What mistakes to avoid in a relationship. The mistakes of women in relationships with men are the main misconceptions. Intrusion into personal space

A woman should not tell a man that she loves him.

Let her shining, happy eyes speak about it.

They are more eloquent than any words.

(Erich Maria Remarque)

Hello, dear readers!

This article presents the typical ones that women commit against men.

These mistakes make life together unbearable and full of suffering, divorce couples and destroy families.

How I get asked the same questions over and over again:

  • how to change relationships with each other?
  • how to make them better?
  • how to return warmth and care to them?

Answering these questions is not easy.

Moreover, many couples, whom family quarrels and conflicts have long brought to the brink of divorce, sincerely believe that a few expert advice can radically and very quickly change the situation.

And yet, I decided to write a series of articles where I will try to answer the question posed, and also talk about what spoils relations between people.

In part, I already started doing this in the article:

And also in articles about and about.

This publication presents a "black list" of erroneous actions that drive couples into an emotional crisis.

In fact, the answer to the question: “how to change relationships with each other for the better” is as follows:

"Women, just don't do what's on this list!" (the answer for men will be in another article).

In addition, this list can be used as a psychological test:

If a woman very often makes at least one of these mistakes, then it should be considered that soon life together and relationships with her soulmate

stop being happy.

And if nothing is done, then the relationship will soon collapse.

It is quite logical that in one of the following publications I will write about destructive.

So, …

Women's mistakes

in relationships with men

  1. A wife is a mother to her husband...

The basic mistake of many women is the spread of maternal instinct to their man.

Women's love and care are replaced by maternal ones.

A woman, without realizing it, takes on all the everyday and material problems, takes responsibility and makes purely masculine life decisions.

She becomes a caring mother for her husband, whose role is combined with the role of a servant.

To give, bring, find a lost thing, and then get a portion of irritation for doing something wrong is quite normal for such women.

How does a man behave in such cases?

Everyone loves it at first. Then events develop according to two main scenarios.

Scenario 1.

The man himself, being, accepts the rules and begins to play the role of a child. Becomes inactive, capricious and infantile.

Loses skills and experience in solving problems and climbs on the shoulders of a woman.

Among such men, domestic tyrants often come across, mercilessly exploiting women under the guise of a defenseless child.

As a result, a woman carries this “child” on her shoulders, loses her individuality and becomes deeply unhappy.

Scenario 2.

Has two sub options.

If a man , then he either:

a) immediately leaves such guardianship and excessive love, which completely deprives him of his individuality. Or…

b) after a constructive clarification of the relationship, the woman refuses the role of the mother, and they begin to interact according to the type of relationship « adult-adult."

If a man is still being formed, but he is no longer alien to independence, then the suppressed male individuality soon begins to assert itself.

The man starts to rebel. For example, by cheating or traveling to the world of alcohol. Or will begin to initiate family quarrels and scandals. Or listen to your wife, but do the opposite. Or... well, you get the idea.

This can go on for years, until old age and weakness bring them to reconciliation.

But in any case, for them it is a failed and.

  1. Criticism…

In the article:

I already wrote that criticism is a professional destroyer of all marriages.

I mean non-constructive criticism. What it is?

It's simple: if your husband is wrong about something:

  • start by pointing out he's wrong
  • then remember a few more of his past mistakes
  • remind him of a couple of his shortcomings and negative qualities
  • at the same time, say all this very emotionally, with resentment and anger

All you are doing in this case is you are blaming, blaming the shortcomings, and, in fact, you are devaluing the person.

This is destructive, devastating, personal criticism.

It is clear that she will not change the behavior of your man, she will demotivate him even more and strengthen him between you.

Criticism should be constructive and supportive.

It should set up a dialogue aimed at, and not at cocking the mainspring of the conflict.

Your spouse must understand that you support and appreciate him.

That you are set not to devalue and humiliate him, not to look for flaws and constantly sawing, but to search for agreements and compromises.

