Recommendation method ecological monitoring of natural objects. Lesson “The concept of environmental monitoring. Types and methods of monitoring. Environmental monitoring

Of great importance in the organization of rational nature management is the study of the problems of nature management at the global, regional and local levels, as well as the assessment of the quality human environment environment in specific territories, in ecosystems of various ranks.

Monitoring is a system of observations, assessment and forecasting, which makes it possible to identify changes in the state of the environment under the influence of anthropogenic activity.

Along with the negative impact on nature, a person can, as a result, economic activity also have a positive impact.

Monitoring includes:

monitoring changes in the quality of the environment, factors affecting the environment;

assessment of the actual state of the natural environment;

forecast of changes in the quality of the environment.

Observations can be carried out on physical, chemical and biological indicators, integrated indicators of the state of the environment are promising.

Types of monitoring. Allocate global, regional and local monitoring. (What underlies such a selection?)

Global monitoring allows assessing the current state of the entire natural system of the Earth.

Regional monitoring is carried out at the expense of the stations of the system, where information about the territories subject to anthropogenic influence flows.

Rational nature management is possible if the information provided by the monitoring system is available and properly used.

Environmental monitoring is a system for monitoring, evaluating and predicting changes in the state of the environment under the influence of anthropogenic impact.

Monitoring tasks are:

Quantitative and qualitative assessment of the state of air, surface water, climate change, soil cover, flora and fauna, control of runoff and dust and gas emissions at industrial enterprises;

Drawing up a forecast on the state of the environment;

Informing citizens about changes in the environment.

Forecast and forecasting.

What is forecasting and forecasting? In various periods of the development of society, the ways of studying the environment have changed. One of the most important "tools" of nature management is currently considered forecasting. Translated into Russian, the word "forecast" means foresight, prediction.

Therefore, a forecast in nature management is a prediction of changes in the natural resource potential and needs for natural resources on a global, regional and local scale.

Forecasting is a set of actions that make it possible to make judgments about the behavior of natural systems and are determined by natural processes and the impact of humanity on them in the future.

The main purpose of the forecast is to assess the expected reaction of the natural environment to direct or indirect human impact, as well as to solve the problems of future rational nature management in connection with the expected states of the natural environment.

In connection with the reassessment of the system of values, the change of technocratic thinking to ecological thinking, there are changes in forecasting. Modern forecasts should be carried out from the standpoint of universal human values, the main of which are a person, his health, the quality of the environment, and the preservation of the planet as a home for humanity. Thus, attention to living nature, to man makes the tasks of forecasting ecological.

Types of forecasts. According to the lead time, the following types of forecasts are distinguished: ultra-short-term (up to a year), short-term (up to 3-5 years), medium-term (up to 10-15 years), long-term (up to several decades ahead), ultra-long-term (for millennia and more). -Lee forward). The lead time of the forecast, i.e. the period for which the forecast is given, can be very different. When designing a large industrial facility with a service life of 100–120 years, it is necessary to know what changes in the environment may occur under the influence of this facility in 2100–2200. No wonder they say: "The future is controlled from the present."

According to the coverage of the territory, global, regional, local forecasts are distinguished.

There are forecasts in specific branches of science, for example, geological, meteorological forecasts. In geography, a complex forecast, which many consider general scientific.

The main functions of monitoring are quality control of individual components of the natural environment and identification of the main sources of pollution. Based on monitoring data, decisions are made to improve the environmental situation, build new treatment facilities at enterprises that pollute the land, atmosphere and water, change logging systems and plant new forests, introduce soil-protective crop rotations, etc.

Monitoring is most often carried out by regional committees for hydrometeorological service through a network of points conducting the following observations: surface meteorological, heat balance, hydrological, marine, etc.

For example, monitoring of Moscow includes constant analysis the content of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide, the amount of nitrogen oxides, ozone and dust. Observations are carried out by 30 stations operating in automatic mode. Information from sensors located at the stations flows to the information processing center. Information about exceeding the MPC of pollutants is received by the Moscow Committee for Environmental Protection and the government of the capital. Both industrial emissions of large enterprises and the level of water pollution in the Moskva River are automatically controlled.

At present, there are 344 water monitoring stations in 59 countries in the world, which form the global environmental monitoring system.

Environmental monitoring

Monitoring(lat. monitor observing, warning) - a complex system of observations, assessment and forecast of changes in the state of the biosphere or its individual elements under the influence of anthropogenic influences

Main tasks of monitoring:

monitoring of sources of anthropogenic impact; observation of the state of the natural environment and the processes occurring in it under the influence of anthropogenic factors;

forecast of changes in the natural environment under the influence of anthropogenic factors and assessment of the predicted state of the natural environment.

Classifications of monitoring by features:

Control methods:

Bioindication - detection and determination of anthropogenic loads by the reactions of living organisms and their communities to them;

Remote methods (aerial photography, sounding, etc.);

Physical and chemical methods (analysis of individual samples of air, water, soil).

environment. This system is administered by UNEP − special body for the protection of the environment at the United Nations.

Types of monitoring. According to the scale of generalization of information, they distinguish: global, regional, impact monitoring.

Global monitoring- this is monitoring of world processes and phenomena in the biosphere and the implementation of a forecast of possible changes.

Regional monitoring covers individual regions in which processes and phenomena are observed that differ from natural ones in natural character or due to anthropogenic impact.

