Message on the topic of protection of natural water bodies. Measures for the protection of rivers and reservoirs from pollution, clogging and depletion and for their integrated use. Posts on the banks of the rivers

Family competition " living water» Theoretical tour.

Completed by: Larina T.I.

Lazovsky nature reserve named after L.G. Kaplanova


As we found out when considering the first and second questions, the main cause of the ecological disaster of our water bodies is one or another human activity. Now let's turn to the question of how the same person can contribute, if not to the elimination, then at least to the reduction of the harm caused to him, as well as the restoration of the natural communities of water bodies. In our opinion, all measures for the protection of rivers and reservoirs from pollution, clogging and depletion and for their integrated use:

1. Security.

2. Reclamation.

3. Household.

Now let's try to consider each of these events in more detail.

Security, as the name suggests, should include all activities related to the security of currently existing communities and their preservation at least in the state in which they currently exist. These measures include the fight against poaching, a special place is given to the protection of nesting sites for waterfowl and near-water birds, the protection of mass spawning sites for fish. No less important is the issue of combating fires and illegal logging along the banks of water bodies, with pollution of water bodies with poisonous and toxic substances, as well as heavy metals. It should be noted here that most water bodies have not yet lost their ability to self-heal, and if measures are taken to prevent further pollution of water bodies and damage to their inhabitants, then after a certain period of time, which can stretch for more than one decade, self-healing of the ecosystem of water bodies will occur and possibly up to such state as they were before human intervention. At the same time, we understand that no matter how much we would like, a person will not be able to completely refuse to interfere in the life of water bodies (for example, abandon navigation, use water for irrigating agricultural land, etc.) That is why the use of protective measures alone insufficient to restore the biocenosis of water bodies, it is necessary to use the other two types of measures.

The ongoing measures for the rehabilitation and improvement of ponds, rivers, streams bring water bodies into a state of ecological balance, which positively affects the flora and fauna of reservoirs and coastal areas.

Environmental rehabilitation of water bodies includes:

implementation of design and survey work (description of the object: field surveys of adjacent territories, mapping, reporting; laboratory research: sampling and analysis; recommendations on the technical and biological stages of rehabilitation of water bodies)

cleaning the bed of the reservoir from contaminated sediments;

pond waterproofing project, dredging;

accumulation and purification of drainage and storm waters that feed reservoirs

reclamation of watershed areas;

bank protection project, anti-landslide and anti-erosion measures

settlement of reservoirs with hydrobionts, planting of aquatic vegetation;

ecological rehabilitation and improvement of floodplain territories;

landscaping, landscaping, landscape design coastal and recreational areas.

Environmental rehabilitation consists of several stages:

1. Stage of preparatory work;

The study of the hydrogeological characteristics of the reservoir, its morphological parameters (depth, bottom topography), sampling of water and silt deposits for laboratory analysis for chemical pollution is being carried out.

2. Stage technical rehabilitation reservoir;

Depending on the size of the reservoir, the presence of hydraulic structures, the hydrogeological characteristics of the area and a number of other circumstances, the need for mechanical cleaning bed of the reservoir from silt deposits.

3. Stage of biological rehabilitation;

A natural reservoir is a balanced ecosystem in which self-purification mechanisms operate.

The settlement of water by living organisms-hydrobionts is carried out according to the results of biotesting of the reservoir. A species community of such microorganisms, invertebrates, mollusks is selected for settlement, which allows restoring the hydroecosystem of the reservoir.

4. Creation (restoration) of the coastal ecosystem;

Properly located and formed coastal zones largely determine in the future qualitative composition water. Help shape natural landscape provide a food base for the biota of the reservoir. Recovery in the coastal zone a certain kind green spaces and various living organisms have a positive effect on the ecosystem of water bodies.

5. comprehensive improvement of the adjacent territory;

From surrounding area The qualitative composition of the water in the pond also largely depends. During ecological rehabilitation necessary condition is the correct planning of the territory, providing convenient approaches to the water, viewing platforms, distribution of recreational load. Exclusion of sewage ingress into the water area.

