Approximate sets of exercises of special physical training (for tension and relaxation of various muscle groups). Relaxation. Exercises and methods

Relaxation, relaxation exercises deep muscle relaxation, accompanied by the removal of mental stress. System work allows children's body relieve excess tension and restore balance, thereby maintaining mental health.

Facial muscle relaxation exercises:

"Naughty cheeks".
Take in air by puffing out your cheeks. Hold your breath, slowly exhale the air, as if blowing out a candle. Relax your cheeks. Then close your lips with a tube, inhale the air, drawing it in. The cheeks are retracted. Then relax your cheeks and lips.

"Locked mouth".
Purse your lips so that they are not visible at all. Close your mouth with a “lock”, tightly squeezing your lips. Then relax them:
I have a secret, I won't tell you, no (purse your lips).
Oh, how hard it is to resist without saying anything (4–5 s).
Nevertheless, I will relax my lips, and I will leave the secret to myself.

"Evil has calmed down."
Tighten your jaw, stretching your lips and exposing your teeth. Roar with all your might. Then take a few deep breaths, stretch, smile and, opening your mouth wide, yawn:
And when I get very angry, I tense up, but I hold on.
I squeeze my jaw strongly and scare everyone with a growl (growl).
For anger to fly away and relax the whole body,
Take a deep breath, stretch, smile,
Maybe even yawn (open mouth wide, yawn).

Neck relaxation exercises:

Curious Barabara”.
Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, head straight. Turn your head to the left, then to the right. Inhale-exhale. The movement is repeated 2 times in each direction. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:
Curious Varvara looks to the left, looks to the right.
And then again forward - here a little rest.
Raise your head up, look at the ceiling as long as possible. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:
And Varvara looks up the longest and farthest!
Comes back - relaxation is nice!
Slowly lower your head down, press your chin to your chest. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:
And now let's look down - the muscles of the neck have tensed!
Coming back - relaxing is nice!

Muscle relaxation exercises:

Lower your hands down and imagine that there is a lemon in your right hand, from which you need to squeeze the juice. Slowly clench your right hand as tightly as possible into a fist. Feel how tense right hand. Then throw the "lemon" and relax your hand:
I will take a lemon in my hand.
I feel like it's round.
I squeeze it a little -
I squeeze lemon juice.
All right, juice is ready.
I throw a lemon, relax my hand.
Perform the same exercise with your left hand.

"Pair"(alternating movement with tension and relaxation of the arms).
Standing opposite each other and touching the partner's forward palms, straighten your right arm with tension, thereby bending the partner's left arm at the elbow. At the same time, the left hand bends at the elbow, and the partner straightens.
What a wonderful day today!
We will drive away boredom and laziness.
They shook their hands.
Here we are healthy and strong.

Leg muscle relaxation exercises:

Imagine yourself on a ship. Shakes. In order not to fall, you need to spread your legs wider and press them to the floor. Clasp your hands behind your back. Rocked the deck - transfer body weight to right leg, press it to the floor (the right leg is tense, the left is relaxed, slightly bent at the knee, the toe touches the floor). Straighten up. Relax your leg. Swung in the other direction - press left leg to the floor. Straighten up! Inhale-exhale!
It began to rock the deck! Press your foot to the deck!
We press the leg tighter, and relax the other.

Our legs flashed, We will jump along the path.
But be careful what you do, do not forget!

Put your feet firmly, then imagine yourself as an elephant. Slowly transfer the body weight to one leg, and raise the other high and lower it to the floor with a “roar”. Move around the room, alternately raising each leg and lowering it with a kick of the foot on the floor. Breathe out "Wow!"

Relaxation exercises for the whole body:

snow woman”.
Children imagine that each of them is a snowman. Huge, beautiful, which was fashioned from the snow. She has a head, a torso, two arms sticking out to the sides, and she stands on strong legs. Beautiful morning, the sun is shining. Here it begins to bake, and the snowman begins to melt. Next, the children depict how the snowman melts. First the head melts, then one hand, then the other. Gradually, little by little, the body begins to melt. The snowman turns into a puddle that spreads on the ground.

