What determines the analysis of urine. What can a blood test show? Blood tests in diagnosing the most common diseases

A general blood test has to be taken by each person and repeatedly. Preliminary preparation for the study is very important, since this study provides data on many changes in the body.

That is why it is important for people to know what indicators are assessed during the study, as well as how to properly prepare for blood donation so that the analysis is carried out as correctly as possible and shows reliable data.

Study complete blood count shows the following data:

  • hemoglobin level;
  • the volume of leukocytes;
  • blood color;
  • eosinophil concentration;
  • basophils;
  • lymphocytes;
  • monocytes;
  • erythrocytes;
  • hematocrit;
  • reticulocyte volume;
  • granulocytes;
  • neutrophils;
  • leukocyte formula;
  • platelet concentration;

Usually, in each of the columns in the results obtained, normal performance for some research. Optimal test results can be obtained after at least a few tests are performed to follow the dynamics of the tests. This allows you to get more accurate data for each person.

Hemoglobin concentration in the blood of men and women is different. In men, normal values ​​range from 130 to 160 g / l. For women, the indicator is in the range from 120 to 140 g / l. With an increase in indicators, it is often possible to diagnose erythremia or dehydration. The same indicators are observed in people who smoke a lot. Indicators below normal indicate anemia, large blood loss, or the presence of certain hereditary diseases.

The concentration of erythrocytes in the blood depends on gender. The norm for men is 4.3–6.2 per 10 to 12 degrees / liter. Normal test results in women are somewhat lower and range from 3.8 to 5.5 per 10 to 12 degrees / liter. The concentration of erythrocytes in the blood is interconnected with the concentration of hemoglobin. This is due to the main function of red blood cells (hemoglobin transfer). Therefore, the causes of a decrease or increase in hemoglobin concentration are identical to changes in hemoglobin volume.

blood color is also being investigated as it may change when certain elements are deficient. Normal indicators are evaluated on a special scale. At the same time, the CPU norm is from 0.85 to 1.05.

With a change in the concentration of folic acid, an increase in the indicator is observed, and its decrease is noted with iron deficiency or heavy metal poisoning.

Hematocrit called percentage research blood cell concentration to plasma. The scores vary by gender. In men, the normal hematocrit ranges from 40 to 45%, while in women the results are lower, that is, from 36 to 42%. With an increase in hematocrit, the density of the blood is increased. This effect is caused by dehydration. With a decrease in the percentage, infections or autoimmune diseases are often diagnosed. A similar effect can be caused by large blood loss.

Reticulocytes are young erythrocytes. Usually their concentration in the blood does not exceed 1% of the total volume of red blood cells. With an increase in the concentration of these bodies, we can talk about oxygen starvation suffered by a person. An increase in the volume of reticulocytes is observed with blood loss, when the body tries to restore oxygen exchange in tissues at their expense. The same effect is observed during the treatment of anemia. Decrease in the number of reticulocytes talks about the radiotherapy, radiation sickness, the presence of bone metastases.

Leukocyte concentration in the blood is normally in the range from 4 to 9 to 10 to 9 degrees / liter. With a slight increase in the concentration of these bodies in the blood, one can judge increased physical activity, stress, pregnancy, as well as treatment using corticosteroids and adrenaline.

If the volume of leukocytes is significantly higher than normal, then the causes may be tumors, heart attack, infections, tissue necrosis, gout, diabetic coma. A similar effect can be observed in the first time after surgery and hemolysis. The reverse process, or a decrease in the volume of leukocytes, is caused by infectious diseases, typhoid fever, radiation sickness, and diseases of the hematopoietic organs.

Platelet volume in a blood test, it normally reaches 400 to 10 to 9 degrees / liter. If the concentration is higher - this indicates the absence of the spleen, past operations, cancer.

The minimum limit of platelet concentration in the blood is 150 to 10 to the 9th degree / liter. If the results of the study are less than these, then they are observed in tumors with bone marrow metastases, lupus, thrombocytopenia, blood transfusions, Fanconi syndrome.

Granulocytes are special granular leukocytes. These include eosinophils, neutrophils and basophils. Their normal concentration in the blood varies from 47 to 72% of the total volume of leukocytes. During an increase in their concentration, the doctor can draw conclusions about the inflammation occurring in the body. With a decrease in their volume, diseases of the connective tissues, aplastic anemia are usually diagnosed. The same effect can be seen with use of certain medicines.

