Business game for preschool teachers on interaction with parents of preschoolers: "Scrabble". Business game with teachers of the preschool educational institution “I can do everything and I can do everything

Target: find out what educators know about the preschool institution where they work, how they can convey this information to parents and children; how much they have information about the profession, how they can present themselves to parents, children, colleagues.

Requisites: team names, paper sheets, felt-tip pens, pencils.

Roles: parents (jury), representatives preschool institutions(teams), leader.

Participants: teachers of a preschool institution, head, deputy. head in OD, teacher-psychologist.

Leader (V.). Today, the business problem sounds like this: “The competitiveness of a preschool institution in modern conditions, or how to attract parents to a preschool? We will try to solve this problem with the participation of preschool institutions and parents. So, how to attract parents to preschool? What is the purpose of involving parents in preschool? What does competitiveness mean to you? Which Kindergarten can be competitive in our difficult time?

All participants give their answers-hypotheses.

AT. We listened to different opinions and views. I propose to recall the tale of the Frog Princess, how Ivan Tsarevich fired an arrow that fell into a swamp, and he got a frog as a bride. Don't you think that the problem of the frog is similar to the one we are discussing? Just as Ivan Tsarevich cannot see a beautiful princess in a frog, so the customer - the parent - cannot immediately see all the best qualities, originality and originality of the preschool institution to which he brought his child. But the Frog Princess was not at a loss. She began to actively advertise herself. Remember how?

And, in the end, the frog actually turned out to be a beautiful princess. So it is in life - a kindergarten should attract the attention of parents in a variety of ways, so that customers can immediately see that they are in the best institution. And today we will try to determine these very paths.

You are divided into three teams - three competing preschools. The jury is parents who will choose on a competitive basis in which kindergarten their children will be most comfortable, etc.

Competition 1.« How to involve parents in preschool?»

On sheets of paper, teams should write as many ways as possible to involve parents in the nursery. At this time, parents write under what conditions they would send their child to kindergarten. The ways and conditions are read out, and then it is discussed which of the three preschool institutions will be able to provide the necessary conditions.

Competition 2.« Team presentation».

AT. You have already said that the kindergarten needs advertising,. You need to present your institution: the motto, the main qualities, abilities, the uniqueness of the teaching staff and each teacher individually, areas of activity.

Runtime - 7 min. The jury evaluates the competition on a 5-point system.

Competition 3.« What? Where? When?»

Our preschool also needs an introduction. What do we know about our preschool child development center? Now let's check. I will ask the teams in turn questions (from the history of the preschool institution).

For each correct answer - 1 point.

Competition 4.

Parents offer teachers to solve pedagogical situations.

The jury evaluates the competition on a 5-point system.

Competition 5.« advertising poster».

Runtime - 10 minutes. Then - the presentation.

The results of the competition are being summed up. Parents announce the winner. Rewarding.

N. Bocharova

Business game for kindergarten teachers on the topic "Features of games at preschool age"

Business game for educators "Features of games at preschool age"

Target: raise professional level teachers, to intensify the use of new games in working with children; develop communicative qualities teachers, ability to work in a team; unleash the creative potential of each teacher
move business game:
I would like to start today's business game with the words of the famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky, who said: “The game is a huge bright window through which spiritual world the child is infused with a stream of ideas, concepts about the world around. For a child, this is a way of self-realization, in the game he can become what he dreams of being in real life: doctor, driver, pilot. The game is used to acquire new skills, ideas, the formation of useful skills, etc. The game is a form of life for a preschooler.
And now let's break it down a bit:
1. How to jump from a ten-meter ladder and not hurt yourself? (you have to jump off the bottom step)
2. Which month is the shortest? (May - three letters)
3. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (no, he can't speak)
4. How many months in a year have 28 days? (all)
5. What blooms in spring: trees, population, parties and unions?
6. Who saves the hares from the spring flood: Grandfather Mazai, Santa Claus, EMERCOM of Russia?
7. What did Little Red Riding Hood bring to her grandmother: Gazprom shares, pies, laxative?
8. What did Cinderella lose at the ball: shame and conscience, orientation, shoe?
Exercise 1
And let's start our business game with the task "Troubles from the barrel." (Educators are invited to pull out a barrel with a number from the bag, according to which the question will be asked)
Questions for discussion:
What role-playing games are added at the senior preschool age? (at the senior preschool age, such games as "Pharmacy", "Polyclinic", "Beauty Salon", "McDonald's", "Cosmonauts", "We are builders", "Library", "School", paramilitary games are added, it all depends on children's play preferences)
Name the conditions necessary for the development of the game. (corresponding subject-game environment, certain knowledge on the topic of the game and the ability to implement them in practice, joint game an adult with children, where an adult demonstrates examples of role-playing interaction in the form of a role-playing dialogue, creating a game situation)
Is regulation (setting rules) acceptable in the game and why? (regulation is unacceptable in the game, since it is children's amateur performance. It is characterized by freedom of action, self-regulation of the actions and actions of the participants based on the rules they created)
Task 2
Play is the main activity of the child preschool age and contributes comprehensive development child's personality. But we will try to understand the meaning and role of the game in the course of our dispute. I propose to choose one of the cards and answer the question, how do you think about it.
1. What, in your opinion, is the role of play in the development of a child?
2. Do you think the child learns while playing?
3. What do you think is the educational value of games?
In the game, the child acquires new and clarifies the knowledge he already has, activates the dictionary, develops curiosity, inquisitiveness, as well as moral qualities: will, courage, endurance, the ability to yield. He formed the beginning of collectivism. The game brings up an attitude towards people, towards life, a positive attitude of games helps to maintain a cheerful mood. The game develops the imagination.
Children need time and play space. If he; attends a kindergarten, then at best he will play in the evening, if there are no other temptations of TV, a computer. The play space is a corner, a table with favorite toys, a chair, properly selected play material.
Task 3
Now we invite you to show your Creative skills. You are offered various items, and you must come up with ways to use these items in the game.
Exercise "Funny assault"
Instruction: teachers are offered some improvised material, each team must come up with options for using it in the game.
Task 4
When organizing, directing and running games, many of you have encountered certain problems that you needed to solve. We think it will not be difficult for you to complete our next task "pedagogical situations"
Situation 1: The children were given old, worn cubes for games, and from the new building material the teacher built a high-rise task. “This is for decorating a new room with a game, the children are still small, they build poorly - let them learn!” - explains the teacher. ... There is a magnificent service for dolls on the shelf, but the children do not take it. “You can’t take these toys! They're for practice!" - children explain. And so they take out old dishes and set a table for the dolls.
Questions: Do you need material in the group that "teasing children"? What are the requirements for the selection of toys in
group? Did you have any favorite toys as a child, and why did you love them?
Situation 2: The teacher saw in a neighboring kindergarten that the children played fishermen in an interesting way. In order to transfer this game to her group, she made fishing tackle herself and suggested the theme of the game to the children.
The game did not work out, the teacher all the time had to tell the children what to do next.
Questions: Explain why the game didn't work? How to make sure that all children are active in the game, they can play both main and secondary roles?
Situation 3: While washing, the children got naughty, began to play "fountains", let bubble and it was time for breakfast.
Questions: What should the educator do? What would you do?
Task 5
And now I offer you a “charging” for the mind - solving the crossword “And yet the game”
Crossword questions:
1. How does the game play differently? (content)
2. Favorite independent activity of children? (the game)
3. View sports game using a ball? (football)
4. Old printed board game? (lotto)
5. A necessary component of the game - without which you can’t start the game? (intention)
6. Baby's first toy? (beanbag)
7. Place of shopping in everyday life and in the game? (score)
1. Games enriched with life experience? (plot)
4. Modern lightweight the children's designer? (lego)
8. Attributes for both mobile and theatrical play? (masks)
9. A conversation between two people? (dialog)
10. What do the participants of the game distribute among themselves? (roles)
11. Benefits for organizing a role-playing game? (attributes)
12. Children's life partner? (a toy)
13. A set of requirements for someone, for something? (regulations)

