Kiriyenko Sergey Vladilenovich is ill with cancer. Sergei Kirienko. Main Important Points

Serezha Izraitel was born on June 26, 1962 in the city of Sukhumi in the family of a talented scientist Vladilen Izraitel and Larisa Kiriyenko. Later, having moved to Gorky, the future prime minister graduated from high school with honors. But by the end of his studies, Serezha turned from Izraitel into Kiriyenko. The secret of this transformation was revealed to us by Tatyana Kesler, who lived for many years in the same yard with the Izraiteley-Kiriyenko family: “I have known Serezha for a long time. We lived in neighboring entrances. "The future prime minister was a pronounced favorite of everyone already in childhood. However, in the 70th year a very unpleasant incident occurred: Serezha was only eight years old when his father Vladilen Izraitel left his family and went to his young employee. Larisa was very worried about her husband's betrayal and even Serezha changed her surname to Kiriyenko.

In 1979, Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko entered the Academy of Water Transport, where his fugitive father Vladilen Yakovlevich Izraitel continued to head the department, who, feeling guilty towards his son, actively promoted Seryozha in all institute instances.

We managed to talk with a former classmate of student Sergei Kiriyenko Olga Bessmertnaya: "Sergei was a very prominent and handsome young man. He always sat on the first desk and looked into the teacher's mouth. He studied amazingly - there was not a single four. We liked him very much girls, but he was even and calm. He did not have strong hobbies. " No less interesting was the information that the rector of the Academy, Vasily Zakharov, told us: “I was also the rector at the time when the future prime minister studied with us. Seryozha was a Lenin scholarship holder and Komsomol leader. Unfortunately, he did not use his mental data, but all went to Komsomol work. His father, who headed our department, contributed to his promotion at the university. A very smart man and Serezha actively helped. Izrael Sr. was a Jew, but I don’t give a damn about his nationality, the main thing is that the person be good. I didn’t drink vodka with his dad, but we had a warm relationship.

After graduating with honors from the Volga Academy of Water Transport in 1984, Sergei Kiriyenko felt that great opportunities were opening up for him - a young Komsomol leader.


In 1986, Sergei Kiriyenko went to work as a shop foreman at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant in Nizhny Novgorod, but he quickly realized that a proletarian career did not appeal to him and soon turned into a released secretary of the Komsomol committee of the plant. But even here Serezha instantly moved up the career ladder. Two years later, he was the second secretary of the Nizhny Novgorod regional committee of the Komsomol, and in 1990, Sergei Vladilenovich was already in charge of the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation through the Komsomol, actively contributing to the victory of his friend Boris Nemtsov. Kiriyenko himself was elected a deputy of the regional council of people's deputies.

As you know, the money of the CPSU disappeared in the fog of perestroika, and the money of the Komsomol was directed to create thousands of various youth concerns and centers of creativity, where the former Komsomol leaders got rich and went into big business. Sergei Kiriyenko was no exception. In 1991, he became president of the Joint-Stock Youth Concern (abbreviated as AMK), and three years later, young, but undeniably talented, Serezha already headed the social and commercial bank Garantiya, becoming its chairman of the board. And this is where the completely "adult" affairs of the future prime minister of the Russian government begin.


In the bank "Guarantee" Kiriyenko was nicknamed "Little Seryozha" for his "boyish" appearance, but he ruled very harshly and soon they even began to be afraid of him. What did a friend of Governor Nemtsov do during the mysterious period of 1994-1997? In the official biographies, Kiriyenko modestly states "...He headed commercial structures in Nizhny Novgorod. Chairman of the board of the Garantiya bank. In 1996, he took over as president of the non-oil company NORSI-oil." Sergey Vladilenovich likes to spread himself especially, but we will try to familiarize the reader more closely with some little-known episodes from the life of Serezha Kiriyenko in Nizhny Novgorod.

The first episode: Kiriyenko invented such a unique thing as a "scam" - an electronic lottery for primitive throwing at the money of mouth-waterers and even managed to license the idea. Under this, a special structure was established called the "Enterprise" Directorate of Lotteries ". 97% of this office belonged to ... of course, the Kirienkov bank Garantiya. How much money passed through this" directorate "only God knows and ex-Prime Minister Seryozha.