There are several types neutrophils, and their norm in the blood is different. In stab cells, the normal concentration can reach from 0.04 to 0.3 per 10 to 9 degrees / liter. The concentration of segmented cells is in the range from 2 to 5.5 per 10 to 9 degrees / liter. Other types in the blood should not be detected.

With an increase in the volume of these bodies, inflammation, infection, tumors, and intoxication are diagnosed. The same effect is observed when using cardiac glycosides, heparin, corticosteroids, acetylcholine. If an increase in neutrophils is observed against the backdrop of stress, increased physical activity, in the postoperative period, then such indicators are considered the norm. With a decrease in the volume of neutrophils, infections caused by viruses or bacteria, thyrotoxicosis, anemia, anaphylactic shock can be diagnosed. The cause may be drug poisoning, the use of anticancer drugs.

Leukocyte concentration normally varies from 1.2 to 3 to 10 to 9 degrees / liter. With an increase in indicators, one can suspect the development of infections in humans, some chronic diseases. A decrease in the volume of these bodies may be due to the development of tuberculosis, kidney disease, lymphogranulomatosis, Hodgkin's disease, Cushing's syndrome. The same effect is observed in the treatment of glucocorticoids or the use of X-ray therapy.

ESR or erythrocyte sedimentation rate is also an important research indicator. Normally, in men, the rate of erythrocyte precipitation can vary from 2 to 10 mm/h. In women, the boundaries of the indicator are wider - from 2 to 15 mm / h. At the same time, an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate can be caused by pregnancy, postpartum depression, and menstruation. This is fine.

But pathological increase the sedimentation rate of these bodies is caused by inflammatory diseases, infections, anemia, disorders of the endocrine system, diseases of the liver, kidneys, sepsis or Hodgkin's disease. The same effect is acceptable after extensive surgical interventions. A decrease in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate indicates chronic circulatory failure, erythremia, hepatitis, and allergies.

In any case, the results of the study of the general blood test must be deciphered by a doctor. Only he will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis based on all the analyzes and data obtained.

What does the analysis show and reveal?

A complete blood count is one of the simplest but most important studies. It is prescribed both for the preventive study of the human condition, tick and for more accurate diagnosis the following diseases:

  • inflammation;
  • anemia;
  • allergy;
  • violation of the process of blood clotting;
  • development of mononucleosis;
  • other diseases.

With the development of inflammatory processes occurring in the body, the concentration of leukocytes and ESR sharply increases in human blood. With anemia in the blood, a decrease in the volume of hemoglobin and red blood cells can be detected. With changes in the process of blood clotting, the doctor notes a decrease or an increase in the number of platelets.

With allergic reactions occurring in the human body, eosinophils are found in his blood. Thus, many diseases can be calculated on the basis of a general blood test. But, it is worth remembering that not all research results can be used to diagnose specific diseases. The main objective of this study is to confirm or refute the presence of problems in the body.

Research results are interpreted in combination with the collected anamnesis, obtained on the basis of the patient's words and a preliminary medical examination.

How to donate blood?

For a general blood test, this biological fluid is taken from a finger. That is, capillary blood is examined. Nurse pierces the skin on the pad of the ring finger and with the help of a special tube collects blood in a test tube and applies it to special glasses. Usually the procedure does not take more than a minute. Painful sensations are present, but they do not last long and the person after leaving the doctor's office will not feel much discomfort.

Some research laboratories recommend performing a venous blood test for general analysis, since it is believed that some of the elements are capable of settle on the walls capillaries, and hence the results of the study are not accurate enough.

Delivery of a general analysis blood involves preliminary preparation. Its role is very important, because if it is not followed, the results of the study will not be useful and the blood will have to be retaken.

Most people believe that it is enough not to eat before undergoing a study, but there are many more requirements. Two weeks before the examination, you should not use drugs, especially antibiotics. An exception may be an analysis to study the concentration of drugs in the blood. The doctor informs you in advance.

Two to three days before analysis you need to avoid fried and fatty foods as well as from alcohol. This is done so that the concentration of leukocytes in the blood is investigated with maximum accuracy. Blood should be taken for analysis after 8 hours, and preferably 12 hour fast. Usually the analysis is carried out in the morning, so it’s enough just not to have breakfast and have an early dinner.

In the case when blood is donated for a glucose test, you can not only eat, tea or coffee, but also brush your teeth, chew gum. However, there are exceptions. In some cases, the doctor prescribes an analysis after breakfast. It should only contain unsweetened tea and an apple. Before the study, you can drink clean, non-carbonated water.

