Breed of large horses. The tallest horse in the world. Records set by horses

The largest horse in the world held its title until 2012, this is a stallion from Texas Remington, his height is almost 2 meters. But after some time in the Guinness Book of Records, his place was taken by a Belgian gelding, whose name was Big Jake, now he is 11 years old, his height was 2.17 meters.

Big Jake is very huge, its weight is 2600 kilograms (as the weight of one SUV). Next to him, any person can seem like a midget. The stallion is currently performing in a variety of talk shows, actively participating in them. Gelding recently made headlines on a television program that was created for the Ronald McDonald House charity. This foundation provides charitable assistance to people in need around the world.

In history, more than 100 years ago, a horse of the Percheron breed was born (1902), who was given the nickname Doctor Le Ger. Its height reached 214 centimeters, and its weight was 1400 kilograms, almost the same weight as a middle-class car. This breed of horse was bred and designed for hard work. But after some time they began to be used because of the soft ride for horseback riding. Percheron has an average height of 170 - 180 centimeters, the color of the horse is usually gray.

The very first Percherons were bred in France in the 19th century, the breed got its name from the Perche region of the same name. This type of horse is also raised in other European countries and in Russia.

A stallion from the UK named Duke has a height of 2.07 meters. Its owner claims that the growth of this horse is directly related to its special diet, the animal eats a special variety of apples and herbal infusion. Such nutrition stimulates the growth of the animal and gives strength. Over the past few years, Duke has grown several centimeters a year, his growth does not stop. It is possible that this horse in a few years will become the tallest horse on the planet.

Duke's appetite, as his owner says, can be envied by many. A horse in one day eats more than 8 kilograms of grain and hay, drinks at least 100 liters of water, and approximately 20 liters of tea. But this horse, despite its size, has a timid character, he is afraid of small mice. He treats other horses kindly, which speaks of his kindness and friendliness.

There is also a Shire breed horse Noddy in the world, her height is 2.05 meters, now she is 5 years old. Shires have always been quite tall, this breed was bred in England, individuals are classified as heavy trucks. On average, their height is 1.8 meters, but some horses are slightly taller.

Shires take their origin from English mares and Dutch stallions. Animals that are smaller are used for riding in the saddle, but large individuals may only be suitable for carting. This type of horse has a wide chest and sacrum along with the back, their legs are covered with white stockings, and there is a small characteristic bald patch on the head.

Sampson the horse is the world record holder due to his height. He was born in 1846 in the small English county of Bedfordshire. His owner, Tomma Skliver, measured the horse's height, if these historical references are accurate, then it was 2.2 meters. Sampson at that time was 4 years old, the animal weighed relatively little, about 1.5 tons. At the age of one and a half, Sampson was castrated, maybe this affected the growth hormone, and the horse began to grow rapidly.

Recently, information has appeared in the media that the current record for the largest overall horse will soon be broken. This was stated by English grooms who are experimenting on a new breed, they have already had the first positive results. Perhaps soon they will announce themselves.

“You, oh you, my good big horse!” Ernest Hemingway. "For whom the Bell Tolls"

Horses are very beautiful and unique animals. For thousands of years they have been close to people, used for work and movement, some peoples have eaten meat. There is no such time in the history of a conscious person where these wonderful creatures would not be next to him. There are no horses in the world! They differ in color and in physical data, they have grace, speed, power. The number of different species approaches three hundred. There are small horses among them, and there are large horses. There are about twenty breeds of large horses - heavy trucks. With their power and stateliness, they stand out from the rest. All stocky, with a massive chest, broad-boned legs and huge hooves, up to two meters high, they involuntarily command respect. Among these giants is the largest horse in the world. But it also appeared in the process of development and improvement of breeds.

Heavy horses reach two meters in height

Back to the past

Fast forward to the Middle Ages for a moment. Citizens transport goods and ride horses, villagers use them to cultivate arable land, internecine wars and wars for the redistribution of territories are everywhere, knight riders in heavy armor and with massive weapons ... So how hardy was the horse supposed to be?

