The most wonderful feeling. Is true love not for everyone? What is the meaning of love

He wrote about a lost generation that has no place among people who did not survive the horrors of war. The war in his novels is terrible, breaking the will, faith and destiny of a person. And love is passionate, all-consuming and penetrating the whole life. Such love can heal the wounds inflicted by human cruelty.

We have collected for you the best quotes from Remarque's books "Three Comrades", "Arc de Triomphe", "All Quiet on the Western Front" and "Life on Loan". Each of these novels contains all the life experience and heart of the famous German writer.
1. “No,” he said quickly. - Just not this. Stay friends? Dilute a small garden on the cooled lava of extinct feelings? No, this is not for you and me. This happens only after small intrigues, and even then it turns out to be rather false. Love is not stained with friendship. The end is the end"
2. No person can become more alien than the one you loved in the past.
3. What can one person give to another, except for a drop of warmth? And what could be more than this? Just don't let anyone get close to you. And if you let it go, you want to keep it. And nothing can be kept...
4. How strange are all the young people of today. You hate the past, you despise the present, and you are indifferent to the future. It is unlikely that this will lead to a good ending.
5. Human life is too long for one love. Just too long. Love is wonderful. But one of the two always gets bored. And the other is left with nothing. It will freeze and wait for something... Waiting like crazy...
6. Only the one who has been alone more than once knows the happiness of meeting with his beloved.
7. Love does not tolerate explanations. She needs action.
8. All love wants to be eternal. This is her eternal torment.
9. A woman grows wiser from love, and a man loses his head.
10. Only if you finally part with a person, you begin to be truly interested in everything that concerns him. This is one of the paradoxes of love.
11. Only the unfortunate knows what happiness is. The lucky man feels the joy of life no more than a mannequin: he only demonstrates this joy, but it is not given to him. The light does not shine when it is light. He shines in the darkness.
12. Only cows are just happy today.
13. You can talk about happiness for five minutes, no more. There's nothing to say except that you're happy. And people talk about misfortune all night long.
14. In fact, a person is truly happy only when he pays the least attention to time and when he is not driven by fear. And yet, even if you are driven by fear, you can laugh. What else is left to do?
15. Loneliness is easier when you don't love.
16. The most wonderful city is the one where a person is happy.
17. Being born a fool is no shame. But it's a shame to die a fool.
18. The more primitive a person is, the higher his opinion of himself.
19. There is nothing more tiring than being present when a person demonstrates his mind. Especially if there is no mind.
20. Nothing is lost yet, I repeated. You lose a man only when he dies.
21. Reason is given to man so that he understands that it is impossible to live by reason alone. 22. Who wants to keep - he loses. Who is ready to let go with a smile - they try to keep him.
23. The less pride a person has, the more he is worth.
24. It is a mistake to assume that all people have the same ability to feel.
25. If you want people not to notice anything, do not be careful.
26. Remember one thing, boy: never, never and never again will you be ridiculous in the eyes of a woman if you do something for her.
27. It seemed to me that a woman should not tell a man that she loves him. Let her shining, happy eyes speak about it. They are more eloquent than any words.
28. Women should either be idolized or left. Everything else is a lie.
29. If a woman belongs to another, she is five times more desirable than the one that can be obtained - an old rule.
30. Women do not need to explain anything, you always need to act with them.
31. A woman is not metal furniture for you; she is a flower. She doesn't want business. She needs sunny, sweet words. It is better to say something pleasant to her every day than to work for her all your life with sullen frenzy.
32. I stood next to her, listened to her, laughed and thought, how terrible it is to love a woman and be poor.
33. What you cannot get always seems better than what you have. This is the romance and idiocy of human life.
34. They say that the first seventy years are the hardest to live. And then things will go smoothly.
35. Life is like a sailboat with too many sails to capsize at any moment.
36. Repentance is the most useless thing in the world. Nothing can be returned. Nothing can be fixed. Otherwise we would all be saints. Life was not meant to make us perfect. Whoever is perfect has a place in a museum.
37. Principles must sometimes be violated, otherwise there is no joy from them.
38. - Would you like an apple? Apples prolong life!
- No thanks.
- A cigar?
Do they extend life too?
- No, they shorten it. Then it is balanced by apples.
39. It is better to die when you want to live than to live to the point that you want to die.
40. And no matter what happens to you - do not take anything to heart. Little in the world is important for a long time.