1 hour before blood sampling no smoking, and for half an hour you should abandon the loads, physical exercises and protect yourself from stress. It is recommended to take a blood test between 7 and 12 o'clock in the morning, as some indicators change. If you are taking certain medications that cannot be discontinued, you should tell the laboratory assistant or nurse taking the blood at the time of blood donation. It's necessary for correct interpretation research.

Among the many methods of examination of a person, urinalysis occupies a considerable place. There is a fairly large number of types of research data. Let's see when it is prescribed and what a urine test shows.

What does a general urinalysis show

Urinalysis is one of the most accessible and informative studies. Urine in its composition is blood serum, in which there are no formed elements and basic proteins. But it is enriched with metabolic products. In the case of the appearance of salts, enzymes, proteins in the urine, it becomes possible to evaluate the work of human organs, primarily the kidneys.

So what does a urinalysis show? General or clinical analysis of urine determines its chemical, physical and microbiological composition. Thanks to this study, it is possible to identify pathological abnormalities in the functioning of organs and systems of the human body.

What a urine test reveals can be understood by understanding the decoding of its main indicators.

  1. urine color. In a healthy person, the shade of urine can range from light yellow to amber. The dark color of urine occurs with liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis), blockage of the bile ducts (in this case, a greenish tint appears). Urine changes color depending on medications and food taken. For example, aspirin or beetroot can turn it pink-red.
  2. Transparency. Normally, urine should be clear. It becomes cloudy when fats, mucus, bacteria, cells, a large amount of protein and minerals appear in it. All these inclusions indicate the development of certain diseases.
  3. Smell. The usual smell of urine is not sharp, specific. Some pathological conditions change its smell. So, with diabetes, the smell of urine resembles the smell of rotten apples. A strong smell of rot or ammonia can occur with infectious diseases.
  4. Urine pH reaction. Usually the reaction of urine is slightly acidic. But what does a change in pH reveal in a urine test? Decreased acidity can be a sign of infectious diseases of the urethra and bladder. An increase in acidity is observed in patients with diabetes mellitus.
  5. Relative density or specific gravity. In a healthy person, this indicator is in the range of 1.008–1.024. In chronic kidney disease, the relative density decreases to 1,000.
  6. Protein. Normally, protein should be absent. The content of protein in the urine indicates diseases of the kidneys, bladder, ureters, urethra.
  7. Glucose. The presence of glucose is not allowed in the urine. It can appear with diabetes mellitus, a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones, some kidney diseases (amyloidosis, nephritis).
  8. Acetone (ketone) bodies. These substances are formed during improper glucose metabolism in the body. Normally, they cannot be detected in a urine test. An increase in the content of acetone bodies occurs in the case of advanced diabetes mellitus.
  9. Bilirubin. Present in the urine in very small quantities. An increase in its concentration occurs in diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
  10. red blood cells. The rate of erythrocytes in the urine sediment is 0-1 in the field of view for men, 0-3 in the field of view for women. With an increase in the number of red blood cells, they speak of the appearance of blood in the urine (hematuria). What does hematuria show in a urine test? This condition may indicate kidney disease (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis), diseases of the urethra and bladder, trauma to the ureters when a stone passes through them.
  11. Leukocytes. The norm of leukocytes for men is 0-3 per field of view, for women - 0-6 per field of view. An increase in the number of leukocytes occurs with inflammatory diseases.

Biochemical study of urine

This study is also called a urine test for trace elements. Many are interested in what gives a urine test for trace elements? With the help of this study, it is possible to diagnose inflammatory and rheumatic processes, determine the quality of the liver and kidneys, disorders of water-salt metabolism, and establish an imbalance of microelements in the body. An imbalance of trace elements can provoke the development of many pathologies. Therefore, it is very important to identify it at an early stage and eliminate it in a timely manner.

biochemical analysis of urine allows you to determine the quantitative content in the human body of proteins, enzymes, carbohydrates, lipids, pigments, low molecular weight nitrogenous substances, inorganic substances (iron, calcium, potassium, sodium, chlorine, phosphorus, cobalt, selenium, magnesium).

What does urinalysis mean according to Nechiporenko

This method of studying the composition of urine is prescribed in the diagnosis of inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract of chronic and acute course. During its implementation, the exact concentration of erythrocytes, leukocytes, cylinders is determined.

