For the little ones, ecologically responsible. Ecology for a child: events, quizzes, poems, sketches. How to teach children about ecology. Rules of conduct in nature

It is easier for an adult to navigate in numbers and indicators. Therefore, if he learns that since 1980 the pollution of the world's oceans with plastic has increased 10 times, then it will be clear to him: the ecology of his native planet is in danger.

Separate and discard

One of the main and useful skills for children is to learn how to sort waste. Today, this is very relevant: in cities, containers for collecting plastic, glass, and waste paper have already become familiar. At home, you can organize a simplified model of this process. To do this, you need to make several types of boxes or baskets where the child will put garbage by type of waste: a separate box for paper, a separate one for food waste, and a few more for batteries, plastic and iron. In this way, children will learn to be responsible for the waste produced and properly distribute it, and not throw it into the general basket.

reusable item

In order not to buy plastic bags and plastic bottles every time, and, accordingly, not to increase their number among all the waste of the planet, you can purchase reusable bags and bottles. Today, string bags are back in fashion, and any rag bag with an interesting pattern, favorite color will delight a child. In addition, he will feel responsible and mature, because he will know that he has his own bag for shopping. With bottles - the same story: you can buy glass or aluminum so that the little person has his own personal capacity for walking. At the same time, it is necessary to remind the child that such a choice of things helps to reduce the amount of garbage, and, accordingly, to preserve the environment.

Teaching to protect nature from childhood is the task of adults. Photo: Press Service of the Government of the Orenburg Region

plastic house

Learning how to properly dispose of waste is also necessary! For example, paper can be burned and used as fertilizer in a summer cottage. Plastic bags and bottles are quite suitable for repeated use: with the same bag already bought, you can go to the store, and you can pour water or juice into a bottle and go for a walk or to school. But the most exciting way to dispose of garbage is to create something useful from waste. For example, you can make a bird feeder out of plastic packaging or tetrapack bags. Environmentally hazardous material will not have to be thrown away, and the birds will get their own "food station" - all for the benefit of nature!

In addition to all of the above methods, you can spend subbotniks with children, collect waste paper, plant trees, feed fish and birds. The main thing is to teach the child to communicate with nature and clearly show him how to properly take care of it. For clarity, parents and teachers will find the AiF Eco-Lessons comics, which are also contained in the project, and video tutorials, which can be found on the AiF Orenburg website, useful. Talking to children about ecology is very easy!

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Since ancient times, man has conquered nature and used it for his own purposes. The last two centuries have witnessed rapid growth in industry and population. The increase in anthropogenic impact on the environment has given rise to environmental problems that have become a serious threat not only to the future of all mankind, but also to our planet as a whole. In our time, we are increasingly thinking: what can each of us do to stop the process of pollution and the rapid change in the environment? In this article Marina Artyukh, Head of Communications at the Siberian Health / SiberianWellness Corporation and curator of the Ecology course of the SiberianChallenge project, will tell you exactly what environmental problems we are facing now and what our children will have to face later.

1. The problem of polluted air

The air contains a large number of pollutants, including solid components: sulfur dioxide, nitrogen, oxides of nitrogen and carbon. The main sources of air pollution are industrial enterprises and vehicles. Their influence on the state of the air is especially noticeable in cities.

In 2018, the state report "On the state and protection of the environment of the Russian Federation in 2016" was published. According to him, from 2007 to 2014 the air became cleaner, as the volume of emissions was reduced from 35 million tons to 31 million tons per year, but in 2015 and 2016 there was no change in the amount of emissions. At the same time, about 45% of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere are due to road transport. The most polluted Russian cities named Yekaterinburg, Blagoveshchensk and Dzerzhinsk, and the cleanest air in Salekhard, Orenburg, Belgorod and Murmansk.

2. Scarcity of water resources

Water is a vital resource for all life on Earth. Population growth increases the need for its consumption. Russia with its fresh water reserves will be affected much later than the rest of the world, however over the past 10 years, there has been a decrease in the amount of fresh water in the country from 4884 cubic kilometers in 2007 to 4441 cubic kilometers in 2016.

