Appointment and organization of subdivisions for providing SMEs (tp). Engineer-sapper company (ISR) Engineering measures to camouflage troops and objects

A reconnaissance company is designed to conduct tactical reconnaissance in combat. Consists of two reconnaissance platoons. One of the platoons is armed with four BRDMs, and the other platoon is equipped with BRMs based on IFVs.

On the offensive, a company can send out one or two reconnaissance patrols and set up one or two observation posts, or act in full strength as a reconnaissance detachment.

ENGINEERING COMPANY is intended for:

conducting engineering reconnaissance of the enemy and the terrain;

· devices of engineering barriers;

inflicting losses on the enemy by mine-explosive and other means;

making passages in barriers and destruction;

devices for crossing obstacles;

clearance of terrain and objects;

· equipment of ways of the movement and crossings;

· mechanized excerpts of trenches, trenches, communication passages;

Implementation of engineering measures for camouflage;

equipment and maintenance of water supply points.

In its staff, the company has:

Engineering platoon;

Engineering and technical platoon;

Transport department.

Engineer-sapper platoon consists of four engineering departments. The departments are armed with:

IMR - engineering obstacle blocking vehicle - for preparing paths for movement and blocking debris and destruction.

GMZ - caterpillar mine layer - for the mechanized installation of anti-tank mines (laying out one ammunition load of 208 PTM into the ground in 11-14 minutes, on the surface - in 6 minutes).

Engineering Platoon in its composition has:

· road machinery department with BAT-M track-laying machine. The speed of laying column tracks - 4-8 km / h, earthmoving work to move the soil - up to 150 cubic meters / hour (trenches);

· earthmoving machinery department with a regimental earth-moving machine PZM. Productivity - 120-150 linear meters / hour (trenches), with a fragment of shelters - up to 10 cubic meters / hour;

· water department with automobile filtered station MAFS. For extraction and purification up to 8 cubic meters of water per hour.

· heavy mechanized bridge section.

Within the department:

ТММ is a heavy mechanized bridge for the construction of a 60-ton bridge 40 meters long through a barrier up to three meters deep. The bridge is installed in one hour.

MTU - bridge layer for the installation of a bridge with a carrying capacity of 50 tons through an obstacle 18 meters wide. Installed in 5 minutes.

Transport department is armed with:

Wheeled mine trawls - 12 pcs. (with means of transportation).

Roller and knife track mine trawl KTM 5 (weight - 7.5 tons);

Knife gauge mine trawl KTM-6 (weight - 1 t);



Conducting radiation, chemical and non-specific bacteriological (biological) reconnaissance;

Implementation of dosimetric and chemical control;

Carrying out special processing units;

Equipment of degassing kits and devices in subdivisions.

It consists of a RHR department and two special processing departments. In service there is:

Radiation and chemical reconnaissance vehicle (BRDM-2rx);

Filling stations for 12 or 14 sleeves (ARS-12, ARS-14);

Two degassing sets in the special processing departments of the DKV.

Platoon capabilities:

For special processing - 1.5-2 battalions;

For reconnaissance of routes - three taxiways at a distance of up to 20-30 km;

For reconnaissance of areas - reconnaissance of the area up to 100 sq. km.

By the scope and nature of the tasks performed By affiliation
Strategic District (front) rear
army rear
Corps rear
Divisional rear
Military Regimental rear
Rear of battalions (rear of divisions)

Fig.1. The structure of the rear of the Armed Forces

GAZ-66 -3 pcs. for personal belongings PAK-200 -3 pcs. - field automobile

ZIL-131 -1 pc. for kitchens and kitchens and 1-P-1.5 -1 pc. -trailer

food Total: 8 people (3 drivers)

URAL-375 -3pcs. under ammunition

ATMZ-5 -3 pcs. for fuel

Total: 10 people (all drivers)

BREM-2 -1 pc. - armored MTO-AT -1 pc. -technical machine

automotive repair and recovery vehicle

Total: 6 people (2 drivers) Total: 5 people (1 driver)

Fig. 2 Organization of a platoon to support a motorized rifle battalion

Oh oh

Rice. 3 Option location of the support platoon on the ground.

113. In positional defense the engineer-sapper company maintains the barriers installed during the preparation of the defense, including the engineering barriers transferred to it by the company (other engineering units). When maintaining obstacles, the company usually operates in platoons.

An engineer company (platoon, squad) builds up obstacles during a defensive battle by laying minefields, primarily anti-tank minefields, installing one or two obstacle nodes, installing groups of anti-tank, anti-personnel, anti-vehicle and object mines and destroying road structures at the nodes barriers and on the paths between them.

114. A company (platoon) of engineering obstacles, equipped with minelayers, during the course of defense, operates in the POZ in cooperation with the anti-tank reserve (PTRez) or independently.

When setting a task for a company, the following are indicated: the combat composition of the POZ, the tasks to be ready for, one or two directions of action, the main and reserve mining lines in each direction, the ways of advancing to the mining lines, the main and reserve areas of concentration, the assembly area after the installation of barriers , terms of readiness, place and time of deployment of the command and observation post.

Barriers are arranged on planned or newly designated mining lines that block the directions of the enemy's offensive (breakthrough).

After receiving the task of preparing for actions in the POD, the company advances to the designated area of ​​​​concentration and prepares to perform tasks. The company commander, together with the platoon commanders and together with the commander of the PTRez (combined-arms formation, unit, subdivision), conducts reconnaissance of the mining lines, ways to advance to them, objects to be destroyed (mined), passages left in the barriers for the passage of departing units, the place of the charging point in the assembly area after the installation of barriers and the way forward to the assembly area.

Upon receipt of a signal (command), the POZ advances to the indicated mining line together with the PTRez or independently. An engineer reconnaissance patrol may be sent from a company to reconnoiter the enemy, advance routes and mining lines. The company commander constantly maintains contact with the commander of the PTRez (combined-arms unit or subunit) and clarifies with them the mining line, the way to reach it, the order and signals of interaction at the mining line.

When reaching the mining line, the POZ commander clarifies with the commander of the PTRez or combined arms military unit (subdivision) the places for laying minefields, objects for destruction and mining, the time for the readiness of barriers, places of passages, their designation and signals for closing, covering the actions of the POZ with fire from the PTRez or combined arms military units (divisions). After that, the company commander specifies the tasks for the platoons, the order of deployment and the path of advancement to the charging point after the installation of obstacles. At the line of mining, minefields are laid by the forces of engineering platoons of obstacles and sections of roads, road structures and other objects are prepared for destruction (mined) by the forces of a controlled mining platoon. The company commander directs the actions of platoons, being on the head minelayer. If necessary, temporary maintenance of objects prepared for destruction and abandoned passages in barriers, crews are allocated from the composition of the mobile detachment of barriers.

The POZ commander reports on the installation of obstacles to the commander of the PTRez, the commander of his unit and the head of the engineering service. The actuation of the prepared destructions is carried out by dedicated crews at the command of the commander of the PTRez (combined arms military unit), with whom the mobile obstacle detachment interacts. After the destruction and closing of the passages, the crews go to the charging point (collection area) on their own. After charging the minelayers, the company in full strength is located in the assembly area in readiness for the following tasks.

115. The engineering section of the obstacles, equipped with a minelayer, operates in the POZ as part of a platoon. At the line of mining, the department sets a number of mines. The squad leader directs the actions of subordinates, controls the correct movement of the minelayer, the magnitude of the mining step and the quality of the installation of mines. After installing the ammunition load of mines, the squad as part of the platoon goes to the charging point, and after loading the minelayer, at the command of the platoon commander, to the assembly point.

116. A company (platoon) of engineering obstacles, equipped with engineering means of remote mining (destruction), sets up minefields in the identified areas of action of enemy troops in front of him, or directly on his battle formations. When mining, together with remotely placed mines, demolition projectiles can be used to make funnels and disable road and bridge structures in road directions.

117. The engineering position company performs the tasks of fortifying positions, defensive lines in the depths of defense, acting in full force, on which it prepares typical battalion defense areas and typical position areas for missile and anti-aircraft missile divisions.

