writing words in a notebook

* Physical education minute

W.: I will name the words. If you hear the sound [X] - squat, if you pronounce the sound [X`] - get up and stretch on your toes.

Words: artist, frail, choir, want, cunning, hop, hake, good.

6. Learning to read syllables

(A card with a printed letter "X" is applied to the upper vowels A, O, U, Y, E. It is appropriate to use "train car".)

D.: Firmly, next to vowels, commanders of solid teams.

(The card with the letter "X" is applied to the vowels of the bottom row.)

W.: How do we read the first consonant in these syllables? ( HY, HY, HY, HY, HY)

D.: We speak softly.

W.: We honor syllables.

7. Vocabulary work

W.: What groups can words be divided into?

D.: To words that name objects: crunch, gunpowder and words - signs of objects: frail, cunning.

* Work on the riddle

It's been placed on the table. ( Bread)

What sound do we hear at the end?

D.: We hear the sound [p].

W.: You are right, there is deafening of the sound.

What letter shall we designate the sound with? To do this, pick up words with the same root for the word "bread".

*Hidden hint

W.: Let's affectionately call ... ( loaves)

- An object where bread is stored ... ( bread box)

- Enterprise for the manufacture of bread ... ( bakery, etc.)

Let's write this word in a notebook. We emphasize the place - a weak position for the consonant.

8. Correlation of the sound scheme with the word

On the desk:

W.: Think about which of the schemes fits the word "bread"?

D.: The word "bread" refers to 2 schemes, since [X] is a consonant, hard; [L`] - consonant, soft, as the letter "E" softens. The next sound [E] is a vowel. The last sound [P] is a consonant, hard.

9. Drawing up a proposal for the scheme

W.: Well done, and now select a proposal for the scheme:

D.: Fresh bread is on the table.

Mom put the bread in the breadbasket.

*Letter with comment

W.: Let's write 1 sentence in a notebook.

10. Compiling a story based on key words

W.: In the story that you will compose, there are the following words:


Make up your own stories, working in pairs.

* Selection of proverbs for the text

(listening to children's stories)

W.: Which proverb fits your story?

D.:"Bread is the head of everything."

11. Summing up

* Game "Do you believe"

W.: Do you believe that the letter "X" is the letter of a vowel sound?

D.: This is the letter of consonants.

W.: Prove it.

W.: Do you believe that the letter is a sign of deaf sounds?

D.: This is the letter of deaf sounds [x] and [x`].

W.: Why?

D.: When we pronounce, the neck does not tremble.


W.: What did you find interesting about the lesson? When was it difficult?

*Assessment of students' activities.

The lesson is built in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and the age characteristics of students. It awakens the feelings and reflections of younger students about the value attitude to bread through a variety of methodological forms, the inclusion of children in the game, exercises, reading.

The educational canvas is aimed at actualizing creative thinking, justified by reasoning about the moral problem of caring for bread, respectful attitude towards working people, and the traditions of the Russian people. The lesson brings up a civil position on the basis of the spiritual and cultural values ​​of Russia.



Literacy lesson on the topic "Sounds [x], [x"], letters X x.

The purpose of the teacher's activity:
create conditions for successful literacy education; based on the phonetic analysis of words, select the sounds [x], , and introduce the letters X, x; help develop reading skills.

1. Subject results:create situations that lead students to learn new letters; analyze the articulatory features of the sounds [x], , correlate the sound with the letters; be aware of the differences between paired-unpaired, hard - soft consonants, paired-unpaired deaf sounds. Be able to characterize the letter X as an unpaired deaf consonant, paired in hardness-softness.
2. Meta-subject results:
to continue the formation of positive motives for educational activities; to continue the formation of interest in new educational material, to teach to understand and save the educational task, to analyze objects with the selection of essential features; search for the necessary information in the ABC; continue to teach how to build a monologue statement; take into account different opinions, strive to coordinate positions in cooperation, use the rules of courtesy in communication.

