The wife does not love her husband: signs of a change in relationship. If a man does not love a woman - what are the signs? How to understand that a woman does not love

Hello dear men! Understanding the feelings of a wife is not always easy and easy. It seems she is angry and swears, but in fact she loves to the core. And sometimes, on the contrary, she does not scandalize and behaves calmly, but she has already cooled down and does not have any feelings for you. The topic of today's article: how to understand the female soul, what to do if the wife does not love her husband, the signs and reasons for such an outcome.

I want to bring to your attention a book that will help you understand both your feelings and the feelings of your wife, refresh the period of falling in love in your memory and, perhaps, help you look at your spouse with a new look - Helen Fisher Why do we love».

anxiety symptoms

Broken heart.

It is impossible to live in harmony all the time. Even the ideal and happy couple has moments of quarrels, difficulties and disagreements. But why do some manage to go through all the obstacles and again, while others fail to make contact? Love. She is the one who works wonders.

When both partners love each other and are ready to compromise, work on themselves and on relationships, then everything will definitely work out and work out. But it is worth one of the spouses to lower their hands and step aside, like. Today I will tell you what signs will tell you that your wife has cooled off.

If you cannot find answers to some questions that are very important to you and are afraid that the problems that have arisen cannot be solved, sign up for a Skype consultation with me.


A sure sign of cooled feelings is a cold bed. Of course, couples with a long history of family life are less likely to give themselves to love pleasures, but they still exist. And when you can’t even remember the last time, it’s worth considering whether everything is as good as it seems.

A woman who does not have any feelings for a man will come up with excuses. She doesn't want to be intimate with him. Therefore, if your spouse, who has long ceased to flirt with you, does not show any female activity, then this is a clear bell of her cooling feelings for you.

Attention and care

In a normal, healthy relationship, spouses take care of each other and help and support in every possible way. When there are no feelings, then there is no desire to show attention either. A person begins to seem like a stranger, and there is no desire to take care of a stranger.

She does not ask how you are, she is not interested in your life. For her, there are only her needs and desires. She spends all her time on herself. And for children, if any. She no longer works for you. She doesn't care about this issue.

Respect and trust

I always say that these are the two pillars of a happy family life. Therefore, if you notice disrespectful treatment and behavior from your spouse to yourself, then this is a clear sign of her alienation.

And about trust, the question here is as follows - a woman doesn’t care about a man, it doesn’t matter where he is, with whom, how he spends time, what he does. She is losing interest. Therefore, he does not arrange questions with predilection, does not call every five minutes, is not interested in why he was late.

Scandals and tantrums

The flip side of indifference is a splash of negative emotions on you. She will constantly reproach, talk about yours, see only the bad in everything, she will not like everything and it is impossible to please such a woman.

She will throw out all her negative emotions on you. The day didn’t work out - you are to blame, if you broke your nail - you are to blame, your friend didn’t come to the meeting - you again. And so on ad infinitum. In everything she sees you as guilty and involved in her troubles and misfortunes.

Avoidance of communication

Another sign - she does not want to communicate. He tries to go to bed before you arrive, gets up later than you when you have already left for work. At all . She no longer wants to intersect and communicate.

Is there a way out

If you noticed only one of the signs in your beloved wife, then you should not immediately think that everything is bad and it's time to disperse. Every couple goes through different periods. It is human nature to doubt sometimes. So, one of the spouses may think about whether he made the right choice at the time, whether he builds his “happily ever after” with the right person.

Such a period can be considered a test of your feelings. And if you solve problems together, provide the necessary support, talk honestly and openly, share your thoughts, fears, desires and plans, then you will overcome everything. The main thing is together.

But if you found a lot of symptoms, then you need to think about what to do next and what to do. First of all, I advise you to read the article "". After all, sometimes on emotions we decide to take such a step. Just break everything and burn bridges. Believe me, this is not an option. Especially if there are still feelings and you can save your relationship.

If she does not leave, then there is still an opportunity to become happy again. Don't expect changes from your spouse. Start with yourself. I'm not saying that only a man should act and change something. But waiting for change from another person is stupid and useless. Start acting yourself.

