Cookie cake with condensed milk - just like from an expensive pastry shop! Quick dessert: recipes for delicious cookie and condensed milk cakes without baking

What do you think when you hear about a homemade cake? Wonderfully smooth taste? Or maybe you see a stove and many hours of kneading and baking dough, fussing with creams? Is it possible to do home cake without much effort? Certainly!

We suggest you try to make a cake from cookies and condensed milk. It will only require stocking up on some products and half an hour of time. And what could be tastier and more tender than a confectionery product prepared with your own hands with love for your loved ones and friends.

classic cake

This biscuit cake with condensed milk - great option for a working mom who is forced to combine several activities, and at the same time loves to treat her family to something tasty. Everything is very simple and fast, and instead of a long stay in the kitchen, you can take care of yourself or your child.


  • One can of condensed milk (it’s better not to save on condensed milk, the better it is, the tastier the cake will turn out);
  • One kilogram of cookies (it is better to take crumbly cookies, so it will be saturated with cream faster);
  • A glass of milk;
  • A pack of butter;
  • Half a bar of chocolate;
  • Peanut.


1. The oil will need to be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that it softens. After cutting it into pieces, combine in one bowl with condensed milk, mix thoroughly until creamy.

2. Heat the milk, dip one cookie at a time into it so that it is soaked for a few seconds. Then lay out the cookies in one layer in a pre-prepared flat plate in the form of a square or rectangle as desired.

3. Spread the first layer with condensed cream. Continue to lay out layer by layer: cookies, cream and cookies. You can adjust the height of the cake as you wish or depending on the amount of products you have.

4. Well, the cookie and condensed milk cake is almost ready, only the finishing touches remain. Cool your product in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, then pour it with melted chocolate and decorate with roasted nuts.

In order to decorate a cookie and condensed milk cake, you can use not only the ingredients given in the recipe, but also any other confectionery decorations: coconut, grated chocolate, raisins, berries, fruits, in general, everything you love or eat at hand.

Your product will be much tastier if you use not long cookies, but crumbly ones. The ginger, which is part of this recipe, will give the dish its specific flavor, and the banana will make it tender and juicy.

Having prepared a cake from cookies without baking with condensed milk and sour cream, you will not regret a bit that you decided on this experiment, especially since the cooking process does not take so much time.

What products will you need:

  • crushed shortbread cookies - 1.5 cups;
  • butter - 180 grams;
  • granulated sugar - half a glass;
  • ground ginger - 3 tsp;
  • condensed milk (not thick, 3% or 5%) - 1 can;
  • banana - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream 20% fat - 1.5 cups;
  • powdered sugar - half a glass.


1. Combine broken cookies with slightly melted butter, ginger, sugar and mix everything thoroughly.

2. Flatten the resulting cake base in a cake bowl, giving it the shape of a cake, until completely solidified.

3. In the meantime, the cake is coming up, boil the condensed milk in a saucepan. Since boiled condensed milk must be very thick for this recipe, it will have to be cooked for at least two hours. Remember to add water to the pot with the jar as it boils away, otherwise you may end up with condensed fireworks in your kitchen. If you have neither the strength nor the desire to bother with cooking condensed milk, you can purchase the finished product in the store. Just take condensed milk from a manufacturer you have checked.

3. So, the cooking process is almost completed, there is very little left. Lubricate your cake with cooled boiled condensed milk, put sliced ​​bananas on top.

4. Beat sour cream with icing sugar in a separate bowl, spread it over a cookie and condensed milk cake. Put the finished product in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Garnish dessert with chopped walnuts before serving.

Happy tea!

Cookie cake with condensed milk - just like from an expensive pastry shop!

For the base:
biscuits600 g
nuts (any) 1 cup
For cream:
boiled condensed milk 1 can
butter 200 g
cream (35%) 1 cup

Step 1: Prepare the Ingredients
Cut the cookies into pieces with a knife, you can chop them in a blender, but then the mass will turn out to be homogeneous. I prefer larger pieces, with them the cake on the cut looks more appetizing. For this cake, I like to use baked milk flavored cookies.

