The meaning of the name Alexander for a girl. Alexander's name in different languages. Name in history and art

Alexandra, Alexandra... what a majestic and melodious name, filled with dignity and tranquility. What does it mean? And why is this nice name so rarely called girls? According to official statistics, about one girl per thousand newborns is called Alexandra.

The name Alexander came to us from ancient Greece, along with the adoption of the Orthodox faith in Russia. Alexandra is a derivative of the name Alexander, which is also Greek. If translated literally, then the male name means “protector”, which means Alexandra is translated as “protector”.

AT ancient Russia the name Alexander gained popularity after the canonization of Alexander Nevsky, at the same time the female version of this name began to spread. And still, Alexander's name Orthodox faith remains unchanged, since it is a church name.


The masculine beginning of the name Alexander directly affects the character of its owner - she is a strong and whole person with a heightened sense of justice, a real protector for those whom she considers it necessary to patronize.

Alexandra is characterized by diligence and perseverance, which makes her successful in any field of activity. She knows how to fit in and out difficult situations with the least loss. She is a born leader and excels in leadership positions. Diplomacy and assertiveness in one bottle - this is about her.

However, the presence of a male version of the name gives the character of Alexandra some duality and inconsistency - along with strong will and purposefulness, Alexandra is not alien to such purely feminine qualities as gullibility and extravagance. She can often commit an act, and only then think about its consequences. She can clearly go to her goal, and only then think about whether she really needed it.

The main character trait of Alexandra is crystal honesty, because of which she will often suffer. Being very honest with people, she demands the same from others and never forgives deceit and betrayal.

Alexandra knows how to make friends - it is easy and pleasant to communicate with her, but she cannot be called very an open person. She takes losses hard - whether it be friends or material wealth.

Alexandra's image is a business woman, her life credo- complete financial and moral independence. She easily subjugates those around her to her will, while maintaining great relationship. Alexandra is surrounded in life only by those people who are able to keep up with her - there is no place for whiners and losers next to her.

Alexandra gets along well with animals, especially with large breeds dogs - they simply adore her and unquestioningly obey. But Alexandra will involve her household in caring for pets, as she herself likes to lead, and not to perform.

Alexandra as a child

The complex, stubborn and persistent nature of Alexandra becomes noticeable from infancy. If the girl is the only child in the family, she will be stubborn and capricious, not very fond of playing with other children and sharing her toys. Capriciousness and imbalance in the girl are combined with leadership talents and determination - if she has something in mind, it is impossible to stop her.

She will often quarrel with others, insisting on justice - deception will become unacceptable for her literally from birth. Due to the principles and perseverance in adolescence it will be difficult for her to communicate with her peers, there may also be conflicts with her parents. The girl will read a lot and engage in self-improvement.

If parents direct Alexandra's activity in the right direction, then she can achieve great success in sports - rhythmic gymnastics, Athletics, figure skating will be a pleasure for her, and perseverance and determination will help her reach the heights.

Alexandra will study well - her whole character will not allow her to slip into low level. But household chores will be avoided in every possible way - her mother's assistant will not work out of her.

With age, Sasha will become more diplomatic (but not open!) and it will be easier to find mutual language with people. With early childhood will prefer male to female society.

After school, Sasha will definitely go to college, because by that time she will have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bher place in life, and she will firmly go towards her goal.

Compatibility: Alexandra married

Alexandra is not inclined to early marriage, however, the first marriage is likely to be unsuccessful - she just has to learn loyalty and diplomacy, without which successful marriage impossible.

Sasha easily gets acquainted with men - a cheerful disposition and mobility affect. But she cannot be called frivolous, since a woman instantly feels falsehood, which is unacceptable to her. As a life partner, she needs a serious, balanced person, equal to her in intelligence and with a similar outlook on life. Relations in the family should be partnerships - Alexander will not tolerate a sissy or a clear leader next to him. Cheating on a partner will destroy a marriage - there are no options here, Sasha will not forgive a lie. Sasha will become, first of all, a friend and like-minded person to her husband, will in every possible way contribute to his career growth.

However, Alexandra has an almost masculine character, and she is so active that her husband will always lack tenderness a little.