Freshwater pollution is also observed: one of the greatest Russian rivers, the Volga called "dirty". Its waters contain a large amount of organic matter and minerals: copper, iron, sulfates and phenol. These substances come along with industrial waste, which is not cleaned at all or cleaned, but not well enough. Part of the problem of dirty water is connected with the urbanization of the population: waste also flows through biological treatment plants. The water purification system at aeration stations does not cause any complaints, but a large number of pipes through which water flows directly to houses and apartments have long been exhausted. Accordingly, these corroded pipes contaminate the water entering the houses with iron and other substances.

It is important to note that river pollution is one of the reasons for the reduction of water resources. Together with uncontrolled fishing and poaching, this may soon lead to a serious impoverishment of the fauna of our rivers and lakes.

3. The problem of depletion of biological resources

The problem covers the degradation of vegetation and forests, the reduction in the diversity of species of living beings, the digression of pastures and other negative trends. The main cause of the problem is human anthropogenic activity. Environmental pollution, poaching and unauthorized deforestation lead to the destruction or change of habitual habitats of living species. In our time, we are seeing how some species of animals, plants, insects and fish are on the verge of extinction.

At the same time, our country is characterized by irrational use of forest resources: consumption exceeds recovery. A separate negative factor affecting the reduction of forest land is forest fires and illegal logging. Yes, in 2663.5 thousand hectares of forests were destroyed by forest fires in 2016, which is comparable in size to the size of such states as Rwanda or Macedonia.

Half of the territory of our country is occupied by woody vegetation. Russia's forests make up about a quarter of the world's forests. The variety of climatic zones allows many species of living beings to live on the territory of our country. If the trend in the degradation of vegetation and forests, the reduction in the diversity of species of living beings does not change, then many species of animals, fish and plants will not survive to future generations, real forests will become smaller and the amount of oxygen in the air will decrease.

4. Depletion of land resources

Our children will face a severe shortage of various minerals. But in order to reduce their consumption, you just need to learn how to process waste and develop its reuse. Such a reasonable approach will reduce the size of the sprawling landfills that pollute the soil.

And here we are faced with another problem: every day a city person “produces” about 1 kilogram of household waste. Most of the garbage is plastic, which does not decompose. For a year people store over 85 billion tons of waste. This not only reduces quality land, but also pollutes the planet with pesticides, household and industrial waste, solid and liquid waste. Simple waste sorting and reuse saves on the extraction of new minerals and prevents clogging of the soil. For enterprises, the use of recycled materials is an opportunity to reduce the cost of quarrying. The production of goods from recycled materials allows reduce costs for the enterprise by up to 80%. Solid pluses!

5. Soil-geomorphological problems

The use of forest resources and active farming leads to the fact that the soil becomes clogged and erosion appears in it. For 2014, according to the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, over 8 million hectares of agricultural land have been degraded. More than 2 million hectares of them belong to the category of agricultural land. But here, too, the situation can be saved if erosion is caused by land use: it is necessary to create forest belts that will protect against wind and from changes in the type and density of vegetation, and introduce certain planting technologies.

The second side of the problem lies in the aggressive use of soil for agricultural land. This leads to a decrease in humus in the soil - in some southern regions this indicator compared to 1990 amounted to almost 50%. To replenish the resources of the soil, it is necessary to apply organic fertilizers there. If this is not done, then in the near future we risk facing a decrease in land fertility and, as a result, a shortage of food.

6. Ozone layer change and global warming

The ozone layer is our protection against ultraviolet radiation. Its destruction leads to the fact that the risk of developing various diseases, including skin cancer, increases. At the same time, the temperature of the surface atmospheric layer gradually increases. Over the past century, it has grown by 0.3-0.8 degrees. Warming leads to a reduction in snow cover in the north and, as a result, to a rise in the level of the world's oceans. If we consider the statistics only for Russia, then over the past 10 years the average annual temperature in the country has been almost 0.5 degrees. With global warming, everything is ambiguous. The time during which humanity exists is negligible for the planet. Throughout the history of its existence, there have already been ice ages and warming. Maybe one of them is just coming.

At the same time, each of us can slow down the destruction of the ozone layer. To do this, you need to reduce the consumption of sprays with deodorants, fresheners, walk more often, ride a bike, use public transport.