  • erythrocytes are called red blood cells of small size that carry oxygen. Normally, they should not be in the urine or may be no more than 3 in the field of view. So what does the appearance of red blood cells mean in a urine test? An increase in their number may indicate pathologies of the kidneys and the genitourinary system (nephrotic syndrome, acute glomerulonephritis, kidney infarction).
  • Leukocytes- blood cells that exercise immune control. If their number in the urine exceeds the norm, this is a sign of an inflammatory disease in the kidneys or urinary tract (bladder, ureters, renal pelvis, urethra in men).
  • cylinders are protein bodies that are formed in the renal tubules in case of severe pathology. They may have a different composition and include desquamated cells of the renal tubules, erythrocytes, and protein. What does an increase in the number of cylinders show in the analysis of urine? The level of cylinders increases with renal pathology, viral infections, and hypertension.

Zimnitsky test

The Zimnitsky test is a urine test, which makes it possible to evaluate the work of the kidneys. When conducting this study, the following indicators are determined - the total volume of daily urine, its density, the distribution of urine volume during the day.

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Throughout our lives, we repeatedly take a general blood test, which is prescribed by a doctor in a clinic. Its results indicate the state of the human body. The study will provide the doctor with information about the presence or absence of health problems in the patient. But, if a person does not have a medical education, it is difficult to understand what is written on a sheet of laboratory tests, and what diseases can be determined after donating blood in a laboratory.

The main indicators of the general blood test

Analysis indicators differ in children and adults, in women and men. For small children, the result may be the norm, but for an adult woman, this is a sign of illness. According to the analysis, the laboratory assistant determines the following indicators:

  • hemoglobin. In men, normal hemoglobin is 130-140 g / l, in women - from 120 to 130 g / l. In young children, the normal rate depends on age. In newborns, it is 200 g / l, and in a one-year-old baby, the norm is 120 g / l;
  • ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate). The norm for men is no more than 10 mm / hour, for women - no more than 15 mm / hour;
  • color index. This blood standard indicates the actual ratio of hemoglobin to its normal amount. Norm - from 0.85 to 1.05;
  • reticulocytes. The normal indicator is about 1% of the total number of red blood cells in the blood;
  • platelets. The standard for an adult is 180-320 * 109 / l. In one-year-old babies, a similar value is the norm;
  • leukocytes. In an adult, their level is the same - from 4.0 * 109 / l to 9.0 * 109 / l. If the number in the analysis is greater than the upper limit, leukocytosis develops. If the figure is less than normal, the patient has leukopenia.

What will tell a general blood test

The analysis provides information about the cellular blood composition and possible negative changes in its various indicators. Deciphering the laboratory result will help diagnose various diseases, even if a person does not have symptoms of the disease. The doctor will promptly prescribe the patient a treatment that allows you to remove the inflammatory process.

A general blood test can indicate such changes in the body and diseases:

  • low hemoglobin indicates anemia and other blood diseases, deficiency of iron, folic acid and vitamin B12. Elevated hemoglobin indicates exorbitant exercise or heart disease, lung failure, and intestinal obstruction. A reduced rate occurs in heavy smokers;
  • a strong decrease in red blood cells is a sign of anemia or a chronic inflammatory process in the body. In pregnant women, the level of red blood cells also decreases. If red blood cells are elevated in the blood, then this indicates dehydration of the body for various reasons;
  • a lack of platelets can cause a blood disease - hemophilia, a blood clotting disorder. Also indicates infections, cancers. An increased rate occurs after taking antibiotics and anti-allergy drugs;
  • the color index becomes larger in the presence of gastric polyps and a lack of vitamins in the body. Decreases with anemia and impaired hemoglobin synthesis;
  • an increase in ESR occurs during inflammatory processes and infections, with diseases of the kidneys and liver, with various endocrine pathologies and after fractures. After any operation, the indicator also increases;
  • an increased number of leukocytes indicates viral and fungal infections, malignant tumors. After injuries, childbirth and strong physical exertion, the indicator also increases.

As you can see, changes in the general blood test can indicate diseases and a lack of vitamins in the body. Each person should understand its decoding at least a little. But only a doctor determines the diagnosis based on the result of a laboratory test. It is unacceptable to invent illnesses on your own.

A complete urinalysis (CUA), also called a clinical urinalysis, is one of the most common laboratory tests performed for diagnostic purposes. It is prescribed for many diseases and includes the determination of up to 20 indicators, each of which helps in making the correct diagnosis. If you have been assigned a urinalysis, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the rules for interpreting its results.

Why is a general urinalysis ordered?