Sasha will have at least two children, but maybe more - she will be a very caring mother, because she is a "protector". Alexandra will take care of her husband, parents, children and grandchildren - even when they become adults and no longer need tireless care. By old age, it can become annoying - it can torture loved ones with advice and instructions.

The best partners for Alexandra will be Yuri, Peter, Semyon, Andrey, Sergey, Stanislav, Mikhail and Victor. She should avoid men with the names Dmitry, Philip, Valery, Eugene, George and Nikolai.

Alexandra's sexuality

The inconsistency of Alexandra's character also affects her sexual relations - she is able to acutely feel the pleasure of physical intimacy, but is not capable of expressing emotions. Right after intimacy a woman can switch to a business conversation, as she treats sex exclusively as a source of pleasure, not attaching importance to sex on an emotional level. Tenderness, sentimentality, modesty - this is not about Alexandra, she simply does not feel this atmosphere. Sasha rarely takes the initiative in sex, leaving the partner to act.

But if Alexandra falls in love, she will relate to any other goal that needs to be achieved in any way. Therefore, there is no doubt that the object of her adoration will sooner or later fall at her feet.

Business and career

Any activity in which you need to be active and diligent is suitable for Alexandra. She often chooses a profession associated with traveling and business trips. The male component of the name allows Alexandra to choose difficult and rare professions where speed of decision-making and action is required. She does not tolerate slowness and unprofessionalism among colleagues, so only real masters can work with her on an equal footing.

Alexandra has excellent financial sense, so she can pursue a career in investment or banking and start and successfully run your own business. A business woman, she takes failure hard, but each time she finds the strength to move forward.

She will make an excellent secretary or referent - quickness and thoroughness are Alexandra's main assistants. She does not shine with talents and abilities, but diligence and dedication cover all the shortcomings.

Alexandra's health

In infancy, the girl Sashenka very early refuses to breast milk hence her vulnerability and poor health. Mom needs to make every effort so that her daughter does not refuse breast milk for as long as possible.

Very often in childhood, Alexandra suffers from scoliosis, so parents need to pay close attention to the child's posture and engage in physical education with her.

Poor appetite is another problem that parents will have to deal with and which can have far-reaching consequences in the form of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Due to excessive activity in life, Alexandra can get fractures and injuries, so she needs to be careful.

Alexandra can abuse alcohol - this is another male component of her name.

In general, all Alexanders have good health and live to a ripe old age.

Horoscope for Alexandra

  • Zodiac sign - Aries.
  • Name day - March 22, April 2. May 6, November 19, December 23.
  • The ruling planet is Mars.
  • The stone is aventurine.
  • Plants - hydrangea, chestnut, lilac.
  • Good luck colors - silver, gray.

Alexandra-Aries- an enthusiastic, unpredictable nature, and an optimist. She is prone to impulsiveness, so she makes many mistakes in life. Often falls in love, but feelings are shallow.

Alexandra Taurus- very prudent and thorough, a real business woman, attentive and responsible in any business. Men are treated the same as business - the partner will have to prove that he is worthy of her.

Alexandra-Gemini- easily relates to life, solves problems easily and naturally. The soul of any company is spoiled male attention, loves non-burdensome short-term relationships.

Alexandra-Rak- very charming, gentle and kind. Knows how to make friends, always support and help. She will marry early and will be very patient in marriage, remaining faithful and devotion, even if the man is not worthy of her.

Alexandra Lev- a confident and strong woman, a real lioness. He always knows what he wants from life and firmly follows the goal. Next to her, only the man whom she can lead will stay. Veal tenderness is definitely not about her.

Alexandra-Virgo- arrogant and stiff, but very businesslike. She has few friends and many things to do that leave her no time for her personal life. Her main goal in life is not marriage at all, but financial independence.

Alexandra-Libra- graceful and refined nature, very feminine and pleasant in communication. She does not tolerate conflicts and aggression, she will always give in and step aside. She is not a fighter in life, so there should be a leading man next to her, to whom she will become a wonderful wife.

Alexandra-Scorpio- extravagant and fickle, she does not have a solid life purpose because she always wants something new. The desire for novelty does not allow her to stay with one partner for a long time, so she can have several marriages.

Alexandra Sagittarius- a very active woman, striving to take everyone under her wing and solve all problems - even those that no one asks her about. But she cannot do otherwise, since inaction has a bad effect on her. She loves to travel and have short-term romances.

