Women's name day in March according to the Orthodox calendar. Name day in March according to the church calendar

Name day is the day of memory of the saint, in honor of which the person was given a name. This holiday used to be much more important than the day birth, because everyone born after baptism is given a Guardian Angel who protects and protects. Today, such traditions have also been preserved, babies are often given the name of the saint on whose day he was born. Each month has its own church calendar, where name days are detailed in March, April and other months. This article will help you understand what this holiday means and how to celebrate it.

Name day in March

The feast of remembrance of the saint's name is a long-standing Orthodox tradition, and when it is assigned to an infant at baptism, this day becomes his name day. protects the whole life of the baptized with his name, helps in grief and trouble, rejoices in happiness and success, and people celebrate in gratitude. How do they celebrate this day and what needs to be done? As a sign of gratitude to your patron and the Lord God, you should confess and take communion, you can also just go to the temple, light candles to the saints, say a prayer of thanksgiving.

And it is imperative that on such a day one cannot quarrel and swear, and good and peaceful deeds will be highly appreciated by the Guardian Angel. What is the best gift for a birthday person? A valuable gift will be an icon with a saint, a silver cross, a prayer book, and you can also bring beautiful candles with stands, a spiritual book. Among many peoples, the celebration of name days is still very popular. Since the seventeenth century, name days began to be celebrated in Russia, then this holiday was more significant than a birthday.

Name day in March girls

The birth of a person is one of the greatest mysteries that nature keeps. The name that is given to the baby will have to be worn all his life, so this choice should be taken seriously. It is best to pick up from the church calendar. And if the young parents still want to give, then at baptism the second is given to the child - the name of the saint, who will be his patron all his life. Name days in March are celebrated by Victoria, Marina, Vasilisa, Ulyana, Nika, Anastasia, Galina, Christina.

Men's name day in March

The month of March is rich in men's name day, in his calendar almost every day there is a holiday. This month, you should not forget to congratulate Danil, Pavel, Porfiry, Ilya, Samuel, Julian - all these male names have a holiday on the very first day of spring, the first of March. On the second day marks the third - Lev and Kuzma, the fourth - Evgeny, Makar, Arkhip, Maxim, Fedot, Filimon, Bogdan, on the fifth of March - Cornelius and Lev.

In this spring month, like no other, there is an abundance of name days. So, the sixth is celebrated by George and Timothy, the seventh by Athanasius, the eighth by Alexander, the ninth by Ivan, the tenth by Taras. Our ancestors called babies only in accordance with the church calendar, so that the child would have a heavenly patron. In addition to the above, the name day in March is celebrated by the male names Sevastyan, Vasily, Nikolai, Adrian, Konstantin, Arkady, Valery, Grigory and Semyon.

P> Your son was born in March, and you want to give him the name of the Saint? you do right choice. Indeed, in this way, from birth you give your son under the protection of the righteous. But how to choose the names of boys according to Saints in March? What names are suitable for boys born in the first month of spring? - we will talk about this with you today.

When choosing a boy's name, remember that the name is the main carrier of information about the character of a person. In the old days, all peoples had traditions and rituals, religious signs and rituals, according to which people gave their children names. One of the ancient traditions of the name of the naming remains the choice of the name of the boy according to the Saints, that is, in honor of the memory of someone great Saint. According to this tradition, the Saint, whose name the boy acquires, will patronize him throughout his life.

The influence of the meaning of names on the character of the boy

What names according to the Saints are suitable for boys born in March? When choosing the names of boys according to the Saints of March, remember that boys born in March are flexible, gentle, indecisive, sensitive, vulnerable and even impressionable. They react strongly to external stimuli and are very difficult to tolerate insults. But boys born in March are distinguished by activity, charm, talent, they can easily win over people and most often express their emotions through art. Therefore, when choosing the names of boys according to the Saints in March, be careful. Try to choose bright, strong and strong-willed names, so you will help your son to reveal the existing virtues and give him confidence. For example, in the Saints of March there are such names as Yegor, David, Maxim, Cyril - sonorous beautiful names. But what do these names mean? And what will be a boy born in March named Cyril, for example, or Maxim?

The name Egor means "Farmer". The boy Egor will be a diligent and hardworking boy, but he will be stubborn and distrustful, and if you indulge the boy's whims in childhood, he will be quick-tempered and importunate.

The name David means "beloved son". Boy David by nature will be proud, persistent, pragmatic, sociable.

The name Cyril means "Lord, lord." The boy Cyril will be inquisitive. But as he grows up, he will most likely become selfish and possess increased self-esteem so he won't have many friends.

