What to eat with a cold. Rules for nutrition with the flu. Vitamins for colds

Acute respiratory viral infections can cause serious damage to the health of both adults and children. In order for the treatment of SARS not to be delayed, it is necessary to help the body recover faster. For this, it is important not only to develop a suitable treatment regimen, but also to take care of proper nutrition for ARVI. What should be the diet of the patient?

Proper nutrition during the period of a viral disease will improve the patient's well-being, get the necessary energy to fight the infection. When adjusting the diet, you need to consider several points:

  • During SARS you need to eat in small portions and often. So, even with a reduced appetite, the patient will be able to maintain his body. The optimal serving volume is 200-250 ml.
  • All food in consistency should be soft, if possible - mucous. With a dry cough, sore throat, it will not be easy for the patient to eat solid and rough food.
  • To reduce the load on the digestive system, it is advisable to steam, boil or stew food.
  • To avoid irritation of the throat, you need to give up sour, spicy, smoked and salty foods with SARS. It is advisable to reduce the amount of salt consumed.
  • During SARS you need to drink plenty of fluids. A warm and plentiful drink will help to remove toxic substances from the body that are formed during the body's fight against the virus.
  • Although the treatment of SARS requires the consumption of large amounts of fluid, diuretic drinks should be avoided. With increased sweating that accompanies the disease, these drinks can provoke dehydration.
  • It is advisable to remove bread and sweet pastries from the patient's menu, because the yeast they contain can increase the permeability of membranes for viruses and pathogenic microorganisms.

Food during the treatment of ARVI should be light, quickly digestible. It is important to maintain a balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. For a speedy recovery, it is worth limiting the amount of fat consumed. But it is not necessary to give up easily digestible carbohydrates. They will replenish energy reserves.

In nutrition with ARVI, emphasis should be placed on protein foods, since with a protein deficiency in the human body, bactericidal activity in the blood serum decreases, and the synthesis of digestive enzymes is disrupted. The amount of protein consumed during illness should be increased at the rate of 1 g of protein per 1 kg of human body weight.

The patient's diet should be dominated by wholesome food rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other valuable substances. This "fuel" will help you recover faster. What vitamins and other important elements must be added to the patient's diet?

  • A diet high in zinc will help speed up the recovery process.
  • Vitamin C is used to prevent ARVI and during the recovery period to support immunity.
  • Vitamin E is needed to stimulate the production of antibodies, like the B vitamins.
  • Vitamin A will help restore mucous membranes, skin.

If antibiotics are used for treatment, foods rich in bifidobacteria should also be included in the diet. Even after recovery, fermented milk products enriched with bifidocultures should be consumed daily for at least another three weeks. These components of the diet will help maintain the intestinal microflora. When taking antibiotics, the beneficial intestinal flora is destroyed, they also aggressively affect the gastric mucosa.

It is believed that during colds, viral diseases, the best "medicine" for the patient is chicken broth. However, doctors advise to abandon this dish. Despite its high nutritional value, meat broths are poorly absorbed by a weakened body. In addition, they contain quite a lot of fat.

Depending on the stage of recovery, the nutrition of a patient with ARVI can be built as follows:

  • On the first day of illness - baked apples, low-fat yogurt, fermented baked milk.
  • On the second or third day - boiled meat or fish, porridge with milk, dairy products.
  • On the days of complications of the disease - boiled or stewed vegetables, low-fat sour-milk products.
  • Dairy products.
  • Meat, lean fish.
  • Eggs.
  • Seafood.
  • Light vegetable soups.
  • Kashi - oatmeal, buckwheat and rice.
  • Vegetable decoctions, juices.
  • Sweet tea (with lemon and ginger), compotes, fruit drinks, still mineral water.
  • Sources of vitamin C - rosehip infusion, kiwi, black currant, sauerkraut.
  • Antimicrobial products, sources of phytoncides - garlic, onions.

During illness, it is best to exclude from the diet:

  • Fried and fatty foods - it will be difficult for the patient's digestive system to cope with the load of digesting such food.
  • Alcohol in any form and quantity - due to the risk of dehydration. Also, alcoholic beverages destroy ascorbic acid in the patient's body, which makes it impossible to fight back the infection.
  • Whole milk - increases the load on the pancreas and liver, which is not necessary during an illness. Whole milk for allergy sufferers is especially not recommended in the diet for ARVI.
  • Cookies, crackers, berries, fruits with a high content of acid are contraindicated in dry cough, they will irritate a sore throat.
  • Fresh cabbage, grapes, pears - cause fermentation, because of the high sugar content, they create an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Green tea, coffee - are diuretic drinks, can aggravate dehydration.