Alexandra Capricorn- a very respected woman, always restrained and cautious, well-controlled in any situation. She always thinks and plans everything in advance - spontaneity is not about her. She never gives free rein to her feelings, so it will be difficult for her to get married.

Alexandra Aquarius- thoughtful and closed, tries to stay away from temperamental persons. He has a heightened sense of self-esteem, always has his own opinion on everything. She will be happy only with the man who will not encroach on her independence.

Alexandra Pisces- great friend and charming woman. Her main feature is insight, so she is very lucky in business and in her personal life.

Of course, the name cannot fully reflect the fate of a person, but for sure, many Alexandra in deciphering the name easily recognized themselves.

Absolutely any name can be explored in detail and eventually understand both yourself and any person nearby. The meaning of the name Alexander is of interest to many, since it is one of the most common both in our country and around the world.

Women with this name are distinguished by strength in character, the ability to keep their word and go towards their goal through difficulties and obstacles. But at the same time, they do not lose their feminine attractiveness and charm.

The origin of the name is always important, because in the past, names were invested deep meaning, and just one word could mean a lot. So, what does the name Alexander mean, history will help us find out. On the this moment There are several versions of where it might come from:

  • The first version says that it originated in Ancient Greece and is a form of the name, which translates as "protector". Many are interested in the name Alexandrina - it must be said that this is also one of the forms, and its translation coincides with the translation of the name Alexander.
  • Another version sends us to the countries of the Ancient East, and, as the researchers say, the word Alexander comes from the name Iskander, which translates as “winner”.

As you can see, it carries a serious male energy, unconsciously orienting girls to exploits. Alexandra can be called differently: use diminutives - Sasha, Shura, Sanya; you can affectionately - Sashenka, Sashulya, Alexandrushka; you can shorten it down to the Al form (but I must say that not all owners of the name like this option).

Therefore, you can call Sasha in different ways, using both the full name, which sounds like Alexandra, and a diminutive, abbreviated or affectionate. The main thing is that the way you call a person, he liked and did not cause resistance.

For the sacrament of baptism, this name fits perfectly - moreover, girls who are called differently are often baptized with it. After the child is baptized, he will be able to celebrate his name day or angel's day - March 20 and April 23.

Character Facts

The name Alexandra for a girl is one of the best options, but when choosing how to name a child, it is important to first know how this name will affect your child. So, Sasha has been energetic and strong since childhood, she literally glows from the inside. For this reason, she often becomes the leader for many girls and boys.

She likes active games fresh air I like communication, interaction. She enjoys chatting with other children as well as with adults, because they can all answer her questions.

In adolescence, Alexandra becomes strong and independent, she tries to be independent in literally everything. But, nevertheless, she will need advice and support from her parents.

Education plays an important role for her. The older she gets, the more responsible and attentive she is to learning.

Alexandra also tries to develop not only in her studies, but also in creativity and in sports. Often the owners of this name achieve serious results in individual sports.

It's feminine strong name revealed in adult Alexandra. Adult Sasha is a source of endless energy, she literally boils and boils. She can handle several projects at the same time, and her energy is enough to do everything thoughtfully and efficiently.

Alexandra values ​​close communication, it is important for her to have a reliable and trusted friend next to her, who will always be able to listen and support her in difficult moment. But most of the people around her may not even suspect that there are difficulties in her life, because she is always full of strength.

Sasha loves everything new, interesting and exciting. She likes to travel, get to know new cultures and people, she enjoys going not only on vacation, but also on business trips. Changing the type of activity for her is incredibly useful.

To find out the meaning of the name Alexander means to learn a little more about this person, to lift the veil of secrecy and understand something secret about her. Alexandra is not an easy woman, and the meaning of her name affects her character and fate.