By the way, criticism of their interests and hobbies is considered a special “brain removal” among men.

For example: “Your friends stand for nothing! Your fishing is a waste of time. Well, what, tell me, is this football for you?

This is the devaluation of the individual and his needs.

Just imagine how they throw mud at and criticize something that is very dear to you and that interests you very much.

  1. Notations, reproaches and moralizing ...

With their help, a woman tries to educate a man and, most importantly, to prove that she is right and he is wrong.

As a rule, moralizing begins with the phrase: "I told you, but you did not listen to me ...".

All this is accompanied by increased emotionality and is justified by logic, which is completely incomprehensible to men.

You can’t tell who is right and who is wrong, but the fact that such communications will end in another scandal is for sure.

Another common mistake in this series is the chronic reproaches and accusations of the husband.

This is a scripted game: "It's all because of you!" or "It's all your fault!"

Typically, the following phrases are used:

“You yourself say that you are the master of the house! So why then…”


“You lie on the couch all the time or play computer games! That's why…".

I’m not saying that a woman is always wrong in such cases, just lectures, accusations and moralizing will not lift a man off the couch and make him fix the lock ...

They will lead to scandal and destroy relationships.

And if you stay together, then your life will turn into an endless series of vague and bleak days.

  1. Devaluing judgments or caustic and caustic phrases ...

According to many men, women use them very professionally.

For example:

  • “I don’t understand why I got involved with someone like you…”
  • “You are so small! You can't be trusted with anything!"
  • “Were you hastily conceived?”
  • “You always have to repeat everything several times!”
  • “If you contact an idiot, you yourself will start to be stupid”
  • “Have you been to a psychiatrist for a long time?”
  • "Yes, ahead of you was born!"
  • “What place were you thinking when you did this?!”

Women, think about the essence of these phrases.

Do you really think that they are able to correct men and bring them to a constructive dialogue with you?

Of course not! These phrases are aggressive psychological blows.

Nothing good in the relationship between a man and a woman, between husband and wife, they do not bring.

The use of such phrases in conflicts leads to their aggravation, and, in the end, to a break in relations.

The most terrible for a man is a critical and devaluing judgment: “Yes, nothing will work out for you ...”.

As a rule, this is said if a woman does not like his undertaking, idea, goals or ideas.

If you repeat this several times, the man will feel that there will never be support from you, and he will simply leave. Or in an instant turn into a domestic tyrant.

But it's already.

  1. Clarification of relations in public ...

Mistakes that women make can be very different, but this one is one of the most typical and common.

Many women thereby want to prove to others that they are the masters of the situation and know how to manage their husband well.

To do this, they carry out these demonstrative psychological "sawing" and cleansing of relations with him.

Hoping, moreover, that the presence of the public will increase the impact on her husband.

But they are wrong.

First, they hardly improve their own in the eyes of others.

Rather, on the contrary, they begin to be known as grumpy squabblers, incapable of normal family relationships.

And, secondly, they do not know that many men themselves can use family quarrels and scandals in public as a kind of powerful and strong person - "the master of the house."

This game, which both sexes enjoy playing, is called: “Look at what he (she) is! And I have to live with it!”

In addition to correcting one's image, this game is also used to justify one's unfortunate situation and unwillingness to change anything, as well as to arouse pity and support from others.

Many who have already made the decision in their hearts to leave their soulmate use public showdowns to justify their decision in the eyes of others.

Like, look, how can you live with him (her)!?

Agree, I did the right thing (-al) that I divorced (-sya)!?

  1. Manipulative communication...

Many women actively use manipulative techniques to control their men. (But so do men.)

Classical examples are resentment, tears and hysteria, as well as lies and cunning.

Anger and silence are also used as tactical manipulation tools. Read about it.

Insincerity and manipulation easily and simply poison and destroy relationships, make them unbearable.

In addition, by manipulating each other, the husband and wife always distort their destinies with negative ones.