Step 2: Roast the nuts
Toast the nuts in a dry frying pan until golden brown. Then peel off the skin.

Step 3: Mix Everything
Pour cookies and nuts into a deep bowl, mix everything.

Step 4: Prepare the Cream
Combine softened butter and condensed milk. Beat the cream well with a mixer until smooth.

Step 5: Add Cream
Then add cream and beat well again. The consistency of the cream will be airy and homogeneous.

Step 6: Mix the foundation and cream
Add cream to liver and nuts. Mix everything thoroughly.

Step 7: Preparing the Cake Mold
Line a cake tin with cling film, I used a deep bowl to make the cake tall.

Step 8: Put the Cake in the Mold
Put the resulting mass in a bowl and lightly tamp. Cover bowl with cling film and refrigerate overnight.

Step 9: Get the Cake Out
Turn the finished cake on a flat plate and free from cling film. Our cookie cake already looks appetizing, but we will decorate it yet.

Step 10: Decorate
Here is where fantasies roam, friends. Nuts, grated chocolate are asked for a cake. I have a little white chocolate and gummies.

Look what beautiful cake from cookies turned out on a cut. Just like from an expensive candy store. But no! Made by hand and without any fuss. Happy tea drinking everyone!

For those who do not like to spend time preparing cakes, a cookie and condensed milk cake will be an excellent substitute for dessert. The thing is that such a delicacy does not take a lot of time, but it appearance in no way loses to classic culinary masterpieces. Those who wish to change the idea of ​​cakes are offered a unique recipe that even the most inexperienced housewife and teenager who wants to surprise their relatives can repeat.

Cake "Anthill" without baking


  • Favorite cookie ("For coffee", "Jubilee") - 2 pack.
  • Condensed milk - 1.5 cans
  • Butter - 1 pack.
  • Nuts for decoration - 300 g (optional)
  • Confectionery powder - about 200 g


Creation procedure tasty treat begins with the preparation of products: when going to the store, you need to pick up fresh ingredients, the powder should be fine, condensed milk - from whole milk.

The first thing to do is to get the oil out of the refrigerator and place it not far from the stove or radiators so that it becomes soft.

Place the prepared butter and icing sugar in a deep container, mix thoroughly.

After that, pour in the condensed milk and repeat the whipping procedure (you can use a mixer). The variety of nuts you have chosen is shelled and peeled, then crumbled and added to the resulting liquid mass.

Grind the cookies (not too hard) and gently fold into the created mass. To stir thoroughly.

It remains to form a dessert on a plate, laying out the resulting mass in a slide and decorating with cookie crumbs, nuts or chocolate chips. Cookie and condensed milk cake is almost ready. Now it needs to be placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to allow the liver to soak and become soft.
When forming a cake, you can trust your imagination and make a round, square version. If there is a baking dish at home, then use it - this will turn out a delicacy in the form of a star or sun.

However, the presented recipe is not the only one, because having shown imagination, you can safely do delicious cake from cookies with condensed milk and bananas. Such a delicacy will serve not only as an addition to tea, but also as an excellent breakfast for fidgets.

Biscuit Cake "Fish"


  • Boiled condensed milk - 1 can
  • Favorite cookie - 2 pack.
  • Ripe bananas - 3 pcs.
  • Butter "Peasant" - ½ pack.
  • Nuts or chocolate - for garnish


The taste of a no-bake cookie cake with boiled condensed milk directly depends on the quality of the selected ingredients. It is not recommended to use products whose expiration date is about to expire.
The cooking process is not complicated, the main thing is for the original cakes, which will serve as cookies. To do this, beat the butter and condensed milk until smooth. At this time, you need to cut the bananas into circles. When everything is ready, you can begin to form a treat: put a layer of cookies on a plate, grease it with impregnation, and a layer of bananas on top (repeat until the products run out or you decide that the dessert is high enough).

