Toothache what to do. What needs to be done so that the tooth does not hurt: a review of funds from the first aid kit, folk and non-traditional methods. Medicines for toothache

We all know what a debilitating toothache is and what its consequences are. This condition is one of the most difficult to bear in human life. It is especially difficult for those whom this pain will overtake somewhere outside the city, where it will not be possible to urgently seek help from a doctor. Or vice versa, the tooth will hurt at home and before the visit of the doctor you will have to somehow cope with it yourself. But what to do than to relieve a toothache at home?

You will be helped by various medicines, a wide range of which are offered by pharmacies, and folk remedies available to everyone. But in addition to the use of these funds, you need to follow some rules so that self-medication does not harm your health.

In this situation, you first need to stop eating anything and brush your teeth. This will prevent irritating food particles from getting into the teeth, which can increase pain.

Food left in between the teeth may be the cause of the pain itself. You should clean your mouth from traces of food. And if you still have to eat, try to chew with healthy teeth. It is forbidden to heat a tooth that hurts. This increases blood flow to the affected tooth, which can only make the pain worse. You should not spend time lying down: blood circulation in the tissues around the tooth becomes active, and this again only increases the pain. Try to think about something other than the pain or switch to something interesting. By concentrating on the pain, you will feel it more acutely.

Do not take antibiotics on your own unless your doctor prescribes them: even one tablet can harm you. It is better to go to the dental clinic to a specialist as soon as possible. Only a doctor will be able to identify what actually caused the pain and provide appropriate assistance. And if you self-medicate, it will only ease the pain for a short time, but will not help to recover completely.

We list safe procedures that will help you alleviate suffering, if you still can’t get to the doctor yet:

  • rinse your mouth with soda, dissolving one teaspoon in 250 g of warm water;
  • open your mouth less if exposure to air only aggravates the pain;
  • close your mouth less, with an incorrect bite;
  • make a massage of the right hand if the tooth hurts on the right and left - if on the left: this will alleviate your suffering in half;
  • rub with a piece of ice with pulsating movements where the bones of the thumb and forefinger connect for 5-7 minutes;
  • make a vodka compress on the tooth that bothers you;
  • draw an iodine grid on the cheek near the disturbing tooth;

What pills to take?

It is clear that the easiest way to eliminate toothache is to take medication: take a pill and no problem! You will most likely find "Analgin", "Aspirin" or "Paracetamol" in your home medicine cabinet. In addition to oral administration, you can grind the medicine, place it on the troubling tooth and cover with a cotton swab. You can put the medicine on the tooth three times a day. These drugs help when the pain is not severe. They have long been known as pain relievers, antipyretics and inflammation relievers.

When the pain is severe, drugs of another group will help. Nurofen and Ibuklin are considered good and safe even for children. "Nurofen" relieves pain and inflammation of the gums. As with any medication, it is important to follow the instructions for use of these medications. Usually there is indicated the maximum daily dose of the drug and the time intervals through which they can be repeated. Strong painkillers are drugs that include nimesulide. These are Ketanov, Nise, Aktasulid. But having a number of side effects, these drugs are contraindicated in many cases.

There are also narcotic drugs for pain. These are Promedol, Fentanyl, Omnopon, Morphine. But taking them on your own without consulting a doctor, even when the pain is unbearable, is dangerous to health. After all, these drugs affect the human psyche. Also, do not experiment with antibiotics without consulting a specialist.

Remedies such as "No-shpa", "Drotaverine", "Papaverine" are rarely used for toothache, although they give a good result in these cases.

When choosing medicines, it is imperative to take into account contraindications for use, which are indicated in the instructions for the drug. Indeed, with many chronic diseases, certain substances cannot be taken. Also, an obstacle to the adoption of a particular drug may be childhood or pregnancy. You will certainly find the most detailed and accurate list of contraindications in the instructions for the medicine. Here are examples of contraindications for taking the most popular drugs:

It is also important to follow the recommendations for the dosage of drugs. After all, an overdose can be dangerous to health, but on the contrary, too small a dose of medicine simply will not help. Again, we remind you that you will find this information in the instructions for medicines.

Do not get too carried away with painkillers, because they only relieve pain, but do not fight its causes. The disease turns into a chronic form: a tooth is destroyed or bone tissue, gums become inflamed, followed by loss of teeth and, as a result, prosthetics. Better see a doctor as soon as possible!

Reasons why teeth hurt

Of course, pills help to quickly cope with pain, but you should not console yourself with a quickly achieved result! After all, toothache is a symptom that can indicate serious problems in the oral cavity, when a visit to the dentist is mandatory:

  • thinning of the enamel;
  • caries;
  • pulpitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • periodontitis.

At enamel thinning it is destroyed, due to which the protection of the tooth from external influences is weakened.

In the first stages caries there is no severe pain, and damage to the tooth occurs almost imperceptibly. You only feel pain, for example, by drinking cold or hot water, or eating sour lemon or sweet candy. If the pain is felt constantly when you eat and carry out hygiene procedures, then the degree of caries is more serious.

Pulpitis is an inflammation of the soft tissue in the cavity of the tooth. With pulpitis, pain usually appears at night and is transmitted to the ear or temple.

Periodontitis is an inflammation of the bone tissue that connects the tooth root to the gum. The reason is infection, and subsequently it is fraught with the appearance of a cyst.

