Guidelines for assessing performance. Methodological recommendations for the use of new methods for evaluating the results of educational activities of younger students. in class magazines




Methodological materials for chairmen
and members of regional subject commissions

on checking the fulfillment of tasks with a detailed answer to the exam papers of the OGE 2017


Authors-compilers: Trubaneva N.N., Spichko N.A.
Improving the objectivity of the results of the state final certification for programs of basic general education in the form of the main state exam ( further OGE) is largely determined by the quality of expert verification by the subject commissions of the performance of tasks with a detailed answer.

The procedure for conducting the state final certification for educational programs of basic general education (order No. 1394 dated December 25, 2013) establishes the obligatory passage by experts who check students' examination papers of "additional professional education, which includes practical exercises (at least 18 hours) for evaluating examination paper samples works in accordance with the criteria for evaluating examination papers in the relevant academic subject, determined by Rosobrnadzor".

To this end, the specialists of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements have prepared methodological materials for organizing the training of experts of subject commissions to check the fulfillment of tasks with a detailed answer in 2017. The manual on the subject includes a description of the examination work in 2017, scientific and methodological approaches to checking and evaluating the performance tasks with a detailed answer, examples of answers of exam participants with comments on the assessment of these answers, as well as materials for independent work of an expert.

©. Trubaneva N.N., Spichko N.A.

©. Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements. 2017

Section 1. Basic concepts of testing and rules for writing a personal letter


Topic 1. Basic concepts of testing


Topic 2. Personal letter: format and content


Section 2 General provisions of the main state exam


Topic 1. Format and content of the KIM of the main state exam in English


Topic 2. Section "Writing" of the examination paper: task format and assessment technology


Section 3. Assessment Workshop for Assignment 33 (“Personal Letter”)


Topic 1. Technology for evaluating a task by writing


Topic 2. Examples of examination papers for self-analysis


Annex 1. Additional scoring scheme for task 33 "Personal letter"


Section 1. Basic Testing Concepts and Writing Rules

personal letter

Topic 1. Basic concepts of testing
Before considering the "Writing Assignments" section of the examination paper of the main state exam in English, let's get acquainted with the terms that will then be used in this manual. After each mini-block of concepts, questions are given for self-control.

The control(from French contrôle - verification, observation) - the process of determining the level of knowledge, skills, abilities of the student as a result of performing oral and written tasks and formulating on this basis an assessment for the completed section of the program, course.

In the process of learning with the help of control, the following pedagogical functions are implemented:

  • training - provided by a system of control exercises and tasks that synthesize previously learned material;

  • diagnostic - allows you to timely assess the success / failure of training and, depending on its results, build further work;

  • corrective - is implemented in two directions: the level of knowledge, skills, abilities of students is revealed and the degree of compliance of the methods and tasks used with the learning objectives is established;

  • managerial - provides management of the process of mastering the language material and speech skills;

  • evaluative - unlike diagnostic, it allows you to give not a general, but a specific assessment of learning outcomes, which can be expressed in points, percentages, etc.
In teaching foreign languages, the following requirements are imposed on control: purposefulness, objectivity, systematicity.

According to the organizational-time factor, there are: phased control, which determines the level of formation of skills and abilities, as well as the level of knowledge regarding the stage of training and the ultimate goals of training; finite control, which establishes the correspondence / discrepancy between the level of formed skills and abilities, the level of knowledge in relation to the learning objectives. The final control is carried out at the end of the training.

According to the degree of formation of skills and abilities, they distinguish current and itogovy the control.

The form of organization is oral and writing the control. In the control process, testing techniques are widely used and technical training aids are involved.

Testing- one of the research methods, which involves the performance of test tasks by the subjects, with the help of which various personality characteristics are determined and / or the level of language proficiency is assessed. The standard form of tasks ensures the efficiency of testing and the ease of calculating the results. The term "testing" is found in the literature in a narrow sense - as the use and conduct of tests,
and in a broad sense - as a set of procedural stages of planning, compiling and testing tests, processing and interpreting their results.

Testing is carried out both with the help of special technical devices and by using printed materials. In the language classes, the proficiency in certain aspects of the language and speech activity is tested (for certain types of activity and in general). Testing does not replace traditional control methods, but complements them. The advantages of testing as a way to check the level of foreign language proficiency include the mass character of the test and the use of a single methodological tool, on the basis of which the results of students are compared.

As can be seen from the above definitions, control is a more general concept in relation to testing. Control is primarily a process of determining the level of mastery of knowledge, in which testing is often used as one of the ways to determine this level.

Before proceeding to the consideration of the concept of "test" as the main element of testing, let us recall at what levels this testing can be carried out in a secondary school.

As is known, system of levels of "Common European competencies" provides for three levels of training: A, B and C. Each level
(A, B, C) in turn is divided into two sublevels. So, level A, which assumes elementary knowledge of the language, is divided into A1 (survival level) and A2 (pre-threshold level); level B, which provides independent language proficiency, includes B1 (threshold level) and B2 (threshold advanced level).

In accordance with modern regulatory documents, a graduate of the ninth grade of a general education institution must reach the A2 level in terms of foreign language proficiency; a graduate of the XI grade of a general education institution - level B1 (if the education in the senior classes takes place at the basic level).

What should a student be able to do at each level in relation to writing?

Level A1 involves writing simple postcards (for example, congratulations on a holiday), filling out forms (entering your last name, nationality, address on the registration sheet at the hotel).

Level A2 involves writing simple short notes
and messages, as well as writing a simple personal letter of a small volume.

Level B1 includes the ability to write simple connected texts on topics familiar or of interest to the author; letters of a personal nature
in them about their personal experiences and impressions (the volume of the letter is greater than at the A2 level).

Test(from the English test - test, research) - a task of a standard form, the implementation of which allows you to establish the level and availability of certain skills, abilities, mental development and other personality characteristics using a special scale of results.

The main difference between a test and a control work is that it always involves an objective measurement. Another important difference is that the tests are standardized. Therefore, the mark given on the basis of the test results is more objective than the assessment of the control work, made on the basis of the personal judgment of the inspector.

Test - the smallest unit of a test that assumes a specific verbal or non-verbal response from the test taker. The success of the testing procedure largely depends on the wording of the test task and its content.

In the methodological literature, four main forms of test tasks are used.

1. Tasks in a closed form. The task consists of the main text (instruction), which serves as an incentive for the answer, and several answer options, only one of which is correct. The tasks of this form include tasks for an alternative choice (True / False), for multiple choice (Multiple Choice), etc.

2. Tasks in an open form. They do not use ready-made answers, and the subject should insert the missing word (group of words), which will be an indicator of the correctness of the task, for example, tasks for a short answer (Short Answer Questions), for filling gaps (Gap Filling), for substitution (Substitution ) etc.

3. Matching tasks. In such tasks, the subject is asked to restore the correspondence between the elements of two lists.

4. Tasks to establish the correct sequence (Ordering).
Tasks of this type allow you to control knowledge in those types of educational activities where you can use repetitive elements from a given area of ​​content.

According to the structure and method of answering, selective tasks and tasks with a freely constructed answer are considered. Tasks for speaking and writing a personal letter are tasks with a freely constructed response.

A typical task scheme looks like this: instruction, main text, list of elements. Most test items use the multiple choice technique, i.e. choosing one answer from several options.

mark- a conditional expression for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the behavior of students (pupils). Student performance is also assessed based on test results using rating scales.

Student Assessment- determination of the degree of assimilation by students of knowledge, skills, abilities in accordance with the requirements of the program. Evaluation of progress is carried out in the process of everyday acquaintance of the teacher with the results of the work of students in the classroom and at home, as well as on the basis of the results of intermediate and final tests of knowledge, skills, and abilities, both orally and in writing. Evaluation of progress is set in points.

As you can see from the definition, a score is given to determine the test results.

Mistake- deviation from the correct use of language units and forms, as well as the result of a student's erroneous action. Errors are classified according to aspects of the language (phonetic, lexical, grammatical) and types of speech activity (listening, speaking, reading, writing). Typical errors are defined as certain types of recurring regular errors. Depending on the influence of errors on the understanding and construction of the utterance, “gross” errors are distinguished, which absolutely complicate the understanding of the utterance, and “non-gross” errors that have little effect on understanding.

Tasks for self-control.
1. Fill in the table.