Urine (Latin urina), or urine, is a type of biological fluid excreted by the kidneys. Together with urine, many metabolic products are excreted from the body, and therefore, by its characteristics, one can indirectly judge both the composition of the blood and the state of the urinary tract and kidneys.

Urine includes substances such as urea, uric acid, ketone bodies, amino acids, creatinine, glucose, protein, chlorides, sulfates, and phosphates. Analysis of the chemical and microbiological composition of urine plays an important role in the diagnosis: any deviations from the norm indicate an incorrect metabolism in the patient's body.

When is a urinalysis ordered? This study is necessary for any diseases of the genitourinary and endocrine systems, with abnormalities in the work of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as with suspicion of diabetes. Also, a general urine test is prescribed for patients who have had a streptococcal infection. In addition, it is carried out for preventive purposes and to monitor the dynamics of diseases.

How to take a general urine test?

In order for the results of the analysis to reflect the true clinical picture, preparation for the procedure and collection of urine are carried out in compliance with a number of rules.

Basic requirements in preparation for a general urinalysis:

  • you must purchase in advance at a pharmacy or get a special sterile container from a doctor to collect fluid;
  • collection should be carried out in the morning: for analysis, it is recommended to use the morning fluid accumulated during the night, while the “middle portion” of the urine stream is important for collection in a container;
  • the night before, you should stop taking any medications that can affect the composition of urine (it is better to consult a doctor about this), as well as alcohol and coloring foods (beets, carrots, rhubarb, bay leaves, etc.);
  • morning urine is collected on an empty stomach, before that you can not eat or drink anything;
  • do not overcool or overheat before collecting the analysis.

Collection rules:

  • it is advisable to collect 100-150 ml (or 2/3 of a special container);
  • before collection, a thorough toilet of the genitals should be carried out: in some cases, women are advised to use a tampon;
  • the collected liquid should be delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible (with a delay of no more than 2 hours);
  • if the liquid needs to be stored for some time, then the container can be placed in a dark and cool, but not too cold place;
  • it is desirable to transport the container at positive temperatures in the range of 5-20 degrees.

What does a general urinalysis show: deciphering the results

Deciphering the results of a general urine test will help you understand the results obtained before a visit to the doctor. However, in no case should you engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment based on the data obtained: for a correct analysis of the results and diagnosis, you must contact a specialist.

Organoleptic indicators

Volume . The total volume of fluid for analysis does not allow us to draw any conclusions about diuresis disorders. It is only needed to determine the specific gravity of urine (relative density).

Diuresis - the volume of urine formed over a certain period of time (daily or minute diuresis). Daily diuresis is usually 1.5–2 liters (70–80% of the liquid drunk). An increase in daily diuresis is called polyuria, a decrease to 500 ml is called oliguria.

Colour urine, as well as transparency, is determined by the laboratory assistant by eye. Normally, the color can vary from straw to deep yellow. It is determined by the presence of dyes in the urine - urobilin, urozein, uroerythrin. Any other shades can signal certain pathologies in the body, for example:

  • dark brown - jaundice, hepatitis;
  • red or pink color indicates the presence of blood in the analysis;
  • dark red - hemoglobinuria, hemolytic crisis, porphyrin disease;
  • black - alkaptonuria;
  • grayish-white color indicates the presence of pus;
  • green or blue color is explained by the processes of putrefaction in the intestines.

Smell in the general analysis of urine is not decisive, since many foods containing essential oils or simply strong-smelling products can give it a specific smell. However, some odors may indicate certain pathologies:

  • the smell of ammonia indicates cystitis;
  • fecal odor - E. coli;
  • putrid smell - gangrenous processes in the urinary tract;
  • the smell of acetone - ketonuria (the presence of ketone bodies in the urine);
  • the smell of rotting fish - trimethylaminuria (accumulation of trimethylamine in the body).

Normally, the smell of urine is mild, somewhat specific. If the container is open, the smell becomes pungent due to the oxidation process.

Foaminess . Normally, when urine is agitated, foam practically does not form in it, and if it does, then it is transparent and unstable. With the stability of the foam or its staining, one can speak of jaundice or the presence of protein in the urine.

