Shark bedtime story. Interesting facts about sharks for kids. Tale of a little octopus, grumbling cuttlefish and soap bubbles

That was a long time ago. The sea was deeper then. Rocks are higher. Even the grass was greener. Only the poor lived then, as they do now, badly.
A boy lived in those days on one of the islands. The boy's name was Punia. He lived alone with his mother in a small hut. The hut stood on the seashore, not far from the reefs. Punia and his mother lived in poverty. Taro roots and potatoes were their only food. Only on very rare days did they buy themselves some sugarcane or bananas.
Punia was very fond of sitting on the seashore. There, in the caves between the reefs, lived lobsters. They were clearly visible through the clear water.
Punia was a good swimmer, but he never dived for lobsters. He was afraid of sharks. Sharks lived near caves. There were nine of them. Each of them could swallow Punia whole. And in the mouth of the largest - Kaemaena - a whole canoe would easily fit.
More than once little Punia wondered how he could outsmart the sharks. And here's what he came up with.
At noon, when the sharks were sleeping at the bottom of the bay, Punia came to the sea. He sat down on the edge of the reef and began to dangle his feet in the water.
The splash of water woke the sharks. Then Punia said loudly:
I really want to catch lobsters. They are so delicious. Sharks sleep and I have nothing to fear from them. And if they wake up, I know how to fool them. I was taught that by that very skinny shark.
Punia took a large stone and with all his strength threw it far into the sea. Sharks rushed after the stone. They thought it was Punia who jumped.
While the sharks were looking for Punia in the place where the stone fell, he managed to dive and catch two lobsters.
When Kaemaena saw Punia on the shore with lobsters in her hands, she said:
“So it’s true that there is a traitor among us?”
And eight big sharks immediately ate the thinnest, the ninth.
The next day, Punia again came to the sea. He dangled his legs in the water, and when the sharks woke up, he said loudly:
- The lobsters were very tasty. Today I will catch two more. Sharks sleep and I have nothing to fear from them. And if they wake up, I know how to fool them.
This is what Zon taught me today, the biggest shark.
Punia again took the stone and again threw it far into the sea. And while the sharks were looking for Punia where the stone fell, he managed to dive again and catch two more lobsters.
When Kaemaena saw Punia on the shore with lobsters in her hands, she went into a terrible rage.
- Which one of us is the biggest? she asked in such a voice that the other seven sharks backed away.
Then the bravest, and perhaps the most stupid of them said:
- Oh Kaemaena! You are the biggest!
Then the brave shark was so afraid of his own courage that he took to his heels. But it was too late: Kaemaena pounced on her and tore her in half.
On the third day, Punia again came to the sea. He dangled his legs in the water, and when the sharks woke up, he said loudly:
Today I will catch two more lobsters. Sharks sleep and I have nothing to fear from them. And if they wake up, I know how to fool them. That's what that shark over there with the broken fin taught me today.
This time, Punia did not even have to throw a stone into the sea: as soon as Kaemaena heard that Punia was talking about a shark with a broken fin, she immediately attacked her. And while the sharks were fighting among themselves, Punia managed to dive and catch two more lobsters.
Day after day now Punia came to the sea.
Every day he caught his lobsters, and every day the deceived Kaemaena ate one of the sharks.
And then came the ninth day.
Going this time to the sea, Punia took with him a large stick, pointed at both ends.
He dangled his legs in the water, and when Kaemaena woke up, he said loudly:
Today I will catch two more lobsters. Kaemaena is asleep and I have nothing to fear from her. And if she wakes up, I know how to deceive her. If only she didn't think to swallow me whole. Then I can't be saved. But she's so stupid!
When Kaemaena heard what Punia was saying, she thought: “It's good that this boy is such a talker! Now I know how to deal with it."
Then she opened her mouth as wide as possible and prepared to swallow Punia whole.
And that's all he needed! He held his stick tightly to himself and jumped from the reef straight into the large, canoe-like mouth of Kaemaena.
And when Kaemaena tried to close her mouth, the sharp ends of the stick dug into her jaws. And Punia climbed over the reef-high teeth of Kaemaena and swam after the lobsters.
No matter how hard Kaemaena struggled, she could not free herself from Punia's stick. So she swam with her mouth open until she died of hunger.
That was a long time ago. But they say that even now sharks are afraid to swim up to the shores of the island where little Punia once lived.

Translated and edited by L. Yuriev.
Drawing by O. Zotov.