Remediation activities also include artificial breeding and the subsequent release into the habitat of fry, first of all, of those fish species that have suffered the greatest damage and whose populations have either already reached or are at the limit of the number at which its self-recovery becomes impossible.

The next type of activities under consideration is economic activities, one of which is the rational use of natural resources. Nature management in any industry is based on the following principles: systems approach, the principle of optimization of nature management, the principle of advancing, the principle of harmonization of relations between nature and production, the principle of integrated use.

Let's briefly review these principles.

The principle of a systematic approach provides for a comprehensive comprehensive assessment of the impact of production on the environment and its responses. For example, the rational use of irrigation increases soil fertility, at the same time leads to the depletion of water resources. Discharges of pollutants into water bodies are assessed not only by the impact on biota, but also determine the life cycle of water bodies.

The principle of environmental management optimization is to make appropriate decisions about the use of natural resources. natural resources and natural systems based on a simultaneous ecological and economic approach, development forecast various industries and geographic regions. The development of minerals has an advantage over mine production in terms of the degree of use of raw materials, but leads to the loss of soil fertility. In this case, the combination of open pit mining with land reclamation and restoration is optimal.

The principle of advancing the rate of extraction of raw materials by the rate of processing is based on reducing the amount of waste in the production process. It assumes an increase in production due to a more complete use of raw materials, resource saving and improvement of technology.

The principle of harmonization of relations between nature and production is based on the creation and operation of natural-technogenic ecological and economic systems, which are a set of industries that provide high production rates. This ensures that a favorable environmental situation, it is possible to preserve and reproduce natural resources. The system has a management service for timely detection harmful effects and adjustments to system components. For example, if a deterioration in the composition of the environment due to the production activities of an enterprise is detected, the management service decides to suspend the process or reduce emissions and discharges. Such systems provide for the prediction of undesirable situations through monitoring. The information received is analyzed by the head of the enterprise, and the necessary technical measures are taken to eliminate or reduce pollution. natural environment.

The principle of the integrated use of natural resources provides for the creation of territorial production complexes based on the available raw materials and energy resources, which allow for a more complete use of these resources, while reducing the technogenic burden on the environment. They have a specialization, are concentrated in a certain territory, have a single production and social structure and jointly contribute to the protection of the natural environment, such as the Kansk-Achinsk Heat and Power Complex (KATEK). However, these complexes can also have a negative impact on the natural environment, but due to the integrated use of resources, this impact is significantly reduced.

The next activity is rational water use. Water use is the totality of all forms and types of use of water resources in common system nature management. Rational water use involves ensuring the full reproduction of the water resources of the territory or water body in quantity and quality. This is the main condition for the existence of water resources in life cycle. Improving water use is the main factor in modern economic development planning. Water management is determined by the presence of two interacting blocks: natural and socio-economic. As resource-saving systems, river water intake should be considered as part of earth's surface. River water intake is a functionally and territorially integral dynamic geosystem that develops in space and time with clearly marked natural boundaries. The organizing principle of this system is the hydrographic network. Water management is a complex organized territorial system that is formed as a result of the interaction of socio-economic societies and natural waters sources.

An important task of water economic activity consists in its ecological optimization. This is possible if the water use strategy includes the principle of minimizing the violation of the quality structure of a water body with a catchment area. Return waters after their use are different in composition from natural waters, therefore, for rational water use, maximum savings and minimal interference with the natural moisture cycle at any level are required. The reserves and quality of water resources are a function of regional conditions for the formation of runoff and the technogenic water cycle created by man in the process of water use. The assessment of the water supply of the territory for the region can be presented as a complex of highly informative hydrogeological indicators corresponding to various cost options for the organization of water use. At the same time, at least three options must be presented - two extreme and one intermediate: natural conditions, which corresponds to a minimum of resources and zero costs for their extraction; conditions for expanded reproduction resulting from costly engineering activities; conditions of limiting water use that would take place when using the full annual runoff formed in a given territory, which corresponds not only to the maximum of resources, but also to the maximum of possible costs. Such conditions are unattainable, but in theoretical modeling and forecasting, their consideration is necessary to get an idea of ​​the processes under study and as a comparative value for economic calculations. Equally important here is the construction of treatment facilities, or the modernization of existing ones, the use of which is the guarantor of the reproduction of "quality" water resources, which, after being used in human economic activity, are returned to water bodies.