Transparency urine of a healthy person approaches absolute. Cloudiness can be caused by the presence of red blood cells, bacteria, mucus, fats, salts, pus, and other substances. The presence of any substance is detected using special techniques (heating, adding various acids, etc.). If erythrocytes, bacteria, protein or epithelium were detected in the urine, this indicates urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis and some other diseases. Leukocytes indicate cystitis. Precipitation of salts indicates the presence of urates, phosphates, oxalates.

physical and chemical indicators

Density . The specific gravity of urine is an indicator that depends on age. The norm for adults and children over 12 years old is 1.010-1.022 g / l, for children 4-12 years old - 1.012-1.020, for children aged 2-3 years - 1.010-1.017, newborns - 1.008-1.018. The density of urine depends on the amount of salts, proteins, sugars and other substances dissolved in it. In some pathologies, this indicator rises due to the presence of bacteria, leukocytes, and erythrocytes. An increased indicator may indicate diabetes mellitus, infectious processes in the urinary tract. In pregnant women - indicates toxicosis. Also, the density can be increased due to insufficient fluid intake or loss. A low rate indicates kidney failure, diabetes insipidus. It can also occur with heavy drinking or taking diuretic drugs.

Acidity is normally in the range of 4-7 pH. A reduced indicator may indicate the presence of many diseases: chronic renal failure, elevated levels of potassium in the blood, parathyroid hormones, ureaplasmosis, kidney or bladder cancer, etc. Increased acidity also occurs with dehydration and starvation, when taking certain drugs, with high temperatures and abundant consumption of meat. A pH above normal may indicate diabetes, a decrease in potassium levels, and disturbances in the acid-base balance of the blood.

Biochemical characteristics

Protein . Its concentration normally should not exceed 0.033 g / l. The detection of an increased content may indicate kidney damage, inflammation in the genitourinary system, allergic reactions, leukemia, epilepsy, heart failure. An increase in the amount of protein occurs with increased physical exertion, profuse sweating, long walking.

Elevated protein in the urine is determined in physically underdeveloped children 7–16 years old and pregnant women.

Sugar (glucose) in the urine at the norm - no more than 0.8 mmol / l. Elevated sugar can be the result of diabetes, excessive consumption of sweets, kidney disorders, acute pancreatitis, Cushing's syndrome, increased adrenaline levels due to damage to the adrenal glands. Also, increased sugar in the urine can occur during pregnancy.

Bilirubin - This is a bile pigment, which should normally be absent in the urine. Its detection indicates a sharp increase in the concentration of bilirubin in the blood, which is why the kidneys take over the work of removing it (normally, bilirubin is completely excreted through the intestines). An increased level of this pigment in the urine indicates cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, liver failure, cholelithiasis. Also, the cause may be a massive destruction of red blood cells due to hemolytic disease, sickle cell anemia, malaria, toxic hemolysis.

Ketone bodies (acetone) normally should not be determined in the general analysis of urine. Their discovery indicates metabolic disorders as a result of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, acute pancreatitis, thyrotoxicosis, Itsenko-Cushing's disease. Also, the formation of ketone bodies occurs during fasting, due to alcohol intoxication, with excessive consumption of protein and fatty foods, due to toxicosis in pregnant women, and also after injuries that affect the central nervous system.

Microscopic studies

Sediment (organic, inorganic) . In the general analysis of urine, sediment is understood as cells, cylinders, salt crystals that precipitate after a short centrifugation. In more detail about the various substances that can be detected in the sediment, we will talk below.

Blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes) . Erythrocytes - red blood cells - may be present in the urine in small quantities (for women - 0-3 in the field of view, single - for men). An increased content of red blood cells indicates serious diseases, such as:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • kidney infarction;
  • acute glomerulonephritis;
  • cancer of the kidney, bladder, prostate.

Leukocytes in the sediment, identified in the general analysis of urine, may be the result of diseases of the urinary tract (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis, prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis, etc.). Normally, leukocytes in the urine in women and children are 0-6 in the field of view, in men - 0-3.

If in the results of a general urinalysis you have an elevated level of leukocytes, you should make an appointment with a urologist, who will probably prescribe additional studies - a repeated OAM or in combination with a Nechiporenko urinalysis, a three-glass test, ultrasound of the kidneys. Often, all fears are dispelled after repeated and additional studies.

Hyaline casts - These are cylindrical formations, in which the cells of the renal tubules and protein predominate. Normally, they should not be in the urine. Their detection (over 20 in 1 ml) indicates hypertension, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis. These cylindrical formations can also occur when taking diuretics.