118. An engineering company (platoon) of command post equipment operates independently in full force or in platoons. In order to timely fulfill the tasks of fortifying the areas of deployment of command posts, the company, as a rule, is reinforced by personnel from service units of command posts or from motorized rifle units.

On the set signal or upon receipt of a combat order, the company advances to a new task area and proceeds to the engineering equipment of the command post deployment area in accordance with the instructions of the officer of the reconnaissance group.

Structures for the protection and work of the operational staff in the command and control group, foundation pits for shelters for command and staff vehicles, the company (platoon) builds before the arrival of the operational staff in the area.

If there is time, the improvement of the fortification equipment of the area of ​​deployment of the command post is carried out by extracting excavations by the company (platoon) for shelters for communication machines and hardware machines, for transport equipment at the communications center and in the support group.

119. The road engineering company maintains the paths for advancing formations (subunits) to the lines of counterattacks (counterattacks), and also prepares the paths for advancing to an unplanned counterattack (counterattack) line.

To move a motorized rifle (tank) battalion to the counterattack line (firing line), the path from the initial line to the line of deployment in platoon columns is prepared, then the directions of movement to the line of transition to the attack are indicated.

120. The road engineering platoon, in preparing the paths for the advancement of the second echelon for launching a counterattack, operates as part of the road engineering department and the mechanized bridges department. The tracks are being prepared for one-way traffic. To overcome obstacles and destruction on the tracks, detours are prepared, and if it is not possible, crossings are equipped using mechanized bridges, decking (gates) through weak areas of the terrain or backfilling them using track builders.

121. A company (platoon, squad) of field water supply maintains and, if necessary, equips points for the extraction and purification of water in new areas during defense.

When the defense is breached and the enemy is wedged in, as well as during the conduct of mobile defense, field water supply units are transferred from the main equipment areas of points (regions) for water production and purification to spare ones.

The commander of a company (platoon, squad) can receive an order to move by radio or in writing from the officer of the department of the head of the engineering troops (NIV) of the association, the head of the engineering service (NIS) of the formation.

In the spare area, the commander of the field water supply subdivision organizes the fulfillment of the task of equipping and maintaining points (areas) for the extraction and purification of water, as in the main areas.

122. In the course of defense, power supply units operate as part of command post equipment units or independently. They contain power supply points and cable networks, paying special attention to the power supply of responsible consumers.

123. When conducting mobile defense engineering troops subunits perform the tasks of ensuring the timely and covert deployment of subunits and their maneuvering with consistent defensive combat from line to line, firmly holding the final line, inflicting losses on the enemy with engineering ammunition.

124. An engineering sapper company (platoon, squad) lays minefields in front of the mobile defense lines, strong points, in the intervals between them and on the flanks, mines and prepares sections of roads and road structures for destruction. The first and final lines are most densely covered by engineering barriers. In order to create a fire bag, minefields are set up in front of the cut-off positions (lines) and in front of the positions of firing ambushes.

On the withdrawal routes, controlled minefields or barriers are set up in the second degree of readiness, passages are left, which are closed after the withdrawal of friendly troops.

125. An engineering company (platoon) of obstacles operates in the POS. When subunits maneuver to the next line, the POZ, together with the PTRez or independently, cover their withdrawal from the rear or flanks with obstacles.

A feature of the actions of the POZ is the increased consumption of engineering ammunition due to the increase in the number of mining lines. This requires a clear organization of the delivery of engineering ammunition to replenish the ammunition of minelayers.

126. An engineer-position company (platoon) at the positions (in defense areas) of subunits is tearing off trenches and communication passages, pits for trenches for tanks, infantry fighting vehicles (APCs) and other fire weapons, for dugouts and shelters, erects structures at command posts, medical posts.

Defensive positions are most fully equipped at the final line of defense, where the defense areas of the battalions are connected by trenches, communication channels, and spare and false defense areas are equipped.

Depending on the situation, the availability of forces, means and time, the fortification equipment of successively occupied lines (positions) is improved, the structures of industrial-made structures installed in the areas of deployment of command posts at the previous line are removed from the ground, if necessary, repaired and installed in a new area of ​​\u200b\u200bdeployment of the point management.

At cut-off positions, company strongholds prepared for all-round defense, as well as positions for firing ambushes, are equipped. Ambushes and positions for nomadic units are being set up for air defense units.

127. The engineering road company (platoon) prepares and maintains frontal tracks for the entire depth of defense from the first brigade rokada to the rokada at the final position. In the area of ​​responsibility of the brigade, frontal routes are being prepared for the withdrawal and maneuver of battalions of the first and second echelons, command posts and subunits of brigade subordination. In addition, to ensure the maneuver of the first echelon from line to line, paths are being prepared on the flanks of the brigade's area of ​​responsibility to the final line of defense.

For the maneuver of command posts of the brigade, artillery, military air defense units, logistic support units (MTO), a brigade frontal path and brigade rocades are prepared - one behind the first defensive position, the second - at the final defensive position.

128. A pontoon, crossing and landing company (platoon), a company (platoon) of floating transporters equips and maintains crossings over water barriers on the escape and maneuver routes. With the completion of the crossing, the crossing means are removed, and in the event of a threat of capture by the enemy, they are destroyed, the bridges on the water barrier are destroyed, the fords are mined.

Organization of the fulfillment of the task by the commander of an engineer-sapper platoon to make passages in mine-explosive barriers in front of the front line of enemy defense

Moscow Order of the Red Labor

Znamya Mining University.

Military Department.


for special tactical training

topic: "Organization of the task by the commander of an engineering platoon

for making passages in

minefields in front of

front line of enemy defenses.

I've done the work:

platoon student 343


lieutenant colonel

V. A. Skorobogatov

Platoon student 343

for course work on tactical and special training.

Topic: "Organization of the execution of the task by the commander of an engineer-sapper platoon to make passages in mine-explosive barriers in front of the enemy's front line of defense."

Option N6.

I. Initial situation.

Card 25000, sheets

U-32-108-V-g, U-32-108-G-v, U-32-108-G-g,

U-33-97-V-v, U-32-120-B-a, U-32-120-A-b,

U-32-120-B-b, U-33-109-A-a.

The commander of 2 isr 1 isb at 16.00 on 20.07 in the alignments of the passages set the task for the commander of 1 isv.

commander of 2 isr 1 isb to make passages in minefields in front of the front line of defense by a platoon.

1. 4 MPB of the enemy takes up defense with the forward edge along:

eastern edge of Rosenhorst (83-04), eastern edge of Borstel (81-03).

2. 12 SMEs go on the offensive immediately on the left flank of the defense sector of 45 SMEs (its 2 SMEs).

3. 2 isr 1 isb ordered on the night of 20.07 to make 2 passes in the minefields of the enemy.

4. Passages N 7.8 suits 1 SV, NN 9.10

5. I order: 1 sv on the night of 20.07 to make passes NN 7.8 in enemy minefields. Readiness of the completed passages by 5.00 21.07. Organize a commandant's service on the completed passages by the forces of one department. On the left, he makes passes 2 ivum. Obtain the necessary funds for making passages at the warehouse of VTI 45 MSP in the area with a mark of 56.5 (81-06) and from the foreman of the company in the area where the company is located (mark 56.0 (81-06)).

I will be in the area where the company is located. Communication with me - connected.

My assistant is you.


commander of the 2nd ISR for organizing interaction and various types of support.

1. Coordinate the actions of the platoon in place and time with the commander of the defending 6th MSR 45 SME, which is entrusted with combat cover for the platoon's actions.

2. Subdivisions of 1st motorized brigade of 12 SMEs will advance along the aisles of NN 7,8, with which to organize interaction on the following issues: the place and time of making the aisles, their designations, the designation of the ways of advancing to the aisles.

3. In the platoon, have an observer for the actions of the enemy and the signals of the senior commander.

Warning signals installed in the shelf:

Chemical attack of the enemy and radioactive contamination of the area - two red rockets, in the voice of "Atom";

The appearance of an air enemy - two green rockets, with the voice "Air".

4. Personnel have gas masks with them, OZK - at the places where the task is performed.

II. Additional information

The personnel, means of engineering weapons and transport are fully staffed. All machines have one

refueling fuel.