Task 6 - homework
Our business game has come to an end, but we have not exhausted the topic. After all, the game is the whole world.

Seminar for preschool educators

The purpose and objectives of the game. Expand and generalize knowledge on the topic "Game as the main activity of preschoolers"; clarify knowledge about the types of games, forms, methods and techniques of working with children; through game simulation to create conditions for the manifestation of creative initiative; cause awareness of the need to get acquainted with the experience of colleagues in order to improve the quality of their professional work; introduce new methodological literature on the game.

Equipment. Wall alphabet with pockets for assignments, where instead of the letters b, b, s, e, y, emotion faces are placed, all other letters have a decoding (for example, A - gambling, B - fast, C - harmful, D - grandiose game, etc., and during the game, educators will give definitions of what kind of games they are, as they understand it.)

Red, blue, green cards (at least 10 pieces of each color) - they indicate letters and tasks for each team and guests. Strips with tasks laid out in pockets (33 pieces). Wall tablet where statements will be attached prominent personalities about the game. Easel, pointer, two bells, two boxes of junk. Poster information that will serve as a hint during the game. Thematic newspapers "It's good when the game starts in the morning", which were created by children, educators and parents (poems, drawings, stories, fairy tales, collages, etc.). Projects of role-playing games on paper (cobwebs). Leading.
It's good when in the morning
The game starts!
Laughter, fun, running around,
When the kids are playing.
Envy the kids:
Both girls and boys.
Adults want to play
Yes, you need to measure.
But today is a special day
We gathered for a reason.
Both adults and adults
The game starts!
Hanging in front of you
Game Alphabet!
Understand the rules of the game
What do you remember!
Don't be bored, don't be lazy
And join our game.
Well, friends, it's time to meet
Teams "Primer" and "ABC"!
Music sounds, teams enter the hall and sit down at the tables.

To evaluate teams
The jury must be invited.
So as not to lose count
And count all the points
The counting commission must be chosen.

Well, let's start!

Rules of the game. The jury evaluates teams on a three-point scale for all tasks performed. Teams take turns answering questions and presenting completed tasks. The time for completing tasks (depending on complexity) is from 1 to 5 minutes. Guests have the right to participate in the game. The choice of tasks for guests is made by the host. Each team can include from 6 to 12 teachers.

Brainstorming (warm-up). Teams need to carefully look at the game alphabet and combine letters in pairs according to associations that are opposite or similar. Name at least three pairs. The facilitator arranges color cards with tasks according to the pairs of letters determined by the teams. The Bukvar team - red cards, the Azbuka team - green cards, guests and fans - blue cards. The team that is ready to answer first notifies the leader with a bell, which gives the right to choose a game task, i.e. next letter.

First task: command "Primer" - find opposite meaning, the ABC command - find a similar value. Teams call pairs, the assistant arranges cards.
The second task is based on homework. Each participant must find what definitions of the game were given famous people. The teams read the definitions in turn, listening carefully to each other and not repeating themselves. The assistant facilitator attaches statements to the tablet. Each team must come up with their own definition of the game and read it out. 1 minute is given for this. While the team is getting ready, the guests pick up words-definitions: what games can be with the letter U (for example, scrupulous, sparing, generous) - and explain what kind of games they are.
To reveal the stages of the formation of a role-playing game that prepare a child for collective game: the ABC team according to E. Kravtsova, the Primer team according to D. Elkonin.
Production of figurative and noise toys. Representation of a figurative toy
poem, song, dance, facial expressions, pantomime, image, etc. Sounding a poem with the help of home-made noise toys from waste material. Time to make toys - 5 minutes.

The "Primer" team is offered the poem "Frogs".

On the green edge -
qua-qua-qua! -
Gathered, sitting frogs -
“Catching flies - yum-yum-yum! -

Very tasty for us, for us, for us!
And then jump through the puddles -
Oh, funny, frogs,
frog people you are!

The “ABC” team is offered the poem “Rain”.

The trees swayed, the grass rustled -
Sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha!
The trees sang, the foliage played -
La-la-la, la-la-la!

And the playful loud thunder swept through the sky -
And dripped drops, quietly sang a song -
Here on the roof, on the glass -

On my porch -
More and more, more and more frogs have more fun!