  • Health is an important and serious issue. Alexandra is a person who pays special attention to her condition - both physical and psychological. Therefore, she should not have problems or difficulties in this area.
  • This woman is smart and well-read, she skillfully conducts a conversation with any person and is able to simply and clearly present her knowledge. She is also distinguished by her analytical abilities, which only improve every year.
  • This girl will prefer responsible and serious work, where you can show many of your skills. Alexandra is hardworking and responsible, so the employer can safely trust her to solve difficult or controversial issues. In addition, she will perfectly cope with the role of a leader, but for this it is important for her to constantly learn and improve her skills.
  • This woman does not hold perseverance, therefore she is capable of entrepreneurship, because she is ready to devote all her potential, all her strength to the cause. She can make an excellent business owner, so if she has a desire to create something of her own, then she can safely take it on.
  • The secret of the name is also hidden in the understanding of certain irrational processes. Intuition is what works great for Alexandra. But more often, she tends to rely on calculation and logic, which can move her away from achieving her desired goal.

Love and family

The characterization of a name is not an easy question, and it must be said that the secrets of this female name, as well as any other, are hidden in feelings and relationships. Sasha is an interesting girl, this is what attracts men to her, they like to spend time with her, communicate, share information.

This girl is strong, and sometimes it seems that she does not need support and support, but in fact this is not so. A man needs to slowly reduce the distance, and one day the tender, trusting and needy Sasha will open up to him.

As a husband, she will choose a strong but sensitive person who is able to understand her and share with her her views, her worldview, her goals. And for this person, she will become a real support, a reliable rear, a true comrade-in-arms, this is a fact that means that Sasha will be faithful and devoted in all respects.

It is important to say a few words about compatibility and about who Alexandra will feel more comfortable and pleasant with. So, the compatibility of the names of Alexander and Alexei is quite high, and Sasha can successfully build relationships with Philip, and. But difficulties and possible misunderstandings may arise when communicating with Konstantin and Valery.

Warm relationships are important to Alexandra, touches play a huge role for her, when she is called in a special way, using various forms her name and calling her not just Alexander, but Sashulya, Sashenka. You can also use an abbreviated or multiple name, calling Alexandra - Shura.

Family is a matter that means a lot to her, it is the most important part of Sasha's life, especially children, because they add new colors to her life. When Sasha has children, the choice of a name will be of particular importance, because Alexandra certainly wants the best for her child. Therefore, the husband needs to treat this process with understanding and patience.

Any name, including Alexandra, has its own meaning hidden in the name, and it should be shown Special attention. The path of knowing oneself and another lies through the study of many aspects, including the name, the decoding of which can provide answers to many questions.

The female name Alexandra is derived from the male name Alexander and, like its masculine counterpart, means “protector of the people.”

Characteristics of the name Alexander

This name is now quite common, despite the fact that psychologists do not advise parents to choose “male” names for girls. In the case of Alexandra, the reason for such advice is very clear, because the owners of this name throughout their lives are distinguished by a special duality, which creates the impression that the masculine and feminine principles are always fighting in it.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

Who would suit such a difficult name? First of all, it must be said that it is best not to call Alexandra a girl born in winter or summer, because the “winter” Alexandra will differ in too “male” character, and the “summer” ones will be subject to pride and stubbornness. Spring babies, as a rule, are characterized by a soft, calm disposition, which will minimize the manifestation of duality in Alexandra's character, help her femininity and softness to manifest. If the parents are not embarrassed by the manifestations of the “male” character of Alexandra, then it would be better to give this name to the “autumn” girl, who will have a cold mind and determination, combined with sexuality and wonderful feeling humor.

Pros and cons of the name Alexander

What are the pros and cons of the decision to name your daughter Alexandra? On the one hand, this beautiful and not very common name on the territory of our country can become the highlight of the girl, but on the other hand, it must be borne in mind that none of the relatives and friends, most likely, will call the baby full name, which will lead to the fact that the melodious name of Alexander will turn into a rather rude Malchuk address “Sasha”. The advantage of this name is that it easily and harmoniously combines with most of the surnames and patronymics common in Russia, in addition, you can pick up a huge number of diminutive forms for it (for example, Shura, Alexya, Alya, Sandra), one of which is the owner this name can be chosen as an alternative to the abbreviation Sasha, which is rather ugly for a girl.


Parents who are interested in the opportunity to name their daughter Alexandra will be interested to know that the owners of this name, as a rule, are different. iron health and high physical activity. the only weak point Alexandra needs to always live according to a schedule, because if she once allows herself to lack sleep or overeat, then it will be difficult for her to return to good health and she will be in a sticky state for several days.

