Otar Kushanashvili family. See what "Kushanashvili, Otar Shalvovich" is in other dictionaries. Georgians welcome early marriages

Over the years of his activity, Otar Kushanashvili has been awarded various epithets: a troublemaker, outrageous, and unpredictable, which suggests that he leaves no one indifferent to his person.

His creative biography never stood still, so Kushanashvili tried himself as a journalist, actor, TV and radio host, and also wrote several books. He knows many secrets of Russian show business stars, which he often talks about in his favorite style with a dose of sarcasm.

Passion for journalism in school years

The future journalist was born in 1970 in Kutaisi, Georgian SSR. His parents were not related to creative professions. The father and mother were engaged in raising four more children, his sisters and brothers. Otar, even in childhood, grew up as a sociable and emotional boy who not only wanted to know a lot, but also could boldly speak out on any occasion.

During his school years, he loved to read, first it was books, and then printed publications such as the Literary Gazette. Then the young man began to write his first articles, which he sent to the local newspaper Kutaisskaya Pravda. After leaving school, he did not face the question of choosing a future profession, since he had long decided to connect his life with journalism. Soon Kushanashvili left for Tbilisi, where he became a university student, but he never graduated. After serving two years in the army, he left for Moscow.

Building a career in radio and television

But conquering the capital was not so easy. To get a job as an editor in a regular newspaper, he had to earn extra money as a school janitor and janitor. However, the future journalist did not give up, sending his resume to numerous printed publications. In 1993, he was hired by the New Look newspaper, where within a few months he was able to earn praise for an excellent interview.

Otar Kushanashvili in his youth.

Soon, Otar managed to talk with Ivan Demidov, who spotted a smart journalist and invited him to lead the new Sharks of the Pen project on the TV-6 channel. In a short time, the rating of this program went off scale, and the invited guests, represented by many show business celebrities, were discouraged by the provocative questions of the newly-minted presenter. However, soon Kushanashvili left the show and used his abilities in many musical programs: “Party from Metelitsa”, “Obozzz-show”, “Ops-Pops”, “On the Boulevard”, “Time is Money”, “Big Jackpot”, which viewers could see on TV-6, STS and DTV.

The career of a journalist and presenter was steadily going uphill: in 1995 he already worked as the editor-in-chief of MuzOBOZ, which later appeared as the weekly Musical Truth. In his creative piggy bank there is also participation as a radio host of Europe Plus, as well as journalistic articles for the newspapers Arguments and Facts, Evening Moscow, Moskovskaya Pravda, Night Rendezvous and others. Otar did not pass by the cinema either, having played in such films as "33 square meters", "Kamenskaya-3", "Club" and others. In 2016, he was offered to become a co-host of the Natural Selection program on the TV Center TV channel, where Zinaida Rudenko is his company.

The role of husband and father of many children

Speaking in society and on the screen under the guise of a scandalous and sharp-tongued journalist, in his personal life Kushanashvili is a loving and caring father and husband. His first wife was a colleague in the shop - Maria Gorokhova. Three children were born in a marriage with a journalist: daughter Daria and sons George and Nikolos. After the divorce, the first family settled in Kyiv. With his second wife, lawyer Irina Kiseleva, he lived for five years, raising his daughter Elina and son Fedor.

In the photo, Otar Kushanashvili with children. Instagram otar.kushanashvili.

He found real happiness in the third union, in which business lady Olga Kurochkina became his chosen one. The common-law spouses became parents three times: they have three children growing up: son Mamuka, daughter Elena and son Roman, who was born quite recently - in 2016. The showman named the baby in honor of his deceased brother Romani. With children from previous marriages, he maintains communication and helps them in everything. He is proud of the success of his eldest daughter Daria, who intends to make her way on television.

The TV presenter is engaged not only in creative activities, but also has his own business - the Georgian restaurant Satrapezo. For some time now, 47-year-old Kushanashvili began to monitor his appearance and weight, since with a height of 177 cm he had extra pounds. However, he did not follow the newfangled weight loss recommendations, but simply began to eat less, having thrown off 14 kg after a while. Having achieved good changes in the figure, the showman also intends to take care of his face in order to look younger on the screen.

Russian and Georgian music TV journalist, showman and TV presenter Otar Kushanashvili. Known for his scandalous acts and harsh judgments. Calls himself "anti-publicist".

Biography of Otar Kushanashvili

Otar Kushanashvili was born on June 22, 1970 in the city of Kutaisi. From his youth he was engaged in journalism, published in the newspaper "Kutais truth" and corresponded with legendary authors "Literary newspaper". Since childhood, he dreamed of a career in journalism.