2. Complete the chart.

3. Complete the sentences.

  1. Testing is one of….

  2. … ensures promptness of testing and ease of calculation of results.

  3. The advantages of testing as a way to check the level of foreign language proficiency include the mass character of testing and ... .

4. Give the name of the levels of foreign language communicative competence in the terminology of the Council of Europe. Recall what types of written work are mentioned at each level.

Type of written work



IN 1

5. Determine the form of the test task. Assignments that are usually given in a foreign language are given in English.

6. Fill in the typical task scheme with the names of its elements.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Martin.

My best friend had a birthday party last weekend. We went on a picnic. There were many guests and it was great. And when is your birthday? How do you usually celebrate it? What present would you like to get for your next birthday?

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

7. Consider an approximate w kalu recalculation of the primary score for the performance of the examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale and answer inpolls.

How many total scores can a test taker score?

What is the minimum score for a test taker who wants to get a pass mark?

What mark will the test taker get if he scores 20 points? 30 points? 44 points? 58 points? 59 points?
8. Classify the errors presented in the table.

Error Example

Classification of error (phonetic, grammatical, lexical)

Does the error hinder understanding?

As you know I live in Moscow.

punctuation, missing comma after know


We were playing volleyball at 5.

If you leave for London now, you will be in Moscow tomorrow.

I don't like fish. I like salmon.

I like boxes about animals.

I live in Moscow all my life.

Basic literature for Topic 1 section 1

  1. Azimov E.G., Schukin A.N. New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts. – M.: Ikar 2009.

  2. Kokkota V.A. Linguodidactic testing. - M .: Higher school, 1989.

  3. Safonova V.V. Communicative competence: modern approaches to multilevel description for methodological purposes. – M.: Euroshkola, 2004.

  4. Kolesnikova I.L., Dolgina O.A. English-Russian terminological reference book on the methodology of teaching foreign languages: a reference guide. – M.: Bustard, 2008.

  5. Issues of control of learning of students in a foreign language. – M.: Title, 1999.

Chemistry Intermediate certification in chemistry for 8th grade students of MBOU "Secondary School No. 6" is carried out in the form of an oral exam. In accordance with the mandatory minimum content of basic general education, examination cards are aimed at checking the assimilation of the content of the leading sections (topics) of the basic school chemistry course. These sections include: the periodic law and the periodic system of chemical elements of D. I. Mendeleev, the structure of the atom; chemical bond and structure of matter; classes of inorganic compounds, their properties; chemical reaction: classification of reactions and patterns of their course, methods of knowledge of substances and chemical phenomena; experimental foundations of chemistry; the use of substances. The amount of content checked by tickets is correlated with the amount of study time allocated to the study of chemistry in the basic school by the basic curriculum (2 hours per week in 8th grade). The level of presentation of the content of the educational material in the examination papers is correlated with the requirements of the state standard for the general education of graduates of the basic school. Thanks to this, the independence of examination materials from the variant approaches to teaching chemistry in the basic school according to various programs and textbooks is ensured. Each of the set tickets includes two questions: the first is theoretical, the second is practice-oriented. Theoretical questions of tickets are focused on testing the formation of graduates: . basic chemical concepts: chemical element, atom, molecule, chemical bond, substance, reaction, classification of substances and reactions, oxidizing agent and reducing agent; . skills: characterize chemical elements based on their position in the periodic system and the structure of their atoms; establish a relationship between the composition, structure and properties of substances; classify substances and chemical reactions; characterize the chemical properties of the main classes of inorganic compounds; explain the essence of redox reactions. Practice-oriented questions are computational tasks. The calculation tasks and laboratory experiments offered in the tickets are focused on checking the formation of practical skills: calculate the mass fraction of a substance in a solution, etc. To prepare for an answer, a graduate will need 20-30 minutes, of which 8-10 minutes can be used to perform calculations . Guidelines for Evaluating a Student's Response The student's response to each question is scored on a five-point scale. The overall score is derived from the scores obtained for each of the two questions on the ticket. When evaluating the answer, you can be guided by the following criteria, which give the examiner certain guidelines. Mark "5" is set if: . the content of the answer to the first question is a coherent story, which uses all the necessary concepts on this topic, reveals the essence of the described phenomena and processes; the story is accompanied by the correct recording of chemical formulas and equations; the degree of disclosure of concepts meets the requirements of the state educational standard for graduates of the basic school; there are no chemical errors in the answer; . the content of the answer to the second question includes a plan for performing an experiment or solving a calculation problem, recording the formulas and names of the substances involved in the reaction, the equations of chemical reactions and the conditions for their occurrence, as well as the result of solving the calculation problem; when answering, the result of the experiment should be demonstrated. The mark "4" is put in case of a correct, but incomplete answer to the first question, if it contains: . some non-essential content elements are missing; all the concepts that form the basis of the content of the topic are present, but when they are disclosed, inaccuracies or minor errors were made that indicate an insufficient level of mastery of individual skills (errors in compiling chemical formulas and equations, highlighting classification features when determining the chemical properties of substances of various classes). . When answering the second question, the correct algorithm for performing a chemical experiment (or performing calculations) was used, but at the same time, minor errors were made in the preparation and conduct of experiments or in calculations that did not affect the final result. The mark "3" is put if:  in the answer to the first question there are no some concepts that are necessary to reveal the essence of the described phenomenon or process, the logic of presentation of the material is violated;  when solving the calculation problem (or conducting the experiment), significant errors were made, which led to an incorrect result, or the experiment is performed with additional help, and there is no explanation of its results. Mark "2" is put if:  in the answer to the first question, there are practically no concepts that are necessary to disclose the content of the topic, and only some of its aspects are stated;  the calculation problem has not been solved or the proposed experiment has not been completed. Ticket number 1 1. The periodic law of D. I. Mendeleev. 2. Write reaction equations that confirm the chemical properties of hydrochloric acid. Ticket number 2 1. Simple and complex substances. 2. Task. Calculation of the mass fraction of a substance in solution. Ticket number 3 1. The structure of atoms of chemical elements. 2. Task. Calculation of the amount of substance of one of the reaction products, if the mass of the starting substance is known. Ticket number 4 1. Chemical formulas. Relative molecular weight. 2. Write reaction equations that confirm the chemical properties of sulfuric acid. Ticket number 5 1. Valency. Definition of valence. 2. Task. Calculation of the volume of the resulting gas, if the mass of the original substance is known. Ticket number 6 1. Covalent polar bond. 2. Make formulas for valency. Ticket number 7 1. Covalent non-polar bond 2. Task. Calculation of the amount of a substance (or volume) of a gas required to react with a given amount of a substance (or volume) of another gas. Ticket number 8 1. Ionic bond. 2. Write reaction equations that confirm the properties of oxygen. Ticket number 9 1. Redox reactions. Oxidizing agent and reducing agent (on the example of two reactions). 2. Compose electronic formulas of the proposed elements. Ticket number 10 1. Types of crystal lattices. Examples of substances with different types of lattices. 2. Task. Calculation of the mass fraction (%) of a chemical element in a substance, the formula of which is given. Ticket number 11 1. Acids: composition, classification. Chemical properties of acids: interaction with metals, basic oxides, bases, salts (for example, hydrochloric acid). 2. Distribute the proposed substances into classes and give them names. Ticket number 12 1. Oxygen: the position of this chemical element in the periodic system, the structure of its atom and molecule. Physical and chemical properties of oxygen., obtaining and application. 2. Write reaction equations confirming the chemical properties of sodium oxide. Ticket number 1 3 1. Alkalis: composition, classification Chemical properties of alkalis: interaction with acids, acid oxides, salts (for example, sodium hydroxide or calcium hydroxide). 2. Task. Calculation of the mass of the initial substance, if the amount of the substance of one of the reaction products is known. Ticket number 14 1. Hydrogen: the position of this chemical element in the periodic system, the structure of its atom and molecule. Physical and chemical properties of hydrogen, production and application. 2. Task. Calculation of the amount of a substance (or volume) of a gas required to react with a given amount of a substance (or volume) of another gas. Ticket number 15 1. Water: its composition, physical properties. Chemical properties of water: decomposition, relation to sodium, calcium oxides, sulfur oxide (1V). The main pollutants of natural water. 2. Experience. Recognition of the salt of carbonic acid among the three proposed salts. Ticket number 16 1. Periodic system of chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev. Patterns of changes in the properties of elements of small periods and main subgroups depending on their ordinal (atomic) number. 2. Write reaction equations that confirm the properties of calcium hydroxide. Ticket number 17 1. Oxides: their classification and chemical properties (interaction with water, acids and alkalis). 2. Task. Calculation of the mass of the reaction product, if the amount of the substance of one of the starting substances is known. Ticket number 18 1. Avogadro's law. 2. Task. Calculation of the amount of the substance of the reaction product, if the mass of one of the starting substances is known. Ticket number 19 1. Chlorine: the position of this chemical element in the periodic system, the structure of its atom and molecule. Physical and chemical properties of chlorine, production and application. 2. Task. Calculation of the volume of the gas that entered into the reaction, if the mass of one of the reaction products is known. Ticket number 20 1. Hydrochloric acid and its salts. 2. Task. Calculation of the volume of gas required to react with a certain amount of a substance of another substance.