Granular cylinders . Their composition is dominated by erythrocytes and cells of the renal tubules. The presence of granular cylinders in the urine in any amount indicates viral infections, pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis. Lead poisoning is also possible.

wax cylinders , or waxy cylinders, are formed as a result of a long stay in the lumen of the renal tubule of a hyaline or granular cylinder. Their presence in the urine in any amount indicates such pathologies as chronic renal failure, renal amyloidosis (deposition of an insoluble protein, amyloid, in the kidney tissue), and nephrotic syndrome.

bacteria . The presence of any bacteria in the general analysis of urine indicates inflammatory processes in the urinary system. That is, bacteria should be absent normally. Their detection indicates infectious diseases such as urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis and others. In order for the results to be reliable, careful hygiene of the intimate areas is necessary before collecting urine.

Mushrooms in the urine, which normally should not be determined, are the result of infectious fungal infections of the urinary tract and external genital organs. In addition, their detection may indicate immunodeficiency states and long-term use of antibiotics.

salt . Their absence in the urine is the norm, and the presence in the sediment may indicate the possibility of the formation of kidney stones. Elevated levels of uric acid (urate) may be the result of gout, nephritis, chronic renal failure. Urates are often the result of a certain diet and dehydration. In newborns, the presence of urates is normal. Oxalates can be formed due to diabetes mellitus and pyelonephritis, hippuric acid crystals due to intestinal dysbacteriosis and liver failure, phosphates due to high calcium in the urine. However, it is always worth remembering that the identification of certain salts is often associated with increased consumption of certain foods, which means that their concentration can be easily reduced by changing the diet.

A summary table of the main indicators of a general urinalysis with normal values ​​​​is as follows:

So, with the help of a general urine test, you can detect a variety of diseases of the kidneys and bladder, problems with the prostate gland, tumors and pyelonephritis, as well as a number of pathological conditions in the initial stages, when there are no clinical manifestations as such. Therefore, OAM should be carried out not only when painful sensations appear, but also for the prevention and early detection of many diseases of the genitourinary system in order to prevent their further development.

Blood is a liquid tissue of the body, consisting of a liquid part - plasma and dissolved in it shaped elementserythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets. Plasma is made up of water (90%) and dry residue (10%) - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, salts, trace elements, hormones, etc.

Shaped elements

Erythrocyte ami are red, non-nucleated cells that have the shape of a biconcave disc. Erythrocytes make up the bulk blood and determine its red color. These are specialized cells that transport oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body. hemoglobin located on their surface in the pores.

Leukocytes are white blood cells containing a nucleus. Their function is the immune defense of the body. They absorb foreign bacteria and toxins that enter the bloodstream. There are several types of leukocytes that make up leukocyte formula: neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, monocytes.

platelets- these are blood platelets, which are fragments of cells that have an irregular shape and usually lack a nucleus. Platelets are actively involved in the clotting process blood, i.e. in the formation of a clot that clogs the hole in the damaged blood vessel. Total blood in relation to the body weight of the newborn is 15%, in children who have reached one year - 11%. However, boys have slightly more blood than girls. However, only 40-45% of blood, the rest is in the depot: the capillaries of the liver, spleen and subcutaneous tissue - and is included in the bloodstream with an increase in body temperature, muscle work, blood loss, etc.

Why do I need a complete blood count in a child?

Cellular composition blood a healthy person is fairly constant. Therefore, its various changes occurring in diseases can be of great diagnostic value. The simplest, most informative and frequently used method of research blood is an general clinical blood test. With its help, you can identify various inflammatory diseases, allergic conditions, diseases of the blood. In some cases, this study allows you to determine the earliest signs of the disease. So blood test always performed during preventive examinations. With the help of repeated studies, it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment and the trend towards recovery. General blood test can be abbreviated, containing indicators of hemoglobin, leukocytes, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and expanded, in which all elements are indicated blood. This analysis reveals the number, size, shape of red blood cells and their hemoglobin content; hematocrit - the ratio of plasma volume (liquid part blood) to the total number of cells blood; the total number of leukocytes and the percentage of their individual forms; the number of platelets; erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). If necessary, this analysis can be even more detailed.

When the child's first general blood test

Usually the first general blood test the child is carried out at the age of 3 months. This age is the age of risk for developing iron deficiency anemia- a condition caused by insufficient iron in the body and leading to a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Often this condition is diagnosed only on the basis of the result of this analysis. In addition, from the age of three months, the child begins to undergo routine preventive vaccinations, which requires a preliminary examination. For the vaccination process to proceed successfully, the baby must be healthy, including indicators blood should be within the age range.

How is a blood test taken from children?