Impact monitoring is carried out in a special hazardous areas directly adjacent to sources of pollutants.

According to the methods of conducting, the following types of monitoring are distinguished:

Biological (using bioindicators);

Remote (aviation and space);

Analytical (chemical and physico-chemical analysis).

The objects of observation are:

Monitoring of individual components of the environment (soil, water, air);

Biological monitoring (flora and fauna).

A special type of monitoring is basic monitoring, i.e. tracking the state of natural systems, which are practically not superimposed by regional anthropogenic impacts (biosphere reserves). The whole purpose of basic monitoring is to obtain data against which the results obtained by other types of monitoring are compared.

Control methods. The composition of pollutants is determined by methods of physical and chemical analysis (in air, soil, water). The degree of stability of natural ecosystems is carried out by the bioindication method.

Bioindication is the detection and determination of anthropogenic loads by the reactions of living organisms and their communities to them. The essence of bioindication is that certain environmental factors create the possibility of the existence of a particular species. The objects of bioindicative studies can be certain types animals and plants, as well as entire ecosystems. For example, radioactive contamination is determined by the state of coniferous trees; industrial pollution— for many representatives of the soil fauna; air pollution is very sensitively perceived by mosses, lichens, butterflies.

The species diversity and high abundance or, conversely, the absence of dragonflies (Odonata) on the shore of the reservoir speak of its faunal composition: many dragonflies - the fauna is rich, few - the aquatic fauna is depleted.

If lichens disappear on tree trunks in the forest, then sulfur dioxide is present in the air. Only in clean water there are larvae of caddisflies (Trichoptera). But the small-scale worm (Tubifex), larvae of chironomids (Chironomidae) live only in heavily polluted water bodies. Many insects, green unicellular algae, and crustaceans live in slightly polluted water bodies.

Bioindication allows timely detection of a not yet dangerous level of pollution and taking measures to restore the ecological balance of the environment.

In some cases, the bioindication method is preferred, since it is simpler than, for example, physico-chemical methods of analysis.

So, British scientists found several molecules in the liver of flounder - indicators of pollution. When the total concentration of life-threatening substances reaches critical values, a potentially carcinogenic protein begins to accumulate in the liver cells. Its quantitative determination is simpler than the chemical analysis of water, and provides more information about its danger to human life and health.

Remote methods are mainly used for global monitoring. For example, aerial photography is effective method to determine the extent and degree of pollution in case of an oil spill at sea or on land, i.e. in the event of a tanker accident or a pipeline rupture. Other methods in these extreme situations do not provide comprehensive information.

OKB im. Ilyushin, the aircraft builders of the Lukhovitsky Plant designed and built the Il-10Z, a unique aircraft to perform almost any task of state environmental and land monitoring. The aircraft is equipped with control and measuring and telemetry equipment, a satellite navigation system (СPS), a satellite communication system, an interactive on-board and ground-based measuring and recording complex. The aircraft can fly at altitudes from 100 to 3000 m, stay in the air for up to 5 hours, consumes only 10-15 liters of fuel per 100 km, and takes on board two specialists in addition to the pilot. The new Il-103 aircraft of the Aviation Center for Special Ecological Purposes, based at the Myachikovo airfield near Moscow, perform remote monitoring for environmentalists, aviation forest protection, emergency services and oil and gas pipeline transport.

Physical and chemical methods are used to monitor individual components of the natural environment: soil, water, air. These methods are based on the analysis of individual samples.

Soil monitoring provides for the determination of acidity, loss of humus, salinity. Soil acidity is determined by the value pH(pH) in aqueous solutions soil. The pH value is measured using a pH meter or potentiometer. Humus content is determined by oxidizability organic matter. The amount of oxidizing agent is estimated by titrimetric or spectrometric methods. Soil salinity, i.e., the content of salts in them, is determined by the value of electrical conductivity, since it is known that salt solutions are electrolytes.

Water pollution is determined by chemical (COD) or biochemical (BOD) oxygen consumption - this is the amount of oxygen consumed for the oxidation of organic and inorganic substances contained in polluted water.

Atmospheric pollution is analyzed by gas analyzers, which provide information on the concentration of gaseous pollutants in the air. “Multicomponent” analysis methods are used: C-, H-, N-analyzers and other devices that give continuous time characteristics of air pollution. Automated devices for remote analysis of atmospheric pollution, combining a laser and a locator, are called lidars.

Environmental quality assessment

What is assessment and assessment?

An important area of ​​monitoring research is the assessment of the quality of the environment. This direction, as you already know, has received priority in modern nature management, since the quality of the environment is associated with the physical and spiritual health of a person.

Indeed, they distinguish the environment natural environment healthy (comfortable), in which a person's health is normal or improving, and unhealthy, in which the state of health of the population is disturbed. Therefore, in order to preserve the health of the population, it is necessary to monitor the quality of the environment. Environmental quality is the degree of conformity natural conditions physiological possibilities human.

There are scientific criteria for assessing the quality of the environment. These include standards.

Environmental quality standards. Quality standards are divided into environmental and production-economic.

Ecological standards establish maximum permissible norms of anthropogenic impact on the environment, the excess of which threatens human health, is detrimental to vegetation and animals. Such norms are established in the form of maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants (MPC) and maximum permissible levels of harmful physical effects (MPL). Remote controls are installed, for example, for noise and electromagnetic pollution.

