Report on preparation for gia at school. GIA preparation report. The quality of education at different levels

Analysis of activities aimed at obtaining free basic and secondary education

In the 2015-16 academic year, teachers faced the task of creating favorable conditions for the development of the student's personality as an individual and working out a unified approach to improving the effectiveness of the interaction between classroom and extracurricular education as a means of developing students' cognitive activity.

Identified difficulties in the preparation of a modern lesson:

  • The search for such a lesson organization that would ensure not only the assimilation of educational material at the lesson itself, but their independent cognitive activity that contributes to mental development, that is, the formation of key competencies.
  • The need for the integrated use of various teaching aids, including technical ones, aimed at increasing the pace of the lesson.
  • Ensuring the unity of training, education and development.

Reasons for difficulties:

  • some school teachers cannot get rid of the explanatory-illustrative type of teaching;
  • the presentation of educational material in most textbooks remains most often informational, they do not contain tasks of a variable nature, tasks for the creative activity of students;
  • not always the development of the student's creative abilities is purposeful.

School curriculum for 2015-2016 academic year year was compiled on the basis of the basic curriculum. When drawing up the curriculum, continuity was observed between the levels of education and classes, a balance between subject cycles, individual subjects. The level of weekly study load per student did not exceed the maximum allowable. The school component was divided into subjects according to the basic curriculum. The educational program of the school and the curriculum provide for the implementation of the state function of the school - the provision of basic general secondary education and the development of the child in the learning process.

The main condition for achieving these goals is the inclusion of each child in each training session in activities taking into account his capabilities and abilities.

The achievement of these goals is ensured by a phased solution of the tasks of the school at each level of education.

In the 2015-2016 academic year, the school worked on a 5-day week. Curriculum for the past 2015-2016 academic year completed, training programs completed .


state final certification of graduates of the 9th grade

The main goal of the state final certification: obtaining objective information about the state of the quality of education, identifying and determining the level of mastering the curriculum by students within the framework of the main school, increasing the responsibility of subject teachers for the results of work.

The state final certification of graduates of the ninth grade is carried out on the basis of:

The procedure for conducting the state final on educational programs of basic general education (order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated December 25, 2013 No. 1394).

In the 2015-2016 academic year, the state final certification for the course of the basic general school in the 9th grade was organized in a timely manner and carried out according to the plan in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Region, as well as documents of the Department of Education of the Mozhaisk municipal district.

In the 2015-2016 academic year, 24 students studied in the 9th grade. On the basis of the Procedure for conducting the state final on educational programs of basic general education and the decision of the pedagogical council (minutes No. 5 of 05/23/2016), all students were admitted to the state final attestation. State programs in all subjects of the curriculum have been implemented in full.

The state final certification in the 9th grade took place in the form of the OGE in the Russian language and mathematics and elective subjects.

During the preparation of the state final certification, the following work was organized:

  • Explanatory work on the procedure for conducting the state final on the educational programs of basic general education and the decision of the pedagogical council (teachers, students, parents).
  • Checking the objectivity of assessing the knowledge of students (semi-annual, annual, training and diagnostic tests, viewing class magazines, notebooks, attending lessons and additional classes).

Corners for preparing for the state final certification "To Help Graduates" were decorated in the classrooms.

Examinations in the main subjects (mathematics, Russian language) were conducted in accordance with the procedure for conducting the State Examination at the PES. Graduates had the necessary documents (passports) with them. Examination papers of graduates in mathematics and the Russian language were checked by the regional examination board.

The results of the state final certification of graduates of the 9th grade

MOU - Voroshilovskaya secondary school for the 2015-2016 academic year in the form of the OGE.

Exam score



Russian language

Social science

English language



Math exam:

out of 24 students participating in the GIA:

15 students confirmed their annual grades (62.5%),

9 students passed the exam above the annual (37.5%),

0 students passed the exam below the annual.

Russian language exam:

out of 19 students participating in the exam:

2 students confirmed their annual grades (17%),

22 students passed the exam above the annual (83%),

0 students passed the exam below the annual (0%),

Comparative analysis of grades received by graduates at the GIA:

A comparative analysis of the results of the GIA of graduates in mathematics indicates that, in general, the state of training of students in the subject is satisfactory.

The increase in marks for the exam, compared to the annual ones, is just a consequence of the fact that the students coped well with the tasks of the basic level of complexity.

The overall score in mathematics was influenced by the good results of "Real Mathematics"

The algebraic problem has sunk (second part), but this problem has been solving problems since elementary school.

A comparative analysis of the results of the GIA of graduates in the Russian language indicates that, in general, the state of learning of students in the subject is good. The quality of work performed is higher compared to last year. However, in the 2016-2017 academic year, attention should be paid to working with complex text analysis. When analyzing the text, pay attention not only to improving the skills of literate writing, but also to make assignments on topics submitted to the GIA (lexical meaning of words, synonymy, morphology, identification of keywords in the text, parsing, etc.) - essays on small problematic issues, quotes. Work on the continuous improvement of students' speech, systematically enrich vocabulary.

Based on the results of the annual examination assessments, all students received certificates of basic general education.

It is necessary in the 2016-2017 academic year, when preparing for the OGE, to solve the following TASKS:

  1. Continue the existing system of preparing students for the OGE;
  2. Teachers - subject teachers to better prepare graduates for exams in the form of the OGE (training and diagnostic work in all subjects and perform on forms); improve the performance and quality of knowledge of students.
  3. Based on the results of the OGE of the 2016 academic year, in the 2016-2017 academic year, select groups of “successful”, “medium-successful”, “poorly successful” students to carry out a multi-level learning process, draw up individual plans for preparing for the OGE;
  4. Systematically work with underachieving students.
  1. To introduce personality-oriented methods into the practice of the school, which will make it possible to increase attention to the formation of basic skills in weak students who have the opportunity and desire to learn mathematics and the Russian language at a higher level.

Teachers - subject teachers

Practice current diagnostics of knowledge in the form of tests, which must include tasks on previously studied topics; to improve the organizational skills of schoolchildren in working with tests in the process of dispersed preparation for the subsequent final certification;

Conduct an analysis of the results of the state final certification, put under control the study of topics for which gaps have been identified and completed by a small number of graduates, more clearly organize the repetition of these topics to prevent the repetition of mistakes and improve the quality of education.

Deputy director for water resources management Berestyanskaya V.F.

Strengthen intra-school control over the teaching of the Russian language and mathematics;

Analysis of the quality of students' knowledge.

Achievement results.

The quality of education at different levels.

Primary School .

Total number of students 144. 111 students were certified

The level of education is 100%, the percentage of students enrolled in 4 and 5 is 75-67.6%, which is 6% more compared to the 2014-2015 academic year.