The name Roman means "Roman, Roman". The boy Roman will be amorous, but tough in relation to his chosen ones. Having matured, Roman will be an exemplary husband, everyone will respect him, but be a little afraid. negative trait Roman - his impossibility to bring the matter to the end.

As you can see for yourself, the meaning of names greatly affects the character of the child. We hope that the list of boy names below will help you choose a name for your March boy.

Names of boys according to the Saints: March

1. Pavel, Porfiry, Julian, Ilya, Daniel, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Makar

2. Fedor, Mikhail

4. Arkhip, Filimon, Fedor, Maxim, Fedot, Evgeny, Makar, Dositheus, Dorofey

5. Leo, Titus, Tikhon, Sergei, Varlaam, Savva, Pimen, Ivan, David, Cornelius, Nifont, Athanasius, Anatoly, Luke, Leonty, Thomas, Denis, Philip, Ignat, Vasily, Pahom, Ignat, Fedor, Nikolai, Agathon, Cornelius

6. Timothy, Eustathius, Alexander, Daniel, Gregory, George, Konstantin

7. Joseph, Vladimir, Ivan, Sergey, Andrey, Antip, Stepan, Filaret, Fedor, Philip, Athanasius

8. Polycarp, Alexei, Nikolai, Sergei, Ivan, Anton, Moses, Alexander

10. Taras, Alexander

11. Fedor, Porfiry, Peter, Sergey, Ivan

12. Prokofy, Titus

13. Vasily, Arseny, Kasyan, Nikolai, Nestor, Ivan

14. Vasily, Peter, Ivan, Mikhail, Benjamin, Alexander, Markel, Anton

15. Fedot, Arseny, Agathon

16. Michael

17. Gerasim, Daniel, Alexander, Vasily, Joseph, Pavel, Yakov, Vyacheslav, Grigory

18. Ivan, Feofan, Fedor, David, Konstantin, Adrian, Onisius, Mark

19. Gregory, Konstantin, Theophilus, Job, Arkady, Fedor

20. Ephraim, Vasily, Kapiton, Eugene, Nikolai, Nil, Pavel, Emil

21. Ivan, Vladimir, Lazar, Athanasius

22. Claudius, Fedul, Ivan, Alexander, Ilya, Theophilus, Leonty, Athanasius, Cyril, Nikolai, Valery, Alexei, Dmitry, Sergei, George, Taras

23. Denis, Pavel, Victor, Nicephorus, Claudius, Leonid

24. Sofron, Efim

25. Feofan, Alexander, Vladimir, Sergei, Grigory, Semyon

26. Nikifor, Gregory, Mikhail, Terenty, Alexander

27. Rostislav, Mikhail

28. Agap, Alexander, Denis, Alexey, Mikhail, Nikandr

29. Alexander, Julian, Trofim

30. Alexey, Makar, Alexander, Victor

31. Kirill, Dmitry, Trofim

Orthodox Christians traditionally name children according to the holy calendar - church calendar. The name was given to the child on the eighth day after birth, and the christening took place on the fortieth day. But there were exceptions, because in view of poor health, it is possible to baptize immediately after birth. To celebrate name days in March, you need to choose a heavenly patron for yourself or your child.

Birthday girls in the first month of spring

The name for a girl born in March can be chosen from an extensive list of saints. There is no need to give a March child a rare ancient name (although modern parents often choose exotic names): many well-known saints are venerated this month. Worth noting: on the calendar most of masculine names due to the fact that many more men are numbered among the saints than women.

Women's names in March according to the church calendar are given along with the dates:

They are of great variety. In the calendar there are many very ancient and more modern male names in March. Here is a list of the most common ones:

Several very famous saints are venerated in March. Their deeds pleasing to God were reflected in the church calendar. Note:

To identify your saint, you need Find the closest day after your birthday using the calendar, in which the saint who bore the same name is venerated.

If there is no such name in the current month, you need to look further along the calendar, because some rare names are celebrated once or twice a year. On the day of the birthday angel, you can congratulate the same as on your birthday.

Many Orthodox Christians name children after great and famous saints whose icons are in every church (for example, Nicholas the Wonderworker). After all, you can pray all your life and ask for intercession and help to your heavenly patron. Although there are many Nikolaev among the names according to the holy calendar in March, these can also be new martyrs glorified after the repressions of the 30s, as well as saints from earlier centuries . Name days can be celebrated several times per year and pray to several saints with their name.

How to name a girl born in March, according to the calendar.

March girls grow up with sensitive and receptive natures. In some situations, they may show themselves indecisive.