  • 5. "Finance" perform the following functions:
  • 6. Material carriers of financial relations are:
  • 9. Public finances include:
  • Topic 2. The content and functions of state and municipal finance, their composition. State financial policy. State regulation of finance
  • 2. Seminar lesson - labor intensity 4 hours.
  • 3) With the help of state and municipal finance
  • 4) Provisions characterizing the federal form of government:
  • 7) Objectives of the investment policy:
  • 3. Scientific discussion
  • 4. Control work
  • Topic 3. Organization of management of the system of state and municipal finances
  • 2. Seminar lesson - laboriousness 2 hours.
  • 2. Current testing of students (#88-94)
  • Topic 4. State and municipal financial control
  • 1. The purpose of state financial control in the Russian Federation is the implementation of measures aimed at ensuring ... ... ...
  • 2. Main methods of budgetary control:
  • 3. Which organizations carry out national financial control:
  • 6. What are the intentional errors in income estimation when planning the budget for the next financial year:
  • 4. Control work on the questions:
  • 1. Questions for oral survey at the seminar:
  • 2. Control testing of students
  • 1. Tax is:
  • 4. Problem solving
  • Section 2. Budget system
  • 4. Control testing of current knowledge:
  • 1. The principles of formation of the budget of the Russian Federation are:
  • 2. The "budgetary system of the country" means (means):
  • 3. The structure of the budget system of the Russian Federation includes:
  • 13. The most urgent tasks of budget policy ...
  • Topic 7 "Interbudgetary relations in the Russian Federation"
  • 1. Oral survey on questions:
  • 2. Discussion of abstracts
  • 3. Essay discussion
  • 4. Laboratory work
  • 5. Test tasks for the current control of students' knowledge
  • 1. What is the economic basis for the implementation of the redistributive function of the state:
  • 5. What feature characterizes the cooperative model of budgetary federalism:
  • 7. What is the content of the subvention:
  • Round table plan:
  • Topic 8. Territorial finance of the Russian Federation: regional (subject of the Russian Federation) and municipal levels.
  • Topic 10: "State non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation: income, directions of spending"
  • Topic 10. "State non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation: income, spending areas"
  • 1. Oral questioning
  • Section 3. The system of state and municipal credit: ok-1; ok-4; ok-5; ok-6; ok-8; ok-9; ok-10; ok-11; pc-1; pc-2; pc-4; pc-6; pc-7; pc-8; pk-11
  • Topic 11. The content and functions of public lending. Forms of state credit in the Russian Federation.
  • Topic 12. Differentiation of government loans. State and municipal debt management policy
  • 2. Questions for oral survey of students
  • 3. Questions for the test
  • 4. Discussion of abstracts:
  • 5. Essay discussion
  • Section 4. Features of organizing the finances of state and municipal social services (ok-1, ok-4 - ok 6, ok-8, ok-9-14
  • Evaluation fund
  • 1. Questions for scientific discussion:
  • 2. Control questions for oral survey of students:
  • 3) Control testing of current knowledge of students:
  • 1. The main tools for leveling socio-economic conditions:
  • 2. How are state and municipal contracts placed:
  • 3. What incomes form the Fund for Financial Support of the Regions:
  • 2.2. Fund of test tasks to check the current level of knowledge
  • 3. Intermediate certification
  • 3.1. Questions for the exam
  • 3.2 Exam tickets
  • 4. Guidelines for the knowledge assessment procedure, the level of requirements and assessment criteria
  • 4. Guidelines for the knowledge assessment procedure, the level of requirements and assessment criteria

    Evaluation materials contain questions on the material of the entire course (interim assessment) or part of the course (current assessment) and are competency-oriented.

    In order to prepare for the current / intermediate assessment, the student should review all available and recommended materials submitted in print or electronic form. If any topic causes difficulties in self-study, it is necessary to bring its discussion to a practical lesson, after informing the teacher about it.

    Performing test tasks allows you to assess the level of knowledge of students and identify possible gaps. A large number of mistakes made (more than 50%) indicates an insufficiently complete assimilation of the material.

    Criteria for evaluating student answers

    Grade "excellent" / "pass". The answers to the questions posed are presented logically, consistently and do not require additional explanations. The causal relationships between phenomena and events are fully revealed. Reasonable conclusions are drawn. Deep knowledge of basic legal acts is demonstrated. The norms of literary speech are observed. (Test: number of correct answers > 90%).

    Grade "good" / "pass". The answers to the questions posed are presented in a systematic and sequential manner. Basic legal acts are used, but not enough. The material is presented confidently. Cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena and events are revealed. The ability to analyze the material is demonstrated, however, not all conclusions are reasoned and evidence-based. The norms of literary speech are observed. (Test: number of correct answers> 70%).

    Grade "satisfactory" / "passed". Violations in the sequence of presentation are allowed. There are references to certain basic legal acts. The causal relationships between phenomena and events are not fully disclosed. Superficial knowledge of the issue is demonstrated, specific tasks are difficult to solve. There are difficulties with conclusions. Violations of the norms of literary speech are allowed. (Test: number of correct answers > 50%).

    Grade "unsatisfactory" / "not passed". The material is presented inconsistently, inconsistently, does not represent a certain system of knowledge in the discipline. Causal relationships between phenomena and events are not disclosed. No analysis is being done. There are no conclusions. There are no additional questions answered. There are noticeable violations of the norms of literary speech. (Test: number of correct answers<50 %).

    Intermediate certification is carried out in order to assess the quality of assimilation by students of the entire volume of the content of the discipline and to determine the actually achieved knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the competencies formed during the classroom and independent work of the student.

    Methodological materials that determine the procedures for assessing knowledge, skills and (or) experience

    Assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities in the academic discipline is carried out through the use of the following types of assessment tools:

    Polls: oral, written, including a blitz survey

    Solution of typical practical and situational problems

    Solving tasks in a test form using personal computers



    Oral surveys are conducted during practical classes and are possible during the test as an additional test in case of insufficient test results and problem solving. Survey questions should not go beyond the topic announced for this lesson. Oral surveys should be designed in such a way as to involve the maximum number of students in the group in the topic of discussion, to draw parallels with the already completed educational material of this discipline and related courses, to find successful examples from modern reality, which increases the efficiency of assimilation of the material on associations.

    The main questions for the oral survey are brought to the attention of students at the previous practical lesson.

    Written quizzes allow you to check the level of preparation for the practical lesson of all students in the group, while leaving enough study time for other forms of pedagogical activity within the framework of this lesson. A written blitz survey is conducted without warning, which encourages students to systematically prepare for classes. Questions for the survey are prepared in advance, formulated narrowly, so that the student has an objective opportunity to fully cover it in the allotted time

    It is advisable to use written surveys in order to check the comprehensibility of a significant amount of educational material, for example, during a test (exam), when it is necessary to test students' knowledge of the entire course.

    When evaluating surveys, the accuracy of wording, the coherence of the presentation of the material, and the validity of judgments are subject to analysis.