Main school

Total students: 144. Subject to certification: 144

The level of education is 100%, the percentage of students enrolled in 4 and 5 -56 -38.9%, which is 1.3% more compared to the 2014-15 academic year.

secondary school

The level of education is 100%, the percentage of students studying at 4 and 5 is 7-36.8%, which is 15% less compared to the 2014-2015 academic year.

By school: the level of education is 100%, the quality of education (by 4 and 5) is 139-50%, which is 3% more compared to the 2014-2015 academic year.

Of these: excellent students - 16 (less by 7 people) students (5%), for "4 and 5" - 123 students (40.4%).

10 people (3.8%) study with one mark "3"

Progress by class in the 2015-2016 academic year

Class / total students

Of them with one "4"

With one "3"

Do not have time

On "4 and 5" in Russian

On "4 and 5" in mathematics

% quality learning

Martynov D.

Fedchenkova D. (English language)

Gabidullin R.

Galstyan L.

Smirnova D.

Balikhina S.

Kagramanova E. (Russian)

Morozova V.

(Russian language)

Zenkin V.

Kharitonova S.

Golovin A. (Russian)

Smirnov D.

Volchkova A.

Zenkina Yu.

1 Nazarova D (Russian language)

Orlova Ya.

Makar K. Lityushova E.

Yakovleva O. (Russian)

Shensheva K.

Shamruk E.

Grechikova V.


Gryaznov K.

Total 30


9 (3,3 %)

18 (9 %)

Conclusion: the pedagogical team works stably, academic performance is stable; there is a positive trend in the quality of student learning (the quality has increased by 3%), at the same time, the number of students is increasing every year.

Together with that shortcomings noted

Not all teachers use modern educational technologies in their lessons to work more effectively to improve the quality of schoolchildren's education.

Still ineffective is the work of the entire teaching staff on the formation of learning motives, arousing the cognitive interest of students on the topic, increasing their emotional mood and ensuring the unity of education, upbringing and development.

Incomplete coverage and involvement of teachers in methodological work in one form or another, the search for new non-traditional forms of the content of methodological work, etc.

The level of introspection among teachers and self-control among students is not high enough.

Insufficient work is carried out with low-performing students.


state final certification of graduates of the 11th grade

MOU - Voroshilovskaya secondary school in the 2015-2016 academic year.

The state final certification of graduates of the XI grade is carried out on the basis of:

The procedure for conducting the state final on educational programs of secondary general education (order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated December 25, 2013 No. 1394).

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 03, 2015 No. 46 "On approval of a unified schedule and duration of the state final exam in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education for each academic subject, a list of teaching and upbringing tools used in its conduct in 2015".

In the 2015-2016 academic year, the state final certification for the course of the secondary general school in the 11th grade was organized in a timely manner and carried out according to the plan in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Region, as well as documents of the Department of Education of the Mozhaisk municipal district.

In the 2015-2016 academic year, 11 students studied in the 11th grade. On the basis of the Procedure for conducting the state final on educational programs of secondary general education and the decision of the pedagogical council (minutes No. 5 of 05/23/2016), order No. 25 of the SU of May 25, 2016, all students were admitted to the state final certification. State programs in all subjects of the curriculum have been implemented in full.

1.1 The number of participants in the USE-2015 - 11 people.

1.2 Number of graduates whose results are below the minimum score:

in Russian - 0

in mathematics - 0

in general subjects of choice - 2

1.3 Indicators of a general education institution in comparison with federal indicators


Passing score

Number of participants/


Maximum score

Minimum score

Average score / average score for MO

Russian language

Mathematics (basic level)

Mathematics (profile level)

Social science


English language



In comparison with the indicators for the school of the previous (2015) year, the average score in the Russian language (63.4 / 62.5), physics (44 / 37.7) increased, in all other subjects the average score decreased, which was caused by objective reasons (the impossibility write off) and as close as possible to the real indicators of the preparation of graduates, the lack of interest of graduates in preparing for the exam at their choice. In history, the average score in the school is higher than the average score in the Russian Federation

1.4. The level of consideration of the analysis of the results of the USE-2016: school: at the August pedagogical council, at parent meetings, in the 11th grade in September 2016, in the Public report on the results of the school:

There is a decrease in the average score for the school compared to last year, except for English. The school has increased the number of results from 70 points and above. The certificate of merit from the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region "For special achievements in the study of individual subjects" was received by 5 people (26%). The medal of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region "For Success in Teaching" was awarded to 1 person. (5%). One student received a silver medal.

  1. Supervising deputy directors for HRM to strengthen control over the work of subject teachers of grades 5-11 in organizing the preparation of students for the final certification;
  2. At the August Pedagogical Council, discuss the analysis of the state (final) certification in grades 9 and 11 and take into account the decisions made in further work;
  3. At the meetings of the School of International Relations at the beginning of the 2016-17 academic year, hear and discuss the certificate on the final certification, take into account its recommendations in further work.
  4. Subject teachers should strengthen their responsibility when setting current, trimester, semi-annual, annual marks for their objectivity and correspondence to the real picture of students' knowledge.
  5. Strengthen control over the correctness of maintaining classroom journals and other documentation;
  6. In the next academic year, the preparations for the final certification should also be included in a separate plan.


Analysis of the results of the state final

Certification of graduates of IX and XI classes

municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 30"

for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Analysis of the work of the school in preparing graduates for the state final certification in the 2017-2018 academic year.

According to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the development of general educational programs of basic general and secondary general education ends with a mandatory state final certification of graduates of general educational institutions, regardless of the form of education.

State final certification (SFA) is a form of objective assessment of the quality of training of persons who have mastered the educational programs of basic and secondary general education, using control measuring materials, which are sets of tasks of a standardized form, the implementation of which allows you to set the level of development of the federal state educational standard.

The results of the GIA are becoming the main source of objective and independent information about the level of general education of schoolchildren, about the trends in the development of general education in our educational institution. The most important condition for improving the quality of the learning process is a systematic analysis of objective data on the results of training students in subjects.

The analysis of the results of the GIA-2018 was carried out in order to determine:

The level and quality of mastering the content of educational subjects by students,

Factors and conditions that influenced the quality of the results of the state (final) certification of graduates of a general education institution.

The sources of information collection are:

The results of the OGE of graduates of the 9th grade of the school;

The results of the Unified State Examination of graduates of the 11th grade of the school.

When preparing and conducting the state final certification of graduates of the 9th and 11th grades, the school administration was guided by the following regulations:

1. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 25, 2013 No. 1394 “On Approval of the Procedure for Conducting State Final Attestation for Educational Programs of Basic General Education”.

