Vacation in Thailand. Best time to go to Thailand When to go to Thailand

Before deciding on a holiday in Thailand, the tourist must answer some questions, one of which is the choice of season. Perhaps this point is the most important, since the cost of the tour and air tickets depend on it.

Everything is connected with the "peak" season, just like with the weather. A massive influx of tourists is noted at a time when there is no rain. People from all over the world come to this country South-East Asia to recuperate and get recharged positive emotions. Thanks to this, many tourists already know when it is better to fly to Thailand on vacation. The question of choosing the season is quite simple, but often complicated due to the location of this resort state (different climatic zones).

In different periods, different weather conditions operate on each part of it. To a greater extent, this applies to Pattaya, a resort city located on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand, but does not operate in Phuket. This should be addressed Special attention before collection in this country.

The Malay Peninsula is dominated by equatorial climate, and in other places - tropical, where monsoon winds are more common. In this regard, in different regions there is an uneven air temperature and humidity level. For example, on sea ​​coast it is dry and sunny, and at this time it is raining in the capital, which creates stuffiness.

Seasonal weather conditions

Who is going to the resort for the first time does not know when to fly to thailand, therefore, can draw a conclusion based on the following factors. Weather can be divided into three seasons: rainy, cool and hot. The main resorts are located in the south, and the cool season is considered the most favorable. It starts in December and ends in March. The name of the season has nothing to do with the cold, but daily temperature at this time - not less than 27°C and not more than 30°C. For Europeans, this is the most acceptable option. By the way, during this period, the beaches are quite calm, vacationers are not disturbed too much big waves.

The most unprecedented influx of tourists is observed in December and January.

If a potential tourist has made a decision about when it is better to fly to Thailand, then you should worry about the place of residence. It is better to book a hotel room in advance. Then you can get apartments at lower prices than upon arrival at the resort. You can rent an apartment or a big house.

Those who prefer the hot season arrive here in March, April or May. At this time there is a moderate amount of rain. The daily temperature is kept at 38°C. Humidity is so low that it is not even felt. By the way, in the hot season there are certain advantages. At this time, in shops and markets, sellers significantly reduce prices for everything from fruits, vegetables and ending with any equipment.

The rainy season starts in May and ends in October. Naturally, it does not rain all over the country, but only in some regions. Most of the precipitation occurs in August and September. Despite this, the rains here are not long, but torrential.

Those who prefer to relax on an island located in the Andaman Sea should know when is the best time to fly to Phuket. Experienced tourists prefer to relax in this resort from November to the end of May. This is no coincidence, since the rainy season ends in November and the so-called dry period begins, which lasts for a long seven months.

Expected increase in tourists

The humidity level at this time becomes acceptable, and the water temperature rises to comfortable limits. Thereby, beach season starts during this period. Tourists are completely different, so their interests and needs also differ. couples with children, the elderly and young people feel comfortable in Phuket. Foreign flow here is noted from all countries of the world, but the leading positions are occupied by:

  • Russia;
  • China;
  • Australia;
  • Sweden;
  • South Korea.

Recently, Russian tourists are increasingly paying attention to Thailand. To some extent, this is due to the improvement in the well-being of Russians and large quantity international charter flights. However, in the future, an increase in tourists is expected due to the development of transport infrastructure and new comfortable terminals. international airport. This will greatly affect the expansion bandwidth. Thailand will build modern hotels with affordable rooms. As for Phuket, during the "peak hours" the tourist hype here does not subside even today. A particularly large influx of Russians is celebrated during the New Year and Christmas.

The best time for holidays in this country, tourists choose based on their interests and preferences. Many do not tolerate heat, so they prefer the cool season. August and September are perfect for surfers. During these months, there is a big wave here. Tourists who prefer excursions and enjoyment wildlife heading to Thailand during the rainy season. This is the best option, because at this time there are the fewest tourists, which means that vouchers are distributed at the lowest prices.

Most travel agencies offer the following:

  • Vouchers from tour operators without intermediaries.
  • "Hot" tours. This is due to the fact that the information is updated in real time.
  • Search and compare prices for individual resort towns and hotels in Thailand.
  • Instant notification when a new "burning" tour appears.
  • Reservation and payment by any known method.

