A children's fairy tale invented by a child is short. Learning to compose a fairy tale. Compose a fairy tale or story, the name and meaning of which can be one of the proverbs

She studied at a seminar on fairy tale therapy with Katerina Blukhterova. Here is my opus with a therapeutic effect. It might be too long, cut it short. Therapeutic effect: children should learn to finish their work without leaving them in the middle, creating the right motivation.
There was a little bunny in a basket for needlework. It was knitted from soft gray yarn and stuffed with wool. Four elastic legs were preparing to jump, long ears could catch the slightest rustle. The button nose trembled from the sweet smells coming from the kitchen, the scarlet tongue was hidden behind white teeth.
Bunny was almost finished, only the peephole was missing. The beady eyes lay right there in the basket, and the bunny waited patiently for them to be sewn into place. Pricking up his ears, he listened to the footsteps in the room and froze with hope when the footsteps were heard next to him.
Sometimes warm, wrinkled hands would take it, caress it affectionately, and put it back into the basket with a sigh. It was the grandmother. Bunny liked grandmother's hands: in them he felt secure, but he was looking forward to the touch of other hands. These hands were sharper and cooler, but the bunny loved it when they touched his fur, wrinkled his ears, pulled his tail. These are the girl's hands. They knitted the back, belly and paws of the bunny and listened to the quiet advice of their grandmother. And then they got tired, and the bunny remained unfinished.
At night, he heard the conversations of other toys: they were outraged by the behavior of the girl and felt sorry for the bunny, and he believed that the girl would remember him and sew eyes on him.
But days fled after days, and the girl carelessly passed by a basket with a bunny, and he listened with bated breath to her light steps.
One day he could not stand it and decided to go to her himself.
At night, the bunny got out of the basket and fell awkwardly on the chest of drawers. Toys from their shelves followed him with excitement. Having reached the edge of the chest of drawers, the bunny dangled its paws down, lost its balance and flew down. He was lucky: he did not hurt himself, falling into a box with rags, almost to the very bottom. Trying to get to the surface, the bunny worked hard with its paws and scattered shreds to the sides. But they, tightly wrapped around the body, pulled him down. With a last effort, he grabbed the edge of the box, pulled himself up, and rolled over it.
There was familiar darkness around, and the hare, spreading its paws, moved on.
The girl's room was behind a large hallway, where a huge ginger cat was sleeping, spread out from corner to corner. Bunny blindly nuzzled him in the side and stopped. The cat jumped up and slapped the offender with its clawed paw. The hare took off, rolled over his head and fell in front of the red muzzle. The cat purred contentedly, plunged its claws into the hare's body and threw it over itself again. The threads cracked, the ears wrinkled, but the bunny got up and stubbornly walked forward. The red-haired robber lost interest in him, yawned widely, and again stretched out on the floor.
Having reached the girl's bed, the bunny stopped in front of another obstacle. The bed was too high to climb on. Desperate, he grabbed the edge of the dangling blanket and tried to pull himself up. The scratched sides ached, the back ached, and the hare stubbornly clutched at the blanket until he was completely exhausted.
"Let me help you!" - friendly growled someone next to him, and the bunny recognized the big plush dog, the guard of the doll house. The dog, lifting the bunny by the scruff of the neck, carefully laid it on the bed.
The girl's breathing was even and calm. Sobbing, the bunny clung to her warm hand and fell silent.
And the girl had a magical dream: she dreamed that a little gray bunny from a basket with needlework was looking for her eyes and could not find it, and only she knew how to help him.
“Grandma, I had an amazing dream!” - exclaimed the girl in the morning. "Dear bunny, you found me!" She cheered and hugged him to her.
As soon as she washed herself, the girl took out shiny beady eyes from the basket, threaded a needle and, putting the bunny on her knees, began to carefully sew on his eyes. Bunny sat quietly, only fluffy tail trembled with impatience.
The girl finished her work and looked at the bunny from all sides. Noticing the torn seams on the fur coat, she threatened the ginger cat with her finger: “Here I will ask you, Vaska!” The cat just slyly meowed in response.
Choosing strong threads, the girl mended the bunny's fur coat, while he looked around with admiration.
It turns out that the plush dog, the watchman of the doll house, has black hair, and the bunny itself has a pale gray color. The dolls are dressed in elegant dresses, and the uniforms of the soldiers are embroidered with gold buttons.
Cat Vaska lazily closes his eyes and purrs a cat song under his breath.
On the table, covered with a lace tablecloth, there is a dish of ruddy pies, and the sweet aroma pleasantly tickles the nostrils.
Grandma sits in a chair by the window. She leaned over her needlework, and the sunbeam caressed the gray strands of her hair.
The girl wrinkles her freckled nose in a funny way and combs the fur of a plush dog with a comb.
White snowflakes are circling on the street, and the bunny, clinging to the window, is fascinated watching their flight.

