Interesting speech therapy classes abstracts about wild animals. Abstract of a speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group “Wild animals of our forests. Creating a motivational field

Olga Kudrevatova
Abstract of a speech therapy lesson on the topic: Wild animals

Goals: 1. Activate and expand the children's active vocabulary on the topic;

2. Fix generalizing concepts in the active vocabulary of children " wild


3. Teach children to form possessive adjectives;

4. Fix the formation of the names of the cubs animals;

5. Fix in the active dictionary of children adjectives that reflect

essential features wild animals;

6. Work on building complex sentences;

7. Work on building simple sentences that are common

addition in the genitive and instrumental cases;

8. Work on plasticity, the ability to convey characteristic movements in movements

peculiarities wild animals;

9. Development of observation.

Equipment: typesetting canvas, a cube with an image animals, pictures "Whose

tail, whose head? ”, subject pictures with wild animals,

subject pictures "What is missing?", subject pictures with

cubs animals.

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment.

Today to us occupation came guests. They will watch how you exercise and how you behave. On our guests during classes do not be distracted.

Now let's look at me. Get ready for occupation. On the lesson you need to answer with full answers and follow the sounds.

Now the one who will repeat after me will sit down phrase:

cowardly hare,

gray toothy wolf

agile fox,

clumsy bear,

agile squirrel,

prickly hedgehog,

Brown bear,

Deceitful fox.

2. Post topic lessons.

Did you guys guess what animals today we will speak lesson? (We will talk about wild animals) .

Right on today lesson we will talk about wild animals.

3. Conversation on the topic.

name wild animals that live in our forests? (fox, hare, bear, squirrel, wolf, hedgehog, elk, lynx, badger, etc.).

Why do you think these animals are called wild? (These animals live in the forest and find their own food, Man does not care about them). Correctly.

4. Lexico-grammatical work.

a) Guys wild animals sent us interesting tasks from the forest. Do you want to complete these tasks? (Yes). We can find the envelope with the task by looking at the picture of their favorite treat.

Now with the help "Magic Cube" we will find out whose task will be the first. (throw the dice).

b) Selection of words of signs that answer the question which one, which one? to wild animals.

Who dropped out? (wolf). What does a wolf eat? (fish, meat, mice, hares).

Will suit me. and find an envelope with a task from the wolf.

(Reading assignment).

The wolf sent us this exercise: “Pick up as many words as possible - signs that answer the questions what, what? to wild animals».

A fox (cautious, agile, deceitful, cunning, fluffy, redhead);

Wolf (gray, toothy, angry, hungry);

Bear (big, clubfoot, hairy, brown, clumsy, rough, huge, brown);

Squirrel (dexterous, agile, orange, fluffy);

Hare (fluffy, grey, white, cowardly);

Specify: At what time of the year is the hare gray (white ?;

Hedgehog (prickly, grey, smart).

Well done. You completed the task of the wolf and picked up a lot of words about animals.

c) Game "Fix the mistake".

(I roll the dice). Who fell out: (a fox). What does a fox eat? (meat, mice, chickens).

He will come up to me ... and find an envelope with a task from the fox.

(Reading assignment).

The fox is cunning and wanted to deceive us. She sent such a task, listen carefully to what she writes:

The bear lives in a hollow

(No, the bear does not live in a hollow, but in a den).

The squirrel lives in lair.

The wolf lives in a hollow.

The hare lives in a den.

The wolf lives in a hole.

Bear under a bush.

Did the fox manage to deceive us? (No).

d) Game "Tails Messed Up".

(I roll the dice). Who dropped out? (Squirrel).

What does a squirrel eat? (nuts, mushrooms).

He will come up to me ... and find an envelope with a task from a squirrel.

(Reading assignment).

Belka writes that wild animals messed up tails. She asks you to help everyone find their own tail. Let's help animals? (Yes).

Did you recognize them by their faces? Let's call. (Squirrel face, wolf face, hare face, etc.). Now we will select for each animal tail. (Children call tails and say to whom it belongs - this is a wolf tail. The wolf needs it, etc.).

Well done boys. Animals are very happy that you helped them find their tails.

e) Phys. minute.

(I roll the dice). Who dropped out? (hare). What does a rabbit eat? (grass, carrot, cabbage).

He will come up to me ... and find an envelope with a task from a hare.

The hare asks us to rest a little and portray wild animals to music. (Children stand in a circle and imitate the movements of a hare, fox, wolf, bear, squirrel, hedgehog).