    In order to control and prepare students for the study of a new topic, at the beginning of each practical lesson, the teacher conducts an individual or frontal oral survey on the completed tasks of the previous topic. Evaluation criteria: - the correctness of the answer according to the content of the task (the number and nature of errors in the answer are taken into account);

    - completeness and depth of the answer (the number of learned facts, concepts, etc. is taken into account);

    - Consciousness of the answer (understanding of the presented material is taken into account);

    - the logic of the presentation of the material (taking into account the ability to build a coherent, consistent story, competently use special terminology);

    - the rationality of the methods and methods used to solve the set educational task (the ability to use the most progressive and effective ways to achieve the goal is taken into account);

    - the timeliness and effectiveness of the use of visual aids and technical means when answering (it is taken into account competently and usefully apply visibility and demonstration experience in an oral answer);

    - the use of additional material (mandatory condition);

    - the rationality of using the time allotted for the task (the delay in completing the task, the oral answer in time, taking into account the individual characteristics of students, is not approved).

    Criteria for evaluating students' oral answers

    Rating "5" put if the student: 1) fully and reasonably answers the content of the task; 2) reveals an understanding of the material, can substantiate his judgments, apply knowledge in practice, give the necessary examples not only from the textbook, but also independently compiled; 3) presents the material consistently and correctly.

    Rating "4" is set if the student gives an answer that meets the same requirements as for the grade "5", but makes 1-2 mistakes, which he himself corrects.

    Grade "3" it is set if the student reveals knowledge and understanding of the main provisions of this task, but: 1) presents the material incompletely and makes inaccuracies in the definition of concepts or the formulation of rules; 2) does not know how to substantiate his judgments in sufficient depth and convincingly and give his own examples; 3) presents the material inconsistently and makes mistakes.

    Grade "2" is set if the student reveals ignorance of the answer to the corresponding task, makes mistakes in the formulation of definitions and rules that distort their meaning, randomly and uncertainly presents the material. Grade "2" marks such shortcomings in the preparation of the student, which are a serious obstacle to the successful mastery of subsequent material.

    Solution of situational problems

    The solution of situational problems is carried out in order to check the level of skills (possessions) of the student in solving a practical situational problem.

    The condition of the problem is announced to the student, the solution of which he sets out orally.

    An effective interactive way to solve problems is to compare the results of solving one task by two or more small groups of students.

    Tasks that require the study of a significant amount of material must be attributed to the independent work of students, with an indispensable analysis of the results during practical classes. In this case, the solution of situational problems with deep justification should be submitted for verification in writing.

    When evaluating the solution of problems, the student's understanding of a particular situation, the correct application of family law norms, the ability to substantiate the chosen point of view, and the depth of study of law enforcement material are analyzed.

    The solution of tasks in the test form is carried out during the study of the discipline. The teacher must determine the initial data for students to prepare for testing: name the sections (topics, questions) for which there will be tasks in the test form, regulations and theoretical sources for preparation.

    Each student is given time for testing, corresponding to the number of test tasks. Before the end of the test, the student can once again review all his answers to the tasks and, if necessary, make adjustments.

    When passing the test, it is not allowed to use lecture notes, textbooks, and other materials.

    Discussions take place in the form of a discussion of a given topic. It is required to show the logic of the presentation of the material, present arguments, answer the questions of the participants in the discussion.

    Scales for assessing learning outcomes

    Evaluation of the results of oral and written surveys in practical classes, tests, exams:

    The level of knowledge is determined by the marks "excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory".

    Grade "excellent" - the student shows complete and deep knowledge of the program material, logically and reasonably answers the question posed, as well as additional questions, shows a high level of theoretical knowledge.

    Grade "good" - the student shows a deep knowledge of the program material, correctly presents it, quite fully answers the question and additional questions, skillfully formulates conclusions. At the same time, the answer allows minor errors.

    Grade "satisfactory" - the student shows sufficient, but not deep knowledge of the program material; when answering, he does not allow gross errors or contradictions, however, in the formulation of the answer, there is no proper connection between analysis, argumentation and conclusions. Clarifying questions are required to get the right answer.

    Grade "unsatisfactory" - the student shows insufficient knowledge of the program material, is not able to reasonably and consistently state it, gross errors are made in the answers, incorrectly answers the question or finds it difficult to answer.

    Evaluation of the results of a quick written survey in a practical lesson ("quick survey"):

    Each student is given their own, narrowly worded question. The answer should be clear and concise, containing all the main characteristics of the described concept, institution, category.

    Grading scale:

    “Excellent” - the question is fully disclosed, the main concepts and characteristics on the topic are clearly indicated.

    “Good” - the question is answered, but there is no complete description of all the necessary elements.

    “Satisfactory” - the question is not fully disclosed, there are gross errors, but there is some understanding of the concepts being disclosed.

    “Unsatisfactory” - the answer to the question is missing or generally incorrect.

    Evaluation of test results

    Assessment scale for testing:

    "excellent" - 90-100% correct answers;

    "good" - 75-89% correct answers;

    "satisfactory" - 60-74% of correct answers;

    "unsatisfactory" - 59% or less correct answers.

    During testing, the student is prohibited from using additional literature.

    Evaluation of the results of solving typical practical problems

    The solution of practical problems is carried out in order to check the level of knowledge, skills, possessions, the student's understanding of the basic methods and laws of the theory being studied in solving specific practical problems, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. The condition of the problem is announced to the student, the solution of which he sets out orally.

    Grading scale:

    "excellent" - the student clearly stated the condition of the problem, justified the solution with an exact reference to the studied material;

    "good" - the student clearly stated the condition of the problem, but there are doubts about the justification of the solution;

    “satisfactory” - the student stated the condition of the problem, but justified the solution with formulations with incomplete use of the conceptual apparatus of the discipline;

    "unsatisfactory" - the student did not understand the condition of the problem, the solution was not substantiated.

    When solving situational problems, it is allowed to use a course of lectures or textbooks.

    Evaluation of the results of solving situational problems under current control:

    “excellent” - the student clearly stated the condition of the problem, justified the solution with an exact reference to the formula, rule, pattern, phenomenon;

    “good” - the student clearly stated the condition of the problem, but there are doubts in the justification of the solution about the accuracy of the reference to the formula, rule, pattern, phenomenon;

    "satisfactory" - the student stated the condition of the problem, but justified the solution with a general reference to the formula, rule, pattern, phenomenon;

    “unsatisfactory” - the student did not understand the condition of the problem, the solution was not substantiated by a formula, rule, pattern, phenomenon with reference.

    When solving situational problems, it is allowed to use tabular, normative, specialized management, probabilistic-statistical, economic and financial reference materials.

    Evaluation of the results of the discussion take place in the form of a discussion of a given topic. It is required to show the logic of the presentation of the material, present arguments, answer the questions of the participants in the discussion.

    "excellent" - the student clearly stated the essence of the topic under discussion, showed the logic of the presentation of the material, presented the argument, answered the questions of the participants in the discussion;

    "good" - the student clearly stated the essence of the topic under discussion, showed the logic of the presentation of the material, but did not present the argument, incorrectly answered the questions of the participants in the discussion;

    “satisfactory” - the student clearly stated the essence of the topic under discussion, but did not show sufficient logic in presenting the material, but did not present the argument, incorrectly answered the questions of the discussion participants;

    "unsatisfactory" - the student does not understand the essence of the topic under discussion, could not logically and reasonably participate in the discussion;

    Criteria for evaluating abstracts

    Rating "excellent"– all the requirements for writing and defending the abstract are met: the problem is identified and its relevance is justified, a brief analysis of various points of view on the problem under consideration is made and one’s own position is logically stated, conclusions are formulated, the topic is fully disclosed, the volume is maintained, the requirements for external design are met, the correct ones are given answers to additional questions.

    Rated "good"– the basic requirements for the abstract and its defense are met, but there are some shortcomings. In particular, there are inaccuracies in the presentation of the material; there is no logical sequence in judgments; the volume of the abstract is not maintained; there are omissions in the design; incomplete answers were given to additional questions during the defense.

    Rating "satisfactory» - there are significant deviations from the requirements for referencing. In particular, the topic is covered only partially; Factual errors were made in the content of the abstract or when answering additional questions; no output during protection.

    Grade "unsatisfactory"- the topic of the abstract is not disclosed, a significant misunderstanding of the problem is revealed.

    Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 15

    Municipal formation of Armavir

    A. V. Timofeeva


    Around the world


    From work experience

    Test number 1 on the topic: "Native country?".

    Test number 2 on the topic: "City and countryside?".

    Test number 3 on the topic: "Nature and the man-made world?".

    Test number 4 on the topic: "Inanimate and living nature?".