Change your relationship with your spouse. Try again. Do to her, invite her on dates, flirt with her too. You will not even notice how it will blossom and become completely different.

Sign up for a Skype consultation with me and together we will find a way out of this situation.

Remember that in many ways a woman is a reflection of her man. Change your attitude towards her. Remember that girl you fell in love with once and try to bring freshness into your relationship.

What symptoms did you find in your wife? How can you check if there is still a chance to fix everything? When was the last time you told your wife that you love her?

Be a brave and strong man who is ready to do anything for his woman.
Good luck to you!

If a wife no longer loves her husband, there are usually many signs of a problem. From indifference to irritability, from reducing the fire in bed to the loss of common interests - any man can notice the growing problems. How does a woman behave in a relationship in the absence of love, and is it possible to fight it?

The first signs of a wife's indifference

Women by nature find it difficult to hide the absence of feelings. The first problems in the family go side by side with changes in the lady's appearance. A woman stops caring for herself, rarely does depilation, does not buy new clothes. She no longer wants to interest her soulmate, which first affects the external state. However, gradually the problem affects her inner world. So, against the background of a lack of love, the following states of a girl arise:

Tolerate the shortcomings of a person is possible only if there is love. However, when feelings pass, even the virtues of a spouse can evoke anger and aggression. That is why the wife, whose feelings have faded, turns into an aggressive fury. Literally everything can bring her out of herself, including the positive actions of a man.

This state also has an opposite form: isolation, mixed with silence. The woman refuses to make contact, does not listen to the man's conversations, does not try to establish a dialogue. Sometimes it seems that a lady simply tolerates a man, not seeing any of his virtues.

From love to hate or how to determine that the wife's feelings have long faded

Psychologists believe that signs that a wife does not love a man appear as soon as the feeling fades. However, some representatives of the stronger sex manage not to notice this. What signs speak eloquently of the complete extinction of the once burning love?

  • a woman refuses to perform marital duties without explanation;
  • she spends more time with friends outside the home than next to her husband;
  • a woman makes important decisions without consulting her lover;
  • periodic and frequent betrayals can also indicate the fading of feelings.

At this stage, it is already difficult to save the relationship, because the girl has long come to terms with the fact that she does not have love for her husband, and therefore she has begun to change her daily life. Such a woman makes all decisions alone, neglects her husband in every possible way, spends time with anyone but him. At the same time, in words, she can be the most faithful and loving wife.

The risk of betrayal at this stage increases markedly, because a woman is indifferent to her husband, and only marriage ties keep her in this relationship. The performance of elementary household duties is reduced to a minimum, and the number of quarrels is growing exponentially.

Leave or stay: behavior options for a man

Psychologists are sure that if a wife does not love her husband, and there are more and more signs of an impending divorce, it is not worth fighting for a relationship. Cheating, indifference, a wild lifestyle - all this kills relationships and does not allow people to be happy with each other. And if all happiness disappears from the family, marriage turns into a heavy duty with a lot of problems for both partners.

However, there are times when a woman's love can still be returned, and here are some of them:

  • if the wife only periodically behaves aggressively or indifferently, this can be attributed to the peculiarities of her character or to the early stage of the “illness” of love;
  • if the behavior of a woman is associated with a negative act of a man, then marriage must be fought for, because love can still be alive;
  • if the behavior of the wife is only a reaction to the same behavior of the husband, then the relationship can also be saved, but the chances of success are minimal.

Of course, if the husband's feelings are strong, then marriage must be fought to the last. When relationships cause more suffering than joy, it is better to let them go. Perhaps a man and a woman are simply not made for each other, and therefore their love eventually passed.

How can a relationship be saved if the wife does not love her husband? Sometimes signs of problems with feelings disappear with intense care, the presence of romance in the life of a couple. In other words, by surrounding his beloved with maximum caress and attention, a man can resurrect her love. You can also try to diversify family life, visit theaters and museums together, travel.

