Presentation on the topic "reserves of Crimea". Crimean Nature Reserve "Crimean gymnasium-boarding school for gifted children"

The state reserve, the largest reserve of the Crimea, established in 1991. Area ha. It is under the jurisdiction of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

The reserve includes 5 forestries and the Razdolnensky ornithological branch "Lebyazhy Islands", as well as the Karkinitsky ornithological reserve of wetlands of national importance with a water area of ​​​​ha.

The main goal is to preserve the biological and landscape diversity of Opuk and its coastal zone. The area has great conservation and historical value for studying natural processes and phenomena in them, developing the scientific foundations for nature conservation. The region is rich in flora and fauna.

Natural reserve in the Crimea. Area ha. It is under the jurisdiction of the State Committee for Forestry and Hunting of the Republic of Crimea. The territory of the reserve is forever withdrawn from economic exploitation, its use is allowed only for scientific purposes or to ensure the preservation, increase of the wealth of the reserve. The territory of the reserve is part of the specially protected natural areas of the Republic of Crimea.

Specially protected natural territories of Crimea

Slide #1

The purpose of the lesson: explore the protected natural areas of Crimea; get acquainted with the types of specially protected natural areas, their function; study the development of the reserve fund in the Crimea.

Subject results. To teach to highlight the essential features of specially protected areas of Crimea; show the role of PAs (specially protected areas) for the conservation of the biological diversity of the biosphere; to form the ability to compare the PAs of the Crimea, to draw conclusions and conclusions based on comparison.

Personal results: the formation of an ecological culture based on the recognition of the value of life in all its manifestations and the need for a responsible, careful attitude to the environment;

Metasubject results: the ability to work with different sources of biological information: find biological information in various sources (textbook text, popular science and reference literature), analyze and evaluate information; the ability to classify - to determine the belonging of biological objects to a certain systematic group; the ability to compare biological objects and processes, to be able to draw conclusions and conclusions based on comparison.

Basic concepts and terms: specially protected territories, world heritage sites, nature reserves, reserves, national parks, natural monuments, arboretums, botanical gardens.

Equipment and materials : computer, screen, lesson presentation, printouts of didactic material for students.

Lesson type: discovering new knowledge, acquiring new skills and abilities.

Teaching methods : explanatory-illustrative, problem-search, brainstorming, group work.

During the classes

    Organization of the class (3 minutes)

Poems about the responsibility of man for the preservation of nature against the background of music

Good afternoon guys, today we have an unusual lesson, a lesson that makes you think, change your view of nature. I would like to start the lesson with a wonderful poem by the poet Alexander Smirnov.

Slides №2,3

There is just a temple, there is a temple of science,

(slides №4,5)
And there is also a temple of nature, with forests stretching their arms towards the sun and winds.

(Slide 6.7)

It is holy at any time of the year, open to us in the heat and cold. Come in here, be a sensitive heart,

(Slide number 8)
Don't desecrate his shrines.

Slide #9

Teacher questions:

    To whom is the poet addressing?

    What is the purpose of writing this poem?

    Updating the basic knowledge of students (4 minutes)

Slides №9,10

What unites the organisms shown on the slide? (endemic)

Slides №11,12

What unites the organisms shown on the slide? (relics)

Slides №13,14

What unites the organisms on the slide? (rare and endangered species of Crimea)

    Problem situation (2 minutes)

Slide #15

Facts about the daily extinction of species (graph)

Slides №16,17

Biodiversity and its role in the conservation of the biosphere

What to do in such a situation?

    Finding a way out of a problem situation by brainstorming (2 minutes)

Assumption : protect biodiversity at all levels: global, state, regional, local.

The key word is guard!

    Mini-lecture (15 minutes)

Slide #18

Specially protected natural areas - territories within which they are protected from traditional economic use and maintained in their natural state to maintain ecological balance, as well as for scientific, educational, cultural and aesthetic purposes.

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At present, the total number of protected natural areas in the world has exceeded 2,600, with a total area of ​​over 4 million km2, which is 3% of the land area.

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Reserves - areas of natural areas within which (permanently or temporarily) certain types and forms of human economic activity are prohibited.

Reserves - specially protected territories (and water areas) completely excluded from any economic activity for the sake of preserving rare and endangered species.

Reserve-hunting economy - a piece of territory set aside for intensive reproduction of game and intended for strictly regulated hunting.

National Park - usually a vast piece of territory allocated for the conservation of nature for recreational and aesthetic purposes, as well as in the interests of science, culture and education.

natural monument - individual natural objects (waterfalls, caves, geysers, unique gorges, ancient trees, etc.) that have scientific, historical, cultural and aesthetic significance.

Slide #21

world heritage monument - in 1972, in the face of a growing threat to the natural and cultural heritage of mankind, UNESCO adopted the World Heritage Convention, establishing a Fund, the funds of which are used to protect monuments of world culture, unique natural areas or objects, as a rule, of national importance. Currently, 337 natural and cultural sites are included in the International World Heritage List.