  1. Consumer attitude towards a man ...

Some women use men (and men women) to solve their own, purely personal problems.

Most often, the purpose of exploitation is finance and material wealth.

In general, a male earner is very good, but often it is this social role that concentrates exploitative motives on itself.

As a rule, this is done by personally immature women who are unable to independently.

If a man is not a fool, then he will soon realize that he is simply used and not loved.

That it is needed only because it is useful. But as a person, as a person, nobody is interested in him.

As a result, such utilitarianism will soon put an end to the relationship.

  1. Sacrificial Service...

The error is the opposite of the previous one.

Here, a woman does not exploit a man, squeezing everything she can out of him, but she herself gives him everything he wants.

Everything is done for the sake of a man in whom she does not have a soul, even if he treats her like an empty place.

However, a woman may even understand that in this case, sacrificing herself is a crime against herself, but she cannot do anything about it.

She hopes that this is a sacrifice in the name of love and reciprocal care, but most often it leads to unhappiness and emptiness.

After all, men rarely appreciate such female sacrifice. Although, they do it right, because it is a sacrifice.

Such sacrifice makes a woman ignore her interests, needs and hobbies.

She loses herself, and, therefore, becomes uninteresting to herself or her man.

This is what typical mistakes that women make in relationships with men look like (read about men's mistakes)

In order to prevent them, you need to change yourself, and not strive with all your might to change your soulmate.

Most importantly, you need to remember that both spouses, 50/50, are responsible for family quarrels and troubles, conflicts, misunderstanding, deceit, lies and, finally, parting.

This law applies in all circumstances.

Throwing responsibility on to another is another typical problem in family life.

That's all.

Dear readers!

I hope that knowing what women's mistakes are in relation to men, Character traits of a woman that men hate

Many are already glad that they have a soulmate, often without thinking about the quality of these relationships and making many mistakes. Or it may be that a person has been trying unsuccessfully for years to arrange a personal life, but relationships often end according to the same scenario.

There can be many reasons for such behavior, including the attitude of parents as a model for the child, and they are not always successful, and the fear of something new. You can unconsciously repeat the same mistakes out of fear of the unknown, out of fear of making a mistake, because you don’t know how, because you are afraid to do it differently.

To get out of this vicious circle, you need to understand the main common mistakes in relationships made by men and women, and make every effort to make them as rare as possible.

What is the difference between the views of men and women on relationships?

In fact, this is already the key to why people make mistakes and cannot build harmonious relationships. Differences between views on life, unwillingness to tolerate the shortcomings of another person, evaluation of him, in the end. After all, it is so arranged that a man is characterized by logic, consistency, including when building relationships. And women, on the contrary, are emotional and illogical.

How does a man evaluate a woman?

In the logical brain of a man there is a well-established scheme for evaluating a girl, which must either meet all the points, or an “object replacement” will be required.

  • The first test is assessment of her external data. Here they don’t argue about tastes: either you like it - and go to the second point, or not - and look further.
  • The second test is girl's ability to communicate, maintain a dialogue, her sense of humor, and, importantly, the comfort of spending time together. In the case of a complete lack of communication skills, the girl runs the risk of either never seeing this young man again, or becoming a girl for once. In case of correspondence in terms of communication, the man proceeds to the next paragraph.
  • Third test - satisfaction from sex. It is a completely logical and natural stage in the development of relations, however, it also has a strong influence on the development of further relationships. If it's good in bed with a girl, the transition to the fourth test is indisputable. And if not, then options are possible. Depending on what feelings the young man had for the girl, or on her willingness to meet the desires of the young man.
  • The fourth test is comfort and lack of tension in a relationship with a girl. If after sex, lying in bed, a girl begins to list the list of things that a man needs to do, and even expands it after a couple of hours, because she forgot something, not everyone can withstand this. Here, either the girl ran into a masochist who is ready to fulfill any whim for sex, or in the end she will be left alone.
  • The fifth test is the desire of a man to see a girl as his wife, mother of his children. Comfort in relationships, mutual pleasantness of communication and enjoyment of each other - this is what a man needs, what he expects and wants from his girlfriend. And if he gets all this, and even a wonderful hostess in addition, he definitely won’t leave such a man.