The second episode: One of the founders and shareholders of the bank "Guarantee" was the "Republican Socio-Commercial Bank", where a certain V. Trifonov, who is also a close friend of Sergei Kiriyenko, worked as deputy chairman. So, this very Trifonov was closely connected with the Orekhovskaya criminal gang. According to operational data, Orekhov's authority Sylvester was blown up near the discotheque "LISS" in a "Mercedes" owned by Mr. Trifonov. Serezha Kiriyenko had such "serious" connections.

Third episode: In November 1996, Kiriyenko became head of the oil company NORSI-Oil. The main competitor of "NORSI" was the company "Volga-Petroleum", headed by a certain Abdulkhamit Sadekov. Both companies fought for leadership in the oil market of the Nizhny Novgorod region, and they were also very interested in control over the Nizhny Novgorod television channel Networks NN. On October 10, 1997, Sadekov was killed in the Moscow region. The murder has not yet been solved. Power over the Nizhny Novgorod oil market completely passed to NORSI-Oil, and Igor Eidman, cousin of Boris Nemtsov, a true friend of Sergei Kiriyenko, received shares in the NN Seti TV channel. Surely, all this happened "completely by accident" and young Seryozha, of course, had nothing to do with this murder.

Fourth episode: At the time when "Little Serezha" moved to Moscow in 1997 and took the high post of First Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy, his structures in Nizhny Novgorod had "very little" debt. Thus, Garantiya Bank owed the Pension Fund about 700 billion rubles, NORSI-Oil's debt to the budget amounted to 1.46 trillion rubles. By the time Kiriyenko was appointed Acting Prime Minister of the Government of Russia, NORSI's debt to the budget and other organizations had already amounted to THREE TRILLION rubles. Vivat, Sergey Vladilenovich!


In recent years, the career of Sergei Vladilenovich resembled a rushing locomotive. On May 13, 1997, Sergei Kiriyenko, following his friends Boris Nemtsov and Boris Brevnov, arrived in Moscow and took the post of Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation. On November 20 of the same year, he was already a minister. And in March 1998, young Serezha becomes I.O. Prime Minister, and soon a full-fledged head of the government of the Russian Federation. For Sergei Kiriyenko, the well-aimed nickname "Kinder-Surprise" has firmly established itself. And in fact, he was a real surprise for the entire domestic top nomenclature - soft, easily influenced, lost in the complex multi-way Kremlin games. A kind of whipping boy. At the highest government post, the Nizhny Novgorod boy Seryozha Izraitel clearly understood that playing big politics is not at all like running a provincial bank or heading a factory Komsomol.

Most analysts and independent experts believe that Sergei Kiriyenko, at the time of his premiership, acted as a banal condom. He was used once in the most primitive way and attributed to the frightened Seryozha and the August crisis, and the lack of Western loans, and the mediocrity of the Nizhny Novgorod team of young reformers. In general, just as Chubais was to blame for everything before, since August of last year, the torch of the most guilty was handed over to the blinking Kiriyenko.

And Sergei Vladilenovich's last public appearance was quite deplorable. On the day of his own expulsion from the White House, Seryozha, together with the curly-haired Nizhny Novgorod resident Borey Nemtsov, took a bottle of vodka and went to the Humpback Bridge to the striking miners. Seryozha and Borya persistently suggested that the miners "roll on the little one", but the harsh strikers squeamishly refused and escorted the former rulers out of the tent city. One of the miners told them in the wake: "Yes, not only to drink vodka, I won't even "need" to celebrate on one hectare with them!"


After being expelled from the White House, Sergei Vladilenovich immediately joined a very dubious campaign. Several months have passed since the August crisis, and Kinder Surprise has already given birth to a single block of young reformers, where, in addition to his beloved, he invited Chubais, Nemtsov, Gaidar and Boris Fyodorov. The company turned out to be very homogeneous, with a dubious reputation and a complete absence of any moral principles. But this is a completely different and very sad song ...