    Test number 5 on the topic: "Phenomena of nature."

    Test number 6 on the topic: "What is the weather?".

    Test number 7 on the topic: "Visiting autumn"

    Test number 8 on the topic: "Starry sky."

    Test number 9 on the topic: "Let's look into the storerooms of the earth."

    Test number 10 on the topic: "About the air".

    Test number 11 on the topic: "About water."

    Test number 12 on the topic: "What are the plants?".

    Test number 13 on the topic: "What are the animals?".

    Test number 14 on the topic: "Invisible threads."

    Test number 15 on the topic: "Wild and cultivated plants"

    Test number 16 on the topic: "Wild and domestic animals"

    Test number 17 on the topic: "Indoor plants"

    Test number 18 on the topic: "Animals of a living corner."

    Test number 19 on the topic: "About cats and dogs?".

    Test number 20 on the topic: "Red Book?".

    Test number 21 on the topic: "What is the economy?".

    Test number 22 on the topic: "What is made of what?".

    Test number 23 on the topic: "How to build a house?".

    Test number 24 on the topic: "What kind of transport is there?".

    Test No. 25 on the topic: "Culture and education?".

    Test number 26 on the topic: "Are all professions important?".

    Test number 27 on the topic: "Visiting winter?".

    Test number 28 on the topic: "The structure of the human body?".

    Test number 29 on the topic: "If you want to be healthy?".

    Test number 30 on the topic: "Beware of the car!".

    Test number 31 on the topic: "Home dangers"

    Test number 32 on the topic: "Fire".

    Test number 33 on the topic: "On the water."

    Test number 34 on the topic: "Forest dangers."

    Test number 35 on the topic: "Dangerous strangers."

    Test number 36 on the topic: "My friendly family."

    Test number 37 on the topic: "At school."

    Test number 38 on the topic: "Rules of politeness."

    Test number 39 on the topic: "You and your friends."

    Test No. 40 on the topic: "We are spectators and passengers."

    Test number 41 on the topic: "Look around."

    Test No. 42 on the topic: "Orientation on the ground."

    Test number 43 on the topic: "Forms of the earth's surface."

    Test number 44 on the topic: "Water wealth."

    Test number 45 on the topic: "Visiting spring."

    Test No. 46 on the topic: "Russia on the map."


    The collection contains thematic assignments, compiled in strict accordance with the content of the textbook on the world around us for grade 2. Author A. A. Pleshakov. M, Enlightenment, 2011

    The tests are developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education.

    Testing is the main means of monitoring and verifying the required level of training. Test sets are recognized today as the most objective measures. Test tasks have advantages over traditional methods of knowledge control: higher than in traditional methods, the objectivity of control; the score obtained with the test may be more differentiated.

    Testing is more efficient. Allows the survey to cover a large amount of material. Reduces the element of randomness in the choice of control tasks. Testing is the final stage in the entire integrated control system.

    The material is divided into topics, each task has the goal of working out certain skills and concepts. Using the material in this manual, primary school teachers get the opportunity to immediately see the gaps in the knowledge of students.

    Thanks to tests, tasks are easily checked, they allow you to intensify the activity of students in the classroom, diversify the learning process, get a clear picture of progress, save time allotted for questioning and control.

    Work with tests can be carried out in almost every lesson of the surrounding world, since the material of the tests goes in parallel with the textbook.

    Thematic assignments can be used to organize individual and collective work in the lesson. During frontal work with texts, the teacher himself can read the tasks, and the children mark the correct answer. It is not recommended to take more than 20 minutes for testing. The material of the collection will help to provide methodological assistance to the teacher in the selection of exercises to consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

    The collection is addressed to elementary school teachers, but can also be used by parents to teach children at home.

    With all the positive qualities of the testing method, it cannot be the only way to test the quality of students' knowledge and skills and should be used in conjunction with traditional forms of testing learning outcomes.

    Each correctly completed task is worth one point.

    80 - 100% of the maximum score - score "5".

    60 - 80% - score "4".

    40 - 60% - grade "3".

    0 - 40% - score "2".

    Texts for the section "Where do we live?"

    Test #1

    Theme: "Homeland"

    1. The assessment of the work of students should be based on an understanding of children's ignorance, a humane approach (gentle), the absence of conflict in the educational situation, and faith in the creative powers of children.

    2. The educational function of evaluation should be aimed at creating a sense of success, self-confidence, and security. Grades should be transformed from a tool of coercion and intimidation of students into a tool of positive stimulation.

    3. In any type of student assessment, pedagogical tact is necessary, the assessment should not injure the student.

    4. The teacher must first of all focus on diagnostic standards, use the available and accumulate their own materials that objectively and technologically provide control (questionnaires, assignments, tests, etc.) It is important that the assessment is perceived as fair: it must be justified, argued. You should not abuse the comparison of students with each other (it is better to compare the student with himself at different stages of learning).

    5. The personal approach involves the involvement of the students themselves in the assessment. At the lessons, you can practice public reviews of knowledge, control by students - consultants, mutual control, self-control. In all cases, one should strive to recognize the assessment given to the student in the public opinion of the class team.

    6. When evaluating students, publicity is important (information about the success of classmates).

    7. Students should be able to correct and improve their grade.

    It is important that the assessment be meaningful, provide opportunities for meeting and developing the needs of self-improvement, the formation of a positive self - the concept of the student's personality.

    General principles for recording and evaluating knowledge

    students in foreign literature

    An indispensable part of each lesson is a flexible and informal system for monitoring the knowledge, skills and abilities of students, which is organically woven into each stage of the lesson. It is important that this assessment should not be reduced to a protracted oral questioning of one student with the inaction of the bulk of the students. Therefore, it is necessary to vary various forms of assessment: frontal answers to questions, oral surveys of individual students with peer review of these answers by other students, small written tests, the purpose of which is not only to test knowledge, but also to deepen and consolidate knowledge and skills, testing, questioning and etc. Timely and thoughtful accounting makes it possible to follow the dynamics of the literary development of schoolchildren, directs their reading interests, and stimulates the activity of students.

    Testing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students can be

    • final.

    main function current accounting - teaching. Questions and tasks

    are aimed at consolidating the newly studied material and repeating what has been covered, therefore it is advisable to combine individual forms of accounting with the frontal work of the class (for example, independent written work and collective verification of the discussion).

    Task final accounting primarily controlling. At this stage, questions of a comparative nature are appropriate, requiring generalizations and systematization of what has been studied, the ability to identify the main problems, apply the knowledge gained in a new situation, that is, it is important to check the conceptuality and mobility of knowledge, the ability to freely operate with them.

    Taking into account the real possibilities of each student, the teacher must remember. that as you go deeper into the topic being studied, it is necessary to modify the nature of the tasks, complicate them, give them a creative character, thereby stimulating the advancement of schoolchildren.

    Didactics focuses on the different levels of learning students. AND I. Lerner identifies three levels:

      the level of conscious perceived and fixed in memory knowledge;

      the level of readiness for its use in similar conditions according to the model;

      the level of readiness for the creative application of knowledge in new, unexpected situations.

    Accounting and evaluation of knowledge in foreign literature has its own characteristics.

    The modern teaching of literature is characterized by the desire to study literature in its specificity, as the art of the word, i.e. to achieve not a simple accumulation in the memory of students of historical and literary facts names, but figurative emotional perception and deep understanding of works of art. This allows you to have a deeper impact on the sensory-emotional sphere of schoolchildren, effectively form his personality.

    Hence the constant attention to the perception of the text, mandatory preliminary accounting after independent reading of works of art by schoolchildren. (One should not be afraid that students will express different, perhaps even opposite, opinions about the work. Since the very perception and understanding of a work of art is “co-creation”, it involves a special mental activity, and therefore the tasks offered to students, questions do not have an unambiguous solution ).

    By organizing a preliminary record, which can be carried out in the form of a frontal conversation, a written review, a student survey, the teacher basically notes only the success of the students. At the same time, he has the opportunity, during the study of the topic, to keep in view those students who can be helped in in-depth work with the text, as well as adjust the thematic plan and ways of analyzing the work being studied.

    By implementing current knowledge test, the teacher offers such questions and tasks that teach students to think about the read work, make them once again carefully read the text of the work of art, and check how the students comprehended the literary text, whether they can rely on historical and literary knowledge when evaluating what they read.