7. Diseases as a consequence of environmental pollution

Along with the growth of the technological process, the rate of atmospheric pollution increases. The fact is that every day people inhale more than 19 thousand liters of air, in which, in addition to oxygen, there are various gases and particles. These are carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, soot, zinc. According to research conducted by the International Energy Agency, Russia ranks fifth in terms of mortality due to poor ecology - about 140 thousand people die every year. This figure is equal to the population of an entire city in the Moscow region.

Falling acid rains pollute the soil and water bodies with sulfuric and nitric acids. They contain large amounts of aluminum and cobalt, which destroy forest vegetation and reduce yields. Toxic compounds get into the water we drink and have a detrimental effect on health.

How to improve the ecological situation?

All of the above problems are already tangible for our generation. In 20–30 years, they will only become more acute and urgent, so it is important to understand how to deal with them in order to protect your children from them. Many countries are already using alternative fuels and vehicles to reduce emissions. In Europe, it is quite common to see people moving around in electric cars and bicycles. Another way to solve problems is to separate garbage into those that can be recycled and those that are not suitable as recyclables.

You just need to remember that the solution of environmental problems depends on each person individually. It is important not only to know that negative consequences exist, but also to fight them: participate in environmental campaigns, instill in children from an early age a love for living things, teach them to behave correctly while walking in nature and in the city, join the ranks of environmental organizations to work together to improve the environment.

Our world is very fragile and beautiful. The nature around us is perfect and amazes with its charm. But a person often does not notice this and destroys his habitat.

Ecology is the science of the laws of nature and the interactions of living organisms with each other. Ecology also refers to the state of the environment. Recently, people think less and less about the planet Earth, pollute it and forget about the consequences of their actions. Therefore, it is very important to tell children about ecology.

When we talk about the ecological situation, we are talking not only about the picture as a whole, but also about the behavior of an individual. When one person throws out a piece of paper in the forest, he thinks that it's okay, she's alone. But if a huge number of people think the same way, then the forest will simply turn into a garbage dump. What can we say about plastic bags and cigarette butts, which will decompose for hundreds of years.

It is impossible to change the image of all people. But you can change your child's behavior. Parents should understand that ecology is as important for children as mathematics, literature, history. Ecological thinking cannot be forced, but it can be made into a habit. The sooner mom and dad start educating children about ecology, the sooner the crumbs understand that it is necessary to think about the world around us and protect nature, the more likely it is that in the future the child will continue this noble cause.

It is impossible to teach a son or daughter to take care of the environment if he does not know why this is necessary. Therefore, you must first have an educational conversation with him. Explain to the child where water comes from, why you can’t litter, what the food chain is. And the best way to teach your baby is to play.

What is ecology for children

Ecology is best studied in the form of a game. An important task of parents is to instill in children a love of nature. Caring for her should become a baby's habit.

When your child knows why minerals are needed, how a person harms the environment, how and what animals and plants eat, then it is easier for him to explain what ecology is and why you need to take care of it. Therefore, it is necessary to tell the child something new every day about the world in which we live.

What do you know about ecology? We suspect that smoking chimneys of factories, smoldering peat bogs, iridescent oil slicks, a leaky ozone layer and rapidly disappearing Amur tigers have already floated before your inner gaze. We have a bad environment, that's true. Then the next question is: what have you done to solve environmental problems? Do not be alarmed, we are not calling you for drastic measures, but simply suggest drawing the child's attention to the world around.

Forest Code: Let's go to nature

To begin with, let's recall the definition of the concept of "ecology": it is the science of the relationship of living beings with each other and the environment. Our task is to teach the child to build the right relationship with nature. How will we teach? Exceptionally personal example! The kid looks at you with all his eyes, he wants to be like mom / dad, and this means that parents simply have to become examples of environmentally correct behavior. Spring has begun, and soon we will all rush to the fields, forests and gardens - to relax in the bosom of nature. You need to do this so that after you return home, nature will not be excruciatingly painful. The written truth? Be patient - we will tell you many more of these and will insist on strict observance of each rule. You are a parent - with you and the demand!

