The name of the team for girls is rhythmic gymnastics. Group exercises in rhythmic gymnastics. Rhythmic Gymnastics Rules

I consider group exercises in rhythmic gymnastics to be underestimated. First of all - underestimated by me. I have never been interested in competitions in the group championship. Of course, I came to the Sports Palace to watch them, but if they were Internet broadcasts, I almost never watched them. I remember that I was very surprised by my classmates, whom I accidentally met at the Deryugina Cup, when they said that they were waiting for the group competitions. Like, it's spectacular. I was not to understand this.

Performances in group exercises seemed like chaos to me (and now sometimes it seems, what is already there). I especially felt this in 2012, when Irina Viner said that she had formed a new team in which there were no identical “average” gymnasts, but five unique and strong individuals. Group leaders, Russia, rushed across the carpet to disco music at a frantic pace, objects flew somewhere, someone caught them as if from nowhere. Gymnasts raced around the site in colorful swimsuits and it was difficult to keep track of what and why. I do not rule out that I simply did not understand the beauty of these exercises. But it didn't inspire me. I was tired.

Although, in fact, I always understood that group exercises in gymnastics are a strategically important type. Because it is at group competitions that you suddenly realize that we are not watching a battle of gymnasts from the countries of the former USSR, but still the WORLD championship. In group exercises, not only Russia can win, but also Italy, or Spain, or Bulgaria. Even Japan can enter the top three. And the hearts of the audience are able to conquer in general Angola.

But only they could awaken my interest in this species. No, not even them, she is one team. Team of Ukraine. Here, of course, you can accuse me of promoting my native team, of bias and glorifying only my own. You are always welcome, but this is not at all the case. The Ukrainian team is cool not because it is from Ukraine, but because it is a team.

To tell the truth, the Ukrainian national team in the group in my memory could never boast of special success. It was once upon a time, in 2002, at the World Championships in group exercises (yes, there were even such events), the Ukrainian team, for which Anna Bessonova and Natalia Godunko competed, won gold in one of the events.

There were no more high-profile victories. It was considered a pretty good result to qualify for the Olympics and reach the final there.

The current national team of Ukraine, which includes Evgenia Gomon, Alena Dmitrash, Alexandra Gridasova, Alexandra Aslanyan, Valeria Gudym and Anastasia Vozniak, was able to attract attention last season. Gymnasts began to bring medals from various starts and, more importantly, they conquered with their performances, their program, their delivery. And interest in them gradually increased.

It was last year that I realized that the Ukrainian team is cool. When the gymnasts were given a program with hoops and clubs to Madonna's Vogue, and ribbons to the music of Muse. And I, always indifferent to group exercises, began to watch them.

In the exercise with ribbons, I only liked how these five slender, tall, long-legged gymnasts, as if on a selection, went out on the carpet in a friendly formation, and then synchronously threw the ribbons back. Like a girl who throws her long hair back. Effective, in short :)

Already at the European Games in 2015, I was terribly rooting for them and told my friends what cool group dances we had - look, what synchronization in the fouette, what staging, and most importantly, what presentation of myself! And although I drew the attention of my girls to the exercise with ribbons, they liked Vogue more.

Yes, the clubs and hoops program was staged last season to Madonna's Vogue song. Many movements of gymnasts are taken from the famous clip from 1990. And the movements in the video, in turn, were taken from dances in clubs in New York, where the dancers imitated the poses and movements of models from the covers of Vogue magazine.

So the gymnasts appear before us in the form of models. And these notorious monophonic black swimsuits are incredibly suitable for all of them. Personally, in their performance, I am captivated by the perfection of movements, logic and ingenious simplicity of staging. No one rushes anywhere, no ripples in the eyes. Synchronicity (when, of course, they succeed, but lately they have pulled themselves up) is amazing. Their movements fall into the music and fully comply with the unified style of the program. And for me, this exercise does not look easy. If, of course, I understand group exercises correctly, considering that their purpose is not to confuse the viewer with fussy high speed.

Last year's program with hoops and clubs under Vogue was left for the gymnasts this season.