2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400 “On Approval of the Procedure for Conducting State Final Attestation for Educational Programs of Secondary General Education”.

3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 10, 2017 No. 1099 “On approval of a unified schedule and duration of the main state exam for each academic subject, a list of teaching and upbringing tools used in its conduct in 2018”.

4. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 10, 2017 No. 1097 “On approval of the unified schedule and duration of the unified state exam for each academic subject, the list of teaching and upbringing tools used in its conduct in 2018”.

5. The work plan of the school for the preparation and conduct of the state final certification in the 2017-2018 academic year.

Students, parents, teaching staff were familiarized with the legal framework, the procedure for conducting exams in the form of a unified state exam (USE) and the main state exam (OGE).

The school created an information environment for the preparation and conduct of the State Examination, decorated stands for parents and students "USE - 2018", "OGE - 2018" in classrooms and recreations.Informing students and their parents (legal representatives) on GIA issues took place through a system of school-wide parent meetings.Students and their parents (legal representatives) were familiarized with the addresses of sites containing information about the GIA, with the address of the Internet site of the Committee on Education of the Administration of the City District of Podolsk. The page of the Internet site of the school dedicated to the state final attestation was constantly functioning and updated. Individual consultations were also held by subject teachers for students and their parents (legal representatives) on preparation for the GIA.

The Deputy Director, subject teachers, teacher-psychologist, class teachers conducted systematic briefings of graduates in the following areas:

information readiness;

Subject readiness (quality of training in subjects, ability to work with CIMs, demos);

Psychological readiness (internal mood for exams, focus on expedient actions, use of the personality's capabilities for successful actions in a situation of passing an exam).

Throughout the 2017-2018 academic year, students in grades 9 and 11 were regularly consulted (individual and group) on subjects submitted for the state final certification. Subject teachers analyzed the mistakes made by students, implemented plans to eliminate knowledge gaps identified in diagnostic work in the form of the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination, and corrected the calendar-thematic planning of work programs.

The class teachers of the 9th and 11th grades of the school brought the results of diagnostic, control, administrative work, cuts in subjects to the attention of parents.

The combination of administrative control with self-control and self-analysis of the activities of teachers made it possible to achieve a sufficient level of preparation for the state final certification and contributed to its organized conduct.

To streamline and systematize the flow of information about the results of the state final certification, the school administration used tables to collect and process the following information:

Results of the state final certification of graduates;

Results of compulsory exams (Russian language and mathematics);

The results of elective subjects;

Analysis of the level of preparation and conduct of the state final certification;

Comparison of the learning outcomes of graduates at the end of the year and the results of exams.

Monitoring activities were carried out in several areas:

1. Monitoring of the level of quality of education of graduate students was carried out through the conduct and subsequent analysis of tests, control cuts, test tasks of various levels, trial testing. The results of these works were discussed at small pedagogical councils and administrative meetings. These data were used by educators to predict further actions to improve the quality of teaching.

2. Monitoring of the quality of teaching the subjects of the curriculum was carried out through intra-school control by visiting classes, conducting administrative thematic checks. Based on the results, interviews were conducted with teachers, specific recommendations were given on the use of effective methods and technologies of teaching in the final grades, aimed at increasing the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

3. Monitoring the implementation of program material in the subjects of the curriculum, including the practical part of the work programs of teachers.

In the 2017-2018 academic year, graduates of the 9th and 11th grades were in demand for all subjects of the curriculum submitted for the state final certification.

The state final attestation was carried out on time in accordance with federal, regional and local documents on the state final attestation of students in grades 9 and 11.

The results of the state final certification in the form of the main state exam (OGE) for graduates of grade 9 for the 2017-2018 academic year.

In the 2017-2018 academic year, in accordance with the Procedure for conducting the state final certification for educational programs of basic general education, the state final certification was carried out in the form of the main state exam (OGE) in four subjects, of which Russian language and mathematics were mandatory for all graduates, and two subjects -optionally.

At the end of the 2017-2018 academic year, 123 students studied in the 9th grade, one graduate was homeschooled. 123 students were admitted to the state final certification. 55 graduates of the basic school graduated without triples, which is 45% of all graduates.

Certificate of basic general education Honours 10 graduates received - Polina Smirnova, Vera Kondratskaya (9A), Anastasia Gorkanova, German Minaev, Dmitry Sirotinin, Anastasia Solovova, Sona Gasparyan (9B), Danil Goryachkovsky (9C), Daria Kersak, Ilya Yashaev (9D).

The state final certification of 9th grade students in the form of the OGE showed that the level of knowledge of graduates corresponds to the results given:

Exam results in Russian language and mathematics

in 2017-2018 academic year

9A class

9B class

9B class

9G class


Russian language

Russian language

Russian language

Russian language

Russian language

Number of applicants

Received rating:

Confirmed annual assessment

Received a rating above the annual

Received a rating below the annual

% quality of knowledge for the exam

Average score for the year




Average score for the exam




The GIA includes compulsory exams in mathematics and the Russian language; graduates took exams in two other academic subjects of their choice.An analysis of the results of the work in the Russian language showed that most of the students coped with the work successfully. Lapina Tatyana and Borisova Victoria got "2" for the exam, but successfully retake the subject on the reserve day. It can be noted that the level of formation of the most important speech skills and the assimilation of language norms corresponds to the minimum of the mandatory content of basic general education in the Russian language.

Despite the rather high quality of knowledge of the majority of students at the GIA, these data indicate that there is a problem associated with the objectivity of setting marks in the Russian language during the year, as well as the fact that teachers often do not see and do not use the student's potential, which is revealed on examination, which is the result of the lack of an individual and differentiated approach to students.

Analysis of the results of certification work in 9th grade in mathematics allows us to conclude that at the level of compulsory training, a satisfactory result was obtained in almost all tasks included in the examination work. Lapin Anton and Lapina Tatyana received a "2" for the exam, but successfully retaken this subject on the reserve day.

Analysis of the results of the GIA in the main subjectsin 9th grade for three years.

Russian language








Number of participants


% quality







The results of the state final certification of graduates of the 9th grade





Total number of graduates who took the exam

The share of graduates who did well (% of those who took part)

The share of graduates who received a grade of "4" and "5"

Total number of graduates who took the exam

The share of graduates who did well (% of those who took part)

The share of graduates who received a grade of "4" and "5"

Required subjects

Russian language









Social science


















English language















Informatics and ICT



In subjects of choice, he received an unsatisfactory result, followed by a successful retake:

Physics (Balitsky A. 9G class)


1. The state final certification of school students who have mastered the basic general education programs of basic general education was carried out in accordance with the procedure determined by federal and regional regulatory legal acts.