An effective form of protection of the natural environment when industrial production is the use of low-waste and waste-free technologies, and in agriculture- transition to biological methods pest and weed control. The greening of industry should be developed in the following areas: technological processes and the development of new equipment that ensures less emissions of pollutants into the environment, the large-scale introduction of environmental impact assessment of all types of production, the replacement of toxic waste with non-toxic and recyclable ones, wide application methods and means of environmental protection. It is necessary to use additional means of protection using treatment equipment such as wastewater treatment devices and systems, gas emissions, etc. Rational use of resources and protection of the environment from pollution is a common task, for which specialists from various branches of technology and fields of science should be involved. Environmental protection measures should determine the creation of natural-technogenic complexes that would ensure the efficient use of raw materials and the preservation of natural components. Environmental protection measures are divided into three groups: engineering, environmental, organizational.

Engineering activities are designed to improve existing and develop new technologies, machines, mechanisms and materials used in production, ensuring the exclusion or mitigation of technogenic pressures on the ecosystem. These activities are divided into organizational-technical and technological. Organizational and technical measures include a number of actions to comply with technological regulations, gas and wastewater treatment processes, control over the serviceability of instruments and equipment, timely technical re-equipment of production. The most progressive continuous and enlarged production facilities are provided for, ensuring the stability of the enterprise. They are also easily manageable and have the ability to constantly improve technologies to reduce emissions and discharges of pollutants.

Technological measures by improving production reduce the intensity of pollution sources. At the same time, additional costs will be required for the modernization of production, however, with a decrease in emissions, there is practically no damage to the natural environment, so the payback of measures will be high.

It is necessary to pay attention and environmental activities aimed at self-purification of the environment or self-healing. They are divided into two subgroups:



The abiotic subgroup is based on the use of natural chemical and physical processes that occur in all components.

Biotic measures are based on the use of living organisms that ensure the functioning of ecological systems in the zone of influence of production (biological fields for wastewater treatment, cultivation of microorganisms for the processing of pollutants, self-overgrowing of disturbed lands, etc.).

The group of organizational measures is determined by the structure of management of natural-technogenic systems and is subdivided into planned and operational ones. Planned are designed for a long-term perspective of the functioning of the system. Their basis is the rational arrangement of all structural units of the natural-technogenic complex.

Operational measures, as a rule, are used in extreme situations that occur at work or in the natural environment (explosions, fires, pipeline ruptures).

The above measures are the basis of human activity, creating environmentally friendly production, and should be aimed at reducing the technogenic load on ecosystems, and in case of its occurrence, contribute to the prompt elimination of the causes and consequences of accidents. The basis of the methodological approach to the choice environmental protection measures the principle of their environmental and techno-economic assessment should be laid down.

In addition to the above, I would like to note that for transboundary water bodies, of which the Amur is an example, the development of national and international legal documents that may be required to maintain the quality of water resources primarily for the following purposes:

Monitoring and control of pollution of national and transboundary waters and its consequences;

Controlling the transport of pollutants over long distances through the atmosphere;

Control of accidental and/or arbitrary discharges to national and/or transboundary water bodies;

Conducting environmental reviews, as well as compensation for damage caused by one of the parties, the user of the transboundary reservoir


Questions of geography of the Amur region: Lower Amur region, Nature. - Khabarovsk, 1970.

Changes in the natural environment of the Amur-Komsomolsk TPK under the influence of economic activity. - Vladivostok, 2004.