Question " When is the best time to go to Thailand?”, just those who have never been there are asked, in rare cases, if they didn’t particularly like their vacation in this country. There is so much information on Thailand on the World Wide Web that the only true thing is that there are three seasons in this country - relatively dry, rainy, and between them "chill". The rest of the conflicting information is written either by those who work in travel agencies, or, most likely, copywriters who have never been to .

Tourist season in Thailand

The difficulty of choosing the time of the year, the most successful for a trip to this country, is also due to the fact that it is located several climatic zones Oh. Therefore, an attempt to focus only on the peak or "dead" tourist season in Thailand- not the most best idea. If you read on the Internet that best season for visiting is, for example, the period from May to August, this does not mean that it will be just as good at this time and in. In order not to get completely confused in the choice, it is best to get objective information about what is the climate in thailand.

Thailand stretches in a relatively narrow strip from north to south from the foothills of the Himalayas to the Malay Archipelago, located almost on the equator, only 200 kilometers before reaching the extreme southern point Malacca Peninsula. Therefore, there are two main climatic zones - the tropical monsoon climate zone and the equatorial one. This is mainly reflected in relative humidity air and precipitation. If you show up at the peak of the rainy season - August to September, then it will most likely be cloudy, rainy and hot. But on the beaches of the Andaman Sea coast in the same period, there are quite long periods of clear, cloudless weather, interrupted by gentle warm rains.

Seasons in Thailand

As we have already mentioned, there are two main seasons in Thailand and one transitional season between them. The hottest, "hot" The season starts in March and continues until the end of May. At this time, the least precipitation falls. However, the fact is that water, as such, does not particularly disappear anywhere. Evaporating from the earth saturated with moisture, it turns the surrounding space into a kind of Russian bath. This is especially noticeable in the continental regions of Thailand and its capital, Bangkok. The daytime temperature peak this season reaches plus 38 degrees Celsius, but subjectively, the heat is much more difficult in Bangkok than at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, which is blown through by winds from South China Sea and the Indian Ocean.

rainy season in thailand(with last numbers May to the end of October) brings relative coolness. Its name should not mislead the tourist that all this period it rains every day. They are really very plentiful, but they are never excessively long, and even more protracted. In addition, on the same day of the rainy season, there is always a place where it is relatively dry and clear.

Winter in Thailand starts in November () and does not last long - until the first days of March. This so-called "cool period", but its name is based only on subjective sensations. At this time of the year, the lowest humidity is, since the thermometer does not rise above 32-33 Celsius. For Russians, this is the most comfortable period, as it is a very attractive offer.

Best time to go to Thailand

When choosing a time to visit Thailand, it is best to proceed from what you want to see there and on your own health. If a beach holiday is not the main thing, but you want to get acquainted with nature, waterfalls, monuments - best to go during the rainy season! By the way, this is the time when everything is the cheapest in Thailand.

If you want a good wave for training, then from August to September Holidays in Phuket will be just what you need. This same high wave can spoil your vacation if you are a fan of sea excursions. For example, they will most likely be cancelled.


If we sum up the comparison of the seasons, it turns out that it is always good in Thailand. Even if it turned out that the chosen place of stay is not too comfortable for one reason or another, then "change location" in this relatively small, by Russian standards, country is very easy.

Thailand attracts tourists from all over the world, promising an unusually heavenly fairy tale. Here you will find a lot of entertainment and white sandy beaches, unforgettable emotions and relaxation of the high level. And if you still know when it is better to go to Thailand, then you are guaranteed an unforgettable vacation. Naturally, a lot depends on the choice of the resort, so now it will be told not only about what is the most favorable season in Thailand, when is it better to relax, but also where it is better to relax in Thailand.

How to choose the perfect holiday resort

The choice of a resort for your vacation determines in many ways how you will spend your vacation. Some are used to having fun day and night, others just do what they lie on the beach, and still others are trying to explore the country far and wide. The resorts of Thailand can be conditionally divided into sightseeing and beach ones, but this does not mean at all that when you choose a beach tour, you will not be able to go on excursions, and it is impossible to go to the bounty islands from big cities. Among beach resorts the best ones are:

In a word, which of these resorts you would not come to, you will have unforgettable impressions!

Monthly rainy season in Thailand

hot season starts in March and ends in May. It is characterized high temperature and humidity, lack of precipitation, especially in Bangkok and central Thailand.

The rainy season falls at the end of May and lasts until the end of October, but this does not mean that it is not worth flying to rest in Thailand during this period, as there will be heavy continuous rains. Much of the precipitation can be expected in August and September. At this time, the rains are plentiful, but short-lived, but hot and sunny days is also enough. Although it is possible that it will rain all day long.