How does a woman evaluate a man?

In the life of girls, things are completely different. Any pretty young lady always has someone, let her call it friendship, “healthy” relationships, a pocket guy or something else, but in most cases they start new relationships when they find a more beautiful, richer, smart young man.

Therefore, the main reason for looking for a new relationship for a woman is ... boredom! When she is tired of being too happy or unhappy, when everything is too good or too bad and she needs to break out, then the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bstarting a new relationship arises.

How does a girl rate a guy? Here, oddly enough, there are significant differences from the male model. Appearance is definitely important. But if, combed, it smells delicious - this is already quite enough.

  1. First of all, the girl evaluates her emotions from dating! It is the emotional trace that will make her smile when she remembers your meeting, from which her eyes light up and her heart beats harder. Thus, if the process of meeting a man did not emotionally hook you, do not wait to continue.
  2. Then everything is simple, almost the same as for men. In the so-called candy-bouquet period, the girl evaluates communication comfort level understanding her as a person. If mutual understanding is found, we proceed to the next paragraph, if not, the man goes to the bench or is transferred to the category of friends.
  3. Sex impressions also play a significant role. And since every girl has different needs, everything is individual here. However, it should be specifically noted that the question of whether a girl wants to see this man as the father of her children or not, she simply does not arise due to the fact that if it comes to bed, then she subconsciously wants to.
  4. The fourth stage is comparison of the current young man with the previous one. No matter how insulting it sounds for the guys, but every girl will compare, and if the former was better in some respects, sorry, but the comedy ends. And it depends only on female wisdom whether a young man finds out why he is worse, or whether a worthy reason for parting will be found.
  5. And the final, fifth stage for the girl, oddly enough, is in re-comparison current and former boyfriends (after a few months of relationship). After the love passes, all the masks are dropped and there is no need to play macho, the man relaxes, feeling like the master of the situation. And this, perhaps, is his main mistake. Lead the girl, she never ceases to evaluate and compare men with each other even after six months of relationship! Therefore, if the repeated comparison was in favor of the current boyfriend, you can already introduce yourself to your parents and think about the wedding. And if not, she will find a plausible excuse for parting.

Perhaps it is these differences in the perception of relationships that are the main sources of errors in the relationship between a man and a woman. The linearity of male thinking can never be in unison with the female mania for comparisons.

What are the biggest mistakes women make in relationships?

Disbelief in the strength, capabilities of a man

This is one of the common mistakes women make in relationships. Just remember what a wave of joy comes from praise from the lips of a beloved, dear person. And how depressing criticism and reproaches work. Who said that men react differently? After all, they, too, can be vulnerable, touchy and need support from a woman! No wonder they say: if you want to be the wife of a general, marry a lieutenant. Indeed, in the promotion of a man up the career ladder, a woman plays an important role. Believe in your men, support them, and over time it will bear fruit, you'll see!

Excessive "domestication"

Another fatal mistake of a woman. Unfortunately, many women, having conquered a man, cease to charm and attract him. They get used to it, as to a home attribute. And then a completely reasonable question arises, why does he follow the gaze of beautiful women. Yes, because her woman has ceased to take care of herself, and at home she walks in a worn dressing gown. Dear women, remember that even after 10 years of a joint relationship, you can remain a mystery to your husband, an attractive companion and a true friend. Don't start yourself and take the time to look after your own appearance.

Lack of comfort both at home and in relationships

In pursuit of beauty don't forget about home! This can lead to a loss of understanding and detachment of the spouse. It is the warmth and comfort of the home that will make a man refuse to go to a sports bar in favor of spending time with his wife.

Constant predictability and boring stability

Here is another typical mistake in the behavior of a woman. Of course, here one can argue that stability is good, but sometimes relationships need a breath of fresh air, change. Feel free to spoil a man unexpected surprises, extracurricular gifts. He, too, needs attention.