Hee hee hee! Yes ha ha ha! What a beauty!

Chamomile game with the audience "What does a child learn in the game?" (distribute chamomile petals and markers to all guests, after completing the task, lay daisies on the carpet and read out what knowledge, skills and abilities the child receives during the game).

Team presentation of toys.

5. A fragment of the lesson using the conceptual position "The right of the child to play."

The basis is homework. 8-10 minutes are allotted for showing fragments of classes. A task for guests and fans. “On the game alphabet, you see faces-emotions. What do you like the most? (Cheerful.) To make your mood as cheerful, listen to the anthem of the educators.
Do not twist the motley globe,
You will not find on it
That country, a huge country,
about which we sing.
Every day is filled with laughter
surprise, beauty,
Understanding and attention
Amazing game.
And everything is in a hurry to this country
And the kids are in a hurry.
Their moms and dads
They bring you here by the hand.
In this most cheerful country,
Meet them with a new fairy tale.
This country is always in my heart

It's called Kindergarten!

6. Playing with pencils.
Leading. Attention! Here are the symbols for which you need to pick up as many games as possible (table-printed, mobile, intellectual, role-playing, etc.) that match the selected symbols, for example, games for the “circle” symbol - “Catch from the Circle”, round dance games, board-printed game "Fractions", etc. You have 3 minutes to prepare.

Teams make choices. While the teams are busy, the guests answer the question: how do role-playing games differ from theatrical ones?

7. Presentation of projects of role-playing games "Steamboat", "Hospital" (cobwebs, photo albums, children's drawings, etc.).

8. Blitz survey.

Blitz survey for the Bukvar team
Actions of the child with the toy. (The game.)
What are the names of games in which children make the most of their stock of knowledge, mental abilities? (Intellectual games.)
Name any ecological game. (From which tree which leaf?)
What role-playing game involves a sailor, a captain, a cook? (Steamboat.)
Who is the author of this saying “Play is childhood, and childhood is play”? (V.A. Nedospasova.)
What two worlds did J. Piaget speak about in his discovery? (The world of children and the world of adults.)
What are the names of games in which the child makes the doll speak, perform various actions, while acting on two planes, that is, for himself and for the doll? (Director's games.)
What is the name of the items that replace the child's toy? (Substitute items.)
Does the older preschooler need more space or toys in play? (In space.)

Blitz survey for the Azbuka team
What is the name of children's favorite pastime with toys? (The game.)
Who is the author of the statement “We do not play because we are children. But childhood itself is given to us so that we can play”? (Karl Grosse is a German psychologist.)
Name any outdoor ball game. (Trap around the circle.)
What role-playing game involves a make-up artist, hairstylist, client, cashier. (Salon.)
What are the games called, during which children can, without the intervention of adults, come up with plots for games, assign roles, change the playing environment? (Independent.)
Who believed that “play is the sphere of suffering for children, which is on the other side of pleasure”? (Sigmund Freud.)
How many stages in the development of a role-playing game, according to Kravtsova, should a child go through in order to be ready for a collective game? (Five stages.)
What is the "heart of the game"? (Role.)
In what games do children go to a world where all children's dreams come true? (Creative.)
Task for both teams

Compose words from the letters marked on the "Game Alphabet" with color cards, the letters can be repeated. Try to make words related to the topic "Game".

Marina Vladimirovna Morozova

Business game with preschool teachers



Using a game form of interaction to identify the level of competence of teachers on health issues, age features preschool children in the context of the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.


Activate the mental activity of teachers;

Creation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team;

Develop the ability to work in a team;

To identify the level of competence of teachers in the given areas.


television; a bag with items (su-jok ball, grass pad, audio CD, lemon, soap bubbles, fairy tale book, glove, flower); a wooden barrel with small barrels (from the loto) inside with numbers; Handout for teams (sheets with crossword puzzles, with proverbs and sayings, pictures with a balloon).


Leading: Good afternoon! Dear colleagues! Today I want to invite you to participate in a business game called (slide number 1) "I can do anything and I can do anything." The name was not chosen by chance, since it is these words that characterize the profession we have chosen. opening speech: (parable) (slide number 2) “A long time ago, the gods lived on Mount Olympus. They got bored, and they decided to create a man and populate the planet Earth. For a long time they thought about what a person should be. One of the gods said: “A man must be strong”, another said: “A man must be healthy”, the third said: “A man must be smart”. But one of the gods said this: "If a man has all this, he will be like us." And, they decided to hide the main thing that a person has - his health. They began to think, decide - where to hide it? Some suggested hiding health deep in the blue sea, others - behind high mountains. Where do you think the gods hid health?

One of the gods said: "Health must be hidden in the person himself."

(slide number 3) This is how people have been living since ancient times, trying to find their health. Yes, not everyone can find and save priceless gift gods! This means that health is hidden in me, and in each of us, and in every child. And health care is the most important work of educators.

I invite you to play

And solve problems.

Something to remember, repeat,

What we do not know, learn.

(Before starting the game, we need to split into two teams.)

Leading: To create an atmosphere of trust and comfort, I suggest that you set yourself up for positive cooperation and, for a start, conduct the greeting exercise “Joyful meeting”.

Exercise progress:

Do you know how foreigners greet? Foreigners greet like this: (slide number 4) Europeans shake hands when they meet, Ethiopians touch their cheeks, Africans rub their noses. I suggest that all participants in the game (guests can also join) greet the neighbor on the left in European style, with the neighbor on the right like Ethiopians. Well done!

So we start.

(slide number 5)


Team members should continue the proverbs about health:


Where health is ... (there is beauty)

AT healthy body- (healthy mind)

Move more... (you'll live longer)

Take care again, ... (and health from a young age)

Eat garlic and onions - ... (will not take the disease)


You will be healthy - ... (you will get everything)

You will ruin your health... (can't buy new)

Who chews for a long time, ... (he lives for a long time)

It is easy to get sick, ... (to be cured is difficult)

Health is in order - ... (thanks to charging)

(slide number 6)


It is necessary to get an item out of the bag and answer:

“What health-saving technology does it reflect?”