With illness, a person's taste preferences can change. Therefore, a patient with SARS may suddenly “love” sour or sweet food. In any case, when compiling the menu, it is necessary to listen to the signals of the body and not try to feed the patient hard. If the appetite has disappeared completely, on the days of deterioration, you can and should replace regular food with drinks.

Contents: Important rules What you can eat with the flu What is contraindicated to eat with the flu Features of water balance Interesting video

Influenza is an unpleasant disease that affects the organs of the respiratory system. After it, the body is greatly weakened, it requires a long recovery, which should be carried out in accordance with the doctor's recommendations.

In addition to preventive therapy, the patient must pay attention to the diet, it must be balanced and correct. Flu nutrition should include healthy, natural foods with high levels of vitamins. It is she who will be able to increase immunity and energy, and the body will be able to quickly recover from an unpleasant illness without possible complications and unpleasant consequences.

Important Rules

Nutrition for flu and colds is not selected as usual, be sure to be careful when compiling a diet and choose natural, fortified foods that can support the vitality of the body and improve the functioning of internal organs.

Before starting, there are a few important rules to consider:

  1. Abundant fluid intake. You need to drink at least 2.5 liters of water and other fluids per day.
  2. Increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits. They will be the main source of vitamin C.
  3. During the recovery period, you should consume foods that can inhibit the growth of microorganisms. The best example is ordinary garlic.
  4. It is worth temporarily removing fried and smoked foods from the menu.
  5. In addition to proper nutrition, do not forget about a good rest. During a cold, doctors recommend bed rest, the exclusion of physical activity during the period of illness increases the effectiveness of therapeutic therapy.

Important! Treatment with medication alone may not always provide successful results. It is recommended to supplement the main therapy with other home and affordable methods - proper nutrition for colds, proper rest, ventilation and humidification of the room.

What can you eat with the flu

Be sure to know what you can eat with the flu and colds. Thanks to this, it will be possible to make the right therapeutic diet, which will speed up the healing process.

During the flu and colds, it is recommended to eat the following foods:

  • garlic. The composition of the vegetable includes allicin. This substance has a detrimental effect on bacteria, viruses;
  • chicken bouillon. It has a positive effect on well-being. Fights neutrophil cells that cause stuffiness and inflammation;
  • Your diet should include foods high in zinc. These include nuts, seafood, eggs, meat;
  • if you do not know what to eat for a cold, then pay attention to spices. They make breathing easier, constrict blood vessels. Enhance sweat separation. For colds, ginger, mustard, coriander, cinnamon are especially useful;
  • fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C - tomatoes, citrus fruits, peppers and many others;
  • fruits and vegetables with increased levels of beta-keratin, magnesium, folic acid. This list can include such vegetables and fruits as - cauliflower, beets, carrots, grapefruit, kiwi, tangerines and many others;
  • foods rich in vitamin E - almonds, nuts, fish oil, peanuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and others;
  • food that is based on bioflavonoids - onions, broccoli;
  • foods with flavonoids - lemon, raspberries, peppers, lingonberries, grapes.

Its useful to note! During a cold, it is recommended to eat fractionally - optimally 4-5 times a day. Portions should be small. Small volumes are digested much easier, and thanks to short breaks, the feeling of hunger does not occur.

What is contraindicated to eat with the flu

Proper nutrition for colds and flu should include not only healthy foods, but it is worth remembering about forbidden foods. It is recommended to exclude it for a while until the body is fully restored.
What to eat with the flu, we have already considered, during this disease it is worth eating light and as light food as possible.

From this follows a completely logical conclusion - heavy meals during this period should be abandoned. These include the following products:

  • fatty;
  • sharp;
  • smoked;
  • for a while it is worth eliminating salts.

Salt has an unpleasant feature - it lingers in the body, this creates an additional burden on the kidneys. These organisms during the period of illness so work in a critical mode, they intensively remove toxins and harmful substances.

What else to eat with a cold is not worth it? During this period, any semi-finished products are prohibited. This also applies to food under the category of fast food. These products complicate the work of the digestive tract. As a result, all the forces of the body will be spent on restoring the functions and work of digestion, and not on fighting viruses and bacteria.