Once upon a time there lived an old man. He had two daughters and three sons. He gave his daughters in marriage, they scattered from their native nest. The old man remained with his sons to live. Only here is the trouble: he was completely blind, he could not do anything without the help of his sons. Once the brothers gathered in the field, and they said to the old man:

We will go to plow, and you sit in the yard and guard the wheat so that the birds do not peck.

I can’t do this kind of work, - the old man answers. - I can’t keep track of the birds blindly.

And you listen better, - the sons teach, - you are not deaf:

birds will fly in, they will beat the bags with their wings, and you will hear.

They gave their father a long bamboo stick - to drive away the birds, they planted it in the middle of the yard and left.

They returned in the evening, they see: an old man is sitting, waving a stick in different directions, and the birds are still pecking wheat.

The sons got angry.

Why did we leave you to guard? What's the use of you? The old man wept, but did not answer his sons. And they began to hold council among themselves.

From our father only losses! - says the elder.

There is no use for it! - echoes the middle one.

Our father has made a living in this world! - says the younger. “Now, if he died,” the brothers began to dream, “we would share all his wealth among themselves, they would live without trouble.” So they thought badly.

The sons came one morning to their father and said:

We decided today, father, to go to a distant island, to go fishing a little. Let's go with us. Fresh air and ears won't hurt you.

The old man rejoiced:

I have long wanted to eat fragrant ears!

They got into the boat and sailed to the rocky island. We caught fish there, it turned out to be a noble fish soup. And when it began to get dark, the sons said to their father:

Are you tired, are you? Lie down, sleep a little, and we, as we gather back, will wake you up.

The old man believed his sons, lay down and fell asleep. And when he woke up the next morning, he began to call them. But no one answered him. The father understood that his children had left him on a wild island to wait for starvation. And then the sea began to seethe, high waves rose, a cold wind blew. The waves began to beat against the rocks, and one rose to the very top of the island and washed the old man into the sea.

And at this very time, the daughters of the old men came from the city - to visit their father. They brought him all sorts of gifts apparently-invisibly. Knocked on the house - no answer. Daughters were surprised, they went to a neighbor.

Did something happen to our father? - they ask. - He promised to wait for us at home.

The neighbor shrugged.

I don't know, I don't know what happened to your father. I just saw how yesterday he was going fishing with his sons, and in the evening the children returned without a father. Maybe he fell ill on the way?

Daughters ran to the sea. They decided that their father had died in the depths of the waters. And if so, the sea will carry his body to the shore. They examined all the coastal rocks - they did not find anything. They sat down by the water and wept. Suddenly they see - a lone rock sticks out in the sea not far from the island, and on that rock ... the father sits, grieving.

Father, father! - shouted the daughters. - Alive! Alive! They rented a boat and brought their father home.

How did you end up on the rock? - the daughters began to ask. - What happened to you?

The old man sighed and said:

I did not think that my sons would decide to destroy me. They lured me to a wild island and left me, while they themselves sailed home. A storm rose into the sea, a big wave washed me off the cliff, I almost died.

How did you manage to escape? daughters were surprised.

As soon as I fell into the sea and began to drown, - said the old man, - a big shark swam up to me, put me on my back and drove me to a lonely rock.

Thank you, shark, - the daughters began to thank, - that you saved our father.

They went ashore, they see - in the distance, indeed, a big shark swims.

We ought to thank her,” said the old man. Daughters brought a young bull to the shore. A shark swam up, took a goby and disappeared into the depths of the sea. And at the same moment the old man suddenly regained his sight and began to see no worse than before. There was no end to the joy! They took their father's daughters by the hands and led them home.

And the father's sons did not even think of looking, they divided the old man's wealth and decided to celebrate unexpected luck. They loaded all sorts of treats into the boat and sailed into the sea for fish. They got out into the open sea, but as soon as they threw the net, it darkened all around, the wind rose. The boat rocked from side to side, and then completely turned over. The brothers are floundering in the water, they are calling for help, but who will hear them? So the evil sons perished in the depths of the sea. And the old man's daughters took him to live in the city. And they lived together happily ever after.

Our ship was anchored off the coast of Africa. It was a fine day, with a fresh breeze blowing from the sea; but towards evening the weather changed: it became stifling and, as if from a melted stove, hot air from the Sahara desert was blowing at us.

Before sunset, the captain went on deck, shouted: "Swim!" - and in one minute the sailors jumped into the water, lowered the sail into the water, tied it and made a bath in the sail.
There were two boys on the ship with us. The boys were the first to jump into the water, but they were cramped in the sail, and they decided to swim in a race on the high seas.
Both, like lizards, stretched out in the water and with all their strength swam to the place where there was a barrel above the anchor.

