Matvey Dmitrievich meaning. Love and family relationships. Positive character traits

Matthew has everything the best sides male character and masculinity: fortitude, modesty, responsiveness. Such a man will never seek personal gain in relationships with anyone, especially with women. He always fairly assesses the current situation, so he is often asked for advice. It is Matvey who is able to resolve conflicts, reconcile enemies. A contribution to the character of a person and his fate is made not only by the meaning of his name, but also by the time in which he was born, the place and, of course, the immediate environment.

Name Matvey: an exact description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a boy, a guy, a man with that name?

Lucky symbols for Matvey:

  • The stone for the talisman is chiastolite. It is believed that this stone allows a person to get rid of their inner fears.
  • Lucky colors include brown, red, blue and yellow.
  • His number "1" brings good luck.
  • The element of the name is water. This name is associated with the serenely flowing waters of a wide river, which sometimes changes from a flat bottom to rocky rapids and forms a fleeting raging stream.
  • You can choose this name for your son especially if he was born under the sign of Cancer or Scorpio.
  • The totem plant is walnut. This is a symbol of prosperous Braga, comprehension of world secrets, fertility and justice.

What is the meaning of the name Matvey, the character and fate of a boy with that name

The name Matthew begins its origin in ancient Jerusalem.

The word "Matthew" itself is translated from Hebrew as "Gift of Yahweh", which means: "God's gift" or "God's gift."

This name belonged to one of the apostles of Christ and is immortalized in the Bible.

What character can a boy Matvey have?

The characteristic of the name Matvey tells us that a boy with this name grows up calm, very kind, obedient, with an open soul and a balanced psyche. That is why little Matvey is loved by all his relatives and friends. This kid has absolutely no sense of anger and aggression.

The character of a child named Matveyka is in most cases very docile. He does not like showdowns at all and keeps away from various kinds of showdowns.

Matvey believes that any conflicts can be resolved peacefully.

But, this boy is able to stand up for himself, defend his innocence and his interests. A heightened sense of justice and unreasonable aggression towards Matvey can awaken the spirit of a fighter in him. So he will be able to secure credibility in the team.

He is incapable of lying. Strong point his character are decency and devotion. It is these qualities that he highly appreciates in people with whom he prefers friendship and communication in life.

What fate awaits Matthew?

Characteristics of the name Matvey and character traits of a boy with that name

This name is not just mentioned in the Bible. The meaning of the name Matthew includes many qualities of the biblical namesake from ancient Jerusalem, which in one way or another influence the fate of modern Matthew.

In his youth, he is distinguished by modesty and unwillingness to stand out from the crowd. He sets goals for himself and slowly but surely moves towards their implementation. It does it on its own, quietly and peacefully. And it is worth creating obstacles in his path, so as not to wake the sleeping beast.

In general, Matvey is a true and devoted friend in life, who, without hesitation, will rush to help at any time of the day. Perhaps the only negative in the characterization of this name is that he is too touchy. And it is hard going through quarrels with loved ones.

In adult life the owner of the name Matvey does not build ambitious plans, is not a careerist in view of his natural modesty.

He prefers to be in the shadow of events and rarely achieves high appointments or promotions on the social ladder. Although his masculine qualities are always on top and are appreciated by society.

Matvey is completely devoid of feelings of envy and self-interest. Always acts absolutely sincerely, from the purest motives. And this is his innocence. On the contrary, this man leads a rather restrained and secretive lifestyle, does not expose his feelings and emotions for show. And it is always difficult for others to guess his mood.

Even as an adult man, Matvey continues to carry out his peacekeeping mission. His negative character traits include his excessive self-criticism and absolute intolerance for the shortcomings of people. He will definitely point you to an inaccurately tied tie or bad smell, and will do it with his characteristic openness and correctness.

Thus, Matvey is a very sensitive, responsive, friendly and very loyal person. It is not at all easy to bring him to emotions, but he will remember the offense for a long time. Although it is unlikely to dare to take revenge.

Matvey does not experience health problems, but his eyesight and musculoskeletal system may disturb him.

Men with this name are extremely amorous. But this means that they are cheating on their soul mates. If Matvey understands that while in a relationship he met his true love, then at first he will very correctly part with his passion, and only then will he begin active courtship of a new one. His beloved woman should have the same calm and patient character as his own. He does not tolerate conflict situations. His chosen one is a feminine, gentle and sophisticated woman who is his inspiration and muse. In family relationships, he manifests himself as a caring, economic earner and breadwinner.

Cheerful Open Kind

Matvey Melnikov, Russian rap artist

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

What does the name Matthew mean?

Matvey is a very rare and exceptional name. What is the secret behind this name? Parents call so very hard-won and long-awaited boys, because Matvey is the “Gift” of the Lord God. Therefore, the meaning of the name Matvey is special, both for the family and for the majority of those around him. It can be honestly said that such an interpretation of the name scares some.

Children named Matvey are the most beautiful flowers of life. Healthy, cheerful and sociable, with a gentle nature and meek disposition, they become a joy and outlet for parents. As adults, they do not lose their cheerfulness and remain honest both with themselves and with others.

The nature of the name Matvey implies the presence of strong moral principles and complete openness.

The main characteristic of both small and adult Matvey is their decency. You should not expect any unexpected and ugly actions from them, vile stabs in the back or outright rudeness and lies - all this is completely uncharacteristic of them.