Well done boys. You moved like the real ones animals.

f) Game "What is missing?".

(I roll the dice). Who dropped out? (Hedgehog). What does a hedgehog eat? (apples, mushrooms, worms)

He will come up to me ... and find an envelope with a task from a hedgehog.

(Reading assignment).

The smart hedgehog asked you to take the envelope that is on our table. Get a picture out of it. Carefully consider it and say what is missing from animal.

The squirrel is missing a tail.

The bear is missing ears.

The hedgehog is missing needles.

The rabbit is missing ears.

The fox is missing a tail.

The wolf is missing a leg.

Well done. You were very attentive and coped with the task of a smart hedgehog.

g) Game "The Cubs are Lost".

(I roll the dice). Who dropped out? (Bear). What does a bear eat? (honey and berries).

He will come up to me ... and find an envelope with a task from the bear.

(Reading assignment).

The bear invited to his son - a bear cub for the birthday of his friends. They ran and frolicked in the forest in the clearing. And when evening came, they realized that they were lost. The little bear asks you to help them find their mothers.

Can we help the kids? (Yes).

This is a wolf cub. His mother is a wolf.

This is a teddy bear. His mother is a bear.

This is a fox. His mom is a fox.

This is a bunny. His mother is a rabbit.

This is a squirrel. His mother is a squirrel.

This is a hedgehog. His mom is a hedgehog.

Well done. You helped all the cubs find their mother. Everyone is very happy. Remind me again what animals? (This is wild animals) . Why are they called wild?

5. Summing up lessons. Evaluation of children's activities.

Well done! You were all active, attentive, diligently completed all the tasks. Wild animals and I was satisfied with your answers.

You can be free.


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2. Vasilyeva S. A., Sokolova N. V. « speech therapy games for preschoolers». M. 1999

3. Konovalenko V. V. Konovalenko S. V. Frontal speech therapy classes in

senior group with OHP (I-III period). Moscow "Gnome-Press",1999

4. Timonen E. I. Tupoleinen E. T. A continuous system of correction of OHP in

conditions of a special kindergarten group for children with severe

speech disorders. (senior group) St. Petersburg "Childhood-Press", 2004

5. Agranovich Z. E. Collection of homework to help speech therapists and parents

to overcome the lexical and grammatical underdevelopment of speech in preschool children with

ONR. St. Petersburg "Childhood-Press",2003


Correctional and educational

  1. To expand and consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals, their body parts, cubs and wintering grounds.
  2. Learn to distinguish by ear the case endings of nouns.
  3. To consolidate the skill of practical use in speech of possessive and relative adjectives and masculine and feminine nouns.


  1. Develop general, fine and articulatory motor skills.
  2. Develop vocabulary skills.
  3. Develop thinking.

Correctional and educational

  1. To instill in children feelings of love for wild animals and the desire to preserve the world around them.


  1. A computer.
  2. Projector.
  3. Record player.
  4. Pictures depicting animal food.
  5. Cut pictures.
  6. Pictogram.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Every day, always, everywhere:
In the classroom, in the game
Clearly, clearly,
We are never in a hurry.

2. Development of articulatory motility.

For lips: frog, "wheel".

For language:“needle”, “tasty jam”.

For cheeks: hamsters are fat, hamsters are skinny.

3. Relaxation.

Today we are going on a journey. Let's sit comfortably.

Eyelashes fall down
The eyes are closing
We fall asleep with a magical dream,
We fly to the land of fairy tales.
One, two, three, four, five -
Let's look with our eyes again.

Where did we get to? (In the forest)

Let's breathe in the scent of the forest. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. (Ay)

Of all earthly wonders
All dearer to us is the Russian forest.

5. Exercises for the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech.

Surprise Moment “The Package”

6. Riddles about wild animals.

Angry touchy
Lives in the wilderness of the forest
Too many needles
And not a single thread. (Hedgehog)

A ball of fluff, a long ear,
Jumps deftly, loves carrots. (Hare)

Fluffy tail, golden fur
He lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village. (A fox)

She is small, the fur coat is magnificent,
Lives in a hollow, gnaws nuts. (Squirrel)

Walks without a road in summer
Near the pines and birches,
And in the winter he sleeps in a den
From the cold, hiding the nose. (Bear)

Who is cold in winter
Is an angry, hungry wandering in the forest? (Wolf)

7. Development of facial expressions.

We will now play and portray facial expressions.