In periodontitis, the periodontium, the tissue around the tooth, becomes inflamed. In this case, the pain is throbbing and becomes stronger when you touch the gum or the tooth itself.

You should go to the dentist at least once every six months for the timely detection of diseases and the appointment of treatment or prevention.

A tooth that looks healthy from the outside may hurt. This occurs when solid particles of food have fallen on the tooth or periodontal tissues. Also, if the tooth is inflamed from the inside and outwardly it does not manifest itself in any way. Here, self-help mainly consists of taking painkillers, after which you should urgently go to the doctor.

How to relieve toothache at home

Medicines that are not always needed can be found in the first-aid kit. In these cases, it is good to know how to relieve a toothache at home without medication. Here, all sorts of folk remedies for getting rid of toothache will come to your aid. Let's consider the main ones.

  1. Clove oil. You can drop it directly on the cavity of the tooth, or put a gauze or cotton compress soaked in this oil on the gum near it. If you do not have such oil, carnation flowers will help. Then you can chew the flower itself a little.
  2. A decoction of medicinal herbs. It can be sage, chamomile, calamus, mint, St. John's wort, calendula, lemon balm, oak bark or oregano. To do this, pour hot water over two teaspoons of herbs and keep in a water bath for twenty minutes. Rinse your mouth with the infusion.
  3. Garlic, onion and salt. To help yourself in this way, you need to grind the onion and garlic and mix until smooth. Salt and stir. All this must be placed on the disturbing tooth and covered with cotton.
  4. Beet. It is necessary to cut off a part from it and place it on the disturbing tooth.
  5. Garlic. You need to grind it and add salt. This paste should be used to brush your teeth. You can also wrap the ground garlic with something and tie it to your wrist, where they try the pulse. If the pain is on the right, we tie the garlic on the left and vice versa.
  6. Salo. Cut off a small thin piece and lay it on the cheek near the aching tooth.
  7. Infusion of pumpkin stalks. Dry stalks are crushed and poured with hot water for 1 hour. The resulting infusion is used to make baths and caress the disturbing tooth.
  8. Propolis. Part of the propolis is placed in the cavity of the disturbing tooth. It relieves not only toothache, but also inflammation.
  9. plantain root. Rinse and place it on the troubling tooth. In thirty minutes, he will stop hurting.
  10. Tooth drops: we take three drops of oils of various herbs on a cotton swab and place it on the tooth:
  • peppermint oil disinfects;
  • camphor fights microbes;
  • valerian will calm you down.
  1. Fir oil. A compress with this oil should be made on the tooth.
  2. Leaves of valerian, kalanchoe or geranium. Crush a leaf of one of these plants and place it on the troubling tooth.

If you have cavities, the following remedies will help:

  • put a piece of warm propolis into the tooth cavity;
  • make a cotton compress with alcohol infusion of propolis;
  • put clove oil into it.

Even for such a serious task as killing a nerve, there are folk remedies. Of course, it is best if this procedure is carried out by a professional dentist. But if you have a situation in which the nerve needs to be killed at home, you can resort to the following folk remedies:

  • powder;
  • vinegar essence.

First, find a hole in the tooth where you need to put a small amount of one of these substances. Just keep in mind that when using gunpowder, you may be at risk of poisoning, and when using vinegar essence, tissue burns. Be extremely careful! And after such procedures, be sure to consult a doctor.

If you need to relieve pain in a tooth under a crown, traditional medicine will also help here. You need to grind the garlic and mix it with a little salt, soda and ten drops of hydrogen peroxide. Mix everything to a paste and brush your teeth with it two to three times a day. Also, in a situation with a crown, you can rinse your mouth with the following mixture: 250 grams of 10% novocaine, salt and egg white.

As you can see, there are many options for how to relieve a toothache at home, and they are mostly simple. But you should never forget that the best assistant in this case will be a visit to the dentist, because only a professional can identify the real cause of the pain and cure the tooth.

What to do if a tooth hurts: video

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Each of us is familiar with acute toothache. The reasons for it are different: this is pulpitis, which is a consequence of neglected caries, and enamel cracks, and improperly placed fillings, and much more. Of course, the first thing to do when it appears is to visit a doctor. And, it needs to be done as soon as possible. And in order to wait for the morning, you can alleviate your condition with the help of improvised means. How and how to relieve acute toothache will be dealt with together. This is what our article will be devoted to.

How to alleviate your condition and relieve acute tooth pain

A toothache can make you forget about everything, discomfort and discomfort can be so strong. It usually intensifies at night, making sleep restless, if not impossible.

How to relieve acute toothache

Understanding the causes of toothache and doing everything to eliminate it is the prerogative of a dentist. But there are general recommendations to follow if she caught you by surprise:

  1. Completely eliminate the presence of food debris in the mouth because they can cause pain. You can use for this frequent rinsing with soda-salt solution and, if necessary, dental floss.
  2. Refuse to warm the place of localization of toothache. Both dry heat and warm compresses will only help to strengthen it.
  3. Avoid bed rest. A bad tooth is not a reason to go to bed. Indeed, in a horizontal position, pressure on the periodontal tissues increases, which at times increases discomfort.
  4. Avoid getting food on the aching tooth. The easiest option is to chew only those teeth that are on the other side of the mouth.
  5. try to distract yourself. An interesting activity or a huge amount of work will help you forget about the discomfort in your mouth, the main thing is to really get carried away.
  6. Do not delay a visit to the dentist. Only a specialist can save you from acute pain. All other methods, which will be discussed below, can only temporarily stop it, dulling the discomfort.