2. In the 2017-2018 academic year, the school administration carried out systematic work on the preparation and conduct of the state final certification in 2018.

3. Students and teachers of the school fully complied with information security during the period of the state final certification.

4. The results of the OGE-2018 showed that 98.37% of 9th grade graduates mastered the subject content in the Russian language at a level not lower than the basic one, and also 98.37% in mathematics.

SWOT analysis of the SFA of basic general education


Effective work of methodological associations of teachers of the Russian language, literature and mathematics;

The material and technical base allows the use of various techniques and methods in the training of graduates;

Organization and conduct of written work in the form of the main state exam in order to have a real picture of the performance and quality of education of graduates, identifying the "risk group", drawing up a plan of work with this group;

The work of a teacher-psychologist to identify emotional tension during the period of preparation and during the passage of the GIA;

Passage of course preparation for teachers in preparation for the GIA, according to the Federal State Educational Standard;

Participation of teachers in inspections as experts of regional subject commissions.

Weak sides

- low level of motivation of graduates for internal honesty when performing control tasks;

Low formation of the ability to introspection of the work performed;

Insufficiently high level of test culture of graduates - work with letterheads, calligraphy;

Difficulties in using general educational skills and abilities (planning one's activities, the ability to work on time, control and correct one's activities, the ability to consciously read the text);

Insufficient level of psychological readiness to demonstrate knowledge and skills in an unusual environment.


- ensuring unlimited access to technical teaching aids and organization of the educational process;

Monitoring and timely informing parents about learning problems;

Providing systematic preparation for the state final certification.


- decrease in the percentage of academic performance and quality of the state final certification in mathematics and the Russian language;

Failure to pass state certification in elective subjects due to an increase in the number of subjects taken up to 4 and the possibility of retaking no more than 2 subjects, including compulsory ones (Russian language and mathematics).

1. Conduct systematic work to analyze the quality and learning outcomes of students to study the real learning opportunities of students in order to optimize the educational process.

2. Improve the methodology for teaching students in grades 5-9 to work with tests, systematically include test forms of control in the curriculum throughout all years of study.

3. Discuss the reasons for the discrepancy between annual and examination marks at the School of International Relations in order to correct the criteria for their presentation.

4. To improve the system of classes in preparation for exams in all subjects, pay special attention to the preparation of graduates in the subjects of geography, biology, history.

The results of the state final certification in the form of a unified state exam (USE) for 11th grade graduates for the 2017-2018 academic year.

At the end of the 2017-2018 academic year, there were 52 students in the 11th grade, and Yaskina Ustinya, who is studying in the form of self-education, was also included in the contingent of the school for passing the state final certification. All graduates were admitted to the state final certification and received a certificate of secondary general education. Malakhova Anastasia, Bokova Alina, Nikolaeva Alexandra, Blokhina Anna, Yakovleva Valeria, Yakovleva Ksenia, Glinkova Daria, Rudenko Maria, Rogovskaya Yulia received a certificate with honors and were awarded the medal "For Special Achievements in Teaching".

The unified state exam was organized in 13 general education subjects. The final essay (statement), which was held in December 2017, was a prerequisite for admission to the exam; the mathematics exam is divided into two levels - basic and specialized; when conducting the Unified State Examination in foreign languages, the section "Speaking" is included in the exam. The total number of exams in the form of the Unified State Exam is determined by each participant independently, of which 2 exams in mathematics (any level) and the Russian language are mandatory, the rest are at the choice of the graduate.

All graduates of the 11th grade received a "credit" for the final essay (statement), and were admitted to the state final certification.

In the 11th grade, education was conducted according to basic and specialized curricula (social and humanitarian profile: Russian language, social studies, law; information technology profile: mathematics, computer science). On average, graduates chose 1 or 2 subjects, that is, those subjects that will be they need for admission to universities.

The high choice of exams in such a subject as social studies is due to the fact that many graduates need this subject for admission to a university.

The number and percentage of students who chose the USE in subjects in 2018


Number of students who chose this subject

Social science

Mathematics (basic level)

Informatics and ICT




English language




The number of USE points in subjects scored by school graduates.


2014-2015 academic year

2015-2016 academic year

2016-2017 academic year

2017-2018 academic year

Number of donating


School average

Number of applicants

School average

Number of applicants

School average

Number of applicants

School average

Russian language





Mathematics (profile level)





Mathematics (basic level)





Social science


















English language


















Informatics and ICT






Mathematics (profile level)




Mathematics (basic level)




Social science










English language










Informatics and ICT








The Russian language exam is mandatory when passing the state final certification. A clear organization of preparing students for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, a good methodological base of the Ministry of Education of Russian language and literature teachers, the availability of a large amount of control and measuring materials, a systematic approach to preparing for the exam allowed 2018 graduates to successfully pass the Russian language exam. A graduate of class 11 B Blokhin Anna scored the maximum score of 100b in this subject. The average test score in Russian was 75.12 (up 5.61 compared to last year).

The average score in the school in relation to the average score in the Russian Federation in 2018 is higher in the Russian language (by 5.12 points). This indicates the successful work of the teaching staff in creating opportunities for preparing for exams. The average score in mathematics at two levels increased, both compared to the previous year (by 14.45 points in specialized mathematics and by 0.41 in basic mathematics) and in comparison with the average score in the Russian Federation (49.8 4.29 - basic mathematics) and according to G.o. Podolsk The highest number of points in the Russian language from 80 to 100 points in 2018 was scored by 26 graduates (49%), from 70 to 80 points - 11 graduates (21%). The greatest number in mathematics (profile level) from 60 to 80 points was scored by 21 out of 39 graduates (54%).

Graduates of our school did not overcome the established minimum threshold in all subjects. In elective subjects, the following graduates scored less than the established minimum score:

Informatics - Baykova Yana (14 points);

History - Julia Ganieva (22 points).

When comparing the results of the school in 2017 and 2018, there is a positive trend in the subjects: Russian language, mathematics (profile level), mathematics (basic level), social studies, biology, physics, English, literature, computer science and ICT.


1. The quality of knowledge of 11th grade students complies with state educational standards.

2. State final certification passed satisfactorily.

3. Successes have been achieved in the development of individual subjects, which made it possible to obtain 100% passing of these subjects in the form of the Unified State Examination.

SWOT-analysis of the state final certification of secondary general education


- teachers of the Russian language and mathematics have a good methodological and didactic base;

A stable team of subject teachers who are interested in the success of their students;

Good material and technical support of the educational process;

Participation of teachers in inspections as experts of regional subject commissions

Weak sides

- insufficient level of work on the individualization and differentiation of student learning, especially in elective subjects;

The absence of positive dynamics in the average USE score in some elective subjects;

Low level of motivation to acquire knowledge among individual students;

Insufficient stimulation of cognitive activity of students by teachers.