You should not ignore trips to a family psychologist, because qualified help sometimes saves even the most hopeless marriages. You will have to act quickly, because as soon as a woman is convinced that she does not love a man, she will leave, and nothing will stop her.

Anna, Moscow

The answer to the question why not all attractive women are happy in their personal lives.

Sexual attractiveness of course depends on external data. It would be absurd to deny it. A man loves with his eyes. Of course, everyone has different tastes: someone loves fit sports girls, someone loves fragile and delicate princesses, someone loves cheerful puffy ladies. But there are things that no one likes. Even if you look exactly like he imagined in his dreams, these 20 little things can cool his ardor.

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1. Vulgar behavior

Vulgar women can be seen from afar, sometimes even heard. They speak loudly, laugh loudly and are not shy in expressions. Bright make-up, defiant clothes and frank flirting, aimed at all males at the same time. All this can be summed up in one word - "too much". Such women certainly attract attention, but more as a talking cockatoo than as an attractive woman.

2. Insincerity

Insincerity is always felt by the interlocutor. Even if a man is not sure that they are hanging noodles on his ears, subconsciously he feels false. Trying to impress a man when they meet, girls sometimes go too far. So, a fan of Olga Buzova's work becomes a connoisseur of rock music of the eighties, and a homebody to the marrow of her bones tells stories about mountain hikes and incredible adventures.

3. Excessive frankness

Being open and sincere is great, but at least some mystery is worth leaving. There are things that a man, especially an unfamiliar one, simply does not need to know. The list of stop topics includes the pros and cons of ex-men, women's diseases, any gossip and rumors, family secrets. A frank story in great detail about going to the gynecologist looks ridiculous and repulsive on a date with a man.

4. Soul emptiness

You can attribute errors in punctuation to a lack of education, you can forgive ignorance of Ohm's law, but you cannot ignore spiritual emptiness. A woman without her own interests and hobbies, who does not read books and does not consider it necessary to somehow educate herself and develop, will cool the ardor of any worthy man.

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5. Commercialism

Money is important. There is a material component in any, even the highest relations. But judging, and even more so condemning a person for his insufficiently expensive appearance for you, laughing at his insufficiently prestigious work and frankly extorting gifts is definitely not about female attractiveness. Men, even wealthy and generous ones, are put off by this behavior.

6. Coldness

Inaccessibility is of interest, but within reasonable limits. Men need at least small signs that you are interested in their society. Why break into a cake for the sake of a cold and impregnable rock? We are all looking for love, warmth, affection, therefore, in a relationship, no one needs an insanely beautiful, but unemotional “snow queen”.

7. Accessibility

A woman who agrees to everything, is ready for anything, forgives everything and never refuses - a very convenient and simple option that bothers men very quickly. A man will not be able to appreciate a woman if he has not put in any effort to win her over. He puts his soul, time, fantasy, money, emotions into a dear woman. Only in this way does a woman become special, important, beloved for him.

8. Lack of pride

If a man refuses, doubts or does not show activity towards you, then the worst solution is to try to convince him and prove how wonderful you are. In such cases, you need to call for help all your feminine pride and beautifully go into the sunset. If a man is even a little interested in you, then your disappearance will touch him, and he will become more active. If not, then this is not your man. In any situation, remember your self-esteem and do not let anyone belittle your importance.

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9. Excessive emotionality

It's okay to be honest with your emotions. Men love sincere laughter, genuine surprise, and even appreciate it when women directly say that they are upset or dissatisfied with something. But, again, a sense of proportion is very important, because scandalous ladies, hysterics and crybabies are very difficult to love.

10. Bad manners

There are different situations in life, but self-control, politeness and respect should always be with you. Let an unpleasant man pay attention to you, let the waiter get rude to you, let a colleague at work push all the dirty work onto you - it doesn’t matter, keep yourself in control. In order to put a person in his place, it is not necessary to stoop to a disrespectful tone or rudeness.

11. Bad habits

Most men are really negative about the bad habits of girls. But let's be realistic: some of the habits of beautiful men are ready to forgive with a light heart. Monica Bellucci, for example, has not lost a single fan because she eats a lot of pasta and can afford a glass of wine. Of course, if they do not cross the boundaries of reason. It is unlikely that anyone will like a woman who has problems with alcohol, or a heavy smoker.