  • They are easy to offend. They are ready to spend hours admiring their reflection in the mirror and trying on their mother's outfits.
  • To name the best way influenced fate, it is worth naming the March girl with a firm name. So the baby will be able to overcome her indecision and suspiciousness.
  • March girls are willing to compromise and adapt to circumstances. “The soul of the company” is not about them.
  • They can be jealous and curious.
  • In spouse march girls choose men with a high position in society. For them, it is important that the second half succeed.
  • In a house whose mistress was born in March, the main role belongs to a woman.
  • However, with their benevolent attitude towards people and the ability to share someone else's grief, the March representatives of the fair sex win the favor of others.

How to choose the right name for a newborn girl according to Saints in March?

Naming according to the holy calendar means that parents choose the name of a saint for the child, revered on the day the baby is born. It is believed that in this way the baby receives a patron for life.

  • Do not opt ​​for the unusual rare name from the Saints in an effort to give the child originality. Indeed, in this way a child can receive a name that will adversely affect his fate.
  • The meaning of the tradition of naming the baby according to the holy calendar is to perform the sacrament of baptism, after which the baby acquires a name. The name given by God can only belong to a baptized person.
  • Before choosing a name according to the calendar, parents should learn about its meaning and origin.
  • If the baby's Angel's Day coincides with his birthday, and the name he is called is pleasant to the ear for both parents, then this is considered a good sign. Such a name is given to the child from above.

Tips for parents who decide to name a child according to the church calendar

Parents who choose a name for their daughter face a difficult task. Many factors need to be taken into account. For example, whether the name will sound beautiful in combination with the surname and patronymic, what is the meaning of the names, whether the variant of the name you like is relevant.

  • Today, more and more young parents prefer names from the Saints. In this way, baby name becomes a talisman and a talisman for the baby, and the same date will be considered the Day of the Angel and the Day of the name day of the girl.
  • If you need to choose a name for the baby according to the church calendar, which contains all the names of saints, then first of all, discard those options that have an unusual sound and are very rare. So you save the child from the feeling of discomfort that he may experience in the circle of his peers.
  • Choose a name that matches the last name and patronymic. Parents should not rely solely on the chosen name. A child will grow up to be a real person not only thanks to a skillfully chosen name, but also to many other factors, among which education, the environment of the baby, love, care are of no small importance.

  • The parents choose the name according to the church calendar in the church, listening to the priest, who reads the variants of names from the Saints. Saints is an Orthodox calendar that indicates religious holidays or days of commemoration of saints.
  • Parents have a choice: to name the child one of the names of the saints revered on the baby's birthday. But there are cases when the date of the birth of the child does not fall on the day of veneration of the Saint, or the same name is found on several dates at once.
    How to choose the very ideal name for the baby, if there are more than a thousand such names in the Saints?
  • The saint, revered on the baby's birthday, will be his patron. And the child will receive both strength and protection on behalf of his saint, will have a close relationship with him, will be able to partially adopt his good qualities.
  • If the baby was born on the day of veneration in the calendar of several saints, then parents can opt for the name that they like best.
  • If only one saint is venerated on this day in the church calendar, then parents can either name the baby by this name, or, as an exception, name the saint revered in the family by name.
  • If the name is not assigned to the day of the baby in the church calendar, then they call the name from future dates, up to the eighth day from the baby's name day.
  • From the calendar, they do not take a name from past dates after the child's name day.
  • The names in the church calendar are different origin. Some of them are Slavic, some are Greek or Roman, and some are Hebrew.
  • The Book of Bible Names is an endless source of options, but even here, some parents of girls may have problems.

Not every day there is a date of commemoration of a saint, parents may not like the name of the saint assigned to the date of birth of their baby, or they simply do not find suitable name for a daughter. In this case, according to church traditions:

  • take the name of a saint who is revered on the baby's birthday
  • take the name of the saint who is commemorated on the day of the commission of the rite of naming
  • take the name from the leading date (before the eighth day)
  • take a name on the 40th day from birth, during the sacrament of Baptism

Important: you should know that all of the above naming options are advisory in nature, and therefore no one is forcing parents who do not like the name from the Saints, which falls on the date of birth of their daughter, to agree with the proposed option.

Some couples prefer to give the baby double name: secular and ecclesiastical. A worldly name is given at birth, and an ecclesiastical name is given at Baptism. The name received at Baptism cannot be changed, it is assigned to a person for life.