Note! The list of what to eat with a cold and flu is not worth it, includes sweets from the store. Numerous studies have proven that sweets have a negative effect on the work of leukocytes - red cells that resist pathogenic organisms during the pathological process.

Healthy eating during various colds requires the rejection of certain drinks:

  • be sure to completely exclude various alcoholic beverages from the diet during this period. They lower the immune system, have a negative effect on the functioning of the liver, which at this time is busy cleaning the body of toxins;
  • coffee. The drink causes dehydration. And this is completely unacceptable for colds, flu, SARS;
  • shop juices.

Features of the water balance

We have considered what to eat with the flu, but special attention should be paid to drinking. Nutrition for colds provides for abundant fluid intake. Due to this, there is increased hydration of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, upper respiratory tract.

Its useful to note! The liquid increases the rate of blood circulation, this is what contributes to the introduction of toxins, toxins. All this contributes to the rapid recovery of the body.

The flu diet should include the following types of drinks:

  1. Cranberry juice. This is a well-known folk remedy, which is often used for colds. It is based on a high level of antimicrobial components. Morse increases the effectiveness of other drugs, has an antioxidant effect on the cellular structures of the body.
  2. Milk with honey. This drink is considered an ideal choice in the presence of a severe cough. Honey improves immunity, strengthens defenses and makes the body actively fight the disease. Warm milk coats the mucous membrane of the throat, weakens the reflex cough. This drink is recommended to drink before going to bed.
  3. Tea with ginger. The plant has a strong antiviral effect, strengthens the immune system. Before adding to the drink, ginger can be grated or cut into small pieces. After the tea should be infused for about 10 minutes, and after it is mono drink.
  4. Raspberry, viburnum, currant infusions. They saturate the body with vitamins, have a positive effect on the condition.

A diet for flu and colds must necessarily include the above drinks. They will speed up recovery and recovery, as well as boost the immune system. Additionally, lemon and chamomile can be added to tea, this will make the drink fragrant and more healthy. Instead of sweets, you can eat raspberry jam or honey.

It is important to remember that a specialist should select food for adults with influenza. He always gives him a memo, which contains a list of allowed and prohibited foods for a cold. The doctor will be able to paint a detailed menu for each day, and he can also offer diet options. All this should be used as a mandatory addition to the main treatment.

Influenza, like all other acute respiratory viral infections, belongs to the type of diseases that only our immunity can defeat. The task of the patient is to help his body cope with the disease.

Proper drinking and eating during the flu is important for a speedy recovery. There is food that can and should be eaten during illness for children and adults. In addition, there are many foods that are best avoided if you want to get better quickly.

Diet during illness

A flu diet is a prerequisite for a quick recovery. However, do not be afraid at the sight of this word. You don't have to starve yourself with the flu. The list of foods that are best eaten during illness is quite extensive. These include:

  • lean boiled or stewed meat (veal, rabbit or chicken);
  • lean boiled fish;
  • fresh fruits, which contain a significant amount of vitamin C (black currants, apples, lemons and oranges);
  • any fresh vegetables (garlic and onions must be included in the patient's daily diet);
  • light vegetable soups and chicken broth;
  • fermented milk products (fat-free cottage cheese, natural yogurt and kefir);
  • a variety of cereals cooked in milk (buckwheat, oatmeal and rice);
  • any fresh nuts except for peanuts;
  • fresh and natural bee honey;
  • dried bread.

What is better to drink?

Plentiful warm drink is necessary for the patient's body to counteract the flu. It helps to avoid dehydration, lowers body temperature, and also helps to remove intoxication products with urine and sweat.

There are plenty of suitable drinks. In fact, it is easier to say what you should not drink during an illness. So, with the flu, you do not need to use:

  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • packaged juices;
  • alcohol.

Everything else is drinkable. However, everyone needs to remember an important rule. The optimal temperature of drinks that you drink with the flu should be approximately equal to the mark that the thermometer shows. In other words, the temperature of drinks should be 36-40 degrees Celsius. This will allow the body not to spend additional energy and time on their cooling.

  • tea with raspberries, honey and lemon (choose what you like best);
  • diluted blackcurrant jam;
  • freshly squeezed fruit juices;
  • dried fruits compote;
  • berry fruit drinks;
  • boiled water.

