The name Vera in the Orthodox calendar (Saints). Name day of faith

Vera's name day is celebrated several times a year. Read the information in the article.

Faith is Russian name, which originates from the ancient Slavs. Also this name is considered ancient Greek early period Christianity. The translation is literal - "who believes and serves God." Saints Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia are in special honor in the church. These sisters were executed for their faith at the age of 12. Therefore, the church is so reverent towards the Saints with these names.

Name day of Vera

Vera's name day in January

Saints with this name were not born this month, and in January they do not honor the memory of martyrs, great martyrs or saints with the name Vera.

Faith's birthday in February

  • February 26- Remembrance Day is revered. and Reverend. Vera Morozova.

Vera's name day in March

Saints with this name were not born this month and in March they do not honor the memory of martyrs, great martyrs or saints with the name Vera.

Vera's name day in April

Saints with this name were not born this month, and in April they do not honor the memory of martyrs, great martyrs or saints with the name Vera.

Vera's birthday in May

Saints with this name were not born this month, and in May they do not honor the memory of martyrs, great martyrs or saints with the name Vera.

Vera's name day in June

  • June 14- Remembrance Day is revered. Faith Samson.

Name day of Vera in July

Saints with this name were not born this month, and in July they do not honor the memory of martyrs, great martyrs or saints with the name Vera.

Vera's name day in August

Saints with this name were not born this month, and in August they do not honor the memory of martyrs, great martyrs or saints with the name Vera.

Vera's name day in September

  • September 30th- Remembrance Day is revered. Faith of Rome.

Vera's name day in October

  • October 14- Remembrance Day is revered. Faith.

Vera's name day in November

Saints with this name were not born this month, and in November they do not honor the memory of martyrs, great martyrs or saints with the name Vera.

Vera's birthday in December

  • December 15- The church honors the day of memory of the Monk Vera Grafova.
  • 31th of December Memorial Day of Vera Truex.

Holy Great Martyr Vera

The name Vera was given to girls in the 18th and 19th centuries. The names Hope and Love, the names of the three sisters of the Saints, were also popular at that time. Empress Elizabeth did not recognize foreign names, and therefore ordered to name babies with native Russian names. This went on for two centuries. In the 18th century, the name Vera occurred 15-20 times per 1000 new girls born. Already in post-war years the popularity of this name has declined.

    I had a friend - a colleague, whose family for some reason loved these names. She herself was Vera, her younger sister was Nadezhda, and her daughter, in principle, the next generation, Lyubov.

    The well-known date for the celebration of the Day of the Angel of Faith is September 30th. Also on this day, the owners of such names as Hope, Love and Sofia celebrate their holidays. According to the old style, this day fell on September 17th.

    September 30 marks the day of Faith, Hope and Love, as well as their mother Sofia. The woman and her daughters became holy martyrs. They preached Christianity, and for this the Emperor ordered the girls to be severely tortured. And the mother was left alive so that she would experience even greater torment from grief. Then the woman buried the bodies of the children, and soon died herself.

    Girls with the name Vera can celebrate their name day or Angel's Day only once a year - this is September 30th.

    Just on this day, the holiday is celebrated as the Day of Remembrance of the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope and Love and their mother Sophia, who, in the name of Christian faith were doomed to torment and suffering

    Angel of Faith Day - Vera's name day is celebrated once a year - September 30 in a new style, according to the old style it was September 17. It is celebrated in honor of the Holy Martyr Faith of Rome.

    On this day, name days are also celebrated by women with the names Hope, Love and Sofia.

    Vera, like Natalia, celebrates her name day once a year, on September 30, in honor of the martyr Vera of Rome. On this day, the name day is also for Nadezhda, Lyubov and Sophia. Here is a small history reference

    Such woman's name how Vera is Old Church Slavonic in origin, that is, this name is native Russian.

    This name has only six name days, although initially only one was celebrated - on September 30th. After that, five more were added to them - this is in February on the 26th, in June on the 14th, in October on the 14th and in December on the 15th and 31st.

    noble name Faith was popular in the 20th century, in the 60s and 70s, but then why they stopped calling girls by this name, although the name Faith very beautiful name.

    Faith has a very powerful energy and is characterized only with positive side, in the meaning of the name there is nothing bad and stupid, a girl or woman bearing the name Faith open, honest, faithful and, first of all, to yourself.

    Usually name bearers Faith people are creative and will work where they feel easy and comfortable, on Faith no need to shout or order, she understands a person perfectly and you need to talk to her on an equal footing, even if she is a little girl Faith.

    Girls with the name Vera will be able to celebrate their name days six times. At the same time, each day has its own holy Faith, which you need to pray if you were baptized on one of these days:

    September 30th- the most famous of all is the holy Roman Faith, whose fears were Hope and Love. The story of these three holy martyrs most touches the soul.