One boy at first overtook his comrade, but then began to lag behind.
The boy's father, an old artilleryman, stood on the deck and admired his son. When the son began to lag behind, the father shouted to him:

Don't give out! Push!
Suddenly, from the deck, someone shouted: "Shark!" - and we all saw the back of a sea monster in the water.
The shark swam straight at the boys.
- Back! Back! Come back! Shark! shouted the gunner. But the guys did not hear him, they swam on, laughed and shouted even more cheerfully and louder than before.

The artilleryman, pale as a sheet, looked at the children without moving.
The sailors lowered the boat, rushed into it and, bending the oars, rushed with all their might to the boys; but they were still far away from them when the shark was no more than twenty paces away.

The boys at first did not hear what was shouted to them, and did not see the shark; but then one of them looked back, and we all heard a piercing squeal, and the boys swam in different directions.

This squeal seemed to wake the gunner. He took off and ran to the cannons. He turned his trunk, lay down on the cannon, took aim and took the fuse.

We all, no matter how many of us were on the ship, froze with fear and waited for what would happen.
A shot rang out, and we saw that the artilleryman had fallen near the cannon and covered his face with his hands. What happened to the shark and the boys we did not see, because for a moment the smoke clouded our eyes.

But when the smoke dispersed over the water, at first a quiet murmur was heard from all sides, then this murmur became stronger, and finally, a loud, joyful cry was heard from all sides.
The old artilleryman opened his face, got up and looked at the sea.

The yellow belly of a dead shark swayed over the waves. In a few minutes the boat sailed up to the boys and brought them to the ship.

L. Tolstoy's story. Illustrations.

Although sharks are predators that eat everything that lives in the ocean, their actual number of attacks on people is much less than you think. There are so many types of sharks, such as the great white shark, hammerhead shark, tiger shark and mako, they are all very different and have their own characteristics. Let's take a look at what interesting facts about sharks we can tell you.

  • Sharks do not have a single bone in their bodies. Their spine is made up of cartilage.
  • Almost all sharks move all their lives. Movement for sharks is life, water passes through their gills, supplying oxygen to the blood. If the shark stops, it will suffocate and die.
  • Sharks have very good hearing. They can hear the noise of fish at a distance of 500 meters.
  • If the shark is placed in a large pool. Then she will smell even a drop of blood in this pool.
  • Most sharks do not reach a meter in length, but there are exceptions, such as the tiger shark, they can reach up to 14 meters in length.
  • Newborn sharks are already able to take care of themselves. The mother shark leaves the baby behind her back so as not to eat him.
  • Not all shark species are viviparous. Some lay eggs, and after hatching, the cubs take care of themselves.
  • Great white sharks are the most dangerous sharks in the ocean. These predators can reach speeds in water up to 30 km / h.
  • Unlike other shark species, great white sharks are warm-blooded. These sharks must eat a lot of meat to regulate their temperature.
  • A shark always has a small row of teeth that develops behind a row of large teeth. Over time, small teeth move forward, and the front ones fall out.

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Surprisingly, I myself didn’t notice how the word forum friend appeared in my vocabulary, maybe this is certainly not an ordinary or familiar friendship, but nevertheless it’s wonderful.

So, on one such forum there lives a beautiful girl Lena, who writes fairy tales for her daughter. Although I don’t have children yet, even fairy tales seemed unusual to me. What can I say, now you can see for yourself 🙂

Little tales of the big ocean.

Tale of a little octopus, grumpy cuttlefish and soap bubbles

There lived an octopus in the world, who, more than anything else, loved to blow soap bubbles. He collected sea foam, permeated with sunlight, filled the bubbles with sea air and the mysterious twinkling of moonlight. The bubbles were unusual in size, from within they radiated a gentle, warm light.

All the inhabitants of the vast ocean loved the octopus for kindness and the ability to make everything around them beautiful and kind. Everyone loved him except the grumpy old cuttlefish. “Well, what good are these meaningless balloons? What are they having fun with? There is nothing better than a dark cave in the depths of the ocean. But as soon as you want to rest, you crawl in there ... And then laughter, luminous bubbles ... Ugh! ”- so the cuttlefish reasoned.

And then one day the cuttlefish decided to harm the little octopus. She quietly made her way to the place where he made bubbles and poured ink into the sea foam. Since then, the bubbles came out of the octopus small and dull and did not glow. From grief, the little octopus fell ill.

