Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University. An excerpt characterizing Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University

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Institutes and faculties

  • Faculty of Natural Geography. Chairs:
    • Geography
    • Chemistry
    • Biology
  • Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Arts. Chairs:
    • Preschool and Primary Education
    • Psychology
    • Pedagogy
    • Artistic training
    • Choral art and methods of music education
    • Musicology and instrumental training
  • Institute of Philology and Journalism. Chairs:
    • journalism
    • Ukrainian language
    • Ukrainian literature
  • Institute of Physical Education and Sports. Chairs:
    • Theories and methods of physical education
    • Sports and sports games
    • Medico-biological foundations of physical education and physical rehabilitation
    • physical education
  • Institute of History, Ethnology and Law. Chairs:
    • Philosophy and socio-political disciplines and ethnology
    • world history
    • History and culture of Ukraine
    • jurisprudence
  • Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Technological Education. Chairs:
    • Mathematics and methods of teaching mathematics
    • Physics and methods of teaching physics, astronomy
    • Technological education, economics and life safety
  • Institute of Master's, Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies
    • Department of Innovative and Information Technologies in Education
    • Postgraduate, doctoral and master's departments
  • University of the Foreign languages. Chairs:
    • English Philology
    • Germanic and Slavic philology and foreign literature
    • foreign languages


  • M. D. Zapolsky (1912-1922)
  • F. A. Kondratsky (1922-1924)
  • M. S. Shlepakov (1925-1930)
  • A. Ya. Giber (1930-1933)
  • I. D. Maly (1933-1935)
  • T. O. Kupriyanov (1935-1937)
  • Ya. K. Litvinov (1937-1941)
  • P. T. Patzei (1944-1946)
  • O. M. Tkachenko (1946-1961)
  • I. P. Grushchenko (1969-1976)
  • N. M. Shunda (1976-2003)
  • O. V. Shestopalyuk (2003-2015)

Honorary Doctors, Faculty and Alumni

  • Famous writer M. Stelmakh.
  • Poet and prose writer A. Myastkovsky.
  • Teacher, doctor of psychological sciences I. Sinitsa.
  • Academician O. Mazurkevich.
  • Director of the Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education, full member of the NAPS of Ukraine Zyazyun Ivan Andreevich.
  • Habelated doctor, professor at the University of Rzeszow (Poland), Eugenia Iwona Laska.
  • Evgeny Venger - Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology.
  • Oleg Khlevnyuk is a well-known specialist in the political history of Stalinism, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor at Mikhail Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia).
  • Viktor Ognevyuk, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Rector of the Kyiv State Pedagogical University named after Boris Grinchenko.
  • Vitaly Kaminsky - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Lecturer at the Karolinska Medical and Surgical Institute in Stockholm (Sweden).
  • Nikolai Kiriyenko, scientist, economist, specialist in political economy, professor, doctor of economic sciences.
  • Gurvich Irina - Professor of the Darmstadt Technical University (Germany)
  • Volodymyr Strashkevich, teacher of Ukrainian and Latin (1944-1961). Candidate of Philology.

Awards and reputation

In 1999, according to the results of the competition "Sofia of Kyiv", the Pedagogical University entered the top five pedagogical educational institutions of Ukraine, and in 2000 and 2001 - the top ten humanitarian and pedagogical higher institutions of Ukraine. In addition, on August 24, 2002, the International Academic Rating of popularity and quality "Golden Fortune" awarded Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University with a silver medal "Independence of Ukraine" in the nomination "For a significant contribution to the training of highly qualified personnel of public education in Ukraine."

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An excerpt characterizing Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University