3. Health saving:

Taking into account the age characteristics of students, creating a favorable psychological climate in the classroom and conditions for their self-expression, ensure the strengthening and development of both mental and physical health of children

Lesson equipment:in children "ABC" edited by Nechaeva N.V.; pens, colored pencils; from the teacher "ABC" edited by Nechaeva N.V.; projector, screen, computer.

1. Organizational moment.

slide 1.

Guys, why do you go to school? (children's answers)

Today in the lesson we will learn to think, analyze, we will learn to read and (pause) we will get acquainted with new sounds and letters. All the knowledge that we will get today, of course, will be useful to us in our further studies.

2. Repetition of what has been learned.
Slide 2.

What groups are the sounds of our language divided into?
What is the difference between vowels and consonants?
- What prevents consonants from “singing”?
What groups can consonants be divided into?
What is the difference between voiced and deaf?
What makes consonants soft?
- What are the letters that always denote soft consonants?
What are the letters that always stand for hard consonants?
- Name the "cunning" vowels. Why are they "smart"?


Slide 3.

Let's remember the alphabet and sing the song "ABC".

3. Preparation for explaining new material

slide 4.

1) Breathing exercises

They straightened their back, put their hand on the abdominal press, inhaled through the nose and said in one breath:


And now briefly and abruptly:

yyyy kkkk uuuu

4. Working with new material

On the desks of the children are square pieces of paper.

Slide 5.

- Follow the directions.

I'll give you a riddle.
Do it in order:
Once - we raise the leaves,
Two - we bend the leaves,
Three - turned again,
the fourth was unrolled.
The letter is hidden inside.
Who is smart? Name it!

What letter are we going to study?

What is the topic of the lesson?

slide 6.

Let's print this letter on the board.
Let's say the sound indicated by the letter x. What can you say about this sound? Prove it.

Slide 7.

Name the words.

How is this sound pronounced in these words? (firmly)

Think of words in which the same sound would be pronounced softly.

slide 8.

Open the "ABC" on p.91 and carefully examine the drawings. Name the words in which you can hear the sound [x], [x "]

The game "Third is superfluous."

Read the syllables.

Which syllable is extra?

Why? (hee, the sound is soft)

Reading columns of words.

Read the first column of words.

What common?

Work in pairs.

Work in pairs. What word is missing? Show the signal.

Read the second column of words. What common?

What part of the word contains the letter x?

Work in pairs. Divide the words into groups. Show the signal.

On what basis were the words divided into groups?

You've worked hard, so you deserve a break!

  1. Physical education with phonemic warm-up.

slide 9.

You must be tired

And now everyone stood up together.

Follow objects with your eyes.

Continued work.

slide 10.

Sly thin Ferret
Opened a stall in the city.
Even roar, Ferret, even cry -
Suddenly, a ball burst into the stall!
“Oh-ho-ho, oh-ha-ha!” -
Distributed at the stall.

- What can be sold in the stall of the cunning thin Weasel? The illustration on p.91 will help you(Children's answers.)

Slide 11.

- What can be bread?(Fresh, fragrant, crunchy, warm, etc.).

slide 12.

Primary reading of the text about bread by the teacher and analysis.

What is the text about?

What is the affectionate name for bread?

slide 13.

Not one important event with the invitation of guests is complete without a fragrant loaf.

Many guests from different countries of the world came to our country, to the city of Sochi.

What important event is associated with their arrival?

How will the guests of honor of the Olympic Games be welcomed?

slide 14.

This is a tradition of the Russian people, because bread is an eternal symbol of life, health, work, prosperity and wealth.

Imagine how many people put in their work so that a loaf appears on the table!

Students reread the text.

What proverbs are found in the text? Find and read them.

slide 15.


How do you understand this proverb?

Answers are being heard. (Without bread, food does not seem so tasty; if there is bread, it is already a holiday.)

« Who plowed, was not lazy, and bread was born from him

How do you understand this proverb?

(He doesn't fall from the sky,

It doesn't appear all of a sudden.

To grow an ear of bread

Dozens of hands needed.)

There are many more proverbs about bread among the people. Read them:

slide 16.

