How to improve mood? Proven ways to continue to enjoy life, despite external circumstances! How to cheer yourself up: useful tips

5 recipes for longing and sadness

Often a bad mood, a state of sadness ... Why is it necessary to deal with this?

Irritation for any reason, unwillingness to do anything, a state of unreasonable sadness, the absence of a smile on the face - all this is commonly called a bad mood. Should we fight it? The answer is unequivocal - yes!

After all, a bad mood negatively affects the quality of work, the usefulness of sleep and general condition organism. Yes, and it is uncomfortable for others to communicate with a constantly sad person. In addition, if such a state is delayed, it can turn into depression. And this is a disease.

But let's leave the topic of depression to psychologists. The task of this article is to prevent the development of such an ailment.

So how can you disperse longing and restore the joy of life?

There are five basic recipes for so-called sadness. All of them are tested by life and justified by medicine.

Recipe number 1. Good music that can evoke positive emotions. It would be nice to start the day with her. After all, you can have breakfast or apply makeup, combining these activities with pleasant melodies. A similar option is morning TV channels, full of positive and benevolence.

Recipe number 2. Sports or dancing. This is not only useful, but also distracts from extraneous thoughts. active movement is a powerful engine to launch a good mood. The saying that in a healthy body - healthy mind, very close to the truth.

Recipe number 3. Replenishment of the amount of serotonin in the body. This substance is rightly called the hormone of joy. When the level of serotonin is normal, a person is practically not susceptible to stress or tolerates it in a very mild form. A lack of the substance serotonin in the body contributes to irritability, short temper and other symptoms. bad mood.

So, it is necessary to replenish the reserves of this amazing hormone. How? Consuming foods that contain serotonin maximum quantities. And these are such goodies as unripe bananas, dates and dark chocolate.

Interestingly, there is a double causal relationship here. On the one hand, the higher the level of serotonin in the body, the better mood. On the other hand, with a positive perception of life, our body itself produces this hormone. Therefore, being in a good mood is not only pleasant, but also useful.

Recipe number 4. Positive thinking. We know that "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" (Matthew 12:34). In other words, and our words testify to our state of mind. Therefore, it is necessary to think about the good and say it out loud. You can look at any life situation from at least two sides.

It is necessary to learn to dream, to learn to see any problem already solved. The words “it won’t work”, “everything is bad, but it will get even worse”, “I don’t see a way out” must be replaced with the opposite ones. That is, instead of words of defeat, it is necessary to pronounce the words of victory: “I can”, “everything will be fine”, etc. And trust that it will.

Don't look at what is now. Dream. The situation will change according to your thoughts and words. Mystic? Not at all. Many works, both secular and religious, have been written about the power of spoken words.

The most authoritative source available is the Bible, which pays great attention to the theme of the word. God created the universe and everything that lives in it with a word. He spoke and it happened. Abraham believed God and began to call the non-existent as existing. And got what I wanted!

Solomon was the most wise man of his time. Was that why he was also the richest? And he knew the value of the word, as evidenced by his famous parables.

Recipe number 5. Smile. Have you noticed that a smile has a mirror effect? It is worth smiling, and you will see a smile in return. The truth is that by sharing our joy with others, we multiply it.

To create a friendly atmosphere around you, you need to sow at least a seed of goodness. A natural friendly smile and a kind look can become the seeds from which chic fruits will grow. And when you are surrounded by smiles and cheerful people, then, believe me, there is no time for sadness.

It turns out that we have the power to change the world around us. And then this world will certainly change our perception of life. And that's exactly what we're talking about. This is exactly what we are striving for.

And one should remember the words of the wise Solomon that a cheerful heart is healing, like a medicine, and despondency dries up from the inside. (Proverbs 17:22)

Let's talk about how to improve your mood and get rid of sadness and longing. In fact, everything is much simpler, so do not rush to get upset. Now you will quickly get yourself in shape.

It is important to make a reservation right away that high spirits are not euphoria. We perceive a good mood as a state in which you need to laugh, jump for happiness and rejoice out loud. Have you noticed that it is this state that irritates others? And all because it is euphoria, not a good mood.

Don't walk away from negativity

Strong positive emotions cause the same stress in the body as strong negative ones. Both require energy from us to express feelings. Ultimately, unbridled joy on the principle of a swing sooner or later turns into baseless sadness.

