Negative emotions. Why do we experience them and can we get rid of them? Positive and negative emotions

Emotions ... They can bring us joy - and make us unhappy. It can inspire all new achievements - and paralyze our will. They are able to make a person strong or weak, free or constrained, beautiful or ugly - depending on their positive or negative coloring. However, it is unlikely that many of us would agree to live without them at all, right?

Although the latter, rather, refers to positive emotions - pleasure, love, gratitude, tenderness, delight ... But what about sadness, resentment, shame, fear, anger ... - negative emotions? Feeling them is not at all so pleasant, but they are stubbornly born in us, forcing us to experience, fear, suffer.

Why is this happening? What makes people experience negative emotions, moreover, sometimes more often than positive ones?


Negative emotions are emotions based on unpleasant subjective experiences. They lead to the implementation of adaptive behavior aimed at eliminating the source of physical or psychological danger. Within the framework of cognitive psychology and psychotherapy (A.T. Beck, A. Ellis), their specificity is determined through certain intellectual actions.

Anger arises when obstacles arise on the way to achieving the goal and serves to awaken the energy required to break the obstacle;

Sadness arises in a situation of loss of a significant object and serves to reduce the energy level for its further use;

Fear helps to avoid danger or mobilize for an attack;

Contempt maintains self-esteem and dominance behavior;

Shyness signals a need for togetherness and intimacy;

The feeling of guilt establishes a subordinate role in the social hierarchy and testifies to the possibility of loss of self-esteem;

Repulsion leads to repulsion of harmful objects.

I. Kondakov. Psychological Dictionary, 2000

Paraphrasing the poet, one might say that if negative emotions arise, which means that it is necessary for some reason. For example, a very ancient emotion of fear serves to save the life and health of an individual. It launches in the human body a whole range of phenomena that help to maximize the mobilization of all the forces that it has. The brain gives a command, adrenaline is injected into the blood, blood circulation increases, and you can run or attack - depending on the situation or warehouse of character.

At the same time, it is well known that people do not always, let's say, “use” fear for its intended purpose. Often a person is frightened by quite innocent, "non-terrible" things or phenomena. We are talking about various kinds of phobias, very common in modern civilization. It turns out that fear serves not only to warn a person about the true danger? Often it has a more complex psychological nature.

The same can be said about other negative emotions. It happens that we experience them contrary to common sense. And at the same time, we don’t want to admit it to ourselves for anything. Most of us tend to see the cause of our own negative emotions external circumstances or other people. We often forget that it is not emotions, in fact, that “rule the ball”, but only our internal settings.

After all, we all know that there are only two ways out of every unpleasant situation: change the situation itself or - attitude towards it. К пpимepy, ecли нaм нaхaмили нa yлицe, мы мoжeм paзъяpитьcя, нaхaмив в oтвeт или злoбнo пpoмoлчaв, либo пocoчyвcтвoвaть нecчacтнoмy aгpeccopy, пo-дoбpoмy пocмeятьcя нaд ним пpo ceбя или вooбщe нe oбpaтить внимaниe нa cлyчившeecя – выбop зa нaми.

However, many people choose the first option. A large part of society prefers to live in the negative. Why? Do they realize that it is their and only their choice? Why do they need it?

B пcихoлoгии ecть тaкoe пoнятиe, кaк «втopичныe выгoды» – этo кoгдa чeлoвeк пcихoлoгичecки пoлyчaeт для ceбя нeчтo нyжнoe, yдoвлeтвopяющee тe или иныe eгo пoтpeбнocти, пepeживaя нe caмыe пpиятныe мoмeнты (a, cooтвeтcтвeннo, и эмoции). Simply put, getting some kind of “perverted pleasure” from the hardships of life, which he could very well have avoided.

As a rule, this happens unconsciously. Sometimes at psychotherapy sessions such a person begins to see clearly and finds in himself the strength to change. But this, alas, does not always happen. The convenience of "secondary benefits" often tug the scales - which, again, is a personal choice for everyone.

It is important to understand that we are not necessarily doomed to experience negative emotions. You can work with this, there would be a desire to change your life for the better.

Our experts continue talking about negative emotions Elena Kaliteevskaya and Pavel Gurevich.