Children imagine that they are small birds. Fly on fragrant summer forest, inhale its aromas and admire its beauty. So they sat down on a beautiful wild flower and breathed in its light aroma, and now they flew to the highest linden, sat on its crown and felt the sweet smell of a flowering tree. But a warm summer breeze blew, and the birds, along with its impulse, rushed to the murmuring forest stream. Sitting on the edge of the stream, they cleaned their feathers with their beaks, drank clean, cool water, splashed and again rose up. And now we will land in the most comfortable nest in a forest clearing.

Children lie on their backs. They close their eyes and relax to the sound of the lullaby “Fluffy Clouds”. “Awakening” takes place to the sound of a bell.

"Summer day".
Children lie on their backs, relaxing all the muscles and closing their eyes. Relaxation to the sound of calm music:
I'm lying in the sun,
But I don't look at the sun.
We close our eyes, our eyes rest.
The sun caresses our faces
May we have a good dream.
Suddenly we hear: boom-boom-boom!
Thunder came out for a walk.
Thunder rumbles like a drum.

"Slow motion".
Children sit closer to the edge of the chair, lean against the back, put their hands freely on their knees, legs slightly apart, close their eyes and sit quietly for a while, listening to slow, quiet music:
Everyone can dance, jump, run, draw.
But not everyone knows how to relax, to rest.
We have a game like this - very easy, simple.
The movement slows down, tension disappears.
And it becomes clear - relaxation is pleasant!

Hush, hush, hush!
You can't talk!
We are tired - we need to sleep - we will lie down quietly on the bed
And we will sleep quietly.

In these exercises there is an element of the game, so they are in The kids love the performance.
Having learned to relax, each child receives what he previously lacked. This applies equally to any mental processes: cognitive, emotional or volitional. During relaxation, the body the best way redistributes energy and tries to bring the body to balance and harmony.

Relaxing, excited, restless children gradually become more balanced, attentive and patient. Children who are inhibited, constrained, lethargic and timid acquire confidence, vigor, freedom in expressing their feelings and thoughts.

Relaxation exercises are an effective way to prevent and combat stress and depression. With their help, you can stretch the body, relax the muscles and recharge with the necessary energy. To do this, in the middle of the working day, it is useful to take a walk on fresh air, and at home - take a bath or visit a massage therapist. But sometimes traditional relaxation methods are not available. How can you relax and recharge your batteries without getting up?

In order to start relaxation exercises, you need to turn to its basics. Relaxation is best achieved in a quiet, peaceful environment with slightly subdued lighting. You need to turn off the surrounding gadgets, electrical appliances, close windows and doors, close the curtains and just sit for about 10-15 minutes in complete silence (but you can do it with an unobtrusive background music with calm melodies or sounds of nature). At this time, you should not think about business, everyday worries, but tune in only to peace and relaxation. For convenience, you can relax your clothes or change into looser clothes that would not constrain the body during deep breathing.

2. Fundamentals of Meditation

Meditation does not like haste and poor preparation. Before doing meditation exercises, it is important to feel free and comfortable in a sitting position. You need to calm your breathing, make it deep and even. The back should be straight (for this you can rest against the back of the chair). First of all, it is worth relaxing the muscles of the face, and then pay attention to the shoulders and arms.

Crossing your legs in a traditional meditation position, be sure to take a deep breath and hold your breath for 5 seconds. This is followed by a deep exhalation. This should be done slowly, using the lower chest muscles. Trying not to knock your breath, you need to perform about 5-10 deep breaths and exhalations. So sooner will come relaxation in the whole body, tension in the muscles will disappear, and the brain will be freed from negative thoughts.

3. Visualization

This is one of the easiest relaxation exercises to do while sitting. It does not matter if a person is in a working or home environment. When visualizing, the brain is actively involved, but at the same time it relaxes well. You need to close your eyes and imagine a thing or place associated with a feeling of peace and comfort. It could be favorite place in nature, where most often a person’s rest takes place: the seashore, rivers, a clearing in the forest or the top of a mountain. The main thing is that this picture inspires a person and helps him relax.