Junk food

As you understand, nutrition for the flu consists not only of those foods that you can eat, but also those that are not recommended. The latter include:

  • fatty and heavy food;
  • sausages and smoked meats;
  • confectionery;
  • canned foods;
  • coffee and cocoa.

There are also a few simple rules of nutrition for the flu, the observance of which will also contribute to a speedy recovery.

  • Do not force the patient to eat if he has no appetite. Such food will definitely not bring benefits.
  • Food should be light, rich in energy, proteins and vitamins.
  • You should take food in small portions. So it will be easier for your body to digest it without excessive energy consumption.

For a speedy recovery from respiratory diseases, it is necessary to take not only drug treatment, but also quite familiar actions. Of particular importance is nutrition for influenza, the diet should be rich in useful and valuable components for the body.

A dangerous infectious disease requires a serious approach in the treatment and prevention. Of course, drug therapy is of great importance. But you need to know what symptoms and consequences the infection causes in order to understand what methods to influence the nature of the disease.

In order for the body to cope with the disease faster, it is necessary to eat right.

We are surrounded by armies of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and under certain factors they begin to multiply rapidly. These factors are:

  • air temperature from -5 to 5 degrees;
  • hypothermia of a person;
  • prolonged walking in wet shoes;
  • chronic diseases.

The body becomes vulnerable with reduced immunity, which is influenced by the above and other factors. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, through coughing, sneezing. Invading the epithelium of the cell, the infection penetrates into the blood, disperses throughout the body. At the same time, parts of healthy and disease-causing cells decay, poisoning the entire body, including internal organs. There are serious complications:

  • inflammatory processes in the lungs, bronchi, trachea;
  • sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, otitis media;
  • meningitis, encephalitis;
  • violation in the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary, nervous and vascular systems.

Treatment with drugs alone does not fully guarantee a speedy recovery. It is necessary to take a set of measures, which include quite affordable, home methods, such as proper nutrition during the flu, bed rest, ventilation and humidification of the room.

It is a mistake to believe that only naturopaths advocate healthy food, leading scientists agree with this, arguing that food directly affects the condition of the infected.

Nutrition for influenza and SARS

Let's start with liquid food. Many people ask the question - how much water to drink with the flu? We already know that pathogenic viruses and microbes settle on the mucosa, and when they get into the blood, they cause powerful poisoning of the body. It is to eliminate these risk factors that an abundant drink, liquid food is required. Water and its derivatives - compotes, kissels, fruit drinks are the main tool for cleaning. At the same time, water moisturizes parched mucous membranes, blocks the growth and impact on the body of pathogenic cells through optimal humidity.

How much to drink fluids with the flu

In a healthy state, an adult needs to consume at least 2 liters of water per day. When infected, the body dehydrates faster and drinking should be increased.

Raspberry tea is very useful for flu

The following drinks have an excellent effect:

  • tea with honey - 1 teaspoon per glass of water.
  • with raspberries - 1 tablespoon per glass of warm drink.
  • Rosehip decoction is the main source of vitamin C. According to scientists, this plant is the champion in the content of ascorbic acid, which strengthens the human immune system and promotes the regeneration of healthy cells.

Do not forget about the benefits of milk, cocoa, decoction of chamomile, linden, calendula and other herbal teas.

Food for colds and flu

During illness, a person is often accompanied by a loss of appetite. You shouldn't be afraid of this. The body redistributes its forces to fight viruses, and an additional load in the form of digestion can reduce the level of protective forces. Also, given that the disease is accompanied by painful symptoms in the throat, it is very difficult to swallow hard food. Yes, and you should not do this, the inflamed larynx can easily be injured by solid foods. Therefore, it's okay if a sick person "sits" on a diet. From fried, spicy, smoked, the main filter suffers - our liver.

This body is already overloaded due to intoxication, the influence of drugs. If you do not take into account the useful recommendations on what to eat when you are sick with the flu, the largest gland will not be able to process toxins, and they will lead to dysfunction of the kidneys, genitourinary system, etc. Therefore, you need to know how to eat with the flu and SARS, give preference to liquid broths, juices, pureed cereals, etc.