Use and protection of natural resources in the Khabarovsk Territory. - Vladivostok, 2004.

Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources: Amursko-Komsomolsk TPK. - Vladivostok, 2006.

Nature management of the Russian Far East and Northeast Asia. - Khabarovsk, 2007.

Resource-environmental research in the Amur region. - Vladivostok, 2003.

Sokhina N.N., Schlotgauer S.D., Seledets V.P. Protected natural areas Far East. - Vladivostok, 2005.

Ecological and economic aspects of the development of new areas. - Vladivostok, 2000.

G. V. Stadnitsky, A. I. Rodionov. "Ecology".

Zhukov A.I., Mongait I.L., Rodziller I.D. Methods of industrial wastewater treatment. Moscow: Stroyizdat.

Methods for the protection of inland waters from pollution and depletion / Ed. I.K. Gavich. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1985.

"Ecology, health and environmental management in Russia" / Ed. ed. Protasova V.F. - M. 1995

Vashchenko M.A., Zhadan P.M. Impact of pollution marine environment for reproduction

marine benthic invertebrates//Biol. seas. 1995. V. 21, No. 6. S. 369-377.

Ogorodnikova A.A., Veideman E.L., Silina E.I., Nigmatulina L.V. Impact

coastal sources of pollution on the bioresources of Peter the Great Bay

(Sea of ​​Japan)//Ecology of nekton and plankton Far Eastern seas and

Dynamics of climatic and oceanological conditions: Ed. TINRO. 1997. T. 122. S. 430-

Long-term program of nature conservation and rational use natural resources of Primorsky Krai until 2005. Ecological program. Part 2. Vladivostok: Dalnauka. 1992. 276s.

Environmental safety: domestic and overseas experience in the activities of parliaments and regions (by the "government hour" of the 256th meeting of the Federation Council) Series: Development of Russia - No. 17 (384), 2009

Environmental risks of Russian-Chinese cross-border cooperation: from "brown" plans to "green" strategy. Study of the WWF Greening Markets and Investments Program / Ed. Evgeny Simonov, Evgeny Schwartz and Lada Progunova.

Moscow-Vladivostok-Harbin: WWF, 2010

Where does the Amur flow? Under the editorship of Ph.D. S. A. Podolsky. Moscow: World Fund wildlife(WWF) - Russia, 2006 - 72 p.

V.V. Bogatov Combined concept of the functioning of river ecosystems// Bulletin of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences 1995 No. 3 st. 51-61


When compiling the list of references, I would like to note that it does not contain links to Internet resources. By this we do not pretend that we did not use its capabilities and that the work was written by us exclusively on the processing of printed material. No, it’s just that most of the articles and books listed in the list of references were actually found by us on the Internet, and when writing this work, we simply used their electronic ones (often scanned copies), which had all the details of the printed edition. In this regard, we used the site most actively. World Fund wildlife – WWW.WWF.RU.

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Functions of fresh water bodies

Freshwater bodies perform several functions. On the one hand, rivers and lakes are an important part of the water cycle in nature.

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On the other hand, this important environment life on the planet with unique complex living organisms.

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Large rivers and lakes are a kind of heat trap, since water has a high heat capacity. On cold days, the temperature is higher near water bodies, since the water gives off stored heat, and on hot days, the air over lakes and rivers is cooler due to the fact that the water accumulates excess heat in itself. In the spring, lakes and rivers become a resting place for migratory waterfowl, which migrate further north, into the tundra, to nesting sites.

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Fresh water sources

Rivers and lakes are the only available source of fresh water on our planet. Currently, many rivers are blocked by hydroelectric dams, so the water in the rivers plays the role of a source of energy.

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Nature of reservoirs

The picturesque banks of rivers and lakes allow a person to enjoy the beauty of nature. That is why one of the most important values ​​of land reservoirs is a source of beauty.

Slide 7

Transport function of rivers

In the Arkhangelsk region, in addition to listed functions rivers play the role of transport routes through which various goods are transported.