Would you name your child by this name?

The history of the name Matthew begins with the time of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Levi Matthew - one of the 12 apostles and the author of the Gospel of Matthew.

This name came to us from the Hebrew language, although it can also be considered Orthodox.

In the original New Testament version, the name sounded like Matthew or Matthias. Therefore, the origin of the name is the “Russification” of the Jewish name, which literally translates as “Gifted by God” or “Gift of God”.

According to the origin of the name Matvey, it is not always easy to guess which patronymic is more suitable for him. Ideal would be compatibility with the same soft-sounding names, for example: Lvovich, Timofeevich or Ilyich. They will add some strength to this gentle name. You can also strengthen the name with a different pronunciation, for example, Matthias. This is a sharper-sounding European version of Matyusha, identical in its interpretation and description.

Name Forms

Simple: Matvey Full: Matvey Ancient: MatthewAffectionate: Matyusha

With early childhood Matyusha is strongly attached to the family. He will play with great pleasure at home with his relatives than on the street with other boys. Matyusha is not capricious, and usually does not cause problems for adults. He does not make ostentatious tantrums in the store, manages with a minimum number of broken knees and torn pants. The characterization of the name Matvey suggests that he is more inclined to be friends with girls, but tries to keep it a secret.

Despite the rare and unusual name, Matvey does not like to stand out among his peers. He likes to be invisible, not drawing attention to his person.

Therefore, you should not expect swift from Matvey career development. He just doesn't need it. Matvey will do his job with high quality, but he will not catch the “stars from the sky”.

Pedantic and somewhat boring, Matyusha loves to systematize and analyze life situations using their extraordinary intellectual abilities. A modest and honest worker by nature, Matvey acts with great pleasure as a “peacemaker” in various controversial and conflict situations, and it is in this area that he can expect success.

The unusual name Matvey will give its owner many positive features: calmness and measuredness, responsibility in relation to affairs and people, harmony with oneself. Whatever happens in life - the absence of contradictions in the character of Matvey, innate modesty and the ability to control himself, will always help him prevail over the current situation.

The “divine” origin of the name leaves a special imprint and allows you to always maintain cheerfulness and an easy attitude to everything that happens.

But Matvey, most likely, will not have an easy life because of his honesty and modesty. It is quite difficult for such people to "take root" among cunning and arrogant neighbors and colleagues.

Matveev has an unusually developed intuition. Usually for men, this quality is not characteristic. Often, innate intuition helps Matvey find the right way out of the current situation, and when reconciling disputants and quarrels. Despite the fact that they love to communicate very much and are often the soul of the company, Matyusha most often has one real friend. It is not easy for Matvey to find an understanding person who could be completely trusted.


good nature









weak will

According to what the name Matvey means, in relations with women, the same story has haunted him since childhood. An extraordinary name seems to require the presence of a beautiful and spectacular girl next to her.

The appearance of a companion is of great importance for Matvey. Only in real life really beautiful girls come in a "set" with a train of fans. This means that jealousy in a relationship cannot be avoided. Because of this, Matvei can be unhappy in marriage, as a sense of duty and responsibility do not allow them to destroy someone else's family. Especially if the chosen one already has children.

Matveev's own "invisibility" and their jealousy of possible rivals often destroy any harmonious relationship.

If Matvey is lucky, and his chosen one is not only beautiful, but also smart, not allowing him to doubt himself and his feelings, then any obstacles will not matter and will not be able to interfere with family happiness. Matvey will carry such a girl in his arms all his life.

The meaning of the name Matvey for a boy

The meaning of this name makes Matyusha just a gift for parents. This soft, flexible, sympathetic child is completely uncapricious, does not know how to cheat and evade, Matvey pleases those around him with his purity and kindness.
The boy can be safely called reliable. At the same time, his cheerfulness and lightness are more than enough for two.

By choosing this name for your child, you can expect that he will be "home". Matvey is strongly attached to the family, thorough. He tries not to stand out from the crowd, not to attract attention to himself. Only his pathological honesty will certainly be noticed by those around him, who can cause a lot of trouble to the too truthful "black sheep".

What will Matthew be good at?

The child loves to analyze and systematize information, which means that Matyusha will succeed in the exact sciences. Thanks to his diligence, Matvey can easily reach career heights. True, this applies to the area where only professional skills are evaluated, there are no intrigues and "hooking up".

"God's gift"

origin of the name Matthew


Characteristics of the name Matthew

in childhood, this is a mobile, strong, mischievous boy. He is capable, studies well, goes in for sports. Adult Matvey is a disciplined, restrained man, does not like to show his feelings, it is always difficult to understand what mood he is in. He is assiduous, obligatory, at the same time ambitious. Reaches leadership positions. Matvey is self-critical, but strict in assessing the actions of others. He has a difficult character, he is hindered by intolerance for the shortcomings of others. Usually this man has only one friend. Matthew himself is a very reliable and loyal comrade. He is affectionate and attentive to those he loves, but touchy and hard going through quarrels.

Famous personalities: Matvey Kazakov (1738-1812) - architect, one of the founders of classicism, Matvey Muravyov-Apostol (1793-1886) - Decembrist.

Name Matthew - when is the name day?

