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humanitarian aid

measures taken to alleviate the hardships of the civilian population in the conditions of wars, conflicts and various disasters by providing the population with vital commodities, which are carried out both as part of an operation to restore and maintain peace, and in the form of an independent program in the form of a humanitarian operation. G.p. carried out, as a rule, under the auspices of one of the international organizations. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia has repeatedly participated in the implementation of the G.p. on behalf of and on behalf of the authorities of the Russian Federation. G.p. pursues the main goals: to ensure the survival of the greatest number of people affected by a natural disaster, a man-made disaster or an armed conflict, to preserve their health, to the extent possible, restore the economic independence of all groups of the population and the operation of life support services in the shortest possible time, paying special attention to those most in need; repair and restore damaged infrastructure and revive economic activity. Domestic and international G.p. is based on three fundamental principles: humanity, impartiality, neutrality. The organization of humanitarian assistance in emergency situations provides for: informing state and non-governmental structures, public, international humanitarian organizations about what kind of assistance is required and the mobilization of domestic and international resources to meet the needs of the affected population; organization of interaction with international humanitarian organizations to provide assistance to the affected population; ensuring unimpeded access of humanitarian organizations to the affected population in accordance with the norms of international humanitarian law; organization in the zone of distribution points for humanitarian aid and control over its distribution; practical provision on a humanitarian basis of material and emergency medical assistance in order to save and preserve human lives, allowing the victims to satisfy their basic needs in medical care, housing, clothing, water, food; providing timely technical and material assistance to the affected party (region) in the liquidation of emergency situations.

Edwart. Glossary of terms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2010

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    Free financial assistance provided for humanitarian reasons, based on a sense of compassion, concern for others. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary. 2nd ed., rev. M.: INFRA M. 479 with ... Economic dictionary

    HUMANITARIAN AID- gratuitous material assistance provided for humanitarian reasons, based on a sense of compassion, concern for others. Measures taken to alleviate the suffering of people, especially in circumstances where the responsible authorities … Legal Encyclopedia

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    humanitarian aid- - Telecommunication topics, basic concepts of EN humanitarian assistance ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    Berliners watch the landing of the "raisin bomber" at Tempelhof Airport. 1948 Humanitarian aid is a type of gratuitous aid (assistance); funds for ... Wikipedia

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    Free financial assistance provided for humanitarian reasons, based on the feeling of compassion, concern for others ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

    humanitarian aid- gratuitous material assistance provided for humanitarian reasons, based on a sense of compassion, concern for others ... Dictionary of economic terms

    Jarg. school Shuttle. Clue. (Recorded 2003) ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

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Dear, good afternoon! We welcome all guests of our site!


1. We are in full swing preparing for the Christmas holiday!

2. Accurate lists of children under care have been edited and compiled for all three areas of our assistance in the Tula and Kaluga regions (Artemiy Island, Roman Island, Vyacheslav Island).

3. In the regions, we continue to work only with churches, Orthodox institutions and government agencies. institutions where a priest can come. The distribution of your help to families in need is carried out by one of our priests or his closest assistant, whom we have known well for a long time.

4. Purchased packaging: bags and packages.

5. We do not take things to the warehouse yet, because we have not yet managed to distribute to the needy what was sent with the latest Gazelles to the "help addresses"!

A lot of clothes brought to all addresses have accumulated, all of them are in bags. In order to make it convenient for people to choose the necessary things, we were asked to purchase coat hangers for adult and children's clothes, on which everything could be hung. The hangers have already been shipped.

6. We still continue to accept: baby food, milk, food, new things, New Year's gifts, sweets, Christmas tree decorations and New Year's tinsel! All this our Zhenya has already begun to export from the warehouse to our families in the Tula region

7. Our dear father Artemy (Zubarev), rector of the Holy Kazan Church in the village of Ivankovo, Kimovsky district, Tula region, had a patronal feast and birthday in November! Look, dear ones, what a huge, airy, multi-colored bouquet they gave him!

And also, his dog Basya, who was very bored alone, was presented with a girlfriend Busya, and she, and just like a bead: white and round! And he was also presented with a Scottish fold cat Kuzya. Kuzya gets along well with the "girls".

In November, a long-awaited sofa was brought to the parable house of the Kazan Church, where there was nothing to sit on! It was donated by our dear Ekaterina! God bless her family!

And Father Artemy, and his assistant Dima, and all their household members are immensely happy!

8. On the day of the celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, our Father Vyacheslav (Slepnev), rector of the Holy Trinity Church, vil. Bolshie Medvedki, Efremovskiy district, Tula region, gathered all the elderly women of his parish and, after the service, arranged a festive meal for them.

Two photographs of him sitting at the head of the table with the headman of the temple are attached to this letter.

The priest also sent a video about how they all sang together and well after the meal. I congratulated them on the Holiday and wrote that I mentally sing along with them!

9. Dear ones, regarding sweet gifts for children at Christmas:

The most active participation in the charity Christmas Action this year is taken by the school No. 15 SWAO! About touching participation: teachers; parent committees; parents and our dear students (especially primary school) we will definitely write.Thank you very much to our new and old friends!!!

Bought 250 boxes (CLOCK with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden) of impossible beauty,
- 14 boxes were bought for the transportation of gifts to the Tula and Kaluga regions,
- now we are filling these 250 boxes with sweets! Box capacity 1 kg.