Woman's unwillingness to let go of a man

This can be a fatal oversight in a relationship. A man also needs personal space, he does not have to be your nanny and entertain you because you are bored. In a similar way, you belittle a Man in him who wants to conquer, conquer and achieve something new. And, as a result, when he achieves nothing in this life, there will be no one to blame but himself, because there was no need to keep him near his skirt! Take care of yourself better and give your man the same opportunity.

Lack of shared goals

Another factor in the relationship between a man and a woman that can lead to a break. And here all the responsibility falls on the shoulders of the woman, because it is she who needs to form them. Where to go on vacation, how many children to have, what kind of house to build and when to plant a tree here are those issues that should be decided jointly by a man and a woman. Otherwise, you can make a terrible egoist out of your man, interested only in his own goals.

Perception of men's habits as selfishness

It's sort of understandable, every woman wants attention, worries, caresses, and then he was going to the gym, to dinner with the boss and to the sports club. Suspicions may creep in ... But think, for a moment, that he went to a fitness club because you once liked his cubes on the press, and he has dinner with his boss in order to solve his professional and career issues. And is he thinking about the future of your family at this moment?

Misunderstanding that the husband is the real and main family

This is another common mistake women make! Oddly enough, when a woman's status changes, the concept of family also changes. Of course, parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers do not go anywhere, they will always remain relatives. But even though you are not related by blood with your husband, you and your children are your real family.

Shifting responsibility for a happy relationship to a man

Here is another typical mistake women make in relationships. It just so happened historically that a man is destined to achieve great goals, and a woman is the keeper of the hearth, mother and wife. And in our emancipated age, it is sometimes difficult for women to come to terms with the fact that all responsibility for the house, and for the family, and even for work, lies with her. But think about how little girls, through playing with dolls, creating imaginary families, learn about relationships from childhood. Boys, on the contrary, by playing cars, war games or sports games, learn to achieve success, to win. That is why it is useless to blame a man that he does not know how household duties are performed, a family is built - his energy is directed more towards destruction than towards creation. Don't Shift Responsibility for developing a relationship with a man, let him be a winner and concentrate his energy on achieving his goals, while not forgetting about you, of course.

Exaggerated expectation of tenderness and affection

Women, as a rule, tend to have a constant desire to be surrounded by affection, to hear pleasant words from a man. But the reality is that a strong, brutal man is alien to every minute expression of his tender feelings. Do not force a man to confess his love to you every 15 minutes especially if you are not alone. Leave it for intimate moments when you are alone and belong only to each other.

What are the main mistakes a man makes in a relationship?

Since building relationships is a matter of two, it would also be good for men to learn about the typical mistakes they make in relationships with women, because due to the difference in perceptions and expectations, they may not even realize that some things hurt or do not suit their soul mates.

Disregard for women's appearance

No woman can forgive a man for this. After all, all these jars in the bathroom do not just take up a lot of space on the shelves. Clothing that does not fit in the closet is also not a stupid female whim, belongings and a desire to waste money stupidly. In fact, this is an expression of a woman's secret desire to always please her man! A new hairstyle, makeup, blouse - all just so that he appreciates her efforts! And, of course, empty, in the opinion of a man, resentment that he did not notice a new hairstyle is a kind of trauma for a woman, since this is her perception of reality. In this case, she begins to feel the futility of her efforts, ceases to feel desirable. After all, you are unlikely to be happy if she does not appreciate the new wheels on your car or fresh tuning ...

Lack of concern for one's appearance

It can also turn a girl away. If she spends hours on training in the gym, hairdresser, manicure, etc., then she has the right to expect that next to her there will be at least a shaved, trimmed, tidy man.

Lack of purpose in a man's life

It looks like an unforgivable mistake in the eyes of a woman. Any woman wants to see a successful man next to her, with the potential that she can be proud of.