MPC is the amount of a harmful substance in the environment, which for a certain period of time does not affect human health and does not cause adverse consequences for its offspring.

AT recent times when determining MPC, not only the degree of influence of pollutants on human health is taken into account, but also the impact of these pollutants on the whole natural communities. Every year more and more MPCs are set for substances in the air, soil, and water.

Industrial and economic environmental quality standards regulate the environmentally safe mode of operation of a production, utility, and any other facility. The production and economic environmental quality standards include the maximum allowable emission of pollutants into the environment (MAE). How to improve the quality of the environment? Many experts think about this problem. Environmental quality control is carried out by a special state service. Measures to improve the quality of the environment. They are combined into the following groups. The most important are technological activities, which include the development modern technologies providing complex use raw materials and waste disposal. The choice of fuel with a lower combustion product will significantly reduce emissions of substances into the atmosphere. This is also supported by electrification. modern production, transport and life.

Sanitation measures contribute to the treatment of industrial emissions through various designs of treatment plants. (Are there treatment facilities at the nearest enterprises in your locality? How effective are they?)

The set of measures that improve the quality of the environment includes architectural planning activities that affect not only physical but also spiritual health. They include dust control, rational placement of enterprises (they are often taken out of the territory of a settlement) and residential areas, landscaping of populated areas, for example, with modern urban planning standards, cities with a population of one and a half million people need 40-50 m2 of green space , it is obligatory to allocate sanitary protection zones in the settlement.

To engineering and organizational measures include reducing parking at traffic lights, reducing the intensity of traffic on congested highways.

To legal measures include the establishment and observance of legislative acts to maintain the quality of the atmosphere, water bodies, soil, etc.

Requirements related to the protection of nature, improvement of the quality of the environment are reflected in state laws, decrees, regulations. World experience shows that in the developed countries of the world, the authorities solve problems related to improving the quality of the environment through legislative acts and executive structures, which, together with the judicial system, are called upon to ensure the implementation of laws, finance large environmental projects and scientific developments, control enforcement of laws and financial costs.

There is no doubt that the improvement of the quality of the environment will be carried out through economic activities. Economic measures are primarily related to investment Money in shift and the development of new technologies that provide energy and resource saving, reduce emissions of harmful substances into the environment. The means of state tax and pricing policy should create conditions for Russia's inclusion in international system ensuring environmental safety. At the same time, in our country, due to the economic downturn, the volume of introduction of new environmental technologies into the industry has significantly decreased.

educational measures are aimed at the formation of an ecological culture of the population. The quality of the environment largely depends on the formation of new value and moral attitudes, revision of priorities, needs, ways human activity. In our country, within the framework of the state program "Ecology of Russia", programs and manuals for environmental education have been developed at all stages of obtaining knowledge from preschool institutions to the system of advanced training. An important means in the formation of ecological culture are the media. Only in Russia there are more than 50 types of environmental periodicals.

All activities aimed at improving the quality of the environment are closely interconnected and largely depend on the development of science. Therefore, the most important condition for the existence of all measures is to carry out scientific research that improve the quality of the environment and environmental sustainability of both the planet as a whole and individual regions.

However, it should be noted that the measures taken to improve the quality of the environment do not always bring a noticeable effect. The increase in the incidence of the population, the decrease medium duration people's lives, the increase in mortality indicate the development of negative environmental phenomena in our country.

Approaches to classification environmental monitoring

There are many different approaches to the classification of environmental monitoring. They are usually subdivided depending on the nature of the tasks to be solved in the process of research, or according to the levels of organization of the monitoring object, according to the studied living environments, etc. This classification includes the entire block of varieties of environmental monitoring, different approaches to monitoring the dynamics of both abiotic and biotic components of the biosphere and the response of natural ecosystems to these changes.

Thus, environmental monitoring involves both geophysical and biological components, which determines the widest range of methods and research methods used in its implementation. Environmental monitoring as a whole includes a very wide range of methods and methodological approaches, among which geophysical, chemical, and biological aspects are usually singled out.

Remark 1

The environmental monitoring system can be implemented at several levels that are not reducible to one another, and there are specially developed programs for each of them. These levels usually include impact, regional and background monitoring.

The first of them is aimed mainly at controlling the impact on the environment of specific objects, the second one is aimed at studying the state of ecosystems in a certain region (it can be further subdivided by the size of the territory), and the third one is at comparing disturbed territories with reference ones.

Types of monitoring

    Impact monitoring involves the study of strong environmental impacts on a local scale. The program of this level of monitoring may include, for example, a study using special methods of discharges or emissions of a particular enterprise. The ultimate task in this case is not so much to establish the structure and volumes of emitted substances, but to assess their harmful effects to the natural environment. Depending on the characteristics of the surrounding ecosystems, the same quantitative indicators of pollution can be practically harmless, or lead to catastrophic results. Due to the peculiarities of pollutant migration in ecosystems, as well as the tendency of some of them to accumulate, impact monitoring should be quite long.

    Regional monitoring usually involves the study of migration and transformation of pollutants in ecosystems, the study of the combined impact of various environmental, both natural and anthropogenic, factors characteristic of the study area. The subject of this level of monitoring is the state of the environment within a more or less extensive region.