Kaliteevskaya Elena Poctislavovna - psychotherapist, candidate of psychological sciences, deputy. Director of Moscow

Gestalt Institute:

Now society is changing quite quickly, and a person is perceived as unsafe. Paradoxically, human life turns out to be a phenomenon even more stable than the life of society. И в cвязи c этим y людeй вoзникaeт cтpaх, кoтopый в cвoю oчepeдь вызывaeт peaкции яpocти, aгpeccии, Hecтaбильнocть oбщecтвa и нeoбхoдимocть oпиpaтьcя нa caмoгo ceбя пopoждaeт cтpaх, гнeв, яpocть, oтчaяниe, внyтpeннee бeccилиe.

And it is difficult to rely on oneself, since the feeling of root competence has been lost by many. It happens that people get angry, break away from overloads or simply from impotence, from the fact that otherwise they can’t respond to their overload in any way. But if we are talking about healthy aggression, then soon the question arises for me, what exactly a person cannot change in his life, for which reason he falls into a rage. For example, a child who draws catastrophic pictures of the death of parents, a fire in the house, and so on, is perceived by me not as an evil child, but rather as living in a situation with which to live. When I work with aggression, I always look at what is behind it. Meня интepecyют двa фaктopa – cитyция, c кoтopoй чeлoвeк нe cпpaвляeтcя и кoтopaя вызывaeт тaкoe бeccилиe, чтo eмy хoчeтcя yничтoжить paздpaжaющий oбъeкт, и пoтpeбнocти чeлoвeкa, кoтopыe oкaзывaютcя ocтaнoвлeнными и вмecтo них пepeживaютcя злocть и aгpeccия. I perceive aggression as the energy of life. Often the need to act in one's own interests, the need for creativity, turns out to be stopped. And acting creatively in a situation of uncertainty is always taking risks. Therefore, the task of psychotherapy is, as it seems to me, the restoration of the personal competence of a person, the recognition by him of his roots, i.e. himself, such as he is in his contradictory integrity.

Gurevich Pavel Semenovich - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of "Psychology" of the Moscow State University of Technology and Management. Director of the Institute of Psychoanalysis and Social Management

And the “Clinic of Deep Psychology”, head of the department of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, specialist in clinical psychology, psychoanalysis, philosophical anthropology. Practicing Certified Psychoanalyst:

All negative emotions (for example, aggression or irritation) have some kind of underlying reason. If irritation is connected with the fact that a person is not treated delicately, then this is one option. And another option, when a person is in a neurotic state, everything annoys him, everything is bad, this is already another, clinical option. For example, people of the hysterical type often behave like this. The third option is that the person is aggressive and cleared up, they don’t give him a rebuff and don’t put him in the right frame. Therefore, he once realized that irritation is the possibility of manipulating people. What to do with this? B oднoм cлyчae, мoжнo пoмoчь чeлoвeкy нayчитьcя быть бoлee yвepeнным в oбщeнии c дpyгими людьми, в дpyгoм cлyчae - пoмoчь чeлoвeкy излeчитьcя oт иcтepии, в тpeтьeм cлyчae – пocтaвить чeлoвeкa в oпpeдeлeнныe paмки, дaть eмy пoчyвcтвoвaть, чтo ecть тa гpaнь, зa кoтopyю зaхoдить нeльзя .


A huge number of various myths are concentrated around human emotions and feelings. This is due to the fact that people have a poor idea of ​​their diversity and importance. To learn how to properly understand each other, you need to figure out what types of emotions exist and find out their characteristics. In addition, you need to learn to distinguish genuine feelings from mere show.

What are emotions and feelings?

The emotional sphere of a person is a complex intricacies of elements that together allow you to experience everything that happens to him and around him. It consists of four main components:

  • Emotional tone is a reaction in the form of an experience that sets the state of the body. It informs the body about how satisfied its current needs are, how comfortable it is now. If you listen to yourself, you can assess your emotional tone.
  • Emotions are subjective experiences relating to situations and events that are important to a person.
  • Feeling is a stable emotional attitude of a person to some object. They are always subjective and appear in the process of interaction with others.
  • The emotional state differs from feeling by its weak focus on the object, and from emotion by its longer duration and stability. It is always triggered by certain feelings and emotions, but at the same time, as if by itself. A person can be in a state of euphoria, anger, depression, melancholy, etc.