The first information about heavy trucks came from this era. The war horses of that time were called "destrie", their weight could reach one ton, and their height could be two meters. Moving fast and jumping with such a complexion is not easy, but it is easy to carry weights. It is assumed that the known breeds of heavy trucks are:

  • percherons (France);
  • barbansons (Belgium);
  • Shires (England) are the descendants of these medieval horses.


In France, the Percheron breed, graceful and huge horses, is quite famous. Some hippologists consider them to be the ancestors of the ancient French horses, but everyone admits that Arabian stallions were used in breeding for a long time. In 1830, one of them, the handsome Gallipolo, became the father of the first known percheron, Jean de Blanc. Distinctive features: height at the withers about 162 cm, great endurance, massiveness, dryness in addition, agility, soft move regardless of gait, good disposition, unpretentiousness in content.

Percheron horse - one of the breeds of heavy trucks

The Barbansons have been known since the Middle Ages as the Flanders Horse. They were crossed with shires, ardenes. This is a famous Belgian horse used for hard work. Over the years, breeders have made it perfect for manual labor. Characteristics: height reaches 173 cm, color is red, gray, bay.

In the middle of the 19th century in Russia they began to mix draft horses (crossbreeds of Bityugs with Ardens and Percherons) with thoroughbred Barbansons. The foundations were laid by stallions born in the early 1920s: God, Endigen de Laval, Cleron Remy and Paulin de Vere. Distinctive characteristics: height up to 170 cm, weight from 700 to 1000 kg, dryness, harmony, great mobility. Officially, the "Soviet heavyweight" was marked in 1952. The record holder is the stallion Force, who pulled a load of 22991 kg. at 35 meters.

Brabancons - champions among heavy trucks

Shire and Vladimir heavy truck

Shires are slow, powerful, confident, large horses from England.

There is an assumption that even before they were used for military purposes in the Middle Ages, they descended from a cross between Friesian and Flanders stallions. The main distinguishing feature is proportionality, strong and hardy. They are used as heavy draft horses. Main features: height from 165 to 180 cm, stockings on the hind legs, baldness on the head, color red, black, gray, bay.

The Vladimir heavy truck was obtained by breeding English Shires and Scottish Clydesdales with local horses.

The founders were born at the beginning of the second decade of the 19th century, these are the famous Lord James, Border Brand, Glen Albin. Characteristics: height 165 cm, weight up to 760 kg, they develop greater speed than Soviet heavy trucks, frisky, hardy in motion with a weight of several tons. The record holder is the Vladimir mare Hungarian, who overcame 420 meters with a load of 9 tons.

Shire horses were originally bred as war horses.

Ardennes and Russian heavy

The Arden horse has been known for many centuries and originates from the ancient forest horses, was known during the time of Julius Caesar, Nero, has always been widely used in military affairs. Napoleon's army fought on these horses. These are the lightest of the heavy trucks, but very hardy horses. About the breed: height up to 165 cm, weight up to 600 kg, massive and muscular, roan, bay or steel gray color. Used for physical hard work. Unfortunately, in the middle of the 18th century, this breed was diluted and in its pure form Ardennes are quite rare.

Russian heavy-duty was created by selection of Belgian and domestic harnesses. Her beauty and harmony was recognized in 1900 in Paris - the stallion Karavai (born 1887), bred at the Khrenovsky stud farm, received recognition and a gold medal at the exhibition. The breed was recognized in 1952. Ancestors - stallions Karaul (born 1909) and Larchik (born 1918). Characteristics: growth of only up to 150 cm, harmoniously built, hardy, with a good disposition, quite frisky.

Arden horses are quite short

Large size horses

Officially, the largest of all known is recognized as a stallion from England of the Shire breed, Samson (born 1846), who lived in the 19th century. He was 220 cm tall at the withers and weighed 1520 kg. Already at the age of four, he stood out among all the horses and was renamed Mammoth. The record has not yet been surpassed.