“I thought when I decided to write for the first time: what if he answers me? A man from another galaxy? I was 14 years old, and I am writing to Lev Annensky from Kutaisi: “Chingiz Aitmatov is a bad writer! You should read at least Nodar Dumbadze. Our writer will be stronger!” And, probably, ofigev, Lev Alexandrovich writes to me in response: "Could you write more about yourself." I remember kissing his letter and crying.

Otar was expelled from the Faculty of Journalism of Tbilisi University, and he made a very important decision for himself - to leave for Moscow immediately after serving in the army.

In the capital, his life did not turn out the way he would like: Otar had to wash the floors at the Paveletsky railway station and work as a night watchman. However, in 1993, Otar became a staff correspondent for the New Look newspaper, and from that moment his real creative career began.

The creative path of Otar Kushanashvili

When Otar first appeared on the Sharks of the Pen program (at that time he was already a correspondent for the Novy Vzglyad newspaper), the well-known journalist Stanislav Rassadin wrote about him in his article: “... In this disgusting lad attacking decent people with indecent questions, Otar Kushanashvili, I hardly recognized the wonderful young man from Kutaisi, who wrote me naive, semi-literate, but full of fire letters. The era of shifters has arrived. I regret having contact with him."

But after the release of the cult program "Sharks of the Pen", success immediately came to Kushanashvili - he created the image of a scandalous, sharp-tongued journalist who did not recognize authorities and raised only sensitive topics.

Under the auspices of the founder of the Novy Vzglyad newspaper Yevgeny Dodolev and producer Ivan Demidov, Otar became the star of Russian journalism, and in 1995 he became the editor-in-chief of the weekly MuzOBOZ (Musical Truth).

On television, Otar is known as the host of the musical programs "Party Zone" and "Obozzz Show" on TV-6, as well as the programs "Big Kush" on STS and "On the Boulevard" on DTV.

In the magazines Om, Secret & Secret, Fly & Drive and the newspaper Arguments and Facts, Kushanashvili led author's columns, and Europe Plus radio station invited a journalist as the host of several programs.

Later, Otar became the co-host of the heroine of the reality show "Dom-2" Alena Vodonaeva in the online project RealityGirl. And here there were some scandals - Otar publicly announced that he did not see the difference between an unknown provincial girl and the famous Alena Vodonaeva.

The actions of Otar Kushanashvili repeatedly shocked the public: either he began to swear on the air of Channel One during the broadcast of the Eurovision Song Contest, then he ran onto the field with threats to the referee during the match between the Russian and Portuguese national football teams, and in protest against the unfair play of the leaders television project "King of the Ring" did not show up for a fight with Sergei Chelobanov.

In 2016, Otar became the host of the Natural Selection programs and “Help me, I can’t cook! » on the TV channel.

Relations Otara Kushanashvili with prominent figures of Russian art leave much to be desired. Alla Pugacheva and Alexander Abdulov personally threatened the journalist, which is not surprising after his sarcastic remarks about show business representatives.

“I once asked myself: “Are you going to run a marathon or a hundred meters?” And he answered once and for all: “If a marathon, you don’t have to reach out to Nikolai Fomenko, Dmitry Dibrov, copy them. You are different. Not so dazzling and talented. But a very strong artisan, a workaholic. And if people smile at you, there must be something in you? So it must be obtained and developed.”

Otar is the author of four books that he published between 2010 and 2017. He acted in films and TV series several times - Thank God You Came! , "33 square meters", etc.

Personal life of Otar Kushanashvili

Otar Kushanashvili was married twice.

His first wife was Maria Gorokhova, in whose marriage the journalist had three children - Daria, Georgy and Nikolos. After the divorce, the ex-wife made every effort to leave Kushanashvili without property.

The second time Otar married lawyer Irina Kiseleva, with whom he lived for 5 years. Over the years, he managed to become a father for two more children - Fedor and Elina.

With his third wife, business lady Olga Kurochkina, Kushanashvili lives in a civil marriage, which did not prevent him from having three more children (Elena, Roman and Mamuka).

“I never told anyone that from the trio - “plant a tree, build a house, give birth to a son” - I have already completed everything.”