8. Introduction to the topic.

Who sent us this package?

What do you think we are going to talk about today? (About animals)

How can we call them in one word? (wild)

Why are they called that?

9. Exercises for the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech.

Conversation “Who lives where?”

Finger gymnastics.

Conversation “Who was who?” (Assimilation of the category of instrumental case. Fixing the names of baby animals)

10. Outdoor game “Wild Animals” (musical accompaniment).

11. Exercises for the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech.

Guys, there is something else in the package, look.

Game “Collect the animal” (Learning possessive adjectives)

The game “What would we treat the animals to?”

12. The result of the lesson. Pictogram.

13. Development of general motor skills.

One, two, three, four, five -
We start playing.

Berezina E.S., teacher speech therapist.

To deepen children's knowledge about the wild animals of our forests, about their habits and behavior.

Fix the names of young wild animals.

Talk to children about the appearance of wild animals, about their habitat.

To consolidate the idea of ​​what they eat, how they prepare for winter, how they behave in the winter season.

Learn the word formation of possessive adjectives from nouns denoting animals.

Develop connected speech.

To learn how to write a short story-description about an animal based on a picture and supporting questions.

Develop attention, memory, thinking.


Object pictures depicting animals, envelopes, pictograms, animals without separate parts of the body, puzzle “Fox”, ball, symbolic image of the preposition “B”, relaxation music.

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: Hello guys!

I'm glad to see you all today. What is your mood? (excellent, cheerful, festive, mischievous, funny, sad)

Pictograms are displayed.

The speech therapist and children look at pictograms depicting a joyful, sad, surprised, angry facial expression.

Mimic gymnastics.

(by pictograms)

Articulation gymnastics.

1) “Fence-tube”

2) “Delicious jam”

3) “Horses”

4) “Fungus”

Breathing exercises.

Exercise "Butterfly sat on the spout."

2. Actualization of the acquired knowledge.

1) Guessing riddles.

All animals

She is smarter

Red coat

What kind of slut is this

Tears a cone from a spruce branch,

Gnawing the seeds in it

Throws a husk on the snow.

Even on the iron roof

Walks quietly, quieter than a mouse.

Go hunting at night

And how in the daytime she sees everything.

Often sleeps, and after sleep

She washes.

Here are the needles and pins

They crawl out from under the bench.

They look at me

They want milk.

Generalization. Discrimination. Conclusion.

2) Playing with the ball.

Speech therapist: Guys, say in one word:

Bear, fox, squirrel - who is this?

Wolf, hedgehog, elk - who is this?

Hare, boar, bear - who is this?

Speech therapist: I throw you a ball, and you name wild or domestic animals.

3) "The fourth extra."

4) “Guess from the description”.

1) Clubfoot, fat, clumsy ... (Bear).

2) Small, white, cowardly ... (Hare).

3) Sly, red, beautiful ... (Fox).

4) Dexterous, nimble, agile ... (Squirrel).

5) Predatory, gray, dangerous ... (Wolf).

6) Strong, tall, hardy ... (Moose).

3. Reporting the topic of the lesson.

Speech therapist: Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. Little Red Riding Hood came to visit us (a subject picture with her image is exhibited).

Little Red Riding Hood is a character from which fairy tale?

Together with her, we will go for a walk in the fairy forest (a picture of the forest is displayed).

4. Exercise in the use of nouns in the genitive singular. number.

The game "What is a lot in the forest."

Speech therapist: Guys, tell me what is a lot in the forest? We answer with a full sentence (There are many trees, mushrooms, berries, bushes, grass, air, plants, flowers in the forest).

Breathing exercises.

“Good in the forest!” (Inhale through nose, exhale through mouth).

The game "Who did you meet in the forest?".

Speech therapist: Guys, whom did we meet in the forest?

(Children answer according to subject pictures depicting wild animals located on the board).

Children: Bear, fox, squirrel, hedgehog, hare, elk, wild boar, wolf.

Speech therapist: Can you name them in one word?

Children: Wild animals.

5. Enrichment of vocabulary with adjectives.

Game "Wild animals - what are they?".

Speech therapist: Let's say a few words about wild animals. What are they? (evil, angry, predatory, carnivorous, herbivorous, dangerous, shy, small, big, strong, etc.)

6. Exercise in the formation and use of single-root nouns.

The game "Guess who is whose cub?".