Very close to him came the American Brabancon Big Jake. He took the place of the largest horse in the Guinness Book of Records. His height is 217 cm, which is only three centimeters less than Samson, and his weight is 2600 kg.

The unique horse is featured in charity shows and is popular with visitors to the stable. An ordinary person feels like a small child next to him.

The biggest horse next to a man is just a giant. Powerful, large and good-natured, it surprises with its size, pleases with its stature and nobility.

October 21, 2013

Stallion Sampson

Until recently, the largest horse in the world would have been the stallion Sampson. The height of the horse was 2 m 20 cm, and the weight reached as much as 1.2 tons. Sampson was not only the biggest horse, but also the tallest.

Sampson belonged to the Shire breed. He was born in England in 1846. When the stallion was 4 years old, he was so heavy in weight that the owners decided to rename him the mammoth. But now this stallion is no longer alive. And of modern horses, he was surpassed by the Belgian stallion Big Jake, who weighs 2.6 tons. But he is slightly inferior in height - 2.7 cm. Big Jake is the new Guinness Book of Records holders - as the largest horse in the world. Now the stallion is 9 years old. People who are lucky enough to stand next to him are always surprised and delighted by his size for the first time. The owner of the stallion, Jerry Gilbert, wants to open a tour in which, along with his stallion, the foal Einstein, who is now the smallest, will participate. Einstein is from New Hampshire, USA and weighs only 3 kg and is 34 cm tall.

Big Jake from the breed of Belgian heavy trucks. This breed of horses belongs to the most ancient breed in the world. And is the best heavy horse. "Big Horse" - this is how this breed of horses was called in the Middle Ages. It was on such horses that the knights, who weighed a lot in armor, went into battle with the enemy. There is evidence that it was these horses that became the genetic material for all modern heavy horses. According to various sources, it is said that Belgian heavy trucks existed in Europe during the reign of Caesar. Stallions were so famous and needed for agriculture and other needs that they were imported from Belgium to many European countries.

flanders horse

The government of Belgium played a very important and big role in the popularity and formation of the breed. At the national show in Brussels, this breed was constantly demonstrated. For the stallions of the winners, very expensive and prestigious prizes were set. Committees were also created that were called upon to monitor the purity of the breed.

In 1891, horses of this largest breed were exported from Belgium to the state stables of Italy, Germany, France and Russia. Due to such value and popularity of the breed, it was declared a national treasure.

In the Middle Ages, this breed was called the Flanders horse. It was this breed that in the future influenced the breeding of such heavyweights as the Shire breed, the Suffolian. But mainly for the breeding of Kleydelsdal horses. And now this heavyweight is also known as the Brabant horse, this is due to the area in the center of Belgium, where they are bred.

Shires are another breed of large horses, such a breed of the former largest horse Sampson.

English heavy trucks

Shires are English heavy trucks. They begin their race about knightly horses, from the time of the Roman conquerors. Shires are one of the oldest heavy-duty breeds. They began to bear their own name thanks to King Henry 8, it was he who for the first time in the 16th century began to call this breed that way. The birthplace of this breed is the central counties of England: Staffordshire, Derbyshire. This breed is very closely related to the large horse described above, which came to England with the army of William the Conqueror. The “Big Horse” could carry a knight, who, fully armed, weighed up to 200 kg. You can compare this horse with a living tank.

In the 17th century, the breed of large horses was also called the "English crow". This name comes from Oliver Cromwell, who was well versed in agriculture.

It was thanks to the Shire horses, which served as excellent progenitors of many new breeds, that the Clydesdale breed became popular. This breed is similar to Shires, but weighs less and is slightly smaller. But this does not prevent them from being so popular not only in England, but also far beyond its borders.