January 18, June 1, July 13, August 22, August 25, August 27, October 11, October 13, October 18, November 12, November 25, November 29, December 15

Derivatives of the name Matthew:

Matveyka, Matya, Matyukha, Matyusha, Matyakha, Matyasha, Motya.

What zodiac signs will suit the name Matvey:

The name Matvey is suitable for Aries, Gemini, Cancers, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces

Harmony with name bearers:

Name bearer incompatibilities:


Evangelist Matthew was an apostle of the Twelve. Hearing the voice of Jesus Christ: “Follow Me,” he left his position as a tax collector and followed the Savior. Before leaving to preach in distant countries, the apostle wrote the Gospel. The holy Apostle Matthew traveled with the gospel to Syria, Media, Persia and Parthia, ending his preaching labors with martyrdom in Ethiopia. The ruler of this country, Fulvian, did not want his subjects to become Christians. He accused the apostle of witchcraft and ordered his execution. St. Matthew was laid face down, covered with brushwood and set on fire. When the fire flared up, everyone saw that the fire did not harm Saint Matthew. Then Fulvian ordered to add brushwood to the fire, dousing it with pitch and placing twelve idols around. But the flame melted the idols and scorched Fulvian. The frightened Ethiopian turned to the saint with a plea for mercy, and through the prayer of the apostle the flame subsided. The body of the holy apostle remained unharmed, and he departed to the Lord (60).

Meaning of the name

Matthew is strong-willed, courageous, but at the same time kind, sympathetic, modest and non-confrontational man who does not seek benefits in a relationship. He is fair, patient and sincere, so he is often approached for good advice. Often it is Matvey who acts as a peacemaker when it is necessary to reconcile the warring parties. But we should not forget that the season in which he was born leaves his imprint on the formation of a person's character.

Characteristics of the name Matthew (Matthew)

Winter Matvey cautious and secretive, therefore it converges with people for a long time, exposing applicants for the role of friends to various tests. He prefers to have one, but a devoted friend, while the quantitative component in this matter is absolutely not important for him. Winter Matvey is vulnerable and touchy, but he will not take revenge on his offenders.

Spring Matvey does not tolerate injustice (the owner of this name himself adheres to strict moral principles and lives according to the laws of honor). You can always rely on him and in everything, because this man’s words never diverge from deeds. However, his kindness and responsiveness can cause disappointments in his personal life (he gives himself entirely to relationships, but often women are not able to appreciate this quality of his).

Summer Matvey open, sociable and cheerful, so he is always surrounded by the same adventurers looking for adventure. He treats life lightly, but such an attitude is not always justified, because realities are not always a carefree holiday. He builds relations with women according to the same principle: freedom, independence and the absence of any obligations - this is the format of relations suitable for summer Matvey.

Autumn Matvey easy to communicate, friendly, but at the same time unusually modest (he does not like to be in the center of everyone's attention). He tries not to conflict, not to sort things out and not to offend anyone. Autumn Matvey is gallant, attentive and affectionate with women who surround him with tenderness and care. But keep in mind: this man is jealous and suspicious, although he will not show his feelings.

Stone - talisman

Matthew's mascot stones are chiastolite and opal.


This mineral helps to go into the astral plane and establish contact with the souls of the dead (for this you should look at the stone for a long time), so priests and sorcerers used chiastolite in ritual as well as magical rites.

Christian monks made a rosary from this stone, which helped not only to focus directly on prayer, but also to ward off all kinds of negative thoughts from themselves. Also, chiastolite amulets contributed to the preservation and enhancement of the positive energy of prayers, protected from troubles and witchcraft spells.

Chiastolite helps to get rid of internal fears, eliminates anger and makes illusions crumble, bringing only disappointments to a person’s life.


The ancient Romans believed that opal attracted love and promoted the fulfillment of hopes. But it should be remembered that this stone is endowed with tremendous energy, which can become destructive. For this reason, people who strive for a calm and measured life are disturbed by opal, while creative people helps to achieve success in life.

Buddhists personify white opal with patience, tolerance and purity. In addition, they believe that this stone develops the gift of foresight.

In general, opal is a stone of melancholic people with pure and noble thoughts, but it brings only evil to egoists, giving rise to suspicions, causing quarrels, as well as fear and nightmares.






Animal - symbol

An animal (or rather, an arthropod), patronizing Matvey, is scorpion- a dual symbol, meaning danger, fear, but at the same time protection from enemies.

In the Christian tradition, the scorpion symbolizes betrayal, being identified with the traitor Judas and embodying such mortal sins as heresy, hatred, envy. In addition, in the Bible, this arthropod, like a snake, symbolizes demonic forces.

Most often, the scorpion has a negative symbolism, personifying revenge, death, punishment, retribution and self-destruction. Although it is impossible not to say about the nobility of this symbol: so, being in a hopeless situation, the scorpion stings itself, thereby dooming itself to a painful death.


Matvey's totem plants are walnut and freesia.


This is a symbol of comprehending the secrets of the world around us, a symbol of abundance, life, fertility, a successful marriage, as well as fertility.

In addition, the nut symbolizes justice. Double walnut - the personification of love and friendship. The nut shell is a secret wisdom that is not easy to comprehend.

Walnut rod - an amulet that protects against evil spirits.

Interesting fact! In the Christian tradition, a split walnut is the personification of Jesus, while the shell symbolizes the tree of the Holy Cross, while the green outer shell is the body of Christ, and the core is his divine nature.