Speech therapist: Cubs of wild animals are lost. Let's help them find their moms.

(On the panel, next to wild animals, there are cubs of other wild animals).

Children: The bear has cubs.

The fox has cubs.

7. Exercise in the use of nouns in the instrumental case singular. number.

The game "Who lives with whom."

Speech therapist: Every animal has a family. Now we will find out with whom the animals live and whose family it is. Who does the bear live with?

Children: A bear lives with a she-bear and cubs. This is a bear family.

Speech therapist: Who does the hedgehog live with?

Children: A hedgehog lives with a hedgehog and with hedgehogs. This is a hedgehog family.

Speech therapist: Who does the hare live with?

Children: A hare lives with a hare and with hares. This is a hare family. Etc.

8. Physical education.

Saying goodbye to kindergarten until tomorrow,

A daughter walks with her mother next to her,

But here it ached on the way -

I'm tired of walking - go!

Why walk? mother said. -

Try to jump as a rabbit.

Now try to show

Like a hedgehog minces to a hole...

How does a cat sneak after a chick?

Inaudibly, insinuatingly, watchfully...

How does a big elephant walk?

The walls of the house are shaking

How is the squirrel?

But wait!

Here we are at home.

Speech therapist: What animal names did you hear in this poem?

Children: Hare, hedgehog, cat, squirrel, elephant.

Speech therapist: What animals are superfluous in this row? And why?

Children: Squirrel and elephant. A squirrel is a baby squirrel that is wild. And the elephant is an animal of hot countries.

9. Exercise in the use of nouns in the prepositional case singular. number.

The game “Who has a home?

Speech therapist: Together with Little Red Riding Hood, we will name the dwellings of wild animals.

The bear is sleeping... in the den.

The squirrel lives... in a hollow.

The fox hid... in a hole.

Speech therapist: Do we understand the meaning of these sentences? What little word did we miss?

Speech therapist: Right. This word indicates that the animals are inside their dwelling.

Squirrel - where? - In the hollow.

Bear - where? - In the den.

Fox - where? - In the hole.

10. Game for the development of attention and memory “Who listens better?”

The symbol of the preposition B is set. On the tables of the children lies the symbol of the preposition B. The speech therapist calls different prepositions: In, On, From, Under, etc.

Children raise the preposition symbol B if they hear it.

11. Exercise in the use of antonyms.

Playing the ball in reverse.

(carried out on carpet)

big small

dark - light

cowardly - bold

smart - stupid

strong - weak

evil - good

carnivore - herbivore, etc.

12. Exercise in the use of possessive adjectives.

The game “What do animals not have?”

There are envelopes on the children's tables. They are animals without any body parts.

Speech therapist: Open your envelopes and complete the whole animal.

The fox has no nose. Whose nose is this? (fox)

The squirrel doesn't have a tail. Whose tail is this? (squirrel), etc.

The game "Who eats what?"

(Children approach the speech therapist. Subject pictures are laid out on the table depicting the products that the animals eat).

Speech therapist: What does a bear eat?

Children: The bear eats honey. This is bear food.

Speech therapist: What does a squirrel eat?

Children: The squirrel eats nuts. This is squirrel food. Etc.

The game "Let's collect the fox in parts."

Speech therapist: Guys, look what a wonderful animal: without a head, without paws, without a tail. Let's turn it into an existing animal. Whose body do you think it is?

Children: Foxes.

Speech therapist: How else can you say?

Children: Fox body.

(Children put the head, tail and paws on the fox and call it: fox head, fox paws, fox tail).

13. Summing up.

Speech therapist: Guys, our fascinating journey through the fairy forest is coming to an end. It's time for us to return to our kindergarten.

What were you interested in? What tasks of Little Red Riding Hood were you interested in doing?

Let's say goodbye to Little Red Riding Hood. We wish her a happy journey and thank her for an exciting walk in the forest.


Speech therapist: Guys, Little Red Riding Hood has prepared a small task for you. You need to find clothes belonging to a particular animal, tell whose clothes they are and decorate them in the appropriate color.

Today I am happy with you. All children receive positive marks.

Target: Correctional and educational: - teach correctly, use possessive adjectives; Correction and developmental: - activate the vocabulary on the topic, develop coherent speech; - develop mental activity and attention. with the image of cubs of wild animals, a set of toys of wild animals or photographs; pictures for the game “Whose? Whose? Whose?".