The program with five tapes under Muse this season was replaced by incendiary Brazilian motives - samba. In general, many teams have chosen Brazilian music for the Olympic season. And only the Brazilian team does not look like sycophancy :) And so, of course, many countries should now be banned from performing one after another - samba on samba! Be that as it may, the new program of the Ukrainian team is also successful. Although it is still more difficult for gymnasts to perform with ribbons and it is not so easy to maintain the Brazilian pace, the exercise "looks" and it's great. And yes, my favorite throwback of tapes at the beginning of the program was also left :)

With these programs, the Ukrainian team will perform in August at the Olympics in Rio.

The girls managed to qualify for the Olympic Games at the World Cup Qualifiers. Although in general, they did not succeed at the World Championships, I expected more from them. But it is also worth noting that the Ukrainian national team in group exercises was selected for the last Olympics only at an additional Test event. This time, too, everything was not without difficulties - the gymnasts took ninth place, and the first eight qualified. But they got an "extra-quota". Two Olympic licenses were reserved in case the top eight included only European countries. Then, in order to dilute the Europeans, these quotas would be given to the best non-European countries. But the teams of Japan and China made their way into the top eight. Thus, one license-reserve was given to the USA, and the second, superfluous, was given to the ninth number, that is, to Ukraine.

Despite my admiration for the Ukrainian national team and the medals won, Irina Deryugina is not criticized by the gymnast. In her last interview, Irina Ivanovna mercilessly criticized group members. Like, with the weight of the problem, with motivation, they don’t want to be the first - they should easily enter the top three! But I believe in them. I honestly think they are awesome. And my status, written in June last year under the impression of their performances at the European Games, from where they brought silver and bronze, is still relevant (if you reduce the degree of pathos a little:):

“They are insanely cool. Not because they have the extreme complexity of collectively entangling and unraveling tapes, no. They're cool because they blow your mind as soon as they hit the court - very stylish in their jumpsuits, each textured and special, but at the same time they are one whole, not five separate tough girls. They step onto the carpet, throwing the ribbons back in spectacular fashion - a simple move, but how chic it looks. They are special because they have their own style, presentation, strong energy. They are one team - to match each other, long-legged, tall and slender - but not at all like any other team. Their music is not the background, but the synchronous fouettes are admirable. They deserve medals and to be in the elite of rhythmic gymnastics.”

Yes, they deserve to be in the elite. And confirmation of this is the high marks and places at the last competitions.

Therefore - good luck to the girls in Rio!!! And the audience - in no case go to the kitchen for tea during their performances! And don't switch to the news either!;)

Exercise with ribbons, European Games 2015.

Ribbon exercise, World Cup, Lisbon 2016.

Clubs and hoops exercise, World Cup Pesaro 2016.

Tomorrow we are participating in the Moscow rhythmic gymnastics championship in group exercises.

In this regard, I would like to discuss its pros and cons.
Plus "group", this is when your child performs in a team experiences are distributed to all the girls. And hands are no longer shaking like leaves)) We are a team - we are strength!

I will say from personal experience that when our girls go out on the carpet, everything around freezes. A huge stream of energy streaming from the carpet, that strength of mind, solidarity, where everyone is for each other, it's beyond words!

A minus that expires from a plus. If one child brings down an element, the rest can not do it. All as one - here it is, the main motto of the group!

An individual program is good because you are responsible only for yourself. Did not make an element, your problems. Personally, I like this plus the most .. Because when my child is in a group, and how often her ring falls, I am very unpleasant for other girls (

Many parents say that in a group exercise the child lags behind in development as a gymnast, personally in our case, on the contrary, we have grown a lot. Our coach put strong children, expensive elements in the group exercise .. Everything that my child does in the individual program does in the group)
I also want to identify the most important minus of the group. The group consists of 5 girls and 1 spare (we don’t have a reserve), and if one gets sick, everything collapses, training is postponed, and the group is not only elements - it’s synchronicity!

Tonight, in a new post, my daughter and I will talk in detail about how we pull the back.
Thank you)

Often, on the eve of the competition, many in a hurry begin to come up with a name and motto for a sports team.