Love and family relationships

Concerning family relations, then, having found her life partner, Alexandra is simply transformed! Where does her pricklyness and stubbornness go: Alexandra learns to cook with pleasure, spends a lot of time at home, takes care of her husband, becomes a strict but fair mother of several children.

Professional area

Over time, the family replaces Alexandra with friends and the pleasure of work, to which the owner of this name paid a lot of attention before. This does not mean that Alexandra will completely lose interest in work with age, it’s just that before marriage, she, as a rule, is interested in very active professions related to travel and business trips, after which she becomes less energetic, but still executive.

name day

Alexandra's name day is celebrated on April 2, May 6, May 31 and November 19, and according to the Catholic calendar - March 20 and May 18.

Alexandra - orthodox name, which reached the peak of its popularity in the 20th century. AT modern world it is not as common as in the last century, but nevertheless parents often call their daughters it. The secret of the girl's name lies in the duality and inconsistency of her character. Nature endowed Alexandra with a strong temperament, which she hides behind an elegant feminine appearance. Persistent and decisive character, formed in youth, helps the girl to achieve high altitudes in life. She finds her happiness next to a person who always supports her and gives her personal space in a relationship.

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    Origin and meaning of the name

    The female name Alexandra is derived from the male Alexander. It has Greek origin. The meaning of the name is “courageous”, “protector”, “going to the rescue”.

    The patroness of the name is Alexandra of Rome - the holy martyr, wife of the Roman emperor Diocletian.

    Name day by church calendar celebrated on one of the following dates:

    • April 2;
    • the 6th of May;
    • November 19;
    • May 31.

    Short and diminutive forms of the name: Sasha, Shura, Sanechka, Sashenka.

    Matvey - the meaning, origin and mystery of the name, the fate of the boy

    Alexandra's character

    The time of the year in which she was born influences the character and fate of Alexandra.

    Season Characteristic
    Winter"Winter" Alexandra is self-confident and ambitious. Excessive self-confidence can harm a girl if she does not learn to realistically assess her capabilities. the main objective in life for her - a discovery own business in which she would become the sovereign mistress
    SpringAlexandra, born in the spring, is capricious and self-confident. He likes to be in a male company and accept compliments addressed to him. Can be successfully implemented in creative profession because he has a rich imagination
    SummerFor girl, born in summer, characterized by irascibility and love of intrigue. She easily gets involved in conflicts, often provoking them herself. She is prone to gossip about her enemies and competitors. Own good relationship shows only to those people who manage to win her trust
    AutumnThe "autumn" girl is finicky and demanding of others. If something does not suit her, she frankly expresses her dissatisfaction. Vocation finds in medicine, psychology or jurisprudence

    The stubborn and persistent nature of Alexandra manifests itself from childhood. She does not like being denied the fulfillment of her whims, she can throw a tantrum. Especially often, such behavior of a daughter is faced by parents in whom she is only child. Adults will have to make a lot of efforts to prevent the development of selfishness in the baby.

    In the company of peers often acts as a leader. Likes noisy funny Games and various sports competitions. Despite love for big company friends, sometimes she needs privacy. She needs to be alone with her thoughts and dream about the future in a calm environment.

    In adolescence, he devotes a lot of time to self-development. It can be difficult for her to establish contact with her peers because of her principles. With age, Alexandra becomes more diplomatic, thanks to which she manages to acquire profitable connections. At work, she manifests herself as one of the best employees, which allows her to achieve great success in professional field.

    Positive character traits: loyalty, responsiveness, diligence, perseverance in achieving goals.

    Negative character traits: lust for power and vindictiveness.

    Marriage and family

    As a child, Alexandra spends a lot of time in the company of boys. In her youth, it is difficult for a girl to build romantic relationships with guys, since in her eyes they remain her playmates and true friends. This is where main reason the fact that Alexandra is getting married late.

    The girl gets acquainted with men easily. The representatives of the stronger sex are attracted by her cheerful nature and sincerity. She will be able to build her happiness in a balanced, intelligent and serious man whose interests coincide with her own. In Alexandra's view, marriage is the union of two equal people, so she will not date a person whose behavior suppresses her personality. It is important for her that the companion appreciates and respects her.