100% completion minimum threshold in mathematics and Russian;

Increase the average score in the Russian language and mathematics at the profile level;

To mark with a medal "For Special Achievements in Education" graduates with final grades "excellent".


- lack of skills of graduates to clearly follow the instructions;

Inability to ignore redundant information;

Non-standard exam situations can lead to stress.

- not passing the minimum threshold in mathematics at the profile level of individual graduates.

The school conducts the work of subject teachers and class teachers with graduates, their parents on the choice of subjects and preparation for their delivery.

In order to annually increase the USE test score in subjects, it is necessary to reconsider the attitude of the subject teacher to:

  • an approach to teaching focused on the "average" student;

- the level of work on the individualization and differentiation of training;

  • the need to track and analyze the results of mastering the material by students.

It is possible to analyze (and it is necessary to do this on the CME) the percentage of students who have completed one or another task of the test, from one or another topic. The test form of control is convenient, but does not allow the teacher to see the mistakes made and eliminate gaps in the students' knowledge.

School administrations and teachers need to pay attention to a more conscious choice of subjects by graduates for final certification, which are really necessary for a graduate to enter a particular educational institution, and are not used as a fallback. And for graduates who have made a choice, it is necessary to combine all resources for preparation. There is a positive practice in resolving this issue: additional classes with students in subjects organized during the school year, consultations for students, teachers, and parents. Work in this direction should be systematic.

Analysis of the results of the state final certification in 2018 allows us to identify the following keytasks for the new school year:

Improve methodologies and approaches to the selection of content, methods and forms of organization of the educational process;

To intensify the use of computer forms of control and evaluation of the quality of education, the level of knowledge of students;

Provide conditions for self-education of each teacher based on the use of modern information technologies, including distance learning;

To analyze the content of the professional activities of teachers in terms of its effectiveness, innovative nature, the use of modern educational technologies;

To carry out the adjustment of the work programs of educational subjects, taking into account the results of the USE;

To organize work on the early diagnosis of the demand for subjects of choice in the exam.

Based on this analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The results of the state final certification of 9th grade students and 11th grade graduates indicate that the assessment of knowledge has become more objective.

2. It is necessary to continue work on improving the system for organizing the final certification of school graduates in the form of the Unified State Examination, the Unified State Examination through increasing the information competence of participants in the educational process.

3. One of the important directions in the preparation for the state final certification is to identify trends in student performance, improve system monitoring of preliminary progress, and residual knowledge of students.

4. It is necessary to improve the conditions for the organization of self-education and advanced training of school teachers, including through the system of course preparation, generalization of experience, and intensification of the work of the School of Education.





694420 Sakhalin Region, Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, st. Tsapko, 43

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OKATO 64204000000, TIN 6502003736, KPP 650201001, BIC 046401001

The system of work of MBOU SOSH No. 6 in preparation for the state final certification of graduates in the form of the OGE and the Unified State Examination (2015-2016 academic year).

According to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the development of educational programs of basic general education ends with the state final certification of graduates of general educational institutions, regardless of the form of education.

In preparing students for passing the GIA in the form of the Unified State Examination, the OGE and the GVE, the following areas are highlighted:

    Creation of conditions in the PA for the preparation of graduates for the state final certification (training of graduates with disabilities)

    1. Creation of an information environment in the OO in the framework of preparing graduates for certification (websites, stands, meetings)

When organizing work with the parents of students, we consider it a priority to provide them with information on the conduct and procedure of the GIA. For this purpose, parent meetings are held, information stands are drawn up for the preparation and conduct of the GIA in the form of the OGE and the USE.

    1. There are 3 stands in the corridor of the school: “State Final Attestation”, “Preparation for the Final Attestation”, “USE-2016”, on the school website there is a section on preparing for the GIA, which contains documents regulating the procedure for conducting the GIA in 2016.

1.2 In the 9th grade, parents of students are familiarized with the legal documents at parent meetings

    Parent Meeting #1 from08 "October 2015 (grades 9a, b) (attended by 27 people)

  • Order Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1394 dated December 25, 2013 “On approval of the Procedure for conducting the state final certification for educational programs of basic general education"

  • Order Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from May 15, 2014 No. 528 Ministry of Education and Science of Russia" No. 1394 dated December 25, 2013;

  • "On Amendments to Certain Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation"

  • Order Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from 07/30/2014 No. 863 "On Amendments to the Procedure for Conducting State Final Attestation in educational programs of basic general education, approved by order Ministry of Education and Science of Russia" No. 1394 dated December 25, 2013;

  • Order Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from 01/16/2015 No. 10 "On Amendments to the Procedure for Conducting State Final Attestation in educational programs of basic general education, approved by order Ministry of Education and Science of Russia" No. 1394 dated December 25, 2013;

  • Information about the terms, places, procedure for filing and considering appeals;

  • Criteria for evaluating the results of the GIA;

  • Order Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from 07/07/2015 N 692 "On Amendments to the Procedure for Conducting State Final Attestation in educational programs of basic general education, approved by order Ministry of Education and Science of Russia" No. 1394 dated December 25, 2013;

On the second question, parents are familiar withinformation on pre-selection of subjects

    Parent meeting No. 2 of December 28, 2015 was attended by 13 people

Presentation: "How to prepare for the GIA" (grades 9a, b)

Preliminary selection of subjects for passing the OGE for the month of December;

The results of monitoring work in the Russian language, mathematics, elective subjects

    Parent meeting No. 3 dated March 01, 2016 (grades 9a, b) was attended by 7 people (attached)

Familiarization of parents with the final choice of exams for the GIA

Familiarization of parents with the OGE schedule

Familiarization of parents with a memo

    Parent meeting No. 4 dated April 07, 2016 was attended by 12 people (grade 9a) (attached)

Familiarization of parents with the schedule of the OGE, the duration of the OGE for each subject, the list of training and education tools used during the conduct in 2016 (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 35 of 01/26/2016)

Familiarization of parents with the results of regional trial exams

Acquaintance of parents with the letter of Rosobrnadzor on the use of communication facilities No. 312-2054 \ 16 dated 03/29/2016

Getting to know the parentth sUSP orders to conduct diagnostic work in mathematics and the Russian language in the 9th grade

In the 11th grade, parents of students were familiarized with the legal documents at parent meetings

Parent meeting No. 1 (dated 10/18/14) was attended by 18 people

    1. Creation of conditions in the educational institution for the preparation of graduates for the state final certification (program implementation, consultations, quality of lessons, HSC)