In the 19th century, Shires won the title of the best and most popular heavy trucks, which aroused great interest among foreign specialists. 700 horses of this breed participated annually in exhibitions.

In America, the first horse of this breed appeared in 1836. But only in 1880 did mass importation begin, when horse breeders from America appreciated the advantage of this breed. And in 1887, 400 Shire horses were imported to America. And then the Shires made a great competition to the American heavyweights - the Percherons.

Heavy trucks in Russia

And only at the beginning of the 20th century, heavy trucks began to be imported to Russia. Prince Urusov noticed that the Shires needed plentiful feeding and care. In general, he noted that the care of such horses should be at the highest level. And this is understandable. With large sizes, draft horses do require much more feed than other horses. But they are not picky - the main thing is a lot of grass and hay.

These heavy trucks have one notable feature - thick long hair on the lower parts of the legs. They are called friezes. Examining old documents, scientists found that such a large overgrown legs and abundant manes and tails were a feature of the ancient Shires. Only now the friezes of the past were rougher than those of modern breeds. And this is all thanks to the special crossing of heavy trucks with Clydesdales.

Due to their large size and efficient movements, Shires were popular in agriculture, but after the First World War, they began to be displaced by technology. And individual farmers of small farms began to acquire smaller and more cost-effective horses for keeping.

These days Shire draft horses are quite often used by brewers.

If you go out into the streets of England, you can find a specialized team that carries barrels of beer. It is popular to use Shires in various holidays and show programs.

Ever since ancient times, as soon as a man tamed a horse, he needed massive and hardy animals. Let us recall at least the knightly horses or the faithful horses of Russian heroes. They were about two meters tall and weighed about one ton. Are there such handsome men today and who is the biggest horse in the world? Find out the answers to these questions with us, and photos and videos will become an exciting accompaniment when reading.

We can find out what medieval war horses looked like by looking at some modern ones. So, for example, powerful Belgian Brabancons or English Shires today are direct descendants of knightly horses. And in such domestic breeds as Vladimir or the blood of heroic horses flows. However, strange as it sounds, even among these giants there are champions. These horses deservedly bear the title of "largest" and can be seen on the most interesting videos.

Great Samson

The largest horse is the stallion Samson, whose weight reached 1.52 tons, and the height at the withers was 2.20 meters. Why was? Samson lived back in the 19th century and, unfortunately, today there is practically no photo of him left. The Shire stallion was born in 1846 in the English town of Bedfordshire. Already at the age of four, this horse was the largest and most powerful not only in all of England, but also in the world. Then it was renamed Mammoth. His height record has never been surpassed by any horse since.

Giant Digger and Brooklyn Supreme

Speaking of the largest horses in the world, it is impossible not to mention Digger and Brooklyn Supreme. A Digger is a Shire that weighs 1,200 kilograms at the age of five and is 2.02 meters tall. Every day this stallion eats more than 25 kg of hay and drinks about 75 liters of water. It is likely that he will be able to approach Samson's record.

The bay-roan stallion of the Belgian breed Brooklyn Supreme also belongs to giant horses. At 10 years old, his weight was 1451 kilograms, and his height at the withers was 1.98. This animal was so immense that it needed horseshoes with a total weight of more than 13 kg.

American record holder Big Jake

Big Jake is a 9-year-old Brabancon, who is listed in the Guinness Book as the tallest horse in the world. In terms of growth, he is only 3 centimeters behind Samson, and according to the latest data, his weight is 2.6 tons. Big Jake has a descendant - a stallion named Einstein. Visitors to the stable are simply delighted with the size of Big Jake. See photo.

Modern Giant

Today there is also the largest horse. According to 2007 data, 16-year-old Shire, nicknamed Cracker, has a height at the withers of 1.98 meters and a weight of 1200 kilograms. The stallion lives in the English county of Lincolnshire and also claims to be in the Book of Records. While the horse lives peacefully in the stable and has already become a real star of television screens.