Stop in development

It is very important to understand that a woman is created to follow her man. This also applies to personal development. If you want your girl to start developing, show her an example! If you want her to quit smoking, quit yourself first! Everything is simple!

Man's claim to be the master of the relationship

Here is another gross mistake men make towards women. Men, you can be the owner of your firm, company, department, car, after all. But remember that the role of hostess in a relationship should be given to a woman! If she says that this is better for a relationship, then it really is!

Spare money on a girl?

Under no circumstances should this be done! Of course, the priorities of men and women are completely different. For a man, money, career, car, status, sex is everything, these are the necessary components of his life. For girls, if not the main thing, then very important is her appearance, beauty, so do not deny your loved ones small weaknesses.

Women don't like soft men

Remember this! If over time you begin to lose your hardness, write-is gone. First of all, it will start to enrage you yourself, then your passion, which will eventually lose respect for you. Always remember that you are a Man!

Obscurity and hiding current affairs from it

This certainly can be attributed to the list of what a woman cannot forgive a man. Remember that your woman is the main ally! And the less often you turn to her for advice, the more she will move away. Be interested in her opinion, be open, and the other half will reciprocate.

In nature, the choice is made by a woman, and not vice versa.

This is the last, though not least, rule of nature - so try to justify this trust. After all, women in relationships invest a lot of strength, energy, care and love. Appreciate it, thank the woman and never forget what your beloved does for you.

How to build relationships and avoid mistakes?

As the well-known proverb says, only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. Therefore, it is important to learn to draw conclusions from your mistakes and try not to step on the same rake twice.

But there are things without which relationships will never be harmonious. Try to bring them into your life together.

So, without what not to build a strong relationship?

  • Of course, without understanding each other. That is why friends often create wonderful, strong relationships. It is very important to speak the same language, to have common hobbies and tastes.
  • The second necessary element is confidence. Forget about the habit of checking your loved one's phone in the evening. If such a desire has arisen, then everything is not so smooth for you, and is it worth looking for a reason for parting, which you do not want? Maybe you just need to figure out what does not suit you? It's better to talk frankly than to be caught off guard while reading your partner's SMS.
  • Remember that everyone needs their own space. Therefore, do not demand from your half all her (his) free time, don't be afraid to let each other go to meet friends, colleagues, to the fitness room, etc.
  • Support dear person is invaluable, so if your passion wants to open his own business, change jobs - support her (him) in this endeavor.
  • Ability to negotiate and compromise gives a chance to relationships for a long life, because in this case no one feels disadvantaged.
  • Christian forgiveness- this is not only harmony in relationships, but also an indicator of their seriousness. If you want your loved one to feel comfortable next to you, learn to forgive, forget minor grievances and not remember them even in the heat of a quarrel.
  • Showing love is not weakness. How will a dear person understand that you love him when you don’t say it? Not showing your feelings is a big mistake in a relationship.
  • Be direct about what you want and what you don't like. If your partner is a psychic, it may be a little easier in this case. But most want what's on their minds.
  • If you truly love a person, don't do anything to him out of spite, because the boomerang tends to return.

And remember that, despite the transformation of relationships over time, both a man and a woman do not cease to need warmth, care, love and attention. Appreciate each other, love each other and remember that in a relationship it is important not only to receive, but also to give!

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Relationships are a very complex and intricate process that requires wisdom and constant moral effort. No love union will last forever if people do not know how to control emotions and do not want to work on their shortcomings. As you know, women are more emotional creatures than men, and often destroy even the most beautiful novels with their ridiculous behavior. Many of the fair sex adopted the wrong model of communication with men from their mothers. They are forced to follow the same path and experience the sad experience of their parents.

The fair sex makes mistakes subconsciously, so in every new relationship they step on the same rake. Consider what mistakes women make most often.