If you do not want to mess with bananas separately, you can add them to the impregnation (after thoroughly mixing the components with a mixer). After that, it remains to decorate the confectionery with nuts, grated chocolate and refrigerate for a couple of hours to allow the cookies to soak.

This is how a no-bake banana cookie cake looks like. Do you want to repeat? Then act.

Oatmeal Cookie Cake

Those who follow the figure can not deny themselves a treat, it is enough to make a cake from cookies with condensed milk and sour cream, one piece of a delicious dessert will not hurt. Naturally, the products must be selected carefully, taking into account the characteristics of the human body. The coffee option will help you tune in in the morning for a working day.


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  • Cookies (oatmeal or other) - 0.55 kg
  • Boiled condensed milk - 1 can
  • Fatty sour cream - 0.27 kg
  • Favorite nuts or grated chocolate - to taste (for decoration)
  • Instant coffee- 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Hot water - 1 cup


To get a coffee dessert, of course, you need to make coffee with sugar (if you have a coffee maker, use it). Now the liquid must be cooled to room temperature.

First, a few words about the cookie itself. Cookies "Yubileynoye" this year are already 102 years old. And its history began in 1855, when the French Sioux family opened a small workshop for the production of confectionery in Moscow on Tverskaya Street. handmade. In 1881, the father of the family, Adolf Siu, handed over the business to his sons and nephew, who registered the family business as Trading House “S. Sioux & Co. and started building a new confectionery factory in Moscow.

From the history of Jubilee cookies

It was at this factory that in 1913, in honor of the 300th anniversary of the Imperial House of Romanov, the first Jubilee cookies were produced. And today it has not lost its popularity among Russians (and not only!).

Cookies "Jubilee"

But it’s also interesting that you can make a simple and tasty cake from these cookies. I share with you my invention 😉

For cooking simple cake without baking you will need:

1. 4 large packs of Jubilee cookies;

2. One pack of milk;

3. Sugar (add to taste in milk);

4. One pack of sour cream (preferably homemade);

5. One pack of condensed milk;

6. Fruits or berries to decorate your cake.


1. Take a deep bowl and pour warm milk into it. You can add some sugar to milk. We begin to dip our cookies in a bowl of milk and carefully place them in a deep bowl until we lay out the entire first layer of the cake;

2. After that, we begin to prepare the cream for the cake (this can be done before we lay out the first layer of the cake). Whisk sour cream and condensed milk with a whisk. Then we cover the first layer of the cake with the resulting cream;

How to make a cake without baking

Cookie cake cream

3. After that, we repeat our first and second manipulations. So you can make two or even three layers of the cake. It all depends on your desire and time 🙂

4. We decorate the top layer of the cream with fruits or berries (you can decorate with fruits just before serving directly). Then we put our cake for a while in the refrigerator (best of all at night, then it will soak better!);

5. After the cake has been infused a little and soaked in the refrigerator, it can be served! Bon appetit!

Cake without baking from cookies "Jubilee"

Do you have any simple and favorite recipes for quick cakes? ;))

Your Anna Sukhova-Dulskaya *)

How nice it is to sit down to relax at lunchtime or on a quiet evening, when everything has already been done, with a cup of steaming tea or coffee. Relax, disconnect from the hustle and bustle and dream a little while sipping your favorite hot drink. Slowly, with pleasure ... And serve a piece of delicious cake on a snow-white saucer for tea or coffee. Delicate, sweet, homely... The mood will rise instantly!

That's just for baking a cake often there is neither the strength nor the time. And it is not surprising, because this is such a long process - to thoroughly knead the dough, bake the cakes, and then also wait until they cool down so that they can finally be layered with cream.