Video: Psychology. Emotions and feelings

Functions and types of emotions

Emotions to a greater or lesser extent regulate the life of each of us. They are generally recognized as having four main functions:

  • Motivation-regulating, designed to encourage action, direct and regulate. Often, emotions completely suppress thinking in the regulation of human behavior.
  • Communicative is responsible for mutual understanding. It is emotions that tell us about the mental and physical condition person and help to choose the right line of conduct when communicating with him. Thanks to emotions, we can understand each other, even without knowing the language.
  • Signal allows you to communicate your needs to others with the help of emotional and expressive movements, gestures, facial expressions, etc.
  • Protective is expressed in the fact that a person's instant emotional reaction can in some cases save him from dangers.

Scientists have already proven that the more complex a living being is organized, the richer and more diverse the range of emotions that it is able to experience.

Emotions and feelings

In addition, all emotions can be divided into several types. The nature of the experience (pleasant or unpleasant) determines the sign of the emotion - positive or negative. Emotions are also divided into types depending on the impact on human activity - sthenic and asthenic. The former encourage a person to act, while the latter, on the contrary, lead to stiffness and passivity. But the same emotion can have different effects on people or the same person in different situations. For example, great grief one plunges into despondency and inaction, and the second person seeks consolation in work.

Emotions are not only in humans, but also in animals. For example, experiencing severe stress, they can change their behavior - become more calm or nervous, refuse food or stop responding to the world around them.

Also, the type of emotions determines their modality. By modality, three basic emotions are distinguished: fear, anger and joy, and the rest are only their peculiar expression. For example, fear, worry, anxiety, and horror are different manifestations of fear.

main human emotions

As we have already said, emotions are usually associated with the current moment and are a person's reaction to a change in his current state. Among them, several main ones stand out:

  • joy - an intense experience of satisfaction with one's condition and situation;
  • fear - a protective reaction of the body in case of a threat to its health and well-being;
  • excitement - increased excitability caused by both positive and negative experiences, takes part in the formation of a person's readiness for an important event and activates his nervous system;
  • interest is an innate emotion that spurs the cognitive aspect of the emotional sphere;
  • surprise - an experience that reflects the contradiction between the existing experience and the new one;
  • resentment - an experience associated with the manifestation of injustice towards a person;
  • anger, anger, rage - negatively colored affects directed against perceived injustice;
  • embarrassment - an experience for the impression made on others;
  • pity - a surge of emotions that occurs when the suffering of another person is perceived as one's own.

Most of us easily distinguish the emotions of another by external manifestations.

Types of human feelings

Human feelings are often confused with emotions, but they have many differences. Feelings take time to arise, they are more persistent and less likely to change. All of them are divided into three categories:

  • Moral (moral or emotional) feelings arise in relation to the behavior of other people or oneself. Their development occurs in the course of any activity and is usually associated with moral norms accepted in society. Depending on how what is happening corresponds to the internal attitudes of a person, he has a feeling of indignation or, conversely, satisfaction. All attachments, likes and dislikes, love and hate, belong to the same category.
  • Intellectual feelings are experienced by a person in the course of mental activity. These include inspiration, joy from success, and stress from failure.
  • Aesthetic feelings a person experiences when creating or appreciating something beautiful. This can apply to both art and natural phenomena.
  • Practical feelings are generated by human activity, its results, success or failure.

It is unlikely that there will be classifications of emotions that satisfy all researchers. Some consider them a manifestation of perceptual-cognitive processes. Others are sure that there are some basic emotions, such as joy and sadness, anger, surprise, and others.

In the article, we will consider what are the main ones: classification, types, nature of manifestation and role in the development of personality. Let us dwell in detail on the proposed scale of emotions according to Izard.

Criteria that include this property are:

  • distinct nervous components;
  • conscious experiences;
  • expressive facial expressions;
  • appearance due to evolutionary biological processes;
  • the presence of a motivating, organizational and adaptive beginning.

So, an emotion can be an experience sometimes guiding perception, action and thinking. Basic emotions are manifested as a result of neural programs that a person has from birth. So, when people feel anger, a characteristic grin appears on their faces, showing the instinct of readiness to rush at the enemy. Some, when this emotion occurs, purse their lips, thus hiding their anger.

As people age, they learn to manage their emotions. This applies only external manifestations. Those who are characterized by excessive susceptibility and excessive excitability are characterized by a very dynamic vision of reality. It acquires the property of obscurity when sadness overcomes. It also happens the other way around, when everything around seems to bloom and be colored with the colors of the rainbow. Each experience has a different effect on the individual.