What breed is considered the largest?

The largest horses of our time are the well-known heavy trucks. One of the most powerful are the Belgian Brabancons. Their weight already at the age of 5-6 reaches a ton, and sometimes more. The height at the withers of adult stallions reaches 170 centimeters. These horses are excellent hard workers, therefore they are successfully used in the form of live tractors in rural work.


The Ardennes are another representatives of the Belgian heavy horse breeding. This breed is very ancient and was bred in the 19th century on the territory of the Ardennes Upland. It is known that these horses were used by Napoleon's army to transport heavy cannons and shells. And although this breed today belongs to the type of small draft horses, larger Ardens are bred in the Baltic States. Many of them can be compared in strength to the Brabancons.


Shires are the descendants of knightly war horses and today they are the largest English heavy trucks, as can be seen in the photo. Slow, but very strong and powerful horses, Shires can pull loads up to five times their own weight. The growth at the withers of stallions reaches 1.65-1.75 meters, weight - 1000-1200 kilograms. This breed is very elegant and beautiful, so it is a regular participant in various horse shows and shows.


Another very large and strong horse, which the photo shows. In addition, with their enormous height and weight, these heavy trucks are considered the most graceful and elegant. And to a greater extent this is due to the fact that blood flows in this French breed. These horses were bred at the beginning of the 19th century in the province of Persh. In breeding work, Breton and Boulogne stallions were used.

Interesting! Percherons are loved in Russia, they are bred in the Oktyabrsky stud farm in the Ulyanovsk region.

Russian heavy truck

Our country also boasts some of the largest horses in the world. So, for example, far beyond the borders of Russia, the breed received its fame. Bred on the basis of ardenes with a rush of blood and Brabancons, these horses turned out to be powerful and proportional, which we see in the photo. Until 1952, our breed was called the Russian Arden. The horse is distinguished by incredible strength and is a constant winner of major competitions.

Photo gallery

We offer a closer look at the representatives of the largest breeds in the photo and video.

Video "Top 10 - the biggest horses in the world"

Heavy-duty breeds have long been used for transporting heavy loads, plowing fields and hunting.

Nowadays, horses are used for this only in some farms, so many breeds are on the verge of extinction.

Today we will talk about the best draft vehicles that are still used in agriculture today.

This breed of horse was bred by Belgian Brabancons and local horses.

The breed is distinguished by a shortened body length, strong limbs, a short muscular neck.

Main parameters:

  • height - 160 cm;
  • body length - 167 cm;
  • bust - 205 cm.

As for the nature of animals, they do not differ in excessive aggressiveness towards their owners or third parties. Horses are quite energetic and mobile.
Let's talk about the valuable qualities of the breed. From other heavy trucks, "tips" are distinguished by high growth intensity, precocity and endurance. Due to the presence of these qualities, the breed was especially in demand in times of insufficient mechanization of collective farms.

The main colors of the Soviet draft: red, red-roan, bay, bay-roan.

It was bred from Lord James bay, Border Brand and Glen Albin. They are considered to be the ancestors. The breed was officially registered two years after World War II, but was used on farms long before that.
Heavy truck characteristics:

  • height - 165 cm;
  • body length - 172 cm;
  • bust - 205 cm.

Positive features include good disposition, unpretentiousness in terms of nutrition, energy, lack of complex care. As in the case of the Soviet, these horses are characterized by precocity and fertility.

Important! The highest quality livestock can be purchased at the factories of the Ivanovo and Vladimir regions.

Common color variations: black and red with white spots.

The Australian draft horse is a breed of horse that was obtained by crossing four breeds. Its representatives are distinguished not only by good performance, but also by external beauty.
This is the main breed used by Australian farmers for fields, hauling timber or as pets.

Many farmers breed them to participate in various competitions in which they show not only their strength, but also their beauty. They are also used as "ordinary" horses - for riding.

Important! Australian heavy trucks are not adapted to the harsh climate.