Freesia is the personification of charm, sophistication and youth.

This beautiful flower symbolizes youth, trust, calmness, serenity and self-confidence.


Matvey's metal is gold, personifying the divine mind, luxury, chosenness, dignity, greatness and power.

This metal symbolizes immortality and infinity. But gold also has a negative feature: for example, this metal is identified with decline, love of gold and the perishability of being.

In the Christian tradition, gold is a symbol of the triumph of faith, superiority, perfection and wisdom.

auspicious day


Origin of the name Matthew (Matthew)

Name translation

From the Hebrew language, the name Matthew is translated as "gift of Yahweh", "given by God" or "God's gift."

Name history

Interesting fact! In Russia, the name Matvey can also be used in the form Matthew.

This name is popular not only in Russia, but also in many other countries, where it is used in the form of Matthias.

Forms (analogues) of the name

Common forms of the name Matvey are: Matveyka, Matveyushka, Matya, Matyukha, Matyusha, Matyushenka, Matyushka, Matyasha, Motya, Matfeyushka, Matveychik, Matyusha.

The legend of the name Matvey (Matthew)

There is a legend about one of the twelve apostles - Matthew Levi, who, before receiving the apostolic rank, was a tax collector in Galilee. When the Lord called Matthew, he left everything he had acquired and went with the other eleven disciples and Jesus Christ to preach Christianity.

Before going with his sermons to other countries, he wrote the Gospel for the Jews who remained in Jerusalem (it is the Gospel of this apostle that leads the series of books of the New Testament).

The Apostle Matthew preached in Syria, Media, Persia and Parthia.

Matthew ended his righteous life in Ethiopia, where he received martyrdom, but before that he managed to convert several idolaters to the faith of Christ. In addition, in this country, inhabited by cannibals with cruel customs, the apostle founded the Church, and also erected a temple in Mirmeni.

The Apostle Matthew fervently prayed that the Ethiopians would renounce paganism and convert to the true faith. During one of these prayers, the Lord appeared to him, who took the form of a young man. The young man gave the apostle a rod and ordered it to be placed at the door of the temple (subsequently, a fruitful tree grew from this rod, the roots of which became a source of water). The Lord said that by eating the fruit of this tree and washing with its waters, the Ethiopians will become good and renounce paganism.

When Matthew went to the temple in order to set up the rod, he met the wife and son of Fulvian, the pagan ruler of this country, who was possessed by an unclean spirit. Matthew healed his wife and son, thereby contributing to the conversion of many Ethiopians to the faith of Christ.

The transition of the Ethiopians to a different faith was perceived negatively by Fulvian. Moreover, he seized the apostle, after which, accusing him of witchcraft, he ordered to be executed by burning. But the fire did not harm Matthew, then, on the orders of Fulvian, brushwood, previously doused with pitch, was added to the fire, but the flame that flared up scorched Fulvian himself, who, frightened, began to pray to the holy apostle for mercy. Matthew called to the Lord, after which the flame subsided, and his soul left his unharmed body and went to the Lord.

But Fulvian still doubted the sanctity of the apostle, and therefore ordered to put his body in an iron coffin and throw it into the sea. Fulvian reasoned as follows: if the body of the apostle again remains intact, then he recognizes the One True God. The body of Matthew remained untouched by water, and Fulvian accepted the true faith, and they christened him Matthew. Subsequently, Fulvian became a bishop and continued to enlighten his people.

The mystery of the name Matthew (Matthew)

name patrons

  • Rev. Matthew the Perspicacious (or Caves).
  • Apostle Matthew Levi.
  • Hieromartyr Matthias.
  • Matthew Ethiopian.

Angel Day (name day)

January: 30 number.

April: 25 number.

June: 1 number.

July: 13 number.

August: 22nd, 25th and 27th.

October: 11th, 13th and 18th.

November: 12th, 25th and 29th.

December: 15 number.

Famous people

Matvey Kazakov - Russian architect, one of the founders of classicism.

Matvey Muravyov-Apostol - Decembrist.

Matvey Zakharov - Soviet military leader and Marshal of the USSR.

Matvey Anichkin - Soviet musician and one of the founders of the Cruise group.

Matvey Ganopolsky - Russian theater director, journalist and TV presenter.

Matvey Blanter - Soviet artist and a composer whose songs were performed by Leonid Utesov, Iosif Kobzon, Lidia Ruslanova, Bulat Okudzhava, as well as Mark Bernes, etc.

Matvey Muraviev - Russian explorer-navigator who explored the Aleutian Islands.

Matvey Manizer - Soviet artist and sculptor, who became the author of Stalin's death mask.

Matthias Jabs - the famous German rock musician, who is the guitarist of the group "Scorpions".

The meaning of the name Matthew (Matthew)

For a child

Little Matvey is a calm, open, kind, balanced and obedient child, so it is not surprising that relatives and friends sincerely love this boy, in whom there is no aggression and anger.

This strong and healthy boy does not bring trouble to his parents, because from an early age he is independent and responsible. In addition, Matvey does not like to quarrel and sort things out, so he tries to stay away from yard fights (he believes that any dispute can and should be resolved peacefully).