Princess Marya and Natasha, as always, met in the bedroom. They talked about what Pierre said. Princess Mary did not express her opinion about Pierre. Natasha didn't talk about him either.
“Well, goodbye, Marie,” said Natasha. - You know, I am often afraid that we do not talk about him (Prince Andrei), as if we are afraid to humiliate our feelings, and forget.
Princess Mary sighed heavily, and with that sigh she acknowledged the truth of Natasha's words; but in words she did not agree with her.
– Is it possible to forget? - she said.
- It was so good for me today to tell everything; and hard, and painful, and good. Very well, - said Natasha, - I'm sure that he definitely loved him. From that I told him… nothing that I told him? – suddenly blushing, she asked.
- Pierre? Oh no! How beautiful he is,” said Princess Mary.
“You know, Marie,” Natasha suddenly said with a playful smile, which Princess Mary had not seen on her face for a long time. - He became somehow clean, smooth, fresh; just from the bath, you understand? - morally from the bath. Truth?
“Yes,” said Princess Marya, “he won a lot.
- And a short frock coat, and cropped hair; for sure, well, for sure from the bathhouse ... dad, it happened ...
“I understand that he (Prince Andrei) did not love anyone as much as he did,” said Princess Mary.
- Yes, and he is special from him. They say that men are friendly when they are very special. It must be true. Doesn't he really look like him at all?
Yes, and wonderful.
“Well, goodbye,” Natasha answered. And the same playful smile, as if forgotten, remained on her face for a long time.