It is useful to engage in visualization by listening to soothing melodies. It is important not only to present the general picture of nature, but also each of its individual elements, in order to feel its reality for a moment and better feel its calmness and tranquility. Such exercises help to relax the mind and body, increase positive thoughts and energize.

Besides meditation, deep breathing and visualization as relaxation exercises in a sitting position, simple movements to stretch the body will be useful. For example, turning and tilting the head. During prolonged sedentary work, the neck often becomes numb, which is very harmful to blood flow and the general condition of the body. Every half hour, it is advisable to arrange a rest for the neck and do exercises to stretch and relax it.

For example, you can turn your head clockwise for 8 seconds, and then the same amount in the other direction. Then you need to raise your right hand above your head and slightly direct it to left side to slowly tilt your head until it touches your left shoulder. Do the same on the other side. Such a simple exercise in a sitting position helps relieve tension in the muscles of the neck and reduces headaches.

5. Shoulder exercises

Also, without getting up, you can relax your shoulders. You need to lift them up and use them to do rotational exercises, first forward and then back. You can rotate your shoulders alternately, accompanying the movements with even breathing. Then the hands are raised up and with the left palm touch the right elbow, lingering in this position for 8-10 seconds. The same is done with the left elbow. This method allows blood to circulate better to the muscles of the arms and shoulders, strengthening them.

6. Relaxation of the legs

Legs, like arms, also need to be relaxed. To do this, it is good to do some leg stretching exercises. It is necessary to lift and stretch the left leg forward, holding it in this position for 10 seconds. And then do the same with the right leg, and with both legs together. This relaxation of the legs is essential to increase their flexibility and reduce discomfort due to prolonged sitting or walking.

7. Heel lift

In addition to stretching movements, heel raises will be useful to improve blood flow in the legs. To do this, they take off their shoes and, in a sitting position, put their feet on the floor so that the feet completely touch it. Then slowly raise the heels and hold them in this position for 5-8 seconds and lower them. You can do this with both legs or separately. This type of relaxation strengthens the muscles and increases the flexibility of the feet and toes.

8. Ankle exercises

It is also useful to knead the ankles from time to time. And you can do it without getting up. It is necessary to twist the foot of the right leg, first in one direction and then in the other direction for 5-10 seconds. Repeat the same with the other leg. This exercise will increase blood flow to the legs and feet, improve general state while walking and standing.

To relax the whole body, it is difficult to do without traditional body turns. Without getting up, you need to turn left and then right. In each of the turns, it is necessary to freeze and hold the position for 5-10 seconds. It is enough to make about 3-5 turns in each direction. For convenience, you can hold the back of the chair with your hands for additional support. This is one of the most effective ways do relaxation exercises in a sitting position. Experts highly recommend it to relax the waist, back muscles, reduce pain and discomfort from prolonged sitting in one place.

10. Self-massage of the face

Any type of massage wonderfully relaxes, soothes, reduces pain and improves mood. In a sitting position, without any help, you can do self-massage of the face. First you need to close your eyes, calm down and breathe evenly. Slowly and gently massage the scalp with your fingertips (hands must first be washed). You need to do this in a circular motion. Then the base of the skull is lightly pinched with fingers from different sides.

After that, they move on to facial massage. With fingertips, gently massage the face and neck, paying attention to the forehead, temples, bridge of the nose and jaw. It is advisable to massage for at least 3-5 minutes. Due to the busy work schedule, it is not always possible to allocate time for such an activity. But for a greater effect, you need regular massage, at least 2-3 times a week.

The listed exercises are easy to practice at the workplace, sitting at home on the couch, in public transport etc. Despite their simplicity, such methods of relaxation are very useful: they help to relax muscles and control emotions.

To master the skills of relaxation and improve them, a number of exercises for individual muscle groups can be recommended.

A feature of these exercises is that attention is actively directed to the phases of tension and relaxation. This is achieved with the help of mental “pronunciation” (“inner speech”) that accompanies the corresponding phases of the exercises.