    Sexual relations with her beloved give her physical pleasure, but on an emotional level she is very restrained. The partner often lacks Alexandra's gentle words and touches in bed.

    A woman will become a wonderful mother and wife, she will anxiously take care of her relatives. She is willing to go to great lengths to make her family members happy. The love of close people serves as a source of energy and inspiration for her.

    Favorable compatibility with male names: Andrey, Victor, Sergey, Mikhail, Peter and Stanislav.


    Representatives of the name have strong immunity, so they rarely complain about feeling unwell. They are not afraid of infectious and viral diseases. It is recommended to pay attention to the state of the cardiovascular system in order to timely prevent the appearance of various ailments. Should be avoided extreme species sports that are associated with the risk of injury and fractures.

    In adulthood, there is a risk of developing gastritis or inflammation of the pancreas. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor nutrition and, if discomfort or pain occurs, undergo a medical examination.

    Profession and career

    The girl's parents make a lot of efforts so that she gets a good education. Alexandra, in turn, diligently studies at school and demonstrates to teachers a craving for knowledge and curiosity. Already in adolescence, she begins to plan her future and thinks about a profession. Perseverance and hard work help her to achieve great success in the professional field. It will make a talented administrator, doctor, economist or teacher.

    Before marriage, a woman's career comes first. She possesses leadership qualities, therefore at work always manifests itself with positive side. The boss notices a talented employee, helps her to unlock her potential and promotes her up the career ladder.

    Interests and hobbies

    Alexandra loves to spend time actively, so she cannot be caught knitting, sewing or embroidering. Even in childhood she shows no interest in needlework and tries by all means to evade the monotonous work. The girl loves to travel to unfamiliar places. Each time she takes out something new from her trips.

    Since childhood, Sasha feels a connection with surrounding nature, so in warm weather she often goes for walks in the park or the nearby woods.

    The girl leads an active lifestyle and tries to exercise regularly. After a hard day at work or school, he enjoys watching sports or entertainment TV shows in the evening. Alexandra also loves cinema and music. Watching good movie and listening to music, she relaxes and rests her soul and body.

    Signs and symbols

    The signs and symbols of the name Alexander are presented in the table.

    Sign, symbol or talisman Interpretation
    Ruler planet - MarsMars is the god of war. His patronage endows a person with such character traits as masculinity, energy, at times excessive anger and aggressiveness. Thanks to perseverance and courage, they will achieve a lot in life if they can overcome the negative traits of their character.
    Talisman stone - aventurine"Stone of Emperors" - aventurine attracts luck and love to life, helps to harmonize relationships in the family. Also, the stone gives its owner strength and gives him faith in himself. So that aventurine does not lose his magical properties It is not recommended to wear jewelry with it all the time. They need to be removed periodically.
    Name number - unitOne - the number of adventurers and brave discoverers. Such people have a unique mindset and value freedom above all else in life, so they do not allow anyone to command them. Awareness of their chosenness can play a bad joke with them - develop in their character such qualities as arrogance and selfishness
    Animals - dog and hippoThe dog symbolizes determination, courage and devotion. In the Middle Ages, the animal was a symbol of marital fidelity. Hippopotamus in esotericism personifies power and indestructibility. It is worth hurting him, as he will immediately demonstrate strength and will never let himself be offended.
    Tree - hawthornThe tree protects a person from black magic and influence negative energy. Hawthorn helps build relationships with a loved one and attracts love into the lives of single people.
    Flower - hydrangeaThe flower symbolizes honesty and sincerity. People whose name flower is hydrangea always follow their principles and keep their word. They highly value sincerity and do not tolerate lies and hypocrisy.
    Metal - goldPrecious metal symbolizes royalty, luxury and prosperity. Gold items help a person to pacify negative emotions and gain peace of mind. For creative, purposeful people who are used to always achieving their goals, gold is a powerful source of energy.

    Notable representatives of the name

    Famous representatives of the name who have contributed to the development of cinema, sports, science and music are presented in the table.