Flu food for adults

No matter how modern and advanced doctors fight against rich foods, chicken broth for flu and colds is the best remedy. Grandma's method of treating colds has repeatedly justified its effectiveness. As it turned out, the broth contains special components that reduce the number of white blood cells - neutrophils, which cause unpleasant symptoms in the nasopharynx - redness, swelling, pain, etc.

When consuming your favorite dish, you must follow important rules: it should not be hot, eat in small portions.

Mashed potatoes are the second most important dish needed for a sick person. Light and fluffy mass will reduce swelling, warm the throat, and the beneficial substances contained in the root crop have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Puree must be consumed warm, it is advisable to add more liquid to create a mushy mass.

The main products against the flu

Contained in natural vegetables, fruits and citrus substances are very useful for the body of an infected person. But it is worth considering that heavy digestion of food reduces the level of protective forces. Therefore, it is important to consume them in crushed and thermally processed form. Is it possible to eat tangerines with the flu - of course. But only in crushed form, the product contains antioxidants, flavanoids, which have a beneficial effect on the immune system.

  • Garlic - no one has canceled the benefit of the odorous gift of nature. Even the great Avicenna considered the plant a panacea for all diseases that exist on the planet. You need to consume it in small pieces, in small doses. If it is not possible to swallow it, you can cut it, put it in saucers and place it around the patient's room. Phytoncides and flavanoids will exterminate colonies of viruses floating in the air.
  • Ginger - an exotic root is no longer in short supply and is available in every store. It can be added to tea, drinks mixed with lemon, orange, spices: coriander, cinnamon.

Garlic is usually eaten in cloves

In addition to a healthy diet, it is important to give up bad habits: smoking, alcohol consumption, energy drinks.

Nutrition for influenza in children

Compassionate parents with a child's illness dream of quickly eliminating unpleasant symptoms, painful sensations. Despite the fact that food is the main source of energy, the opposite is true for respiratory diseases.

One of the first signs of illness is a lack of appetite in a child. In an effort to improve the nutrition of a child with influenza and SARS, adults create additional problems for his health. Food digested in the stomach takes a huge amount of energy, which is better to be aimed at protecting against a viral infection. Thus, the symptoms worsen, complications arise. Therefore, give the baby food only when he wants it himself.

What to feed a child with the flu

First of all, you do not need to stuff a little patient with exotic and unusual products for his body. Red caviar, exotic fruits, oriental sweets - all this is new for the baby's body, and instead of being useful, there is a risk of a violation of the digestive system.

The nutrition of a child with influenza and SARS should be familiar, even better, feed him with his favorite dishes. We must not forget about liquids. Drinking plenty of water, just as in the case of an adult disease, is a source of body cleansing from intoxication, regulation of heat transfer, and stimulation of sweating. How much water to drink with the flu for a small patient - as much as possible, but in small sips. With an infectious disease, metabolic processes intensify in babies, slagging increases, which must be excreted with feces, urine, and sweat. In this case, only liquids will help. Doesn't want plain water, make sweet teas with lemon, ginger, orange slices, honey.

What to feed babies with flu

Babies up to 3-4 months of life are protected from viruses by special components of mother's milk. Substances create a barrier and prevent pathogenic microbes from entering the body. But what about children who are bottle-fed? In baby food from stores from trusted manufacturers, there are components that are similar in function to mother's milk, but in insufficient quantities. Therefore, it is important to prevent a small child from becoming infected and follow preventive measures:

  • limit contact with strangers during epidemics;
  • refuse to visit polyclinics in the cool seasons and during epidemics;
  • do not allow the baby's body to overcool;
  • regularly ventilate his room;
  • keep baby's feet warm - wear warm socks;
  • install a humidifier in his room;
  • use prophylactic agents based on interferon - Viferon, Kipferon, etc.

Baby food needs to be taken seriously.

A young mother who is in constant and close contact with the baby should also avoid communicating with strangers and the sick. The child needs to strengthen the immune system with walks in the fresh air, light types of hardening. To avoid infection, it makes sense to get vaccinated with a preliminary examination by a specialist.

The right diet has a direct effect on a person's health. A flu diet that includes wholesome foods relieves symptoms and speeds up the recovery process. What type of food should be “leaned on”, let's look at this issue in more detail.

Those with the flu need to follow a special diet to recover

Having become infected from a flu, each of us feels symptoms that cause not just discomfort, but excruciating headaches, high fever, cough, aching joints, muscle pain, etc. The reason for this is the intoxication of the body from the decay of some cells and viruses. External manifestations are evidence of internal problems - swelling, inflammation, congestion. To eliminate the symptoms and destroy the bacteria, complex treatment is necessary.