Often, both parents and students are faced with such a problem as writing a fairy tale. Very young children may demand from mom and dad to tell them an interesting story. And schoolchildren can receive such a task in a reading or literature lesson. Of course, not everyone knows how to write novels or invent fantastic stories. However, to come up with a little story about animals is within the power of everyone.

Anyone can make up a story

Consider some secrets with which you can compose a fairy tale about animals. These tricks will help even an inexperienced storyteller figure out all the intricacies and come up with a brilliant story about animals. There is no limit to creativity and fantasy in fairy tales. It doesn't matter if you can't write a blockbuster right away. The main thing is to try your hand, and over time it will be easier for both kids and their parents to compose new stories.

Writing techniques

To compose a fairy tale about animals, it is not necessary to try to come up with fundamentally new ideas. This is much easier than it might seem at first. The story, for example, might look like this:

  1. Repeat those cartoons or legends that are already known to everyone.
  2. You can slightly transform an already familiar plot. For example, in the well-known fairy tale "The Fox and the Jug", a red-haired scoundrel began to steal chickens from a peasant. He hung a jug on the wall, she fell into it, and, trying to free herself, began to drown him. But together with the jug, she herself drowned. You can change this tale, for example, in this way. The fox began to offend the hare family, to take away their sweet turnip. The hare decided to teach the villain a lesson, and put the turnip on a hunting trap. Then the whole hare family hid, watching the fox. She jumps out of the thicket to grab the turnip as soon as possible, and falls into the trap. Hunters come, the fox tries to escape and loses his luxurious tail as punishment for his greed.
  3. It is also useful to use a variety of symbols and images. For example, an apple is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge; the Phoenix bird is a symbol of restoration, resurrection; a star is an image of a dream.
  4. In the fairy tale, busy parents often play up the events that took place in real life. For example, preparation for the holiday, the birth of babies, the beginning of the school year.

"Binome" fantasies

This technique, which was suggested by Gianni Rodari, is suitable for anyone who wants to compose a fairy tale about animals. A well-known writer said that a story cannot be born from homogeneous elements, such as "horse - wolf", "bear - fox". Such combinations are just associations from the same conceptual area. When using such words, the imagination is unlikely to be able to play out and give rise to a fairy tale of one's own composition.


It is much more efficient to use the following technique: concepts should be separated by a certain distance. It is better if one of them is alien to the other, and their neighborhood may be unusual. And only in this way can fantasy be activated. For example, you can take the concepts of "dog" and "wardrobe". The easiest way to link them together is to use a preposition. Then the phrases will turn out: “a dog in a closet”, “a dog with a closet”, “a dog on a closet”, and so on. Each of these pictures can already serve as the basis for the development of the plot. For example, a dog is running through the streets of the city, with a wardrobe tied to its back. She is forced to carry him along, as he performs the function of her booth.