    October 14- the name day of the martyr Vera, about which little has been preserved in history. It is only known that the girl was canonized for her bold and firm confession of the faith of Christ and her refusal to accept a different faith.

    In Orthodox churches, you can buy an icon of the Roman Faith, and from the prayers for the holy Faith, the most famous is the Prayer to the Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.

    Every year - September 30 - all representatives of the weaker sex named Vera celebrate and celebrate their name day - Angel Day.

    This tradition is not as strongly developed in Russia as in Western countries and the main reason why people do not want to celebrate their Angel Day is the desire to be individual. And Angel Day is celebrated on this day by all Faiths, and I don’t want to be like everyone elsequot ;.

    The Day of the Angel is celebrated by bearers of the name VERA and Christians, if I am not mistaken, seven (7) times a year. The name VERA can be said to be Old Slavonic, in Greek translation it means Servant of Godquot ;. Christians have always had a special reverence for the virtue - FAITH. Name day in Christianity is the day of remembrance of the Saint, that is, the day is a holiday for a person bearing the name of the Saint. VERA's name days are celebrated: on January 26, February 13, June 1, September 17, October 1, December 2 and 18, that is, twice. These days, the saints venerable Vera (Grafova) one of the confessors (1932) and the holy martyrs: the martyr Vera, as well as the venerable martyr Vera (Morozov), Vera (Truks) the martyr (1942), Vera (Samsonova) the martyr (1940) ) and the maiden martyr Faith of Rome around (137 years) from the Nativity of Christ.

    Day of the Angel of Faith is celebrated September 30th every year on a holiday Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.

    This day is celebrated only once a year.

    It so happened that in my family there were all the names of this holy four. Mother Nadia, grandmother Vera, another grandmother Lyubov and great-grandmother Sofia. Therefore, we always gathered as a family and celebrated the name day of everyone at once :)

    True, great-grandmothers and grandmothers Lyuba have passed away for a long time .... But this day is still for us as a kind of tradition. This is another opportunity to remember the departed relatives.

The gentle female name Vera first appeared in Ancient Greece from the word "believe". In Greece, it was pronounced Pistis. Later, when the legend about the three sisters Vera, Hope and Love, who died for the Christian faith, spread around the world, the sound of the name was changed in favor of semantic translation. And so the name Vera arose, which is still popular in Russia among girls.

The form of pronunciation of the name Vera in other countries: England - Faith, Spain - Fe, Italy - Fidesz, Ukraine - Vira, Bulgaria - Vyara, Finland - Veera.

Affectionate form of the name: Verochka, Verusik, Verka, Verunchik, Veruska, Verusya.

Vera celebrates her name day 6 times a year:

  • February 26th.
  • June 16th.
  • September 30th.
  • October 14.
  • 15, 31 December.

Saints of the Faith

Famous saints named Vera:

  • Vera Morozova. Honored February 26th. Born in the family of a tailor, at the age of twenty she went to a monastery, which was closed during the revolution. In 1938 she was repressed, and a month later she was shot.
  • Roman Faith. Honored September 30th. At the age of twelve, along with her two sisters Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia, she was brutally murdered for her Christian faith.
  • Vera Grafova. Honored December 15th. Born into a peasant family, became a novice at the age of twenty-five convent. In 1931, she was arrested for spreading the Christian faith and exiled to Kazakhstan, where she died a year later.
  • Vera Truex. Honored December 31st. She was born into a simple family, worked as a teacher, helped Archbishop Thaddeus, for which she was accused of being anti-Soviet in 1937 and sent to a Siberian camp, where she died from unbearable living conditions.


The nature of Faith, depending on the time of year of birth:

Winter - Serious, smart, secretive, taciturn.

Spring - Unpredictable, tender, emotional, romantic.

Summer - Sociable, kind, sympathetic, vindictive.

Autumn - Prudent, thoughtful, mercantile, rational.


Little Vera grows up as an obedient and smart girl, making her parents happy. Likes to help mom household He enjoys babysitting his younger brothers and sisters. From a young age, he likes to save money, putting it in his personal piggy bank. He plays carefully with his toys, tries not to break them, and always puts them back after playing. He does not like to throw away broken or unnecessary things, he puts them in a box in the hope that they will come in handy later or can be repaired.

He treats teachers with respect, tries to study well, although he does not particularly like studying, but is afraid to disappoint adults. Vera usually has a delicate ear for music, it is important for parents to discover this in time and send her to a music school so that she can develop her talent. AT school years Vera usually attends several circles, participates in school activities, goes to sport sections. She doesn't like wasted time. But it is important for adults not to criticize her, since Vera will not be able to defend herself in response, but will withdraw into herself for a long time. If Vera is praised, then she, unlike others, will not be arrogant, but will try even better. Her classmates respect her, but Vera has no close friends because of her touchiness.