To eliminate the disease, they undertake a symptomatic, as well as etiotropic method of treatment. The intake of antiviral agents, immunomodulators, immunostimulants, antipyretics, painkillers, antihistamines and antispasmodics is shown. To stimulate expectoration and eliminate the cough reflex, mucolytics and bronchodilators are prescribed, depending on the type of cough.

Important: it is not recommended to lower the temperature indicator to 38.5. Temperature indicates the body's fight against viruses.

Nutrition for flu and colds

Proper nutrition is of great importance in relieving symptoms and minimizing intoxication. A balanced diet allows healthy cells to grow, stimulates their regeneration, nourishes the muscles and bone structure with the necessary amount of useful trace elements and minerals, strengthens the general condition of the body with valuable vitamins and enzymes. Normally, a person should consume 2000 kK daily, and after 50 years, the indicator should correspond to 1600, since metabolic processes decrease with age. But the main thing remains - at any age a person should receive useful vitamins, trace elements, minerals in order to keep the immune system in good shape, and therefore have protection from viruses and bacteria. It is especially important to balance nutrition for colds and temperatures.

Diet for colds and flu

When choosing products on the shelves of stores, you need to give preference only to useful ones that promote cleansing and recovery. To simplify the procedure, you need to rely on the rules, under which no one will get lost in the richest assortment of supermarkets.

What to eat for colds and flu

Kashi. Due to the attack of viruses, the body is exposed to great stress, loses energy, so it is necessary to eat easily digestible carbohydrates: oatmeal, semolina, honey, fruits, juices.

Meat and eggs. To combat pathogens, the activity of blood serum is necessary to protect against bacteria, which is impossible with a lack of a protein that stimulates the synthesis of enzymes and antibodies in the body. With SARS, the daily dose of proteins should be at least a gram per kilogram of the patient's body weight. Therefore, you need to include chicken eggs, poultry, fish in the diet for colds and flu.

Flu sufferers should eat more meat and eggs containing protein

In this case, you need to drink more chicken bouillon, in which there are a lot of amino acids that are indispensable for a weak flu-like organism, stimulating the excretion of mucus, increasing the viscosity of sputum and coughing.

Kefir for colds and flu. A unique natural product "works" in our body in different directions:

  • reduces high temperature;
  • promotes the digestion of food, thereby saving energy consumption;
  • creates an optimally destructive environment for infection in the gastrointestinal tract and stimulates the removal of decay products of bacteria and dead cells.
  • has a high nutritional value, contains trace elements, vitamins, enzymes and minerals, allows you to quickly get enough of a weak patient.

Garlic, nuts, broccoli, onion, spinach, Brussels sprouts. Each of these storehouses of vitamins contains glutathione, a powerful antioxidant and immune stimulant.

Vitamin complexes. Here you need to focus on compounds that strengthen the immune system.

  • The first place in this sense is taken by vitamin C - ascorbic acid. Activates macrophages, is an excellent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and bronchodilator property. In products such as blackcurrant, sauerkraut, rose hips, the dose is several times higher than the daily dose.
  • Riboflavin - vitamin B2 takes an active part in the respiration of tissues, increases the function of cell immunity, is indicated for the common cold and cold. Contained in raw testicles, cottage cheese, wet yeast, nuts, almonds.
  • Pyridoxine - vitamin B6 - activates protein metabolism, thereby increasing immunity. It is supplied to the body through meat, legumes, wheat, rice, buckwheat, potatoes, offal.
  • Vitamin D activates the immune forces of the body, is found in fish liver, seafood, eggs, sour cream.

What to eat with the flu to relieve cold symptoms

One of the main components of nutrition for strengthening immune forces is zinc. According to scientists, the constant consumption of wheat grains (sprouted), beef, pork liver, nuts, sunflower seeds and flax helps to reduce long-term symptoms of the disease.

Can you drink coffee with the flu?