FRIENDS: Boris Yeltsin (until 08/17/98), Boris Nemtsov, Boris Brevnov, Boris Fedorov, as well as Anatoly Chubais, Yegor Gaidar.

ENEMIES: There are no serious enemies, with the exception of several million Russians, who before the August crisis called themselves the "middle class."


Andrey Klimentyev, a millionaire in prison: “I knew Seryozha from Nizhny Novgorod. He resold oil there and spun pension money in Guarantee. Nemtsov dragged him along because even then in his heart he recognized himself as a complete cretin in politics and he more or less smart guys were needed. So he found Kiriyenko."

"Novye Izvestia" 04/02/98: "... the fee of the authors of Kirienkov's analytical notes makes the group of writers-privatizers turn pale with envy ... Kiriyenko's services worth seven typewritten pages were valued by the generous Guarantee at 1.7 billion rubles."

"Moscow News" 03/29/98: "Working in a bank brought Kiriyenko a deputy mandate."


Unlike other politicians, Kiriyenko, with his rapid career and unexpected resignation, earned the largest number in the shortest period of time.

Why is Kiriyenko always smiling?
He got a denture of the wrong size.

The father, leaving the family, says to Serezha Kiriyenko:
- Can you come with me? You will love your new mom.
- Dad, I've already seen her. You have been deceived. It is far from new, and the eye is knocked out.

After the crisis, Kiriyenko sits with American businessmen, drinks and says:
What an amazing people we have! I left half the population without a livelihood - and they are smiling. I gave all businessmen a complete bankruptcy - they smile again. I turned the pension money into dust - they smile again.
- Tell me, - the American asks, - have you tried to poison them with dust?

Sergei Kirienko was born on July 26, 1962 in the city of Sukhumi, the Republic of Abkhazia. The boy's father is Professor Vladilen Yakovlevich Izraitel, and his mother Larisa Vasilievna Kiriyenko worked as an economist. The son took his mother's surname. Sergei's early years were spent in Gorky, now Nizhny Novgorod, and when the future politician's parents separated in the early 70s, his father stayed to live and teach in Gorky, while Sergei and his mother moved to Sochi.

In the fourth grade, the younger Kiriyenko went to Sochi secondary school No. 7. However, after graduating from school, he returned to Gorky, entered the Institute of Water Transport Engineers, where his father taught, and at the age of 22 became a certified shipbuilding engineer. The future politician already in his student years established himself as an intelligent, sociable, self-confident leader-organizer.

The university teachers did not want to let the talented student go and offered to continue his studies in graduate school, but Sergei chose to go to work at the plant. In 1984 he left to serve in the army. For two years he served in the air force near the Ukrainian city of Nikolaev, at the end of the service he received the title of deputy platoon commander. In the same 1984 he joined the ranks of the CPSU. His paternal grandfather Yakov was a prominent communist activist, and Sergei Kiriyenko followed in his ancestor's footsteps and was also devoted to the party. After the liquidation of the CPSU in 1991, he even left his party card as a keepsake.

The beginning of Kiriyenko's career was laid in 1986, at a shipyard in the Sormovsky district of Nizhny Novgorod "Krasnoye Sormovo". Sergey Kiriyenko was hired as an ordinary foreman, and very soon, thanks to his organizational skills, the team of welders became the leader in production. He also led an active social life as secretary of the Komsomol factory committee. A smart, active, hardworking young man attracted the attention of his party colleagues and was soon appointed secretary of the Gorky regional committee of the Komsomol.

At the age of 28, Sergei Vladilenovich was elected to the Gorky Regional Council of People's Deputies. In 1991 he entered the Academy of National Economy under the President of the Russian Federation, from which he graduated in 1993 with a degree in finance and banking, becoming a highly qualified manager.

In the period from 1992 to 1997, he held the positions of general director of the youth concern AMK, chairman of the board of the bank, president of the oil state company NorsiOil, which was absorbed by Lukoil in 2001. A significant stage in the career of Sergei Kiriyenko was his appointment in May 1997 to the post of First Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation. Six months later, in the fall of that year, Sergei Kiriyenko, at the age of 35, was appointed by Boris Yeltsin to the post of Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation.