As a result of repeated repetitions of these exercises, the corresponding conditioned reflex connections are formed and fixed, and at the same time, voluntary control of the state of both individual muscle groups and the whole body becomes easier and more clear.

These exercises can be used independently to improve the skill of relaxation, as well as in the course of mastering a complex method of self-regulation.

Exercises for the muscles of the hands

1. Starting position - main stance. Hands forward, fingers clenched into fists. Inhaling, strain the muscles of the hand, forearm, shoulder alternately and hold your breath (2-3 seconds). Say to yourself: "The muscles of the hands are tense." With an exhalation, relax the muscles, lower your arms freely and perform several pendulum movements. Say to yourself:

"The muscles of the arms are relaxed." Repeat 3-5 times.

2. Starting position - the same. Inhaling, hands up, clench your hands into fists, tighten your muscles and hold your breath. Say to yourself: "The muscles of the hands are tense." With an exhalation, alternately relax the hands, forearms, shoulders. Say to yourself: "The muscles of the arms are relaxed." Repeat 3-5 times.

3. Starting position - feet shoulder width apart, arms freely lowered. Relax the muscles from the fingertips to the shoulders. Turns of the body to the right and to the left. Imagine that you are waving the empty sleeves of your clothes, and focus on this. Repeat several times, until a clear feeling of relaxation in the muscles of the hands.

4. Starting position - the main rack. Tighten the muscles of the right arm from the wrist to the shoulder, focusing on the feeling of tension. Say to yourself: "The right hand is tense." Relax your left hand while keeping your right hand tense. Get a clear feel. Say to yourself:

"The left hand is relaxed." Relax your right hand and at the same time tighten your left. Focus on tensing the muscles of the left hand, then on relaxing the right.

Alternately alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles of the right and left hands, repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

Leg exercises

1. Starting position - feet shoulder width apart. Inhaling, tighten the muscles of the feet, legs, thighs, buttocks and hold your breath for 3-5 seconds. Say to yourself: "The muscles of the legs are tense." Exhaling, transfer the weight of the body to the right leg, relax the muscles of the left leg, slightly bending it at the knee and bringing it closer to the right. Say to yourself: "The left leg is relaxed and heavy." Repeat 2 times for each leg.

2. Starting position - sitting in the "coachman's position". Inhaling, tighten the muscles of the feet, legs, thighs, with an effort to press the feet to the floor Hold your breath for 3-5 seconds. Say to yourself:

"The muscles of the legs are tense." Exhaling, relax the muscles of the thighs, legs, feet. Say to yourself: "The muscles of the legs are relaxed, the legs are heavy." Repeat 2-3 times.

3. Starting position - lying on your back, arms along the body, palms down; legs together, toes slightly apart. Inhaling, raise the right leg to 90 °, tighten the muscles of the foot, lower leg, thigh. Say to yourself: "The muscles of the right leg are tense." Exhaling, relax the muscles of the leg and foot, lower the leg and relax the muscles of the thigh. Say to yourself: "The muscles of the right leg are relaxed, the leg is heavy." Repeat 2-3 times for each leg (exercise to do on your own at home).

4. Starting position - lying on your back, legs slightly apart. Breathing is free. Tighten the muscles of the right leg from the toes to the buttocks. Say to yourself: "The muscles of the right leg are tense." The left leg is relaxed. Notice the feeling of relaxation. Say to yourself: "The muscles of the left leg are relaxed." Relax the right leg and at the same time tighten the left. Focus on the feeling of relaxation in your right leg. Say to yourself: “The muscles of the right leg are relaxed” (an exercise for self-fulfillment at home).

Alternately alternating tension and relaxation of the right and left legs, repeat 3-5 times.