Lesson progress

Organizing time

Ball game game “Name the family”: Dad is a bear, mom is a bear; Dad is a wolf, mom is a she-wolf; Dad is a hare, mom is a hare; Dad is a hedgehog, mom is a hedgehog.

Articulation gymnastics.

Exercise for lips and cheeks. "Hedgehog snorts" - vibration of the lips. Exercises for the tongue. "The squirrel collects mushrooms." Mushrooms on short and long legs. - open and close your mouth without lowering your tongue. The bear licks the honey. First, lick only the upper lip (tongue with a “cup”), then lick the upper and lower lips. The bear wanders through the forest. He walks from oak to oak. Finds copper in hollows and puts it in his mouth.

Theme announcement.

Animals are coming to our lesson today. But what kind, you have to guess. - Guess what kind of hat:
A whole bunch of fur.
The hat runs in the forest
It gnaws bark at the trunks. (hare) The child chooses an animal figurine (picture) from a number of others and puts it on a typesetting canvas. Who is cold in winter
Wandering angry, hungry? (wolf) (choose an animal figurine (picture) and put it on a typesetting canvas). -The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden,
He lives in the forest, in the village he steals chickens (fox) (choose an animal figurine (picture) and put it on a typesetting canvas). - Who threw a cone at the children from tall thick pines? (squirrel) (choose an animal figurine (picture) and put it on a typesetting canvas). Walks in the summer, rests in the winter. (bear) (choose an animal figurine (picture) and put it on a typesetting canvas). Angry touchy Lives in the wilderness of the forest. There are a lot of needles But not a single thread. (hedgehog). All the pictures are displayed on the typesetting canvas. - Children, why are these animals called wild? Our animals have cubs. (pictures are displayed on the board) Who is this?
Let's say in a full sentence: - The fox has one fox cub.
A hare has one hare, and so on.


- What are you, hedgehog, Children do the exercise So prickly? Hedgehog.“That's me, just in case. They change hands. Do you know who my neighbors are? Squeeze and unclench intertwined fingers. Foxes, wolves, yes bears! Perform an exercise (chanterelle), then imitate the movements of a bear.

The development of visual memory.
"Who's gone?" Children memorize the pictures on the typesetting canvas, then close their eyes, and the speech therapist removes one picture. Children open their eyes and name the picture that is gone. (Two rabbits are gone, etc.) “Who lives where?”. Where do wild animals arrange "houses" for themselves?

The fox lives (where?) - in a hole. A hedgehog lives in a hole. A squirrel lives in a hollow. A wolf lives in a den. A bear lives in a den.

"Whose? Whose? Whose?"

8. The result of the lesson and evaluation of the work of children.

Zadorozhnaya Tatyana Vladimirovna

Speech therapist MDOU No. 31,

Republic of Tyva, Kyzyl

  • Lesson summary: Reading syllables lingeringly and seamlessly with sound and the letter B. The story "Fishing"
  • Summary of classes on the development of speech. Theme: Steppe riddles
  • Synopsis of the integrated GCD in the educational areas "Knowledge", "Socialization" in the preparatory group "The country in which we live"
  • The summary includes: software content, equipment and course of the lesson. The lesson is conducted using health-saving technologies. The album "Speech therapy lesson" How animals winter" contains photographs reflecting the course of the lesson.



    Speech therapy lesson on the topic

    “Wild animals of our forests. How animals hibernate

    for children with FFNR

    (preparatory group)

    Program content:

    1. expansion and activation of the vocabulary of children on the topic, fixing in speech the names of wild animals of our forests.
    2. development of children's thinking on the material of descriptive riddles
    3. automation and differentiation of sonorous and hissing sounds in children's spontaneous speech
    4. development of coherent speech of children.
    5. strengthening the ability to make sentences with given words according to the proposed scheme.
    6. improving the skills of sound-syllabic analysis of words. Drawing up a word scheme from chips.
    7. strengthening the ability to divide words into syllables.
    8. strengthening the ability to form a new word from the selected first sounds.
    9. development of reading skills by making words from syllables.
    10. development of general and fine motor skills of the fingers
    11. development of memory, thinking, visual and auditory perception
    12. developing the ability to interact with each other
    13. education of a humane, careful, caring attitude to the environment, to the wild animals of our forests

    Equipment and materials:

    1. subject and silhouette (for shading) pictures depicting forest animals
    2. pictures of forest animals hanging from the ceiling
    3. magnetic board
    4. chips for drawing up a word scheme
    5. word puzzles
    6. pictures for didactic games "Where is whose house?", "Whose footprints are these?"
    7. pictures for the game "Make a new word"
    8. puzzles
    9. pencils and ballpoint pens for each child

    Lexical material:bear, fox, hare, hedgehog, squirrel, wolf, elk, wild boar, badger, lair, den, hole, hollow, wild animals, forest animals, etc.