12. Unhealthy feminism

Feminism is wonderful. This is a movement that stands up for women's rights. Fighting for the right to work and equal pay, the right to property, education and equal rights in marriage is a good thing. But sometimes feminism takes on an unhealthy look. Women really have the right not to shave their armpits and not try to lose weight. Just as they have the right to keep their body perfectly smooth and pumped up. But for some reason, ardent, wrong feminists consider a well-groomed body a betrayal of their ideology. These are the ardent and wrong men and do not like.

13. Complexes

Complexes do not depend on external data. Even a very attractive woman can be insecure. But without inner harmony and respect for oneself, it is impossible to build a happy relationship. Men always feel insecure and on a subconscious level do not take such women seriously.

Take a closer look at your passion, she sends you a lot of signals that she is more than you and she doesn’t need you, but you stubbornly ignore them!

Sign 1. She says she is not ready for a serious relationship. A classic excuse, women often use it when communicating with those who, in principle, are of little interest to them, as a potential gentleman. Here you can not go into details and not explain the reasons. Not ready is all. If you hear these words from your girlfriend, then know that she simply does not want to be with you and you have practically nothing to hope for. There is very little chance that she will ever change her mind.

Sign 2. She never calls you. And doesn't call back. Or avoids talking to you on the phone. You try to console yourself with the thought that she just forgot or she doesn't have time. In any case, this means that she has little interest in you, and she prefers to communicate with others, rather than with you. Remember an important rule: if a girl does not call you back after your first call, it makes sense to call her again. If she doesn't call back even after your second call, then it's worth considering why she does this. Although, in almost all books for women on seducing men, they write that a man should seek women, and she does not call you on purpose. But after the third unanswered call, forget about her.

Sign 3. She avoids physical intimacy and tries not to make eye contact when talking. One of the clear signs that she does not need you, and for some reason men do not pay attention to him. If a girl likes a man, she will try to be closer and look into each other's eyes - this is very important. If she evades your gaze, then most likely she does not want to be with you, but does not dare to say so openly. Or maybe she just keeps you as a fallback and therefore is silent. In any case, think about whether you need to be together or is it better to look for another object of passion.

Sign 4. In a conversation with you, she often talks about other men. No, she does not want to make you feel jealous at all (unless she is "not your ex, but that, as they say, is a completely different story). Most likely you fell into the categories of just" friend ", which means only one thing - she perceives you like one of your girlfriends you can just talk to about everything.It never even crossed her mind that you have feelings for her.Not a good sign.

Sign 5. She is trying to introduce you to another woman. She does this because, as in point number four, it simply did not occur to her that you can be considered not only as "just a friend." Perhaps you are dear to her, she may even love you, but only as a friend. But he definitely doesn't want to have any romantic relationship with you.

Sign 6. She doesn't laugh at your jokes. If the girl is all right with a sense of humor and only your jokes do not make her laugh, then we can draw two conclusions. Firstly, she does not share your sense of humor, your jokes seem flat and not funny to her. Secondly, laughter is a form of flirting, so she is not interested in you and your jokes as well.

Sign 7. There is no place for you in her plans. Today she is dating her girlfriends, tomorrow she is with her niece, next week she is going to a nightclub with her friends… You are not there! Maybe you should also plan your life with another girl?

Sign 8. She regularly cancels appointments with you. Of course, the reasons may be different, but if dates are canceled more and more often, then most likely she thinks that you are not the man of her dreams.

Sign 9. Her descriptions of Prince Charming bear little resemblance to you. She dreams of a Latin American macho, perfectly dancing salsa, and you are more like a Scandinavian man who cannot distinguish a square dance from a butterfly polka. In principle, women rarely adhere to one opinion and, as a result, it will be the Scandinavian who will be her chosen one, but it will not be you. Let it be a subtle hint that you are not her handsome prince.