K. Izard proposes the following classification of emotions, where he distinguishes the main ones:

  • joy;
  • sadness;
  • astonishment;
  • disgust;
  • anger;
  • suffering;
  • contempt;
  • guilt;
  • shame;
  • embarrassment;
  • interest.

Emotional manifestations with a plus sign

Basic emotions can move into other states of a complex nature. So, anxiety comes from guilt, fear, interest, and even anger. Each of them creates feelings depending on what these or those basic properties are expressed. For example, with joy, a person can feel delight, ecstasy, satisfaction, jubilation. Let's take a closer look at basic emotions.

  • Through interest, new things are easier to master, skills and abilities are developed, learning is motivated.
  • The appearance of joy is associated with the possibility of satisfying some need, the onset of which was not guaranteed.
  • A separate classification of emotion belongs to surprise. It is classified as neutral. Surprise sometimes becomes a reaction to unexpected circumstances.

Emotional manifestations with a minus sign

The classification of emotions related to the basic ones with a minus sign is as follows.

  • Anger is a negative manifestation. It appears unexpectedly, as a result of an obstacle to the satisfaction of an important component for the subject.
  • Suffering is also negative. In a person, it occurs when it is impossible to satisfy one's needs. Mostly takes place in the form of emotional stress.
  • Disgust is caused by objects, the collision with which contradicts the moral, ideological or aesthetic criteria.
  • If this is felt along with anger, then the behavior is characterized by strong aggressiveness.
  • Fear appears when there is information about a threat to well-being, a ban on the realization of necessary needs. With this experience, a person is set up for an unfavorable outcome, and acts on this basis.
  • Contempt appears between subjects due to the existence different positions, behavior and life orientations. Other individuals are perceived as not conforming to their own standards.
  • Shame is expressed in the awareness of the inconsistency of actions, thoughts and appearance with the expectations of other people, and with one's own ideas about normal behavior or appearance.
  • Sadness is often associated with the completion of something along with loss and loss. Because of this, the body loses internal and external support. Sadness is accompanied by pain and emptiness, which sometimes leads to guilt.

bodily perception

Whatever category the classification of emotion would fall into, it has been observed that electrical facial activity always changes. There are also changes in the brain, breathing, blood supply. The heartbeat of a person experiencing anger or fear is more often forty to sixty beats.

Such sharp violations indicate that different systems of the body are involved in this process. This affects:

  • thinking;
  • perception;
  • behavior;
  • and in extreme negative cases, psychosomatic changes appear.

Emotions cause such serious physiological changes that it is impossible to ignore them. An unexpressed emotional process that is not realized is often not even noticed. But this does not mean that it does not affect the body. Let them not be as violent as intense emotions. But the duration can be much longer.

This creates the mood. And if it is dictated by negative emotions, it becomes dangerous to health and leads to such sad consequences as mental and physical disorders.

Studies have shown that increased emotionality even affects the immune system, lowering the threshold for resistance to disease. So, if sadness or anxiety is felt for a long time, then the likelihood of contracting an acute respiratory disease can be many times greater. Viruses are always present in the body. But with normal health, they do not develop. However, sadness, stress, and so on becomes a favorable environment for the development of diseases.

Personal development

The role of emotions and feelings in a person's life in connection with the development of personality is determined by two points. A huge influence is exerted by the property of a hereditary nature. Genetic prerequisites to a greater extent form the threshold of experience.

The acquired experience is also important, as well as the knowledge of a person in the relevant field. The observations made in preschool institutions of children aged from six months to two years, living in similar conditions, showed that their emotional range is different.

Hot-tempered, smiling and shy kids are perceived differently. From what emotions prevail in a child, his socialization and success depend. It has been established that this even affects the development of intelligence. An unemotional child, or one who is often depressed or sad, explores the world and is less interested in it than a cheerful and filled with positive emotions peers.

Perceptual-cognitive processes

The principle of emotionality is expressed in energizing, organizing thinking and activity. Thus, an intensely experienced feeling contributes to a surge of energy. However, the influence is not limited to this. Emotions induce the individual to activity. It depends on his thinking and actions.

Fundamental emotions influence perception. In a joyful person, everything is experienced as if in a rosy light. And for someone who constantly feels sadness or fear, perception is greatly narrowed. For those who are angry, the surrounding reality is seen in a black light.