How to reduce and how to relieve toothache at home using home first aid kit, you can learn from the next section of our article.

Medical treatments for toothache

Modern pharmacological developments and achievements in the pharmaceutical industry have made it possible to create a number of broad-spectrum painkillers that also help with toothache.

Medicines for toothache

The most benign of them will be:

  • Nurofen and other pharmacies drugs based on ibuprofen;
  • Spazmalgon, its active substance is analgin. It is contraindicated in children under 6 years of age;
  • Askofen, which is not recommended for children under 15 years old, since it is based on an “explosive mixture” - aspirin, caffeine and paracetamol;
  • Baralgin- Another drug created on the basis of analgin. It can be given to children with caution.

If all of the above drugs did not bring the desired effect, need to connect "heavy artillery", that is, powerful painkillers, the reception of which requires the consultation of a doctor. This is:

  • Pentalgin;
  • Ketanov;
  • Ketorol;
  • Nimesulide.

There are a number of contraindications to taking these drugs, in particular - pregnancy and lactation, children's age. They are allowed to be taken only when the toothache is no longer bearable.

A fairly simple way of how and how to relieve acute toothache is to use classic painkillers that have been used in dentistry for many years. Namely - novocaine and lidocaine. This can be done in two ways. Either moisten a cotton swab and put it on the aching tooth, or try to inject their solution into the base of the tooth. This will relieve pain for at least 6 hours.

It should be noted that all of the above drugs only stop pain impulses, they do not treat the diseased tooth itself. Therefore, a visit to the dentist can not be avoided.

Methods of traditional medicine in the relief of toothache

What to do with acute toothache is also recommended by a reference book of traditional medicine, which contains several recipes for its self-stopping. Moreover, many of them are quite effective, because even some 50 years ago a visit to the dentist was a serious test, and people suffered from bad teeth before. Some of them will seem incredible to you, but for relieving acute pain, all methods are good. Consider the most popular of them:

Traditional medicine methods are very effective in relieving toothache, but you should not delay visiting a doctor. Otherwise, you can miss the onset of serious complications that may require the help of a surgeon.

Massage as a way to relieve toothache at home

With pain in damaged teeth, many of us immediately turn to the home first aid kit and begin to swallow painkillers, which give only a temporary effect. All this puts a heavy load on all organs of our body, especially the liver suffers. Therefore, if the pain is moderately expressed, You can try Japanese massage. The following elements of his methods will be especially effective:

  • Massage the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brush between the thumb and forefinger with a piece of ice;
  • Press intensively with three fingers of each hand on the temporal regions;
  • Massage the carotid artery, kneading it in the direction of the diseased tooth;
  • Press on the cheek in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diseased tooth with three fingers;
  • Intensively massage the nasolabial cavity.

Surprisingly, these Japanese massage techniques work. They can be safely adopted by those people who constantly put off visiting the dentist.

Relief of toothache in children and expectant mothers

Unfortunately, children are not immune from acute toothache. Milk teeth are short-lived and highly susceptible to caries, which in young children is characterized by a rapid course. In a matter of days, caries can completely destroy a milk tooth and hit the pulp, which causes incredible suffering to the baby.

Toothache in children

Overtaking toothache and pregnant women. Especially often this happens when the fetus begins to form bone tissue and the rudiments of teeth. For both children and expectant mothers, most of the methods listed in the previous sections are contraindicated. Can save them:

  • Lubrication of the cheek in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diseased tooth with an "asterisk";
  • Clove oil on an aching tooth;
  • Frequent rinsing with soda and salt, sage, chamomile;
  • A slice of lard applied to the gum.

Regardless of how effective your chosen method of pain relief has been, a visit to the dentist should be immediate and urgent. This will help you save a bad tooth and get rid of tangible discomfort that occurs at the most inopportune time.

Toothache is one of the most unpleasant and painful sensations that everyone has experienced at least once. Naturally, when it appears, you should consult a doctor. But for various reasons this does not happen. There are long weekends or various force majeure situations when help is needed here and now, but there is no opportunity to get to the doctor.

Much depends on the individual pain threshold. Someone endures the slightest aching pain very hard, while someone is ready to endure even more serious trials. Anyway, there are some general, universal actions that will help reduce pain discomfort, if not get rid of it completely.

What to do if a tooth hurts

It happens that the tooth hurts sharply. There were no signs of caries, tooth decay, but, nevertheless, he fell ill. First of all, you need to brush your teeth thoroughly - it happens that the remnants of food that press on the gums or get stuck in some interdental area irritate the gums, and this pain is perceived as a toothache.

Salt rinses can also be done. You can use sea salt or regular baking soda. Dilute a teaspoon of salt or soda in a glass of water, and rinse your mouth thoroughly with this composition. This action will definitely not bring harm - salt or soda rinses can be done from time to time, even if there are no problems with the teeth.