III. Execute

The student to study the task and, in the role of the commander of the AI, organize the execution of the received task by the platoon.

State in an explanatory note:

Clarification of the task by the platoon commander;

Calculation and distribution of time;

advance directives;

Assessment of the situation with the necessary calculations;

Conclusions from the assessment of the situation and reconnaissance;

Decision to complete the task;

Combat order to subordinate units and crews, and instructions on various types of support.

On a separate sheet, submit:

The initial situation from the map with a scheme for organizing the actions of the UIS during the execution of the task;

Scheme of actions of departments for making passages;

Scheme of the organization of the commandant's service on the aisles;

Designation of passages.

IV. Guides and manuals.

1. Guide to the device and overcoming engineering barriers.

2. Tactical-special training. Textbook for cadets of military engineering schools.

3. Plyaskin V.Ya. etc. Engineering support of combined arms combat.

Deadline 1.04.97.

Coursework Supervisor

lieutenant colonel

V. A. Skorobogatov

“___” _______________ 1997

Order issuance time: 16.00 20/07

Ready time: 5.00 21/07

I. Clarification of the task by the platoon leader.

Operational time: 16.00 - 16.10

Location: aisles.

1. The enemy defends with the front line of defense along the line: the eastern outskirts of Rasenhorst, the eastern outskirts of Bortsel.

12 SMEs go on the offensive immediately on the left flank of the defense sector of 45 SMEs. 2 isr 1 isb ordered on the night of 20.07 to make 2 passes in the minefields of the enemy.

2. 1 SV was tasked to make passages 7.8 up to 100 m deep by 05.00 21.07. The method of making - manually. Organize a commandant's service on the aisles.

3. Get the necessary funds to complete the task from the foreman of the company.

4. Fire cover for the actions of the platoon is entrusted to the commander of the 6th MSR.

Organize interaction with the commander of the 6th MSR on the following issues:

What funds are allocated to cover the actions of the platoon;

Call signals and ceasefire by means of cover;

The start and end time of the platoon's actions to make passes in enemy minefields. The commander of the 2nd isr will be in the area where the company is located. Communication with him connected. Deputy

commander of 1 isr - Ya.

II. Calculation and distribution of time.

Operational time: 16.10 - 16.15

Now 16.00 20/07. Submit the report by 5.00 21/07.

Total time available to prepare and complete the task

13:00 min.

Light time - 6 hours. 00min. from 16.00 to 22.00,

Dark time - 7h.00min. from 22.00 to 5.00

The task will take up to 4 hours to complete. To start the task at 21.40 20/07.

Available time to allocate:

1. Clarification of the task .......... 16.00 - 16.10

2. Calculation and distribution of time ........ 16.10 - 16.15

3. Movement of the commander to the area of ​​concentration

platoon ................................................ 16.10 - 16.30

4. Advance Directives........ 16.30 - 16.35

4.a Obtaining and checking the VTI from

foremen of the company .................................... 16.35 -18.10

4.b Rest of personnel

and eating .............................. 10/18-10/19

4.c Preparing for the task......10/19-21/20

5. Advancing to the area of ​​​​execution of the task of the commander

ditch of squads and platoon commander...... 16.35 - 16.55

6. Assessment of the situation, taking into account the time spent on

organization of interaction with the commander of the I SME

and reconnaissance ................................. 16.55 -18.30

7. Movement of the commander to the platoon concentration area .............................................. ............... 18.30-18.50

8. Making a decision to complete the task ....................................................... ..............18.50 - 18.55

9. Setting a task for commanders

branches ........................ 21.20 - 21.30

9. Issuing a combat order ..................... 21.30 - 21.40

10. Advancing to the area of ​​the mission.......

21.40 - 22.00

11. Completion of the task by departments..... 22.00 - 02.30

12. Report on the completion of the task ............ 04.55 - 05.00

III. Advance directives.

Operational time: 16.30 - 16.35

Our platoon was ordered to make manual passes 7.8 in the enemy minefields up to 100 m deep by 5.00 on 21.07. and organize a commandant service on the aisles.

To the deputy platoon commander, before 21.40 20.07, receive from the foreman of the company and check the completeness and serviceability of 3 sets of KRI, 18 pointers and 18 lights to indicate passages.

Platoon by 21.40 to arrive in the area of ​​the mission.

All personnel should have weapons, personal protective equipment and gas masks.

At 16.55 squad commanders to depart with me from the area where the company is located for reconnaissance.

IV. Issues to be resolved during the reconnaissance.

Operational time: 16.55 - 18.30

A. Plan of reconnaissance.

During the reconnaissance, determine:

Locations, directions and landmarks of the proposed passages.

Locations of mine barriers.

Organize interaction with the commander of the Imsb.

Ways to designate passages.

B. Organization of interaction.

In the course of organizing interaction with the commander of small and medium-sized units, the following questions are clarified:

The order of designation and fencing of passages.

Signals are set for interaction with Imsb.

B. Conclusions from the reconnaissance.

Conclusions from the assessment of the enemy:

In connection with the possible use by the enemy of weapons of mass destruction, be ready for action in conditions of radioactive contamination of the area, have anti-chemical protection equipment at the ready;

When performing the task, have observers for the air and ground enemy and warning signals;

Conclusions from the assessment of their strengths:

The platoon is staffed with personnel, engineering weapons, transport is staffed according to the state, fuel and lubricants - one refueling, no losses;

The platoon is able to complete the task in 7 hours;

1.2 crews make passages 7.8, respectively, then 1 and 2 iso carry out commandant service;

Conclusions from the assessment of terrain and time:

The terrain is open, allowing you to complete the task only at night;

The time of day contributes to the successful completion of the task;

V. Decision to complete the task

Operational time: 18.50 - 18.55

1. Make passes manually, moving in a plastunsky way, with a ledge to the right.

2. 1.2 crews make passages, respectively, 7.8 in enemy minefields up to 100 m deep, after completing this task, 1 and 2 Iso carry out commandant service. While doing

passages 6 MSR provides fire cover for the actions of the platoon. Start the task at 21.40 and finish at 4.30 21.07,

Until then, prepare for the task.

3. Interaction with the commander of the 6th MSR is organized on the following issues:

The location of the passages being made has been agreed;

Issues of fire interaction in the event of the appearance of the enemy were agreed;

Agreed on the start and end time of the task;

Communication with the commander of the 6 MSR liaison;

4. I will be located with 1 iso, communication with me personally and connected.

VI. battle order

Operational time: 21.30-21.40

1. The enemy defends along the line: the eastern outskirts of Rasenhorst (8304), the eastern outskirts of Bortsel (8103).

2. 12 SMEs go on the offensive immediately on the left flank of the defense sector of 45 SMEs. 2 isr 1 isb ordered on the night of 26.07 to make 2 passes in enemy minefields up to 100 m deep.

3. Our platoon was ordered to make passages 7.8 in the enemy minefields in front of the front line of defense by 5.00 21.07. Fire cover for the actions of the platoon is entrusted to the commander of the 6th MSR.

4. On the left, passes are made by the 2nd ivum.

5. Perform the task at night manually, moving in a plastunsky way. When illuminating the area, stop all movements. When performing the task, strictly observe camouflage.

I order:

At 21.40, the squads concentrate in the first trench of our positions and at 21.40 directly proceed to the task, starting to do: 1 calculation - passage 7, 2 calculation

Pass 8.1 and 2 ISO after completion by a platoon

tasks organize the commandant's service on the passes made.

Complete the task by 4.30 21.07, until this time prepare for the task.

At each passage, leave two people with mine barriers in readiness to close the passages in the event of an enemy going on the attack.

Removed mines and fuses should be concentrated at the regiment's ammunition point and placed under guard.

7. Prepare and check all necessary means.

In each department to have: 1 KRI and mine detectors for each.

8. I will be located with 1 iso, communication with me personally and connected.

9. My deputy is a full-time one.

10. Warning signals installed in the shelf:

Chemical attack of the enemy and radioactive contamination of the area - two red rockets, in the voice of "ATOM";

The appearance of an air enemy - two green rockets, with the voice "AIR";

Interaction signals with 6 msr:

calling fire -

turn tracer in the direction of the target.