But one should not test the patience of little Matvey, since injustice and aggression towards him or his relatives awakens a fighting spirit in this boy. So, if necessary, he will be able to defend his "place under the sun" with the help of his fists. But no matter how angry Matvey is, he quickly "cools down" (he cannot be called vindictive and vengeful).

Matvey is an honest boy who does not deceive anyone, and he himself appreciates such qualities as decency and devotion.

At school, he studies well, although he rarely gets an excellent student, and all for the reason that the educational process itself does not really captivate him (Matvey tries to study well in order to justify the hopes placed on him, because he has a highly developed sense of duty).

For teenager

Young Matvey can be described as a quiet and modest guy who does not like to stand out from the crowd. He is slowly but surely moving towards his goal, without disturbing anyone, but he should not cross the road either, so as not to "awaken the beast in him."

Matvey is a real peacemaker who does not tolerate conflicts and trials, but, on the contrary, tries to reconcile everyone. His honesty attracts and repels people at the same time: on the one hand, this quality inspires respect and disposes to Matvey, and on the other hand, it makes others afraid of the straightforwardness of a teenager with this name. Matvey himself is absolutely not embarrassed by this situation, since he believes that a friend should be alone, but devoted, honest and reliable.

It is quite natural that Matvey is a true friend and comrade who will immediately come to the rescue at any time of the day. However, his friends should take into account the fact that he is very touchy, and quarrels with those close to him are real torture.

In general, he is attached to his family and especially to his parents, whose opinion is always authoritative for him. Growing up, he does not cease to love his parents tender and pure love manifested in his attention and care.

For a man

Adult Matvey, due to his modesty, is deprived ambitious plans and ambition, he prefers to remain in the background and not attract too much attention to himself. Such a position in life prevents him from achieving a high position in society. Although the authorities always appreciate the disinterestedness, honesty, conscientiousness and responsibility of this man.

Matthew is absolutely selfless person who never seeks any benefit, his actions and thoughts are always sincere and pure. But still, you should not think that Matvey is a "shirt-guy": by no means, he is a rather secretive and reserved person who does not like to put his feelings on public display, so it is often difficult for others to understand what mood he is in.

Even in adulthood, Matvey does not forget about his peacekeeping mission, therefore he accepts Active participation in the process of reconciliation of the warring parties.

Among negative traits the character of Matvey can be noted excessive self-criticism, as well as intolerance to the shortcomings of those people who surround him.

In general, Matvey is a sympathetic, patient, sensitive and loyal person, who is quite difficult to get out of balance. He is able to remember the offense for a long time, but he is unlikely to decide on revenge.

Description of the name Matthew (Matthew)


Matvey tries to clearly adhere to the high moral ideals and principles established in society. He is honest, unselfish and devoid of vanity.


In general, Matvey does not complain about his health, although from time to time he may experience problems associated with vision and the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.


Matvey is very amorous, but this does not mean that he will cheat on his chosen one (if he falls in love, he will definitely leave the old relationship so as not to offend the feelings of his former lover).

Such amorousness leads to the fact that Matthew long time is in search of his true love, while very often he is disappointed both in his partners and in his marriages (and the owner of this name can have a lot of marriages).

His beloved must have a calm and patient disposition, since squabbles and scandals only repel Matvey. It is important for this man that his chosen one be feminine and tender, because he perceives a woman as a muse, inspiring to exploits and accomplishments.


Matvey marries quite late, and he does it not so much out of love, but because of the understanding that it is time to settle down and start a family and children. It is the lack of love between spouses that often becomes the reason that Matvey's marriage is unhappy, although he never admits this to himself or to others.

Despite the fact that his family life may not add up, he will never cheat on his wife, because he considers such an act unworthy of a real man.

Matvey can create a successful family tandem with a soft and diplomatic woman who will understand him and will not engage in his upbringing.

Family relationships

Matvey is an economic husband who will do everything so that his family does not need anything, but the ideality of his family relationships is most often ostentatious. Yes, he adores his children, but he is mostly inattentive to his wife (moreover, he can show harshness and irritability towards her, especially if the spouse tries to limit his freedom).

If a wife wants to win over her husband named Matvey as much as possible, then it is enough to enlist the support and love of his parents, from whose care he does not leave even in adulthood.


Matvey, despite being amorous, can hardly be called a womanizer, because he is reluctant to meet girls, fearing they will not like him. Such excessive modesty leads to the fact that sexually, he feels insecure and constrained.

Intimate life for him never comes first in a relationship, so he does not consider it necessary to make any efforts to diversify it and make it brighter. Therefore, a passionate and temperamental partner will very quickly get bored with a monotonous relationship with Matvey.

Mind (intelligence)

Matvey has a very lively mind, which, together with a developed fantasy, makes this man an interesting conversationalist. At the same time, the ability to analyze allows him to apply his abilities in scientific fields.


Matvey is a hardworking, responsible and disciplined worker who rarely reaches great career heights because of his modesty. He is most suited to those professions in which he can use his hands and the creative component (this can be the profession of an engineer, carpenter, designer and furniture assembler, sculptor, blacksmith, mechanic or salesman).

In addition, he will be no less successful as a journalist, lawyer or writer.

In the labor field, Matvey is driven not by vanity (careerism is completely absent in him), but by a sense of duty, which prevents him from holding high leadership positions.