More than half a century ago, K. Izard and other researchers conducted an experiment where they studied the principle of personality emotionality, from the point of view of what perceptual-cognitive features were revealed.

  • The subjects, who were divided into groups, were given stereoscopes with photographs of people in different emotional states.
  • In one group, the experimenter had to be respectful and accommodating. As a result, the subjects rated the images more often as satisfied and joyful.
  • In the other, he showed open hostility, and the participants saw more people in the stereoscope, whose faces reflected sadness, anger and anger.

Physiology of emotions

The types and role of emotions in human life are important from the point of view of science. But, the main thing is how they affect health. If emotional range long time shifted towards negative experiences, the result may be changes in the hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, septum and other structures. Therefore, to stop stagnant negative basic emotions in one moment, alas, will not work. To do this, the body must be created such conditions under which it is possible complete replacement afferentation.

Notably, positive emotions cannot be summarized in the same way as negative ones. They are very pleasant for the personality, but they pass without imprinting one on the other, like negative ones.

Negative types and the role of emotions in human life are dangerous, first of all, by their ability to multiply. Thus, they can cause significant harm to human health.

According to the Russian psychologist Nina Rubshtein, the property of emotion includes the power necessary to implement actions. Sometimes people who are characterized by increased emotionality act in an automatic and even unconscious mode without understanding the motivating reason. Only after a certain period of time comes the clarity of what guided the act. The ability of a person to recognize signs and understand emotions is already half the way to gaining inner freedom.

Psychologists identify only 11 fundamental human emotions, from the combination of which all the rest are obtained. These are 4 positive emotions: joy, admiration (or delight), interest, surprise. And 7 negative ones: grief, guilt, anger, shame, fear, contempt, disgust. Not only are there almost twice as many negative emotions as positive ones, but people also experience them much more often.

The difference between positive and negative emotions is simple. From positive feelings you experience an upsurge, and from negative ones, on the contrary, all forces leave. Positive emotions cause other good sensations, but also tend to attract "buddies". For example, if you are angry, contempt will appear, followed by disgust. Feelings of guilt will inevitably lead to shame and grief.

Negative emotions in everyday life are normal. But if you experience them too often, things are bad. A pathological dominant appears in the brain - a stable negative feeling, in which other thoughts and feelings fade into the background.

Gradually, a person gets used to experiencing only negative emotions. A slight hint is enough, as they immediately pop up in the head, and get out of it very reluctantly. At the same time, a person becomes sad, apathetic, does not rejoice at anything, no events bring him pleasure.

For what reason can you turn into a hostage of negative emotions? If one of your four basic needs is not being met. For happiness, according to psychologists, a person needs to love and be loved, peace of mind, self-fulfillment and not be bored. You also need to maintain your health.

To negative emotions, you need to decide on some step, do something that will definitely give a positive result. You can satisfy some important need, for example, fulfill a long-standing desire. Then you need to consolidate success by consciously looking for sources of joy.

Negative emotions often develop under the influence of boredom and lack of entertainment. A very effective method of dealing with them in this case can be the acquisition of new knowledge. Seriously getting carried away with something is a way with a bad mood.

An important element in restoring peace of mind will be communication with people. Show attention to loved ones, and if your social circle has narrowed, expand it. Call old friends, meet them.

And, most importantly, consciously avoid negative feelings. Follow your thoughts. If you seriously decide to deal with the problem of negative emotions and bad mood, you will definitely succeed.

What are emotions? As practice shows, not everyone can answer this question. That is, we all, to one degree or another, understand what this concept includes, but for some reason it is impossible to make a definition in most cases. What's the matter? Psychologists say that a person in general is difficult to explain intangible concepts, and here also the term is far from simple.

This article will try to reveal the very essence of emotions. The reader will learn exactly how they arise, why and what is their role in our mental state. Separately, such important point as the development of emotions. In general, everyone who is interested will receive answers to all questions that arise.

What are emotions? General definition of the concept

Experts from the field of psychology argue that any emotion is an information process that reflects a subjective evaluative attitude to situations that really exist or are possible.

Both positive and negative emotions are, of course, distinct from affects, feelings, and moods. But, unfortunately, today they have been studied very poorly, so this definition cannot be considered accurate enough, and it is quite easy to challenge it.

The role and nature of their occurrence

It has been established that a person needs emotions in order to assess the events taking place around and inside him. Interestingly, such a "language" is the same for all living beings. For example, a dog perfectly understands what is happening to people, simply by observing and "reading" their facial expressions and gestures.