No need to litter!

The folded package does not take up any space at all and weighs very little - do not be too lazy to take it with you on a picnic. At the end of the fun, you will throw jars-flasks there and take (carry) all this stuff to the nearest garbage container. A child can easily be involved in the destruction of the “traces” of a family stay in the fresh air, and it is very important to explain to the baby why exactly this is being done: the clearing was clean when you arrived, and it should remain so. How to save the environment

Safe and sound

In order to make a fire, you can bring a bag of coals with you or drag dry branches (joint work unites the family!). You can’t break or cut down trees, just like driving nails into trunks or carving your initials on them with a knife. It is very easy to explain the meaning of such prohibitions: does it hurt a person when he gets hurt? Is he bleeding? So the tree hurts, juice or resin flows from its “wound”.

They go out into nature to enjoy the silence, the singing of birds and the rustle of leaves. So enjoy, and listen to music at home. This ear is accustomed to many things, and birds and animals experience a real shock from a sudden cacophony. Whatever one may say, but you and the baby came to visit, it means that you need to respect the rules adopted by the “owners”.

Your own firefighter.

Before leaving, be sure to put out the fire (it is better, of course, to pour it over), because if this is not done, the fire will destroy the grass, bushes and trees, and with them the houses of the forest dwellers. A separate appeal to parents-smokers: we put carefully extinguished cigarette butts in a bag with garbage and send them to the trash.

Sustainable living in the city

Sustainable living in the city

The rules of ecological behavior in the city, in essence, are not much different from those already listed by us. But, of course, there are some nuances here. We throw wrappers, bags, popsicle sticks, tram tickets and other unnecessary trifles that burn our hands terribly into the trash can. Environmentally savvy people “do not go to the bakery by taxi” and generally try not to use personal vehicles unless absolutely necessary: ​​the gas pollution around is already terrible.

You need to clean up not only for yourself, but also for those whom you have tamed. Whenever you are going to walk Sharik, take a scoop and a bag (or at least a bag from a newspaper) with you to carefully collect the dog's waste products and throw them into the nearest bin. Together with your child, take part in subbotniks (Sundays) and other events for the improvement of the territory adjacent to your home. It is unlikely that the kid will do something big, but even if his contribution is limited to a few collected tins, this is already a big deal!

Go shopping with your own "reusable" bag, or even better - with a canvas eco-bag. Actually, this is a global trend, so join us! By the way, it is quite possible for a child to buy / sew his own string bag with the image of some cartoon character.

Take it as a rule: no exceptions, it is necessary - then it is necessary! You can tell a child three hundred times that a candy wrapper is supposed to be thrown into the trash, and just once toss it past - and the whole effect of the educational process is reduced to nothing!

Ecology in your home

Save resources like water. We admit that it is rather difficult to explain the need to reduce electricity consumption for a baby, especially if the baby categorically refuses to fall asleep without a night light. But it is easy for a child to learn to turn off the tap while brushing his teeth: otherwise, all the water from the river may flow out, and then the fish will have nowhere to live, and people will have nothing to drink (in general terms, this is a completely true version). Involve your child in caring for indoor plants. The main thing here is to explain to the baby from the very beginning that the flower is not a toy, if you pull it out of the pot, it will die instantly. If you stop watering - too.


To visualize the child's ideas about tops and roots, plant together, for example, an onion. First put it in a jar of water and watch the roots grow (be sure to explain what their function is!). Then transplant your chipollina into a pot - and watch the growth of "feathers". This simple natural science experiment is invaluable from the point of view of cultivating a respect for nature: having realized why the plant needs roots, the baby will not pull flowers out of the ground. Entrust the little one with some of the care of pets. We are well aware that a puppy bought “for a child” actually turns out to be parental care. And this is understandable: due to age and still limited opportunities, the baby cannot provide full-fledged care for a living being. But regularly do at least something for Tuzik or Murka (pouring fresh water into a bowl, for example), he can - and should.


No matter what the child does, no matter how little his “environmental” work turns out to be in the end, do not get tired of telling the child that he is doing good and very necessary deeds. And also - that he is your most beloved and great helper. These words, in the end, are the most powerful motivation.

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