Filmography of Otar Kushanashvili

  • This is the morning (TV series 2014)
  • Kaleidoscope (2008)
  • My truth (TV series 2007 - ...)
  • Club (TV series 2006–2009)
  • How the idols left (TV series, 2005–2007)
  • Kamenskaya: When the gods laugh (2003)

There is an excellent historical anecdote: “A young man comes to be hired by the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill. He, in addition to professional moments, is interested in the marital status of the applicant. “I am married and have seven children,” the young man replies, to which Sir Winston raises his eyebrows in surprise and says: “Everyone knows about my addiction to cigars, but even I sometimes take them out of my mouth ...” Why am I? Oh yes, about children and cigars ... Both of these are simply adored by our hero, Otar Kushanashvili, a shocking journalist, a disturber of public peace, a person far from polycorrectness and curtsy, an over-emotional representative of his proud people, a rhetorician and a bully, in a sharp tongue to which stars of all ranks and classes prefer not to come across.

- Otar, so you, it turns out, are a father of many children?

Yes, I have seven children. Each of them was born with an interval of two years. Only the youngest son, he is now three years old, is an exception.

- What are the children's names?

Dasha, George, Nikolos (sons live in Kyiv), Alina, Elina - this one lives in Rostov-on-Don, uncle Fyodor and Danil. Four boys and three ladies. And everything with my face - this must be emphasized: all Otariki!

-I understand that all children are not from one wife?

I will bypass this question. By the way, I was officially married only once, and this marriage formally ended quite recently. And so it lasted all these years, from graduation. The very next day I brought my beloved to meet my parents. It was in Kutaisi.

- Do Georgians welcome early marriages?

In general, few people do this in Georgia. Early marriages are no longer in use. But my parents, now deceased, did not show much dissatisfaction. They saw that I was in love, and no one objected to the wedding.

- And now you do not regret that you were not dissuaded then?

No, not at all. I only regret that my wife and I said a lot of bad words to each other. Well, what can we remember now ... They were young and very stupid. My temper, nervousness played a role. It was necessary to somehow build relations differently, but by that time I was already traveling around the country, I was very tired, I exploded on every occasion. I would have to show a little more sensitivity, wisdom, but no, I freaked out and thought that I was underestimated. I will say this: I am today and I am five years ago - two different people. But now she does not understand me and does not love me. Yes, what a sin to conceal - these feelings are mutual.

Otar, we met at the Slavianski Bazaar festival in 1995. You were a frantic Otarik around whom the whole universe seemed to revolve.

Yes, at that time I was cheesy and played a failed gangster. Ivan Demidov told me to be like this on stage - a buzzer, a fencer. And crossing the threshold of the house, I became a sentimental and whiny lover of Indian cinema. We had children every two years, in between I went to discover the world, and my wife never let him see it. I had a lot of impressions, I went where I wanted, and at that time she was raising children. Now I think about it with such sympathy for her.

You know, I once gave an interview in which I named names ... It was already after the break with my wife, I did not think that I would hurt her. She was furious! I reasoned that if I am now free, then I can start novels and talk openly about them. It turns out that I can’t - it’s a person who is stabbed in the heart with a knife. And we agreed that now I will call only one name - Masha. Therefore, I will say this: there was no one but Masha.

It's very masculine. Otar, didn’t you feel guilty before your children because they didn’t receive your father’s warmth?

This does not apply to children! They do not participate in this conflict at all. I left, returned and was with them. No dislike! I choked the children with my love, they choked in it. As my father and mother loved me, so I loved them.

- Are you the only one in the family?

My friend, there cannot be one child in a Kutaisi family! We have nine parents.

- Are you ready to repeat the feat of your parents?

I can't take more than seven. It's all!

- Do you mean the financial side?

Of course, I must invest in the normal future of my children. First of all, Dasha, she is already quite an adult, she is sixteen. And the fighters are already there. Naturally, the most beautiful girls should like them, read a lot, be educated, I should dress them normally. In general, none of my children are deprived. I find it funny when some characters spend 300 thousand in the casino and complain that they have no money. I should always have money for my children!

- Listen, does a journalist's income really allow him to keep such a crowd?

No, well, what, my friend, is the income? Journalism doesn't make money. I never lived on these earnings, but lived in semi-legal activities - some restaurants, cafes, in general, with the world on a thread.

-Never worked as a literary slave - did you write books for anyone?

With my style, which I myself do not understand, this is impossible.

Here we must also take into account that anthropologically and anatomically Georgian men age earlier. By the age of 35, I realized that it was enough to play the fool. Children grow up, and either you take up your mind for them, or you are worthless. What I feel? Probably pity and anger. After all, life could have been built differently. I could be smarter and more attentive to people. It seems to me that if I had not listened to certain people, because of whom my friends left - Murat Nasyrov, Igor Sorin, and had not been carried away by some moments, justifying them with a large amount of work, it would have been much better. Of course, the man understands that he is no longer a teenager. But I want to somehow grow old nobly, like Richard Gere. Lenya Nerushenko and I from the Dynamite group once agreed to grow old this way. And then he died from drugs and alcohol.