Random concept method

When creating a fairy tale, you can start by writing down a few nouns, preferably from different areas of life. This technique, which is similar to the Binomial Fantasy method, can also be used by those who do not know how to compose a fairy tale about animals themselves. Samples of these associations are given below, but everyone can come up with their own conceptual series. Here is an example:

  • Sugar.
  • Leaves.
  • River.
  • Tablecloth.
  • Beard.
  • Whistle.

After that, you can try to compose a short fairy tale about animals, using these concepts and adding the main characters. For example, once upon a time there lived a Wolf. His enemy was the Bear, who constantly threatened him to get even with the entire wolf pack. Once the Wolf accidentally wandered into the village and stole sugar from the hut. While he was running back into the forest, the hunters found him, as he rustled the leaves.

Running away from the hunters, he meets the Bear. The hunters blow the whistle, which instills fear in their comrades even more. Having learned from the wolf that he is being chased, the clubfoot runs with him. The Wolf tells the Bear about his unusual trophy. But he accuses the companion of risking their lives because of his theft. The bear gets into a fight and falls under the ice. They are overtaken by hunters, but the wolf manages to escape. The wolf brings sugar to the wolf pack, and the wolf girls learn how to bake pies, and the brave wolf is honored.

Plan of the story

For those who do not know how to plan a fairy tale about animals, we offer the following sequence of narration:

  1. The beginning of the story is usually the words "Once upon a time". At this stage, you need to introduce the audience to the current characters.
  2. "And suddenly ..." - the emergence of difficulties.
  3. “For this reason ...” - you need to indicate what the main character cannot achieve due to the problem.
  4. The climax of the story is the period of the most intense struggle with difficulties.
  5. A happy ending.

The line of behavior of the main character

This is one of the most important components in composing a fairy tale. By describing his main character, the narrator has the opportunity to tell the world about himself. Of course, listeners will perceive the image of the hero as a whole. But for the convenience of the essay, several components can be distinguished in it, using the answers to the following questions:

  • How does the character feel about himself? What is he - evil or kind, handsome or ugly, brave or timid?
  • What are his actions based on? What is his motivation?
  • And how does the main character approach the solution of difficulties? What are his methods to achieve the desired goal?

Analyzing the hero of a fairy tale in the form of an animal, one can understand a lot about who the narrator himself is. People behave differently in different life situations. The same patterns of behavior can be metaphorically depicted with the help of images of animals, which will be the personification of various characters from the human world. Also, when writing a fairy tale, it is important to pay attention to how adequately the main character relates to other characters.

Take on real challenges

Mini fairy tales about animals invented by children are a good way to develop imaginative thinking and imagination in a child. However, when such a task needs to be completed as soon as possible, they become a real headache for parents. What can be done in this case? If you urgently need to help a child with compiling a fairy tale, you can put the problem that worries you the most now as the basis for its plot. For example, mom or dad, seeing homework, grabs his head: what kind of fairy tales can you think about now if there is not enough money in the family?

Just this problem can be put at the basis of your story. For example, the plot could be like this. A family of bunnies lives in the forest, who are constantly short of money, as rich wolves and bears take almost everything. They take food from the bunnies all the cold season, and in the end they have nothing left. In the end, out of fear of starvation, the hares cannot stand it and start an uprising against the evil inhabitants of the forest. Although the scythes have no special physical abilities, they defeat their oppressors with their agility. Hares set traps throughout the forest, and then scatter, and the impudent ones fall into the pit. Hunters come and catch evil beasts.

Methodology of the children's writer

The writer Gianni Rodari, whose work is loved by children all over the world, highlighted several examples of creating magical stories. They will help anyone who wants to create a fairy tale of their own composition. A good story, according to Gianni Rodari, should contain the following elements:

  • A ban on certain actions, or a strict prescription.
  • Violation of this order.
  • The wrecking of one or more heroes in relation to others.
  • Temporary departure of the main character.
  • Meeting with the one who gives the hero magical gifts.
  • Unusual, supernatural skills possessed by the main character's enemy.
  • The fight between good and evil.
  • Victory of the Light Forces.
  • The return of the main character to his home.
  • A false hero, an impostor who ascribes to himself the merits of others.
  • Severe trials, a path filled with difficulties.
  • Identification of an impostor.
  • Punishment of the guilty.
  • Happy wedding.