Pierre could not sleep for a long time that day; he walked up and down the room, now frowning, pondering something difficult, suddenly shrugging his shoulders and shuddering, now smiling happily.
He thought about Prince Andrei, about Natasha, about their love, and then he was jealous of her past, then he reproached, then he forgave himself for it. It was already six o'clock in the morning, and he kept walking around the room.
“Well, what to do. If you can't live without it! What to do! So it must be so,” he said to himself, and, hastily undressing, went to bed, happy and excited, but without doubts or indecisions.
“It is necessary, strange as it may seem, no matter how impossible this happiness is, everything must be done in order to be husband and wife with her,” he said to himself.
A few days before this, Pierre had appointed the day of his departure for Petersburg on Friday. When he woke up on Thursday, Savelich came to him for orders to pack things for the journey.
“How to Petersburg? What is Petersburg? Who is in Petersburg? – involuntarily, though to himself, he asked. “Yes, something long, long ago, even before this happened, for some reason I was going to go to Petersburg,” he recalled. - From what? I will go, maybe. What a kind, attentive, how he remembers everything! he thought, looking at Savelich's old face. And what a nice smile! he thought.
“Well, you still don’t want to be free, Savelich?” Pierre asked.
- Why do I need, Your Excellency, will? Under the late count, the kingdom of heaven, we lived and we don’t see any offense with you.
- Well, what about the children?
- And the children will live, your excellency: you can live for such gentlemen.
“Well, what about my heirs?” Pierre said. "Suddenly I'll get married ... It might happen," he added with an involuntary smile.
- And I dare to report: a good thing, Your Excellency.
“How easy he thinks,” thought Pierre. He doesn't know how scary it is, how dangerous it is. Too soon or too late… Scary!”
- How would you like to order? Would you like to go tomorrow? Savelich asked.
- Not; I will postpone a little. I'll tell you then. Excuse me for the trouble, ”said Pierre, and looking at Savelich’s smile, he thought:“ How strange, however, that he does not know that now there is no Petersburg and that first of all it is necessary that this be decided. However, he certainly knows, but only pretends. Talk to him? What does he think? thought Pierre. No, sometime later.
At breakfast, Pierre told the princess that he had been at Princess Mary's yesterday and found him there - can you imagine who? - Natalie Rostov.
The princess pretended that she did not see anything more unusual in this news than in the fact that Pierre saw Anna Semyonovna.
– Do you know her? Pierre asked.
“I saw the princess,” she answered. - I heard that she was married to the young Rostov. This would be very good for the Rostovs; They say they are completely broke.
- No, do you know Rostov?
“I only heard about this story then. Very sorry.
“No, she doesn’t understand or pretends to be,” thought Pierre. "Better not tell her either."
The princess also prepared provisions for Pierre's journey.
“How kind they all are,” thought Pierre, “that now, when it certainly couldn’t be more interesting for them, they are doing all this. And everything for me; that's what's amazing."
On the same day, a police chief came to Pierre with a proposal to send a trustee to the Faceted Chamber to receive the things that were now being distributed to the owners.
“This one too,” thought Pierre, looking into the face of the police chief, “what a glorious, handsome officer and how kind! Now he's dealing with such nonsense. And they say that he is not honest and uses. What nonsense! And yet, why shouldn't he use it? That's how he was brought up. And everyone does it. And such a pleasant, kind face, and smiles, looking at me.
Pierre went to dine with Princess Mary.
Driving through the streets between the conflagrations of houses, he marveled at the beauty of these ruins. Chimneys of houses, fallen off walls, picturesquely reminiscent of the Rhine and the Colosseum, stretched, hiding each other, through the burnt quarters. The cabbies and riders who met, the carpenters who cut the log cabins, the traders and shopkeepers, all with cheerful, beaming faces, looked at Pierre and said as if: “Ah, here he is! Let's see what comes out of it."
At the entrance to the house of Princess Marya, Pierre found doubts about the fairness of the fact that he was here yesterday, saw Natasha and spoke with her. “Maybe I made it up. Maybe I'll go in and see no one." But before he had time to enter the room, as already in his whole being, by the instant deprivation of his freedom, he felt her presence. She was in the same black dress with soft folds and the same hairdo as yesterday, but she was completely different. If she had been like that yesterday, when he entered the room, he could not have failed to recognize her for a moment.
She was the same as he knew her almost as a child and then the bride of Prince Andrei. A cheerful, inquiring gleam shone in her eyes; there was an affectionate and strangely mischievous expression on his face.
Pierre dined and would have sat out all evening; but Princess Mary was on her way to Vespers, and Pierre left with them.
The next day, Pierre arrived early, dined and sat out the whole evening. Despite the fact that Princess Mary and Natasha were obviously glad to have a guest; despite the fact that all the interest in Pierre's life was now concentrated in this house, by evening they had talked everything over, and the conversation moved incessantly from one insignificant subject to another and was often interrupted. Pierre sat up so late that evening that Princess Mary and Natasha looked at each other, obviously expecting him to leave soon. Pierre saw this and could not leave. It became difficult for him, awkward, but he kept sitting, because he could not get up and leave.
Princess Mary, not foreseeing the end of this, was the first to get up and, complaining of a migraine, began to say goodbye.
- So you are going to Petersburg tomorrow? Oka said.
“No, I’m not going,” Pierre said hastily, with surprise and as if offended. - No, to Petersburg? Tomorrow; I just don't say goodbye. I’ll call for commissions, ”he said, standing in front of Princess Marya, blushing and not leaving.
Natasha gave him her hand and left. Princess Mary, on the contrary, instead of leaving, sank into an armchair and, with her radiant, deep gaze, looked sternly and attentively at Pierre. The weariness that she had obviously shown before was completely gone now. She sighed heavily and long, as if preparing herself for a long conversation.
All the embarrassment and awkwardness of Pierre, when Natasha was removed, instantly disappeared and was replaced by an excited animation. He quickly moved the chair very close to Princess Marya.
“Yes, I wanted to tell you,” he said, answering, as if in words, in her glance. “Princess, help me. What should I do? Can I hope? Princess, my friend, listen to me. I know everything. I know that I'm not worth it; I know it's impossible to talk about it now. But I want to be her brother. No, I don't want... I can't...
He stopped and rubbed his face and eyes with his hands.
“Well, here it is,” he continued, apparently making an effort on himself to speak coherently. I don't know since when I love her. But I have loved her alone, alone in my whole life, and I love her so much that I cannot imagine life without her. Now I do not dare to ask for her hand; but the thought that maybe she could be mine and that I would miss this opportunity ... opportunity ... is terrible. Tell me, can I hope? Tell me what should I do? Dear princess,” he said, after a pause and touching her hand, as she did not answer.
“I am thinking about what you told me,” Princess Mary answered. “I'll tell you what. You are right, what now to tell her about love ... - The princess stopped. She wanted to say: it is now impossible for her to talk about love; but she stopped, because for the third day she saw from the suddenly changed Natasha that not only Natasha would not be offended if Pierre expressed his love to her, but that this was all she wanted.
“It’s impossible to tell her now,” Princess Marya said anyway.
“But what am I to do?
“Give it to me,” said Princess Mary. - I know…
Pierre looked into the eyes of Princess Mary.
“Well, well…” he said.
“I know that she loves ... she will love you,” Princess Mary corrected herself.
Before she had time to say these words, Pierre jumped up and, with a frightened face, grabbed Princess Mary by the hand.
- Why do you think? Do you think that I can hope? You think?!
“Yes, I think so,” said Princess Mary, smiling. - Write to your parents. And entrust me. I'll tell her when I can. I wish it. And my heart feels that it will be.
- No, it can't be! How happy I am! But it can't be... How happy I am! No, it can not be! - said Pierre, kissing the hands of Princess Mary.
- You go to St. Petersburg; it is better. I'll write to you, she said.
- To Petersburg? Drive? Okay, yes, let's go. But tomorrow I can come to you?
The next day, Pierre came to say goodbye. Natasha was less lively than in the old days; but on this day, sometimes looking into her eyes, Pierre felt that he was disappearing, that neither he nor she was anymore, but there was one feeling of happiness. “Really? No, it can’t be,” he said to himself at her every look, gesture, word that filled his soul with joy.