    Background monitoring carried out on the basis of natural standards - biosphere reserves where there is no human activity. Its purpose is to fix the background state of the environment, which is very important for comparative assessments of the anthropogenic impact on the transformed territories.

    Monitoring of the state of specially protected natural areas characterized by its own characteristics. Its main tasks are determined primarily by the uniqueness of objects and their function.

By scale There are monitoring basic (background), global, regional, impact.

on methods of conducting and objects of observation: aviation, space, human environment.

Base monitoring performs monitoring of general biospheric, mainly natural, phenomena without imposing regional anthropogenic influences on them.

Global monitoring monitors global processes and phenomena in the Earth's biosphere and its ecosphere, including all their ecological components (the main material and energy components of ecological systems), and warns of emerging extreme situations.

Regional monitoring monitors processes and phenomena within a certain region, where these processes and phenomena may differ both in their natural character and in anthropogenic impacts from the basic background characteristic of the entire biosphere.

Impact monitoring is the monitoring of regional and local anthropogenic impacts in especially dangerous zones and places.

Monitoring of the human environment monitors the state of the human environment and prevents emerging critical situations harmful or hazardous to the health of humans and other living organisms.

The implementation of monitoring requires the use of fairly well-developed software, including complexes of mathematical models of the phenomena under study.

The development of a model of a particular phenomenon or natural system is associated with the choice of its conceptual structure and the availability of a closed package of computer programs. The most common type of models are sets differential equations, reflecting the biological, geochemical, and climatic processes in the system under study. In this case, the coefficients of the equations either have a specific meaning or are determined indirectly through the approximation of experimental data.

Modeling a real natural system based on experimental data and conducting numerous experiments on it make it possible to obtain quantitative estimates of the interactions of various components of communities both in natural systems and those formed as a result of human economic activity intrusion into the natural environment.

EIA procedure

In accordance with the existing rules, any pre-project and project documentation related to any economic undertakings, the development of new territories, the location of industries, the design, construction and reconstruction of economic and civil facilities, must contain the section "Environmental Protection" and in it - a mandatory subsection EIA - materials on environmental impact assessment planned activity. EIA is a preliminary determination of the nature and degree of danger of all potential types of impact and an assessment of the environmental, economic and social consequences of the project; a structured process of taking into account environmental requirements in the system of preparation and decision-making on economic development.

EIA provides for the variability of decisions, taking into account territorial features and interests of the population. EIA is organized and provided by the customer of the project with the involvement of competent organizations and specialists. In many cases, EIA requires special engineering and environmental surveys.

The main sections of the EIA

1. Identification of sources of influence using experimental data, expert assessments, creation of mathematical modeling settings, literature analysis, etc. As a result, sources, types and objects of impact are identified.

2. A quantitative assessment of the types of impact can be carried out by a balance or instrumental method. When using the balance method, the amount of emissions, discharges, waste is determined. The instrumental method is the measurement and analysis of results.

3. Forecasting changes in the natural environment. A probabilistic forecast of environmental pollution is given, taking into account climatic conditions, wind roses, background concentrations, etc.

4. Forecasting emergency situations. A forecast of possible emergencies, causes and probability of their occurrence is given. For each emergency, preventive measures are provided.

5. Determination of ways to prevent negative consequences. Opportunities to reduce the impact with the help of special technical means protection, technology, etc.

6. Choice of methods of control over the state of the environment and residual consequences. The system of monitoring, control should be provided in the designed technological scheme.

7. Ecological and economic assessment of options for design solutions. Impact assessment is done for everyone options with an analysis of damages, compensation costs for protection from harmful effects after the implementation of the project.

8. Registration of results. It is carried out in the form of a separate section of the project document, which is a mandatory annex and contains, in addition to the materials of the EIA list, a copy of the agreement with the Ministry of Health, state supervision bodies responsible for the use of natural resources, the conclusion of departmental expertise, the conclusion of public expertise and the main disagreements.

Environmental assessment

Environmental assessmentestablishing compliance of the planned economic and other activities with environmental requirements and determining the admissibility of the implementation of the object of environmental expertise in order to prevent possible adverse impacts of this activity on the environment and related social, economic and other consequences of the implementation of the object of environmental expertise ().

Ecological expertise involves a special study of economic and technical projects, objects and processes in order to make a reasonable conclusion about their compliance with environmental requirements, norms and regulations.

Environmental impact assessment thus performs the functions of a forward-looking preventive control design documentation and at the same time functions oversight for environmental compliance of project implementation results. According to Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Expertise" these types of control and supervision are carried out by environmental authorities.

Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Expertise"(Art. 3) formulates principles of ecological expertise, namely:

Presumptions of potential environmental hazard of any planned economic and other activities;

Mandatory conduct of the state environmental review before making decisions on the implementation of the object of environmental review;

The complexity of assessing the impact on the environment of economic and other activities and its consequences;

Obligation to take into account the requirements of environmental safety during the environmental impact assessment;

Reliability and completeness of information submitted for ecological expertise;

Independence of environmental review experts in the exercise of their powers in the field of environmental review;

Scientific validity, objectivity and legality of the conclusions of environmental expertise;

Glasnost, participation of public organizations (associations), accounting public opinion;

Responsibility of the participants in the environmental review and interested parties for the organization, conduct, quality of the environmental review.

test questions

1. Formulate the concepts of monitoring, environmental monitoring.

2. Name the types of environmental monitoring.

3. Formulate the tasks and principles of organization of the environmental monitoring system.

4. What is the environmental passport of the enterprise, its content?

5. What is the EIA procedure? For what purpose is it carried out?

6. List the sequence of stages of the EIA.

7. What does the ecological expertise include?

8. Formulate the principles of ecological expertise.

Section 3
Safety in the production environment
(occupational Safety and Health)

The main provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation on labor protection

In the field of ensuring human safety at work in the Russian Federation, labor protection legislation is in force.