You had the sanity to avoid this fate.

You know, kids change. And friends change. As there were three of them since 1992, so three remained.

And also, when it comes to age, I think about my parents more and more often with guilt. I was the youngest and most beloved of nine children. And there was tenderness and sentimentality in me, which I carefully concealed. I didn't convey sincere feelings to my parents. Only now I understand this, that I had to tell my parents every minute that I love them. Mom especially needed it. She distributed this love to the blockheads and did not receive it in return. On the other hand, seeing how my peers relate to still living parents, it seems to me that I am a model. Although you can always be the best.

Now you have the opportunity to rehabilitate in relationships with children. You have a very grown daughter. Are you bringing it to light?

She really wants it. Dasha is the only one of all my children who wants a public profession. She wanted to become an actress, but being a girl with the face of Otar Kushanashvili is a curse. So she decided to be a journalist, which I'm not happy about. I don't like the way she puts words together. In addition, in Ukraine, and Russia, and in Georgia, this profession is so meagerly paid, people are forced to their knees with two kopecks. I, as a Georgian dad, do not want Dasha to be a dependent person, I would like her to do business in life that allows her to hold her head high and not humiliate herself in front of anyone. And the profession I have named will not be in economic favor for a long time to come. People are in a humiliating position. But in any case, I will always help my daughter! And I will always protect her.

One can only dream of such a father.

In general, I turned out to be a manic dad. I call to check if she is at home after eleven, and if not, I demand an account of who is seeing her off. After all, how many people are mentally ill. Of course, when the children were small, I changed diapers, but I never thought that I would be such an anxious dad.

And if Dasha follows in your footsteps and the next day after the graduation party, she brings her former classmate to meet? How would you react to this turn of events?

Honestly, while I'm not ready for this and can't predict, but I think that I have enough wisdom and intelligence not to be a didactics and not to wag a finger. But to a greater extent, I hope for Dasha's sanity - after all, she cannot but understand that it is too early to create a family, that you need to look around, see the world. But as far as I know, Dasha doesn't have a boyfriend right now. She would tell me about falling in love, and the senior trustee tells me what is happening in the class.

- Otar, do you remember all the birthdays of your children?

Sometimes I can confuse who goes after whom. And I'm being caught on it. But I know for sure that a series of birthdays begins on September 5th. I justify myself by saying that I saved the demography of three countries, that I have more children than Dynamo Kiev fans! Usually I gather everyone together and we go to Twin Peaks - this is such a restaurant in Ostankino.

- I present a picture: a happy father of a family, surrounded by loving children.

I realized: I like to please children. And earn their authority - it's very cool!

The well-known Russian music journalist and TV presenter Otar Kushanashvili is well known to the older generation of the country's TV viewers. In the 90s of the twentieth century, he was one of the most famous showmen in Russia and became famous for his scandalous behavior, multiplied by his Georgian temperament and desire to express his point of view on many issues of the surrounding reality. Passion for shocking more than once let Otar down, and he was even "excommunicated" from activities on TV for mate on the air. In private life, this man is not the same as in his public life and is a surprisingly gentle father, able to talk for hours about his many children and talk about the vicissitudes of family life. Otar Kushanishvili's wife is currently Russian businesswoman Olga Kurochkina.

Otar's first wife, Maria Kushanashvili, was not Georgian and received the profession of a lawyer. Their wedding took place in early youth, immediately after the graduation ball. In this marriage, the eldest daughter Daria was born, whom the admiring father calls Dariko and considers the first clever and beautiful, sons George and Nikolos. Maria, who lives with her children in Kyiv, sued her unfaithful husband for all the property, and, without forbidding him to see her daughter, keeps the boys away from their father. Dariko dreams, following the example of Otar, to make a career on television and cynical even with the powerful of this “anti-publicist”, as he calls himself, touches her plans.

In 2004, Otar married Irina Kiseleva, who took his last name in addition to the main one. Just like his first wife, she was very far from the world of television, show business and publicity. Irina worked as a lawyer in a reputable bank. True, for the sake of prolonging the family of the chic editor of MuzOBOZ, she temporarily sacrificed her professional ambitions and gave birth to another daughter, Elina, and another son, the son of Fedor. The happy father was quite pleased and dreamed of having 10 children in order to break the record of his parents: he himself grew up in a large family, where he had as many as 8 brothers and sisters. The second marriage of Otar Kushanashvili promised to be long, and family happiness - cloudless. But he also broke up with Irina: 5 years after the wedding, in 2009. Neither two beloved children nor a good relationship with the mother-in-law could save this family.

