Wildlife Conservation Day. World Wildlife Day March 3rd. How is wildlife day

The decision to celebrate this day was made at the 68th session of the UN General Assembly on December 20, 2013.

The date was not chosen by chance: on this day in 1973 the Convention on international trade types wildlife and flora (CITES).

world day wildlife provides an opportunity to draw attention to the diversity and beauty of the manifestations of wild fauna and flora, and also helps to raise awareness of the benefits received by people from conservation activities. In addition, this Day reminds us of the need to strengthen the fight against wildlife crime, which has far-reaching economic, environmental and social consequences.

Approximately 5,600 animal species and 30,000 plant species are protected by CITES. They are listed in three CITES Appendices and grouped according to their degree of threat of extinction.

In the Applications are included as whole groups of animals, such as primates, cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises), sea ​​turtles, parrots, corals, cacti and orchids and others, and subspecies or geographically isolated populations.

Among the most vulnerable animal species of the Russian fauna are in the first place: the Amur tiger, leopard, Snow Leopard, polar bear and large species falconiformes (golden eagle, gyrfalcon, saker falcon, peregrine falcon) used as birds of prey, as well as some valuable fish species.

In the context of insufficient measures to combat poaching, it annually causes damage to the state in the amount of more than 19 billion rubles.

The total damage from illegal tiger hunting is up to 25 million rubles. Thus, according to various estimates, from 30 to 50 tigers are illegally harvested per year. Illegal hunting of such species of birds as gyrfalcon, saker falcon, peregrine falcon is from 1,000 to 1,200 individuals per year.

The estimated damage from illegal bird hunting is about 240 million rubles.

According to the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation Sergey Donskoy, about 50 thousand violations in the field of illegal trade in rare and endangered species of animals are detected annually, which is a tenth of their total number.

In Russia in 2013, significant amendments to the legislation were adopted, which toughened the punishment for the production and trafficking of animals listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and the CITES Appendix. Criminal liability has been introduced not only for illegal mining, but also, for the first time, for illegal traffic especially valuable wild animals, including Amur tiger, Far Eastern leopard and others rare species including their storage, transportation and sale. In addition, toughened administrative responsibility for the destruction of rare and endangered species of animals and plants.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Man actively uses the resources of the planet on which he lives. Its activity seriously harms the environment, spoils the ecology, leads to the extinction of entire species of wild animals. To draw attention to these issues, there international holiday, which is celebrated on the third of March. This is exactly the day that everyone who is interested in the present and future of wildlife is paying attention to. Proper holding of this holiday allows ordinary citizens to understand that from their simple actions depends on the safety of the environment.

history of the holiday

In 2013, the General Assembly of the United Nations made a valuable decision to start commemorating this day in order to increase public awareness of wildlife issues. This holiday was timed to coincide with the date of adoption of one of the most important documents in the field of animal protection, concerning the trade in species of wild fauna and flora that were threatened with destruction. One of critical steps The Conference of the Parties to CITES, held in 2013, became the date for setting such a date.

It was there that the participants decided to establish this holiday and turned to the UN with this proposal, where it was approved. Russia is also a member of CITES, which is why we are holding relevant events. All this suggests that the authorities and the public in the Russian Federation were and remain interested in protecting the fauna

The appearance of this holiday is explained by the understanding of the need to preserve animals, which are now very few. This is especially true for those smaller brothers who are already listed in the Red Book. I would like to hope that the combined efforts of the citizens of the whole world will save the lives of many living beings.

"The future of wildlife is in everyone's hands" is the motto world day wildlife, which is celebrated annually on March 3. This is a relatively young holiday, which was created by the United Nations in 2013 to raise public awareness of the dangers faced by the fauna and flora of the planet. The chosen date coincides with the signing of the Convention on International Trade in Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. CITES is an international document regulating the illegal trade in animals and plants.

Habitat loss and management intensity Agriculture are among the real and tangible problems of nature. Thousands of flora and fauna are considered endangered and require our participation, according to the IUCN Red List.

Today, aspects such as urbanization, poaching, pollution and destruction of animal habitats are very acute. Forums, conferences and conventions everywhere are looking for all sorts of ways through which people can prevent the destruction of the wild environment.

Elephants, pangolins, rhinoceros, sharks and tigers are the most affected by illegal trade. According to the UN, the main reason for the extinction of wild animals is the reduction of habitat, which accounts for 80% of the loss of biological diversity.

At the current rate of extinction, about 20% of the world's species could become extinct forever within the next 30 years.

How is the holiday going?

On this day, many people enjoy the biodiversity of the planet by visiting animals in zoos or on safaris, going to nature museums, botanical gardens or National parks to see a wide variety of flora and fauna with your own eyes.
Volunteers clear debris from places along the beach, park or road sections. This garbage pollutes the aquatic and terrestrial environment. In addition to everything, these wastes can poison the organisms of animals or become traps for them.
Documentary films are shown to inform the public about the problems of the environment.
Most international forums end with donations to protect the planet's biodiversity.