J. Rodari method: an example

To compose a short fairy tale about animals, you can choose several of these elements - from 3 to 5. The fairy tale should encourage listeners to help the main character, empathize with him. For example, you can come up with a fairy tale about a Hare, whom the Fox illegally accused of stealing holiday toys. All the inhabitants of the forest, led by the judge - the Scientific Cat - gathered to find out who is really guilty of the fact that the New Year's decorations have disappeared.

The evidence testifies against the Bunny, because near the place where the toys disappeared, there are his tracks. The listener should ask himself: how can you help the protagonist? Perhaps we should ask everyone if they saw the toys disappear? Or maybe use the services of the Magpie, who sees all the glitter and can find out where the jewelry is stored? Or to say that if the toys are not returned, then the New Year will not come? Such a fairy tale will contain elements of sabotage, the struggle between good and evil, difficulties, and punishment of the guilty.

The fact that children love fairy tales is clear to everyone. Maybe not even fairy tales, but amazing stories about objects that surround a child every day. Children's mini fairy tales can be composed on the go, for example, to distract the child from his whims. Children always like short fairy tales-stories, because they have not heard them before and will listen carefully to what you tell them. Here are some samples - short fairy tales for children.

Even if all your dad's thoughts are occupied with a broken car, and he constantly thinks about spare parts, it will be easy even for him to compose a fairy tale about a car that cries from a breakdown. This theme will be very interesting for boys!

Mini fairy tale Lime Sun

A woman bought a large glass ball in a Christmas decoration shop. She brought it home and hung it on the Christmas tree in the most prominent place. All Christmas decorations began to look at him with curiosity.

"Let's get acquainted," said the ball. My name is Light Green Sun!

All the toys laughed, and the ball continued:

- I'm the most beautiful toy on the Christmas tree!

But all the other toys began to resent:

“You are the ugliest toy!”

The ball was offended, pouted and fell silent. And on New Year's Eve, when the lights were turned off, the ball lit up with light green light, just like the sun.

All the toys just gasped. They recognized the Light Green Sun as the most beautiful toy on the Christmas tree.

Mini fairy tale Miracle rainbow

There were seven pencils in the box: red Bully, orange Jolly, yellow Wise, green Cheerful, blue Dreamer, blue Dull, purple Kind.

The pencils tried to draw a picture, but they couldn't do anything, because everyone wanted to draw their own. Red painted a rose, orange an orange, yellow the sun, green the grass, blue the sky, blue the sea, purple the lilac.

But then the rain came and washed away all the drawings. The pencils got wet, got scared and hid under the same roof. And while they waited for the rain to stop, they chatted a lot and became friends.

Finally the rain stopped and the sun came out. rejoiced and set to work. Each drew a bright stripe in the sky. Got a rainbow!

Since then, after the rain, in the light of the sun, the Miracle Rainbow has been shining in the sky.

Mini fairy tale for boys Two girlfriends

A hockey stick lived in a sports shop. She was very proud of being bright yellow, tall and slender. And the stick could not understand how one could be interested in her neighbor on the shelf - a fat, clumsy, black Puck.

One day, a boy came to the store and stopped at the club stand.

- Me! Me! the yellow beauty shouted impatiently.

And, of course, the boy took it.

— But why did he take the puck. Why! He already took me! - Klyushka was indignant!

When the boy went to training, he took both the Puck and the Stick. And in training, Klyushka tried to hit the Puck more painfully. But Puck silently endured, and the boy was worried that he could not make friends between Puck and Klyushka.

And then one day the Puck quietly whispered to Klyushka:

- Let's be friends!

The stick felt ashamed of her behavior, and she answered quietly:

At the next training session, the Club did not hit the Puck, but threw it up, pushed it forward, wanting to help the Puck. And the Puck bounced and flew like an arrow, continuing the movement of the Club. They were very pleased with each other.