    Testing knowledge of texts and historical and literary facts involves their comprehension at the level of retelling, expressive reading, presentation of episodes. A mandatory component of the control should be tasks that test the skills of students in the field of reading culture and the development of coherent speech of students in accordance with the requirements of the program of each class.

    A special place in the system of studying and assessing students' knowledge of literature is occupied by test written works - essays, reviews, presentations, abstracts, annotations.

    Control essays provide an opportunity to cover all students with a test and get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bactual knowledge, skills and abilities. The level of students' essays in literature is closely related to their ability to analyze literary material in a certain aspect and independently evaluate a literary work. It is important to remember that students must be prepared for writing essays in the process of working in the classroom. Essays are written both in the classroom at the lesson and at home. The control essays are final in nature, and the mark for them must be given to all students. Essays, as it were, accumulate the advantages and disadvantages of students' knowledge and skills in literature. It is important that the student knows the requirements that apply to him when writing an essay (these requirements become more complicated from class to class).

    Students should be ready for the control class essay (the questions were studied in the classroom, the teacher gave a topic for reflection in advance). The topic (there may be one for everyone, but it is better if there are several topics for students to choose from) should be chosen so that the student can cover it in two lessons.

    When giving an essay at home, the teacher should make sure that the students have enough time to write the essay (10-12 days). The possibility of using various book sources when writing a homework does not predetermine its compilability. It all depends on what goals are pursued by the students, what requirements the teacher makes when assessing the work, what kind of preparation is carried out in the class. It is advisable to give topics for homework of a different nature and varying degrees of difficulty, so that the student can choose a topic according to his strength and work with pleasure. It is unacceptable to confine oneself to reporting topics of homework, it is useful to collectively discuss issues and organize mandatory individual consultations. Thus, work on homework goes through certain stages under the guidance of a teacher.

    Appeal in the process of reasoning to literary assessments and critical analyzes, the point of view of which the student shares (or does not share) on a work of art, strengthens the evidence of the work. In addition, the student learns to compare the opinions of different authors, to highlight the main thing, to select quotes, to organically include them in the text of the essay, to be aware of his attitude to the subject he is discussing.

    Using a critical article, a textbook, the student must know the main requirement: in an essay on a literary topic, the main source is a work of art. His comprehension, his emotional assessment in accordance with the chosen topic will form the basis of the content of the essay. Attempts by students to mindlessly borrow ready-made thoughts and phrases from the literature they read (textbook, critical article), passing them off as their own reasoning, should be promptly identified and shown to schoolchildren as their futility.

    In addition to control essays, practice tests for a lesson or part of it. One of small forms of composition - a written analysis of an episode of a work of art, or a comparative analysis of episodes, or an assessment of the actions of a hero, etc.

    The topic of the test work can also be the consideration by students of one of the components of a work of art (description of the situation, speech characteristics, landscape, etc.)

    A variety of such works of a small form can be a comparison of a text and a document, a comparison of a hero and his prototype, all these tasks are of a research nature and can be offered taking into account the preparation and development of students in this class.

    Verification works of a reproducing nature are also not excluded - such as a selective presentation with elements of self-assessment of what was written.

    As homework, a written review of a self-read book can be offered. The analysis of these reviews is carried out at the lesson of extracurricular reading as one of the methods of discussion.

    You can give tasks to compare the work and illustrative materials.

    Small-form test papers reveal how students understand and evaluate a work of art in the process of studying it; they educate attention to the text, to the artistic detail, educate the reading culture of schoolchildren. In addition, such work contributes to the development of writing skills. These works must be checked and graded by the teacher.

    It is important that all verification and control work correspond to the level of knowledge and literary development of students, the program of this class, be clearly formulated, arouse interest and stimulate independent activity of schoolchildren.

    It is necessary to systematically acquaint students with the norms for assessing tests. The formation of an objective self-assessment, the aspirations of schoolchildren to improve their written work is facilitated by thoughtful, benevolent teacher reviews (oral or written). It is important that the review be detailed and not be reduced to listing the shortcomings of the work.

    Thematic testing and accounting of knowledge and skills

    and student skills

    Essence and meaning of thematic check.

    Checking and evaluating the results of educational work contributes to the formation of an evaluative attitude towards themselves and their activities among schoolchildren, develops a sense of self-criticism, adherence to principles, as well as such character traits as endurance, self-control, and being demanding of oneself.

    In order for these verification functions to be effective, principles such as systematic, objective, thematic.

    Systematic teaching as a general didactic rule is often violated at the verification stage. Some of the students have 7-8 grades in the academic quarter, the other has 2-3 grades, sometimes a student is certified for a quarter based on one current grade. Such episodic and spontaneity of testing has a negative impact on its specific function, does not serve to objectively assess the knowledge, skills and abilities of students. Violation of the thematic principle is manifested in the fact that unsatisfactory marks for ignorance of one issue are overlapped, “corrected” by positive marks for mastering the material of another section or topic. This does not mobilize students for systematic educational work; the assessment of their knowledge is detached from the specific content of education and becomes an end in itself. A situation is created in which students do not strive for a solid system of knowledge, their goal is positive marks for individual questions. Gaps in knowledge negatively affect their further study, it is difficult for the student to master the subsequent sections on the subject.

    Therefore, the topicality in checking and taking into account the knowledge of students is not just the accumulation of grades and the regularity in the survey of all students in the class, but one of the main requirements for organizing the didactic process.

    Since the structural unit in each academic subject is a topic, then to ensure purposefulness The teacher should think over both the system of lessons for each topic and the system for checking the students' mastery of the educational material for each of them. So, the main function of testing knowledge (control, feedback) is carried out if the test is carried out in the same sequence as the assimilation of the program material, i.e. thematically.

    Each grade received by a student must correspond to a specific educational material, the knowledge of which is checked and evaluated by the teacher at a certain time of training. Those. knowledge, skills and abilities of students are checked and evaluated not episodically, but thematically and systematically.

    Thematic testing and accounting of knowledge involves not only the final test of students' knowledge on a particular topic, but also the general subordination of the current test to the control of students' assimilation of knowledge on the topic of the program. This means that any kind of knowledge testing should be thematic.

    Conducting individual and frontal questioning of students, written control work, testing, revealing students' knowledge by any method, the teacher is obliged to highlight which section of the program, what topic, what type of knowledge and skills are being assessed, and then fix it in the school journal.

    Importance of thematic accounting is that he

      leads to an increase in the objectivity of assessing knowledge, skills and abilities,

      creates conditions for an individual approach and differentiated educational work with students,

      contributes to better systematization and generalization of educational material,

      increases the student's sense of responsibility for learning,

      creates conditions for a student-centered approach to students.

      contributes to the humanization of the relationship between teachers and students.

    As a result, the student begins to understand that the end result of his

    educational work consists not only in the assessment and not even in the knowledge itself, but also in the ability to independently acquire knowledge. In order to form students' rational skills of independent mental activity, it should be noted that the concept of "learning ability" includes:

      the ability to highlight the most significant in the content of training,

      the ability to independently, in your own presentation, convey it (by presenting, answering questions, drawing up a plan, etc.),

      the ability to apply the basic provisions and rules in practice,

      the ability to organize and summarize the material,

      the ability to evaluate the results of their educational work.

    It follows from this basic rules for checking and accounting for knowledge.

      In each topic, identify (and teach this to students) significant

    elements of knowledge, creating a psychological setting for their deep understanding and assimilation. Focus the knowledge test on these questions.

      Direct students' efforts to bring out the depth and completeness

    understanding the essential in the studied material, and not memorizing all the material mechanically.

      Control tasks, exercises, tests, forms and methods of their implementation

    select so that they reveal the assimilation of the material of the topic according to a certain system in a logical sequence.

      Ensure thematic specificity of assessments. If the check reveals

    knowledge on several topics at the same time, each of them should be assessed separately. You can separately evaluate theoretical knowledge and practical skills (for example, writing summaries, essays, drawing up plans).

      The results of thematic knowledge test to use for

    improvement of educational work (analyze the reasons for the insufficient level of knowledge and outline ways to improve them).

    Testing students in literature

    Great help in assessing students' knowledge on a topic can be provided by

    properly organized testing.