Names according to the Saints and the church calendar for girls born in March: meaning, origin, patron saint

March Name Meaning Origin patron saint
March 1 Valentine strong latin Great Martyr Valentina
2nd of March Anna grace Jewish martyr Anna
Nina brave girl Spanish martyr Nina
Marianne sad beauty Jewish Righteous Mariana sister of the Apostle Philip
March, 3rd Camilla noble latin
March 4 Alexandra protector of people Greek Equal-to-the-Apostles Martyr Apsia
March, 6 barbarian foreigner Greek martyr Barbara
Elizabeth Honoring God Jewish martyr Elizabeth
Irina endearing; peaceful Greek martyr Irina
March 7 Anfisa blooming Greek martyr Anthusa
9th of March Karina impeccable Greek Martyrs Karina and Kira
10th of March Anna grace Jewish Venerable Martyr Evdokia
March 11th Theresa protection Greek Martyrs Antonina
March 12 Marina loving ocean; maritime latin Holy Martyr Marina
Kira mistress Greek
Victoria winner latin Holy Martyr Euphalia
March 14th Hope hope; beginning of life Russian Holy Martyr Hope
Daria gift of god Jewish Holy Martyr Daria
Matryona noble woman Russian Holy Martyr Matryona
Antonina engaging in battle latin Holy Martyr Antonina
Olga saint; great; perfect latin Holy Martyr Olga
Anna grace Jewish Holy Martyr Anna
March 16 Martha noble woman Aramaic Martyr Martha
March 17 Ulyana owned by Julius latin venerable martyr Piama virgin
Julia curly Greek Holy Martyr Julia
March 18 Iraida hero's daughter Greek Holy Martyr Iraida
March 19 Elena beautiful; light; chosen Greek Holy Martyr Elena
20th of March Hope hope; beginning of life Russian Holy Martyr Hope
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical Reverend Martyr Mary
Capitolina capitoline latin Venerable Martyr Catherine
Antonina engaging in battle latin Venerable Martyr Antonina
Kseniya guest Greek Holy Martyr Xenia
Catherine clean; great; overbearing Greek Holy Martyr Catherine
Matryona noble woman Russian Holy Martyr Matryona
Anna grace Jewish Holy Martyr Anna
March 22 Alexandra protector of people Greek Holy Martyr Alexandra
Natalia latin Holy Martyr Natalya
Alina noble Old Germanic Holy Martyr Alina
Olesya protectress Ukrainian Holy Martyr Alexandra
March 23 Victoria winner latin Martyr Hariessa
Galina calm Greek martyr Galina
Nika victorious Greek martyr Nina
Vasilisa princess Greek martyr Vasilisa
Anastasia Sunday Greek Holy Martyr Anastasia
Theodora given by God Italian martyr Theodora
March 24 Karina impeccable Greek Saint Anastasia Patricia
Bertha bright Old Germanic righteous Berta
26 March Kristina follower of Christ Greek Martyr Christina of Persia
March 28 Maria bitter, stubborn biblical Holy Martyr Mary
March 30 Marina loving ocean; maritime latin Venerable Eutrophy of Chorion
March 31 Natalia native; born on christmas latin Martyr Natalia

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Name days in March are celebrated by a huge number of people. This month, as in any other, they honor the memory of many great holy associates who were engaged in the main business of their lives, preaching the Gospel. There are comparatively more men's birthdays in March. But the most important thing here is that if it were not for the holy work of these God-pleasers, then, perhaps, faith in Jesus Christ would not have been preserved - true and real, and a huge number of Orthodox churches and monasteries would not have been built, it would not have been written like this a lot of necessary spiritual literature, and there would not be a huge host of priests - warriors with invisible demonic worlds. So, there would be no salvation for man ...

It all started with the preaching of Jesus Christ, and then his work was continued by the twelve apostles, who, carrying their heavy cross, went around half the world, sowing the seed of the true faith. So, whose name day in March celebrates Orthodox Church? And what are these people famous for?

Name day in March (men's). Theodore Tyron

On March 2, Orthodoxy commemorates the great martyr Theodore Tyron, who lived at the end of the 2nd and beginning of the 3rd centuries. on the Black Sea coast. He openly confessed Christian faith under the emperor Galerius (306), who wanted to force him to sacrifice to the pagan gods. But he did not want to do this. Then he was seized and tortured for a long time, and then burned at the stake. But Theodore's body was not damaged. The saint was buried in the city of Evkhaitakh, and after some time his holy relics were transferred to Constantinople.

Half a century after this event, the emperor of Constantinople, Julian the Apostate, gave an order to his mayor that in the first week of Great Lent, goods sold on the market, he sprinkled with idolatrous blood.

That same night, the archbishop sees in a dream St. Theodore, who warned him that Christians should not buy anything in the markets, but eat boiled wheat and honey. Now, in commemoration of this event, another celebration of the Holy Great Martyr Theodore is celebrated - on the first week of Great Lent, on Saturday.