Feedback when returning to the trench-

The second essay on the military department.

1. Engineering troops, appointment

2. Tasks of combat engineering support

2.1 Engineer reconnaissance of the enemy and terrain

2.2 Fortification equipment of positions, areas, command posts

2.3 Arrangement and maintenance of engineering barriers, and destruction. Installation and maintenance of nuclear mines and land mines.

2.4 Destruction and neutralization of enemy nuclear mines. Making and maintaining passages in barriers and destruction. The device of passages through obstacles. Demining terrain and objects

2.5 Preparation and maintenance of the routes of movement of troops, transportation and evacuation

2.6 Equipment and maintenance of crossings when forcing water barriers

2.7 Engineering measures to camouflage troops and facilities

2.8 Engineering measures to restore the combat capability of troops and eliminate the consequences of enemy nuclear strikes

2.9 Extraction and purification of water, equipment of water supply points

2.10 Other tasks

3. The structure of the units of the engineering troops

3.1 The staff of the engineer company of the tank regiment (ISR TP)

3.2 The staff of an engineer company of a motorized rifle regiment (ISR MSP)

4. Military engineering terminology



The engineering troops are a very remarkable branch of the troops. First of all, the engineering troops are the troops of the front line. Engineer units go into battle simultaneously with motorized rifle and tank units, and often even before them. It is no coincidence that in the Petrine Table of Ranks, officers of the engineering troops were one rank higher than the infantry and cavalry.

Few people know that it was the engineering troops who were the first to master the latest means of warfare and introduce them into the army's arsenal. From the engineering troops, the railway troops, signal troops, automobile troops, tank troops stood out into independent branches of the troops. And the assertion that aviation was born in the bowels of the engineering troops will seem completely fantastic. And meanwhile it is. The task of creating and combat use, first aeronautic, and then aeroplane detachments, was assigned precisely to the engineering troops. Until the end of the First World War, aviation units remained under the jurisdiction of the Main Engineering Directorate.

Somehow unnoticed in the history of the Great Patriotic War is the fact that at the beginning of 1942 ten sapper armies were formed. One sapper army for each front. In 1943, the ranks of marshals and chief marshals were introduced not only for aviation, tank crews, artillery, but even for engineering troops.

The first military school in Russia for the training of officers was the school of the Pushkar Prikaz, opened in 1701. This school trained artillery and engineer officers. In the infantry and cavalry, the first military educational institutions will be the cadet corps, which will open only 30 years later.

Engineer troops were born, based on the needs of artillery, in the bowels of artillery, and until the beginning of the 19th century they were an integral part of them.

1. Engineering troops, appointment

Engineer troops are designed to solve the problems of combat engineering support.

The Combat Charter of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces interprets the concept of "Engineering Troops" as follows:

"Engineering support is one of the types of combat support. Engineer support for combat operations of troops is organized and carried out in order to create the necessary conditions for the troops to timely and covertly advance, deploy, maneuver, successfully carry out their combat missions, increase the protection of troops and objects from all types of destruction, to inflict losses on the enemy, to hinder the actions of the enemy.

Engineering support includes:

    engineering reconnaissance of the enemy, terrain and objects;

    fortification equipment of positions, lines, areas, command posts;

    the arrangement and maintenance of engineering barriers, and the production of destruction;

    installation and maintenance of nuclear mines and land mines;

    destruction and neutralization of enemy nuclear mines;

    making and maintaining passages in barriers and destruction;

    arrangement of passages through obstacles;

    clearance of terrain and objects;

    preparation and maintenance of troop movement routes, transportation and evacuation;

    equipment and maintenance of crossings when forcing water barriers;

    engineering measures to camouflage troops and facilities;

    engineering measures to restore the combat capability of troops and eliminate the consequences of enemy nuclear strikes;

    extraction and purification of water, equipment of points of water supply.

The tasks of engineering support are carried out by units and subunits of all military branches and special troops. They independently erect structures for firing, observation, sheltering personnel and equipment; cover with mine-explosive barriers and mask their positions and areas of location; lay and designate the path of movement; overcome barriers and obstacles; forcing water barriers.

Engineer troops perform the most complex tasks of engineering support, requiring special training of personnel, the use of engineering equipment and specific engineering ammunition. In addition, they inflict defeat on enemy equipment and personnel with mine-explosive and nuclear-mine weapons.

2. Tasks of combat engineering support

2.1 Engineer reconnaissance of the enemy and terrain

The expression "It was smooth on paper, but they forgot about the ravines" is well-known. This is not a general aphorism, but a sad reminder to many commanders of times past and present. A historical fact - one of the reasons for Napoleon's defeat at the Battle of Waterloo was the death of a cuirassier division in a ravine on the way of their brilliant attack on the British flank. Wellington covered the flank of the army with a ravine. This ravine was not visible to Napoleon, and he decided to take advantage of the fact that the English commander "stupidly" left his flank open for a strike. At full gallop, the French cuirassiers flew into this ravine, and most of them were maimed and killed. The attack was thwarted.

One can cite hundreds of examples when the neglect of engineering intelligence thwarted the most excellent plans of the generals, turned the advancing troops into a target for the enemy.

Engineering reconnaissance of the area is carried out in various ways and methods (study of the area using a map, aerial photographs, military geographical descriptions; observation, engineering reconnaissance patrols, etc.).

The result of engineering reconnaissance of the area is the answer to the question of the terrain passability for personnel and equipment, the possibility of masking personnel and equipment (both one's own and others). To do this, you need to get information about the terrain (for example, the steepness of the hills); availability and capacity of roads; about the possibility of driving off-road (whether the area is swampy, whether the snow is deep, whether there are ravines); about the presence of water barriers (rivers, streams, lakes, flood zones); about the density of forests and their fire danger.

In general, the terrain on which the hostilities are coming should be carefully studied and understood - how it can affect the solution of combat missions. Without this, any most cunning battle plans will turn out to be just searchlights and the troops will be defeated.

Naturally, the enemy is also studying the area and trying to hinder the actions of our troops. To this end, the enemy is carrying out a number of measures to worsen the possibilities for the movement of our troops. He destroys or prepares for the destruction of roads, bridges, dams, arranges forest blockages, tears off anti-tank ditches, arranges barricades, sets minefields, constructs pillboxes, bunkers, armored caps, and tears off trenches. Engineering reconnaissance is obliged to detect these enemy measures and to predict enemy actions.

The methods of conducting engineering reconnaissance depend on the type of battle or maneuver to be carried out (offensive, defense, retreat, march). To conduct engineering reconnaissance in units and subunits, engineering observation posts (INP), engineering reconnaissance patrols (IRD), photography posts (PF), engineering reconnaissance groups (IRG), deep reconnaissance groups (GGR), helicopter patrols (VD), radar surveillance posts (PRN). To conduct engineering reconnaissance, vehicles specially designed for this purpose are used, for example, the IRM engineering reconnaissance vehicle.

Usually these posts and groups are created by engineering units of a motorized rifle (tank) division, corps, army, front. In motorized rifle (tank) regiments and battalions, engineering reconnaissance tasks are usually assigned to ordinary reconnaissance posts and groups. To do this, soldiers or sergeants of the engineer company of the regiment are included in the posts and groups.

A very simple example - a flat green field lies in the path of an offensive of a tank regiment. The regiment commander is interested in whether the tanks will pass there. Engineering intelligence is obliged to give an accurate and unambiguous answer - yes or no. Indeed, under the green carpet of grass, anti-tank mines or an impenetrable swamp can lurk. What happens if intelligence is wrong is not difficult to predict. But how to reconnoiter if this field is under the guns of numerous enemy snipers and machine gunners, mortar and artillery fire? Sappers show ingenuity, risk their lives, suffer losses, and finally give an accurate answer. Sappers, under enemy fire, make passages among enemy mines, lay a path through the swamp. The regiment is successful. All glory to the tankers. After all, they won the fight. What about sappers? They were again forgotten, although the regiment owed much of its success to them.

2.2 Fortification equipment of positions, areas, command posts

Fortification equipment is one of the most important elements of combat engineering support. This includes excerpts of trenches for shooters, military equipment, equipment of shelters for equipment, shelters for personnel, communication channels (trenches), equipment of observation and command and observation posts.