1. Attempts to fashion an ideal out of a man. An adult is a person with strong beliefs and principles. It is very difficult to change character and outlook. This process requires great effort and, of course, the desire of the person himself. It is naive to believe that a guy can completely change for the sake of his girlfriend. Even a loving person is waiting for concessions from the second half. Therefore, the strongest love union is the relationship of the most compatible people who have common interests and views. A girl should decide on the criteria for choosing a life partner, and only after that look at the candidates.

2. Obsessive behavior. Men like cheerful and active girls, but excessive importunity will not be useful for relationships. No need to call ten times a day and fill the guy with Vkontakte hearts. The imposition of one's society can scare a man away. He will regard this as an encroachment on personal freedom and will want to get rid of the annoying beauty as soon as possible. Offensive behavior is natural for the stronger sex, but women should be more restrained.

3. Attempts to control his life. If you want to keep your loved one, do not turn from a romantic heroine into an abstruse detective. Don't demand accountability for his every move, don't check his phone, don't be jealous of virtual girlfriends on social networks. Most guys do not withstand total control and simply run away from "suffocating" love. Do not forget that the basis of a sincere relationship is complete trust. There is no need to control a devoted man, but an unfaithful one will always find a way to change.

4. Constant discontent. A woman should not allow her chosen one to behave unworthily, but it’s not worth “cutting” him because of all sorts of nonsense. Alternate cute female whims with praise and admiration. Men also need support and understanding, they also need to lift their spirits and self-esteem sometimes. If a girl walks forever dissatisfied and irritable, then one day the guy will run out of patience, and he will find a more positive girlfriend.

5. The requirement to be interested in purely female activities. Discuss novelties of cosmetics or the subtleties of needlework with your girlfriends, but with a man, discuss either what is interesting to him or neutral topics. A good guy himself understands that you need to show interest in a girl’s hobbies from time to time, but he does not have to talk about them for hours and know all the nuances. Men have very different hobbies, but they do not force women to understand motorcycles or learn how to repair cranes.

6. Reproaches and criticism. Once again, we repeat that there is no need to try to change the man you love. Accept him the way nature created him and raised his mother. In order to avoid disappointments in the future, you should study all the minuses and shortcomings of your chosen one as early as possible. If there are more negative qualities than good ones, consider whether it is worth continuing the relationship. But you won’t get anything from a guy by always reading morality. You can not teach your chosen one in front of people, especially with his friends and relatives. Do not compare the guy with other men - celebrities, your exes or just acquaintances. Such actions deal a terrible blow to male pride.

7. Closeness or constant whining. Be sincere with your beloved guy, but do not overload him with your worries and problems. Dose them wisely, serving them in portions that your man can digest at one time. Remember that he also has his own problems, and, possibly, complexes. Help a man to become better and achieve success. Do not lose the zest and riddles. Small pauses are good for a relationship, but don't hide from a guy for too long. Otherwise, the hunter will get tired of looking for your trail.

Balance is important in relationships, people should complement each other, taking into account the peculiarities of the psychology of both sexes. By playing their natural roles, a man and a woman are more likely to create a harmonious and strong relationship.

To win the heart of a beloved man and build a harmonious relationship with him, women are ready for anything, even to eradicate habits that annoy the opposite sex. However, the development of relationships depends on both partners, and no matter how wise and complaisant women are, if men make unforgivable mistakes, sooner or later this will turn into a loud scandal for them.

It would seem that if people love each other and want to be together, why do they forget about mutual respect and do not resolve disputes even before they turn into an offensive quarrel? But the catch is that men and women think differently. And if a woman, by virtue of her natural intuition, can still understand the unspoken feelings of her chosen one, then a man, with his logical-investigative thinking, is not easy to do, and sometimes even impossible.

Therefore, all the representatives of the stronger sex who want to maintain a happy relationship with their chosen ones need to learn the 10 most serious mistakes of men in relationships with women, and try not to allow them under any circumstances in their lives.