Legislation on labor and labor protection is based on the provisions Constitution of the Russian Federation(adopted December 12, 1993):

- “In the Russian Federation, the labor and health of people are protected, a guaranteed minimum wage is established” (Article 7);

- "Labor is free..." (Art. 37);

- “Forced labor is prohibited...” (Article 37);

- “Everyone has the right to work in conditions that meet the requirements of safety and hygiene ...” (Article 7);

- “Everyone has the right to rest...” (Article 37);

“Everyone has the right to health care and medical care...” (Article 41);

- “The concealment by officials of facts and circumstances that pose a threat to the life and health of people entails responsibility ...” (Article 41).

Legislative acts containing labor protection requirements:

Labor Code Russian Federation. Federal Law No. 90-FZ dated June 30, 2006;

"On Compulsory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases". Federal law dated
24 07. 1998 No. 125-FZ.

In structure Labor Code of the Russian Federation available Section X"Occupational Safety and Health".

It defines the concept of "labor protection" and other concepts, outlines the range of legal norms that form the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor protection, indicates the scope of the law, sets out the main directions of state policy in the field of labor protection.

Occupational Safety and Health - system for ensuring the safety of life and health of workers in the process labor activity, including legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, medical and preventive, rehabilitation and other measures.

Workplace the place where the worker is required to be or where he is required to arrive in connection with his work and which is directly or indirectly under the control of the employer.

Means of individual and collective defense workers technical means used to prevent or reduce the impact on workers of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, as well as to protect against pollution.

Certificate of conformity of work on labor protection (safety certificate)a document certifying the compliance of the work carried out in the organization on labor protection with the established state regulatory requirements for labor protection.

At the end of the 20th century, the scientific and technological activity of mankind has become a tangible factor influencing the environment. In order to optimize the relationship of man with nature and the ecological orientation of economic activity, a multi-purpose Information system long-term observations - monitoring.

Ecological monitoring (environment monitoring) (from Latin monitor - one who reminds, warns) is a multi-purpose information system for long-term observations, as well as assessment and forecast of the state of the natural environment. The main goal of environmental monitoring is to prevent critical situations that are harmful or dangerous to human health, the well-being of other living beings, their communities, natural and man-made objects.

The monitoring system itself does not include environmental quality management activities, but is a source of information necessary for making environmentally significant decisions.

The environmental monitoring system accumulates, systematizes and analyzes information: on the state of the environment; about the causes of observed and probable changes in the state (i.e. about the sources and factors of influence); on the admissibility of changes and loads on the environment as a whole; about the existing reserves of the biosphere.

Basic monitoring system procedures

3 selection (definition) and examination of the object of observation;

3assessment of the state of the object of observation;

3prediction of changes in the state of the object of observation;

3 presentation of information in a form convenient for use and bringing it to the consumer.

Environmental monitoring points are located in large settlements, industrial and agricultural areas.

Types of monitoring

1. Depending on the territory covered by observations, monitoring is divided into three levels: global, regional and local.

· Global monitoring - monitoring of global processes (including anthropogenic influence) occurring on the entire planet. The development and coordination of global monitoring of the natural environment is carried out within the framework of UNEP (a UN body) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). There are 22 networks of active stations of the global monitoring system. The main objectives of the global monitoring program are: organization of a warning system about a threat to human health; assessment of the impact of global atmospheric pollution on climate; assessment of the amount and distribution of contaminants in biological systems; assessment of problems arising from agricultural activities and land use; assessment of the response of terrestrial ecosystems to environmental impacts; pollution assessment marine ecosystems; creation of a system of warnings about natural disasters on an international scale.

· Regional monitoring - tracking processes and phenomena within a single region, where these processes and phenomena may differ both in nature and in anthropogenic impacts from the basic background characteristic of the entire biosphere. At the level of regional monitoring, observations are made of the state of ecosystems of large natural-territorial complexes - river basins, forest ecosystems, agroecosystems.

Local monitoring is the tracking of natural natural phenomena and anthropogenic impacts in small areas.

In the local monitoring system, the most important is the control of the following indicators (Table 4).

Table 4

Objects of observation and indicators


Chemical and radionuclide compositions of the gaseous and aerosol phases of the air sphere; solid and liquid precipitation (snow and rain) and their chemical and radionuclide compositions, thermal pollution of the atmosphere.


Chemical and radionuclide composition of the surface water environment (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, etc.), groundwater, suspended matter and bottom sediments in natural drains and reservoirs; thermal pollution of surface and ground waters.

Chemical and radionuclide compositions.

Chemical and radioactive contamination of agricultural land, vegetation, soil zoocenoses, terrestrial communities of domestic and wild animals, birds, insects, aquatic plants, plankton, fish.

urban environment

Chemical and radiation backgrounds of the air environment of settlements, chemical and radionuclide compositions of food products, drinking water, etc.