The boy was the most happy. When Puck and Stick became friends, he began to play hockey very well, and each time after the game he quietly thanked the two girlfriends for their coherence in the game.

And so Klyushka Puck remained best friends.

Mini fairy tale about clothes - About Sweater and T-shirt

One day Mike got into trouble. She was so upset that she almost cried. And all because she first got into the washing machine. She was twisted, twirled and tossed so that the poor thing thought that she would be torn into small pieces.

But next to it was washed, not for the first time, the old, wise Sweater. He calmed little T-shirt and said:

— Soon we will be taken out of the washing machine, everything will be fine. The hostess will put you on and will be very pleased with you! Be patient!

Mini fairy tale about the kitchen - Dispute

In one kitchen, knives, forks, spoons and plates once argued among themselves, which of them would be the commander. To do this, it was necessary to be the most beautiful. Knives, forks, spoons and plates were thought to be very attractive.

But one day the owners bought a new fork. It was a dazzling silver color and was packaged in a small transparent bag with a bow. Everyone envied her, because they understood that such a beauty would definitely win the argument.

It's time for lunch. They unpacked the new fork and began to eat with it. She became the same as everyone else - dirty and unattractive and lay with all the rest of the dirty dishes in the sink. Even here in the sink, knives, forks, spoons and plates never stopped arguing.

Three old pans have taken to be the judges. When the two pans expressed their opinions, the debaters were not satisfied, because one pan chose the plates and the other the spoons. Knives and forks puffed out.

And the third pan, the oldest, said:

Above us all, the commander is the one who looks after us. This is our hostess!

No one began to argue with the old and wise pan, because everyone understood that she was right. Since then, peace and harmony have reigned in the kitchen.

Such children's mini fairy tales must be in every family, they will make communication with a child surprisingly interesting!

Come up with funny and informative stories about any objects that surround you at the moment. Children's mini fairy tales very soon and the baby himself will begin to compose with ease, developing his imagination and thinking.

If you notice, we really love to compose fairy tales, for example, recently we composed musical fairy tales about and.

I say “we” because, as a mother, I also put my efforts into this and help, correct what I come up with.

In general, it is imperative for a child to develop this writing skill, because even if he does not become a famous writer in your future, in any case it will come in handy at school in the lessons of reading, literature, history, geography, and just where necessary explain or tell something.

Let's try it with you today.

In general, a fairy tale is the same story, only all the events in it are fabulous, magical. Therefore, to compose any fairy tale, you need to use certain rules and a special plan.

The first thing to do is determine the topic, that is, what our story (tale) will be about.

The second is to formulate the main idea of ​​the future story, that is, why, for what purpose you are writing it, what it should teach listeners.

And the third is to directly build the story according to the following scheme:

  1. Exposure (who, where, when, what did)
  2. The plot of the action (how it all began)
  3. Development of action
  4. Climax (most important points)
  5. Decline in action
  6. Decoupling (how it all ended)
  7. ending

Do not be afraid to call a preschooler such complex concepts as "exposure", "climax". Let him not remember them now, but he will certainly learn the principle of construction and in the future he will be able to apply it.

According to exactly the same rules, stories are compiled and essays are written at school, so this material can be safely used by schoolchildren.

So, let's now directly move on to inventing a fairy tale.

Before you is the fairy tale "The Journey of the Ball", which was composed by Seraphim when he was 5 years old. And on her example, we will see how to compose a fairy tale.

To compose a fairy tale, you can slightly expand the algorithm to make it easier for the child to navigate.

1. Beginning (for example, there once was a rain, a flower, the sun, etc.)

2. Tie (once, once he went or decided to do, etc.)

3. Development of action (met someone, for example)

  • passed the first test
  • Passed the second test

4. Climax (third test after which he or he turns into someone or something)

5. Recession of action (someone does something so that our hero finds his original form)

6. Denouement (since then or since)

7. Ending (and they began to live as before, or he did not go anywhere else, etc.)

Once upon a time, a boy Alyosha had a balloon. And one day, when Alyosha fell asleep, he decided to go for a walk.