Slide 8

Previously, mole rafting of wood was carried out along the Onega, the Northern Dvina and other rivers. With this method a large number of logs during the spring flood independently rafted downstream. Thus, wood was delivered free of charge from logging areas to large sawmills Arkhangelsk. With this method of alloying trees, irreparable damage was caused to nature. The bottom of the rivers on which mole rafting was carried out was heavily littered with rotting logs. Such rivers became summer period non-navigable. As a result of rotting wood, a reduced oxygen content was noted in the water.

Slide 9

The consequences of mole alloy

  • Slide 10

    Wood transportation

    Despite the high economic efficiency, this method of transporting wood brought great harm to nature. Therefore, it has now been abandoned. Now the wood is transported along the rivers in the form of large rafts. In this case, there is no loss of logs, and therefore, rivers and the sea are not polluted.

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    Rafting timber on the Northern Dvina

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    river fish

    The northern rivers are famous for the abundance of various fish. They are inhabited by whitefish, char, omul, herring. In the rivers flowing into the Beloe and Barents Sea, in the spring a valuable commercial fish northern salmon, or salmon. Currently, the number of this species has greatly decreased due to poaching. In order to save the salmon, the state regulates the catching rates for special fishing brigades. But sometimes residents catch salmon with nets without the permission of fish protection organizations on their own, in connection with this, the problem of poaching in northern rivers is particularly acute.

    slide 13


    • Salmon is an anadromous fish of the salmon family. Length up to 150 cm, weighs up to 39 kg.
    • After feeding in the sea, it migrates to rivers to breed. Two races of salmon are known in the White Sea: autumn and summer. The course of the salmon of the Northern Dvina begins in the spring and continues until the freeze-up.
  • slide 15

    Human influence on water bodies

    The main negative human impact on the state of rivers and lakes is their pollution with waste from chemical industries. The most polluted is the Northern Dvina. On this river are the largest pulp and paper mills in Europe. One of them is located near Kotlas, in the city of Koryazhma, and the other two are located in Novodvinsk and Arkhangelsk.

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    Sources of environmental hazard

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    Pollution of the Northern Dvina

    The total pollution of the Northern Dvina is so high that in the summer it is not recommended to swim in the river within the city of Arkhangelsk. The problem of water pollution in Arkhangelsk is particularly acute, since in this city the river is the only source of drinking water. For quality control fresh water The state has developed the Water Code. In law Russian Federation“On the protection of the natural environment there is separate article on the protection of fresh waters. In Russia, maximum allowable concentrations and maximum allowable discharges of hazardous substances from industrial enterprises have been developed. The General Directorate of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection is responsible for the implementation of these laws and for monitoring the quality of wastewater.

  • Ecology of the Arkhangelsk region: Tutorial for students in grades 9-11 secondary school/ Under. Ed. Batalova A. E., Morozovoy L. V. - M .: Publishing House - in Moscow State University, 2004.
  • Geography of the Arkhangelsk region ( physical geography) 8th grade. Textbook for students. / Under the editorship of Byzova N. M. - Arkhangelsk, publishing house of the Pomor International Pedagogical University named after M.V. Lomonosov, 1995.
  • Regional component general education. Biology. - Department of Education and Science of the Administration of the Arkhangelsk Region, 2006. PSU, 2006. JSC IPPK RO, 2006
  • View all slides

    Ponds inhabited by frogs, on the banks of which irises grow, are becoming less and less common. Some of them were drained, others gradually turned into landfills. In this regard, the importance of small garden ponds is gradually increasing. They become necessary for many animals.

    Conservation measures

    current situation

    The decline in the populations of once common species of various animals and plants indicates how important the role of ordinary ponds and lakes in the life of animals is. Many organizations and societies are engaged in the protection of coastal vegetation, which increases the value of water bodies and helps animals. It is necessary to maintain cleanliness in ponds, deepen them, contributing to the settlement of new species of fauna and flora, strengthen marshy shores, and also strive to return to them those species of animals and plants that are typical for a particular biotope.