A good mood is a state of balance in a creative point of view. Let's say you came to your favorite coffee shop, to some cafe in Kyiv. And they ordered a cup of tea. You have a day off, the weather is fine outside, and you read the VKontakte feed, where they write only good news. You feel good, easy, look at problems as tasks and bring good nature to the world. This is what we will learn to evoke in ourselves.

Do not move away from negativity, but simply do not let it into your life.

Many psychologists advise avoiding negative emotions, but this is part of our life and avoiding them means not paying attention to what needs to be looked at. If your loved ones are in trouble, if you yourself are going through difficult days, if you see aggression in the world, respond to this without letting negativity into your thoughts.

To do this is quite simple. If someone told you bad news, send love to the aggressors. Imagine that you are a magician and can send love to anyone you wish. Thus, you will not run away from the negative, but you will be able to neutralize it. Love is a powerful energy that, like a shield, sends the arrows of aggression back.

Focus on the image of the winner

The next step is to focus on the image of the winner. Many problems have piled on you, you have troubles and fears. Imagine that you are in the center of a hurricane, everything around you is being destroyed, and you are plunging into a vacuum that no forces can reach. You are protected and calm. You can let your loved ones, important things and objects into this vacuum in order to protect them too.

This visualization will let you remember that any troubles cannot touch you, because you have a connection with Higher powers who will protect you always and everywhere.

Your task is to create a state of balance. You do not need strong positive emotions, you need inner peace, which will allow you to remain a winner in a good mood.

These practices are already quite enough to cheer yourself up and get you back on track. But what to do if longing and sadness have already managed to get to your very core, and you are increasingly plunging into negative chaos?


In order to come from negative emotions into a good mood, you need to go through the stage of neutralization. This is a kind of alignment of the emotional body, in which you feel only calmness.

A special one will help to cope with this task. In combination with other methods, it will work flawlessly. You relax, plunge into bliss and thus align yourself. After that, you will feel relief. And it will take about 15 minutes.

If you're in the middle of things at work or stuck in traffic, this won't work for you, but when you get home, you might as well give yourself a few minutes to recover. emotional state. Use this regularly. Practice shows that over time, meditation only works better.

Now you know how to improve your mood and get rid of sadness and longing. You may not succeed right away, but keep trying. In the end, the act of willpower will allow you to consciously influence your own feelings, and you will make other choices that are more suitable for you.

When sad and sad, nothing pleases around. Even the sunlight seems not so bright and cheerful. What can we say about the things that need to be done. Many people remember that when they are in a bad mood, everything “falls out of hand”, it is difficult to complete the work they have begun, there is no strength and everything around looks gray and sad. You can change your mood, for this it is enough to follow some tips that may well cheer you up and.

Change of mood depends on both external and internal factors. Of course, it is very important what happens to your health, how well you slept last night, whether you have any troubles at work. Often a change in mood, both for the better and for the worst side influenced by the people around us. A positive, cheerful friend can make you laugh in a few minutes and make you think about good things, but a gloomy acquaintance can spoil your mood with just a few phrases. But most often our mood depends on ourselves, on our thoughts and on how we perceive the world.

If you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning just think about extra pounds- that's it, a good mood will take off like a hand! The rest of the day, one way or another, will go by the slogan of fast diets, the imperfections of this world and the painful rejection of delicious cake at lunch. Can all these thoughts cheer you up? Hardly. But the idea that everything in the world is perfect and beautiful, and even more so your own reflection in the mirror, is quite capable of raising your spirits for the whole day!

The main thing is our attitude to the situation, because it forms our mood! And to change your attitude, you need a desire, a small effort, which in the end will turn into good result. It is important to realize that in order to escape from the captivity of a bad mood, you need a little effort, your desire to change the situation in better side. There are many ways to improve your mood:

Decide to change your mood. This is the very first step towards improving your mood and feeling. Make a conscious effort for this! The solution can only be found for the problem that you are aware of.

Stop blaming yourself for what happened. One way or another, but something bad happens in our lives all the time. If something happens to be your fault and you get built up and start blaming yourself, then maybe some self-criticism won't hurt, as it allows you to learn from your experience and move on, avoiding similar problems in the future.