Sergei Kiriyenko December 14, 1997 was elected to the State Duma of the second convocation. He was the leader of the New Force parties and political movements in 1998, the Union of Right Forces from 1999 to 2000. An important milestone in Kiriyenko's career was his approval on December 12, 2007 as the General Director of Rosatom State Corporation, a holding uniting more than three hundred nuclear enterprises.

On October 5, 2016, by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Kiriyenko was appointed to the post of First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation instead of his predecessor Vyacheslav Volodin, who, in turn, was promoted to Speaker of the State Duma of the 7th convocation. Alexei Likhachev, Professor of the Department of Macroeconomics at the RANEPA, was appointed the new head of Rosatom after Kiriyenko left.

Sergei Kiriyenko is married to Maria Vladislavovna Aistova. His wife is a doctor by education, she worked as a pediatrician. They met in the city of Sochi, during their school years, and created a family during their student days, when they were 19 years old. Sergei Kiriyenko is a faithful husband and caring father. The couple have three children: son Vladimir and two daughters - Lyubov and Nadezhda.

Sergei is active in political and government work. His priorities are family preservation, sports, namely aikido (4th dan) and scuba diving, outdoor activities - hunting and fishing, rich social activities - social, cultural, informational and educational areas.

Director General of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" Sergey Vladilenovich Kiriyenko was born on July 26, 1962 in the city of Sukhumi, Abkhaz ASSR. His father, Vladilen Yakovlevich Izraitel, was a teacher of philosophy, later defended his doctoral dissertation and headed the department of social sciences at the Gorky Institute of Water Transport Engineers. Mother - Larisa Vasilievna Kiriyenko - an economist by education. After the divorce of his parents, Sergei Kiriyenko lived with his mother, graduated from high school in the city of Sochi.

AT 1979 he went to the city of Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) to his father.

AT 1984 Graduated from the shipbuilding faculty of the Gorky Institute of Water Transport Engineers.

AT 1984-1986 served in the military.

Sergei Kiriyenko began his career as a foreman at the Krasnoe Sormovo shipyard. He was the secretary of the factory committee of the Komsomol, the first secretary of the Gorky regional committee of the Komsomol.

AT late 1980s Kiriyenko, among other Komsomol leaders, organized a diversified "Joint Stock Youth Concern" (AMK), and soon became its president. In parallel, he pursued a political career and in March 1990 became a deputy of the Gorky Regional Council of People's Deputies.

AT 1991-1993 Sergei Kirienko studied at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in Finance and Banking.

After graduating from high school, he became chairman of the board of the Nizhny Novgorod social and commercial bank Garantiya.

AT September 1997 Sergei Kiriyenko became Deputy Chairman of the RF Government Commission for Coordinating the Activities of Federal Executive Bodies and State Authorities of the RF Subjects in the Implementation of Production Sharing Agreements (PSAs).

After August 1998, Sergei Kiriyenko did not hold any positions in the system of executive power for two years.

AT December 1998 he headed the All-Russian Public Political Conservative Movement "New Force". During the same period, he, along with longtime partner and ally Boris Nemtsov, as well as the head of RAO "UES of Russia" Anatoly Chubais, was among the leaders of the democratic party "Union of Right Forces", participated in the election of the mayor of the Russian capital, in 1999 was the leader of the faction Union of Right Forces in the State Duma of the third convocation.

May 18, 2000 By decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Sergei Kiriyenko was appointed Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District. In May 2001, while remaining plenipotentiary, he took the post of chairman of the State Commission of the Russian Federation for Chemical Disarmament.

November 15, 2005 By order of the Government of the Russian Federation, he was appointed head of the Federal Agency for Atomic Energy.

With December 12, 2007 Kiriyenko holds the post of General Director of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom.

He was awarded the Order of Honor, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th class, the Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov, 2nd class, the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, 1st class, and the Anatoly Koni medal.

President of the Aikido Aikikai Federation of Russia (FAAR), co-chairman of the Russian Union of Martial Arts, President of the Council of the All-Russian Union "National Aikido Council of Russia" (NSAR).