If all else fails, you can take painkillers. Do not get carried away with strong drugs, such as Ketanov, for example. Try a mild remedy like Nimesulide or Nurofen.

Nurofen tablets are quite good at helping to relieve even severe toothache.

It happens that the pain is so severe that the pills do not help, and it is impossible to get to the doctor (for example, a tooth hurts at night). In this case, you can drive to the nearest hospital, where an anesthetic injection will be given to a patient with acute pain, which will alleviate suffering and make it possible to sleep.

How Baking Soda Helps With Toothache

And then you can talk about each type of anesthesia in more detail. Baking soda has long been used as an antiseptic in folk medicine. It can really help relieve pain or reduce its intensity. To a greater extent, soda helps with inflammation of the gums when a tooth hurts.

You need 1 tsp. Dissolve baking soda in one cup of warm water, stir well. There should be no soda sediment at the bottom. This composition should rinse your mouth after 3 hours. If you drop 3 drops of iodine into a glass, the effect of the solution will increase. Of course, soda rinses will not relieve severe pain, but this procedure can relieve inflammation of the gums and soothe the place of pain.

Video: Treatment with Soda according to Neumyvakin I.P.

Tea and garlic composition

Many people probably know about the power of garlic for aching toothache. But not everyone probably guessed about the healing union of garlic and green tea. In the meantime, the recipe works. You need to brew 1.5 tablespoons of good green tea in a cup of boiling water. Let it sit for ten minutes.

Recipe for garlic tea

  1. Add 5 garlic cloves, very finely grated, to a cup of brewed green tea.
  2. Stir these cloves well, let the composition brew for another 10 minutes.
  3. The liquid must be filtered, and the resulting composition should rinse the mouth.

When rinsing, you need to make sure that the liquid acts directly on the aching tooth. Try to make the infusion penetrate the tooth as much as possible, as if washing the space around it. This procedure can be repeated several times a day, you can rinse your mouth with tea and garlic infusion even every hour. A simple recipe, and the pain goes away pretty quickly.

Garlic, Sea Salt and Onion Pain Relief Mix

This method is also considered effective, the effect is felt very quickly. To make a healing mixture, you need to take a small spoonful of sea salt, as well as a small spoonful of gruel from grated garlic and onions.

The components are thoroughly mixed, and the remedy is placed directly on the site of pain. The top of the tooth can be covered with a cotton swab.

The pain subsides literally in 9-10 minutes. Repeat this procedure three to four times a day, controlling the intensity of the pain. You can do such applications more often, there are no strict restrictions. This is a natural composition, so you do not need to be afraid of an overdose.

Folk remedies for toothache

There are many more recipes that can remove a toothache. It cannot be said for sure that all of them are 100% effective: they help someone, someone does not feel relief. And, nevertheless, it is worth identifying some recipes in the following collection.

Tool nameRecipeImpact

A small ball of mummy should be placed directly into the carious cavity or applied to the site of swelling. The tooth is covered with cotton wool from above.The pain will decrease in 6-7 minutes, and after half an hour it practically disappears.

Saturate a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide, put it in the tooth cavity. You can help in laying the product with a toothpick so that the cotton wool is closer to the sore spot.After 10 minutes, the pain will begin to decrease.

It is advised to take unsalted lard. A small piece of it is applied to the affected area.The pain will subside in 10-15 minutes.

An ordinary bag of good tea should be placed on the cheek, next to the inflamed area.The pain subsides in half an hour.

A small ball of propolis can also be applied to a sore spot.Maximum efficiency - with a large carious cavity.

Used for rinsing.The procedure makes sense if the pain has not yet become strong, but quite tolerable.

All these recipes are not a cure, but only the removal of pain symptoms. How quickly the pain subsides and whether it subsides depends on the degree of tooth decay. In the event that the root is severely affected, the pain is unlikely to be relieved. In this situation, only emergency dental care will help.

Video: Toothache - what to do? Folk remedies

Prevention of toothache

Of course, any situation can be prevented. As a rule, the pain is characterized by an increasing character. At first, this is a slight discomfort, perhaps the gums swell. But instead of running to the doctor, the person endures, allowing the inflammatory process to reach its climax. Sometimes it seems that the pain radiates to other teeth, it is felt in several places at once.

Even if you then went to the doctor, successfully cured the tooth, you need to adjust your further actions so that the situation does not happen again.

To keep your teeth from hurting, you need:

As you know, you need to visit the dentist at least twice a year. Even if there is no caries, gum disease, the dentist will conduct an ultrasonic cleaning of the teeth, removal of dental deposits. This is an excellent prevention of caries, a modern way to maintain oral hygiene.

From time to time, you can use special dental gels that have a beneficial effect on gum health. For 7-10 days in the morning and evening, a little gel should be applied to thin cotton strips, and then applied to the gums. The duration of the action is half an hour. During the next hour after the application, you should not eat. The effect is impressive, in this way you can solve the problem of inflammation of the gums. You can do a course of such procedures on the eve of prosthetics or long-term dental treatment.

Pain in the tooth not only spoils the mood, does not allow eating, working normally and falling asleep, but can also be accompanied by other painful sensations. For example, fever, general deterioration of well-being and inflammation of the gums and cheeks. These signs indicate that you need to seek help from a dental clinic. But before you do this, you can try to give yourself first aid at home.