Love is the most beautiful feeling on Earth, given to man from above. Love is the most incomprehensible and mysterious phenomenon in the emotional life of people. It is love that makes us commit rash acts: good and vice versa. Happy love inspires a person, makes him able to soar above the earth.

Each of us has seen a man in love, perhaps he was in his place: how happy his eyes are! They sparkle like stars in a moonless night sky... The gait becomes light and weightless: behind the back, invisible wings, unfortunately for others, have grown... Being in this state, a person discovers previously unknown talents in himself. One awakens a poetic gift, the other takes up brushes and paints. Lovers want to shout to the whole world about their feelings. Their heart, soul and mind are too overwhelmed with emotions to remain silent.

But those who have had the misfortune of experiencing love disappointment or loss feel completely different. Their hearts are bursting with pain and longing. Life is completely meaningless. For such people, the only question becomes: “Why do I need such a life if there is no one I love more than anyone else in the world?”. Thoughts about settling accounts with life are visiting the unfortunate more and more often. Nothing can bring him back to his former life. Only after some time the pain subsides, leaving a deep wound in the heart.

Perhaps later, people who have suffered a heart loss will be unable to give and respond to a bright feeling, fearing new blows of fate. They will talk about humanity as a whole, they will talk about love for it. But these are just empty words...

Humanity, in my opinion, is really much easier to love than a specific person. This love does not require any daily confirmation, nor any costs whatsoever - material or spiritual. All mankind will not be able to make claims on trifles, will not argue and quarrel with or without cause.

True love for humanity begins with love for your loved ones, for those around you. And even if the banal phrase “Love your neighbor” does not seem to us something unreal and supernatural: great love begins with small things.

Love is not just pretty words. Love is a great work: daily, persistent, sometimes even too hard. Having fallen in love with a person, you are obliged to take care of him, to be always there at the right moment. It is not for nothing that when entering into marriage, lovers swear to be together "in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy." Without mutual respect, without patience for each other, even the most passionate love cannot last for many years.

Interestingly, couples who have been married for 40-50 years called these qualities the main rules of happiness: patience, attention, respect. And, of course, responsibility for each other and to each other. You can't do without it. It is very important that everyone feels a reliable shoulder to lean on in difficult times. I think many will agree that without all of the above, love is not possible.

But in order to learn all this, you need to see your “soul mate” in a person. You must learn to restrain your emotions, if something annoys you in your loved one: it is better to calmly tell him about it. Working on yourself is the hardest thing about love. But here it is also important not to "go too far": you should not humiliate yourself, snuggle in front of a person. True love does not need such sacrifices at all.

Of course, it is easier not to start a serious relationship if there is no desire to work. But years later, looking back at your life and not finding anything worthwhile in it, your heart will hurt from the aimlessly lived days. It is not for nothing that wise people said: “Love is easy to acquire, but difficult to keep ...”

Love is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world. How often many of us think about what it is. Some people confuse love and infatuation. These two feelings are very similar. Here's what I think about it.


1. Feelings arose suddenly, the so-called "love at first sight" happened. Does such a thing even exist? No. Love is a conscious feeling, it does not appear out of nowhere.

2. You want to tell everyone about your love so that everyone knows how you feel.

3. You are considering other contenders for your heart. Compare with your chosen one.

4. Sometimes, you feel awkward and squeezed alone with your loved one. Be afraid to say something superfluous, risking being rejected. I believe that if people love each other, they should be natural in their behavior. After all, it is not in vain that they say that we are natural only with those we love.

5. You evaluate a person: his level of intelligence, appearance, habits. If something does not suit you, there is a desire to end the relationship.

6. You can fall out of love with a person in a moment. One day you think that he is the only one, and tomorrow you already forget about him.

7. You can be in love with several people at the same time.

8. This is an emotional feeling. If you are abandoned by a loved one, you begin to hate the whole world. Being in love tends to destroy everything, while love creates.

9. You mentally make plans for the future, come up with names for your unborn children, draw yourself a cloudless life.

10. You tend to idealize your chosen one. Focusing on two virtues, you do not pay attention to visible flaws.

11. Separation for you is parting. Your feelings cannot bear waiting. As soon as a person is out of sight, you forget him.

12. You find it difficult to compromise. Love is selfish.

13. People in love hide from problems without trying to solve them.

14. Falling in love is a flash, a feeling based on emotions, and not on a sound approach.

1. This is a conscious feeling based on trust. When you love, you trust the person. My grandmother always says that trust is the most important thing in any relationship.