Distinctive features: muscular body, short legs, medium head, correct profile, presence of long hair near the hooves.
Since there is no exact “recipe” for breeding Australians, horses in each farm have a different characteristic, so it is not possible to indicate exact height and length data.

Belgian heavy draft (Brabancon)

A classic horse-tractor, which got its name from the historical region of Brabant. Brabancons are used as the initial "material" for crossing with other less productive breeds for the reason that they meet all the stated requirements that are put forward to working horses.
Parameters of the "Belgian":

  • height - 160 cm;
  • body length - 175 cm;
  • bust - 217 cm.

Brabancons have been used for work since the age of two, so they are considered quite early, unlike other heavy trucks that mature closer to three years.
The main difference between the Belgian is a rounded profile.

Did you know? Every year, about 25 thousand horses of this breed are exported to the USA, Germany, Italy, Sweden, France and other countries of the world.

It is also worth noting the life expectancy of these horses. According to official data, Brabancons live for about 22 years, 20 of which they can serve on the farm.
Paying attention to other positive aspects of the breed, it is worth saying that the horses are docile, undemanding to food or care, and the uterus is distinguished by good fertility.

Boulogne breed

These heavy horses have been used since the time of Ancient Rome, but the breed was officially recognized only during the Anglo-French War. Two types of "Frenchmen" were bred: the first was used for plowing the land, it was very massive and weighty; the second type had less weight and was used for plowing small farms and households.
Main parameters:

  • height - 160 cm;
  • length - 170 cm;
  • weight - 750 kg.

Boulogne horses are distinguished by short hair, which is dyed gray. They have a correct profile, strong legs, a wide back without an expressive bend.
Boulognes are common only in some European countries: France, Belgium, Germany. In them, the breed is supported at the national level.


The Irish draft is used throughout England and Ireland as a horse or for plowing the land.
The Irishman is famous for his versatility. If the previous heavy trucks were mainly used for cultivating the land and transporting goods, then these horses can still be used for hunting or racing, as well as a mount.
The lack of a lot of weight allows the horse to move quickly both on the road and over rough terrain.
It is worth noting that these horses are unpretentious in diet or care. They can be fed in the same way as ordinary horses, while the Irishman will not feel ill.

Important! The Irishman is not distinguished by massive limbs or noticeable muscularity, however, the strength qualities are not much inferior to the previous breeds.

Main colors: gray, red, black.

Another "Frenchman", which was bred in the 19th century, however, many scientists argue that this breed existed during the time of heroic campaigns and was used as a riding horse. Since the rider in armor weighed a lot, he needed a strong and hardy horse that could travel a long distance.
Percheron is distinguished not only by muscularity, but also by unusual grace and mobility.

Main parameters:

  • height - 160 cm;
  • length - 168 cm;
  • bust - 200 cm.

There are two common ones - gray and black.

Horses of this breed not only withstand the strongest loads, but can also work for a long time without interruption. They are not susceptible to most diseases and take root well in different climatic conditions. It is these advantages that have brought great popularity to the breed.
Nowadays, percherons are used more for tourist excursions and equestrian sports.

An English breed that was officially registered in the mid-18th century. The use of this horse for agricultural work is due to the fact that it performs arable work much faster due to the lack of brushes on its legs.
Clay England before the advent of mechanized equipment was processed by the Suffolks.

The massive body visually makes the horse's limbs less wide, but this is only an illusion, since the horses are very strong and can withstand serious loads.
It is also worth noting complaisance and friendliness, so they are often involved in hippotherapy.

Suffolk has a solid color, which is a variation of color. Sometimes you can meet individuals with a white spot on their foreheads.
Currently, the species is used for horseback riding, for medicinal purposes or in equestrian sports.

An English draft horse that is a direct descendant of the military horses used in medieval campaigns.
Shires are distinguished by a proportionally developed body. They are adapted to long work and have good draft power.

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