10. Connect, dear ones! With love and gratitude, we will accept any of your help and any sweets for the holiday, which every child who believes in fairy tales and miracles is so looking forward to!!!

We thank everyone who has already taken part in the Christmas Campaign of kindness for their help! I will write in detail about all-all-all participants of the Promotion after sending New Year's gifts to the regions! God bless you all, dear ones!

We ask the Lord for mercy to our dear donors, philanthropists, our community of volunteers "Orthodox Help", to all our dear friends, old and new, from school No. 15 of the SWAO!!!

May we not weaken in doing good, Orthodox! Thank God for everything!

The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), part of the United Nations Secretariat, is responsible for bringing humanitarian organizations together to ensure a coherent response to emergencies. This task is carried out through the Inter-Agency Standing Committee, whose members are the agencies of the UN system responsible for the provision of emergency assistance. A coordinated system-wide approach to humanitarian assistance is essential to reach those in need quickly and effectively.

The Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), administered by OCHA, is one of the fastest and most effective ways to support rapid humanitarian response to the needs of people affected by natural disasters and armed conflict. CERF receives voluntary contributions year-round to provide immediate funding for humanitarian relief efforts anywhere in the world.

Providing assistance and protection

Four UN entities: UNDP, UNHCR, UNICEF and WFP play a leading role in emergency relief.

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is responsible for operational activities for disaster mitigation, prevention and preparedness. In emergencies, UNDP Resident Coordinators are called upon to coordinate relief and rehabilitation efforts at the national level.

Help for refugees

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) emerged from the Second World War to help Europeans displaced during this conflict. The Office conducts and coordinates international action to protect refugees and address refugee problems around the world. The General Assembly established 750,000 Palestinian refugees who lost their homes and livelihoods as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict to provide emergency relief.

Help for children

Since its inception, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has striven to reach the maximum number of children by providing the most effective and cost-effective solutions to the most serious threats to their survival. UNICEF also urges governments and warring parties to improve their child protection efforts.

food aid

The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) provides assistance to millions of people who are victims of disasters. It is responsible for the mobilization of food and means of transport for all large-scale refugee relief operations coordinated by UNHCR.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) often helps farmers after floods, livestock outbreaks and similar emergencies. The FAO Global Information and Early Warning System for Food and Agriculture continuously monitors the outlook for cereal production and food security at the global, regional, national and subnational levels and warns of food problems and emergencies.


Within the United Nations system, the Division of Emergency and Humanitarian Assistance of the World Health Organization (WHO) coordinates the international response to health emergencies. WHO has a responsibility to take the lead in addressing global health issues, setting the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, developing evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries, and monitoring and evaluating health trends. In the 21st century, health is a shared responsibility, including equal access to primary care and collective defense against transnational threats.

Help for Palestinian refugees

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is unique in its longstanding commitment to one group of refugees. UNRWA contributes to prosperity and socio-economic development. The agency provides services in the field of education, health care, social protection, improves infrastructure in camps, provides microfinance and emergency assistance, including during armed conflicts. The Agency's mission is to promote the human development potential of Palestinian refugees, helping them to acquire knowledge and skills, live long and healthy lives, have a decent standard of living and enjoy full human rights. UNRWA headquarters and the Jordan Field Office are located in Amman, Jordan. UNRWA is also active in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, Lebanon and Syria.

In the summer, while the Center was closed to visitors, life was in full swing here. There was so much to do: think over the layout of the warehouse, equip a new self-service hall and a new entrance, dismantle and move all things. Even the area opposite the new porch needed urgent improvement - it had to be concreted so that cars could drive up to the porch.

“We were not sure that there would be enough money for everything, so we literally saved every penny,” says Maya Mozheeva, head of the Humanitarian Aid Center. – Thank God, there were philanthropists to whom we are infinitely grateful for their help. We bought building materials, but our volunteers carried out the repair work on their own.”

By the fall, we had time - just from the beginning of September, from the first cool days, the number of calls to the Mercy help desk has traditionally been growing. People from Moscow and not only ask for warm clothes and shoes. Someone needs help getting the kids to school. Many at this time sort out their wardrobe and are ready to give to the needy everything that they will no longer wear in the new season.

The opening of the Center was scheduled for 12:00, but already around 11:00 people were crowding on the porch. Employees and friends of the Center at that time gathered for a festive tea party on the occasion of the opening. The first visitors were also brought hot tea with various sweets.

Five minutes to 12 in the hall - the last preparations. Hang out a few more jackets - the cold is already close, lay out a few children's blouses - a lot of things will be needed for the kids today. At the exit - a basket of ruddy apples and a vase of candy. Each visitor will receive both before leaving. It’s a pity that we didn’t have time to install a fitting room in the hall, so on Saturday we tried on clothes by eye. But by next weekend, the fitting room will be like a real store.

Most Saturday visitors to the Center are not the first time. There are many pensioners and disabled people - when making a “purchase”, Maya writes everyone into the database and notes who takes what. Mothers of many children can take on themselves and on children - the main thing is to have a supporting document. One woman did not find anything for her two daughters and was about to leave with nothing, but the volunteers looked for the necessary things in the warehouse, and as a result, a happy mother brought cute denim dresses to the girls. Another woman found a solid wooden chess set for her growing son. We checked - all the figures are in place. Men carefully selected their shoes and jackets. Volunteers only had time to run to the warehouse in search of the right thing.

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