Do businesses close on this day?

International Wildlife Day is a global event, but there is no additional day off in countries.

The announced day reminds the population of the planet of the negative economic and social catastrophes provoked by the rash extermination of wildlife.

Human activity is associated with the use natural resources. It causes irreversible damage to the environment and numerous species animals. Animals are deliberately exterminated or forced out of their places of existence. Their biological functions are not fulfilled. These processes damage the environment and have irreversible consequences for the planet. An international holiday has been created to draw the attention of governments, the public, and manufacturers to this problem.

When does it pass

World Wildlife Day is celebrated annually on March 3rd. In 2020, the date is celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of the world.

Who notes

Specialists in the field of environmental safety, environmental structures, defenders of environment, scientists, researchers, activists charities, employees public funds. They are joined by students, teachers of specialized specialties of universities, employees of government agencies.

History and traditions of the holiday

The holiday originated on December 20, 2013. It was proclaimed General Assembly United Nations in Resolution No. A/RES/68/205. The document called on governments to honor and take measures to protect the environment, to inform the public.

The selected date has symbolic meaning. It is timed to coincide with the adoption on March 3, 1973 of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. The document contains definitions of basic concepts: species, specimen, introduction from the sea, and others. The agreement regulates the rules of trade, taking into account the protection of the environment.

The holiday was preceded by the CITES Conference of the Parties. The event was held in Thailand in the spring of 2013. Its sponsor was the Kingdom of the country.

On this international holiday, a message is heard Secretary General UN. Thematic seminars and conferences are being prepared. Protectors of wildlife act. Reports on environmental issues are read. Hearings are being held to reduce animal populations. Legislators put forward proposals for improvement international law. People who have made a significant contribution to protecting the environment are honored. AT educational institutions talking about measures careful attitude to nature. Activists inform the public about the industry's pressing issues through flash mobs. The media broadcast documentaries, art films about wildlife.

The resolution that fixed the holiday establishes the mechanism for its financing.

Exist World Foundation wildlife (WWF). It originated in 1961. The organization fights for the rich biodiversity and conservation of the Earth's ecosystems. Over 20 years, she has implemented over 300 projects worth more than 70 million euros.

The Far Eastern tiger is one of the smallest subspecies. It is listed in the Red Book. In China, his murder is punishable by death. The animal is depicted on the heraldic symbols of the country.

Experts identify more than 200 regions in the world - the most significant for the conservation of wildlife diversity.

2013, the UN General Assembly decided to proclaim (resolution A/RES/68/205) World Wildlife Day, with the aim of raising the general public's awareness of wild fauna and flora. This event was a separate milestone in the history of the UN, which made this decision. From now on, there is a date in the human calendar dedicated to wildlife.

The same year marked the 40th anniversary of the adoption of another important document in the field of protecting natural diversity. It was called the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. The document's birthday was March 3, 1973.

The birth of the holiday within the walls of the UN was preceded by the initiative of the participants of the CITES Conference of the Parties, held in Thailand in the spring of 2013. It should be clarified that this meeting is held between representatives of the countries that have signed the Convention of March 3, 1973. It was at this Conference that it was proposed to declare March 3 as World Wildlife Day. With this proposal, the participants of the Conference turned to the United Nations, presenting there the results of the Conference itself.

Participation in the 1973 Convention was not mandatory, but the countries that signed it are required to comply with the conditions prescribed in this document. It should be noted that 180 countries are parties to the Convention. The USSR joined the CITES members in 1976, and Russia, being the successor Soviet Union– in 1992.

The appearance of such a holiday is due to the understanding of the need to preserve biological diversity on the planet. Concern about the conservation of the number of endangered species of fauna and flora, about possible consequences them complete disappearance for other species, it pushes the caring people of science, politics, the economy and ordinary citizens around the world to join forces to save what is largely dying due to human intervention in the natural world.

Everything more people they think about the importance in the life of the planet not only of a person, but of every living being, whether it be an animal or a plant. This holiday and its competent holding with the participation of the media allows us to expand the horizons of knowledge of the world for ordinary citizens, to show people the beauty of wildlife created and living independently of the world of people. He teaches a person to live in harmony with the world around him.

The awareness of people about the beauty of nature, its diversity and the uniqueness of each individual species should contribute to this process of harmonization. Change of consciousness and attitude to wild nature, rejection of the idea of ​​infinity natural resources will allow our children and grandchildren to find the very harmonious way of coexistence with wild nature, which will give them the opportunity to enjoy the beauty and splendor of this miracle!

There are many on our planet
Untouched wild places
Where there is no trace of a man
For miles around.

Birds fly free
And the animals there are not shy,
Water sparkles like crystal
And the air knows no smoke.

On the day of the wild, I wish
Take care of her and love her
So that our future descendants
Keep the planet alive.

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