A ball flies and flies, and a rainbow meets it.

Why are you flying here? Where is your home? You can get lost or burst!

And the ball answers her:

I want to see the world and show myself.

He flies, flies, and towards him a cloud.

— How did you end up here? There are so many dangers around!

And the ball replies:

- Do not disturb me! I want to see the world and show myself. And flew on.

He flies, flies, and the wind meets him.

- Why are you walking around here? You can burst!

But the ball again did not obey the elders. And then the wise wind decided to teach him a lesson.

— Wu-u-u-u - the wind blew.

The ball flew in the opposite direction with great speed and caught on a branch. And his thread untied, and he hung on a branch like a rag.

And at that very time, our boy Alyosha was walking along the path. He was picking mushrooms in the forest and suddenly he sees a rag hanging on a branch. He looks, and this is his balloon. The boy was very happy, took the balloon home and blew it up again.

And the ball at home told Alyosha about his adventures and never again flew for a walk without Alyosha.

Here are such interesting tasks, for example, that a wonderful teacher, a teacher of Russian language and literature, Popova Nadezhda Ivanovna, gives in her lessons to kids. Huge thanks to her!!!

Having learned before school to correctly compose fairy tales, stories, retell short texts, at school he will retell, write summaries and essays without any problems. Therefore, do not be lazy and start doing this with your child before school.

Well, so that the baby sees his result, as they say, you can write down your fairy tales there, which we will do tomorrow.


In the city of Bimbograd, a tree grew on the central square. A tree is like a tree - the most common. Trunk. Bark. Branches. Leaves. And yet it was magical, because Thoughts lived on it: Smart, Kind, Evil, Silly, Cheerful and even Wonderful.

Every morning, with the first rays of the sun, Thoughts woke up, did exercises, washed themselves and scattered around the city.

They flew to Tailors and Postmen, Doctors and Drivers, Builders and Teachers. They hurried to schoolchildren and very young children who were just learning to walk. Thoughts flew to serious bulldogs and curly lapdogs, to cats, pigeons and aquarium fish.

Therefore, from early morning, all the inhabitants of the city: people, and cats, and dogs, pigeons - all did different things. Smart or stupid. Good or evil.

Thoughts had a lot of work to do, especially Merry, Clever and Kind. They had to be in time everywhere and visit everyone, not forget anyone: neither big nor small. “In our city,” they often said, “there should be as many jokes, joy, smiles and fun as possible.”

And they flew over large avenues and small streets, over long squares and huge squares, ahead of their harmful relatives: Silly, Evil and Boring Thoughts.

How Clever, Cheerful and Kind Thoughts were once upset when bad weather came to their city. She brought with her a cold wind, covered the sky with black, shaggy clouds and overturned a prickly rain on the square and streets of Bimbograd. Bad weather dispersed the residents of the city to their homes. Kind, Merry and Clever Thoughts were very upset. But their harmful sisters, Evil and Silly, on the contrary, were happy. “Now that it's cold and damp,” they thought, “no one will have fun. We will quarrel everyone, even the kindest and most affectionate. This is how the evil-doers reasoned, going to the inhabitants of the city.

But they rejoiced in vain. The harmful sisters have forgotten that another Thought lives on the tree - their distant relative, Wonderful Thought.The Wonderful Thought did not often come to the inhabitants of the city. But if she visited someone, then miracles began in the city. Important Engineers recalled their childhood and arranged colorful fireworks and fireworks. And the Chefs and Confectioners amazed the inhabitants of the city with such cakes and pastries that even the Architects and Artists gasped: “That's it,” they exclaimed, “we sign up for the Confectioners!”

On that rainy, overcast day, Wonderful Thought thought for a long time about whom to visit, and decided that it had been a long time since she had visited the Jolly Shoemaker. The Merry Shoemaker was indeed a merry man. But on this day he was sad. The bad weather spoiled his mood.