Exercises for the muscles of the body

1. Starting position - standing, legs apart. According to the count of “times”, take a deep breath, put your hands in front of your chest, lower your elbows down, bend your fingers and hands slightly; on the account "two" - tighten the muscles of the chest, back, abdomen, neck and arms, hold your breath; on the account "three-five" - ​​to hold the state of tension and breathing. On the count of "six" - lower your arms, shoulders and head relaxed, take a full exhalation, then a few breaths and full long relaxed exhalations. Bouncing, allow the muscles to relax. Then massage the muscles of the arms, chest, back, neck and abdomen. Relax your muscles even more.

2. The same, but focusing on the tension of the muscles of the left, and then the right side of the body.

Tension and relaxation of the muscles of the whole body

1. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder width apart. Imagine that a rope is hanging at the height of outstretched arms; rising on toes - inhale, as you exhale, grab the “rope” with your hands and pull it down with effort, bending your arms and squatting a little. Repeat the exercises 2-3 times, to achieve a feeling of tension in the muscles of the whole body. Then, relax into a low squat position, lower your head freely, exhale completely, then several breaths and long calm exhalations.

2. Starting position - standing, legs together. Start light bouncing until the muscles relax. Then massage the muscles of the arms, chest, back, neck and abdomen. Repeat the exercise 1-2 times with slight muscle tension. Trainees should remember the feeling of contrast between tension and relaxation, feel complete relaxation.

Relaxation of some muscles while tensing others

1. Starting position - standing, legs apart. Bend one hand and tighten the muscles, keep the other hand relaxed and shake it for about 10 seconds. Relax the muscles of both hands.

2. Starting position - stand on one leg, maintaining balance and holding hands on a support (or a partner in a pair exercise). Tighten the abdominal muscles, try to relax the muscles of the second leg, shake this leg and freely swing it back and forth.

3. Starting position - standing, body tilted forward, arms to the sides. According to the account "times" - strain the muscles of the hands; on the count of "two" - the forearms are freely lowered down, the shoulders are strained, on the count of "three" - the shoulders are freely lowered down. On the command: "Stand up, still relax" - straighten up, jump easily, give the muscles of the hands the opportunity to completely relax.

4. Starting position - sitting on a chair, hands on your knees. Tighten the muscles of the abdomen and back (the muscles of the arms, legs, chest, neck are relaxed), on the command "stop" to produce a general relaxation of the muscles of the abdomen and back. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

5. Starting position - sitting on a chair, legs extended. According to the "one" count - tighten the muscles of the legs (all other muscles are relaxed), according to the "two-five" count - hold the tension. On the command "stop" relax the muscles of the legs and massage them. Finish massaging by shaking the leg muscles. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

6. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder width apart. According to the count of "times" - take a breath, raise your shoulders, arms to the sides and bent at the elbows; on the count of "two" - tighten the muscles of the chest, neck, arms, on the count of "three" - exhale, relax the tense muscles, lower yourself into a squat position, resting your hands on your knees, on the count of "four - five - six" - make three springy pushing away from the knees with hands and three springy movements with the legs;

the rest of the muscles should be relaxed. On the command "Get up, relax your muscles" - get up, relax your muscles and shake your muscles. Take a deep breath, exhale, establish a calm breath. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

Consistent tension and relaxation of individual muscle groups

Starting position - sitting on a chair, tighten your toes, at the same time take a deep breath through your nose, slowly exhaling, relax your toes. The same, straining and relaxing the muscles of the lower leg, thighs, lower back, buttocks, abdominals, chest, upper back, shoulders, arms, neck, face. The exercise can be performed lying down, before going to bed - gradually relax the muscles of the feet, legs, thighs, pelvis, torso, neck, face. After successive relaxation, it is necessary to mentally try to relax the muscles of the whole body.

Relaxation exercises for the final part of the classes

1. Starting position - standing, legs apart, the body is slightly tilted forward. Swing freely with both hands at the same time, with a wide amplitude, trying to ensure that the movements are carried out not due to muscle efforts, but by inertia.

2. The same, but the shoulders must be motionless.

3. Starting position - arms up. According to the account "times" - relaxed to drop the hands; on the count of "two" - relax your arms, bending them at shoulder level; on the count of "three" - relax your head and torso forward; on the count of "four" - take the arms back up with arcs and take the starting position; try to ensure that downward movements are carried out only due to the gravity of the hands, without muscle effort.