    Tests as a form of control are operational, compact, capable of giving a more or less accurate picture of information ownership, and amenable to computer processing. The purpose of the tests is to provide students and teachers with an objective means of monitoring the fulfillment of program requirements. Therefore, the teacher who makes up the tests must be proficient in testing technology.

    Test - a type of task of a standard form, the execution of which should reveal the presence of certain knowledge of students.

    When compiling tests, the teacher must fulfill certain requirements for their content:

    Tests must be designed in accordance with the purpose of training,

    The questions in the tests must correspond to the declared level of knowledge and preparation of students,

    There should be no answers in the test, the incorrectness of which the student cannot justify,

    Wrong answers must be plausible,

    Questions and tasks should be formulated accurately and briefly, not have an ambiguous interpretation.

    Among the whole variety of tests, the following can be distinguished:

    Closed-type tasks with a choice of answers,

    Compliance tasks,

    Tasks to establish a logical sequence,

    Open tasks.

    freeform assignments,

    Combined tasks.

    Closed-type tasks with a choice of answers provide an opportunity for students to choose the correct answer (several answers) from the proposed options, the number of which may vary (from 3 to 5 in one test task). Suggested answers should guide students to analyze, think through and choose an answer.

    Among the tasks of this type are the following:

    1. Tasks that have an affirmative wording. For example,

    The story of N. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" - a work

    a) classicism.

    b) sentimentalism,

    c) romanticism.

    2 Tasks that have an interrogative wording, requiring an affirmative answer to the question. For example,

    What literary movement was A. Blok an adherent of?

    a) acmeism

    b) symbolism,

    c) futurism.

    3. Tasks, the wording of which contains negation. For example,

    This Silver Age poet did not become an emigrant:

    a) K. Balmont,

    b) I. Severyanin,

    c) M. Voloshin.

    4. Tasks, among the answers of which it is necessary to choose the one that most clearly and fully characterizes the concept. For example,

    The lyrical hero is

    a) a conditional image in lyrical and lyrical-epic works, whose relation to the depicted tends to convey auto;

    b) emotional perception by the narrator of what is described, expressed in literature by artistic means;

    c) the author's reflections not related to the plot narrative, included by him in a work of art.

    Matching tasks , the essence of which is to determine the correspondence of elements of one series to another. The number of elements in two rows can be either equal or different. For example,

    What associations with related arts does poetry cause:

    A.) M. Kuzmin 1) music

    B) K. Balmont 2) sculpture

    C) V. Bryusov 3) theater.

    Tasks to establish a logical sequence. For example,

    Arrange modernist currents as they arise: Futurism. acmeism, symbolism.

    Open type tasks allow the student to independently construct an answer by inserting or deleting the necessary words or phrases. For example,

    A new genre, the emergence of which at the end of the 19th century was due to the achievements of scientific and technological progress, which often turned to the image of the future, has the name ...

    Freeform assignments have an “extra” word in the list of proposed ones. For example,

    A symbol is a trope, a poetic image that expresses the essence of a phenomenon, there is a hidden comparison in the symbol (find the extra one):

    a) allegorical

    b) innuendo

    c) inexhaustibility

    d) calculation on the susceptibility of the reader.

    Combined test tasks may include elements of various types of tests.

    Taking into account the 12-point system for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities, the teacher makes a test of 12 questions, the answers to each are evaluated at one point.

    For example, preparing to test the knowledge and skills of students 5th grade in literature for the year, the teacher compiles a test that tests knowledge of theoretical concepts (12 questions), knowledge of literary texts (12 questions) and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge, i.e. the control test consists of three tasks for each student. Tasks might look something like this:

      Knowledge of theoretical concepts:

      1. Which of the genres belongs to both folklore and literature:

    a) proverb

    b) proverb

    c) fairy tale.

        A literary fairy tale differs from a folk tale:

    a) the absence of a miracle, fantasy,

    c) oral form of creation and existence.

        Original literary texts are created by:

    b) editor

    c) an interpreter...

    2. Knowledge of literary texts

    2.1 The heroine of which fairy tale helps the sorceress, rewards her for kindness and diligence:

    a) "" Mrs. Metelitsa "",

    b) Cinderella

    c) The Snow Queen.

    a) "" Summer and winter "",

    b) "" White birch "",

    c) "Spring Waters".

    Test control helps to implement self-control, independently improve and deepen knowledge, contributes to systematic preparation for tasks, therefore, activates cognitive interest.

    However, with everything positive, test control has its drawbacks. Firstly, with the help of test control, it is possible to test knowledge of facts, theory, laws, concepts to a greater extent, and to a lesser extent, practical skills and abilities. It is appropriate where you need to check how well the material is learned. Secondly, the frequent use of control programs limits the ability to communicate with the student, hinders his development of such qualities as the ability to logically and consistently express his thoughts, plan a response, be creative, etc.

    Therefore, in addition to tests, it is necessary to use other types of control tasks for control.

    In high school in addition to testing knowledge of the theory and history of literature, you can give tasks that develop the creative abilities of students. For example, in grade 10, the following tasks are possible:

    1. Define the literary direction realism (symbolism). reveal its place and role in the global literary process

    2. Expand the genre features of the comedy by A.P. Chekhov "The Seagull".

    In grade 11, tasks can be of the following nature:

    1. Imagine that you were offered to choose scenery and costumes for the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard". Describe your task development.

      Do you agree with L.N. Tolstoy, that "indifference is a spiritual


    Testing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students can be organized and

    another way. For example, the proposed tests, questions, creative tasks are divided into three levels and have different degrees of complexity.

    Tasks Level 1 - these are tests to test knowledge of literature, requiring the choice of an unequivocal answer (for example, fiction is the art of a) sounds, b) colors, c) words); the image of a demon occupies a special place in the works of a) Pushkin, b) Lermontov, c) Turgenev, d) Griboyedov; Pushkin's poem ""I remember a wonderful moment ..." is dedicated to a) Volkonskaya, b) Goncharova, c) Kern, d) Wulf ...)

    Tasks 2 levels involve checking general and special practical skills and abilities on the basis of both studied texts and unfamiliar ones (for example, explain the meaning of the word "undergrowth"". What qualities of the protagonist of Fonvizin's comedy contributed to this word becoming a common noun; reveal the meaning of one of aphorisms taken from Griboyedov's "Woe from Wit"; what do Lermontov's words mean ""I look sadly at our generation""?)

    Tasks 3 levels are a list of topics and questions of a creative nature, to which students must answer in writing (for example, what genres of oral folk art do you prefer and why; Ukrainian motives in the work of Russian writers; why is the folk song lyrics unfading; dream and reality in the play by A. Ostrovsky ""Dowry""; how I perceive the lyrics of F. Tyutchev ...)

    At the same time, it is supposed to provide students with the opportunity to choose tasks for each level: for the first - 8 out of 10 tests, for the second - 3 out of 5 tasks, for the third - one topic out of three. Thus, each student will choose 12 tasks from the proposed 18.

    The correct answer to the test task is estimated at 2 points. If the student completed half of the task - 1 point.

    Each completed task is evaluated and the sum of points for level 1 is calculated.

    On the second level, they are correct. a complete and reasoned answer, for independence and originality of thinking, the student is given 8 points. For an incomplete answer or insufficient reasoning, 2 points are deducted, for a complete lack of reasoning, 4 points are deducted. If the answer contains factual inaccuracies and only partially answers the task, the student is given 2 points. Then the total points are calculated.

    The highest mark for a creative task of level 3 is 20 points, for minor deviations from the topic, from 2 to 6 points are removed. If there are significant deviations, the logic and sequence of presentation are violated, there is insufficient reliance on the text of the work, the reduction will be from 5 to 14 points. If the answer does not correspond to the topic at all, then the work is estimated at 2 - 6 points. For each gross factual error, 1 point is deducted, for a speech defect - 1 point.

    At the same time, it is important that students are aware of the rules for conducting tests and the topics of assignments in advance.

    It is necessary that the material that the students studied was included in the control work.

    The procedure for accounting for the results of a thematic knowledge test

    in class magazines

    For the effective management of the educational activities of students, a clear system for fixing the results of testing and evaluating their knowledge in a class journal is important.