Thailand has 3 weather seasons: cold, rainy and hot. However, it is warm throughout the year.

From November to February in Thailand, the “cold” season lasts, however, this name is only conditional, since throughout the year the country has a fairly high temperature, which reaches 30 degrees. During this period, there is almost no precipitation, but occasionally it can still rain a little.

Have you already figured out what months are best to go to Thailand? Not yet?!

Certainly the most perfect time for holidays with children in Thailand, the cold season is considered, because during this period you will not be disturbed by rains and high temperatures. Also at this time, you can not only relax on the beach, but also go on excursions. Many travel companies organize trips during the cold season, which usually leads to a significant influx of tourists to the country's local resorts. It is strongly not recommended to visit the country in hot weather, namely in June, when the air humidity and temperatures are high.

So, November - February is the best period for a holiday in Thailand, because at this favorable time the weather will be excellent not only for swimming on the beach, but also for visiting monuments, as well as getting to know the local customs and culture of the country. True, some believe that "nature has no bad weather”, and the choice should depend on the purpose of the trip. For example, in July you can relax on the sea, and in November it is better to walk around the city.

What sights can be seen in Thailand

Today Thailand is a fashionable destination both among tourists from Europe and Russia. People tend to come here to look at such sights as:

  • The ancient capital of Siam;
  • Historical modern park Ayutthaya;
  • Look at the ruins of the Bang-Pa-In Palace and the ruins of various ancient temples;
  • In the west of Bangkok is the 127-meter statue of Phra-Pathom-Chedi and the article of the Buddha;
  • Near the town of Kanchanaburi there is a famous bridge "Death Road" over Kwai;
  • There is Cultural Center called "Garden of Roses", elephant sanctuary and zoo;

If you are going to northern Thailand, which has not yet been practically mastered by the guests of the country, then it is worth visiting the site of the emergence of Thai civilization, temples, ancient cities, waterfalls, as well as visiting bright national holidays. In Cheang Mai, for example, there are approximately 300 historical monuments and temples, which are about 2000 years old.

The city of Chiang Rai lies to the northeast of Chiang Mai, famous for its Buddhist temples and beautiful nature. On the banks of the Mekong River lies Chiang Saeng, an ancient capital popular for its local history museum and temples. The "Golden Triangle" begins just outside the city limits.

In Namtok Pa Sia Park, you can look at the six-step waterfall of the same name, the amazing “Cave of Fish”, you will find in Tham Pla Park. And with children, you can visit the Nam-Tok-Me-Surin park, where the Nam_lot cave is fantastically decorated with beautiful garden from stalagmites and stalactites.

Spend your unforgettable and amazing vacation in Thailand, and you will understand how beautiful and unusual this country is, which has already won the hearts of many.

Thailand is one of exotic countries where summer never ends. snow white sandy beaches and the warm azure sea will meet you at any time of the year. However, like in any other country, Thailand has its own seasons, which can be divided into warm, hot and rainy seasons. Each season has its own characteristics and when planning your trip, you need to take them into account.

It's the best time to relax when it's worth warm weather, but there is no scorching sun and unbearable heat. At such a time it is sunny, there are no big waves and winds, rain is extremely rare and the average daytime temperature is +27 - + 30 degrees. The warm season starts in December and ends in mid-March.

At this time, the largest number of tourists come to Thailand, and prices for housing, excursions and other tourist services rise sharply. If you are not faced with the task of saving money on your trip and you are not embarrassed by crowds of tourists, then the warm season will be ideal for you.

hot season

At this time of the year, the thermometer reaches its maximum mark and the air warms up to +35 - +40 degrees. In such weather it is very difficult to be on the beach, the sun bakes so that it is easy to get burned. Even if you are the biggest lover of sunbathing, it is unlikely that you will be able to sunbathe for more than 30 minutes. But on the other hand, at this time of the year, the warmest sea, the water temperature can reach +28 degrees and above, you can spend the whole day in the water. The only trouble that can await you in this case is a large number of plankton, but it is not found everywhere, you just need to carefully choose a place for swimming. The hot season starts in the second half of March and ends at the end of May.

Due to the high temperature, it is difficult to be indoors without air conditioning, even at night. Therefore, if you are flying to Thailand during the hot season, then take care of this in advance. This time also has its advantages: big discounts on many goods, especially in Bangkok. If you are not intolerant of the heat, then you can consider the hot season for a holiday.