Matvey as a businessman will find himself in the so-called "small business", while he will not seek to expand his business, since he is of the opinion that big money entails big problems. He will earn just enough so that he and his family have enough for a comfortable life.


Matvey prefers to spend his holidays with friends, with whom he goes to football and hockey. He is not averse to just watching TV at home, playing cards or reading another book.

In addition, Matvey belongs to the type of men who know how to relax while working physically. Like this? Easy: the owner of this name gets real pleasure when he makes something with his own hands or works in the garden.

Character type

Matvey is most often a melancholic (you can read about this type of character in the article "Elements, Planets and Numbers in Human Life").


Matvey is a very restrained person who knows how to control his emotions, which helps him to emerge victorious from enough controversial situations. He is objective and reasonable, calm and fair, but at the same time it is not so easy to put pressure on him.

In people, the owner of this name appreciates morality, good nature and sincerity. He treats others the way he would like people to treat him. At the same time, those around him often disappoint him with their unworthy behavior, but Matvey never condemns anyone, believing that everyone is free to do as he sees fit.

The disadvantage of Matvey is the love of disputes: this man will defend his opinion to the end, but at the same time he will never stoop to humiliate or insult his opponent.


Matvey is the owner of a well-developed intuition, so he often relies on his "inner voice", which rarely fails him.

Horoscope named after Matthew (Matthew)

Matvey - Aries

It is erudite, gallant, educated and Attractive man, which bathes in female attention. Moreover, Matvey-Aries skillfully uses his charm to achieve certain goals, while women are just a tool for him. A sense of humor helps him get away "dry from the water" in rather delicate situations. Matvey-Aries does not tolerate boredom and monotony, therefore, he strives for a bright and eventful life.

Matvey - Taurus

Cheerful, charismatic and charming Matvey-Taurus prefers a company of frivolous friends with whom it is always interesting and fun to family measured life. But loneliness has a depressing effect on this man. In relations with the opposite sex, he seeks only the satisfaction of his carnal needs, while his soul does not need the love and adoration of women. It is not surprising that Matvey-Taurus marries quite late.

Matvey - Gemini

This person who is passionate about life cannot sit in one place, on the contrary, his passion is travel, knowledge of himself and the world around him. He works to live, not lives to work. Matvey-Gemini is rarely alone, because there are always a lot of like-minded people around him and just interesting people who share it life position. Such an activist needs an easy-going and sociable companion who will share all the hobbies of her chosen one.

Matvey - Cancer

This is a kind, sympathetic and empathetic person who will not only listen, but also help in difficult moment. He appreciates such human qualities as loyalty, honesty and devotion, but lies and hypocrisy will never be forgiven. Matvey-Rak will be able to create a strong and happy family with a gentle, kind and caring woman who values ​​home comfort and her family above all else.

Matvey - Leo

This is a born leader and organizer who knows how to properly manage and set tasks for his subordinates (although often even at home Matvey-Lev behaves like a boss to whom everyone must unconditionally obey). His imperiousness and ability to convince lead to the fact that he quickly rises up the career ladder. However, it is these qualities that can prevent him from building a friendly and harmonious family. As a wife, Matvey-Lev often chooses a weak-willed and calm woman who will obey him.

Matvey - Virgo

This is creative person, prone to isolation and loneliness, therefore it is quite natural that Matvey-Leo has very few friends. This man starts a family early, thus trying to create his own separate world in which he will be warm and comfortable. The companion of Matvey-Leo is a strong and powerful woman who will take all the reins of government into her own hands, while the man in this union is absolutely not against such an arrangement of power.

Matvey - Libra

Delicate, calm, tactful and non-conflict Matvey-Libra absolutely cannot stand scandals, therefore he tries to avoid provocations through his sense of humor.

It is easier for him to give in to his opponent than to provoke a negative. Therefore, Matvey-Libra chooses an open, kind and friendly life partner, while rudeness and rudeness only repel him.

Matvey - Scorpio

The persistent and ambitious Matvey-Scorpio always knows what he wants from life, so he takes a firm and confident step towards his goals. For this man, the main priority is not family, but work, although he also tries to pay attention to his household members. It is at work that he can fully apply his knowledge and skills, as well as show leadership skills. With his family, Matvey-Scorpio is soft and complaisant, and he chooses a powerful woman for his wife (to match himself).

Matvey - Sagittarius

This is an easy-to-communicate person who tries to avoid conflicts and scandals. In addition, it is extremely important for Matvey-Sagittarius to live in harmony with himself and the world around him. He is charming, erudite and knows how to win over his interlocutor, so his company is always desirable and interesting. His chosen one should not only be a smart and beautiful woman, but also have a wonderful sense of humor that helps to easily overcome various life difficulties.

Matvey - Capricorn

This is a real romantic who is trying to change the world for the better. However, the realities of the modern world are such that dreamers, who is Matvey-Capricorn, have a hard time in life. Therefore, this man often hides his romanticism behind a firm and even tough character. Only the closest people know that in fact Matvey-Capricorn is a sentimental and sensitive person who takes any offense and injustice to heart.

Matvey - Aquarius

This man is an excellent diplomat who knows how to resolve even the most complicated disputes, while Matvey-Aquarius himself is not averse to arguing furiously, therefore he prefers to reconcile the disputants rather than take part in the dispute. This status of Matvey-Aquarius leads to the fact that he quickly gets used to everyone's attention and respect, which can lead to the development of such a quality as vanity. In general, this man prefers to be on good terms with others.