Population size and density, birth and death rates, age composition, morbidity, etc.), socio-economic factors.

2. Depending on the object of observation, there are basic (background) and impact monitoring.

· Basic monitoring - monitoring of general biospheric natural phenomena without the imposition of anthropogenic influences on them. For example, basic monitoring is carried out on specially protected natural areas practically not experiencing local impacts of human activity.

· Impact monitoring is the monitoring of regional and local anthropogenic impacts in especially hazardous areas.

In addition, monitoring is distinguished: bioecological (sanitary and hygienic), geoecological (natural and economic), biospheric (global), space, geophysical, climatic, biological, public health, social, etc.

Environmental monitoring methods

used in environmental monitoring various methods research. Among them are remote (aerospace) and ground methods. Remote methods, for example, include - sounding with artificial satellites, spaceships. Terrestrial methods include biological (bioindication) and physico-chemical methods.

One of the main components of environmental monitoring is biological monitoring, which is understood as a system of long-term observations, assessment and forecast of any changes in the biota (the presence and disappearance of any species, changes in their state and abundance, the appearance of accidental introducers, changes in habitat, etc.). ) caused by anthropogenic factors.

The structure of biological monitoring is quite complex. It consists of separate subprograms based on the principle based on the levels of organization of biological systems. Thus, genetic monitoring corresponds to the subcellular level of organization, while environmental monitoring corresponds to the population and biocenotic levels.

Biological monitoring implies - the development of early warning systems, diagnostics and forecasting. The main stages of activity in the development of early warning systems are the selection of suitable organisms and the creation of automated systems capable of isolating “response” signals with sufficiently high accuracy. Diagnostics involves the detection, identification and determination of the concentration of pollutants in the biotic component based on the widespread use of organisms - indicators (from the Latin indicare - to indicate). The forecast of the state of the biotic component of the environment can be carried out on the basis of biotesting and ecotoxicology. The method of using organisms - indicators is called - bioindication.

Bioindication, in contrast to a simple physical or chemical measurement of anthropogenic factors (they provide quantitative and qualitative characteristics that make it possible to judge biological effects only indirectly), makes it possible to detect and determine biologically significant anthropogenic loads. The most convenient for bioindication - fish, aquatic invertebrates, microorganisms, algae. The main requirements for bioindicators are their multiplicity and constant connection with the anthropogenic factor.

Benefits of live indicators:

Summarize all, without exception, biologically important data about the environment and reflect its state as a whole;

· make it unnecessary to use expensive and time-consuming physical and chemical methods for measuring biological parameters (short-term and burst emissions of toxicants cannot always be registered);

reflect the speed of changes occurring in nature;

· indicate the ways and places of accumulation of various kinds of pollution in ecological systems and possible ways of getting these agents into food;

allow to judge the degree of harmfulness of certain substances for nature and man;

make it possible to control the action of many human-synthesized compounds;

help to regulate the allowable load on ecosystems.

Two methods are generally suitable for bioindication: passive and active monitoring. In the first case, visible and invisible damage and deviations from the norm are examined in free-living organisms, which are signs of massive stress exposure. Active monitoring attempts to detect the same effects on test organisms under standardized conditions in the study area.

Monitoring the state of natural resources in Russia

Environmental monitoring of the environment can be developed at the level of an industrial facility, city, district, region, territory, republic.

There are several departmental monitoring systems in the Russian Federation:

* Environmental Pollution Monitoring Service of Roshydromet;

* monitoring service of the forest fund of Rosleskhoz;

* monitoring service water resources Roskomvod;

* service of agrochemical observations and monitoring of pollution of agricultural lands of Roskomzem;

* Service for sanitary and hygienic control of the human environment and his health of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia;

Control and inspection service of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia, etc.

Monitoring Organizations

anthropogenic impact

on the various objects environment

Objects of study

Federal Service of Russia for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring

Atmospheric air pollution.

Pollution of land surface waters.

Sea water pollution.

transboundary pollution.

Comprehensive monitoring of environmental pollution and impact on vegetation.

Atmospheric pollution.

Global background atmospheric monitoring.

Comprehensive background monitoring.

radiation factors.

Emergency toxicological monitoring.

Ministry of Natural Resources Protection of the Russian Federation

Natural and disturbed mode groundwater.

Exogenous geological processes.

Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation

Soil pollution.

Vegetation pollution.

Water pollution.

Contamination of agricultural products, products of processing enterprises.

State Committee Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Russian Federation

drinking springs water supply for settlements.

Work area air.

Food products.

Noise sources.

Sources of vibration.

Sources of electromagnetic radiation.

Population morbidity from environmental pollution factors.

Residual amount of halogen-containing compounds in food products.

Federal Forestry Service of the Russian Federation

Monitoring forest resources

Federal Agency for Fisheries of the Russian Federation

Monitoring of fish resources.