1) su-jok ball - su-jok therapy

2) pad with grass - herbal medicine

3) audio CD - music therapy

4) lemon - aromatherapy

5) soap bubbles - breathing exercises

6) a book with fairy tales - fairy tale therapy

7) glove - finger gymnastics

8) flower - color therapy.

(slide number 7 and number 8)


Crossword number 1


5. The most important thing in a person's life.

6. The ability of a person to overcome external resistance or resist it due to muscle tension.


1. Cyclic movement carried out through the alternate movement of the arms and legs.

2. The main type of movement that the child masters after the ability to crawl.

3. The leading activity in the preschool educational institution.

4. The ability to cope with any motor task that has arisen.

Crossword number 2


3. An exercise that contributes to the development of the eye and the accuracy of movements.

6. Physical activity(in a word).


1. Immunity, body resistance to infectious diseases.

2. Fast, with repulsion, movement of the body.

4. The state of rest or vigorous activity, leading to the restoration of strength and working capacity.

5. The main type of movement that a child masters after he learns to walk confidently.

(slide number 9)


One team is invited to demonstrate two original finger games, the second - two original physical training minutes.

Leading: We work not only with children, but also with parents.

(slide number 10)


Name the forms of work with parents on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

(teams take turns calling who is more)

Example: Parent meetings with the involvement of honey. employee;

Joint sports holidays and entertainment;

Kindergarten website (group);


Health Library;

Open days;

Information corners of health;

Thematic exhibitions;

Joint walks and excursions;

Meetings for the round;

Questioning of parents and other forms of work.

(slide number 11)


The participants of the game take out kegs with numbers and answer the questions:

1. The daily duration of a walk for children is at least ...

(3 – 4 hours)

2. What should be done in the middle of the session?

(physical education minute)

3. How many times a week they spend physical education classes with children 3-7 years old?

(3 times a week)

4. What is the duration of the lesson in the senior group?

5. How many minutes is the break between classes?

(at least 10 minutes)

6. How long does sleep last for children 1, 5 - 3 years old?

(at least 3 hours)

7. What is the duration of the class in the middle group?

8. Name the main types of movement

(walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing)

And I would like to finish our business game with the Balloon exercise.

(slide number 12)

Exercise "Balloon"

(about the value of health for a person)

In the picture you see Balloon that flies above the ground. Draw a man in a balloon basket. It is you. The sun shines brightly around you blue sky. Write down 9 values ​​that are so important to you that you would take them with you on a trip (for example, money, health, family, work, love, etc.). Now imagine that your balloon has begun to descend and is threatening to fall soon. You need to get rid of the ballast in order to climb up. Dump, that is, cross off 3 (and then 3 more) words from the list. What did you leave on the list?

Everyone read out their life values ​​in a circle. The creative team leader writes them down on the board. If the words are repeated, then the head of the creative team puts pluses. Then the rating is determined life values by the number of pluses and by importance for those present. For example, 1st place - health, 2nd place - family, etc.


Enter Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother. The following dialogue takes place between them:

Grandma, grandma, why do you have such a wrinkled face:

This is because I did not like to wash my face in the mornings and evenings, my granddaughter.

Grandma, why do you have such yellow teeth?

Because I didn't clean them and smoked them, just like your grandfather.

Grandma, grandma, why are your eyes so dull?

Because I didn't like eating carrots, my granddaughter.

Grandmother, grandmother, why are you all trembling and walking slowly?

This is because, my baby, that I didn’t do exercises in the morning

Here is our setup today.

(slide number 13)

Job title: caregiver

Institution: MBDOU kindergarten No. 23 "Golden Key"

Locality: Surgut, Tyumen region

Topic: A collection of business games for teachers of the preschool educational institution "SPEECH DEVELOPMENT OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN"

KINDERGARTEN №23 "Golden Key"

business games for preschool teachers


Compiled by:
Minikaeva E. N., educator

Elena Nikolaevna Minikaeva

Collection of business games for teachers "Speech development of preschoolers" / Comp. E. N. Minikaeva.

This selection of business games is conducted with teachers of preschool institutions in order to increase professional competence on the problem of the formation of coherent speech in preschool children. In the course of business games, teachers will clarify their knowledge on this issue, exercise their ability to apply technology in practical work with children of preschool age, will improve the ability to plan the course of a lesson in coherent speech, structure it, diversify non-traditional methods and techniques that encourage the activation of children in the classroom. They will practice the ability to communicate and develop a common opinion in a team. The material is recommended for senior teachers of preschool institutions.

Business game for preschool teachers on the development of speech of preschool children "PEDAGOGICAL EXPRESS".

Business game for group educators
"We develop coherent speech."

Scenario of a business game for speech development teachers.

Business game "Speech development of a preschooler."

Business game for educators.
"Connoisseurs of Children's Fiction".

1. Raise the professional level of teachers, intensify the use of oral folk art in working with children;
2. To develop the communicative qualities of teachers, the ability to work in a team.
3. Unleash the creative potential of each teacher.

Game progress:
It is believed that the game is the leading activity of a preschooler. In fact, adults love to play no less than children.
Dear colleagues, today I invite you to play, as you know, you can learn a lot of new, necessary and interesting things from the game. Children's love for fairy tales fiction is well known, so the teacher needs to have a knowledge base on this issue. We will deal with the acquisition of new and development of old luggage today. I represent teams. Wonderful. You have to go through a series of difficult tests, I think that for you, experts in your field, it will not be difficult, but I still wish you good luck! Listen to the rules before starting. If the question is addressed specifically to the team, then it answers immediately (if the answer is ready) or thinks for 1 minute. If after 1 minute the team does not know the answer, then the other team has a chance to earn a point by correctly answering the opponent's question. Points are presented in the form of chips. Are the teams clear? Then let's get started.
Warm up:
I. Remember who said these magic words:
1. "By the pike command, in my opinion, by desire ..."
2. “Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka! Stand before me like a leaf before grass!”
3. “Sleep, peephole, sleep, another! »
4. “Are you warm, girl, are you warm red?”
5. “How can I not be sad, grey Wolf I was left without a good horse ... "
6. “I carry a scythe on my shoulders, I want to cut the fox, get off, fox, from the stove!”