Sergei Kiriyenko is married and has three children - a son and two daughters.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

Sergei Kiriyenko (not to be confused with the author of books Sergei Ivanovich Kiriyenko) is an entrepreneur and politician. Ex-general director of Rosatom, as well as deputy head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. Sergey Vladilenovich's track record includes many notable awards, including the Anatoly Koni medal and the Order of Honor.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Vladilenovich Kirienko was born on July 26, 1962 in the largest Abkhazian city of Sukhumi. The future politician grew up and was brought up in an exemplary family. Sergey's father - Vladilen Yakovlevich - is a professor, he defended his doctorate in philosophy, at one time he was in charge of various departments of the Volga State University of Water Transport.

His wife Larisa Vasilievna and part-time mother of Sergei is an economist by education, she studied in Odessa. It is known that Sergei Kiriyenko spent his childhood in the city of Gorky, which at the moment is called Nizhny Novgorod.

Sergey's parents began to be friends from adolescence and even studied at the same school. But by the will of fate, Vladilen Yakovlevich and Larisa Vasilievna decided to go their separate ways. Ultimately, in the early 70s, the couple decided to file for divorce. Sergei's father remained to work in Gorky, and Larisa Vasilyevna moved to Sochi with the boy.

In this sunny city, which is located on the Black Sea coast, Serezha entered the prestigious school number 7 and pleased his parent with good grades in his diary. But, having received a certificate of secondary education, the young man decided to return to Gorky and apply to the Institute of Water Transport Engineers. When the guy was 22 years old, he became a certified shipbuilder and set off on a free voyage.

Sergey has established himself in front of the teachers as a diligent student who absorbs all the lectures like a sponge and does not miss classes, so the university leaders insisted that the guy go to graduate school. But the obstinate young man wanted to quickly establish himself in life, so he went to work at the factory, and in 1984 he reached military age and went to serve in the army.

At the same time, Sergei Kiriyenko followed in the footsteps of his grandfather, a prominent communist activist, and joined the ranks of the CPSU. For two years, Sergei Vladilenovich showed courage and bravery in the air force near the city of Nikolaev, and in 1986 he returned to civilian life. After demobilization, Kiriyenko began his career as a foreman at a shipbuilding plant, and then climbed the career ladder and became secretary of the Gorky Regional Committee of the Komsomol.


Sergei Vladilenovich, whose character is dominated by leadership qualities, is not used to resting on his laurels. Therefore, it is not surprising that Kiriyenko, at the age of 28, sat in the deputy chair of the Gorky Regional Council.

However, then the country was going through hard times, in the second half of the 80s perestroika began, and 1991 was marked by the dissolution of the Komsomol. But Sergei Vladilenovich shared the ideology of the party, and after the abolition of it, he kept the party card as a keepsake.

Sergei Kiriyenko connected his life with entrepreneurship and finance, entered the Academy of National Economy under the President of the Russian Federation, and in 1993 became a highly qualified manager. Thus, Sergey Vladilenovich served as the general director of AMK Concern JSC, was the chairman of the Garantiya bank and led the NORSI-OIL oil company.

Then the businessman moved to the very heart of Russia. It is noteworthy that Sergei Kiriyenko and the politician had friendly relations, so Boris Efimovich persuaded him to pay attention to the ambitious Nizhny Novgorod businessman.

Initially, Viktor Stepanovich did not want to consider Kiriyenko as a candidate for a position in the Ministry of Fuel and Energy, referring to the fact that Sergei Vladilenovich did not have state experience. But Chernomyrdin could not resist the pressure of Nemtsov, as a result of which he conceded to his colleague. In 1988, a new stage began in the biography of Sergei Vladilenovich: he appointed him acting head of government, describing the entrepreneur as a purposeful and consistent employee.

But again, in his new post, Sergei Vladilenovich had to face difficulties, because at that time the economy in Russia was collapsing. Kiriyenko needed to carry out a series of liberal reforms, but since the financial pyramid of state short-term obligations literally hung in the balance, and oil prices rose several times, a default was declared in the country.