2. You have been dating a person for a long time, there were difficulties and failures, but you still overcame it together.

3. Love comes gradually: with every minute, day, year, this feeling only grows stronger.

4. Love does not go away quickly, you can even say that she lives a lifetime.

5. True love focuses on one person who contains everything that is especially valuable to you. And this is where you stop, because it is absurd to look for another person instead of your ideal.

6. Love brings out the best in you. It gives the desire to create, not destroy.

7. Love considers flaws, not ignores them. When we love, we notice everything, but we accept it if we can't change it.

8. When we love, we notice everything that we did not pay attention to before. The world doesn't seem so dark anymore.

9. You are ready to endure all the difficulties that lie ahead of you.

10. Love is selfless, you want to give more than receive in return.

11. You enjoy taking care of your loved one.

12. You have no doubts about your choice, you are sure that it is the right one.

13. People who truly love each other do not hide from problems, but try to solve them. If something threatens their relationship, they openly discuss it and try to find a reasonable way out.

14. You really look at things, approach everything sensibly, do not build cloudless hopes.
15. This strong and pure feeling. When you love, you just don't think about what it's called.

Love is the most beautiful feeling that gives people wings, and brings them warmth and positive emotions. People in love simply radiate happiness... Unfortunately, not everyone is given to truly love.

Increasingly, love is becoming mutually beneficial or based on a physical level. Therefore, for many, the existence of true, sincere love is just a myth. But the fact that real love is still found in our lives pleases.

What is the meaning of love

Why does a person need love? What is its meaning? These eternal questions concern every person. Finding the answer to these questions is not so easy. After all, everyone has their own definition of love and understanding of its meaning and necessity.

There are no patterns in love. All thoughts and words come from the heart. Love represents sincerity, which should not be limited by anything. It combines spiritual, sexual, social and individual aspects. Allows a person to improve and get closer to another person.

It has its own vast and rich world. Every person at least once in their life has experienced this wonderful feeling or something close and similar to love. And each person loves in his own way, experiences different experiences. The point is that these experiences give us valuable experience, we become stronger and wiser.

The meaning of love is in itself

What is the meaning of love? Rejecting this tender feeling, you give up the opportunity to feel, and therefore to live. Without this feeling, a person cannot know the fullness and beauty of life. Without love, life is faceless and limited.

People in love are creative. It is this feeling that gave us geniuses, whose works and inventions we use and are proud of today.

The meaning of love is that it gives a person the happiness that everyone in the world dreams of. Everyone wants to fall asleep and wake up in the arms of a loved one, for whom you can give your life. Everyone wants to look into the happy eyes of his beloved when solemn speeches and congratulations sound in the registry office. Everyone wants to live together, knowing that, having returned home and cuddled up to each other, all problems and difficulties will go far into the background. After all, this world is yours.

Love is the most beautiful and magical feeling that a person can experience. It is unpredictable and many-sided, and always bears only positive. Everyone will look for the meaning of love for themselves. So don't be afraid to open your heart to this feeling and it will bring you happiness and make you feel like you are living life to the fullest.

Love is the most beautiful feeling, the most amazing and the most powerful that only a person can experience in his life. Once you feel the powerful currents of love feeling in your heart, you will remember them until the end of your life, knowing that you did not live this life in vain.

Love! And you will surely be loved and never experience the bitterness of loneliness. And remember the main thing: when we let love into our lives, we thereby touch the source of the greatest power, due to which life continues on our Earth.

“The property of love lies precisely in the fact that it gives good to those who experience it,” said Leo Tolstoy. And for good reason: love, among other things, is a powerful pain reliever. Love heals both soul and body. When we are in love, we "force" our body to produce certain substances. Some have, for example, antidepressant, stimulating properties (dopamine, norepinephrine). Others are uplifting, while others are natural pain relievers, such as endorphins. A powerful release of these substances occurs during strong experiences, but does not last very long. In general, it is healthier to experience not passion, but quiet, calm, clear love. The feeling that lives within us has unique healing properties.

Love - and be healthy!

Love is the most powerful means of healing. Irritation, depression, fear of loneliness and death - nothing can resist a true deep feeling. Cardiologists say that love improves heart function. The World Health Organization, which deals with the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, has issued a statement according to which love cures stress, depression and anxiety - the three main psychological factors leading to heart disease. “One in three deaths worldwide are due to cardiovascular disease these days, which is six times the number of deaths from AIDS,” says Philip Poole-Wilson, Honorary President of the World Heart Federation.