Matvey - Pisces

This is a shy, uncommunicative and constrained man who does not like noisy companies (he prefers to spend his free time either with his family or alone, reflecting on the frailty of life). For Matvey, born under the sign of Pisces, such components as stability and confidence in tomorrow, therefore, as a life partner, he chooses a calm and balanced woman who will become the real mistress of his cozy home.

Compatibility of the name Matthew (Matthew) with female names

Matvey and Olga

For the owners of these names, the family is highest value, so Matvey and Olga look at each other for quite a long time before creating a strong and harmonious family.

Matthew and Anna

Matthew and Valeria

This is an ambitious, hardworking and purposeful couple who live in accordance with high moral principles. Family for Matvey and Valeria is what they live and work for. In general, this is a calm and stable union.

Matthew and Irina

In this creative union, partners receive a boost of energy from each other, so it is quite natural that they always do everything together. The only thing that can destroy this tandem is Irina's frivolity.

Matthew and Veronica

This is a strong, energetic and domineering couple that always strives to take a leading position. Matvey and Veronika think in a similar way, which helps them reach incredible heights.

Matthew and Sophia

Love of life and love of freedom unite this couple, which can create a festive atmosphere around them, and all for the simple reason that both cannot stand loneliness. This harmonious union prosperous and successful.

The meaning of the name Matvey: The boy's name means "God's gift". This affects the character and fate of Matvey.

Origin of the name Matthew: Jewish.

Diminutive form of the name: Matveyka, Matya, Matyukha, Matyusha, Matyakha, Matyasha, Motya.

What does the name Matthew mean? The name comes from the Hebrew name Mattityahu. Means "God's gift". Another meaning of the name Matthew is "given by God." And indeed: Matvey is the real pride of his parents, friends and relatives. A guy with this name is rapidly moving up the career ladder, is fond of collecting, has a dozen interesting hobbies. He is more of a practitioner than a theoretician, he is interested in everything new.

Patronymic name Matthew: Matveevich, Matveevna; unfold Matveich.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Matvey celebrates name days twice a year:

  • October 18 (5) - Rev. Matthew the perspicacious, with prayers healed the sick in Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.
  • November 29 (16) - St. the apostle and evangelist Matthew (Levi) is one of the twelve apostles. Before being called to the apostles, the Lord himself was a publican, that is, a tax collector; then preached the word of God in different countries; inspired by the Holy Spirit, he wrote holy gospel. He died as a martyr around 60.

Signs: The earth sweats on St. Matthew.

If on November 29, on the day of the Apostle Matthew, they blow violent winds, then there will be blizzards and snowstorms in Holy Russia until the very winter St. Nicholas.


  • Zodiac - Scorpio
  • Planet - Pluto
  • Color - light brown
  • Auspicious tree - walnut
  • Treasured plant - freesia
  • Patron - Scorpio
  • Talisman stone - chiastolite

Characteristics of the name Matthew

Positive features: The name Matvey gives calmness, responsibility, harmony, absence of contradictions, complexes. Matyusha is distinguished by reliability and constancy. A man named Matvey does not hold evil, does not accumulate resentment, therefore he has a large number of friends.

Negative Traits: He is a retrograde and somewhat old-fashioned, boring, but at the same time power-hungry.

The nature of the name Matthew: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Matthew? He has strong moral principles and lives in harmony with them. He is honest, devoid of ambitious plans, careerism is alien to him. A man with this name does not like to stand out from the crowd, is extremely modest. He quietly, patiently does his job. But God forbid accusing him of dishonesty or insulting him! In this case, Matyusha is capable of the most unpredictable actions, so you won’t envy the offenders.

In the first marriage, a man named Matvey, as a rule, fails, and remarries only after five to seven years, to a chosen one much younger than himself. He loves children (including from his first marriage), works for their well-being, sparing no effort. Closer to advanced years, he can leave the second family, even go to the monastery.

He is diligent, honest, with a strong sense of duty, not ambitious, unselfish enthusiast, works without expecting rewards. AT church tradition Matthew. Very modest. Doesn't tolerate conflict situations, a peacemaker in spirit. As a rule, he does not reach a high position.

Matthew and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: The union of the name with Aksinya, Glafira, Iraida, Cleopatra, Mavra, Martha, Matryona is favorable. The name Matvey is also combined with Thekla. Difficult relationships of the name are likely with Angela, Inna, Leila, Polina, Roxana.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Matvey promise happiness in love? He is attracted beautiful women which are popular with many.

In marriage, Matyusha is rarely happy, but, having become a father, he does not leave his family, but patiently bears his cross. The man with this name is loving son, usually lives with his parents, but his wife does not get along well with her mother-in-law. He is inconspicuous a kind person with a complex system of moral principles, living in full accordance with them.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: He has a brilliant mind, which is dominated by practicality. He is somewhat pedantic, likes to detail, systematize. A man with this name can be a good bank clerk, engineer, designer, scientist, thinker. Sometimes his ideas can be lifted from their homes and even forced to take an active part in the political struggle.