Causes of toothache

Main reasons the appearance of pain in the teeth are the following:

  • Caries. In the first stages of tooth decay, feelings of pain are almost imperceptible or insignificant. There is discomfort when hot, cold, sweet and sour foods and drinks act on the teeth. With deep destruction, feelings of pain appear when brushing your teeth and any meal.
  • Periodontitis (tissues that surround the top of the tooth). Throbbing pain intensifies when touching a tooth or gum. The disease is accompanied by loosening of the tooth and inflammation of the gums.
  • Cracks in the enamel of the tooth and its thinning increase the sensitivity of the teeth.
  • Periodontitis (bone tissue near the tooth). The inflammatory process is caused by infection and is accompanied by the appearance of a cyst.
  • Pulpitis (soft periodontal tissue with a nerve ending). During inflammation of the pulp, pain sensations appear spontaneously, usually at night, and are given to the temple or ear.

When a toothache just starts, the first thing to do is brush your teeth well and stop eating food. Since food particles additionally create feelings of pain.

Before taking any measures for treatment at home, you need to put a piece of ice on the inflamed place. He will “stop” the tooth a little, which will reduce acute and severe pain for a short time. You can also provide emergency assistance by making on the cheek where the diseased tooth is located, iodine mesh. A small piece of raw beets or lard applied to the tooth can help relieve pain. A plantain leaf or its peeled root will well ease the pain sensation. You can disinfect the tooth and remove the pain by rinsing it with a small amount of vodka.

If all of the above methods did not alleviate the condition, and you do not know how to soothe a toothache at home, then you can rinse your mouth with warm, strong brewed infusion of sage. From the same plant, you can also prepare a compress and apply to a sore spot. Also at home is an effective and affordable means of rinsing with sea water, it is prepared with water, two drops of iodine and soda. This can help soothe the pain and also disinfect your mouth.

Toothache: what to remove?

To reduce and relieve toothache can help in several ways. But even when some options help to achieve a positive effect, this does not mean that you should not seek help from a dentist. If you do not seek help in time, you may develop osteomyelitis, periodontitis and other complications that pose a threat to health.

Thus, when a tooth hurts, and it is impossible to consult a doctor for an appointment, you can remove the pain syndrome in several ways. For example, acupressure, medicines taken orally, using folk methods or rinsing various decoctions or solutions:

Rules for the treatment of toothache

When a tooth hurts, you can use many treatment options. But when performing treatment, you must simultaneously observe the following rules:

  • It is absolutely unacceptable to chew food with a sick tooth.
  • Regularly and thoroughly clean the oral cavity from food debris. In some cases, stuck food is the main cause of toothache.
  • It is advisable not to lie down. This activates blood circulation in the periodontal tissues, which increases pressure on them.
  • It is forbidden to warm the sore spot. Hot compresses increase blood flow, which increases pain.
  • Whenever possible, be sure to visit a dentist, since performing treatment at home is usually futile. Only a dentist can determine the cause of the pain and remove it. One way or another, you can relieve the pain yourself only for a short time.
  • During the pain, you need to be distracted, take up some kind of hobby. Because the more you think about it, the more the pain becomes.

How to quickly relieve acute pain in the tooth?

During an attack of acute pain in the tooth, for example, late at night, if it is not possible to go to the dentist, then it remains only to use emergency measures that can temporarily alleviate the pain.

  • If the air makes the pain worse, then keep your mouth closed.
  • Make a hand massage, from the side of the diseased tooth. This may ease some of the pain. In the area where the bones of the thumb and forefinger connect, rub with a piece of ice, pressing in jerks for 6-8 minutes.
  • Do a rinse with soda (0.5 tablespoons of soda per cup of water).
  • It is forbidden to use antibiotics on your own, without consulting and prescribing a dentist. These drugs are used only according to the scheme, and not on occasion, and the use of one tablet will not give relief.
  • If the bite is wrong, then keep your mouth open. With this pathology, toothache is often relieved.

How to relieve a toothache with painkillers?

Painkillers are available in almost any home first aid kit, but you need to know how to use them, as they are toxic and can be harmful to health. First of all, painkillers divided into a number of groups according to the mechanism of action:

  • Non-narcotic painkillers for acute pain. Ibuklin and ibufen are excellent safe pain relievers. The most important thing when using them is to observe the dosage. The daily dose of ibuprofen for an adult is no more than 4 capsules. Ibuklin is a combination drug of paracetamol and ibufen. Therefore, it can be used by children. The most powerful drugs for pain are drugs containing nimesulide - this is nise, actasulide, ketanov. However, they have side effects and some contraindications, so they are used with caution, the daily dose is not more than 2 capsules.
  • Non-narcotic painkillers for moderate or mild pain. These drugs include paracetamol, analgin, aspirin, etc. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, remove heat and relieve pain.
  • Anti-spasmodic drugs like no-shpa, drotaverine, papaverine. These are the means, the impact of which removes the spasm of smooth muscles. They are rarely used for pain in the teeth, but they have shown a good effect.
  • Narcotic group of painkillers. They are: fentanyl, promedol, morphine and omnopon. However, we will immediately say that even with very acute toothache, it is not necessary to use painkillers in this group.