1. You don't solve her problems.

It just so happened by nature - a man should be wise, courageous and strong. A man must protect and protect his woman from any trouble, at least every woman wants it to be so. And even if it seems to you that your chosen one lives a carefree and happy life, this is not at all the case, because every day she has to solve a bunch of domestic and personal issues. Therefore, at the first opportunity, show participation in her concerns. And never wait until your chosen one asks you for help herself - just in case, offer help first, and even if she refuses, she will be pleased with your attentiveness.

2. You are stingy with compliments.

A woman needs compliments like a flower needs water. Without water, the flower will wither and die, and without compliments, a woman will no longer feel like a woman. If you do not say affectionate words to your chosen one and do not admire her appearance, believing that this is already clear, because you love her, the woman will consider that she is no longer interesting to you. Therefore, when you see a new outfit on your beloved, be sure to emphasize that it suits her especially and complements the already stunning beauty.

3. You are indecisive

Perhaps you find it difficult to make a choice between a trip to the sea or a hike in the mountains, between dinner in a Japanese restaurant or in a restaurant with Georgian cuisine, and you think that your chosen one will cope with this task better. However, even in small things, a woman wants to see you as a reliable support, so overcome your indecision and at least sometimes take the whole burden of responsibility on your shoulders.

4. You are not interested in her affairs

You come home from work, exchange a few phrases, have dinner and go to play computer games or watch TV. Thus, you are used to relieving the tension that has accumulated during the day, however, your silence and indifference makes a woman feel unnecessary and abandoned. Remember, the fair sex love intimate conversations, talking, they get rid of stress and rest from bad thoughts. So train yourself to be interested in how her day went.

5. You lie

If you believe that you have no equal in the art of lying, and when you delicately distort reality, stating that your strict boss entrusted you with overtime, but in fact you spent the evening in a bar with friends, believing that this harmless lie will remain your secret, you are very much mistaken. Any woman feels insincerity on a subconscious level, and you will not be able to outwit this skill. If the habit of lying becomes your permanent state, very soon a woman will stop trusting you both in small things and in serious situations.

6. You don't know how to stand up for your principles.

The paradox of the female psyche lies in the fact that every representative of the weaker sex wants to simultaneously see a soft attentive romantic next to her, as well as a strong powerful man. Simply put, you should not always indulge your chosen one in everything, because. very soon she will begin to consider you a weak-willed weakling. If something in her requests and demands contradicts your male principles, feel free to defend your position.

7. You are sure that a woman will forgive you for any mistakes.

For some reason, many men believe that their wives are most afraid of losing them, and therefore they will forgive them for any weaknesses and mistakes. Of course, every woman is afraid to be alone, but there is a limit to everything, and if the degree of insults you inflicted reaches a critical point, she will surely part with you.

8. You don't feel her mood.

Men tend to fight bad moods with a break or a glass of cold beer. A woman in a state of blues wants most of all to be listened to and supported by a loved one. And even if it seems to you that the sorrows of your chosen one are like blowing up a molehill, do not dismiss them, but at least listen and give wise advice.

9. You control her entire life.

Do you think that patriarchy should reign in the family, and do you prefer to control every action of your wife, believing that she should spend all the time only with you? You can be sure that very soon you will again become a single man, because. total control can destroy any feelings. If you do not want this, just learn to trust your chosen one. When she wants to spend time in the company of her friends or visiting relatives - do not forbid her this, because a piece of personal space is a need for every person.

10. You don't have a goal

Perhaps this is the biggest mistake that no woman can put up with. With great love, a woman will forgive you jealousy, a little lie, and indecision, but she will never be able to feel comfortable and secure next to a person whose life has no purpose. If you do not strive to achieve more than you currently have, and this applies not only to material values, you will not be able to take care of your future children.

Everyone makes mistakes from time to time, and it's not scary. It’s scary if you make mistakes and don’t realize it and don’t want to correct them. Therefore, in family life, nothing can be left to chance. If you see that your spouse is offended by you, but do not understand why, it is better to ask her about it, without letting a small spark of resentment grow into a big fire.

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