Otar's next beloved woman, Olga Kurochkina, is his common-law wife, who gave birth to her first son Mamuka in 2009, which was the last for the journalist's previous marriage. The relationship of lovers began during the family life of Otar. Now Mamuka is already 7 years old and after a little time, he had a little sister Elena. Their mother is a business woman and, having time to raise children, independently manages her own business. She owns a quite prosperous Georgian karaoke restaurant "Satrapezo", and besides this, Olga took up the promotion of the women's group "5B", hoping to succeed in the difficult field of a producer.

In the summer of 2016, another child was born in the family - little Roman. Otar, who was silent for the time being, only in February made a joyful statement to reporters: “In these fierce times, I decided on another little one. Only they make me stronger! Saving demographics - long live the number 8! The incorrigible hooligan and rude Kushanashvili is transformed, starting a speech about his descendants. He loves to talk about their characters, habits, tricks and statements at different times of growing up and mentions his daughters with special affection.

Justifying himself that it is not customary to talk about money in Georgian families, Otar admitted in one of the interviews that he often had to lie in the family, that everything was in order with him and borrow money for the needs of children from friends and acquaintances, but the hard times had passed and now his financial situation stabilized. He even managed once to organize a general meeting of all his children and they quickly found a common language. This, in his opinion, was a wonderful moment. The common-law wife of Otar Kushanashvili knows how to support her husband and their union has been going on for more than 7 years. Perhaps Olga is ready to make the dream of an indefatigable critic about 10 children come true. After all, the happy father is only 46 years old.

Infamous and outrageous, creative and bright, unpredictable and adventurous. This successive series of epithets, of course, can be continued, because it refers to Otar Kushanashvili, who today embodies the nightmare of domestic show business.

Biography of Otar Kushanashvili

On June 22, 1970, the ancient Georgian city of Kutaisi was replenished in the family of Shalva and Nelli Kushanashvili with one of their nine offspring - Otar. Even from school, the boy was famous for his increased sociability, expressing his thoughts quite openly and fearlessly. His pen test took place in the publication Kutaisskaya Pravda, and Otar himself recalls his bold reviews of the well-known metropolitan authors of the Literary Gazette - Stanislav Rassadin and Lev Anninsky today with an overabundance of excitement.

The faculty of journalism at Tbilisi University, where Kushanashvili tried to continue his education, could not become a professional springboard for future fame due to expulsion. The reason for this non-trivial event is called "a long tongue and unworthy behavior of a Georgian."

After military service in the ranks of the defenders of the Fatherland, our tireless hero set off to conquer Moscow. Here he bombarded all possible publishing houses with his resumes, and out of 35 requests, one received a response. It was with the newspaper "New Look", founded by Evgeny Dodolev, that the creative biography of Otar Kushanashvili began. By the way, before working in the editorial office, a young Georgian guy managed to work as a school watchman and scrub the floors at the Paveletsky railway station.

Today, the following can be confidently attributed to his undoubtedly successful and rather scandalous projects: the Sharks of the Pen TV show, the MuzOBOZ weekly, the Party Zone TV show, the Obozzz-Show TV show, the 33 Square Meters TV series, the Kamenskaya-3 TV series ”, the TV series “Club”, the documentary film “Life is like a movie, or a high security show”, the TV series “Kaleidoscope”, the book “I. The Book is Revenge”, the book “The Epoch and I: Chronicles of a Hooligan”, the documentary film “Vladislav Galkin. Get out of the role, the book Me and Ways in... How to Defeat Good, the TV show What's It Like?, the TV show 100% Morning, the TV show Natural Selection, and the book Not Alone.

The personal life of the famous TV presenter

Being one of the nine brothers and sisters of his parental family, Otar Kushanashvili, along with his very prolific professional activity, performs a tireless feat on the path of the demographic policy of our country to restore the human resource. Today, behind the shoulders of a short, but stocky Georgian with a hairy chest, there are already three marriages and eight children.

The feat of arms of a family man was crowned by the spouses: Maria Gorokhova (with the prefix “ex” and the reputation of a woman who sued all real estate from her ex-husband), Irina Kiseleva (with a similar prefix and the profession of a banking lawyer), Olga Kurochkina (current wife with the prefix “civilian” and the title Business lady).

It is authentically known that Otar introduced all the children from different marriages to each other and thus brought to life his idea of ​​a “big and friendly family”.

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