2.1 implementation questions RUBOP were consideredat meetings of ped. advice

1. Protocol #2 dated 05.11.2015

Implementation of RUBOP for the 1st quarter

Calling parents Krasnoshchekov M (9a) based on the results for the 1st quarter

2. Protocol #3 from 14.01.2016

Implementation of RUBOP for the 2nd quarter

Parents call Galiulina A. (9a), Bulenok A., Putilina N. (9b) based on the results for the 2nd quarter

3. Protocol No. 4 from 03/21/2016

Calling parents Khairulina V., Shaibo M (9a) on the basis of academic performance for the 3rd quarter (do not have time), systematic violation of the provisions on the rules of student behavior

4. Protocol No. 5 dated 04/06/2016

Implementation of RUBOP for the 3rd quarter

Calling parents Krasnoshchekov M (9a) based on the results for the 3rd quarter

Monitoring the readiness of students in grades 9.11 to pass the GIA in mathematics and the Russian language

2.2 A schedule of consultations has been developed (from the 3rd quarter) for students of the 9th grade (the schedule is posted on the website, a log is kept of visiting consultations by students, consultations are held after school hours, at the request of students)

in. Consultations on subjects for 11th grade students are carried out as part of electives and elective courses (according to the curriculum, schedule and choice of subjects for passing the exam by choice)

2.3 the quality of the lessons, HSC

The head teacher analyzes the results of work in subjects in the following areas:

    % of progress and quality of performance of control work for each class.

    Comparative characteristics of the performance of tests by each class (according to the results).

    Analysis of control work on assignments. Comparative characteristics of the % of the planned difficulty of the task and the % of the task.

    Distribution of marks according to the results of work.

Analysis of the results of the performance of tests is discussed at meetings with the head teacher.

1. Minutes of the meeting at the head teacher No. 1 dated 10/21/2015

    Test results in mathematics in grade 9 in the OGE format (Statgrad)

    Test results in mathematics in grade 11 in the USE format (Statgrad)

2. Minutes of the meeting at the head teacher No. 2 dated 11/02/2015

    The results of the trial essay in grade 11.

    The results of testing new KIMs in geography, social science, history, informatics and ICT

3. Minutes of the meeting at the head teacher No. 4 dated 12/15/2015

    The results of the slice work in mathematics in grades 9 in the form of Statgrad

    The results of attending lessons in grade 11

4. Minutes of the meeting at the head teacher No. 6 of 01/26/2016

1. The results of the test work in mathematics in grade 11 (Statgrad)

2. The results of the cross-sectional work in the Russian language in the 9th grade (test part and concise presentation)

3. Help on the results of attending the lessons of history and social studies in grades 9.11.

5. Minutes of the meeting at the head teacher No. 7 dated February 29, 2016

1. Analysis of administrative test work in the USE format in grade 11.

The school administration checks the journals. The analysis of entries in the journals of 9 classes showed the following results:
Russian language: acquaintance with the content and types of tasks of the GIA, analysis of tasks on topics: phonetics, spelling, morphology, language and grammatical norms, syntax and punctuation, and others.

Maths: solving tasks on topics and others. Homework includes assignments from the GIA control and measuring materials, the solution of demonstration options.
Informatics, social studies, physics: students are given individual tasks from the demonstration versions of the GIA, final work is carried out in the form of tests similar in structure to the GIA tests.
From a conversation with students, it can be concluded that they know the methodology for working with tests. The students completed the training tasks on the GIA forms in basically all subjects.

    Implementation of work plans in the OO in preparation for certification (according to plans)

Action plans have been developed for the preparation and conduct of the GIA for 9th grade graduates who have mastered the main programs of basic general education in 2016 in the form of the OGE in the Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky District in the 2015–2016 academic year


The content of the work



Parallel parent meetings (9th grade)

    Legal Framework

    Graduate preparation system for GIA

September, December


Familiarization of teachers with regulatory documents for the state final certification of 9th grade graduates

During the school year

School administration

Familiarization of students with regulatory documents for the state final certification of graduates of the 9th grade,

During the school year

Deputy director for water resources management, Class teachers of grades 9.

Instructive-methodical meeting with the invitation of class teachers of the 9th grade


Deputy Director for OIA

Familiarization of parents with regulatory documents for the state (final) certification of 9th grade graduates

During the school year

Classroom teachers

During the school year

Classroom teachers


Class teachers, subject teachers, Deputy. director for water resources management

According to the work plan of the school (during the year)

Analysis of the results of practice exams in a new form

According to the school plan (October - March)

Deputy director of water resources management, subject teachers

Creation and adjustment of a data bank of 9th grade students, including:

Graduates with disabilities (sparing regimen, GVE)

December 2015

Deputy Director for OIA

Formation of a data bank of 2016 graduates


Deputy director for water resources management

Classroom teachers

Placement of regulatory documents on the website of MBOU secondary school No. 6

During a year

Denisenko I.V.

Making an information stand about the GIA

During a year

Deputy director for water resources management

Design in the classrooms of the Russian language, mathematics, stands "Preparing for exams in a new form"


Subject teachers

according to plan

Educational psychologist

December-April 2016

Conducting Trial Regional Examinations in a New Form

(2 mandatory, 1 optional)



NGO director

Subject teachers

During a year

Subject teachers

During a year

Subject teachers

Conducting group consultations on the Russian language and mathematics

As part of elective courses

Subject teachers

Registration of applications for participation in the GIA (Grade 9)

Deputy Director for OIA

Practical seminar for subject teachers "Psychological preparation of students for the final assessment"


Educational psychologist

Scheduling consultations in grade 9.

Purpose: to ensure effective and systematic work of the school for the final assessment. Checking the compliance of the content of the tickets and the program by subjects


(first week)

Deputy directors

for water resources management

Conducting a repeated GIA in the Russian language and mathematics

June 2016

Specialists of educational institutions, heads of educational institutions

Working with 9th grade magazines

The end of May

Deputy director for water resources management

Pedagogical Council for admission to the GIA, 9th grade students


School administration

Subject teachers

Carrying out the state (final) certification in grade 9.

Purpose: analysis of the results of written examinations.

May June

Subject teachers

Deputy director for water resources management


Designation of the goals and objectives of work on preparing students for the GIA in grade 9 for the next academic year


School administration

Subject teachers

June 2016

Head of educational institution

Analysis of the results of the GIA in the form of the OGE in the educational institution

June 2016

Deputy director for water resources management

Monitoring the admission of graduates to Susa based on the results of the OGE.

July – August 2016

Deputy director for water resources management, class teachers

Providing information to the Department of Education on the admission of school graduates to Susa based on the results of the OGE.