Doctors are dubious about coffee consumption for colds. They explain this by the fact that there is no benefit from the drink, but there is a risk of deterioration in the condition of the vessels, the heart. They also fear the development of allergic manifestations due to the weakened immune system of the patient. For those who cannot imagine their morning or day without a cup of aromatic drink and do not have reactions in the form of itching, sneezing, swelling, an exception can be made. The main thing is to combine coffee with useful spices that stimulate the immune system and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Coffee for colds and flu

  • With cardamom- the substance strengthens the heart muscle, has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties.
  • Cinnamon- perfectly copes with the primary symptoms of the flu, reduces the temperature, eliminates general weakness, the drink is useful for colds and flu. The coffee must not be strong.
  • with star anise(anise) - eliminates dry, unproductive cough, activates ligaments, frees the respiratory channels from edema and mucus.

Coffee with cinnamon helps fight the first symptoms of the flu

What to drink for colds and flu

The main drink of every person on Earth is water.. Without it, there would be no chance for the existence of all living things. A patient with ARVI simply needs liquid, it stimulates sweating, is a diuretic and moisturizer, which facilitates dry breathing, mucus is removed from the lungs, bronchi, the body is cleansed of toxins formed due to the decay of some cells and viruses.

What to drink with the flu

First of all, hit the water. Volume - at least 2 liters per day. in case of illness, it is advisable to drink warm or room temperature.

  • Warm milk should be drunk with influenza in the absence of contraindications. The drink is a storehouse of vitamins, trace elements, minerals. It has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, bronchodilator properties. Applied to facilitate the patient's breathing, stimulation of expectoration.
  • Herbal teas - linden, chamomile, coltsfoot, rosehip, calendula and other plants can restore the body in a matter of days. They contain all vitamins A, B, C, D, E, PP, K, etc. Also, the dose of microelements, minerals, antioxidants, analgesic components, enzymes to strengthen immune forces exceeds the daily dose at times. Herbs during the flu help reduce fever, stimulate sweating, remove toxins and waste products, activate metabolism and metabolic processes.
  • Ordinary tea - it can be drunk with lemon, raspberry, lime, ginger and other useful remedies, which alleviates the patient's condition even with the most difficult symptoms. The airways are cleared, sputum is removed, the bronchi expand, the nasal canal is cleared, bacteria and viruses are destroyed.

What not to eat with flu and colds

Not only with influenza, but also with the usual state, one should not abuse products that cause dangerous processes in the body. The patient needs to conserve strength, save energy and strengthen immunity.

What not to eat with the flu:

  • Smoked meats- they contain a lot of carcinogens that stimulate the development of not only inflammatory, but also autoimmune, oncological processes.
  • Bold- Suppresses the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver - the main filter of the body. In the blood, and so there is an accumulation of toxins from the decay of viruses and some cells, free radicals, heavy fats join them. The liver does not have time to process toxins, the level of the immune system decreases, the disease is aggravated by the addition of bacterial infections.
  • Salty- salt causes swelling, which is detrimental to the patient, who, when infected, has swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs. It is necessary to limit sodium intake, even better, give up salty foods.

Also, you do not need to eat sweets, pastries, and preservation for colds and flu. Cook cereals, broths, light soups without frying with the addition of vegetable oils.

Important: in view of the fact that when the mucosa is damaged, pain, perspiration occur, it is absolutely impossible to feast on dishes with a ruddy, hard crust, seeds, crackers, etc.

Smoked products for influenza are undesirable due to the high content of carcinogens

What can you take for the flu

Nutrition is one of the conditions for accelerating recovery. It is important to take adequate treatment in time as prescribed by the doctor, which includes:

  • taking antiviral agents - Kagocel, Amantadine, Remantadin, Viferon, Kipferon, Tami-flu, etc .;
  • bronchodilators - Bronholitin, Lazolvan, Bronchosan;
  • antispasmodics - Spazmalgon, Spazgan;
  • antihistamines - Tavegil, Suprastin, Cetrin, Diazolin;
  • painkillers - Analgin, Pentalgin, Tempalgin, Solpadein.

The list includes anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and immunomodulatory drugs that are highly effective in ARVI diseases.

Healthy eating as a habit

A severe flu condition compels each of us to resort to measures that alleviate the symptoms. But it is much easier to regularly eat only healthy foods, to exclude alcohol, which will be an excellent prevention of viral respiratory diseases.

Let healthy eating become your habit!

If you supplement the right diet with an active lifestyle, swimming, running, walking and just walking in the fresh air, then the answer to viruses will be unequivocal. Pathogenic microorganisms will not have a chance to curb strong immunity and excellent health.

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