    New reservoirs

    Landowners should be encouraged to set up ponds on their land, instructed and provided with financial assistance.

    nature conservation

    Pollution and oversaturation of water bodies with fertilizers can be prevented by increasing control over the use of chemical substances- herbicides and pesticides. From artificial fertilizers to household plots it's better to quit altogether. But against pests, you can use their biological enemies and decoctions from the appropriate herbs.

    How can we help

    You can join the ranks local organization conservation, on your own initiative, count the water bodies in the area where you live, and investigate the state of them. If dragonflies fly around the pond, then the water in the pond should be relatively clean.

    If there is an almost dry or heavily polluted pond on the territory that does not belong to private individuals, you can contact the relevant authorities with a proposal to organize the cleaning of such a reservoir.

    Set up a pond in your garden. Even a pond with a diameter of about one meter is a convenient place for the existence of many animals.


    Many ponds look like natural bodies of water, but they are the creation of human hands. Some of the ponds were used as watering places for livestock. Fish are often bred in the ponds, mainly carps.

    In the past, the pond was a source of water that turned the mill and powered the steam hammer. Some ponds are formed as a result of the filling of depressions with water, which were left in places where clay, sand and gravel were mined.

    There are ponds, which were originally an element of protective ditches around fortresses and castles. Ponds are usually arranged in places where there are water sources: near streams and surface groundwater. So stagnant reservoirs were constantly supplied with fresh water, which compensated for losses due to evaporation and leakage.

    Small ponds were dug by man himself, large ones were formed as a result of erosion of the banks. In a pond, aquatic plants usually occupy the entire muddy bottom, since the water warms up well everywhere and in summer there is little oxygen in it. Common algae found in ponds are water lilies and bladderwrack.


    Ponds, rivers and lakes are inhabited rich fauna if people do not pollute water bodies. natural lakes, ponds, as well as other small bodies of water play an important role in nature. Many freshwater animals live in them, for example, fish, swimming beetles, frogs and dragonflies breed. The temperature of the surface layer of water in the ponds, which is several centimeters thick, is constantly changing - it heats up quickly during the day, and cools down a lot at night. Some animals, such as mosquito larvae, need such fluctuations in temperature.

    Mosquito larvae develop very quickly, so they can live even in small puddles - small temporary reservoirs. The larvae of aquatic insects serve as food for fish and newts, and those in turn are eaten by birds. Tubifex is not harmed by the temporary drainage of the reservoir, since they bury their eggs in the silt at the bottom.


    There is not a single free ecological niche in the pond. Plants take root at the bottom or float on the surface of the water. Animals burrow into the silt, stay on its surface or swim in the water column. There are no two identical ponds. The differences between them are usually related to how strongly the water is saturated with oxygen necessary for life. aquatic plants they release oxygen only during the day, since the process of photosynthesis takes place in their cells under the influence of sunlight.

    At night, plants absorb some of the oxygen themselves, so if there are a lot of plants in the pond, fish will not be able to live in the pond due to a lack of oxygen.

    It must be remembered that duckweed is also a plant. Shallow ponds are usually less oxygenated than deep ponds because the water temperature is higher and warm water is known to contain less oxygen than cold water.

    Fisherman Fisherman. Video (00:27:17)

    Program on the protection of water bodies in Penza region and their maintenance by tenants. A raid with inspectors on rivers and lakes and a trip to a pond ennobled by man.

    How to breed fish. Organization of a reservoir for fish breeding. Protection and care of the lake. Video (00:53:48)

    How to breed fish. Organization of a reservoir for fish breeding. Protection and care of the lake. Fish with us - a channel about fishing for carp, pike, catfish and many other types of fish. On the channel you will see and hear how and what to catch pike perch, where catfish and burbot hide, how to choose places for winter fishing, what gear to fish with, what bait and nozzles to use.