II. Finish the proverb:
1. “What is written with a pen ...” (you can’t cut it out with an ax)
2. "Do not spit in the well ..." (useful - drink water)
3. "Do not have a hundred rubles ..." (but have a hundred friends)
4. "Measure seven times ..." (cut once)
5. "What you sow ..." (so you reap)
6. “Do you like to ride ...” (love to carry sleds)
7. "Do you want to eat kalachi ..." (Do not sit on the stove)
8. “The hut is not red with corners ...” (And red with pies)

III. What kind of creativity is this?
1. “As it comes around, it will respond” (proverb)
2. “There is grass in the yard - firewood on the grass” (Patter)
3. “The village was driving past a peasant, suddenly a gate barks from under the gate” (Fable.)
4. “Katya, Katya, Katyukha, saddled a rooster, and the rooster neighed, ran to the market” (Poeshka)
5. “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state ...” (Fairy tale) 6. “A car was driving through a dark forest, For some kind of interest.
Come out on the letter C ”(Counting)
IV. Puzzles:
a) I feed the whole world, but I don’t eat it myself (the earth).
b) The flowers are angelic, and the claws are devilish (rose).
c) Run, run, do not run, fly, fly, do not fly (horizon).
d) Sleeps on the ground, and disappears in the morning (dew).
Thanks, colleagues! You've done your workout. Let's move on to assignments.
Exercise 1.
What age group do the following tasks in fiction correspond to:
1. Listen to the storytelling or reading of small works, memorize or recognize a familiar work when listening again, recognize the heroes of a fairy tale, story, verse in illustrations and toys, memorize the texts of works of small folklore. Develop the ability to answer the simplest questions of the educator. (1st junior group)
2. To cultivate the ability to listen carefully to fairy tales, poems, stories. Follow the development of action in a fairy tale, sympathize goodies. Learn to understand the meaning of the work; reproduce with the help of questions of the educator the content in correct sequence; expressively read small nursery rhymes and poems by heart. (2nd junior group)
3. Continue to develop interest and love for fiction. Learn to answer questions about the content of the work. To teach to evaluate the actions of heroes, to characterize some moral qualities (kind, evil, brave). Learn to expressively read poems, nursery rhymes. To fix the attention of children not only on the content of a literary work, but also on the features of the language. (middle group)
4. Learn to distinguish between genres literary works and some features of each genre. Learn to emotionally convey the content of a small prose work and expressively read poems by heart. Develop poetic ear, intonational expressiveness of speech. Learn to understand main idea works, correctly assess the actions of the characters. (Preparatory group for school)

Task 2.
To work with children of what age group, the following works are used:
1. A. Barto. "Toys", "Turnip", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Forty Belobok", K. Chukovsky. "Chicken", S. Marshak "The Tale of the Silly Mouse"
(1st junior group)
2. Z. Alexandrova "My bear", A. Barto "Girl-revushka", S. Marshak "Mustache-striped", "Cockerel and bean seed”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Goat Dereza”, “Visiting the Sun”, E. Charushin “Volchishko”
(2nd junior group)
3. “Fox with a rolling pin”, “Geese-Swans”, “Two greedy bear cubs”, “Zimovye”, Y. Tayts “For mushrooms”, K. Chukovsky “Fedorino Gora”, Alexandrova “Wind on the River”, “Dandelion” . (middle group)
4. N. Nosov "Live Hat", "Ayoga", "Havroshechka", "Silver Hoof", H.K. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Sleeping Beauty" (senior, preparatory group)

Task 4.
Define the name artwork and its author according to the proposed passage:
1. ... Well, so you see, laity,
Orthodox Christians,
Our daring fellow
Wandered into the palace;
Serves at the royal stable
And won't bother at all
It's about brothers and father
In the royal palace...
(P.P. Ershov "Humpbacked Horse")
2… Troops march day and night;
They become uncomfortable.
No battle, no camp,
No grave mound.
This is the eighth day already,
The king leads the army to the mountains
And between high mountains
He sees a silk tent...
(A.S. Pushkin. "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")

Task 5.
"Make a word from syllables and guess a fairy tale"
(in the form of finwords)
Teams receive task cards (different) and complete within 2 minutes. The speed of work and correctness are taken into account. Answers must be written under each task. Russian folk tales are encrypted in a set of syllables.
Kashechrokhav ("Havroshechka").
Bokloko ("Gingerbread Man")
Zorkomo ("Frost")
Ochvokamyud Thumbelina
Dyrodyom Moidodyr
Gukarosnech ("Snow Maiden")
Komeret ("Teremok")
Shcheinakatar ("Cockroach")

Task 6.
"Wonderful bag" Invite the teams to name in one word
1. figurative, short saying, aptly defining a phenomenon (saying)
2. short story, most often poetic, allegorical content with a moral conclusion (fable)
3. oral folk art. Song-tale based on real events(epic)
4. the main type of oral folk art, artistic narrative of a fantastic, adventure or everyday nature (fairy tale)
5. a short, funny story with a witty ending on a topical topic (joke)
6. oral folk art, folk wisdom(folklore)
7. a small lyrical work intended for vocal performance (song)
8. type of oral folk art, a question or task that requires a solution (riddle)
9. a short expressive saying that has an instructive meaning (proverb)
10. short chorus of 2 or 4 lines, at a fast pace, often accompanied by a dance (chastushka).

Summing up the business game.
Business game for preschool teachers on the development of speech of preschool children

Purpose of the game:
Activate the activities of teachers speech development children;
Facilitate their acquisition of teamwork experience;
Improve practical skills professional activity;
Strengthen the ability to select information from various sources.
Preliminary work:
view methodological literature;
production by each team of a manual for the development of children's speech (planar and volumetric models, didactic games, toys);
compiling a "presentation" for the manual;
memorization, repetition of folklore works.