Types of educational qualification levels:
- Junior Specialist,
- Bachelor,
- Specialist,
- Master.

List of faculties:
- Faculty of Natural Geography;
- Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology;
- Institute of Physical Education and Sports;
- Institute of Philology and Journalism;
- Institute of Advanced Technologies, Economics and Fundamental Sciences;
- Institute of history, ethnology and jurisprudence;
- University of the Foreign languages;
- Musical and pedagogical faculty.

Information for applicants
The list of documents required for admission to the university:
Attached to the application for admission to the Pedagogical University:
- Certificates of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment;
- Medical certificate in form 086-U;
- 6 photo cards 3 / 4 cm in size;
- An extract from the work book on teaching experience (with records of work at the time of its publication) for applicants for correspondence courses (photocopies are certified according to the originals by the admissions committee of the pedagogical university or in the prescribed manner).

Passport (birth certificate for persons who do not have a passport by age), military ID (certificate of registration to the recruiting station), certificates of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Evaluation and the original medical certificate 086-U (for submitting their copies) the applicant presents personally.

Other documents may be submitted by applicants if they apply for benefits established by the legislation of Ukraine or caused by conditional restrictions on admission to training in the relevant areas of training (specialties) established by regulatory legal acts.

Deadline for submission of documents for admission in 2009:
Reception of documents for full-time education is carried out from June 23 to July 22.

Additional Information:
For admission to the Faculty of Natural Geography, certificates of the Ukrainian Center for Evaluating the Quality of Education in the following subjects are required:

- Geography, biology or chemistry.

For admission to the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, certificates of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Evaluation are required in the following subjects:
- Ukrainian language and literature;
- Mathematics or biology.

For admission to the Institute of Physical Education and Sports, certificates of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Evaluation are required in the following subjects:
- Ukrainian language and literature;
- Biology;
and an entrance exam in physical education.

For admission to the Institute of Philology and Journalism, certificates of the Ukrainian Center for Evaluating the Quality of Education in Ukrainian Language and Literature and a creative task are required.

For admission to the Institute of Advanced Technologies, Economics and Fundamental Sciences, certificates of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Evaluation are required in the following subjects:
- Ukrainian language and literature;
- Mathematics or physics.

For admission to the Institute of History, Ethnology and Law, certificates of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Evaluation are required in the following subjects:
- Ukrainian language and literature;
- The World History.

For admission to the Institute of Foreign Languages, certificates of the Ukrainian Center for Evaluating the Quality of Education in Ukrainian Language and Literature and an entrance exam in a foreign language are required.

For admission to the Faculty of Music and Education, certificates of the Ukrainian Center for Evaluating the Quality of Education in Ukrainian Language and Literature and professional tests in music are required.

Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University named after Mikhail Kotsiubynsky- higher educational institution in the city of Vinnitsa (Ukraine) IV level of accreditation.

Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University named after Mikhail Kotsiubynsky
original name Ukrainian Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubinsky
Year of foundation
Rector Ph.D. Associate Professor Natalia Ivanovna Lazarenko
students about 3 thousand
The doctors 33
professors 30
Location Ukraine Ukraine, Vinnitsa
Legal address 21100, Ukraine, Vinnitsa, st. Ostrozsky, 32


July 1, 1912 - The educational institution began its activities in a building allocated by the city. It was a small two-story building, built according to the project of the architect G. Artynov on Zamostye (currently Kotsiubinsky Avenue).

September 14, 1912 - the official opening of the Vinnitsa Teachers' Institute. It was founded without division into departments or faculties. A student who graduated from this educational institution could teach any subject.