But as soon as Wonderful Thought looked into his workshop, the Merry Shoemaker's face became cheerful again. The master took out a brush, and soon the shoes turned lilac and red, cornflowers and daisies painted by him bloomed on the heels, and butterflies and dragonflies adorned the socks.

He worked tirelessly, and only when the last black shoe turned into lilac, he put down his brush and went out into the street.

"Hey! he shouted. Children of Bimbograd, I need you! The city needs you! Run here and we'll beat the weather!"

And soon, boys and girls, shod in multi-colored shoes, boots, shoes and boots, walked along the streets and squares. In multi-colored - blue, red, yellow - puddles a black cloud was reflected and turned into a blue, red, yellow cloud. And when the last cloud turned into a lilac cloud, the bad weather was gone.

Vaschenko Maria. 5-B


There were various vegetables in the garden. Among these vegetables, onions also grew. He was very clumsy, fat and unkempt. He had a lot of clothes, and they were all unbuttoned. He was very bitter, and who did not approach him, everyone cried. Therefore, no one wanted to be friends with onions. And only a beautiful, slender red pepper treated him well, because he himself was also bitter.

The onion grew in the garden and dreamed of doing something good.

Meanwhile, the mistress of the garden caught a cold and could not take care of the vegetables. Plants began to dry out and lose their beauty.

And then the vegetables remembered the healing properties of onions and began to ask him to cure their mistress. Luke was very happy about this: after all, he had long dreamed of a good deed.

He cured the mistress of the garden and thus saved all the vegetables that were grateful to him for this.

The onion forgot all the grievances, and the vegetables began to be friends with him.

Matroskin Igor. 5th grade


Chamomile grew in one garden. She was beautiful: large white petals, a yellow heart, carved green leaves. And all who looked at her admired her beauty. The birds sang songs to her, the bees collected nectar, the rains watered her, and the sun warmed her. And the chamomile grew to the joy of people.

But now the summer has passed. Cold winds blew, the birds flew away to warm lands, the trees began to drop their yellow leaves. It became cold and lonely in the garden. And only the chamomile was still the same white and beautiful.

One night a strong north wind blew, and frost appeared on the ground. It seemed that the fate of the flower was decided.

But the children who lived in a neighboring house decided to save the camomile. They transplanted her into a pot, brought her to a warm house and did not leave her all day, warming her with their breath and love. And in gratitude for their kindness and affection, the chamomile bloomed all winter, delighting everyone with its beauty.

Love and care, attention and kindness are needed not only for flowers ...

Shakhveranova Leyla. 5-A class


Kharchenko Ksenia. 5-A class


Autumn is my favorite time of the year. Nature sums up the past summer. And how wonderful to be in the park at this time!

And here is my favorite oak forest. Mighty and majestic oaks are preparing for a cold and long winter. Their leaves are still firmly attached to the branches. And only ripe acorns fall into the yellow autumn grass.

And the river Moskovka flows very close by. In its water, as in a mirror, autumn nature is reflected. Golden leaves - boats float downstream. Bird singing is not heard, majestic swans are nowhere to be seen. They left the park a long time ago and flew to warmer climes.

And at this time I want to say in verses:

Escaping from the northern blizzards,

Birds tend to go south in autumn.

And we hear the hubbub

From river reeds.

The starlings have long since flown south,

And the swallows hid behind the sea from the blizzards.

Will stay with us in rainy days

Crows, and doves, and sparrows.

They are not afraid of the harsh winter,

But everyone will be waiting for the return of spring.

Goodbye my park. I will look forward to meeting you after the winter blizzards and bad weather.

Klochko Victoria. 5th class


Have you noticed that dreams are sometimes dreamy and sometimes not? I will tell you why this happens.

A good fairy lives on a very distant star, and this fairy has many, many daughters, little fairies. When the night falls, and the star on which the tiny fairies live, lights up, the fairy mother distributes fairy tales to her daughters. And fairy crumbs fly to Earth, flying into those houses where there are children.