Talk to someone who truly loves you. Call your mom or dad, those relatives with whom you have close emotional contact, tell us how you feel now about that. what happened in your life. Might be worth talking to best friend or sister. Talk to your loved one, whose support and understanding is so important. If this is not possible, talk to a psychologist. The main thing is the opportunity to say everything that you have accumulated and what prevents you from rejoicing and living. full life. You can even talk to your cat or dog, in case of emergency.

Stay away from negative people who criticize your every action or thought. Their authoritative opinion has nothing to do with advice that can really come in handy in life. Trying to look better against your background, these people will only undermine and spoil the mood. That is, if your neighbor constantly tells you that you have gained weight, made a terrible hairstyle and that your son is an inveterate bully and mediocrity - stop talking to her immediately!

It is worth visiting more often in the company of positive-minded people. It doesn’t matter what unites you, but a positive attitude, smiles, confidence that everything will be fine, perfectly cheer you up and help you cope with a sad mood.

Find an outlet in spiritual development. Often the search for the meaning of life ends when the answers to many questions are in the spiritual realm. Spiritual thoughts are pure, kind and full of light. And this feeling is so lacking in the constant cycle of life. They help to resist the blows of fate and help in moments of severe difficulties.

Give help to someone who needs it. Becoming a support for someone, helping those who are weaker and who need help opens compassion in us, a feeling that is akin in some sense to love, the desire to help and the power of our soul. This feeling fills life with strength and meaning. The mood always improves when you see the fruits of your labor, especially if it is the gratitude and smile of the one we helped.

Change the habitual way of your life. If you usually prefer to spend your holidays at home, it is worth going to distant countries, add thrills to your life! Change boring habits, have fun, try something new, something that you could not think of before. If you are not ready for such drastic changes, try doing old, familiar things in a new way.

Change your diet. Our mood is affected by what vitamins and minerals we get from our food. Our body needs a variety of healthy diet able to charge him with energy for the whole day. healthy and healthy food it can also be tasty, it is not necessary to think about diets and tasteless cereals.

Physical activity is the best way to cope with a bad mood. At the beginning of the last century, psychiatrists believed that the best medicine from depression is considered strenuous work and best of all, associated with physical labor. Well, this opinion is still relevant today. It is not necessary to go into the field to sow a new crop, it is quite enough to captivate yourself with a new sport. You will notice how your mood and overall satisfaction with yourself will improve each time you make progress in this matter. Skiing, skating, swimming, even classes in the fitness center will benefit you and your mood.

Don't Forget the Benefits breathing exercises. They help to cope not only with anxiety, but also with a bad mood. Taking a deep breath, relaxing all the muscles of the body, exhaling, holding the breath a little, and inhaling again - this is the main recipe for excellent breathing exercises. Do not forget that they are all performed by the abdominal muscles, not the sternum. This is a very important point that should not be overlooked.

Engage in a design change in your home. Repairs in the apartment, furniture rearrangement, and even the replacement of curtains can cheer you up and feel light and happy again. The main thing is the process that allows you to become a designer own life, change and improve a lot in it. After all, with every change in our home, we change ourselves. Perhaps a new, lighter and lighter shade of paint on the walls of your home will bring warmth and light to your soul.

Get ready for a good and deep sleep. It is well known that sound and prolonged sleep can restore calmness, vigor and good mood. Cleopatra believed that in order to be beautiful, a woman needs 12 hours. unfortunately, the fast pace of our lives does not allow such luxury, however, even 8 hours of sleep can work wonders with our mood and appearance. Sweet sleep and pleasant dreams!

Get as many pleasant relaxing minutes as possible. Relaxing massage, spa treatments, even taking a bath can lift your spirits, take away disturbing thoughts and put you in a positive mood. today there are a huge number of ingredients that can turn an ordinary bath into a truly relaxing blissful magic: aroma candles, bath foam or salt, pleasant music - and all the problems and anxieties of the day will be blown away.

Nothing lifts your mood like watching a good comedy with friends. This is the shortest way to cheer yourself up, experiencing various comical situations with the characters, following the development of the plot and, most likely, guessing what kind of ending awaits the characters, but at the same time, never ceasing to be surprised by the events that happen to them on the screen. A good comedy that makes you smile is a great cure for sadness. And the company of best friends will enhance the effect of this medicine at times!