4. Starting position - the body is slightly tilted forward, the arms are freely lowered down. According to the count of "times" - relax your hands up, using the inertia of the body leaning back, stretch slightly, rise on your toes, inhale; on the count of "two" - drop your hands down, tilt your body slightly forward, exhale; on the account "three - four" - freely swing your arms towards each other across.

5. The same, but without tilting the body to the count of "two" and with hand movements forward and backward.

6. Starting position - hands on the belt. According to the count "times" - raise the knee of the left leg up, the lower leg is freely lowered;

on the account "two-three" - freely throw the left leg down backwards with the greatest amplitude. Do the same with the right foot.

7. Starting position - hands on the belt. Standing on one leg, freely swing the other leg back and forth, to the side and inward.

8. Starting position - standing or moving. Inhale - raise your hands up to the sides, stretch; exhale - hands fall freely down, with the torso and head tilted.

Dineika KV Ten lessons of psychophysical training. M., 1987. Marishchuk V.L., Platonov K.K., Plotnitsky E.A. Tension in flight. M., 1969.

Chernikova OA, Dashkevich OV Active self-regulation of an athlete's emotional states. M., 1971.



(Materials for self-study by students)

Lecture 11.2 (the ending)

To relax the muscles of the back after strenuous activity, sometimes a simple shower is enough, and sometimes it is necessary to turn to a personal massage therapist. What to do if your back is pinched, and how to avoid chronic overexertion of the lumbar muscles? In this case, the problem must be approached comprehensively!

When the muscles are in tension, a small provocateur is enough to cause an attack of pain. For example:

  • hypothermia;
  • Injuries;
  • Lifting weight;
  • infections;
  • Unsuccessful rotation or flexion of the torso.

Reflex spasm can be fixed for a long period, and the intervertebral discs are in a compressed position, creating compression of the nerve roots spinal cord. When a spasm occurs in muscle tissue, nerve fibers and blood vessels are also pinched. Power exchange fails beneficial substances and oxygen. Under these conditions, there is an accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles, which also provokes pain.

  • Read also:.

Overstrain in the muscles sometimes lasts for years. It can:

  • Provoke curvature of the spine;
  • Give pain to internal organs(for example, heart);
  • Prolonged strain in the neck can affect vision and cause chronic migraines.

In the first three days after the onset of spasm and sharp pain, the muscles, as a rule, are in a state of edema, so the back cannot be warmed up and massaged immediately. These manipulations can aggravate the condition.

How to relieve pain in the muscles of the back?

It will help stretch the spine. Intervertebral discs put less pressure on the processes of the nerves when the space between the vertebrae expands. When a spasm occurs, the exchange of nutrients and oxygen in the tissues is disturbed. Recovery metabolic processes greatly alleviates the situation.

  • Interesting to read:

The following methods will help relieve tension in the muscles of the back:

  • Anti-inflammatory and sedative drugs;
  • Massage. It is performed no earlier than 3 days after the onset of pain. Ideally, it is better to have a professional massage therapist knead your back, but if this is not possible, ask your loved ones for help or use a mechanical massager. Before the procedure, it is advisable to warm up the muscles in a warm shower or bath, or with warm paraffin. Special massage creams add a relaxing effect;
  • Ultimate stress. Try to strain the muscles in the spasm as much as possible for half a minute. Muscle relaxation after such an exercise will also be maximum;
  • Breathing exercises. Tighten your back muscles as you inhale, and relax as you exhale. Inhale again, but without tension, and as you exhale, try to relax as much as possible;
  • Heat treatment is used if the muscle spasm persists for more than 3 days. It is carried out using a heating pad or warm towels;
  • Warm shower, bath, sauna. Warm steam and water well relaxes muscles, helps to improve blood circulation and, accordingly, restore nutrition in tissues compressed from spasm. No need to act on the principle, the longer the better. Bath and shower can be taken no more than 20 minutes, Maximum temperature- 37 degrees;
  • Ice. Try to rub gently sore spot ice. Cold will cause vasospasm, after a couple of minutes the vessels expand, creating a relaxing effect.