    Representative Achievements
    Alexandra Andreevna Glagoleva ArkadievaShe went down in history as the first Russian woman physicist. In 1923, she made a discovery that proved the unity of light and electromagnetic waves. The most important results of her scientific activity are works on obtaining ultrashort electromagnetic waves, as well as the development of a unified scale of electromagnetic waves. After the war, Alexandra Andreevna did great job for the restoration of the laboratory of electromagnetism named after Maxwell
    Alexandra Alexandrovna YablochkinaTheater actress, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree. One of best roles actress is considered to be her performance of Sophia - the heroine of Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit". Alexandra Alexandrovna played on the same stage with the most talented actors: Maria Yermolova, Alexander Yuzhin, Olga Sadovskaya and others
    Alexandra Nikolaevna PakhmutovaOne of the most sought-after and popular songwriters in the USSR, author of more than 400 songs. She was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR and Hero of Socialist Labor. Her songs were included in the repertoire of N. V. Mordyukova, R. A. Gareev, L. G. Zykina, M. M. Magomaev and other eminent performers. Notable songs Alexandra Nikolaevna: "Belovezhskaya Pushcha", "And the battle continues again", "Eaglets learn to fly", "Bird of happiness" and others
    Alexandra Ivanovna ZabelinaFamous Soviet foil fencer, twenty-time champion of the USSR. The first Soviet athlete to become the world champion in the individual championship. In 1986 she was awarded the title of Honored Coach of Russia
    Alexandra Alexandrovna TimoshenkoThe most titled Ukrainian gymnast, the first Ukrainian Olympic champion on rhythmic gymnastics. In 1989, the athlete was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports of the USSR. After completing her career, she legal education. Currently lives in Austria

    The high achievements of these women have gone down in history forever. Their biographies are a prime example courage, determination and unique talent.

Career, business and money

Alexandra usually receives a good education, as she confidently plans her career path. Most of the bearers of this name are business women confidently moving towards their goal. Perseverance and work allow you to achieve success in work and material well-being.

Often Alexandra choose the profession of a doctor, teacher, accountant. These strong women often occupy leadership positions and are often the main breadwinners in the family. Male traits character, which gives Sasha her name, give her the opportunity to confidently go through life. Before marriage, her career always remains in the first place.

Marriage and family

Since young years Sashenka prefers male society. Boys predominate among her friends. It is difficult for the grown-up Alexandra to switch from companionship to love. Therefore, girls with this name usually marry late.

But having met a worthy life partner, Shura is transformed: she becomes an excellent hostess and faithful friend husband. Starting a family, she plans to have many children. Usually, at least 2-3 babies grow up in the families of these women, among which boys predominate.

Alexandra is a caring mother, she is capable of many things for her family and children: to beautifully decorate a house for the New Year, using a minimum of improvised means, to sew interesting outfit from simple fabrics, cook tasty dish from a limited range of products. Sasha's relationship with her husband's mother is strained, she respects her, but is afraid.

Sex and love

In Alexandra's life, love is a real volcano of passions. Only a strong, unrestrained feeling is capable of curbing a wayward nature. This woman can experience physical satisfaction from sexual relations, but not able to get enough of them. Sasha tends not to show initiative in love games.

Conversations of an intimate nature are of little interest to her, since she cannot describe the sensations experienced during intimacy in words. After a stormy romantic night, Alexandra often behaves like a man - without emotions and smiles. Usually, the partner fails to receive a portion of affection in excess of the one that was presented by her during intimacy.


Sasha, both in childhood and at a more mature age, does not complain about his health. These women are less susceptible colds. Requires attention the cardiovascular system. For the prevention of ailments in this area, the use of fish oil is recommended.

Alexandra also needs to carefully monitor her joints, try to avoid situations and extreme sports where frequent bone fractures are possible. The presence of excess energy of the spleen and pancreas often provokes the development of gastritis in women with this name or leads to the onset of an inflammatory process in the pancreas.

Shura's health problems include frequent violations sleep and life cycles.

Interests and hobbies

Sasha cannot be caught doing the usual women's activities - embroidery or knitting. She is a fan of active pastime. Best holiday for her - traveling around her native country and abroad. On the day off, she tends to go to the dacha or to the nearest forest.

Shura is a good companion for watching a football or hockey game. She sincerely cheers for the participants, is able to make a worthy company for her husband, who is fond of similar species sports.

Many Sasha carry the love of active training throughout their lives. The presence of a family is not an obstacle for them to sports activities. Among the hobbies of these women, reading occupies an important place.

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