A significant part of the work on fortification equipment is carried out by the personnel of motorized rifle (tank) units, units of other troops. The role of even the simplest fortifications in achieving victory in battle is very great. Suffice it to say that losses from enemy fire of covered infantry are 4-6 times lower compared to uncovered infantry, and 10-15 times lower from nuclear weapons.

Work on the fortification equipment begins immediately after the occupation of the given area by the subdivision and the organization of the fire system. They continue as long as the unit occupies the area. These jobs are very labor intensive and time consuming. Suffice it to say that even a section of a submachine gunner's trench for prone shooting takes from 25 to 40 minutes. To excavate a trench for a tank, it is required to move up to 28 cubic meters. earth. If we take into account that the tank crew consists of three people, then each of the tankers must move 9 cubic meters. soil. One person per hour, working in medium soil, can move up to 1 cubic meter. This means that it will take from 10 to 30 hours to manually open a trench for a tank. But it's worth it. A tank in a trench successfully deals with three or four advancing enemy tanks.

In a number of cases (hurried defense, proximity of a suitable enemy, etc.) there is no time for this. To reduce the time of fortification of positions, engineer troops are involved. Thus, the engineering company of a tank regiment for these purposes has nine BTUs (bulldozer equipment mounted on a tank), i.e. one BTU per tank company. This equipment allows you to open one tank trench in 30 minutes (plus another 5 man-hours of work with shovels). In addition, in the engineering and sapper company there is a PZM machine (regimental earthmoving machine) for extracting trenches, pits for dugouts, shelters, shelters for equipment. It tears off a trench at a speed of up to 300 meters per hour; when excavating pits, its productivity is 150 cubic meters. per hour (for comparison - an excavator is only 40). The capabilities of the engineer-sapper battalion of the division are much higher. In addition, the front usually has one to three specialized fortification battalions. There, in particular, there are machines of the BTM type (Fig. 2), which tear off a trench at a speed of up to 900 meters per hour; MDK, which tear off a trench for a tank in 8-10 minutes.

Fig. 2 Fast trenching machine (FTM).

1- lifting winch; 2 buckets with teeth; 3-reflector soil; 4-conveyor;
5- toothed rack; 6- track roller; 7-sweep shoe (a device that cleans the bottom of the trench); 8 - rotor roller; 9- sloper;
10- rotor; 11- reducer.

In order to ensure the possibility of quickly building shelters for personnel, the engineering troops have not only earthmoving equipment, but also ready-made sets of dugout and shelter elements, as well as sawmilling and forestry tools for working on the front line or near it. They also have the means and capabilities to build these shelters and trenches directly under enemy fire. For example, a trench charge (OZ) allows using a directed explosion in 2-3 minutes to open an explosive trench for a shooter to shoot while standing (depth 1m.10cm.).

In addition to trenches and shelters, a large number of other structures are being built in the defense area of ​​motorized rifle and tank subunits and artillery. These are, first of all, observation and command and observation posts, which differ slightly from shelters and trenches (for example, a sheltered observation post is a dugout with a periscope installed inside; an open KNP of a regiment commander is a section of a trench with cells for staff officers, several shelters for radio stations, one shelter).

2.3 Arrangement and maintenance of engineering barriers, and destruction. Installation and maintenance of nuclear mines and land mines.

The arrangement and maintenance of engineering barriers is one of the main tasks of the engineering troops. Everyone is somewhat familiar with this part of the combat activities of the engineering troops. First of all, this is the installation of minefields. Minefields play a very significant role in covering troop positions from enemy attacks. Many years of experience in warfare shows that the mine danger can greatly influence the actions of the enemy. Mines do not cause real harm to the enemy so much as they affect the psyche of the personnel. Experience shows that it is enough to detonate two or three tanks on the mines to completely disrupt the attack of a tank company. The experience of the war in Afghanistan testifies that it was enough to detonate one car on the road with a mine in order for the speed of the column of our troops to decrease to 1-2 kilometers per hour. Then the speed of movement was determined by the ability of sappers to check the road for the presence of mines. In the combat regulations of a number of countries there is the term "mine warfare". The massive use of mines can almost completely paralyze any combat activity of enemy troops in a given territory.

At present, the mine danger is enhanced by the fact that the development of technology and electronics makes it possible to create almost intelligent mines. It is a reality that a mine does not react to a soldier of its own army, a civilian, but instantly works when an enemy soldier approaches and explodes at the most favorable moment. In addition, today there is not a single sufficiently reliable method for detecting mines, and even if a mine is found, there are no ways to reliably neutralize them. Mines can have sensors recognizing - this is a target or a mine trawl, they can recognize the significance of a target, they can have a multiplicity device (skip a certain number of targets and explode under the next one). Mines can be transferred to a combat or safe position by radio signal, or self-destruct. For the installation of minefields or individual mines, the presence of a sapper at the installation site is not at all necessary. Mines can be placed remotely (not even enemy territory can be thrown with the help of artillery or aircraft). Minami can cover very large sections of the front in a very short time. If in the early sixties a sapper company could lay one kilometer of a minefield overnight, now it is up to 10-15 kilometers in an hour.

In the recent past, sappers, in order to lay mines in front of their forward edge, had to crawl out to no man's land at night and lay mines under enemy fire. Now this can be partially avoided through remote mining systems. However, these systems place mines on the ground, which allows the enemy to frequently locate and destroy the mines.

Minefields must not only be established, but also maintained. The maintenance of a minefield includes monitoring its condition, laying new mines to replace those that have exploded, protecting the field from mine clearing by the enemy, fencing the field with signs so that mines do not blow up their cars or personnel, timely removal of these signs, transferring the minefield to combat or a safe state (if the minefield is set to be controlled), opening and closing passages in the minefield, allowing friendly troops through the passages.

Motorized rifle and tank units can lay some minefields themselves, but this type of combat is too specific, requires special knowledge, and therefore, as a rule, only engineering troops are engaged in minefields. To accomplish this task, an engineering and sapper company of a motorized rifle (tank regiment) has a sapper platoon, armed with three trailed minelayers (PMZ) and three Ural or KAMAZ vehicles. A platoon is able to set up an anti-tank minefield one kilometer long in 15-20 minutes. The engineering troops are armed with anti-tank, anti-personnel, object (for mining buildings and other structures), automobile (for mining roads), railway, anti-landing (for mining water barriers), anti-aircraft (mining runways of airfields), booby-traps, mines -surprises.

A special type of engineering mines are nuclear mines. The engineering troops are armed with portable nuclear land mines weighing about 60 kg. and capacity from 500t. up to 2 thousand tons TNT equivalent. With the help of nuclear land mines, not tactical, but large operational-strategic tasks are solved. With their help, continuous lines of nuclear minefields are created, very large bridges, dams, hydroelectric facilities, and railway junctions are destroyed.

However, the combat use of engineering troops is not limited to mines. Engineer troops also build non-explosive barriers (barbed or cutting wire, anti-tank ditches, scarps and counterscarps, barricades, blockages on roads, swampy and flooded areas), produce various destruction to hinder the advance of the enemy (destruction of roads, bridges, blockages on roads); destroy infrastructure (destruction of buildings, railway and road structures, water supply systems, gas supply, electricity supply, fuel tanks, oil fields). To accomplish these tasks, the engineering troops have various explosives, special engineering ammunition (charges of various capacities and methods of actuation).

The engineering troops solve the tasks of destruction and mining not only on their own territory when preparing the area for defense, but also on the territory of the enemy in order to make it difficult for the enemy to fight, inflict losses on him, make it difficult or impossible for him to maneuver (withdrawal, transfer of units to threatened areas, transportation ammunition, the approach of reserves).

Very often, the main task of subunits and units of the airborne troops or special forces units is precisely the creation of conditions for the successful fulfillment by engineer troops of the tasks of causing harm to the enemy. For example, special forces capture and hold an important bridge for several hours so that sappers can blow it up.