Until 24.08.2016

School leaders

Action plans have been developed for the preparation and conduct of the Unified State Examination and the GVE for Grade 11 graduates in the 2015–2016 academic year


The content of the work




Appointment of persons responsible for the organization of the Unified State Examination in the Department of Social Policy and educational organizations

Ensuring the functioning of the regional information system of the USE (timely entry of information)


Deputy Director for OIA

Collection of information in RIS (database):

About OU, about graduates of the current year,

About USE participants with a list

general education subjects selected for delivery

USE and GVE,

On the participation in the exam of persons with disabilities,

About PES employees (leaders, organizers,


Availability of admission to the passage of the GIA.

Within 2 days from the date of receipt of information

Deputy Director for OIA

Preparation of proposals for the composition:

PES leaders and organizers

OU director

Parent meetings (Grade 11)

    Legal Framework

    The role of parents in preparing students for exams

    The system of preparing a graduate for the Unified State Examination

September, December


Director of the educational institution, class teacher, teacher-psychologist

Familiarization of teachers with regulatory documents for the conduct of the Unified State Examination for Grade 11 graduates

During the school year

School administration

Familiarization of students with regulatory documents for the conduct of the exam for graduates of grade 11

During the school year

Class teacher, Deputy director for UVR

Familiarization of parents with regulatory documents for the conduct of the Unified State Examination of Grade 11 graduates

During the school year

Classroom teacher

Teaching students how to take exams


Class teacher, Deputy director for UVR

Approbation of examination materials in mathematics


OU director

Conducting a final essay (statement) for graduates of the current year


February, May


OU director

Class hours "Preparation for the state final certification"


Classroom teacher

Conducting trial exams in the form of the Unified State Examination (Russian language, mathematics, optional)

According to the work plan of the school (December - April)

Deputy director of water resources management, subject teachers

Analysis of the results of trial exams in the form of the exam

According to the work plan of the school (December - April)

Deputy director of water resources management, subject teachers

Creation and adjustment of a data bank of 11th grade students (USE), including:

Graduates with disabilities


Deputy Director for OIA

Formation of a database of 2016 graduates


Classroom teacher

Deputy director for water resources management

Formation of a database of USE participants indicating the subjects of the USE


Deputy Director for OIA

Providing information support for the exam on the website of MBOU secondary school No. 6

During a year

Denisenko I.V.

Making an information stand for the exam

December 2015

Deputy director for water resources management

Design in the classrooms of the Russian language, mathematics, biology, social science, geography, physics stands "Preparing to pass the exam"


Subject teachers

Obtaining passports for all graduates of the educational institution

Deputy Director for OIA

Compilation of lists of USE participants

Deputy Director for OIA

Organization of applications for certificate forms


Deputy Director for OIA

The work of a teacher-psychologist to relieve stressful situations among graduates. Trainings of psychological readiness for exams with graduate students

according to plan

Educational psychologist

Practical seminar for subject teachers "Psychological preparation of students for the exam"


Educational psychologist

Submission to the educational institution of the database of USE participants indicating the subjects of the USE

Deputy Director for OIA

Teaching graduates to fill in registration forms, answer forms No. 1, No. 2

During a year

Deputy director for UVR, Class teacher, subject teachers

Organization of the final repetition of the material covered

Thematic planning

Subject teachers

Work with CIMs of various structure and content

During a year

Subject teachers

Individual work with underachieving students

During a year

Subject teachers

Scheduling consultations to prepare for the exam

April May

Deputy director for water resources management

Organization of trainings on filling out registration forms and forms and answer forms

Deputy director for water resources management

Conducting group and individual consultations in the Russian language and mathematics, elective courses in preparation for the Unified State Examination

As part of the curriculum

Subject teachers

Introduction into the practice of training sessions of a system of control and verification work in a test version for training students


Subject teachers

Working with grade 11 magazines

Purpose: checking the passage of the program in subjects, compliance with the regime moments of filling out the journal and the objectivity of the final grades

The end of May

Deputy director of OIA

Pedagogical Council for Admission to the Unified State Examination


School administration

Subject teachers

Preparation of information about USE participants who have mastered the main programs of basic general education in 2016 (number of students, decision of the teachers' council)

May 2016

Deputy Director for OIA

Replication and issuance to USE participants of a notification of the established form, instructions, rules for filling out USE forms

Deputy Director for OIA


Receiving and forwarding appeals

OU director


Receiving protocols on the results of the exam

Deputy Director for OIA


Assistance in organizing and conducting the exam

OU director


Organization of registration of certificates

OU director


Pedagogical Council based on the results of the state final certification


- analysis of the positive and negative aspects of the state final certification;

- designation of the goals and objectives of work to prepare students for the exam in grade 11 for the next academic year

- analysis of the work of the school in the preparation and conduct of final exams

School administration

Subject teachers


Analysis of the results of the exam in educational institutions

OU director


Preparing and conducting reports on the exam. Analysis of the results of the exam in educational institutions

Deputy Director for OIA


Monitoring the admission of graduates to universities and Susa based on the results of the USE.

Deputy Director for UVR, Class teacher


Providing information to the Department of Education on the admission of school graduates to universities and Susa based on the results of the USE.

Until 08/15/2015

Deputy Director for OIA

    Creation of conditions in the educational institution for the preparation of graduates for the state final certification (program implementation, consultations, quality of lessons, HSC) (HVZ - grade 9)

    1. The implementation of the program in subjects is monitored on the basis of checking the journal of a student with disabilities - grade 9a (completion of the program at the end of the quarter in full)

      Consultations are conducted by teachers of the Russian language and mathematics within the framework of correctional classes, which are provided for by the curriculum of this student of grade 9a

      HSC based on checking school records

    Psychological readiness (the state of readiness - "mood", internal attunement to a certain behavior, focus on appropriate actions, actualization and adaptation of the personality's capabilities for successful actions in a situation of passing an exam).

Results of the study 9th grade:

High the level of emotional stress in the 9 "A" class has 1 person,

in 9 "B" class - 4 people.

This suggests that the situation of the exam causes a lot of anxiety, anxiety, stress among students. Such students are constantly worried about the upcoming exams, they are afraid of being asked at exams, they are afraid that they will not be able to learn all the educational material.

Average the level of emotional tension in the 9 "A" class has 10 people,

in 9 "B" class - 4 people.

This indicates that these students are dominated by anxious thoughts, they are afraid of possible failures in exams, and to some extent they may experience uncertainty before the upcoming exams. But in general, their emotional state can be considered satisfactory.

Short the level of emotional stress in the 9 "A" class have 5 people and

in 9 "B" class have 10 people.

This indicator indicates the normal emotional state of students. These students can easily organize their daily routine, usually manage to do everything they planned, before the upcoming exams they sleep peacefully, there is little that can bring them out of a good mood.