Analysis blood in older children it is taken on an empty stomach, but in infants this condition is not necessary. Used for analysis disposable sterile instruments. Laboratory assistant making sampling blood, is obliged to work in gloves, which are disinfected with disinfectant solutions after each analysis and which he changes as necessary. The laboratory assistant can also work in disposable gloves. Traditionally, blood is taken from the fourth finger of the left hand, which is carefully wiped with cotton wool and alcohol, after which an injection is made with a special needle into the flesh of the finger to a depth of 2-3 mm. First drop blood removed with cotton soaked in ether. First, blood is taken to determine hemoglobin and ESR, then to determine the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes, after which they are made using glasses smears blood and study the structure of cells under a microscope.

What can the general blood test

When detecting various changes in the cellular composition blood the doctor will conduct an additional examination, if necessary, appoint consultations of other specialists to clarify the diagnosis, and based on the results of the whole complex of measures, treatment will be prescribed. As we can see, the general blood test necessary, since only thanks to it is it possible to identify certain diseases. Advice to parents: do not be nervous during the analysis - your nervousness will be transferred to the baby, and he will burst into tears. It is better to treat tests as an absolutely natural thing - after all, analysis is one of the simplest medical procedures that allows you to learn a lot about the state of a child's health in a very short time. Tab. basic indicators blood in children

Age Erythrocytes x10 12 Hemoglobin Hb g/l Platelets x10 9 Leukocytes x10 9 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) mm/h
newborns 5,0-5,8-6,0 215-180 273-309 30-12 2,5-2,8
1-12 months 4,6-4,7 178-119 280-290 12-10,5 4-7
2-3 years 4,6-4,7 117-126 280-290 10,5-11 7-8
4-5 years 4,6-4,7 126-130 280-290 10-11 7-8
6-8 years old 4,7-4,8 127-130 280-290 8,2-9,7 7-8

indicators of the leukocyte formula (in%) in children

Age Neutrophils Lymphocytes Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils
Newborn 65 24 9 2 0
1 day 64 24 9,4 2 0,25
2 day 62 24,4 10,5 3 0
3 day 55 30,5 11 3 0
Day 4 48,5 36,5 11 3,5 0
Day 5 44,5 40,5 11 3 0
Day 6 37 48,5 11 3 0,5
Day 7 31 49 11 3,5 0,5
1 month 25 61,5 10 2,5 0,5
3 month 27,5 59 10 2,5 0,5
8 month 26,5 60 11 2 0,5
1 year 32 54,5 11,5 1,5 0,5
2 years 36,5 51 10 1,5 0,5
4 years 45,5 44 9 1 0,5
5-6 years 46,8 42 9,5 1 0,5
8 years 50 39,5 8,5 2 0,5
One type of anemia is iron deficiency anemia (IDA)- a condition in which the amount of iron in the body decreases (in blood, bone marrow, etc.), which leads to a violation of the synthesis of hemoglobin, erythrocytes, as a result of which their content in blood falls: hemoglobin - less than 110 g / l, erythrocytes - less than 4x10 12 / l ten to the twelfth degree. Depending on the degree of decrease in hemoglobin, mild (90-110 g / l), moderate (60-80 g / l) and severe (less than 60 g / l) forms of anemia are distinguished. In early childhood, situations most often occur that lead to iron deficiency: the high growth rate of the child leads to an increase in the need for this trace element and a decrease in its reserves in the body. In addition, the baby's anemia can be caused by the mother's anemia during pregnancy, the social and living conditions in which the baby grows, and iron deficiency in food. The risk group for the development of iron deficiency anemia includes children born prematurely or full-term, but underweight (for example, with multiple pregnancies or intrauterine growth retardation), children who are formula-fed. Externally, anemia is manifested by varying degrees of pallor of the skin and visible mucous membranes (conjunctiva of the eye, oral mucosa), muscle weakness, lethargy, decreased appetite, a slowdown in the rate of psychophysical development of the child, in severe cases - deformation of the nails, inflammation of the oral mucosa (stomatitis) . Given the identified external and laboratory changes, the pediatrician recommends a set of general strengthening measures (staying in the fresh air, sunbathing, balanced nutrition, vitamins) and preparations containing iron. The natural prevention of IDA in all children of the first months of life is to maintain and support breastfeeding, at least in the first 4-5 months of life, when iron consumption is most intensive. In addition, all children at risk for prophylactic purposes, starting from the age of two months, should be given iron supplements, which they should receive until they reach 12-18 months.
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