September 1912 - State Councilor, Candidate of Theology M. D. Zapolsky was appointed director of the institute, who held this position until 1922.

After the February Revolution of 1917, courses in the Ukrainian language, literature, and history were introduced at the Vinnitsa Teachers' Institute.

1917-1918 - the famous poet P. S. Karmansky taught Ukrainian literature at the institute, the outstanding composer K. G. Stetsenko taught singing.

In 1920, the teacher's institute was reorganized into the institute of public education.

From 1922 to 1924, the institute was headed by teacher of pedagogy F. A. Kondratsky.

In November 1922, the Vinnitsa Institute of Public Education was named after V. I. Lenin.

At the beginning of 1924, the institute was transferred to Kamenetz-Podolsky and merged with the local INO. But, in 1925, the Ukrainian Pedagogical College named after. I. Franko. M. S. Shlepakov was appointed director.

1926 - Ukrainian Pedagogical College named after. I. Franko received the status of a higher educational institution of a humanitarian profile.

In August 1930, in Vinnitsa, by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR, a higher educational institution was again created - the Institute of Social Education, where 4 departments functioned.

From 1930 to 1933, A. Ya. Giber was appointed director.

In 1933, the board of the People's Commissariat of Education of the Ukrainian SSR turned the institutes of social education into pedagogical institutes with a 4-year term of study. An optional structure of the institution was introduced.

From 1933 to 1935 I. D. Maly was the director of the institute.

On September 1, 1935, the Vinnitsa Pedagogical Institute was transformed into a two-year state teacher's institute.

On June 22, 1941, students and teachers were called to a rally, where they discussed participation in the defense of the country.

From September 1941, the Pedagogical Institute began its work again. This was initiated by Professor of Literature Belinsky D. M. and the head of the regional department of education, Professor Serafimovich V. O.

October 1, 1941 - the directorate of the institute announced the start of the work of the correspondence department, consisting of three faculties. There were also courses for the preparation of teachers of German for secondary schools.

From February 1943 - the Pedagogical Institute ceased its activities.

In the spring of 1944, the institute resumed its activities in the premises of secondary school No. 4, on the street. Gogol. Three faculties were opened: history, literature, physics and mathematics. There was also a teacher's institute with a two-year term of study at the Pedagogical Institute. P. T. Patsey was appointed director of the institute.

In 1946, O. M. Tkachenko became the director (since 1961 he worked as the rector of the institute).

In 1953, the institute moved to a new spacious building on the street. Krasnoznamennaya, 32 (now K. Ostrozhsky St.).

In 1956, two faculties began to operate: physical education and training of primary school teachers. In the same year, the Faculty of History and Philology (operated during 1953-1956) was reorganized into Philology.

In 1962, the Faculty of English was founded. In 1968 - the Faculty of Music and Education. Natural-geographic - in 1976. In 1971, the training of teachers of history was resumed, and since 1973 the Faculty of History has been operating.

From 1969 to 1976, the Pedagogical Institute was headed by I.P. Grushchenko, from 1976 to 2003 - N.M. Shunda.

During 1970-1980. the educational base of the institute has been expanded. Laboratory building No. 3 was built and put into operation, building No. 2 was equipped. Between buildings No. 2 and No. 3 in a two-story room connecting them, there are five specialized auditoriums for 600 seats, a club with an assembly hall for 750 seats, library departments, four hostels.

In 1987, the sanatorium-preventorium "Pedagogue" was opened for 100 places per shift. Over 150 teachers of the institute were awarded the title of excellent student of public education in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan.

In 1979 Vinnitsa State Pedagogical Institute became the fourth higher pedagogical institution of the first category in Ukraine.

In 1993, the institute was issued a license for educational activities in 10 specialties for the 4th level of accreditation and for the 2nd - for the 3rd level.

1997 - The Ministry of Education certified 14 specialties declared by the institute. By the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 122 of February 4, 1998, the institute was reorganized into the Pedagogical University. M. Kotsiubinsky.

June 9, 1998 - The State Accreditation Commission recognized the Pedagogical University as accredited for the status of an institution of higher education of the IV level.

Since 2003, Alexander Vasilyevich Shestopalyuk has worked as a rector. In 2015, he was removed from this position and stripped of all academic titles.