1 station - Theoretical - "Pedagogical Library"
Task 1: each team needs to solve a rebus in which words are encrypted on the topic of the game: speech, word, language.
Task 2: complete and present a diagram on the topic "Development of children's speech." It is proposed to use methodological literature to help.
Types of schemes:
1. Functions of the child's speech.
2. Tasks for the development of children's speech in kindergarten.
3. Methods for the development of children's speech in kindergarten.
3 Task: each team to compose 3 concepts (the concepts are “cut” into parts - in the application)
1 Team: speech, vocabulary work, dialogue;
2 Team: development of speech, formation of the grammatical structure of speech, monologue;
3 Team: culture of speech, coherent speech, story.
Presenter: Among the many important tasks of educating and educating preschool children in kindergarten, teaching the native language, developing speech, speech communication is one of the main ones. In kindergarten, preschoolers, acquiring their native language, master the most important form of verbal communication - oral speech. Speech communication in its full form - speech understanding and active speech - develops gradually. The most important for the active development of children's speech is early age children. Already from the second half of the child's life, the baby develops an understanding of the word, speech. Elementary incomplete verbal communication appears when an adult speaks, and the child responds only with facial expressions, gestures, movement, and action. The child imitates the sounds and sound combinations of the adult. The first meaningful words appear in a child's speech usually by the end of the first year. By the age of one and a half years, the child uses about 100 words in active speech, by the age of 2 the vocabulary increases significantly - up to 300 words or more. By the age of three, a child's vocabulary grows to 1,000 words. Thus, it is the early age that is most favorable for the development of the child's speech. And parents and educators can and should help the child in this. And for this you can use the most various forms work that will be the subject of the following tasks.
2nd station -Psychological - pedagogical consultation
Task 4: "solve problems":
Team 1: It is difficult to make out the first words of the child. Having managed to understand something, an adult with a joyful look must repeat the spoken words after him. This encourages further conversation. The child will be pleased to know that an adult understands him.
Question: How should an adult repeat the words of a child, how does he pronounce or how should an adult?
Answer: An adult must pronounce the words correctly and clearly. A child, even knowing the word correctly, cannot immediately pronounce it due to the imperfection of the speech-motor apparatus.
Team 2: How should an adult talk in order to translate the child’s autonomous speech into active correct speech?
Autonomous speech - light words are used (AB - AB, distorted words (MOKO - milk, invented by the child (TOPA - TOPA - went).
Answer: If a child, having seen a bird, says: “GULI - GULI”, then an adult should support him actively - joyful mood and say: “Yes, this is a bird - PIGEONS”, i.e. without paying and not focusing his attention on the incorrectly pronounced by him words, immediately pronounce the word correctly.
Team 3: How should communication with a child of 2-3 years old be carried out during washing in order to:
Expand his vocabulary.
Bring up positive attitude to water procedures?
Answer: During washing, the teacher must “voice” the process of washing in such a way as to cause the child to positive emotions. For example, “I wash my hands with warm water. She murmurs, pours. Soap foams up. The pens will be clean, ”etc. Since this happens regularly, the child’s vocabulary expands. And emotionally colored speech brings up a positive attitude towards water procedures.
5 Task: according to the characteristics, determine the level of development of the child's speech
1 team: high level speech development
Characteristics: Roma Sh. - age 3 years 1 month.
The sound structure of speech. The child recently turned 3 years old, and he pronounces all sounds clearly, including "r".
Communication skills. Communicates easily with children and adults, quickly comes into contact.
The vocabulary is quite rich, all parts of speech are present, except for numerals and gerunds. Lots of adjectives compound words, verb forms.
Connected speech. Roma loves to listen when people read to him and is ready to engage in "reading" around the clock. After reading, he asks a lot of questions and looks at the illustrations for a long time. Quickly memorizes characteristic speech turns from fairy tales, comparisons, epithets.
Children in the group are offered to “read”: they take a book with fairy tales and retell the content almost verbatim, looking at the pictures. conveys intonation. Tells clearly, almost consistently, about cases from life.
The grammatical structure of speech. Uses words first, and then, prepositions in, on, for, at, under. grammatical errors, characteristic of three-year-olds, there are almost no in his speech, with the exception of errors in the endings of nouns of the genitive case plural: coats, boots, shoes and in the formation imperative mood verb: press.
His word-formation intonations are interesting: he landed (fell, my mother fertilized (that is, she became kinder, stopped being angry, defended (defended).
Likes to rhyme words. Creates texts with rhythm, rhyme, but without meaning.
Say hello, say goodbye, thank you, apologize without being reminded. (The influence of "family" speech).
Parents are engaged in the development of their son, read a lot to the child, talk, communicate confidentially. Roma draws a lot, sculpts, talks about his drawings, crafts, even tries to “write”, drawing scribbles, and asks to read them.
2 Team: average level speech development
Characteristics: Masha S. - age 3 years 3 months.
Communication skills. The girl is sociable, easily enters into communication with adults and children. When requested, he proudly pronounces words of courtesy.
The sound structure of speech. Corresponds to the norm: speech sounds softened, most consonants, except for hissing and whistling, pronounce clearly, the sounds “r”, “r” are replaced by “l” with an overtone “r” (physiological burr).
The intonation pattern of speech changes when, for example, he speaks in the game for a doll - a daughter and for her mother, father. Tries (but briefly) to speak louder or quieter if asked.
The rate of speech is average, speech breathing is sufficient to pronounce 2 - 3 words, speaks on exhalation. The repetition of syllables when trying to pronounce a new word is specific to her age.
Vocabulary. Masha correctly names almost all subject pictures, which depict familiar animals, dishes, toys, furniture, clothes.
In conversation, names - nouns are replaced by gestures infrequently, but there are very few adjectives in her speech. Instead of any adjectives, she usually uses the word such. Verbs denoting actions are not enough, they are replaced by gestures, movements.