Rain season

It is not necessary to assume that at this time it rains all day long, this is a delusion. Just during this period of the year more overcast weather, the sun may shine in the morning, and in the afternoon clouds will come in and it will rain for 1-2 hours. Here is a typical one. Of course, it may be that it's raining several days in a row, but this is extremely rare. The rainy season lasts from June to October.

The main disadvantage of the rainy season is that large waves appear on the sea, which makes swimming difficult, and a lot of garbage is washed ashore. Mosquitoes are also the most frequent at this time, so do not forget about protective equipment.

But this is the cheapest season in Thailand. Prices for accommodation, air tickets, excursions are falling, there are few people on the beaches. For lovers budget holiday the rainy season would be the perfect time of year.

Seasons by region

Thailand is a rather large country and depending on the region, the seasons may differ, so we will analyze in more detail when a certain season begins and ends in each particular region.

In the eastern and central region(Bangkok, Pattaya, Rayong, Koh Chang, Hua Hin) the warm season lasts from November to April. The hot season starts in May and ends in August. The rainy season is in September and October.

Southern Thailand divided into the coast of the Gulf of Thailand (Koh Samui, Phanga, Koh Tao, Nan Yuan) and the Andaman Sea (Phuket, Phi Phi, Krabi, Lanta).

On the coast of the Gulf of Thailand the warm season starts in February and ends in September, the rainy season falls in September, October and December.

On the coast of the Andaman Sea warm season from November to March.

In conclusion, I want to say that you can relax in Thailand all year round, the main thing is to choose the right resort. And in this case, your vacation will be as pleasant and exciting as possible.

Thailand is one of those countries for which you need to carefully choose the time of year. This is due both to the specific climate and to the tangible difference in the cost of tours. So when is the best time to go to Thailand for a vacation?

The first thing to consider when choosing a time for a trip is the weather. Thailand is one of.

Despite this, divide the year into three seasons:

  • cool season. It lasts from November to February. It rarely rains, and the temperature is kept within 30 degrees, which is very comfortable for a country with a tropical climate.
  • hot season starts in March and runs until May. The temperature often exceeds 40 degrees, which makes walking a very dubious pleasure.
  • Rain season takes over in June and lasts until October. The heat subsides, but high humidity does not allow you to enjoy the coolness.

Regions of Thailand

It would seem that this is the answer to the question of when it is better to go to Thailand to rest. The end of autumn and winter is the best time. But not everything is so simple. If it were a country the size of Belarus (may its inhabitants forgive us), then it would be so. But Thailand is one of the most big countries Asia.

For one trip you will have time, at best, to visit only one region. Therefore, you should take into account the weather features of the particular area in which you are going. Otherwise, it may turn out that the weather is pleasant all over the country, and it rains at your resort or it is flooded at all (it happens sometimes). The following table will help determine when it is best to go to a particular region of Thailand.

The financial side of the issue

Well, we have chosen the region, learned the weather, you can buy a ticket or book a ticket. But bad luck, it is for these months that tour operators raise prices to the maximum. Not surprising, because other tourists also know when it is better to go to Thailand on vacation.

If you, reluctantly, agree to the inflated cost of the ticket, then another surprise awaits you on the spot. After all, Thais are also aware of these weather ups and downs, so in the “high” season you should not expect low prices for housing, souvenirs, and even food. Therefore, if the travel budget is limited, it is better to go to Thailand in the "low" season.

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Thailand is good at any time of the year

January, April or August - what's the difference when to go? If you correctly combine the type of holiday, season and region, you can spend time comfortably in any weather. The heat is not a hindrance at all beach holiday, and the rains are for excursions.

The rainy season does not mean at all that it pours like a bucket for half a year, without ceasing. At this time, the weather is quite changeable and unpredictable. It usually rains for several hours in the evening and at night, and then it subsides and the weather is pretty good. It often happens that there is no rain for several weeks. By the way, traveling in a cool season does not guarantee you good weather.

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Summarizing, we can say that it is better to go on vacation to Thailand when you can do it, without delay. Each season has its advantages and disadvantages. Good weather accompanied by an influx of tourists and high prices, and in " low season» you can save money, take a break from the crowd and find more attractive housing options. If you go with good mood- then no weather will spoil the impression of getting to know this wonderful country.

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