Reading your favorite book should also be included in the same paragraph. However, it is better to read alone, climbing into a comfortable chair, wrapping yourself in a fluffy blanket, empathizing with the heroes of the book and the story that happened to him, making yourself delicious tea or coffee, and maybe you should stop thinking about diet and enjoy delicious homemade cookies, having fallen out of the cycle of a fast-paced life for a while, devoting time to himself and pleasant reading.

If you don't have a hobby yet, get one now! The pleasure of doing what you love will cheer you up. Drawing, playing your favorite instruments, skydiving, rock climbing, embroidery, cooking - there are so many interesting things in the world that can attract your attention and distract you from sad thoughts.

Spend more time with children. You can go hiking and zoos, attend various clubs and spend time together without doing anything special. Which is also a special pleasure! Chat with your children, talk about anything, read aloud to them, play with them. Children have a wonderful ability to enjoy simple things, illuminating the world around with their smile. If you don’t have your own, you should visit friends who have kids or have your own.

Go on dates if you don't have a date yet, or arrange a date for your own husband. A romantic mood is good for any relationship, no matter how long you would be married. Candlelight dinner, cooking this dinner together, ending up in your bedroom, a romantic walk, a weekend trip to a romantic place, your dream vacation at last! When we are in love, we seem to soar on wings, all problems seem small and unworthy of attention, all worries are connected only with the object of our love, the mood is amazing, isn't it? So why not get that state back? Why not experience the same feelings again? At least the influx of good mood will be provided to you!

Interested in what is happening around you. Curiosity can lead you to think about a new interesting journey or you can find a new activity for yourself. Every time we are interested in something, we discover secrets for ourselves, learn a lot of new things, grow and improve. Expanding your horizons, marveling at the splendor of life, it is impossible to be sad and remain sad for a long time. Every time new interesting activity, news, an event about which we learn changes our lives. So make these changes positive!

Don't give up! Every time it seems to you that life is meaningless, a heap of problems covers you headlong, raise your eyes to the sky, the sun is still shining there and clouds are floating measuredly across the sky. Problems will always accompany us in our lives, but our attitude towards them can be changed. And it’s worth starting with our own mood, because when we smile, are full of energy and feel great, we can handle everything, we can handle everything!

Almost every person is sometimes visited by such an uninvited guest as melancholy. As a result of loss and emptiness, emotional pain, despair and helplessness, sadness arises. Melancholic people are distinguished by lethargy and aloofness, apathy and tearfulness. Sometimes black stripes in life are replaced by white ones, and the mood changes to positive. But there are times when longing and apathy sit in the soul for a long time for no reason. The person stops noticing bright colors life. If you do not know how to overcome sadness and bad mood, then it will not hurt you to get acquainted with actionable advice on this occasion.

What is sadness?

To understand how to stop being sad, it is worth learning about the emotion itself. Sadness is put on a par with fear, disgust, fatigue, guilt, loneliness. Sadness arises after some negative events. Sometimes sadness is caused by genetic factors, which can lead to depression. A person in melancholy or depression loses the joy of life, motivation and hope. Prolonged stay in this state leads to helplessness. Sadness can last seconds, minutes, and sometimes days and months.

Striving for certain goals is real happiness

Most often, people themselves hang certain difficulties, problems and fears on themselves. How to stop being sad and start living in a similar situation? Happiness, like health, can be regulated by the individual. One of the components of a good mood is setting and striving for certain goals. First, determine what factors prevent you from enjoying every day. What makes others look at the world positively?

So, to everyone who is sad, stop! Learn to set goals for yourself that you want to achieve in life. For some, this is a pleasant journey through various places, others - successful career, third - happy family life. If you cannot decide on big goal Set small tasks first. In cases of problems along the way, concentrate on the implementation of the tasks. Unnecessary experiences will not bring you any benefit. With your thinking, you create the world around you. Striving for a positive outcome will distract you from negative thoughts and save you from hopelessness.

Learn to be distracted and live in the present.

Distracting from bad thoughts is the best thing to do. Physical activity has a good effect on a positive mood. For this, light jogging in the morning, fitness classes, aerobics or swimming are suitable. Many people like to clean up the house, go hiking or stroll through the park. Engaging in your favorite hobby will help put all your thoughts on the shelves. Knitting, embroidery, culinary skills are perfect for women. Men can make crafts, do crafts. Switching to your favorite activity will distract you from sad thoughts. In time they will go away negative emotions, improve the state of mind. Drawing, origami, beadwork will save you from introspection and improve your state of mind.