Slide #22

Analyze the table. Select the top three.Determine in which country the conservation business is most developed, and which country practically does not deal with issues of nature protection.

Slide #23

1. The top three are:

1st place - New Zealand, 2nd place - Austria, 3rd place - Russia and Costa Rica

2. The maximum reserve business is developed in New Zealand (16% of the country - OO)

3. Practically does not deal with environmental issues Nicaragua (0.12% of the country - OO)

Slide #24

Reserves of Crimea

Slides #25 -32

Crimean State Reserve

Slides #33-35

Cape Martyan

Slides #36 -39


Slides #40-44


Slides #45-47


    Consolidation of the studied (17 minutes)

Slide #48

Working with a table. The teacher explains the conditions for working in groups. He asks to find task number 1 on the tables. The students complete the task. Self-test.

Slide #49

The teacher explains the conditions of task number 2, asks to find it on the tables. Semantic reading, detection of errors in texts. Mutual verification.

Correspondence of terms and their interpretations (task No. 3).

The teacher passes between the tables and checks the correct execution.

scoring groups.

Slide #50

    Reflection (2 minutes)

    Did you learn something new today?

    What seemed the most interesting?

    What do you think is the most important thing from what you learned?

    What conclusion did you come to?

Slide #51

Take care of the Crimean nature for future generations! Goodbye!

  1. 1. Crimean natural reserve Geographical position. The purpose and history of the creation of the reserve. Research. Flora and fauna. The work was done by the 11th grade student Rybalchenko Alla
  2. 2. Geographical position of the reserve  The Crimean reserve is one of the oldest in the Crimea and Ukraine. The main part of the reserve occupies the center of the Main Ridge of the Crimean Mountains, a branch of the reserve is located in the west of the Crimean steppe zone and occupies part of the Karkinitsky Bay of the Black Sea. The area of ​​the mountain-forest part of the Crimean Reserve is formed from sections of the mountains of the Main Ridge, a hollow between the mountains and the slopes of the Inner Ridge of the Crimean Mountains.
  3.  Here are the highest mountain ranges of Crimea - Yalta Yayla, Gurzufskaya Yayla, Babugan-Yayla, Chatyr-Dag-Yayla. A large amount of precipitation and dense forest cover have led to the fact that many Crimean rivers originate in the central part of the reserve - Alma, Kacha, Tevelchuk, Kosse, Marta, Ulu-Uzen, Avunda, Derekoika, Donga. There are about 300 mountain springs and springs, among which the most famous Saylukh-Su, due to its healing, with silver ions, water
  4. 4.  Limestone rocks, which make up most of the rocks in the territory of the reserve, have led to the wide distribution of karst landforms: cavities, wells, grottoes, mines and caves. The general relief of the main part of the reserve is distinguished by significant elevation changes, ruggedness and heterogeneity.
  5. 5. The purpose and history of the creation of the reserve  The Crimean reserve was organized in 1928. It occupies 33397 hectares. in the central part of the Main Crimean ridge. More than 1200 species of plants (almost half of the entire flora of Crimea) grow in the protected area, over 200 species of vertebrates live (half of those found in Crimea).
  6. 6.  Great scientific and cultural and educational significance of the reserve. On the periphery of the protected area, several recreational sections of ecological trails have been created, where tourists in organized groups, without harming nature, get acquainted with its riches.
  7. 7.  On Chatyrdag, the most beautiful cave "Marble" is equipped for mass visits. Off the northwestern coast of Crimea there is a branch of the reserve - the Lebezhy Islands. One of the largest concentrations of waterfowl in Eastern Europe is located here: more than 230 species, of which 18 species are listed in the Red Book.
  8. 8.  Up to 5,000 swans flock to molt from the south every year, and the colony of gulled polar cod numbers more than 30,000 individuals. During the summer season, seagulls destroy almost 2 million ground squirrels and up to 8 million mice - pests of the fields. In Alushta, under the management of the Crimean Reserve, a Museum of Nature and an arboretum were created, where you can get acquainted with the natural resources of mountain forests.
  9. 9. Flora and fauna  The Crimean nature reserve is rich in vegetation. More than 1,200 plant species grow here, of which 29 are included in the European Red List (Crimean eremut, Crimean cotoneaster, Sobolev Siberian, Dzevanovsky thyme, purple and red-headed lagozeris, tripartite prangos), and another 9 species are protected by the Bren Convention. Of particular value is oak, beech and hornbeam forests, which play an important role in water protection and soil protection.
  10. 10.  100 species of plants and mushrooms growing in the reserve are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. The largest population in the Crimea of ​​the Crimean subspecies of red deer lives in the reserve. The Crimean roe deer, moufflon, black vulture, griffon vulture and other rare animals live in the lions. Of the small mammals, the hedgehog is often found. The red fox is ubiquitous (sometimes there are silver-brown specimens). Badgers and weasels live in the forests.
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