Grammar structure. Masha uses sentences of two to four words. Many errors in the use of verb forms, in gender and case endings nouns.
There are “own” grammatical forms in speech, especially when forming the imperative mood: drink instead of sing, lie down instead of lie down.
Connected speech. The girl knows how to keep up the conversation, ask questions and answer the question in 2 - 4 words. She cannot tell about what happened to her, but she finishes the phrases from songs, nursery rhymes after the teacher. He tells small poems, knows songs, likes to create and repeat rhymes that do not make sense, such as tusya - nusya - kusya.
She does not like to listen when they are reading, because she is used to watching TV, that is, she understands the meaning not on an auditory basis, but on a visual basis.
3 Team: low level speech development
Characteristics: Misha V. - age 3 years 2 months.
Communication skills. Misha is uncommunicative, serious, loves to play alone with cars, cubes, constructor.
Thanks, hello, goodbye, but the words of politeness are illegible.
The sound structure of his speech can be characterized as age-related physiological tongue-tiedness, but it is typical for a two-year-old, and not for a three-year-old.
The articulatory apparatus is poorly developed, the frenulum of the tongue is slightly shortened. Need to do special exercises for the development of mobility of the tongue, lips, stretching the frenulum. Apparently, the formation of the muscles necessary for the pronunciation of sounds is affected by insufficient speech activity.
Vocabulary is passive, allowing the child to understand the speech addressed to him. The active vocabulary is clearly insufficient, especially few verbs. The boy replaces words with facial expressions, gestures, finds it difficult to name actions, objects.
There are few adjectives in speech.
Grammar structure. Misha uses two-word and three-word sentences, while confusing generic endings: my mother, my father, my nose, my chair.
Case endings are poorly distinguishable, there are almost no prepositions, but he understands grammatical constructions with prepositions correctly.
Connected speech. Dialogue supports one-word answers. He himself does not know how to tell, but with the help of an adult, his tips and questions, he can reproduce a fairy tale from pictures.
Common task for all teams
Speech development that causes anxiety for teachers.
Characteristics: Anya S. - age 3 years 2 months.
The sound structure of speech. The girl is already 3 years old, and she still uses lightweight words: mako (milk, ka-si (sausages).
At home, they do not consider that Anya's autonomous speech is the cause of anxiety and a revision of relations with the child. “She is not completely healthy and therefore does not catch up with the children,” the girl’s mother believes.
The child does not pronounce most of the sounds; enough for three year olds vocabulary and no grammar.
He expresses his requests and demands mainly with gestures, facial expressions, demanding, capricious intonation. Sometimes he still says simple sentences like Anya ... give.
Communication skills. The girl tries to communicate with the children, to play together, but the children do not understand her, and Anya quickly becomes irritated, offends the children, beats them or bites them.
Understands simple requests and instructions partially, and after their repetition.
He does not like to listen, while reading the texts of nursery rhymes, fairy tales moves away from the educator; illustrations, if they are bright enough, colorful, sometimes he considers, but he doesn’t ask questions and rarely calls the depicted, sometimes he comments like this: kitty meow, av - av, bi - bi, boo.
Causes concern and her health: constant discharge from the nose, frequent illnesses nasopharynx and ears, which, of course, affects the development of speech.
What advice can you give to parents? (advise parents to contact an otolaryngologist and a neuropathologist)
R.S. Subsequently, during the examination by doctors, Anya was found to have problems with hearing. The girl was transferred to a specialized kindergarten and is currently engaged in a program for hearing-impaired children.
3 station - Pedagogical piggy bank
6 Task: each team presents 2 didactic manuals on the speech development of children, briefly talking about where and how it can be used.
7 Task: show finger game which can be used in speech development classes and in daily activities.
8 Task: remember and read nursery rhymes that can be used in working with children to enrich children's speech.
9 Task: work with proverbs: each team receives a card with a task
1 team:
Find the missing proverb:
"Boast - do not mow, the back does not hurt"
"Don't hurry with your tongue - hurry with your deeds"
"Language will bring to Kyiv"
"From word to deed - a hundred hauls"
(answer: third proverb)
Remember the proverbs that are opposite in meaning to the proverb "Trouble has come - open the gate"
(Answer: “There is no silver lining”, “There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped”)
Remember proverbs about work that you can use when working with children.
2 team:
Find pairs of proverbs:
"Whoever is literate is not the abyss"
"Chop the Tree for Yourself"
"Knowledge is not a burden to anyone"
"Without root and wormwood grows"
"The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother"
"Across Senka and a hat"
(Answer: 1-3, 2-6, 4-5)
Remember the proverb opposite to this one in meaning: “The night is short before dawn, if there is a lot of work”
Answer: “The day is boring until the evening, if there is nothing to do”
Remember the proverbs about friendship that you can use in working with children
3 team:
Find the "Russian" version of foreign proverbs:
Arabic "Sowing a cactus, do not hope for a harvest of grapes" ("What you sow, you will reap")
Finnish “He who asks will not get lost” (“Language will bring to Kyiv”)
French “Once the cork is removed, you have to drink wine” (Called yourself a load - climb into the back)
African "Even in the reddest apple there may be a worm" ("Not all that glitters is gold").
Vietnamese "A leisurely elephant will reach its goal earlier" ("Slower you go - you will continue")
Finish the proverbs:
“The bird is red with feathers, and the man ...” (learning)
“Learning is light, and ignorance ....” (dark)
“To study literacy - go ahead ...” (useful)
“Learning in happiness decorates, but in misfortune ...” (consoles)
“Whoever is literate is not for that ....” (chasm)
Remember the proverbs about love for mother, for Motherland.
4 station - Pedagogical auction
10 Task: list all possible forms interaction with parents on the development of children's speech.
5 station - Press - Center
1. Discussion of problem maps for the speech development of children (homework)
2. All teams take turns drawing and answering questions based on the results of the business game.
- Have you come up with an idea that you will bring to life?
What other information would you like to receive on this topic?
- Are you interested in the form of the current event? How?
What material was the most interesting?
- What material and forms of work, in your opinion, would be interesting and useful to parents?
- Wishes to colleagues.