  • There will be no bread, there will be no dinner
  • Whoever is happy to work will be rich in bread
  • Not tasty without salt, not satisfying without bread
  • Work is bitter, but bread is sweet.

Artyukhova Olga Petrovna

primary school teacher

MKS (K) OU for students, pupils with disabilities "Special (correctional) general education school - boarding school of the VIII type No. 4", Osinniki

Literacy lesson for severely mentally retarded children

Subject: Sound and letter X


    familiarity with the sound and letter X.

    learn to find a sound and highlight it in a word

    develop reading skills, phonemic awareness

During the classes:

    Org. moment

Attention! Check it out buddy!

Are you ready to start the lesson.

Everything is in place, everything is in order:

Pen, book and notebooks.

Let's all be careful

Obedient and diligent.

Today we have a reading lesson, let's get ready to read letters, syllables, pronunciation of sounds. Sit straight, relax, put your hands on your knees.

Articulation gymnastics (using breathing exercises).

II. Repetition

Guys, on the desk you have letters already familiar to you. Let's remember the letters and sounds that we have already met.

Children sing vowel sounds (according to the tape of letters). consonant sounds.

Repeating letters, reading syllables, words.

III. Formation of new knowledge. Sound selection [x].

The topic of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with a new sound and letter.

Name the sound with which the words begin: bread, refrigerator, trunk, bathrobe.

Sound [X]. Let's pronounce. This is the sound we make when we warm our hands.

When pronouncing a sound, the tongue makes a “slide”, we pronounce the sound briefly.

Describe this sound.

[X] is a consonant, deaf sound. What color is this sound?

Acquaintance with the letter X (sample on the board). Accommodation letters.

The consonant sound [x] is denoted by the letter X. (Teacher shows the letter X)

Verses dedicated to "X":

What does "xx" look like?

X” keeps walking, walking, walking.

Can't find a place?

Who can tell me what she looks like? (on scissors, a helicopter blade, on a mill, on a cross)

Ha - looks like scissors

But at work, not lying down.

Do you want to cut, do you want - sew,

If you want, you cut yourself.

What are the elements of the letter X?(from 2 sticks)

Let's find this letter in the alphabet.

X - this letter has a cheerful character, it is never gloomy, it loves to laugh very much. She hid in our drawing.

(Children show where the letter is hidden. The teacher circles the letter X with red chalk.


Let's show the letter X(They interlace their hands above their heads, form the letter X).

Fixing the material.

Laying out the letter X from beans.


You have beans on your tables. Let's lay out the letter X from beans.

Fizminutka "Khomka"

Hamster, hamster, hamster

Striped barrel.

Homka gets up early -

Cheeks washes, back rubs,

Homka sweeps the hut

And goes to charge.

One, two, three, four, five -

Homka wants to become strong!

letter X letter.

Let's see how we write this letter.


Here are two spikelets intertwined,

It turned out the letter Ha.

(The teacher explains and shows how to write the capital letter X. The oblique line from left to right and the oblique line from right to left).

And now it's time for a notebook

Write the letter Ha to us.

I will open my notebook

And with an inclination I will put

I, friends, will not hide from you,

I hold my hand correctly.

I'll sit straight, I won't bend

I'll take the job.

(The teacher once again shows the letter X in the picture with colored crayons).


Written neatly

It's nice to look at a notebook.

Summary of the lesson.

What did you learn in class?

What sound are you familiar with?

What is the letter for this sound?

The bell rang from class.

It's time to play

What did you learn in the lesson -

Let's never forget.


    Entertaining ABCs: Book. For the teacher / Comp. V.V.Volina. – M.: Enlightenment. 1991. - 294 p.

    Kosinova E.M.My first knowledge book. About everything in the world. The alphabet of the correct pronunciation / Hood. Y. Gurov. - M.: OLISS, Publishing houseEksmo, 2005. - 120 with

    Limanskaya O.N. Abstracts of speech therapy classes. First year of study. - M.: TC Sphere, 2009. - 74 p.

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