Adult Vera remains the same friendly and sociable, but tries to avoid large and noisy companies. Before making any decision, she carefully considers it, hasty decisions are not about her. Thanks to a well-developed intuition, Vera can recognize an ill-wisher and a deceiver in a person, and also not fall for the bait of a fraudster. Due to increased suspiciousness and distrust, Vera is often insecure, but does not show her mind. He always dresses with taste, neat, clean and tidy, is not too lazy every day to do a complex hairstyle and put on makeup.


As a child, Vera often suffers from colds, all childhood diseases like chickenpox and rubella will not bypass her. If Vera strengthens her immunity, then already in transitional age forget about colds. In old age, Vera may develop age-related diseases, such as blurred vision and arthritis.


Faith is highly respected and appreciated by the authorities for its responsibility, perseverance, and reliability. She will never let down the team and the authorities, she will brilliantly complete the most difficult and crucial part of the task. Of all the professions, choose the one where wage will be higher, while he does not seek to occupy the chair of the authorities due to the lack leadership qualities. Any profession where you do not need to make momentary decisions is suitable for Vera, as she does not tolerate haste, preferring to think carefully, weigh and double-check everything.


The faith of its one and only is looking for a long time, changing men like gloves. Everyone hopes that the next one will be exactly "he". Likes to be praised, they say sweet words, give gifts, arrange romantic evenings. But she will not cheat on her boyfriend, she will only start dating the next one when she breaks up with the previous one.


Vera will never marry an irresponsible, lazy and impoverished man. She will choose as her husband a man who is firmly on his feet and knows how to make money. Due to her rationality, she will not believe the empty promises of a man, preferring his real actions. Most often, a husband chooses a man much older than himself, to whom he will be very faithful and loving wife. Vera will not be too lazy to do regular house cleaning, prepare complex meals, devote time to her children, whom she loves very much, but tries to bring up in severity. She maintains an even relationship with her mother-in-law. Vera will never forgive a betrayal or a deep offense to her husband, if she leaves him, she will not return.

The name Vera is a Russian Old Slavonic name, which can also be considered a tracing paper from the ancient Greek name of a saint from the early period of Christianity. The literal translation from Greek means "faith", "servant of God." All Christians hold in special esteem three virtues: faith, hope and love. Accordingly, the martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia are also honored.

Faith's name day according to the church calendar

Vera's name day is celebrated on more than one day of the year. According to the Orthodox calendar, these are February 26, June 14, September 30, December 14, 15 and December 31. These days, the Church remembers the Martyr Martyr Vera (Morozova), the Martyr Vera (Samsonova), the Martyr Vera of Rome, the Martyr Vera, the Monk Vera (Count) and the Martyr Vera (Truks). The most revered name Vera is remembered Orthodox Church on her name day on September 30, when everyone prays for the martyr Faith of Rome.

In the Christian tradition, Faith, Hope and Love are associated with the sister martyrs who were executed in the first half of the 2nd century. The execution order was given by Emperor Hadrian. They were still very young girls. The eldest of them, Pistis (translated as Vera), was only 12 years old.

We decided on the date of the name day, but when will Vera celebrate her angel's day? Find out from your parents the date of your baptism, this will be the day of the angel. On this day, you should go to church and light a candle for your guardian angel.

The names Faith, Hope and Love were not called newborn girls until XVIII century. At this time in Russian Empire Elizabeth Petrovna reigned, who fought against the dominance of foreigners in the country. It was for this reason that there was a growth of national consciousness in noble families, and children began to be called primordially Russian names. At the end of the 18th century, the name Vera occurred 15 times per thousand newborn girls of noble origin, and from 1 to 7 times per thousand in newly born girls in the families of merchants and peasants. The name gained the greatest popularity at the beginning of the 20th century, when it took the 7th, and then the 5th place in Moscow in terms of the frequency of naming. But after the war, the popularity of the name clearly declined.

Character traits of the birthday girl Vera

Faith is smart, truthful and supportive of others. She greatly appreciates practicality and prudence. She is a materialist, not prone to excessive fantasies. Faith will do everything to achieve its goals. Since childhood, she has shown all her prudence and logic. Vera does not like noisy companies, she likes to be alone. Vera has few friends. At school, he usually studies well, but not brilliantly. Faith is not alien to compassion for others, she grows up to be a good, kind person.

With age, the bearer of this name becomes suspicious. Faith can be insecure and a little insecure, secretive. A girl with that name can boast of her own. Vera has good abilities in terms of organizing the workflow. In the team, she is not always accepted, because not everyone likes her restraint and thoughtfulness.