Pedagogical Dictionary
Speech development of preschool children
A word is the basic lexical unit that expresses a concept.
The sound of speech is the smallest, indivisible speech unit.

The culture of speech - the degree of mastery linguistic norms(in the field of pronunciation, stress, word usage and grammar, as well as the ability to use all expressive means language in different conditions communication (communications).

Active vocabulary - words that the speaker not only understands, but also uses (more or less often).
Passive vocabulary - words that a speaker of a given language understands, but does not use himself.
Formation of the grammatical structure of speech - work on morphology (change in gender, numbers, cases, vocabulary (formation of one word based on another, syntax (building simple and complex sentences).

Story - description - a text that begins with a general thesis that defines and names the subject or object; then comes the enumeration of signs, properties, qualities, actions; the description is completed by a final phrase that evaluates the subject or shows an attitude towards it.
A story is a story that unfolds over time.
Retelling is an expressive coherent reproduction of the listened work of art.
A speech sample is a correct, pre-worked out speech (language) activity of the educator.
Verbal exercise - repeated performance by children of certain speech actions to develop and improve speech skills and abilities.
A conversation is a purposeful, pre-prepared conversation between a teacher and a group of children on a specific topic.
Diction is a distinct, clear pronunciation of words and their combinations.
Articulation - the position and movement of the organs of speech (tongue, lips, lower jaw).
A pure tongue is a rhythmic speech material containing complex combinations of sounds, syllables, words that are difficult to pronounce.
A tongue twister is a rhythmic, difficult-to-pronounce phrase or several rhyming phrases with frequent identical sounds.
Speech hearing is the ability for auditory attention and understanding of words, the ability to perceive and distinguish different qualities speech: timbre, expressiveness.
Phonemic hearing - the ability to differentiate all sounds (phonemes) mother tongue- to distinguish the meaning of words that are similar in sound.
The teacher's reading is a literal transmission of the text.
The educator's story is a freer transmission of the text (abbreviations of the text, rearrangement of words, inclusion of explanations, etc. are allowed)
A conversation about a work is a complex technique that includes a number of simple techniques - verbal and visual. There is an introductory (preliminary) conversation before reading and a short explanatory (final) conversation after reading.
Theatricalization of works of art (fairy tales, stories, poems) is a variety of methods for retelling children in the faces of those works that they have read, the teacher said.
Game - dramatization - verbatim retelling by children in persons (according to roles) of a work of art that the teacher read to them, or a free retelling of the text (plot - role-playing game) .
Theatrical performance - a performance in which children who know by heart the text of a work of art, while using theatrical attributes (costumes, scenery, dolls, toys, etc.)
"Cut" concepts - 3rd task
Coherent speech is a semantic detailed statement (a series of logically combined sentences that ensures communication and mutual understanding of people.
Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people on a topic related to a situation.
A monologue is a speech of one interlocutor addressed to the audience.
A story is a self-composed detailed statement of a fact or event.
Speech is an individual psychophysiological process of a person, the most important creative mental function; the process of communication between people through language.
The development of speech is a creative process that is formed as a result of the perception of an adult's speech, one's own speech activity and an elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech.
The culture of speech is the degree of mastery of language norms (in the field of pronunciation, stress, word usage and grammar, as well as the ability to use all the expressive means of the language in different conditions of communication (communication).
Vocabulary work - enrichment, expansion, activation of children's vocabulary.
Formation of the grammatical structure of speech - work on morphology (change in gender, numbers, cases, vocabulary (formation of one word based on another, syntax (construction of simple and complex sentences).

Business game for educators
"Developing Connected Speech"

Purpose: To increase the professional competence of preschool teachers on the problem of the formation of coherent speech in preschool children through active teaching methods.

Clarify the knowledge of teachers on the problem of the formation of coherent speech in preschool children
Exercise in the ability to apply TRIZ technologies in practical work with preschool children.
To improve the ability of teachers to plan the course of a lesson in coherent speech, to structure it, to diversify it with non-traditional methods and techniques that contribute to the activation of children in the lesson.
To exercise the ability to communicate and develop a common opinion in a team, to develop teachers' ingenuity, ingenuity, creative thinking, and creative imagination.

Teachers are invited to independently divide into 2 teams, come up with a team name, motto. Select team captains.
Roles in the game:
- the leader (head of the problem group) introduces the rules of the game, reads the task from the cards, follows the rules,
-jury: three experienced teachers from the participants of the problem group - calculate the points, sum up the results of the business game.

Rules of the game: Teams perform 6 tasks. One card is issued for each task. At the end of each task, the card is handed over to the jury members, who count the points.
Supporting materials are issued for cards No. 3,4,5 (see Appendix 1,2,3).
Attributes for the game:
— Labels with the name of the teams.
- Scoreboard for calculating a visual representation of the points received by each team.

Game progress:

All players are divided into 2 teams, choose captains. Come up with a team motto. The rules of the game are explained, attention is drawn to the time for completing each task.

Warm-up for captains: arrange a series of pictures in order and compose a story, strictly following the requirements for compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures.

Tasks for conducting a business game:

Card #1
Choose the correct answers.

Which of the following is not a form of the communicative function of coherent speech (Dialogue, monologue, report).
What skills are developed in dialogue? (listen to the interlocutor, ask a question, retell a literary work).
Which of the following does not belong to the type of monologue (description, conversation, reasoning, retelling, story, teacher's conversation).
Name the types of statements (description, assumption, narration, reasoning, proof)
What is the name of the text in which there is a list of signs, properties, qualities, actions? (narration, description, reasoning)
What is the name of the text in which the development of the plot unfolds in time? (narration, description, reasoning)
What is the name of the text, including causal constructions, questions, assessment? (narration, description, reasoning)
What is superfluous in the structure of the narrative (introduction, plot, enumeration, climax, description, denouement, proof)
What is not included in the structure of reasoning (thesis, description, proof, narrative, conclusion)

Card #2

Define age group for the presented tasks
(for group No. 1)
Teach children to perceive the text read by the teacher.
To be able to coherently, consistently, expressively convey the content of a story or fairy tale without the help of questions from the educator.
Teach to tell short stories and stories not only well known, but also read for the first time in class.
Teach children to come up with a sequel to a read story or fairy tale.
Teach children to look at the picture, to notice the most important thing in it
To teach children to see not only what is depicted, but also to imagine previous and subsequent events
Teach children to speak by example.
Teach children to make their own stories based on the picture.
Develop coherent speech based on the use of the comparison technique
Learn to write short descriptive stories about toys

Card #2
(for group №2)
Drawing up plot stories based on a series of toys
Learn to make collective stories on a set of toys.
In which group is collective storytelling introduced?
In which group is the most appropriate collective storytelling from experience?
To teach children the collective writing of letters (special texts).

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