    Pond protection. Video (00:06:35)

    Importance and protection of fresh waters. Video (00:01:47)

    Social video. Water protection. Video (00:03:00)

    Protection of the main source of drinking water for Moscow / Protection of the main source of water for Moscow. Video (00:00:58)

    The work of private security officers to ensure the safety of facilities in the water area

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    Freshwater bodies perform several functions. On the one hand, rivers and lakes are an important part of the water cycle in nature.

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    On the other hand, it is an important environment for life on the planet with its own unique complex of living organisms.

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    Large rivers and lakes are a kind of heat trap, since water has a high heat capacity. On cold days, the temperature is higher near water bodies, since the water gives off stored heat, and on hot days, the air over lakes and rivers is cooler due to the fact that the water accumulates excess heat in itself. In spring, lakes and rivers become a resting place for migratory waterfowl, which migrate further north, into the tundra, to nesting sites.

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    Rivers and lakes are the only available source of fresh water on our planet. Currently, many rivers are blocked by hydroelectric dams, so the water in the rivers plays the role of a source of energy.

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    The picturesque banks of rivers and lakes allow a person to enjoy the beauty of nature. That is why one of the most important values ​​of land reservoirs is a source of beauty.

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    In the Arkhangelsk region, in addition to the listed functions, rivers play the role of transport routes through which various goods are transported.

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    Previously, mole rafting of wood was carried out along the Onega, the Northern Dvina and other rivers. With this method, a large number of logs during the spring flood were independently rafted downstream. Thus, wood was delivered free of charge from the logging areas to large sawmills in Arkhangelsk. With this method of alloying trees, irreparable damage was caused to nature. The bottom of the rivers on which mole rafting was carried out was heavily littered with rotting logs. Such rivers became non-navigable during the summer period. As a result of rotting wood, a reduced oxygen content was noted in the water.

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    Consequences of a mole alloy.

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    Despite the high economic efficiency, this method of transporting wood brought great harm to nature. Therefore, it has now been abandoned. Now the wood is transported along the rivers in the form of large rafts. In this case, there is no loss of logs, and therefore, rivers and the sea are not polluted.

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    Rafting timber on the Northern Dvina.

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    The northern rivers are famous for the abundance of various fish. They are inhabited by whitefish, char, omul, herring. In the rivers flowing into the White and Barents Seas, in the spring, a valuable commercial fish, northern salmon, or salmon, comes to spawn. Currently, the number of this species has greatly decreased due to poaching. In order to save the salmon, the state regulates the catching rates for special fishing brigades. But sometimes residents catch salmon with nets without the permission of fish protection organizations, in connection with this, the problem of poaching in the northern rivers is especially acute.

    slide 13

    SALMON is an anadromous fish of the salmon family. Length up to 150 cm, weighs up to 39 kg. After feeding in the sea, it migrates to rivers to breed. Two races of salmon are known in the White Sea: autumn and summer. The course of the salmon of the Northern Dvina begins in the spring and continues until the freeze-up.

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    The main negative human impact on the state of rivers and lakes is their pollution with waste from chemical industries. The most polluted is the Northern Dvina. On this river are the largest pulp and paper mills in Europe. One of them is located near Kotlas, in the city of Koryazhma, and the other two are located in Novodvinsk and Arkhangelsk.

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    The total pollution of the Northern Dvina is so high that in the summer it is not recommended to swim in the river within the city of Arkhangelsk. The problem of water pollution in Arkhangelsk is particularly acute, since in this city the river is the only source of drinking water. The Water Code has been developed to control the quality of fresh waters by the state. The Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of the Environment” contains a separate article on the protection of fresh waters. In Russia, maximum allowable concentrations and maximum allowable discharges of hazardous substances from industrial enterprises have been developed. The General Directorate of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection is responsible for the implementation of these laws and for monitoring the quality of wastewater.