The list of name days in March includes the name of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Hieromartyr Hermogenes, who lived at the end of the 16th - beginning of the 17th century. The Church remembers him on March 2. This was the first Kazan Metropolitan who converted many local residents to his faith.

In 1606 he was elected to the Moscow primatial department. When the Time of Troubles came, the Poles came to Moscow, and the patriarch was taken into custody in the Miracle Monastery. He blessed the Russian people for the war against foreigners. Ten months later he died as a martyr from starvation. After the liberation of Moscow, the body of the patriarch was buried in the Miracle Monastery in 1654, and then transferred to the Assumption Cathedral.

Can you continue further short list name day in March (men's). On March 5, the memory of the Right-Believing Prince Yaroslav the Wise, the son of Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, is honored. He was born in 978. His special merit was the basis of Russian life - the code of laws of "Russian Truth" Kievan Rus, which was later supplemented by his sons and grandson Vladimir Monomakh. He was glorified as a saint in 2005 with the blessing of the Patriarch of All Russia Alexy II.

On March 9, the first and second finding of the head of John the Baptist is celebrated. After the beheading of John, his disciples buried the body last prophet in the city of Savastia. Then the wife of the royal steward secretly stole the head of the Forerunner, put it in a vessel and hid it on the Mount of Olives. Four centuries later, the nobleman Innocent, during the preparatory work for the construction of a temple in this area, discovered the head of St. John, but, fearing reproach by the infidels, left it there. A little later, the saint appeared in a dream to the monks and pointed out the place where his head was located. A monastery was later built on this site. However, the head was again hidden in a cave, and only in 452 did the Forerunner again appear in a dream to the archimandrite and indicate the location of his head. And then she was transferred to Constantinople.

Name day in March (women's). Evdokia

The Monk Martyr Evdokia lived in Samaria in the 2nd century and led a sinful life. Her name day in March takes place on March 14th. But one day, behind the wall, this woman heard prayer singing and reading, which Elder Herman was doing. She soon became acquainted with him and opened her heart to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Evdokia decided to accept the sacrament of baptism, and then, having distributed all her property to the poor, she went to the monastery for repentance. During the time of the persecution of Christians, the torturers of Evdokia also believed in Christ when they saw how a woman was resurrected, for whom she offered up prayers to heaven. But during the reign of Vincent, Saint Eudoxia was beheaded.


Orthodox name day Natalia is also celebrated in March. March 31 - the memory of the Martyr Natalia Baklanova, who was the daughter of a peasant Vasily Baklanov from the village of Shestovo, Podolsk district. After graduating from school, she helped her parents with the housework, but then she became a novice at the Novodevichy Convent. When the persecution of the Church began in the revolution of 1917, the monastery was closed and turned into communal apartments. At first, Natalia worked as a cleaner. But then, together with the novices and sisters, she began to work for different people housework. After moving to Moscow, she became a cleaner in one of the institutes, whose employees soon noticed that she only performs technical work, refuses public assignments and does not go to meetings, with this, allegedly, she shows hostility to the existing system.

In the winter of 1937, NKVD investigators set up a case and indicated that a local priest had denounced her. And she was accused of counter-revolutionary activities. Baklanova was arrested and sentenced to 8 years in prison. And then she was sent to Siblag. Hard camp work was beyond her strength, after a while Natalia became very ill and died in the Mariinsky hospital. She was buried on March 31, 1938.

Juliana and Paul

There are very few women's name days in March, unlike men's. Therefore, it is also important to note that March 17 marks the memory of the holy martyrs Juliana and her brother Paul, who were executed in the city of Ptolemais under the emperor Aurelian (270-275). Upon arrival in the city, the ruler noticed that among the greeters was Pavel, who suddenly signed himself with the sign of the cross. He was immediately seized, imprisoned and subjected to terrible torment.

His sister Juliana began to defend and justify her brother in every possible way, referring to the cruelty and injustice of the emperor. She, like her brother, was beaten, their bodies were torn with iron hooks and burned on the bars. But they could not break their spirit.

Looking at all their torment and inflexibility, the three warriors of the emperor believed in Christ. They, too, were immediately executed. Aurelian promised to take Juliana as his wife if she renounced her faith. But she didn't even want to hear about it. And then she was handed over to be defiled in a brothel. But even there no one could touch her, as they immediately became blind. Then it was ordered to behead the sister and brother. The holy martyrs accepted death with the singing of a prayer.


This is just small list name day in March according to the church calendar. In fact, he is great. Each of the saints did a lot to glorify faith in love, justice and goodness, faith in their Lord Jesus Christ.

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