Faith is often drawn to various adventures, but natural restraint does not allow her to make mistakes.

The bearer of this name is not always easy to understand. In relations with the opposite sex, affection and warmth are important for her. Passion and a violent manifestation of emotions is not for her, you should not expect this from her.

Since Vera is very practical, financial well-being is not the last place in her life. The husband of this girl is usually older than her. Vera rarely has very passionate feelings for him, but becomes caring wife. She will not give birth to many children, most often she will stop at one child, to whom she will devote all of herself.

Faith is musical. The optimal professions for her are a teacher, a biologist, a sculptor, a musician.

The meaning of the name Vera: the word "faith"

As a child, Vera is a very calm and balanced child. She has a developed logical thinking and most often a mathematical mindset. Vera excels in her studies. He pays attention to the little things in everything.

She usually does not have many friends, as she chooses them carefully for herself. But if someone is near her, then this person is time-tested.

Vera is not in a hurry to get married, she believes that everything has its time. She knows how to soberly assess situations, carefully weigh everything and find the only thing. correct solution. He looks at things realistically, without “rose-colored glasses”. Faith sets goals and successfully achieves them.

He loves music very much. Often he connects his whole life with this kind of creativity.

Vera also chooses men for herself soberly and calmly. There is no doubt that she will only be with the man who is worthy of her and loves her very much. Moreover, her husband is always a man older than her. And most often her husband appreciates her poise and calmness, because thanks to these qualities there are no quarrels in the family.

Children are treated with full dedication. She tries to give them everything that she herself has.

Diminutive forms of the name Vera: Verka, Verunya, Verochka, Verunchik, Verusik, Rusya.

All congratulations, Vera, for you!
Today you are the queen.
You live, loving this world with your heart,
And there is no envy or anger in the soul.

how your name sounds sincere!
Perhaps it defines
Your openness, let it be like a shield
Protects you from the troubles of everyone in life.

You accept congratulations today
And a million wishes in addition.
Be the best, Vera, and don't forget
What do you have to believe in your luck!

Faith, Verochka, Verunya,
I hasten to congratulate you
Guiding ray of hope
I want to wish you.

To have enough strength for everything
For your soul to bloom
For anger to recede
Didn't worry you!

In order not to meet envy,
To live in joy,
To notice happiness,
To laugh and joke!

Dear Verochka, I congratulate you with all my heart. I want to wish the kindest and most wonderful Vera never to lose faith in herself and her strength. Dear, I wish you to always remain practical and reasonable, but at the same time sincere and gentle. May your angel keep you from any misfortune and sorrow, may the Lord illuminate your path with bright love and happiness.

Faith. Can't live without her!
We need to be friends with Vera,
Faith must be respected
And love and understand.

After all, without Faith - nowhere,
Neither here nor there!
May she have happiness
All bad weather will dissolve.

May fun, light and joy
In the life of Vera there will be, sweetness
And the family is warm, cozy
Faith at home is truly waiting!

You are amazing, sweet and graceful,
You impress with the kindness of your soul.
Beautiful, amazing Faith,
I wish your dreams come true.

So that you do not know sorrow, sadness,
So that only days are favorable,
Disappointment, so that the heart does not know,
So that Verochka and you do not change.

Our Faith is not warmer,
No wiser and kinder!
You are beautiful and pleasant
And elegant and neat!

Not capricious, not noisy,
Exceptionally smart
There is a lot of will power
And the merits of all - do not count!

May you always be lucky
Let the years not rule.
Happiness let the bell ring -
Our sincere congratulations!

With faith in the heart, everyone lives.
To you, Vera, let the name give strength,
May it be your guiding star
Let him lead you through life.

I wish that life is filled with happiness,
Faith in goodness never ends.
I wish you to believe, love
And faith in beautiful people present.

Happy birthday, our Faith,
Happiness and love without measure.
May in all your affairs
Success awaits you, not failure.
Smile brightly
And in the soul is always encouraging
Let it be, you laugh
Let them give you flowers
And not once, but every day,
Let it be roses, or lilacs,
The main thing is attention
Respect and recognition.

In your name - bright joy
And big luck
I want you to smile
And I would be pleased, Vera!

So that you never forget
That you are the best, and certainly
Instantly Fortune gave you
All the luck of our universe!

Verunya, smile brightly
And be happy, dear!
Enjoy the wonderful life
I wish you great love!

Let all plans and dreams
Implemented in an instant!
I wish you eternal beauty
Health, grace, flowering!

I congratulate you, beautiful Vera,
I wish you good and unlimited love,
So that happiness fills your house without measure,
And in life, everything went perfectly.

So that there is no envy, anger and grief,
But there were many great moments.
And an endless sea was formed
Out of joy and expensive compliments!

Congratulations: 48 in verse, 16 in prose.

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