It is very important for a modern person to be able to relax. The lifestyle means constant stress, haste, communication with many people, each with their own energy. With the ability to relax, a person acquires the ability to protect himself from an excess of unnecessary information, as well as to discard all the negativity accumulated during the day.

Relaxation techniques allow for a short time get rid of stress and find harmony and peace. Each exercise carries a special semantic load. A person can choose for himself the most suitable complex, which will suit him in all respects.

stress relief

In order to learn how to relieve stress and relax, there are special exercises. You will need a separate room in which you can retire so that no one distracts or interferes with the exercise.

You need to take a comfortable position, you can turn on monotonous music or just a beautiful composition. Concentrate on your breath and physical body. In this case, special concentration should include inhalations and exhalations.

To relieve stress, special breathing exercises are often used. It allows you to get rid of stress in a short time. When breathing, a person releases his thoughts and directs positive energy for his own good.

The fatigue accumulated during the day should come out. If you do not relieve yourself of stress in time, then it can result in illness, chronic fatigue and even depression.

People who regularly practice yoga know how important it is to be able to switch off and relax in time. Not everyone is given this ability by nature, but it can be developed.

Breathing exercises

Highly important aspect in relieving tension is proper breathing. A set of relaxation exercises includes certain breathing techniques, which allow you to get rid of negativity and stress.

Relaxation exercises involve finding a person in a separate room with subdued lights and the absence of extraneous sounds. A person must devote some time completely to himself.

A very important instinct for any person is breathing. It is impossible to live without it. Using the breath during the execution of the technique, you can allow yourself to relax and get enough energy.

There is a certain connection between breathing and mental processes. When breathing, a person feels the filling of the lungs with oxygen, the blood receives the necessary elements, due to which the brain begins to function actively. When holding the breath, the body receives a certain portion of the necessary elements, due to which the person receives a healing and rejuvenating effect.

Each human system breathing exercises activates its work. However, there are certain contraindications. So, for example, this gymnastics cannot be practiced by people with heart failure, those who have impaired work excretory system and neurological abnormalities.

Breathing techniques include:

  • Rhythmic four-phase breathing. It involves a deep slow breath in through the nose and holding the breath for 2-3 seconds. This is followed by a sharp exhalation through the mouth. This involves the hands. On inhalation, they rise up to chest level, on exhalation they drop sharply, as if shedding all negativity.
  • Long breath. This method performed as follows: a slow breath through the nose and a gradual slowdown of the breath. Then a quick sharp exhalation.
  • Extended exhalation. A deep and slow breath is taken, followed by an exhalation, as it were, with a delay. At the same time, inhale for about 2 seconds, and exhale must be stretched for about 8 seconds.

Holotropic Breathwork in a Group

  • Abdominal breathing. Many artists and singers use this breath. Shoulders are not involved in breathing, movements are performed only by the stomach. Mentally, one can imagine that a balloon is inflated in the stomach, after which it is blown away. Breathing is slow and staid.
  • Average breathing. Inhale slowly through the nose after a deep exhalation. As you exhale, pinch the ribs and push the air to the end. Keep your shoulders and stomach in a fixed position. Feel relaxation.
  • Top breathing. Take a slow breath in through your nose, after exhaling, then slowly exhale through your nose again. While inhaling, raise your shoulders up, trying to open upper part lungs. The complex is aimed at relaxation.

Each technique is aimed at improving blood circulation and saturating the body. large quantity blood oxygen and relaxation. Therefore, with any exercise, it is best to take a comfortable position, preferably sitting. You may feel slightly dizzy.

Muscle relaxation

The body can get the greatest rest only if its body is completely relaxed. It is necessary to learn how to relax every muscle, even those that are in ordinary life we rarely use it, because muscle tension affects the level of relaxation. It often happens that a person relaxes his arms and legs, but his face remains tense. When exercising for relaxation, you should fix whether the whole body is relaxed.