But fairy crumbs do not show fairy tales to all children. Usually they sit on the eyelashes of closed eyes, and since some children do not go to bed on time, the fairies cannot sit on their eyelashes.

And when the morning comes and the stars go out, the little fairies fly home to tell their mother who and what fairy tales they showed.

Now you know that you need to go to bed on time to see fairy tales.


Fisherman Ksyusha. 5-A class

Daisies in January

Puppy Sharik and duckling Fluff watched snowflakes spinning outside the window and shivered from the cold.

Cold! The puppy clicked his teeth.

In summer, of course, it is warmer ... - said the duckling and hid its beak under the wing.

Do you want summer to come again? Sharik asked.

Want. But that doesn't happen...

Grass turned green on the leaf and small suns of daisies shone everywhere. And above them, in the corner of the drawing, a real summer sun shone.

You thought it up well! - the duckling praised Sharik - I have never seen daisies ... in January. Now I don't care about any frost.

Malyarenko E. 5-G class



Chamomile grew in one garden. She was beautiful: large white petals, a yellow heart, carved green leaves. And all who looked at her admired her beauty. The birds sang songs to her, the bees collected nectar, the rains watered her, and the sun warmed her. And the chamomile grew to the joy of people.

But now the summer has passed. Cold winds blew, the birds flew away to warm lands, the trees began to drop their yellow leaves. It became cold and lonely in the garden. And only the chamomile was still the same white and beautiful.

One night a strong north wind blew, and frost appeared on the ground. It seemed that the fate of the flower was decided.

But the children who lived in a neighboring house decided to save the camomile. They transplanted her into a pot, brought her to a warm house and did not leave her all day, warming her with their breath and love. And in gratitude for their kindness and affection, the chamomile bloomed all winter, delighting everyone with its beauty.

Love and care, attention and kindness are needed not only for flowers ...

Shakhveranova Leyla. 5-A class


Autumn has come. It was cold, the wind was blowing. The wind tore off the leaves from the maple and carried it away into an unknown distance. And so he reached the very top branch and plucked the last leaf.

The leaf said goodbye to the tree and flew over the river, past the fishermen, across the bridge. He was carried so fast that he did not have time to see where he was flying.

Flying over the houses, the leaf ended up in the park, where he saw multi-colored maple leaves. With one he immediately met, and they flew on. On the playground, they circled over the kids, swept them down the hill and rode on the swings.

But suddenly the sky frowned, black clouds gathered and poured heavy rain. The leaves were carried to the windshield of a car parked by the road. The driver brushed them off with the windshield wipers and they landed on a pile of leaves on the side of the road. What a pity that the trip was short...

Kharchenko Ksenia. 5-A class


One morning I came to school and, as always, I went to room No. 223. But I did not see my classmates in it. Harry Potter, Hermione Greiger and Ron Weasley were there at the time. They learned magic, turning objects into living beings with a wave of a magic wand. I immediately closed the door because I didn't want to be turned into some kind of animal.

I went in search of classmates and on the way I met fairy-tale characters: Uncle Fyodor, Matroskin the cat, Winnie the Pooh. But they passed by without noticing me.

Looking into another office, I saw Snow White and the seven dwarfs cleaning the classroom and laughing merrily. I also had fun, and I went on in a good mood.

Famous writers sat in another office: Pushkin, Nekrasov, Shevchenko, Chukovsky. They composed poems and read them to each other. I had to carefully close the door so as not to disturb them.

After looking into the diary, I went to the music room, where I finally met my friends. I was late for class and had to wait until the bell rang to tell what I had seen. But after the lesson, we did not find any of those who met me. The guys didn't believe me. And you?

Shulga Sasha. 5-A class.


There lived an ordinary boy. One day he was walking down the street. It was a wonderful sunny day, but suddenly the wind came up, the sky was covered with clouds. It became cold and gloomy.

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