Atmospheric air monitoring. Atmospheric air in Russia is not taken into account as a natural resource. To assess the level of air pollution in 506 cities of Russia, a network of posts of the national service for monitoring and controlling air pollution has been created. At the posts, the content of various harmful substances in the atmosphere coming from anthropogenic sources of emissions is determined. Observations are carried out by employees local organizations Goskomgidromet, Goskomekologiya, Gossanepidnadzor, sanitary-industrial laboratories of various enterprises. In some cities, observations are carried out simultaneously by all departments. Atmospheric air quality control in settlements is organized in accordance with GOST “Nature Protection. Atmosphere. Rules for air quality control in settlements”, for which three categories of air pollution observation posts are established: stationary posts (designed for regular air sampling and continuous monitoring of pollutant content), route posts (for regular monitoring using specially equipped vehicles), mobile posts (carried out near highways to determine the features of air pollution created by cars), under-flare posts (carried out by car or at stationary posts to study the features of air pollution by emissions from individual industrial enterprises).

Water monitoring is carried out within the framework of the state water cadastre. Accounting for water resources (except for underground) and monitoring their regime is carried out on a network of hydrometeorological observatories, stations and posts of Roshydromet. Roskomvod provides enterprises, organizations and institutions with control over the correct accounting of the amount of water taken from water sources and the discharge of used water into them. State accounting of groundwater (including operational reserves) is carried out by organizations of the Ministry of Natural Resources Protection of the Russian Federation. The selected drinking and technical waters are subject to control.

Monitoring land resources carried out by both land users and state land management bodies. Land inventory is carried out once every 5 years. Information on state registration of land use, accounting for the quantity and quality of land, soil appraisal (comparative assessment of soils according to their most important agronomic properties) and economic assessment of land are recorded in the state land cadastre.

Monitoring of mineral resources is carried out at various stages of their development. Geological study of the subsoil, accounting for the state of the movement of mineral reserves are within the competence of the bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources Protection of the Russian Federation. Supervisory activities in the area rational use of mineral resources is carried out by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia (a specialized control body that, along with supervision of the state of safety of work in industry, supervises compliance with the procedure for using subsoil in the development of mineral deposits and processing mineral raw materials). The Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Protection of Natural Resources in terms of subsoil protection controls about 3,650 enterprises for the extraction and processing of mineral raw materials, which include more than 171 thousand objects (mines, mines, quarries and cuts).

Monitoring biological resources. Accounting for game and game animals is entrusted to the State Service for Accounting for Hunting Resources of Russia, which, based on the available information, makes forecasts for the rational use of animal resources. Monitoring of fish resources is carried out in all fishing basins and in places most exposed to anthropogenic impact. It is carried out by employees of fishery institutes, ichthyological services of fish protection bodies subordinate to the Federal Agency for Fisheries of the Russian Federation.

Works on the study and mapping of stocks of wild plants are carried out mainly by research institutes and departments of relevant universities. In particular, for the industrial raw materials of medicinal plants, the areas of their placement, reserves within the ranges, are determined. In addition, work is underway to evaluate floristic diversity individual regions, regulation of pasture loads on natural groups, control over the removal of commercial plants.

Monitoring of forest resources includes accounting of the forest fund, protection of forests from fires, sanitary and forest pathological control and control of cutting and reforestation, as well as specialized monitoring of industrial and territorial complexes, zones of ecological trouble. Functional and technological structure national level forest monitoring systems include: forest management enterprises, forest pathological monitoring service, specialized forest protection enterprises and stations, research institutes, industries and universities, and some others.

In the state environmental management system, an important role is given to the formation of the Unified State Environmental Monitoring System (EGSEM) (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2003 N 177) as a source of objective comprehensive information about the state of the natural environment in Russia. This system includes: monitoring of sources of anthropogenic impact on the environment; monitoring of pollution of abiotic and biotic components of the natural environment; ensuring the creation and functioning of environmental information systems.

Thus, environmental monitoring can be characterized as one of the measures of environmental protection, a function of public administration and a legal institution. Established wide-ranging and effective environmental monitoring network, especially in major cities and around environmentally hazardous facilities, is an important element in ensuring environmental safety and the key to sustainable development of society.

By scale There are monitoring basic (background), global, regional, impact.

on methods of conducting and objects of observation: aviation, space, human environment.

Base monitoring performs monitoring of general biospheric, mainly natural, phenomena without imposing regional anthropogenic influences on them.

Global monitoring monitors global processes and phenomena in the Earth's biosphere and its ecosphere, including all their ecological components (the main material and energy components of ecological systems), and warns of emerging extreme situations.

Regional monitoring monitors processes and phenomena within a certain region, where these processes and phenomena may differ both in their natural character and in anthropogenic impacts from the basic background characteristic of the entire biosphere.

Impact monitoring is the monitoring of regional and local anthropogenic impacts in especially dangerous zones and places.

Monitoring of the human environment monitors the state of the natural environment surrounding a person and prevents emerging critical situations that are harmful or dangerous to the health of people and other living organisms.

The implementation of monitoring requires the use of fairly well-developed software, including complexes of mathematical models of the phenomena under study.

The development of a model of a particular phenomenon or natural system is associated with the choice of its conceptual structure and the availability of a closed package of computer programs. The most common type of models are sets of differential equations that reflect the biological, geochemical, and climatic processes in the system under study. In this case, the coefficients of the equations either have a specific meaning or are determined indirectly through the approximation of experimental data.

Modeling a real natural system based on experimental data and conducting numerous experiments on it make it possible to obtain quantitative estimates of the interactions of various components of communities both in natural systems and those formed as a result of human economic activity intrusion into the natural environment.