The name of the team is its key to the victory of the athletes and a reason for pride, so coming up with it is not an easy task.

How to come up with a team name and motto for sports competitions

The name should correspond not only to the type of competition, but also to the nature of the group as a whole. It should uplift the spirit and unite the competitors. The motto helps the team to show their advantages to others.

  1. Initials.
  2. This is an ideal option for those whose team consists of both men and women. As a rule, such a name not only reflects the character of all participants, but also makes everyone feel needed, bring something of their own to the game. All names with a generalizing addition at the end or beginning can serve as a motto.

  3. Celebrity names.
  4. More than once it was possible to meet such detachments of "stars" who definitely felt confident. Now this idea has faded a bit. If you decide on such a plan, then remember that you need to choose a celebrity in your sport or industry, as the team will “follow” her example. An ideal slogan would be a quote from a selected famous person, but in most cases there is no such quote and the teams are forced to take just an interesting statement about their sport.

  5. Advantages.
  6. If you are thinking about how to rally athletes with a name and a slogan, then pay attention to the advantages of the team. Give each participant a piece of paper and a pen and let him write down his or someone else's merits. Choose the most interesting ones, arrange them in an attractive order, leave only the first letters - it's done. The motto can be an explanation of the abbreviations, so make sure that the description of the team rhymes well.

  7. Vice versa.
  8. If you've already seen a suitable name for a team, but it's already being used by opponents, don't frown. Find the usual team names and read them backwards. Of course, you can’t read the motto on the contrary, so you need to invent it yourself.

  9. Captain.

Since the captain is a leader and role model, it is quite possible to use his last name as the name of the team. The chants of such teams can be different: both comic and serious.

What should be the sports slogan

Of course, the slogan must be memorable and have a clear rhyme. Otherwise, it will be sluggish and uninteresting.

The motto should reflect the spirit and goals of the organization, to unite it.

For this to happen, the slogan must be liked by all team members and correspond to their age, gender, type of competition.

Interesting team names and mottos on a sports theme

We have selected the most interesting ones, some of them are well known, some are not. The choice is yours!

bowling team name

Name of volleyball teams

Name of the rhythmic gymnastics team

How to name a children's football team

Basketball team name

Cool sports team names

  • "Mayors";
  • "Brooms";
  • "Brakes";
  • "navels";
  • "Woodpeckers";
  • "Minions";
  • "Pinkeys";
  • "Bit";
  • "Narrow-eyed";
  • "Snorers";
  • "Dulo";
  • "Matryoshkas".

Sports family motto

The main thing for us is health”;

  • “Our motto is always this - everyone in the yard, out of the house.

Our friendly family is healthy and strong!”;

  • “Our rule is this: The family is never in a quarrel”;
  • “We are not stronger in the world, search the whole wide world”;
  • “We are a team, we are a family, in a word we are a hundred thousand “I”.

Motto and slogan for a sports team

  • “We are athletic boys! Get sick, girls! ”;
  • "We are the best team

We will win without listening”;

  • "There are no enemies in the team,

They know all this without words”;

  • “No matter what you say, we still won!”;
  • “The guys here have their own motto - never fall down”;
  • “We will come for victory, we will not leave without a reward!”

Motto for the sports team at school

  • “On the way we will become an obstacle, and the medal will be a reward”;
  • “We count the minutes before the competition,

We want to win and achieve recognition”;

  • Help us luck

The task will be completed";

  • “We will get to victory with strength, pride and honor,

We will tear all rivals, we will get the reward! ”;

  • “We are one team in sports,

And the opponents are a barrier!

Sports mottos and team names for children


At any event, it is important to feel confident and invincible. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a fun start, a health game or an olympiad, whether you’re an adult or a preschooler who dreams of winning a kindergarten competition, with a good business card you will always feel like a winner and sparkle in competitions.

It seems to us that sports mottos should express both the essence of sport and each sporting event separately. A good motto should remind the athlete that everything he does is not in vain.