There was no fun and smiles in the big ocean. Quiet, frozen ocean. And the grouchy cuttlefish climbed into a dark cave and rested in the darkness. And then the friends decided to help the octopus. They sailed to where the sun sets. There was pink sea foam, gilded by the last glow of the setting sun. Then they sailed to where the moon silvered the surface of the ocean and filled the sea air with moonlight. All this they brought to the octopus. But when they tried to blow the first bubble, it burst. Everyone is pissed…

Meanwhile, the grouchy cuttlefish rested and crawled out of the cave. "What? Hasn't something happened? Why silence? She decided to see what happened, swam closer and saw many inhabitants of the ocean. "What's going on here?" she asked.

When they told about the octopus, the cuttlefish became ashamed, and she decided to help. I added colored ink to the sea foam and tried to blow a soap bubble ... Everyone around froze, and ... Oh, a miracle! The bubble turned out to be huge, iridescent with all the colors of the rainbow, glowing from the inside with a warm light. All around were noisy, roared. The octopus opened his eyes to the noise, saw a large soap bubble and smiled.

Since then, the octopus and the grouchy cuttlefish have become best friends. Together they collected sea foam, air and made beautiful soap bubbles. And again, laughter, fun, smiles and kindness settled in the big ocean.

A Tale of a Shark, a Doctor Turtle, and Delicious and Healthy Food

Everyone knows that sharks live in the ocean: big and small, very scary and not very scary. And then one day one of the sharks got sick. Her teeth ached, her stomach ached, and her temperature rose so high that the water near her simply boiled. There is nothing to do, and as she was not afraid, she had to swim to the turtle doctor.

Well, my dear, what hurts us? asked the turtle doctor, looking sternly at the shark from under his glasses.

— Oh-oh-oh, doctor, help! Everything hurts both my teeth and my stomach, and I'm hot, - the shark quickly muttered.

"We'll see, we'll see," said the tortoise. She took out a tube from the shell of a mollusk from under the shell, put it on the shark and began to command: “Breathe - do not breathe, breathe - do not breathe, breathe deeper, and now with your mouth ... And now with the gills "

The shark diligently followed all the instructions of the doctor. - And what did you eat, my dear? asked the turtle doctor.

“I don’t remember,” said the shark, blushing.

- Like this? Come on, open your mouth, but wider, - exclaimed the turtle.

The shark diligently opened its mouth, and the turtle, armed with an old trash can, began to inspect the shark's mouth.

Oh no no no! Teeth have not been brushed for a year. What are you doing, dove? What is it! Warehouse and nothing more! - Said the turtle, removing an old shoe from the shark's mouth, several bottles, a couple of cans, a few stones, the remains of algae, a net for catching butterflies that had come from nowhere, and a bunch of other necessary and not very useful things.

— Can I have a fish? the shark pleaded. - Well, if only fresh and in small quantities. And brush your teeth twice a day! the turtle said sternly, “do you promise?”

- Promise! said the shark solemnly. From that day on, she began to eat only tasty and healthy food. Her favorite dish was seaweed salad, famous in the Ocean for its healing properties. She also brushed her teeth regularly. Now her health can only be envied, because since then she has never sneezed.

The Tale of How a Little Kitten Became a Great Musician

In the deep blue ocean lived a whale. He dreamed that one day the day would come and he would come up with something extraordinary, and everyone would have fun. Kitenok did not suspect that very soon he would become famous.

One day, while walking on the ocean, he heard beautiful music. She seemed to be flying over him, spreading a good and good mood to all ends of the ocean. The whale decided to swim closer. He swam to the sound of the music. Soon a ship appeared, and on its deck… Kitenok had never seen so many beautiful colorful lanterns before. And there was also an orchestra that played a wonderful song that the kitten liked so much. He listened to music, looked at the flashing lanterns. “I know what I will do to make everyone happy,” exclaimed the whale and swam quickly, quickly, in order to quickly tell his friends about what he saw.

Soon the news of the underwater orchestra spread throughout the ocean. All the inhabitants of the ocean came to the concert. And then the seaweed curtain parted, and a beautiful melody sounded. Never before has there been an orchestra in the deep ocean. And here crabs played pipes made of shells, turtles beat drums from old shells, and a whale acted as a harp. Small fish slipped between the whalebones, brushing them lightly, and a beautiful melody flowed. An electric ray and goldfish illuminated the stage, flickering here and there. Everything was very beautiful. Oh, and all the inhabitants of the ocean had fun from the heart that day. Kitenok became a famous musician. And if now there is a holiday somewhere, they will definitely invite a marine orchestra there, and it will definitely be fun there. How else?!

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