Dont be upset. There is a very simple recipe for a cake, for the preparation of which you do not have to turn on the oven. You don't even need to knead the dough! After all, it is prepared without baking. Now let's take a closer look at the buffet shelves. Is there a forgotten bag of cookies in there? There is? Fine! Cookies will serve as the basis for the cake, replacing the time-consuming cakes for us. Moreover, based on simple cookies you can cook not even one cake, but several different ones. Don't believe? See:

Cake without baking from cookies with cottage cheese

For it we need:

  • Approximately half a kilo of the simplest cookies (square or rectangular).
  • About 150 g butter, natural, not margarine, otherwise the cake will not have a “homemade” taste
  • 300g pack of regular fat cottage cheese
  • 200 g low-fat liquid sour cream
  • Sugar to taste, but not less than half a glass
  • About a glass of good dark raisins, also called "blue"
  • Vanillin
  • A couple of heaping tablespoons of coconut flakes
  • A little milk (to dip the cookies)

You can take chocolate chip cookies and get a completely different taste.

Let's prepare the layer first

Thoroughly grind the cottage cheese with sugar and vanilla. Continuing to grind, add soft butter and sour cream. It is more convenient to mix everything with a blender.

If the cottage cheese is in grains, it must be rubbed through a fine sieve or it can be passed through a meat grinder with a fine grate. If this is not done, then the cream will be lumpy and not homogeneous. Try to immediately buy soft cottage cheese. If you have a blender, then you can not wipe the cottage cheese.

Pour the raisins pre-steamed in boiling water. Mix now with a spoon.

Now let's take care of the cakes

Pour some milk into a deep saucer. Now we will dip each cookie in turn in milk.

Be careful, the cookies must be completely immersed in the liquid, but not kept in it, otherwise it will become very sour and spread. Our task is only to slightly soak the cookies with milk so that it ceases to be dry and becomes similar in texture to a sand cake.

We spread the cookies moistened with milk on a dish in rows of several pieces in the shape of a square or rectangle.

Now we coat the resulting “cake” with a sweet curd mass.

Again, dip one cookie into milk and lay out a new layer on top of the first - we get the second "cake".

Again we coat with curd mass.

We continue in the same sequence. We should get 4-5 layers. The last "cake" of cookies is again covered with curd mass. We also coat the sides of the resulting cake with it.

At the end, carefully sprinkle the top and sides with coconut flakes or grated chocolate.

It turns out a white tender yummy. We put it in the refrigerator for several hours. After that, you can serve.

If you follow your figure and consider such a dessert too high-calorie, then you can cook this cake using dietary bran instead of regular cookies, instead of cottage cheese with butter, regular low-fat cottage cheese for baby food and replace the sugar with honey. Only soak diet cookies in milk a little longer and you will need more baby curd - about 500 g, since you will not use butter.

This is a basic recipe and can be varied by adding various fruits and berries - cherries, peaches, blueberries, bananas and any other to your taste.

You can also pour over the cookie cake with melted chocolate and cream icing. To do this, simply break the chocolate - white or milk into pieces, add a couple of tablespoons of cream and heat over low heat until melted. It is necessary to water the already chilled cake.

Cake "Anthill" from cookies with condensed milk

You decided to make a cake, checked your supplies and suddenly found that there were not enough whole cookies in the bag, and only halves or fragments remained. What a shame!

Do not worry. From the leftovers and debris, you can also make a dessert, but such that home and guests will swallow their tongues and never guess that you had a broken cookie on your hands.

This cake has another cute vernacular name- "Anthill".

Here's what we'll need:

  • cookies (can be broken) 500-600 g
  • Get a jar of condensed milk, preferably boiled.
  • Take out a pack of butter from the refrigerator.
  • We will also prepare a couple of tablespoons of poppy seeds or grated chocolate for sprinkling.
  • And if we have a handful of any kind of nuts, it will be very good.

First, let's make the base for the cake.

We need to crush cookies. But not quite in crumbs, but in small particles. To do this, place the biscuit fragments in plastic bag, tie the bag well and roll it with a rolling pin.