2. Study of the psychological readiness of graduates to pass the GIA

The questionnaire for the study of the psychological readiness of graduates to pass the GIA includes the following scales:

- level of anxiety;

Alarm level

High the level of anxiety in the 9 "A" class has 1 person,

in 9 "B" class - 3 people.

This suggests that students are anxious when they think about upcoming exams. They think they won't be able to pass the exam. They think they can't handle exam anxiety, that they can't handle the exam.

Average the level of anxiety in the 9 "A" class has 4 people,

in 9 "B" class - 6 people.

It indicates that the students are somewhat worried about the upcoming exams, they are worried that the exams and their results are not indifferent to the graduates. However, this level of anxiety can be considered optimal.

Short the level of anxiety in the 9 "A" class has 11 people,

in 9 "B" class - 9 people.

This indicator indicates the lack of anxiety in the 11th grade graduate before the upcoming exams.

High the level of self-control in the 9 "A" class has 10 people,

in 9 "B" class - 4 people.

This indicator indicates that students can correctly allocate time and effort during the exam. They know how to choose the best way to complete tasks.

Average the level of self-control in the 9 "A" class has 5 people,

in 9 "B" class - 9 people.

This indicates that these students have moderately developed skills of self-control and self-organization. However, they cannot always properly organize both the preparation for the exam and their work directly at the exam.

Short the level of self-control in the 9th "A" class has 1 person, in the 9th "B" class - 5 people. This suggests that students with this indicator do not know how to calm themselves in a difficult situation (during an exam). They do not know how to correctly allocate their time and energy to complete the exam tasks. It is difficult for them to switch or move from one activity to another from one type of task to another.

High the level of knowledge of the exam procedure in the 9th "A" class is 18 people, in the 9th "B" class - 20 people. Students have a good idea of ​​how the GIA is carried out. They know what tasks need to be completed in order to get the desired grade. In general, they know a lot about the state final certification.

Short the level of knowledge of the exam procedure in 9 "A" class and 9 "B" classes have 0 people.


1. In grade 9, the average level of emotional tension prevails. This suggests that students are able to control and regulate their emotional state. Thoughts about upcoming exams disturb students, but not so much as to their learning activities.

2. The level of anxiety is also at an average level, therefore, students are quite confident in themselves and their abilities.

3. In the 9 "A" class, a high level of self-control and self-organization prevails. That is, students of this class can correctly allocate time and effort during the exam. They know how to choose the best way to complete tasks.

In grade 9 “B”, the total indicators of high and medium levels of self-control are approximately the same as those of a low level: about half of the students in the class have the skills of self-control and self-organization, and half of the class have these skills insufficiently developed.

4. In grade 9, a high level of familiarity with the examination procedure prevails. This suggests that the students are familiar with the technology and conditions of the GIA.

5. In general, in the 9th "A" grade, the level of psychological readiness for passing the GIA among students is high. In the 9th "B" grade, there is a clear division of students into two groups: children with a high and medium level of psychological readiness for passing exams (54%) and children with a low level of psychological readiness (46%).

Conclusion on the results of the study of psychological readiness students of grade 11 to pass the exam

Target: Determination of the psychological readiness of graduates for the exam.

To study the psychological readiness of graduates to pass exams, the following methods were used:

1. Methodology for studying emotional tension.

2. Questionnaire for the study of the psychological readiness of graduates to pass exams.

Research results:

1. Study of emotional tension.

High the level of emotional stress have 3 people. This suggests that the situation of the exam causes a lot of anxiety, anxiety, stress among students. Such students are constantly worried about the upcoming exams, they are afraid of being asked at exams, they are afraid that they will not be able to learn all the educational material.

Average the level of emotional tension have 8 people. This indicates that these students are dominated by anxious thoughts, they are afraid of possible failures in exams, and to some extent they may experience uncertainty before the upcoming exams. But in general, their emotional state can be considered satisfactory.

Short the level of emotional stress have 10 people. This indicator indicates the normal emotional state of students. These students can easily organize their daily routine, usually manage to do everything they planned, before the upcoming exams they sleep peacefully, there is little that can bring them out of a good mood.

2. Study of the psychological readiness of graduates to pass the exam

The questionnaire for the study of the psychological readiness of graduates to pass the exam includes the following scales:

- level of anxiety;

- possession of skills of self-control and self-organization;

- Familiarization with the examination procedure;

- general level of psychological readiness.

Alarm level

High anxiety level has 2 people. This suggests that students are anxious when they think about upcoming exams. They think they won't be able to pass the exam. They think they can't handle exam anxiety, that they can't handle the exam.

Average the level of anxiety have 15 people. It indicates that the students are somewhat worried about the upcoming exams, they are worried that the exams and their results are not indifferent to the graduates. However, this level of anxiety can be considered optimal.

Short the level of anxiety have 4 people. This indicator indicates the lack of anxiety in the 11th grade graduate before the upcoming exams.

Possession of skills of self-control and self-organization

High the level of self-control has 15 people. This indicator indicates that students can correctly allocate time and effort during the exam. They know how to choose the best way to complete tasks.

Average 5 people have the level of self-control. This indicates that these students have moderately developed skills of self-control and self-organization. However, they cannot always properly organize both the preparation for the exam and their work directly at the exam.

Short the level of self-control has 1 person. This suggests that students with this indicator do not know how to calm themselves in a difficult situation (during an exam). They do not know how to correctly allocate their time and energy to complete the exam tasks. It is difficult for them to switch or move from one activity to another from one type of task to another.

Getting to Know the Exam Procedure

High 21 people have the level of knowledge of the exam procedure. Students with this level have a good idea of ​​how the exam is held. They know what tasks need to be completed in order to get the desired grade. In general, they know a lot about the exam.

Average the level of knowledge of the examination procedure has 0 people.

Short the level of knowledge of the examination procedures have 0 people.


1. In the 11th grade, a low level of emotional tension prevails. This suggests that students are able to control and regulate their emotional state. These students can easily organize their daily routine, usually manage to do everything they planned, before the upcoming exams they sleep peacefully, there is little that can bring them out of a good mood.

2. The level of anxiety is at an average level, therefore, students are quite confident in themselves and their abilities.

3. In grade 11, a high level of self-control and self-organization prevails. That is, students of this class can correctly allocate time and effort during the exam. They know how to choose the best way to complete tasks.

4. In grade 11, there is a high level of familiarity with the exam procedure. This suggests that students are familiar with the technology and conditions for conducting the exam.

5. In general, in the 11th grade, the level of psychological readiness for passing the exam among students is high.

Artist: I.A. Tsygankova

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