    For this purpose, the pages of the class magazine, designed to record progress, are divided into columns, where the names of educational topics are indicated. To do this, at the beginning of the quarter, the teacher determines how many academic topics will be studied. At the same time, it should be remembered that if the program allocates 15-20 or more hours to a topic (for example, to study the work of L.N. Tolstoy in the 10th grade), then it can be divided into 2-3 parts and, accordingly, control the assimilation by students. If the program provides 1-2 hours to study the topic, then such topics can be combined (for example, you can combine the lyrics of Nekrasov, Fet and Tyutchev into one topic in grade 10). Practice shows that it is more convenient to take into account the progress of schoolchildren in such a grouping of lessons by topic, when 8-10 hours are allotted for studying them. However, one should not at all costs strive for a set of 8-10 lessons for a topic, this number can be varied (at the discretion of the teacher), the main thing is to be able to evaluate all students (for example, 5 hours are allocated for the work of a writer, but for this time you took the test and wrote a home essay, in addition to asking the student once orally, then you can quite reasonably rate the topic; or if 12 hours are allotted for the topic, there is no need to divide them either).

    The knowledge of the majority of students is checked in the process of studying this topic, and the knowledge of some students will be checked after the end of the study of work on the topic. If the teacher has already begun studying the next topic, and checks the knowledge of some students on the previous topic, then the grades for these topics are put in the journal in the column on which knowledge is checked (for example, the previous topic in grade 10 was "" Creativity of L.N. Tolstoy "", and now you are studying the work of F. M. Dostoevsky, but you are checking the knowledge of some students on the work of L. N. Tolstoy, so the mark should be put in the column that is reserved in the journal for the work of L. N. Tolstoy). With this record keeping procedure, it is always clear which students have not yet been tested on the topic and which topics have unsatisfactory grades. For students who have not mastered the material of the topic (have unsatisfactory grades or missed classes for any reason), the task is to work through the material without fail (they are provided with the necessary assistance for this), the verification period is determined.

    It is important not to forget that the thematic assessment should not be given as an arithmetic mean (i.e., the assessment should not be formal). On one topic, a student can have several grades, while the decisive one is the one that reflects the final result of the student's work on the topic and is set on the basis of testing knowledge of the main, essential issues of the topic.

    A student can have two final grades. The first grade is given immediately after the completion of the work on the topic. But the student feels that he is able to improve it. Then he is given time to work on that, then the teacher re-checks the knowledge and gives a second grade (if it has changed compared to the first). During quarter grading, the second final grade will be given precedence. Quarter grades are given on the basis of the actual assimilation of all topics, taking into account their importance in the course of literature.

    The thematic accounting of knowledge will be effective when students and their parents are familiarized with its principles in advance, if the principles of openness and democracy are observed.

    With the problem of thematic accounting of progress, the problem of conducting tests arises. It is important to remember that you cannot replace the current performance test with credits. In grades 5-9, tests can be carried out only in some cases (in agreement with the school administration in order to avoid overloading students), and in grades 10-11, tests can be conducted more often (for students who missed classes on a topic or did not complete tests), but in agreement with the school administration, so that several tests in different subjects do not coincide at the same time. However, if instead of a regular current check, only tests are introduced, then the students will work irregularly, a situation may arise that there will be nothing to do in the lesson (for example, no one read the text of the work by the lesson, because they put it off for the test), in addition, there will be significant overload. Mass offsets outside of school hours are not allowed.

    General Criteria for Evaluating Student Achievements

    The evaluation analyzes:

      characteristics of the student's answer: integrity, completeness, consistency, reliability;

      quality of knowledge: meaningfulness, depth, flexibility, consistency, generalization;

      the degree of formation of general educational and subject skills and abilities;

      level of proficiency in mental operations: the ability to analyze, synthesize, compare, classify, generalize, draw conclusions;

      experience in creative activity (the ability to identify problems, formulate hypotheses, solve problems);

      autonomy of value judgments.

    Mandatory types of assessment of student achievement are:



    a) before starting to study the topic, all students should be familiar with the terms for studying the topic, with the number and subject of compulsory work and the timing of their implementation, with the questions that are submitted for certification, the certification period, the conditions for assessment;

    b) a thematic assessment can also be set automatically based on the results of students mastering the material of the topic during its study, taking into account current grades and after the student completes the relevant final tasks;

    c) the teacher must motivate each assessment, bring it to the attention of the student and announce it in front of the class;

    - final (the grade is set based on the results of thematic assessment, and for the year - on the basis of quarter grades).

    When evaluating oral responses The teacher is guided by the following criteria:

      knowledge of the text and understanding of the ideological and artistic content of the studied


      the ability to explain the relationship of events, the nature and actions of the characters;

      understanding the role of artistic means in revealing the ideological and aesthetic

      knowledge of theoretical and literary concepts and the ability to use these

    knowledge in the analysis of works studied in the classroom and read independently;

      speech literacy, logic and consistency of the answer, technique and

    expressive reading.

    The basis essay grades the following main

    criteria within the program of this class:

      correct understanding of the topic, the depth and completeness of its disclosure;

      correct communication of facts, correct explanation of events and behavior

      evidence of the main provisions;

      attracting material important and essential for the disclosure of the topic;

      the ability to draw conclusions and generalizations;

      accuracy in quotations and the ability to include them in the text of the essay;

      the proportionality of the parts of the composition, the logic of connections and transitions between

      accuracy and richness of vocabulary, the ability to use visual

    means of language.

    Criteria for assessing the educational achievements of students

    on literature

    Evaluation criteria


    The student reproduces the material, naming a separate fact

    The student understands the educational material and can reproduce its fragment in separate sentences

    The student understands the educational material and, with the help of the teacher, gives an answer in the form of an utterance.

    The student has an idea about the content of the work, is able to retell an insignificant part of it and, with the help of the teacher, determine the main plot elements

    The student knows the content of the work, retells a separate part of it, with the help of the teacher, finds examples in the text.

    The student knows the content of the work, is able to retell a significant part of it, with the help of the teacher, highlights the main episodes.


    The student owns the material and skills of analyzing a work of art according to the model given by the teacher, gives individual examples from the text.

    The student owns the material, analyzes the text under the guidance of the teacher, corrects the mistakes made and selects evidence to support his own thoughts.

    The student owns the material and skills of analyzing a literary work, evaluates individual literary phenomena, and argues his own thoughts.

    The student owns the material and skills of analyzing a literary work, systematizes the acquired knowledge, finds and corrects the mistakes made.

    The student owns the material, skills and abilities of analyzing a literary work, expresses his own thoughts, independently evaluates literary phenomena

    The student is fluent in the material and skills of analyzing a work of art, is capable of original solutions to various tasks, the implementation of which is provided for by the curriculum.

    Questions for self-control:

      How to ensure control over the cognitive activity of students?

      What are the functions of marks?

      What are the requirements for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students?

      What is important to consider when evaluating the work of students?

      What are the general principles for recording and assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students?

      What are the functions of the current and final control over the knowledge and skills of schoolchildren?

      What is the essence and what is the significance of the thematic accounting of students' knowledge?

      What are the rules for checking and taking into account the knowledge, skills and abilities of students?

      What are the criteria for evaluating student performance in the classroom?

      What is important to consider when evaluating a student's essay?

      What are the criteria for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in foreign literature.

    Test tasks.

      Quality control of students' knowledge should be

    a) episodic

    b) systematic,

    c) frequent.

      When grading, the teacher must first of all take care that

    a) the grade was understandable to the student,

    b) give more good grades,

    c) Give grades on time.

      The teacher should strive to ensure that assessment is primarily

    a) was at all stages of the lesson,

    b) created a sense of success,

    c) encouraged students.

      Person-centered learning involves

    a) objective assessment of students' knowledge by the teacher,

    b) assessment of their knowledge by the students themselves,

    c) non-judgmental learning.

      Thematic accounting of knowledge leads to

    a) increasing the objectivity of the assessment,

    b) accumulation of grades,

    c) to facilitate the work of teachers.

      Testing schoolchildren is better to use

    a) every lesson

    b) for current control,

    c) for the final control.

      When commenting on an assessment, it is important for students to pay attention to

    a) the nature of the answer and the quality of the student's knowledge,

    b) student activity in the lesson,

    c) attention and perseverance in the lesson.

    Creative tasks.

    1. Prepare materials for a literature test (class, topic - at your discretion):

      test for the current control work,

      questions and tasks for the final control.

    2. Prepare a student self-assessment checklist.

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