2.4 Destruction and neutralization of enemy nuclear mines. Making and maintaining passages in barriers and destruction. The device of passages through obstacles. Demining terrain and objects

All these activities are directly opposite to those mentioned above. Actually, this is the direct clash of the engineering troops of the opposing armies. Some mine, others mine; some are blocking, others are blocking.

In general, the idea of ​​using nuclear mines was born within the walls of NATO in the late sixties and early seventies. The brilliant operation of the Soviet Army to occupy Czechoslovakia in August 1968 showed that the USSR was in a position to carry out a "blitzkrieg"; that NATO troops will not have time to react in the event of a strike by the Soviet Army, that it is able to covertly concentrate an attack force in a very short time, and make a rapid advance to anywhere in Europe.

In order to be able to delay the advance of the Soviet Army and give NATO troops time to turn around, it was proposed to create a so-called nuclear mine belt along the borders of the FRG. It was understood that if all the charges of this belt were detonated at the same time, a zone of radioactive contamination would be created, which would make it possible to delay the advance of Soviet troops for two to three days. This time will be enough for the deployment of NATO strike groups.

The task of neutralizing or destroying enemy nuclear mines was assigned to the engineering troops. By the way, it was precisely in connection with this that the very rapid creation of special forces units in the Soviet Army began. Initially, they were created only for this purpose, in order to reconnoiter the places where nuclear mines were laid, to destroy the personnel of command posts, and to provide the engineering troops with the opportunity to destroy or defuse nuclear mines.

At present, the task of both installing and destroying nuclear mines has lost its relevance. The use of nuclear mines by both sides is a big question. However, the engineer-sapper battalion of the tank (motorized rifle) division still has a platoon of reconnaissance and destruction of nuclear land mines (VRUYAF).

The main task of the engineering troops in this area, as in the years of the Second World War, is to make passages in the minefields and obstacles of the enemy, clearing debris and destruction to ensure the movement of their troops, clearing the area, buildings, roads, airfields, railway stations, streets etc.

This is exactly the side of the combat activity of the engineering troops when they say: "For the engineering troops, the war never ends." After the end of the war, a huge number of minefields, mined objects, unexploded artillery shells, and bombs remain. All this creates a threat to the lives of the civilian population, makes it impossible to use objects and terrain. In peacetime, one of the main tasks of the engineering troops is to eliminate this danger. Its implementation has been delayed for many decades.

In combat conditions, it is the engineering troops that begin the attack. They make passages in the enemy's obstacles in front of his front line and in the depths of the defense, provide motorized riflemen and tankmen with advance. During the Great Patriotic War, perhaps the only way to make passages in minefields was to manually remove the mines by sappers on the night before the attack. It was the capture of a German sapper on the night of July 5, 1943 that allowed Marshal Zhukov to determine exactly the hour of the start of the Nazi offensive on the Kursk Bulge.

Currently, there are a number of ways to make passages in enemy minefields. So, for making passages, the engineering and sapper company of the tank regiment has three KMT-5M trawls (skating rinks) and 27 KMT-6 trawls (knife). These trawls are hung on tanks, which can overcome minefields, and the rest of the tanks follow in their footsteps.

In addition, the engineering battalion of the division has demining installations UR-67, UR-77. They are lightly armored vehicles carrying rockets with hoses attached to them that are filled with explosives. Before the start of the attack, these vehicles launch rockets that throw hoses with explosives into the minefields. When these hoses explode, the mines detonate and passages are formed. Further, mine-clearing installations advance in the battle formations of tanks and, when minefields are found in the depths of the enemy’s defense, they make passages in them.

To overcome anti-tank ditches, water barriers up to 20 meters wide, engineering troops have tank bridge layers of the MT-55 type. This is a tank-based vehicle with a 20 m long metal bridge on top instead of a tank turret. In 2-3 minutes, the vehicle crew installs the bridge without leaving the vehicle.

For wider barriers, engineering troops have a heavy mechanized TMM bridge (Fig. 3). These are 4 KRAZ-255 vehicles, with 10 meters of a bridge with rigid supports placed on each of them. In 20 minutes, TMM can install a bridge 40 meters long.

Fig. 3 Heavy mechanized bridge layer (ТММ).

1 - initial position of the bridgelayer; 2,3 - sequential opening of the folding bridge.

For making passages in the rubble, the engineering and sapper company of the regiment has one powerful bulldozer BAT-2. It is capable of laying a column track at a speed of up to 5 km / h.

2.5 Preparation and maintenance of the routes of movement of troops, transportation and evacuation

The existing network of roads built in peacetime, as a rule, does not satisfy the needs of the troops. Firstly, this network is known to the enemy, which means that it is under constant surveillance, shot at, the structures on it are destroyed. Secondly, the directions of the roads often do not correspond to the location of the troops and their tasks. For example, according to the charter, the regiment's defense section has a length of 10-15 kilometers along the front. To ensure the supply of food, ammunition, the evacuation of the wounded, the maneuver of units, the regiment needs one rocade (road) along the front at a distance of 4-6 kilometers from the front edge 15-18 km long, and a regimental frontal road (from the rear to the front edge) 10- 15 km. In addition, roads are required to the defense areas of the battalions, to the strongholds of the companies.

Engineer troops prepare and maintain these routes. Of course, these are not the roads that people are used to in peacetime. More often, these are simply directions of movement marked on the ground with arranged transitions through difficult-to-pass places (crossings through ravines, streams, smoothed steep ascents and descents, passages in rubble). Of particular importance is the laying and maintenance of traffic routes in winter. Also, a great difficulty in solving the problem of maintaining the paths of movement is the masking of these paths. Opening the network of routes by the enemy means opening the entire defense system of our troops.

To solve this problem, the engineer-sapper company of the regiment has a BAT-2 track-laying machine, chain saws and other tools.

It should be borne in mind that these works are carried out in the zone of artillery, mortar fire, and often enemy small arms. In cases of active enemy action, IMR vehicles can be brought in from the engineer-sapper battalion of the division to solve these tasks. The base of this machine is a tank with powerful bulldozer equipment and a manipulator (mechanical arm) with a carrying capacity of 2 tons.

2.6 Equipment and maintenance of crossings when forcing water barriers

One of the most difficult tasks during the offensive of troops is the forcing (overcoming) of water barriers (rivers, lakes, reservoirs). Usually they are used by the enemy as the basis of a defensive line. Very often, the offensive of troops began by forcing water barriers, or it ended with access to a water barrier.

With the advent of amphibious armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles in service with our army, the task of forcing water barriers, especially wide ones, did not become easier. The troops have a lot of equipment that is not capable of swimming, but without which it is impossible to conduct a further offensive (tanks, artillery pieces, motor vehicles, etc.). And the banks of the rivers do not always allow floating cars to go down to the water or go ashore.

To solve the problems of equipment and maintenance of crossings, engineering troops are involved. For these purposes, there are crossing and landing battalions, pontoon bridge battalions and regiments, bridge-building battalions and regiments.

The amphibious assault battalions are armed with tracked amphibious transporters PTS-2. This vehicle is able to transport 72 infantrymen, or a gun with a caliber of up to 203 mm, or a Ural-type vehicle through a water barrier of any width at a speed of 10 km / h. The carrying capacity of the PTS-2 on the water is 10 tons. This machine is able to sail on the sea with waves up to 4 points.

For crossing water barriers tanks, self-propelled guns and other tracked vehicles weighing up to 52 tons, there are GSP tracked self-propelled ferries (Fig. 5).

Fig.5 Caterpillar self-propelled ferry (GSP).

1- ramp of the right semi-ferry; 2- boat of the right semi-ferry; 3- leading machine of the right semi-ferry; 4- wave guard; 5- transported equipment.

These vehicles on the march follow in a tank column and solve the problem of crossing heavy equipment. Afloat speed 10km/h. The tank on the ferry can fire.

For crossing water barriers up to 227 meters wide, the engineering troops have a PMP pontoon park. From the set of this park, transported on 32 Kraz vehicles, a floating bridge with a carrying capacity of 60 tons and a length of 227 meters or a carrying capacity of 20 tons and a length of 382 meters is assembled in 15-30 minutes. Ferries of various carrying capacity (from 10 to 300 tons) can be assembled from these pontoons to transport troops across wider barriers. To tow these ferries, the pontoon battalion has 12 boats.