Sports mottos

The one who constantly conquers himself always wins!
Good health is a strong country!
A thousand hours in the gym is equal to one minute on the podium!
Seconds, meters and points are our rivals.
First health, records - then!
Run faster - think faster!
Go in for sports, not war!
Internal motto for a sports team:

A team is not a gang!
The team is not a pack!
The team is not a place for squabbles and strife!
And, at the end funny sports slogan
Who is friendly with sports - that sex is not needed!

Mottos for sports school

Develop the body, temper the spirit!
First of all, to educate a person, and only then - an Olympic champion!
The road to Olympic medals starts here!
Football school motto
Better to be last in football than first in literball!
The motto of the school of rhythmic gymnastics
Beauty plus work plus plastic - it turns out gymnastics!
Chants, mottos, slogans, names.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport in which exercises are performed to music, containing elements of plasticity, dance, ballet and circus art, as well as some elements of simplified stylized acrobatics (semi-acrobatics) in the forms allowed by the competition rules, such as jumps, rotations, somersaults, leg swings, tilts, backbends, splits. Thus, rhythmic gymnastics is the art of expressive movement. The performance can be both without an object and with an object (rope, hoop, ball, maces, ribbon). At world-class competitions, no apparatus has been performed recently. In group exercises, either two types of objects are used simultaneously (for example, hoops and balls) or one type (for example, five balls, five pairs of clubs).

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All exercises are accompanied by musical accompaniment (phonogram). The choice of music depends on the wishes of the gymnast and coach. But each exercise should be between 75 and 90 seconds long. Competitions are held on a gymnastic carpet measuring 13x13 meters. Classic all-around (4 exercises) - Olympic discipline. In addition to the all-around, gymnasts performing in the individual championship traditionally compete for sets of awards in certain types of exercises (except for the Olympic Games). Performances are evaluated on a twenty-point system. One of the most spectacular and elegant sports. In the USSR, rhythmic gymnastics as a sport arose and took shape in the 1940s. Since 1984 it has been an Olympic sport. Until recently, an exclusively female sport, however, since the end of the 20th century, thanks to the efforts of Japanese gymnasts, competitions have also been held between men.

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Thanks to the relationship between gymnastics and ballet, coordination and expressiveness of each movement is developed (including plasticity, a sense of rhythm, grace, and even artistry.) The basis of any dance is classical choreography, which provides basic and fundamental lessons. (stretching, flexibility, power loads) Such choreography is relevant and simple in everyday life - good posture, smooth gait ... Acrobatics will help to become more stable and better navigate in space, improve self-insurance skills - an integral basic part of any kind of dance, sport.

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History Rhythmic gymnastics is a relatively young sport; he owes his appearance to the masters of the ballet of the famous Mariinsky Theater. For a short period of its existence, this sport has gained worldwide recognition and has numerous fans in all corners of the globe.

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In 1913, at the Higher Courses of P. F. Lesgaft, a higher school of the artistic movement was opened. In April 1941, the first championship of Leningrad in rhythmic gymnastics was organized and held by graduates and teachers of the school. In the 40s, the development of rhythmic gymnastics, like all Soviet sports, practically stopped due to the Great Patriotic War. In 1948, the first USSR Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship was held. In 1945, the All-Union Section of Rhythmic Gymnastics was created, which in 1963 was transformed into a federation of the USSR. In the late 1940s, a classification program and competition rules were developed. And then the development of this sport proceeded with extraordinary speed, covering an increasing number of young participants.

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Since 1949 the championships of the USSR have been held annually, since 1964 - competitions for the USSR Cup in rhythmic gymnastics, since 1966 - all-Union children's competitions. The first champion of the USSR in 1949 in Kyiv was Lyubov Denisova (coach Y. Shishkareva). And in 1954 the first masters of sports appeared. Gymnasts begin to travel outside the USSR with demonstration performances in Belgium, France, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia. After that, rhythmic gymnastics was recognized as a sport by the International Gymnastics Federation. In 1960, the first official international meeting was held in Sofia: Bulgaria - the USSR - Czechoslovakia, and 3 years later, on December 7-8, 1963, the first official international competitions called the European Cup were held in Budapest.

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