    Course progress.

    1. Organizational moment.

    Speech therapist. Today we have a lot of tasks to do in class. In order to successfully deal with them, we need to properly prepare.

    Exercise "Thinking Hat"

    (contributes to the development of attention, memory, thinking, speech).

    Speech therapist. In order to hear everything carefully in class, you need to massage your ears diligently.

    They smiled.

    They took our ears

    We pull to the top,(Drag with index and thumb

    We pull them diligentlyfinger the top edges of the ears up)

    We listen carefully.

    We pull, we pull our ears,

    But not to the top,(Pull the side edges of the ears to the sides)

    Pull ears to the side

    To remember everything well.

    Pulling our ears again(earlobes down)

    We pronounce every word clearly.

    Breathing exercises. Growing words in a sentence.

    Speech therapist. What season is it now? That's right, winter!(Children behind a speech therapist repeat a deep breath through their nose and exhale as they say the following phrases)

    Snow falls.

    Snow is falling quietly.

    Quietly falling white snow.

    Quietly falling white, fluffy snow.

    Quietly falling white, fluffy snow outside the window.

    Speech gymnastics.

    (Children behind a speech therapist pronounce tongue twisters)

    Su-su-su - we saw a fox

    Zha-zha-zha - the hedgehog has needles.

    La-la-la - a squirrel lived in the forest.

    Xia-Xia-Xia - in more often they saw an elk.

    Olk-olk-olk - a wolf winters in the lair.

    Sy-sy-sy - a bunny jumps from a fox.

    After all, after all, after all - the bear sleeps in winter.

    Gymnastics for the eyes "Find the named animal."

    (On the instructions of a speech therapist, children find with their eyes, without turning their heads, a picture hanging from the ceiling depicting a forest animal)

    Speech therapist. Well done! Now you are ready to complete the tasks.

    2. Generalization of material on the topic "Wild animals of our forests". The development of phonemic perception.

    Speech therapist. Children, you probably guessed who we will talk about today in class.

    (Children's answers.)

    That's right, about the wild animals of our forests.

    Name the wild animals of our forests that you know.(children call forest animals, and the speech therapist puts their images on a magnetic board - a bear, a fox, a wolf, a badger, an elk, a hare, a hedgehog, a squirrel).

    Speech therapist. What are these animals?(Forest, wild) Where do these animals live?(In the woods) Correctly. All these animals are forest dwellers.

    And now let's determine the number of syllables in the words - the names of these animals.(children perform the task of a speech therapist, separating syllables in words with claps)

    The words: badger, wolf, fox cub, wild boar, hedgehog, bear, squirrel.

    Now I suggest you solve riddles about forest dwellers(children guess riddles, while one child looks for an image - a guess on a magnetic board)

    In the summer he wanders without a road,

    Between pines and birches

    And in winter he sleeps in a lair,

    Hides the nose from the cold.


    Angry touchy

    Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

    Too many needles

    And not a single thread.


    Who is cold in winter

    Wandering gray, angry, hungry?


    In winter - white.

    In summer it is grey.

    Doesn't offend anyone

    And he's afraid of everyone


    Touching the grass with hooves

    A handsome man walks through the forest.

    Walks boldly and easily

    Horns spread wide.


    We recognize the animal with you

    According to two such signs:

    He is in a gray fur coat in winter,

    And in a red coat - in the summer.


    cunning cheat,

    red head,

    Fluffy tail - beauty!

    And her name is...

    (A fox)

    Speech therapist. And now solve riddles. I suggest you play the game "Make a word"

    (children identify the first sounds from the words, the images of which are presented in the pictures on the magnetic board and make up a new word from them)

    A sound-syllabic analysis of the received words (fox, wolf, wild boar, elk) is carried out and their schemes are drawn up using multi-colored chips (one child completes the task on the board, others at their workplaces)

    3. Physical Minute.

    Speech therapist. And now we will rest - let's go for a walk in the winter forest.(children stand in a circle)

    a) Massage of biologically active zones.