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    Another source of pollution of rivers and lakes is domestic sewage. Majority major cities in the Arkhangelsk region stands on the banks major rivers. Therefore, a large amount of insufficiently treated wastewater can enter rivers and further into the sea. For supporting High Quality water in the rivers of the Arkhangelsk region and the conservation of diverse flora and fauna industrial enterprises must comply with the standards for the emission of pollutants, and the population must comply with environmental laws and take care of the riches that nature has awarded.

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    Ecology of the Arkhangelsk region: Textbook for students in grades 9-11 of a comprehensive school / Under. Ed. Batalova A. E., Morozovoy L. V. - M .: Publishing house - in Moscow State University, 2004. Geography of the Arkhangelsk region (physical geography) Grade 8. Textbook for students. / Under the editorship of Byzova N. M. - Arkhangelsk, publishing house of the Pomor International Pedagogical University named after M. V. Lomonosov, 1995. Regional component of general education. Biology. - Department of Education and Science of the Administration of the Arkhangelsk Region, 2006. PSU, 2006. JSC IPPK RO, 2006

    The protection of natural communities is the most important component in the interaction of man with wildlife. In Russia, for example, this issue important national importance. What are people doing to protect rivers, lakes, fields, forests and animals around the world? Appropriate measures are being taken, including at the state level.

    Nature Conservation Law

    The law on the protection and protection of rivers, farmlands, etc.) and the use of wildlife was adopted in the Soviet Union in 1980. According to it, the entire flora and fauna of Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and other former Soviet republics is considered the property of the state and public property. This resolution requires humane treatment of flora and fauna.

    The corresponding decree on nature protection obliges all people living in the territory covered by the law to strictly comply with all existing requirements and rules in their official and personal lives, try to protect the existing wealth native land. Special attention should be paid to the protection of such natural objects like rivers. The fact is that at present, water bodies around the world are heavily polluted by one or another human activity. For example, sewage, oil and other chemical wastes are drained into them.

    What do people do to protect rivers?

    Fortunately, humanity has realized the damage it causes to the environment. At present, people around the world have begun to implement a plan to protect water bodies, in particular rivers. It consists of several stages.

    1. The first stage is the creation of various treatment facilities. The use of low-sulfur fuel is carried out, garbage and other waste is completely destroyed or qualitatively processed. People build with a height of 300 meters or more. Occurs Unfortunately, even the most modern and powerful treatment facilities cannot ensure complete protection of water bodies. For example, chimneys designed to reduce the concentration of harmful substances in certain rivers spread dust pollution and acid rain over great distances.
    2. What else are people doing to protect rivers? The second stage is based on the development and application of fundamentally new production. There is a transition to low-waste or completely waste-free processes. For example, many already know the so-called direct-flow water supply: river - enterprise - river. In the near future, humanity wants to replace it or even with "dry" technology. At first, this will ensure a partial, and then a complete cessation of wastewater discharge into rivers and other water bodies. It is worth noting that this stage can be called the main one, because with the help of it, people will not only reduce it, but also prevent it. Unfortunately, this requires material costs, unbearable for many countries of the globe.
    3. The third stage is a well-thought-out and most rational placement of "dirty" industries that adversely affect environment. These are enterprises, for example, the petrochemical, pulp and paper and metallurgical industries, as well as the manufacture of various building materials and thermal energy.

    How else can we solve the problem of river pollution?

    If we talk in detail about what people are doing to protect rivers from pollution, then it is impossible not to note one more way to solve this problem. It consists in reuse raw materials. For example, in developed countries, its reserves are estimated at a fabulous amount. The central producers of recyclables are the old industrial regions of Europe, the United States of America, Japan and, of course, the European part of our country.

    Conservation of nature by man

    What do people do to protect rivers, forests, fields and animals at the legislative level? In order to preserve natural communities in Russia, the so-called sanctuaries and reserves began to be created back in the days of the USSR. As well as other protected areas. They partially or completely prohibit any interference from outside in certain natural communities. Such measures allow flora and fauna to be in the most favorable conditions.

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