If you find one or more of these signs in your girlfriend, be sure that she is not interested in you, reports If there are three signs, she will never be with you. Draw conclusions and do not drive yourself into a dead end. Don't waste your precious time on it and move on. There are a lot of girls around who will definitely want to be with you.

Feelings of people are difficult to measure by any measure. But sometimes the lack of balance between partners still makes itself felt. If a woman loves a man more than he loves her, this puts her in a disadvantageous position. What to do with it? The decision is up to you. We all want our men to be as involved in relationships as we are. But we do not always have to count on such luck. It often happens that one of the members of a couple is much more in love than the other. And, as a rule, you can notice some signals indicating this state of affairs.

Feelings make a woman weaker and defenseless. Therefore, some of the fair sex, without blinking an eye, forgive betrayal, turn a blind eye to minor (and significant too) misconduct of a partner and pretend that he does not have some shortcomings at all - and all this because of love. In this article, we will look at the signs that a woman loves more than a man.

Signs that a woman loves a man more than he loves her

Despite all this, understanding that you are the person who is more interested in relationships and loves more can keep you from making serious life mistakes. What you should pay attention to? The presence of these signals in your relationship suggests that you are more interested in the union than your partner. What to do with it is up to you.

You do whatever is asked of you

You are always at his disposal, no matter what he asks you to do. You change your plans for the weekend because he said he bought movie tickets or wants you to go to his friend's country house. He constantly takes advantage of your kindness, and you have nothing against it, because, after all, you want to show how important he is to you. And so for half a day you help his younger sister do his homework, go shopping, write works for him ... You adjust your entire reality to your loved one, but he is not able to appreciate this and repay it in the same coin.

Basically, you write and call first

He promises that he will write, call, contact you, and then he does not. As a result, you are the first to apply, and so almost every time. When you meet, your loved one has convincing excuses for his sluggishness. He gently looks into your eyes, says beautiful words, and then again is silent for a whole week. And if he responds, he usually asks that you come to him, and not vice versa. In 99% of cases, there is some kind of personal interest behind this.

You remember all the important events, but he does not

You remember your first date, your first kiss. You can even accurately describe the setting of the meeting place and what your chosen one was wearing. You remember all the anniversaries and try to celebrate them somehow. Your partner, as a rule, forgets about them, and if you pay attention to this, he says that this is an extra hassle. He sees no point in celebrating important events from your life together.

You willingly emphasize that you are a couple, and he avoids this

When you go out together, you like to emphasize the status of your relationship, for example, take his hand or hug him. Unfortunately, in this case, you often encounter his remarks, reluctance, resistance, and you can only dream of him doing something similar himself. This is you taking selfies together during a trip together, telling your friends about the connection. In addition, you are much more likely to like and comment on his posts on social networks than he is on yours.

You initiate meetings more often than he does

A loved one can be silent for a very long time. Sometimes your meetings are limited to once a week, and then only because you took the initiative. It is quite obvious that creativity is more on your side. You plan joint trips, book tickets to the cinema, theater, look for the perfect place for a romantic walk ... Meanwhile, he has only one place to which he constantly invites you, and an even better option for him: to stay at home - at yourself or yours.

He knows everything about you, but you do not know some important things about him.

After some time, you began to open up to the chosen one more and more - and now he is already aware of all the important facts from your life. Naturally, you want to know as much about him, but he keeps silent. The partner ignores your questions, answers evasively, and sometimes you even get the impression that he is lying. Men are sometimes ashamed of the past and afraid of the reaction of a female companion to some things, but this is not always the reason for such behavior. Maybe the partner just doesn’t give a damn about your relationship, and your close interest in his person begins to annoy him.

You know that there was already someone very important in his life.

From scraps of information, you know that there was a woman in his life and that she was of great importance to him. He does not want to talk about it or is limited to only a few insignificant facts. There is a risk that you are a woman next to whom he just wants to forget and build a life anew. In this case, his acquaintances and friends can be useful. Try to find out from them what really happened. You can also reveal all the cards and directly ask if you are more important to him than his previous chosen one, and what he really feels for you.

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