Business and career: A guy named Matvey aspires to elite circles, tries to earn more money to maintain the required level in this environment.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Matvey: The meaning of the name Matvey from the point of view of medicine. Matyusha in childhood manifests himself as a cheerful, calm, obedient child who does not cause much trouble. At school, he is a modest, shy boy, but always ready to help a friend or protect the weak. At the same time, he does not fight with the boys, he knows how to extinguish the conflict. He does not study brilliantly, but diligently.

A child with this name rarely succeeds in science, he has no equal in the skill to do something, fix it, build it with his own hands. He is Matvey - a wonderful carpenter, turner, builder, sometimes an architect, sculptor, theater decorator. For him, imagination is of particular importance, he is full of creative ideas and, what is especially valuable, with his “golden” hands he can bring them to life.

He is Matvey, not bright in appearance, but a thorough, tactful person. He likes to stay in the shadows, cannot stand quarrels, seeks to reconcile everyone. He is honest, disinterested, does not hatch any ambitious plans. Calmly and with dignity does its job. It is difficult to piss him off, but sometimes it happens, then he becomes very angry and irritable. Matvey soon calms down, never takes revenge, but remembers the offense.

A guy named Matvey is very amorous, but he does not cheat on his wife, his moral principles do not allow this, especially when there are children. He loves children very much and spends a lot of time with them. In the house, Matthew does everything himself. He gets along well with his wife, although there are small quarrels, by old age they are almost a single whole, attaches great importance to caring for each other.

The fate of Matthew in history

What does the name Matvey mean for male fate?

  1. Matvey Meshcheryak - Cossack chieftain, Volga comrade Yermak, a participant in his Siberian campaign. Upon the death of Kolts and Mikhailov, Meshcheryak becomes Yermak's chief assistant, and after his death, the head of the surviving Cossacks. Not risking with small forces to hold out against the superior forces of the enemy, Meshcheryak decided to clear Siberia, but, having met Moscow help in Tura, he returned with it to Siberia. In the battle near Tobolsk, treacherously launched by the Russians, Meshcheryak was killed (apparently, in 1587).
  2. Matvey I. Platov (1751-1818) - cavalry general, famous hero Patriotic War. He began his service as a constable (non-commissioned officer). At the age of 23, near the Kalalakh River, he defeated the Crimean Tatars. He participated in the battle on the Kinburn Spit and, at the suggestion of Suvorov, was promoted to colonel. In 1812, he defeated Napoleon's cavalry on June 28 at Mir and July 2 at Romanov, delaying the advance of the French. Covered the movement of Bagration's troops after the battle of Saltanovka. After joining the army at Smolensk, he became the head of the general rearguard. In the second period of the campaign, by order of the ataman, Platov raised the general militia of the Donets and led an army of twenty thousand sabers.
  3. Matvey F. Kazakov (1738-1812) - an outstanding Russian architect, creator of the architectural appearance of Moscow in the 2nd half of the XVIII - early XIX century. Kazakov built well-known buildings - the Senate in the Kremlin, whose dome with the flag of the country we see every time on TV, Moscow University, the Noble Assembly with the famous Hall of Columns, from which festive concerts are broadcast, and a number of other buildings. Domed rotundas are Kazakov's favorite architectural image. Matvey F. Kazakov died of grief in Tver, having learned about the fire in Moscow during the Napoleonic invasion. He could not know that many of his buildings would survive, that the Column Hall, illuminated by the crystal radiance of chandeliers, would continue to delight with its festive hospitable grandeur.
  4. Matvey Zakharov - (1898-1972) Marshal of the USSR, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.
  5. Matvey Mudrov - (1776-1831) Russian doctor, lecturer at Moscow State University, became one of the founders of therapy and military hygiene in Russia.
  6. Matvey Korguev - (1883-1943) Russian and Soviet storyteller, lived and worked in Karelia. His fairy tales were recorded by Nechaev A.N. and published in two volumes as "Tales of the Karelian White Sea".
  7. Matvey Manizer - (1891-1966) Soviet sculptor, his work became an example, a classic of socialist realism, it was he who created the death mask of Stalin.
  8. Matvey Tevelev - (1908-1962) Soviet writer, was a screenwriter for the Lenfilm studio.
  9. Matvey Bronstein - (1906-1938) Soviet theoretical physicist, actively engaged in quantum theory, gravity, also the author of works on astrophysics and cosmology, which have become classic in this field.
  10. Matvey Kuznetsov - (1846-1911) Russian industrialist, known as the "porcelain king", created the production of porcelain and earthenware, and was the Supplier of the Court of His Imperial Majesty.
  11. Matthew Pretorius - (c.1635-1704) Protestant pastor, later converted to Catholicism, historian and ethnographer of Prussia.
  12. Matvey Gusev - (1826-1866) Russian astronomer, one of the first scientists to apply mathematical methods studies of celestial bodies, studied the Sun, the Moon, based on his observations the theory of the elongation of the Moon's figure in the direction of the Earth, studied the movements of stars, meteor showers. The Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences, founded by him, became the first journal in Russia with a physical and mathematical profile.

Matthew in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of the name Matthew into different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. Translated in English as Matthew, Mathew (Matthew), in German: Matthias (Matthias), Mathias (Mathias), Matth?us (Mateus), Mathis (Mathis), Matthes (Mattes), in French: Mathieu, Matthieu (Mathieu), Mathis (Mathis), in Spanish: Mateo ( Mateo), Matias (Matia), in Italian: Matteo (Matteo).

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