From the very beginning of the set of exercises, it is necessary to relax the limbs in turn. The first is the right hand. At the same time, you can mentally pronounce which zone you are relaxing.

Then - left hand and then the legs. Visually, you need to imagine how the limbs become heavier, the organs are filled with relaxation and relax.

After several attempts, the hands will begin to relax reflexively. The same will happen with the legs. With a visual representation, it is much easier to perform a relaxation exercise.

Postisometric muscle relaxation

During the complex, a person feels a pleasant devastation, weakness, a desire to sleep. After the complex, you can lie down to rest, relax.

Muscles may become engorged, and a pleasant warmth will be felt.


Those who have been practicing yoga for a long time know how important meditation is for mental health person. During meditation, all processes in the body slow down, so you can significantly reduce stress and tension. Relaxation occurs after a person has learned to accept relaxation and performs exercises not intentionally, but with complete acceptance of relaxation.

For a complex of meditation, mantras, yantras, as well as other auxiliary elements to accelerate the onset of relaxation.

A person practicing meditation should be in a quiet, calm environment, no one should interfere with him. You can turn on or play mantras yourself. The most basic is the mantra "OM". It not only allows you to relax faster, but also cleanses and opens our chakras.

For meditation, it is not necessary to use any techniques and complexes. It will be enough to take a comfortable position of the body, relax and direct all your attention inward, turning off consciousness completely. Thoughts must be absent, and this is the most important rule for relaxation during meditation.

Physical methods of relaxation

Muscle relaxation exercises allow you to get rid of the fatigue accumulated during the day in a short time. Stretching and yoga classes have a good effect on relieving tension. A set of relaxation exercises allows you to relieve muscle tension, so that a person receives significant relief from pain in the back and joints.

For relaxation, there are special exercises. One of the popular and effective exercises from the relaxation complex has the name "Fly". It allows you to relieve tension from the facial muscles.

It is carried out in this way: it is necessary to imagine that a fly has landed on the face and crawls from one eye to the other, then onto the nose, after which it crawls onto the mouth. At the same time, each muscle where it visually sits down must be relaxed.

Another exercise "Lemon". Imagine that you have a lemon in your hand. The hand will squeeze it until all the juice comes out of it. Then gradually relax your hand. Then change hands.

Complex called "Seven Candles". Mentally imagine that there are lighted candles nearby. It is necessary to slowly and relaxed blow them out in turn.

Causes of tension

The reasons may be various factors ranging from elementary fatigue to depression and other serious disorders. Subconsciously, a person always strives to relax, but the way of life modern man does not allow this, so the body gets used to constant stress and over time begins to concentrate so much that relaxation does not occur even at the request of a person.

Relaxation exercises are aimed at suppressing fatigue and relaxation. During any of their complexes, a person feels that his condition is getting much better, even if he long time experienced severe physical and emotional stress.

A good result gives an exercise with a focus point. You need to fix your attention on some object. It can be a visual representation of a comfort zone for yourself. Childhood pleasant memories, the view of the sea or the sound of the surf. Anything that makes a person relaxed. The complex is aimed at relieving emotional stress. It is necessary to imagine how the whole body relaxes and plunges into a trance.

Relieve muscle tension

For removal muscle tension best fit just the same physical exercise. However, and special complex aimed at relaxation. In turn, it is necessary to relax the arms, then the legs, be sure to relax the muscles of the face and neck.

You can perform in a sitting or lying position. You can turn on calm music.

What is the danger

Stress has great importance for the human body. Accumulated fatigue causes irritation, as well as many diseases. People who do not know how to relax in time are in danger of getting chronic fatigue, have problems in communication, because they are irritated.

In order to protect yourself from excessive stress, you need to regularly perform a set of relaxation exercises, and you can also periodically use this set when you feel that fatigue has begun to accumulate.

Prevention of muscle tension

For the prevention of muscle tension, physical activity, yoga, Pilates, stretching are excellent. Each complex has its pros and cons. A person should choose a complex for himself individually, depending on the wishes and preferences.

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