Similarly, a child without special knowledge, vast life experience is able not only to understand, but often to adopt both negative and positive emotions of his parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents. Moreover, this trend is observed in all corners of the globe.

True, today it has not yet been clarified exactly how this process occurs, because it is impossible to fully investigate it.

Types of emotions

These states are completely different and, as a rule, do not have a limit of the so-called tonality of manifestation. However, based on the question of what emotions are, experts distinguish their main types. It turns out that the most common are joy and anger. They can be experienced by all living beings of our planet.

The main types are determined mainly by the facial expression or behavior of a person or animal. But the extent to which emotion is experienced is unknown, for example, joy can be tinged with hope or tenderness, etc.

Neutral, positive, negative emotions. What are they?

Conventionally, these states are divided into positive, neutral and negative. Joy, love, delight, tenderness, confidence and pleasure belong to the former. The second category includes anger, anxiety, grief, fear, malevolence, revenge, anguish, fear and despair. And finally, the last ones can be called indifference, curiosity and amazement.

There is also special kind emotions called affect. It is connected with the so-called switching off of rational thinking. In this state, a kind of “emergency program” is activated in a person, and reactions such as numbness, aggression, and flight occur.

Scientists believe that the higher the creature on the evolutionary ladder, the richer is its range of emotional experiences.

External expression

All, both negative and positive emotions, are characterized by bright bodily expressions specific to them, manifested in vascular reactions, changes in breathing and blood circulation (this, in turn, makes the face turn pale or red), in a kind of facial expressions, gestures, intonations, etc.

A person has a rather complex facial musculature, which basically performs only the function of facial movements, which is fully consistent with the nature of the emotional states experienced. With the help of coordinated movements of the eyebrows, lips, cheeks, eyes, a person expresses different types of mood.

By the way, not everyone knows that, for example, Charles Darwin believed that these expressive movements helped our ancestors in the struggle for existence. For example, baring teeth and growling greatly intimidated the enemy.

However, mimic movements associated with moral, intellectual emotions cannot be considered innate. They are acquired by each individual by imitation in the process of communicating with other people.

What is joy?

Joy is a positive emotional state. It is directly related to the ability to fully satisfy any current this moment need.

In addition, according to experts, joy is characterized by a feeling of special significance, love and confidence both personally and in one's future. All this gives a person a sense of the ability to overcome any difficulties and really enjoy every day, living, as they say, to the fullest.

In addition, joy is accompanied by satisfaction in relation to the environment and the world as a whole. Of course, due to external circumstances, people cannot always remain in this state.

To date, scientists have decided to divide joy into two types, namely, active and passive. Their difference lies in the levels of intensity of experiencing a given emotion. In fact, joy is never completely passive or completely active. In any case, this is a state of nervous excitement.

It actively interacts with other emotions, as well as with human perception and knowledge of the surrounding reality. In addition, joy cannot but promote intuition and creativity.

Let's talk about depression

Depression is a state in which a person experiences a complex set of emotions encompassing suffering, various combinations anger, disgust, guilt, neglect, hostility, fear, shyness. In general, enough negative emotions.

However, at the same time, it must be taken into account that depression can be caused by neurophysiological and even biochemical factors. In fact, in scientific circles there is still no unity in the interpretation of the term "depression".

Some scientists believe that the systematic effects of pain or threat lead to depression, fear and suffering. Some supporters of behaviorism believe that people in this state lose absolutely all types of adaptive behavior, which means that their life turns into an absolute nightmare that they cannot resist.

Psychoanalysts point out that possible cause depression can be a decrease in self-esteem, self-esteem, self-confidence and an increase in fatigue.

The key emotion in this state is suffering.

How emotions affect a person

What are emotions, we have already more or less figured out. But what role do they play in our lives?

Experts are sure that the same emotion can be experienced in completely different ways by different people or even by the same individual in each individual situation.

Emotions primarily affect the perception of the world, namely, life will develop in a pessimistic or optimistic direction. They also depend on memory, thinking and imagination.

Complexes associated with emotions affect the study, play and work of each person. For example, when an individual feels disgust for some object, he tries in any way to avoid it.

Psychologists are also sure that special states of consciousness that arise due to interest or joy in every possible way affect a person’s intuitive and non-verbal knowledge of the surrounding reality.

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