For the installation of stationary crossings, crossings over obstacles where the use of floating equipment is impossible, USM bridge construction installations are used, which make it possible to build a wooden 60-ton. bridge on pile supports at a speed of up to 60 meters per hour.

There are pontoon parks (PPS) in the engineering troops that make it possible to build pontoon railway bridges across rivers.

All these units of the engineering troops in peacetime are constantly involved in rescuing people and material assets during floods.

2.7 Engineering measures to camouflage troops and facilities

Camouflage is a set of measures designed to hide from the enemy the presence and location of our troops, the actions and intentions of our troops, or to mislead the enemy about the number, actions, location, intentions of our troops. The purpose of camouflage measures is to force the enemy to deploy his troops in the most unfavorable way for him, in the most unfavorable places for him, to force the enemy to strike at empty places, to expose the enemy to the blows of our troops.

Disguise can often play a decisive role in achieving success in battle, in winning the whole battle. When the command of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War was able to fully appreciate the role of camouflage and widely deploy camouflage measures in the preparation of hostilities, they were able to achieve decisive successes.

Thus, the measures taken managed to hide from the Germans the construction of a railway to Stalingrad along the left bank of the Volga, which made it possible in a short time to transfer and concentrate a large number of troops near the city. The reports of their intelligence officers about the concentration of Soviet troops near the city were regarded by the German command as misinformation. They knew that the command of the Red Army had nothing to transfer many troops there, and the new railway, along which the transfer was going on, was reliably hidden from German air reconnaissance.

In preparing the defense on the Kursk Bulge, the engineering troops created a huge number of false objects (trenches, tank trenches, airfields, roads, troop concentrations, tanks, artillery). German reconnaissance, air reconnaissance, stumbling upon these false objects along with genuine ones, reported to their command, and the Wehrmacht High Command decided that the Red Army, guessing about the intention of the Germans to strike near Kursk, was trying to mislead them and give the impression that the Soviets had a sufficient number of troops near Kursk. Meanwhile, the Red Army did create a large grouping of troops there, but it was hidden among a huge number of false objects.

Therefore, camouflage is divided into strategic, operational and tactical. Engineer troops carry out only their part of camouflage measures. For this purpose, there are camouflage battalions in the RGK (reserve of the main command). One such battalion, with the help of the means at their disposal, can deploy to a false tank corps.

For example, up to 20 inflatable rubber tanks are transported on one vehicle. Such a rubber tank is inflated in 5-7 minutes from a car compressor and becomes indistinguishable from a distance of 200-300m. from the real look, and the metallized coloring gives exactly the same mark on the locator screen as from a real tank. The same machine can tow these inflated tanks behind it, giving the impression of two tank companies moving forward. The imitator installed on the same vehicle creates on the air the impression of a lively radio exchange of a tank column.

Camouflage nets are gradually becoming a thing of the past. The fact is that modern means of even optical reconnaissance make it possible to very clearly distinguish artificial greenery against the background of natural greenery and it is no longer possible to hide objects behind nets. Moreover, it is impossible to hide the pontoon bridge on the river. But deploying a few false bridges and hiding the real one among them is relatively easy. The enemy will be forced to disperse his forces to destroy all the bridges in a row, which will drastically reduce the effectiveness of strikes.

The engineering troops are armed with various simulators of the operation of radio equipment, simulators of infrared radiation of objects, radar reflectors, and easily assembled sets of false objects (equipment, buildings, bridges). For example, a camouflage airfield platoon deploys a false military airfield with imitation of a fighter air division based on it in 1-2 days on unprepared terrain. Moreover, not only ground objects and aircraft on the ground are simulated, but also aircraft flights near the airfield.

In general, a battle is not only a confrontation between means of attack and means of defense, but also a confrontation between means of reconnaissance and camouflage. If you do not know where to strike, and the enemy knows where your forces are, then you will surely lose the battle.

2.8 Engineering measures to restore the combat capability of troops and eliminate the consequences of enemy nuclear strikes

Fortunately, the engineering troops never had to perform this task. To some extent, its implementation can be compared with the work of rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in areas of earthquakes, floods, large fires, landslides, avalanches, man-made disasters, plus radioactive contamination of the area. Only for a more accurate comparison it is necessary to imagine all these events as having happened simultaneously. But these tasks must be carried out in conditions of combat operations and in conditions of an acute shortage of time.

If we decompose these tasks into their components, then the implementation of these components includes: engineering reconnaissance of the enemy, terrain and objects; restoration and maintenance of engineering barriers; making and maintaining passages in barriers and destruction; arrangement of passages through obstacles; restoration and maintenance of troop movement routes, transportation and evacuation; restoration and maintenance of crossings through water barriers; engineering measures to camouflage troops and facilities; etc. tasks.

2.9 Extraction and purification of water, equipment of water supply points

In fact, this is more of a task for the rear services, but all attempts to transfer the solution of this task to them instantly led to a disruption in the supply of water to the troops. So it was in 1939 in the battles on the Khalkhin Gol River, during the Soviet-Finnish war of 1940, and so it happened in 1945 during the movement of Soviet troops through the Gobi desert. In the end, it was decided that the supply of drinking water to the troops was not a matter of logistics, but of combat support, because. the lack of water by the end of the third day led to heavy losses in personnel.

One should not think that the issue of water extraction and purification plays a significant role only in desert conditions in summer or in Arctic conditions in winter. People who are accustomed to the fact that at any moment you can open a tap and clean drinking water will flow from it, or at worst take buckets and go with them to the well, it is difficult to imagine the problem of drinking water. But imagine a village with one well into which a regiment entered. One soldier needs from 8 to 15 liters of drinking water per day. The regiment consumes about 8-10 tons of clean water per day. The well will be empty in the first half hour, and people need to drink, eat, wash. Where to get water? But we need not just water, but clean drinking water.

To solve this problem, the engineering troops have a large arsenal of technical means for extracting and purifying water. For the extraction of water from underground, for small units there are manual drilling devices (MTK) for drilling wells up to 8 meters deep and pumping water out of them. There are mechanized devices for drilling wells up to 200 m deep, various means (pumps) for lifting water. For water purification, there are small-sized filters that can provide clean water to small units directly in positions.

To provide the regiment with water, the engineering and sapper company includes a field water supply department, which is armed with a MAFS or VFS-2.5 vehicle. The MAFS machine is capable of purifying 5 tons of water in an hour, regardless of its initial contamination (it also purifies water from radioactive contamination). For areas where there is no dirty but unsalted water, there is a FOU machine capable of desalinating up to 400 liters of sea water per hour.

2.10 Other tasks

In addition to solving the immediate tasks of combat engineering support, the engineer troops are entrusted with the task of providing other branches of the military with trenching tools, electrical equipment (from flashlights and batteries to mobile nuclear power plants), and providing units and subunits with electricity. To do this, the engineering troops have mobile power plants with a capacity of 500 watts to 5 megawatts.

3. The structure of the units of the engineering troops

At present, the engineering troops of the Russian Army consist of units and units that are part of motorized rifle (tank) regiments and divisions; engineering units that are part of army corps, armies, districts, as well as engineering units and formations reporting directly to the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces.

The staff of a motorized rifle (tank) regiment has an engineer-sapper company (ISR).

The staff of a motorized rifle (tank) division has an engineer-sapper battalion (ISB). The staff of the army corps also has an engineer-sapper battalion, but its staff and capabilities are somewhat wider than those of the ISF division.

An army, depending on its composition and combat missions, depending on the theater of operations, may have one or more ISF or an engineer regiment (ISP). In addition, the army may have a pontoon-bridge battalion (OPOMB), several specialized battalions.

However, most often, specialized engineering battalions and regiments, as well as brigades, remain under district or central subordination, located on the territory of the districts. These engineering units are usually deployed in those areas where their use is most possible. These are pontoon regiments (OPOMP), crossing and landing battalions (ODESPB), assault and obstacle engineering battalions (IBSHIR), engineering barrage battalions (OIZB), camouflage battalions (OMB), bridge-building battalions, road battalions, command post equipment battalions (OBOPU ), engineering and fortification battalions (OIFB), battalions and companies of field water supply; platoons, companies and battalions of special mine clearance, units and units of mine clearance, units and units of special use.