Now let's prepare the cream

Let's start whipping soft butter with condensed milk. We add condensed milk to the oil gradually, spoon by spoon - so the consistency of the cream will not delaminate.

Now mix the cream with the resulting small pieces of cookies and a handful of chopped nuts.

Put the mass on a plate and form it in the form of an anthill - it will be such a neat truncated pyramid. In conclusion, sprinkle our anthill with poppy seeds or grated chocolate.

We will put this beauty in the refrigerator for the whole night, and in the morning it will be possible to please the guests.

Cake without baking cookies with sour cream

A very easy cake to prepare, it requires a minimum of effort and products, while it is so tender and tasty!

For him we will take:

  • 500-600 g of dry cookies. It is dry, since sour cream contributes to a strong softening of shortcrust pastry.
  • half a liter of the thickest sour cream, ideally rustic
  • about a glass of sugar
  • vanillin
  • one glass of crushed nuts, any except peanuts, but almonds are best

Let's grind and whisk well sour cream with sugar and vanilla.

Now we will definitely add nuts to the cream, crushed in a coffee grinder almost into powder. They are needed not only to make it tastier.

The main purpose of the crushed nuts is to thicken the sour cream, as it becomes too liquid and begins to spread from contact with sugar, and we need to maintain the consistency of the cream.

Set aside about half a glass of nuts - we will need them later.

Let's add the rest to sour cream.

Now we will begin to lay out a layer of cookies on the prepared dish, giving the “cake” any desired shape - square or rectangular.

You don't need to dip the cookies in milk in this recipe.

Lubricate the top with a thick layer of cream.

Put the “cake” of cookies on top of the cream again and apply cream on it.

This sequence is repeated several times. In this recipe, it makes sense to make at least 5-6 layers.

Each time laying a new layer of cookies on top, you need to act carefully and do not press it against the bottom cake, otherwise the sour cream will flow out a lot

We again carefully smear the top layer of the cake with cream, do not forget about the sides - they also need to be smeared. Now it's the turn of the second part of the nuts. We will sprinkle the cake with them on top, and with the help of a spoon we will decorate the sides with nut crumbs.

If desired, you can also sprinkle the cake with chocolate chips.

We cover our dessert with a film on top and send it to the refrigerator for at least 8 hours. The cake will not be ready until its layers are very well saturated with cream. Well, if you manage to keep it in the cold for a day, our dessert will become even more tender and tastier.

There is another version of a similar sour cream cake - lighter and fruitier and literally melts in your mouth.

Cake without baking from cookies and sour cream with bananas

As in the previous recipe, for the preparation of the cake we will take:

  • about half a liter of high-quality sour cream
  • at least one glass of sugar, one and a half can be
  • more shortbread biscuits– from 600 to 800 g
  • we will also need raisins - about half a glass
  • cocoa for decoration
  • well, the “highlight” of this cake is a couple of large bananas

We do everything as in the previous recipes.

First of all, prepare the cream by whipping sour cream with sugar. You can add raisins to the cream.

Bananas cut into thin circles.

Put a layer of cookies on a dish in the form of a cake.

Lubricate the "cake" with sweet sour cream.

Place the banana slices on top of the cream. They must be placed tightly to each other, as if forming a separate banana layer.

Let's repeat the sequence cookies - cream - bananas. Thus, we will make several layers.

Coat the top and sides of the cake with the remaining cream. After that, sprinkle with cocoa (optional). We will cool the dessert covered with cling film for at least 6 hours before serving.

Biscuit cake with cottage cheese and gelatin without baking

If you have a little more time to prepare the cake, you can cook this wonderful dessert:

Well, how do you like cakes without baking, so easy and quick to prepare? Really seductive? The most important thing is that they can always be built in a minimum time for evening tea literally from what is in the refrigerator. It is enough to always keep a bag of ordinary cookies in reserve at home, and you will never be taken by surprise by any guests. Fantasize with pleasure!

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