    Yes Yes Yes

    The cold has come(rub hands together)

    Yes Yes Yes (swipe thumbs

    Water turned to iceneck down)


    I'm walking in the snow (rub ears with palms)

    Dy-dy-dy (rub forehead with movements to the sides

    There are footprints in the snow from the middle of the forehead)

    b) "Winter Forest" (children perform exercises, repeating them after a speech therapist)

    We all came to the winter forest

    And traces of animals found

    Here is a bunny in a white coat

    Jumped across the meadow

    And ran behind the bush

    Well, here's the rogue fox,

    Haven't found food yet

    Quietly in the snow

    Walks at the hole

    On the snowdrifts gray wolf

    Ran and was

    From a hollow, as from a window

    A squirrel peeked out

    Fluffy gray tail


    The speech therapist distributes to each child one picture from the pair “trace” - “animal dwelling” from the didactic games “Where is whose house? Whose footprints are these?

    Now don't yawn

    Where is the trace?

    And where is whose house?

    Guess fast!

    Children must find a paired picture to their own from another child and form a pair with him (take his hand)

    Pairs of pictures: fox footprints - hole; wolf tracks - lair; bear tracks - lair; squirrel tracks - a hollow; hare tracks - thickets.

    Speech therapist. Well done. Take your seats.

    4. Development of speech.

    Speech therapist. Where is whose trace and where is whose house you guessed. Can you make up the names of forest animals from the proposed syllables?(Children make up the names of animals from puzzle syllables lying on their trays. Then everyone reads their word aloud)

    Now I invite you to come up with sentences about your animal according to the diagram on the board.(Speech therapist lays out sentence patterns on the board)

    |_____ _____ _ _____.

    |_____ _____ _____ _ _____.

    Speech therapist. And now, guys, let's remember and read the verses that talk about how forest animals hibernate.(Children read poetry).

    Go to sleep in winter

    Hedgehog and badger.

    In a rotten tree

    The mustachioed beetle sleeps.

    Sleeping bear in a den

    The groundhog sleeps in a hole.

    Well, the bunny is white

    I didn't sleep in the winter.

    Not buried in the leaves

    Did not climb into the hole -

    Runs through the forest

    Yes, it gnaws at the bark.

    K. Robik.

    Bear, bear,

    What happened to you?

    Why do you sleep in winter?

    Because snow and ice

    Not raspberries and not honey!


    A brown bear sleeps in a den in winter,

    A hare trembles under a bush,

    Red chanterelle - in a hole,

    The hedgehog sleeps in dry grass.

    The she-wolf sits in the lair

    And the squirrel looks out of the hollow.

    Where do you, squirrel, live,

    What are you bitching, squirrel?

    On a pine tree in an empty hollow

    I have a cozy home.

    And the frost is crackling, evil

    Doesn't scare you in winter?

    Not! Frost crackling, evil

    Doesn't scare me in winter.

    Warms strongly gray fur,

    This coat is the best!

    Speech therapist. Well done! Poems about forest dwellers you know.

    And now look at the silhouette images of forest animals on the leaves lying on your tables. I suggest that you shade the silhouettes of those animals that hibernate with a blue pen, and those that do not sleep in winter with a simple pencil. But to make your fingers obey you better, let's warm them up.

    Finger gymnastics "Squirrel sits on a trolley"

    A squirrel sits on a cart.(Squeezing and unclenching the fingers of both hands)

    She sells nuts(Make a circle with index and thumb)

    Zainka mustachioed,(Finger exercise "Hare")

    Bear fat-fifth,(Knock the edge of the palm on the table)

    gray wolf,(Finger exercise "Wolf")

    Spiny hedgehog.(Finger exercise "Hedgehog")

    5. Fixing the material

    Speech therapist. We did a good job today in class. To consolidate what we have learned, let's play the game "The Fourth Extra".

    Wolf, dog, fox, hare

    Fox, boar, cat, squirrel

    Cow, hare, elk, wolf

    Badger, horse, squirrel, hedgehog

    Elk, boar, fox, dog

    Bear, badger, fox, hedgehog.

    Speech therapist. And now let's solve puzzles and try to guess which animal names are encrypted here.

    The words: wolf, fox, boar, hare

    Speech therapist . Well done! You did an excellent job with all the tasks.

    6. The result of the lesson.

    A speech therapist in a conversation with children clarifies what was discussed in the lesson today, a differentiated assessment of the work of children is given.

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