In a number of cases, engineering units are reduced to engineering brigades. There are currently no larger engineering brigades in the engineering troops, and their existence is impractical. For example, an engineering team is deployed near each nuclear power plant to eliminate the consequences of nuclear accidents.

3.1 The staff of the engineer company of the tank regiment (ISR TP)

The engineer-sapper company of a tank regiment belongs to the combat support units and is designed to perform the tasks of engineering support for the regiment's combat (Scheme 1).

The direct head of the company is the head of the engineering service of the regiment, who in turn reports directly to the commander of the regiment. Fortification - a branch of military engineering that deals with the theory and practice of improving terrain for combat by engineering methods.

Military fortification - the main means of fortification equipment of the area.

trench called an open earthwork for firing. A trench is for a shooter, machine gun, grenade launcher, mortar, gun, tank, infantry fighting vehicle (IFV), armored personnel carrier (APC), anti-aircraft gun, etc. In a word, for everything that can shoot. Very often, a trench for a tank is mistakenly called a caponier. This is completely wrong. This word came to literature from the times of forts and fortresses. A caponier is a concrete or brick structure adjacent to the fortress wall and designed to fire along the walls of the fortress to destroy enemy soldiers who have broken through directly to the walls. If the caponier allows you to fire not in two directions, but in one, then it is called a semi-caponier.

For non-firing equipment (cars, communication vehicles, field kitchens, ambulances, etc.), personnel are being built shelters . Their difference from the trenches is that it is impossible to fire from them. In some cases, shelters can also come off for firing equipment. Thus, a tank cover differs from a tank trench only in its depth (the tank hides in the cover completely to its full height).

Various shelters are also being built to shelter personnel. But, if all shelters for equipment are called "shelter", then for personnel their names are different.

gap used for sheltering a motorized rifle squad (and for other small units). Outwardly, it looks like a short section of the trench. The gap can be open and blocked (covered from above with thin logs (knurling) and sprinkled with a layer of earth of 30-60 cm). The gap must accommodate at least 1/3 of the squad personnel.

Dugout is a completely buried, earth-covered structure made of logs, shields, or elements of corrugated iron. The dugout is covered from above with one or several rows of knurling and covered with a layer of earth of at least 1m.20cm. Inside, bunks for personnel rest are equipped, a heating stove is installed, and electricity can be supplied. Very often a dugout is mistakenly called a dugout. This is fundamentally wrong. Dugouts, unlike dugouts, are a surface structure, arranged in the rear areas; they are not designed to shelter personnel from enemy fire. Dugouts are intended for long-term residence of personnel and are something like large huts made of logs covered with a thick layer of turf. Dugouts can have a capacity of up to 100 or even 200 people, while a dugout can accommodate up to 13 people. According to the norms, one dugout per platoon is equipped and should accommodate 1/3 of the platoon. The dugout is not intended for firing. Structures similar to a dugout, but equipped with one or more embrasures, are called DZOT (wood-earth firing point) or DZOS (wood-earth firing structure). The same structure, but made of concrete, is called a bunker (long-term firing point) or DOS (long-term firing structure).

asylum similar to a dugout, but larger, goes deeper into the ground than a dugout, has a thicker protective layer of earth and is completely sealed. Those. poisonous substances, incendiary agents cannot penetrate inside the shelter. The shelter is equipped with a filter-ventilation unit; in the shelter you can be in a poisoned zone, a zone of radioactive contamination, without wearing gas masks. The shelter is equipped with one per company and must accommodate at least 1/3 of the company's personnel.

Message moves - these are trenches connecting the trenches of units or trenches leading to the rear (for carrying out the wounded, delivering ammunition, food, replenishment). Also in the defense area, shelters are being built for the wounded, for medical posts, communications equipment, water supply points, field warehouses, food points, etc.

Engineering ammunition , means of blasting, explosive charges (HE), mines, pyrotechnic devices and other items of engineering weapons equipped with explosives and pyrotechnic compositions. The means of blasting are blasting caps, electric detonators, electric igniters, fuses, detonating and igniter cords, incendiary tubes, fuses, etc. Explosive charges are used to produce destruction, construct barriers and perform other tasks related to the engineering support of military operations. The main means for these purposes are mines, as well as shells of engineering cable throwers (devices for throwing cables), and in some armies - nuclear mines.

Engineering position company (IPR).

Engineering road company (IDR).

Company of engineering barriers (RIZ).

Engineer-sapper company (ISR).

The engineering and sapper company is designed to perform the tasks of setting up barriers and making passages in minefields.

The composition of the ISR:

2 engineer platoons;

Controlled mining platoon.

Armament of the ISR:

BGM drilling machine - 1 unit;

Cars Ural-43202 - 10 units;

Trailer 2-pm-4 - 3 units;

Chainsaw "Friendship" - 9 units;

IMP mine detectors - 12 units;

KRI reconnaissance kit - 6 units;

DSP-30 - 6 units;

PFM - 3 units;

PD-530 - 1 set;

PBU-50 - 3 units.

Capabilities of an ISR company (for 10-12 hours):

1. Install - 3-6 minefields;

2. Make 6-9 passes in minefields;

3. Arrange 1-2 barrier nodes;

4. Set 1-2 INP;

5. Prepare to blow up 2-3 bridges .

Composition of RIZ:

2 platoons of barriers;

1 remote mining platoon.

RIZ armament:

GMZ-3 - 3 units;

PMZ-4 - 4-3 sets;

Cars Ural-43202 - 12 units;

Trailer 2-PN-4 - 3 units;

Set of controlled minefield UMP-3 - 3 sets.

RIZ capabilities (for 10-12 hours):

1. Set up 2-3 guided minefields;

2. Allocate 2 mobile detachments of obstacles;

3. Make and maintain 3-4 passes in minefields.

It is intended for equipment and maintenance of extension routes, building low-water bridges for loads of 60 tons.

The composition of the IDR:

2 road engineering platoons;

obstacle platoon;

A platoon of heavy mechanized bridges.

Armament of the IDR:

Tracklayers BAT-2 - 6 units;

TMM-3 set - 2 sets;

Installation UR-77-3 units.

IDR capabilities (for 10-12 hours):

1. Equip and maintain 2 road sections of 75 km each;

2. Equip 1-2 obstacle crossings;

3. Make up to 6 passages in the minefields of the enemy, directly during the battle (the length of the passage is 100m, the width is 6m).

Designed to perform tasks on fortification equipment of the defense area, positions, command posts, water supply to subunits and units.

The composition of the IPR:

2 engineering position platoons;

Platoon of engineering structures;

Department of water supply;

Paint department.

IPR armament:

Pit machine MDK - 3 units;

Trench machine BTM - 3 units;

Excavators EOV-4421 - 4 units;

Truck crane KS-2573 - 1 unit;

Set KVS-A (KVS-U) - 3 sets;

Filtration station VFS-10 - 1 set;

Sawmill LRV-2 - 1 set;

Lighting station AD-75-VS - 1 set;

Power plant ESB-8I-1 set;

Painting station POS - 1 set;

Power plant ED-16RAO - 1 set.

Possibilities of IPR (for 10-12 hours):

1. Equip 1-2 water supply points;

2. Equip 1-2 NP of the unit commander;

3. Dig 30 km of trenches and communications;

4. Open 20 covers for vehicles;

5. Prepare up to 50 m 3 of lumber;

6. Produce the manufacture of 50 linear meters. bridge meters per shift;

7. Equip 2-3 sets of crusher.

Designed to provide forced obstacles on floating bridges or with equipment for landing crossings.

Composition of PonR:

2 pontoon platoons;

A platoon of floating transporters;

Coastal department.

Armament PonR:

0.5 set of PMP park;

6 boats of the BMK-T type;

4 ferry-bridge machines;

BAT-2 - 1 unit;

PTS-2 - 6 units.

PonR opportunities (for 10-12 hours):

1 floating bridge with a length of 117 m for loads of 60 tons.

1 bridge with a length of 314 m for loads of 20 tons.

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