Tasks of the environmental monitoring system

The objectives of the environmental monitoring system are:

Monitoring of chemical, biological, physical parameters (characteristics);

Ensuring the organization of operational information.

The principles underlying the organization of the system:



Regular reporting.

On the basis of the environmental monitoring system, a nationwide system for monitoring and controlling the state of the environment has been created.

The assessment of the environment and health of the population includes the state of atmospheric air, drinking water, food, as well as ionizing radiation.

Ecological passport of the enterprise

Ecological passport of the enterprise- this is a document that is available at each enterprise, it is compiled in accordance with GOST Protection of Nature. Ecological passport of the enterprise. General provisions.

This document contains factual data on the impact of this object on the atmospheric air and water bodies and an assessment of these impacts, on soil pollution, and waste management.

The environmental passport data is updated twice a year.

EIA procedure

In accordance with the existing rules, any pre-project and project documentation related to any economic undertakings, the development of new territories, the location of industries, the design, construction and reconstruction of economic and civil facilities, must contain the section "Environmental Protection" and in it - a mandatory subsection EIA - materials on environmental impact assessment planned activity. EIA is a preliminary determination of the nature and degree of danger of all potential types of impact and an assessment of the environmental, economic and social consequences of the project; a structured process of taking into account environmental requirements in the system of preparation and decision-making on economic development.

EIA provides for the variability of decisions, taking into account territorial features and interests of the population. EIA is organized and provided by the customer of the project with the involvement of competent organizations and specialists. In many cases, EIA requires special engineering and environmental surveys.

The main sections of the EIA

1. Identification of sources of influence using experimental data, expert assessments, creation of mathematical modeling settings, literature analysis, etc. As a result, sources, types and objects of impact are identified.

2. A quantitative assessment of the types of impact can be carried out by a balance or instrumental method. When using the balance method, the amount of emissions, discharges, waste is determined. The instrumental method is the measurement and analysis of results.

3. Forecasting changes in the natural environment. A probabilistic forecast of environmental pollution is given, taking into account climatic conditions, wind roses, background concentrations, etc.

4. Forecasting emergency situations. A forecast of possible emergencies, causes and probability of their occurrence is given. For each emergency, preventive measures are provided.

5. Determination of ways to prevent negative consequences. Opportunities to reduce the impact with the help of special technical means of protection, technologies, etc. are determined.

6. Choice of methods of control over the state of the environment and residual consequences. The system of monitoring, control should be provided in the designed technological scheme.

7. Ecological and economic assessment of options for design solutions. Impact assessment is carried out for all possible options with an analysis of damages, compensation costs for protection from harmful effects after the project implementation.

8. Registration of results. It is carried out in the form of a separate section of the project document, which is a mandatory annex and contains, in addition to the materials of the EIA list, a copy of the agreement with the Ministry of Health, state supervision bodies responsible for the use of natural resources, the conclusion of departmental expertise, the conclusion of public expertise and the main disagreements.

Environmental assessment

Environmental assessmentestablishing compliance of the planned economic and other activities with environmental requirements and determining the admissibility of the implementation of the object of environmental expertise in order to prevent possible adverse impacts of this activity on the environment and related social, economic and other consequences of the implementation of the object of environmental expertise ().

Ecological expertise involves a special study of economic and technical projects, objects and processes in order to make a reasonable conclusion about their compliance with environmental requirements, norms and regulations.

Environmental impact assessment thus performs the functions of a forward-looking preventive control design documentation and at the same time functions oversight for environmental compliance of project implementation results. According to Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Expertise" these types of control and supervision are carried out by environmental authorities.

Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Expertise"(Art. 3) formulates principles of ecological expertise, namely:

Presumptions of potential environmental hazard of any planned economic and other activities;

Mandatory conduct of the state environmental review before making decisions on the implementation of the object of environmental review;

The complexity of assessing the impact on the environment of economic and other activities and its consequences;

Obligation to take into account the requirements of environmental safety during the environmental impact assessment;

Reliability and completeness of information submitted for ecological expertise;

Independence of environmental review experts in the exercise of their powers in the field of environmental review;

Scientific validity, objectivity and legality of the conclusions of environmental expertise;

Glasnost, participation of public organizations (associations), consideration of public opinion;

Responsibility of the participants in the environmental review and interested parties for the organization, conduct, quality of the environmental review.

test questions

1. Formulate the concepts of monitoring, environmental monitoring.

2. Name the types of environmental monitoring.

3. Formulate the tasks and principles of organization of the environmental monitoring system.

4. What is the environmental passport of the enterprise, its content?

5. What is the EIA procedure? For what purpose is it carried out?

6. List the sequence of stages of the EIA.

7. What does the ecological expertise include?

8. Formulate the principles of ecological expertise.

Types of damage from environmental pollution

The most objective criterion used in environmental expertise is the damage caused to the economy as a result of environmental pollution.

There are three types of damage: actual, possible and prevented.

Under actual damage is understood as the actual losses and damage caused to the economy as a result of environmental pollution.

Possible damage is the damage to the economy that could have occurred in the absence of environmental measures.

Under prevented damage is the difference between possible and actual damage.

The damage calculation method assumes taking into account the damage caused by the increased morbidity of the population; damage agriculture, housing, communal and household services, industry and other types of damage.

The calculations are of an estimated nature due to the lack of reliable natural science and sociological information.

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