Medicines for toothache

In addition to the pain relievers listed above medications may include:

Tablets for toothache

When choosing pills, you need to take into account the presence of chronic diseases, they may be contraindications for use. The most complete list of diseases pills are contraindicated are indicated in the instructions for preparations:

  • Ketarol is a strong remedy that can be consumed no more than 3 capsules per day, and you need to drink plenty of water.
  • Nurofen relieves pain, as well as inflammation of the gums. An overdose exceeding the daily dose indicated on the package is prohibited. Contraindications - liver and kidney disease, hypertension, Crohn's syndrome.
  • Baralgin. The maximum dosage is 2 capsules at once, but not more than 6 per day. Contraindicated in pregnant women, children under 14 years of age and patients with liver or kidney disease.
  • Nise is a potent drug that is used one tablet at a time. Relieves pain in a couple of minutes, and the effect lasts 7-9 hours. Prohibited for pregnant women.
  • Analgin is the most affordable drug, but it is not very effective, especially for acute toothache. It is not recommended to put analgin directly on the tooth, as it damages the enamel.

Folk ways

Toothache has always annoyed people, even when there were no dental clinics. At that time people knew recipes for infusions, compresses and decoctions that help with toothache and relieve pain:

Regardless of how effective the method of relieving pain you have chosen turned out to be, a visit to the dentist must be urgent and immediate. This may help you save a damaged tooth and relieve significant discomfort that occurs at the most inopportune moment.

  • what can be done at home if the tooth suddenly starts to hurt a lot (including under a filling or crown);
  • what remedies are commonly used to relieve acute toothache, and which ones are most effective;
  • what can threaten long-term home treatment and delaying a visit to the doctor;
  • useful and useless methods of relieving toothache - which options are better not to even try to apply ...

There are many situations when a tooth hurts a lot and you urgently need to do something to relieve pain at home. And, perhaps, the most typical case is when the sufferer tries in every possible way to delay the visit to the doctor with the hope that the pain will gradually pass by itself, and in the future, perhaps, it will not even appear at all.

We will talk about the harmfulness of such an attitude to one's own health a little later. In the meantime, we just note that if a tooth hurts, then there is always a reason for this, and if you do not eliminate it in time, then in most cases the situation will only worsen over time. Accordingly, the first thing is to call the doctor and make an appointment.

However, there are also situations when a tooth or gum can hurt, but urgent treatment is not required. For example:

  1. After some operations, for example, immediately after tooth extraction (in the language of dental surgeons, tooth extractions are simple and complex, and sometimes a simple extraction causes pain on the first day even more severe than a complex one. All individually. Painkillers are prescribed by a doctor on the first day after tooth extraction is required);
  2. When a wisdom tooth or another tooth erupts in a child (however, not everything is so simple with wisdom teeth either - often the lower wisdom teeth erupt with pathologies that require surgical intervention without timely treatment. It is no coincidence that painful teething even has a special name - pericoronitis);
  3. Immediately after the installation of the crown, before it adapts to the gum (crowns can cause discomfort after fixation, especially those that are fixed slightly under the gingival margin, although acute pain is practically excluded).

In such cases, pain can usually be relieved at home without fear of the severe consequences of "forbearance".

But most often the teeth hurt due to various pathologies: due to deep caries, pulpitis or periodontitis, and in these cases, the pain can vary from mild and quickly passing to very acute and constant. In addition, swelling of the gums and cheeks (edema), fever, headache and other unpleasant symptoms can be additionally observed.

Let's see what can be done at home to alleviate suffering when the tooth hurts a lot, and it is not possible to immediately get to the doctor for one reason or another.

Pharmaceutical remedies for toothache relief

Modern painkillers in the form of tablets, water-soluble powders and drops are the most effective means for relieving acute toothache, far surpassing all kinds of folk methods in efficiency. Analgesics give a quick result, provide a fairly long-term effect, and today are available for use at home for almost every person.

The following drugs are most often used to relieve toothache:

  • Analgin - previously one of the most popular and affordable means, which, however, is very outdated today. It usually helps well with mild aching toothache, but with pulpitis, when acute pain is felt, its effectiveness may not be sufficient. Analgin also has a pronounced antipyretic effect. It should be borne in mind that this drug has long been banned for use in many countries of the world due to dangerous side effects.
  • Aspirin – known by many as an antipyretic, it also works well for minor toothaches. However, aspirin will not help with acute pain.
  • Nimesil is a much stronger remedy than the previous two. With its help, severe toothache is almost completely eliminated, regardless of etiology. The duration of its action is 4-5 hours. The main disadvantage of Nimesil is that it is available only by prescription, which significantly limits the use of the drug at home.
  • Ketanov is one of the most powerful drugs that helps relieve even very severe toothache. It starts to act about half an hour after taking the pill, and the pain usually subsides completely after an hour and a half. The total duration of the drug is 5-6 hours. Ketanov is also a prescription drug, and to buy it you will need to first visit a doctor (although in practice, many pharmacies, deviating from the law, sell it freely without a prescription).

In terms of strength, the closest analogues of the Ketanov drug are Ketorol, Ketorolac, Dolac and Ketalgin. Of these, Dolac can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription. All these drugs are available in the form of tablets. They are taken strictly according to the instructions, or according to the special instructions of the doctor (usually 1 tablet 2-3 times a day).