A big plus for a good mood is the ability to live today's events and not look ahead. Also try to leave the past alone, take only happy moments from it. Do not delve into what could have been, so as not to immerse yourself in emotional experiences. Rejoice in what you have. According to the advice of psychologists, you can manage your mood in the following way:

  • Waking up, open the window, take a deep breath, recharge with positive energy of the surrounding landscape.
  • Smile, turn on light music, dance or exercise.
  • Brew delicious coffee and treat yourself to a cake.
  • Watch a relaxing comedy.
  • Walk in the park and go shopping.
  • Chat or meet an interesting person.
  • At the end of the day, remember the most pleasant moments.
  • Mentally praise yourself for something.
  • Try to do all the things today, do not procrastinate.

Brings great joy daily labor. Every pleasant little thing needs to be noticed and added drop by drop to all your positive emotions.

Give happiness to others

If you do not know how to stop being sad and crying, then start by discarding all selfish thoughts. The less time you have to think about your failures, the more you will enjoy every day. Give more to others, and then you will enjoy real emotional satisfaction.

Various acquisitions and purchases bring joy, but on a short time. But giving someone something valuable, you will keep a sense of contentment for a long time. It is said that the most valuable gift to someone is time, because it cannot be returned back. Please friends, relatives, parents with your visit, sincere conversation. After all, it is not in vain that psychologists advise that if you feel bad, help someone who is even worse.

The importance of communication and expressing your feelings

It is important that the despondency that overcomes you does not turn you into a hermit. Life without communication cannot be enjoyable. The more you associate with nice people, the more you gain positive emotions. Young people today prefer Internet communication, but it cannot replace contact with a living person. Start communicating with colleagues, classmates. Pay more attention to friends and relatives.

It's great if you have a person to whom you can entrust absolutely all your secrets. He will not only be able to listen to you, but will also find a way to cheer you up. It’s great if a friendly conversation ends with a joint trip to the cinema. It will be very useful to visit various courses, circles, sections. The main thing is that your mind be completely absorbed a certain kind activities.

Learn to let go of problems

Sometimes it is a protective reaction of the body and is quite normal in a difficult life situation. This happens after being fired from work, divorce, death. loved one. Even after the greatest misfortune, one must begin new life and open a blank page. You will not be able to rejoice as long as past problems weigh on you. Take action and new opportunities will open up before you. Try to remember the positive moments, forget the sad events and gradually feel a little happier.

Meditation and auto-training will help overcome sadness. If you learn to relax your body, then in time peace will come to you.

Say yes to fresh air and physical activity. Mother nature is the best cure for boredom. If you live in your own house, it will not be difficult long time stay outdoors. Sunlight is also very useful for enhancing mood. Try to recharge with solar energy for 20 minutes at least 2-3 times a day. This will prevent a drop in serotonin levels in the body. It’s great not only to walk, but also to try to capture the most important points to the camera. Walk barefoot in the dew in summer, blind in winter snowman or play in the snow. Try to take energy from tree trunks: do not just touch their bark, but hug them for a few minutes and imagine yourself happy.

In summer, swimming in the river or the sea will be a great entertainment. You should not take a vacation for too long a period so that you do not get bored near the sea. ski resort can also completely switch your sad thoughts into the right way. It's not just there Fresh air but also skiing, skating, dog sledding. There are so many ways to stop being sad and enjoy life.

Beware of depression

If you notice a melancholy state in yourself, then do not delay this phenomenon so that it does not develop into depression. It's not easy, it's hard mental disorder, with which you need to fight psychotropic drugs. Too prolonged melancholy ends with insomnia, after which memory and attention suffer, inhibition appears nervous system. If the feeling of sadness has dragged on for you, you cannot cope with it on your own, do not hesitate to seek help from a psychologist, or maybe a psychiatrist.

Why then is a person given such a feeling as sadness? Sometimes it helps to save internal energy. Man focuses on his own inner world and does not notice external problems. Sometimes with sadness people signal trouble to others so that they support them and help them get out of a difficult situation. Such outside intervention reduces the emotional loss.
How quickly you restore life balance is up to you. Don't give up, take action! Bad mood will surely dissipate, and you will overcome melancholy.