Institutes and faculties


  • M. D. Zapolsky (1912-1922)
  • F. A. Kondratsky (1922-1924)
  • M. S. Shlepakov (1925-1930)
  • A. Ya. Giber (1930-1933)
  • I. D. Maly (1933-1935)
  • T. O. Kupriyanov (1935-1937)
  • Ya. K. Litvinov (1937-1941)
  • P. T. Patzei (1944-1946)
  • O. M. Tkachenko (1946-1961)
  • I. P. Grushchenko (1969-1976)
  • N. M. Shunda (1976-2003)
  • O. V. Shestopalyuk (2003-2015)
  • N. I. Lazarenko (2015-present)

Honorary Doctors, Faculty and Alumni

  • Famous Ukrainian writer Mikhail Stelmakh
  • Poet and prose writer A. Myastkovsky
  • Teacher, Doctor of Psychology I. Sinitsa
  • Academician A. Mazurkevich
  • Director of the Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education, full member of the NAPS of Ukraine Ivan Andreyevich Zyazyun
  • Habelated Doctor, Professor at the University of Rzeszow (Poland), Eugenia Iwona Laska
  • Evgeny Venger - corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology
  • Oleg Khlevnyuk is a well-known specialist in the political history of Stalinism, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor at Mikhail Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia)
  • Viktor Ogneviuk, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Rector of the Kyiv State Pedagogical University named after Boris Grinchenko
  • Vitaly Kaminsky - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Lecturer at the Karolinska Medical and Surgical Institute in Stockholm (Sweden).
  • In 1999, according to the results of the competition "Sophia of Kyiv", the Pedagogical University entered the top five pedagogical educational institutions of Ukraine, and in 2000 and 2001 - the top ten humanitarian and pedagogical higher institutions of Ukraine. In addition, on August 24, 2002, the International Academic Rating of Popularity and Quality "Golden Fortune" awarded Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University with a silver medal "Independence of Ukraine" in the nomination "For a significant contribution to the training of highly qualified personnel of public education in Ukraine."

    >VGPU them. Mykhailo Kotsiubinsky (Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubinsky)

    VSPU them. Mykhailo Kotsiubinsky (Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubinsky) - faculties, professions, courses, exams, official website

    Presented by VSPU them. Mykhailo Kotsiubinsky (Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubinsky) - faculties, professions, courses, exams, official site.

    VSPU is one of the oldest and most revered educational institutions of higher professional education in Ukraine. The university was founded in 1912 as a Teachers' Institute.

    To date, the university trains personnel in 18 areas of training, which cover almost all school subjects. You can study both full-time and part-time. Vinnitsa Pedagogical University is a fairly prestigious university in Ukraine, as evidenced by the competition during the entrance exams. Statistics for 2011 showed that more than 7,000 students study here.

    On the basis of the university there are 7 institutes and 1 faculty:

    Institute of Philology and Journalism

    University of the Foreign languages

    Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Technology Education

    Institute of Physical Education and Sports

    Institute of History, Ethnology and Law

    Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Arts

    Institute of Master's, Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies

    Faculty of Natural Geographic Sciences.

    The educational process at the university is provided with the help of 38 departments and highly qualified teaching staff, among which there are Honored Workers of Culture of Ukraine, Honored Artists, etc. On the basis of VSPU, there are postgraduate and doctoral studies, as well as councils for the defense of candidate dissertations.

    Foreign languages ​​play an important role in the development of the university. There are 4 departments in VSPU that carry out the process of teaching foreign languages:

    Department of English Philology

    Department of Foreign Languages

    Department of German and Slavic Philology and Foreign Literature

    Goethe Institute-Ukraine.

    During its existence, the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​on the basis of the Vinnitsa Pedagogical University has established itself in the best way. The Institute trains highly qualified specialists (5 years of study), bachelors (4 years of study) and masters (5 to 6 years of study) in English, German and Russian philology. Possible forms of education: full-time and part-time. There is an opportunity to receive postgraduate education in the graduate school of the university.

    The university annually hosts international, regional, scientific-practical, interuniversity and other types of seminars and conferences. VSPU maintains contact with 50 universities of Ukraine, as well as with leading scientific centers in 20 and more countries of the world. The university has 5 hostels for students and 1 sanatorium "Pedagogue".

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