If a child has a toothache, you need to carefully read the instructions on the admissibility of using the appropriate drug in childhood and strictly adhere to the recommended children's dosages.

Also at home, it is sometimes possible to use Lidocaine and Novocaine solutions. These are quite effective local anesthetics that are used in a completely different way than tablets: the solutions simply drip directly onto the aching tooth with a deep carious cavity (or put a cotton swab moistened with the drug into the carious cavity). Provided that the carious cavity has a communication with the pulp chamber, after a short time there is a loss of tooth sensitivity - a kind of "freezing" effect. It usually lasts no more than an hour.

It should be borne in mind that novocaine (in particular) is one of the most allergenic anesthetics today, so you need to be careful.

In addition, no matter how severe the toothache is, using any drugs at home, it is very important not to exceed the dosage. Usually 1-2 tablets are enough for the drug to have the maximum possible effect for it. You do not need to swallow many tablets at once, since exceeding the recommended dosages is fraught with serious side effects and poisoning.

Before taking any medication, it is advisable to consult a doctor - at least by phone.

“Yesterday I was still climbing the walls, I didn’t know what to do, my tooth hurt so much. I can’t drink analgin because of the kidneys. As a result, I spent the whole night in the bathroom, rinsing my mouth. At the clinic, I thought that I would come, they would quickly fill my tooth and that was it. But no! I had a flux there with pus. The doctor said that in general the tissues are normal, the tooth can be treated, but only when the purulent inflammation passes. She prescribed special medications and gave a prescription for Ketorol for pain. It’s very good with these pills, they completely relieve pain, but you can’t drink them for a long time ... "

Katya, Tver

What threatens the habit of relieving toothache with pills

It is important to understand that pain is a symptom of pathology, and the stronger it is, the stronger the damage in the tooth itself or its surrounding tissues. If a tooth hurts a lot, this is a direct signal that it needs to be treated urgently, and it definitely won’t work at home.

In practice, in many such cases, people are simply afraid to go to the dentist or do not want to spend money on treatment, hoping that the tooth will hurt and go away on its own. So they endure toothache to the last, until it becomes unbearable. But even in this case, when the exhausted organism tries to tell the owner that it is no longer possible to pull it further, because the consequences will be very sad, a person often runs not to the dental clinic, but to the pharmacy to buy powerful pills to somehow relieve pain.

The result of this approach are a variety of dental diseases and their complications:

  1. Caries, which at different stages can manifest itself as a weak and quickly passing pain, as well as quite strong pain. If such a toothache is suppressed at home with pills, the carious process will inevitably reach the pulp, leading to pulpitis - and this is already a much stronger pain, and the treatment of such a tooth will be associated with the need to remove the “nerve” from it. This is often a long and expensive procedure, especially in the case of multi-canal teeth.
  2. Pulpitis, manifesting itself as a severe toothache, often aggravated at night. If in this case you try to be treated at home, simply relieving pain with the help of pills, then you can play to periodontitis, flux and festering fistulas in the gums. Moreover, tooth extraction in some such cases is far from the saddest consequence.
  3. Odontogenic osteomyelitis, phlegmon, sepsis - all these complications can already threaten a person's life.

It is also dangerous to endure (especially if the pain suddenly appeared under a long-established crown). The presence of unpleasant sensations here indicates the development of a latent pathological process, the extent of which can only be assessed in the picture in the clinic. The situation is similar when (long established) - in such cases, the problem cannot be solved at home, a mandatory visit to the doctor is required.

On a note

Even a recently installed filling should not normally cause sharp and prolonged spontaneous aching pain. Prolonged pain from irritants (cold, hot, etc.), as well as pain when biting on a sealed tooth, is also not a reason to endure, since sooner or later this often leads to pulpitis and (or) periodontitis.

It often happens that there are no organic changes in the pulp, but it is impossible to chew on the side of the sealed tooth. Reason: the technique of setting the filling material is violated or this material is not suitable for a particular person. It is not advisable to wait for months and endure in such a situation, since it is enough to simply change the seal under warranty and (or) put it in a different way.

Thus, remedies for relieving toothache should be used only for a short time - while waiting for qualified dental care. An attempt to avoid treatment with the help of painkillers is nothing more than an independent destruction of one’s health in general, and teeth in particular.

“I started this two weeks ago ... Before that, the tooth ached periodically, but there was nothing extraordinary. And then I feel that it starts to hurt very much, then my cheek is still swollen. I call the doctor, he writes me down only the next day, and I already have a face, as if I scored nuts on my cheek! The doctor told me to rinse my mouth with warm water, so I went all day with warm tea in my mouth. Then I found out that it was periostitis against the background of inflammation of the nerve in the tooth. Still not completely cured, I hope that next week will be the last visit to the doctor.

Olga, Moscow

Warm rinses: why they are needed and how to do them correctly

Oddly enough, but warm mouthwashes help with many diseases of the teeth and gums. Of course, they do not replace treatment and do not eliminate the disease itself, but often they can really significantly reduce the pain syndrome, and besides, wash the inflamed tissue, removing some of the pus, if any.

And, by and large, it is not so important what exactly is rinsed. Something else is important:

  1. Rinse your mouth with a liquid with a temperature of approximately 45 ° C. You can’t go higher - you can get burned. If the temperature is close to room temperature, the effect will be much lower.
  2. You need to rinse often - at least once an hour, and preferably once every 30 minutes. In this case, you need to rinse your mouth, not your throat.