What is the healing power of love? How and what does she treat? When you experience a strong feeling, the number of immune bodies in the blood increases three times, neurotic disorders are cured (for example, fear of the dark, the subway, and so on), an ulcer is scarred, mild forms of diabetes go away, and working capacity increases (although lovers sleep very little). It is useful to love: due to acquaintance with the interests of another person, the horizons expand, thinking is activated and the intellect develops; men become more sensitive and insightful, women - more open and attentive. There is a subtlety of perception. And it does not go away, but remains, as an experience.

A kind word is good for a rabbit

In the 70s, Americans studied the effect of diet on the development of various diseases. The experiments were carried out on rabbits. To study atherosclerosis, they were fed fatty foods containing a large amount of cholesterol, which sharply increased the cholesterol content in the blood and developed atherosclerosis. However, there was one exception: some animals showed significantly less vascular damage than others.

The reason for this was soon discovered. It turned out that the young assistant, who was entrusted with the care of a group of rabbits, usually took the animals out of their cages before feeding them, stroked them and gently ruffled their ears. This was enough to largely neutralize the destructive effect of an unnatural diet. Dr. L. Dossi, who described this case, comments on it this way: “Touching, stroking, affectionate speech served as a mitigating factor in the development of the disease, from which, probably, many of us are destined to die someday - atherosclerosis.” In other words, protection against lethal doses of cholesterol was ... love!

Quantum theory

From literature, and from everyday life, one can cite many examples of the positive impact of love on the human body. Let's remember one of them.

At the age of 74, Goethe fell passionately in love with 19-year-old Ulrika von Lewetzow, a charming girl in the full bloom of her feminine beauty. This love restored his youth. He spent all his time with the girl and danced like a young man. “I readily admit,” he wrote to his son, “that I have not enjoyed such health of soul and body for a long time ...”

Lovers fly on wings, they succeed, they are always cheerful, rarely get sick. I think everyone at least once experienced the healing power of this feeling. But not everyone can explain this phenomenon.

The American doctor D. Chopra explains the healing effect of love by the quantum theory known to physicists. Here is its essence. Our "quantum bodies" are constantly exchanging signals, but we often do not allow them into consciousness, as we are used to responding to grosser, less deep levels of reality. Yet these quantum signals are perceptible. We know them and give them names: love, hope, sympathy, mercy. For all their elusiveness, these impulses are very important to us and have considerable power. So love restores that special channel through which the connection of consciousness with the body is carried out. And this channel runs through the quantum field.

common roots

You can try to explain the positive impact of love in other ways. In the 80s, American biologists and physicians studied the influence of the quality of food consumed on the human body. The first group followed a regular diet, the second - vegetarian, and the third group combined vegetarianism with regular meditation. The final results of the studies are as follows: in the first two groups, no significant differences were observed, but in the third group, health indicators were significantly better than those of other participants in the experiment. What is the reason? How does meditation affect the process of assimilation of food? And, most importantly, how is meditation related to love experiences?

Meditation is "mental contemplation," but contemplation must have an object. Accordingly, the first thing to do in this action is to pay attention to something. But the object itself does not define and does not cause any reactions. It serves only as a pretext for the soul to come into an “unnatural” (or perhaps just the most natural) state. Indeed, after all, special attention is paid to something only in order to stop paying attention to everything else. This is the essence of meditation. But the same thing happens with lovers! Love chooses one person from the mass of people, jerks him closer to itself and gigantically increases his significance. In the center of our attention riveted to the object is only the image of the beloved, everything else loses its significance.

It turns out that love and meditation have common roots, and that they are two mental states that are similar in many respects, although there are many differences between them. But we will not delve into this, especially since such a path is not the only one that explains the unique possibilities of a love feeling. Perhaps someone will give their interpretation of the above phenomena.

One thing is certain: love has a positive effect on the physical and mental health of a person. Lonely people, as well as those who are not able to love, not only lose the feeling of fullness of life, but are also more prone to various diseases. In addition, everyone knows that, according to statistics, the life expectancy of married people is always higher than that of single people. Of course, with the condition that love is present in marriage, otherwise the result is just the opposite.

Dante believed that love moves the Sun and other luminaries. So, can't she move the barometer of our health and well-being from "cloudy" to "good, sunny weather"?

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