Knowing a few simple recipes good mood, it is easy to raise the degree of life and paint your black and white cinema in the colors of joy. How to cheer yourself up?

creative ways

On the waves of your memory. To escape from the problems of today will help pleasant memories of the past. To do this, you need to take a home photo album from the shelf and resurrect it in memory. best events life. The help of silent witnesses helps a lot - gifts, cute little things associated with one or another memory, video recordings. This method can awaken sentimental feelings, cause tears. Great way to relax. All that remains is to gain strength and energy from the past, relive exciting moments, and look to the future with optimism - only the best lies ahead.

Himself an artist. You can give your negative to paper. The easiest way is to draw the cause of a depressive state, you should not think about its shapes and sizes in advance: picking up a pencil or brush, the subconscious will put something abstract or concrete on paper. The main thing is to “pour out” all your anger onto the canvas, get angry at your mood with a minus sign. The next step is a real fire show: the drawing must be crumpled with fury and set on fire in safe place. Negativity burns out - depression dissolves. The method is very effective, watching the fire that burns troubles gives a powerful therapeutic effect. In the same way, you can burn any disease, failure, longing, fear.

Sadness does not suit extremists. The release of adrenaline suppresses apathy and sadness, causing a real shock. One strong emotion suppresses the other, replaces it. If in the soul bad weather, and rain begins in the form of tears, it's time to do something extreme: skydive, ride a roller coaster, go scuba diving, master equestrian sports, shoot at a shooting range.

Childhood holiday. Arranging a holiday for yourself just like that, for no reason, is the most pleasant way to protect yourself from stress and prolonged depression. Gather guests, arrange a belly feast, turn on loud music, remember childhood and just fool around, sing, dance until you drop - such a celebration menu will remain in the memory of you, your guests and ... neighbors for a long time. The main condition for such an event is that you need to try to get real pleasure from each action.

Dance while you are young. Dancing, sports activities - better ways banish the sadness. Pleasant music, smooth movements, complete freedom of self-realization: the body heals the soul. When a person dances, the language of movement tells a lot about his emotional experiences. Dance while you are young, youth is not a mark in the passport, but biological age.

Psychological ways

From changing places. You can unwind by changing the situation and environment. If it’s completely unbearable to endure gray everyday life, it’s time to buy a ticket to hot countries or go to the river bank. Quite often, circumstances force people to do something that ordinary life they are completely out of character. This is how they open up new countries, master related professions, and reveal their creative potential. If a person has never painted or skied, but one fine day he suddenly picked up a brush and put on a ski suit, it means that a new period begins in his life.

A smile will make everyone brighter. The easiest way to cheer yourself up is to smile. Yourself to a stranger, reflected in the mirror. Psychologists seriously consider new way treatment for depression - laughter therapy. The first smile on a gloomy day can be forced, squeezed out, but the tension of the facial muscles will create the desired effect, increase the speed of blood flow, the brain will receive activation of the zones responsible for a good mood. Anything can cause a smile: a new anecdote, a funny scene from life, a sunny day. Free self-healing will help get rid of sadness very quickly.

Help another. When a person feels bad, you should not close yourself in your own trouble, you need to open your eyes and look around: there is probably someone who is hundreds of times worse. These people need outside help, why not help them immediately? Lonely old people, sick people, children from poor families, deprived of parental attention, homeless animals - all of them need your help and support, sincere participation. Usually good deeds bring meaning and joy to life.

Food and mood. There are hundreds of ways to get out of a bad mood - get a good night's sleep, have sex, go shopping, do nothing, meditate, spring clean, walk in the rain, fight dishes, beat carpets, kick a punching bag, change your image, knitting, embroidery, watching a good old comedy . And to cheer up, there is real food for sybarites: chocolate, milk, bananas, avocados, walnuts and oily fish. All of these foods are rich in protein fatty acids which improves mood. In turn, there are "stressor" products that make people tired and irritable: White bread, breakfast cereals, white rice.

The state of happiness and peace is the state of harmony and stability. If something worries the soul, does not give the full joy of life, it's time to do a deep internal revision. Close relatives, favorite work and creative hobby- endless sources of good mood. Happiness to you for no reason and great luck in all your endeavors.

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