For such home rinses, you can use plain water, saline (a teaspoon of salt per liter of water), water with baking soda, decoctions of herbs with anti-inflammatory activity - chamomile, mint, string, immortelle, sage. You can also use a decoction of oak bark.

It is advisable to rinse your mouth even when the pain has passed or subsided - until the very visit to the doctor.

Another tip about pain relief at home:

Xenia, Moscow

But it is absolutely impossible to warm the cheek outside of the diseased tooth - this will only lead to a strong increase in edema without any positive effect (those who try to warm the swollen cheek from the outside with a heating pad, or clinging to the radiator, are invariably convinced of the inappropriateness of this approach).

Useless and even harmful folk remedies for relieving toothache at home

The people stubbornly continue to "circulate" several folk methods that supposedly can soothe even severe toothache, which, however, cannot be recommended for use at home. Moreover, some of these methods are downright harmful.

For example:

By the way

If you keep garlic gruel in a deep carious cavity for a long time, then, having endured incredible pain, you can kill the “nerve”, and the pain will really almost subside. However, the dead pulp in the following days will begin to gradually decompose (rot) right inside the tooth, so a visit to the doctor will still not be avoided.

If the tooth hurts under the crown, then there is little that can be done at home - no folk lotions and recipes usually help. In the best case, it will be possible to remove the inflammation of the gums.

If your child has a toothache...

The destruction of even milk teeth in a child can lead to no less dangerous consequences than in adults, and toothache in childhood is usually accompanied by screams and crying. Attempts to somehow endure a toothache at home, in the hope that the milk teeth will fall out soon, is a big mistake of the parents and even, one might say, a mockery of the baby. In some cases, delaying a visit to the dentist can put an end to healthy teeth in a child in the future.

Therefore, the first thing a conscientious parent should do in this case is to try to take their child to the doctor as soon as possible. And only if an immediate visit is impossible, then you will have to fight the toothache at home for some time. The following are some of the remedies that can help with this, but it still does not hurt to consult a doctor before using them.

  1. Nurofen for children - can be used for children from 3 months old, allows you to quite well relieve even severe pain. Also suitable for older children.
  2. Nurofen in tablets or capsules - can be used to relieve toothache in children over 12 years old (at a dosage of 200 mg 3-4 times a day). To relieve pain as quickly as possible, you can use 400 mg 3 times a day. Children from 6 to 12 years old are recommended 200 mg, but not more than 4 times a day. In any case, the maximum dosage is 800 mg per day, it should not be exceeded. "Adult" varieties of Nurofen should be given to children whose body weight is more than 20 kg. For children weighing less than 20 kg, it is better to give Nurofen for children. The safe time interval recommended by the instruction between doses of the drug is at least 6 hours, and for prolonged-release tablets - 12 hours.
  3. Nimesil - give half a sachet (children over 12 years old) once or twice a day, depending on the age and strength of the toothache.
  4. Or you can rinse with warm water with anti-inflammatory drugs - perhaps this option is many times better for health than any pill. It is advisable to choose decoctions of herbs (chamomile, sage), but you can also rinse with soda-salt solutions in low concentrations, if the child is not against this "byaki". If rinsing does not help, then only in such a situation it will be possible to recall the tablets.

On a note

Do not even think about giving your child Analgin. It's time for all parents to remember that Analgin is a dangerous medicine, albeit extremely cheap. Often causes agranulocytosis.

It is important to remember that often in young children the gums hurt during the eruption of milk teeth. This is perhaps the only case when a visit to the dentist is not required. But it will be useful to show the child to the pediatrician - the doctor will be able to confirm for sure that the pain in the child arose precisely because of teething.

Medications to relieve pain during teething:

  • Gels based on Lidocaine and menthol: Kamistad, Dentinox, Doctor Baby, etc.
  • Candles and syrups anti-inflammatory and painkillers: Ibuprofen syrup, Viburkol candles, etc.

And in conclusion, let's say a few more words about the belief of some people in all kinds, in various homeopathic remedies and self-hypnosis. Even if we assume that people who own the technique of self-hypnosis can really control their own pain sensations, including toothache, then even a meditation guru is hardly capable of “sealing up” a carious cavity or reviving the pulp rotting in the root canals. And in case of acute toothache, it is better not to rush to an old healer, but still to see a dentist, even if he takes more money from you for treatment.

“I’ll tell you a story from exactly a week ago. Everything is very banal: I have a toothache. And he got very sick, and not just whiny. I have a track record of seminars with Milton Erickson, his daughter, and about 10 other NLP and self-hypnosis experts from the top twenty in the world. It is clear that the first thing I did was to sit down, induce a trance and turn off the pain. It went away for me and my tooth didn’t hurt while I was doing important things. Do you know what I did when I got free? Called my dentist. He is a professional guy and his work is more expensive than the work of 95% of other dentists in St. Petersburg. And all because I know that if the tooth has rotted to the nerve, then no self-hypnosis will help me restore it.

Oleg, St. Petersburg

An interesting video on how to quickly relieve a toothache at home without using pills

About relieving toothache with garlic (this remedy is only for the most extreme case - for extreme people)

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