Sergei Kiriyenko did not stay in his new post for long, after five days Boris Nikolayevich dismissed him. But the career of Sergei Vladilenovich does not end there. The politician did not give up and in 1999 he ran for mayor of Moscow, but lost. Then he became a State Duma deputy on the list of the Union of Right Forces party, but a year later he resigned.

In 2005, Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko was appointed head of Rosatom (Federal Atomic Energy Agency). In 2007, as a result of the reorganization, he became the CEO. This government organization has jurisdiction over institutes and research centers, nuclear power plants in Russia, the export of nuclear materials and fuel, the construction of nuclear power plants abroad, etc.

Sergey Vladilenovich worked in Rosatom for 11 years. During his work, he set strategic goals, reduced the cost of electricity generation, optimized the number of personnel, and increased the utilization factor of the installed capacity of nuclear power plants.

However, not everyone found Kiriyenko's activity productive: Vladimir Milov said that Sergei Vladilenovich had spent billions of rubles inefficiently. And also criticized was the fact that Kiriyenko extended the operation of old power units, which was contrary to safety regulations.

Personal life

Journalists know that Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko, whose height is 170 cm, is an exemplary family man. While still a schoolboy in Sochi, he met his future chosen one, Maria Aistova. By the way, Kiriyenko's wife has nothing to do with politics, the woman connected her life with medicine and works as a pediatrician. The couple raised three children: son Vladimir (1983), as well as daughters Lyubov (1992) and Nadia (2002).

Vladimir Sergeevich took over the example of his father and started doing business, he led large companies - Capital LLC, Rostelecom. Also, the power plant of the Vladimir region, a tourist camp, utilities, elevators and so on are subordinate to him.

In his free time, Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko leads an active and healthy lifestyle. The politician spends his energy on sports, among his favorites are the martial art of aikido (possesses the fourth dan) and exciting scuba diving. Sometimes Kiriyenko goes hunting or fishing with friends.

Friends and colleagues described this person as the most correct and polite, even in conflict situations. According to rumors, he has known Vladimir Putin for a long time, so he addresses the President of the Russian Federation as “you”.

Sergei Kirienko now

In 2016, Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko was removed from the post of General Director of Rosatom, but joined the Supervisory Board. In the same 2016, Sergei Vladilenovich began working in the Administration of the President of Russia.

In 2017, Kiriyenko was rumored to have spoken at unannounced Kremlin briefings to reporters on condition of anonymity. Moreover, in the newspapers he was referred to as “a source in the Kremlin”, “a high-ranking official”, etc. It is also known that the politician began to engage in charity - the fight against childhood cancer.


  • 1998 - Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
  • 1999-2000 - Deputy of the State Duma
  • 2000 - Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District
  • 2001 - Chairman of the State Commission of the Russian Federation for Chemical Disarmament
  • 2005-2016 - General Director of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom"
  • 2016 - First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

    Kirienko Sergey Vladilenovich

    Kirienko, Sergei Vladilenovich- Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District since May 2000; was born on July 26, 1962 in the city of Sukhumi, Abkhaz ASSR; Graduated from the Gorky Institute of Water Transport Engineers with a degree in engineering ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    Kirienko Sergey Vladilenovich- (b. 1962), statesman. In 1989, 91 master, secretary of the Komsomol committee of the Krasnoye Sormovo shipbuilding plant, secretary of the Gorky regional committee of the Komsomol. Since 1994, Chairman of the Board of Garantiya Bank, in March May 1997 President ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Kirienko Sergey Vladilenovich- (b. 1962), Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation in April - August 1998. In 1986-91 master, secretary of the Komsomol committee of the Krasnoye Sormovo shipbuilding plant, secretary of the Gorky regional committee of the Komsomol. Since 1994 Chairman ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    KIRIENKO Sergey Vladilenovich- (born July 26, 1962) Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in the Volga Federal District from May 18, 2000 to November 14, 2005. Head of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency from November 15, 2005. Born in Sukhumi Abkhaz ASSR. Grandfather ... ... Putin Encyclopedia

    Sergei Vladilenovich Kirienko- Sergei Kiriyenko speaks at the World Economic Forum in Davos. January 26, 2000 ... Wikipedia

    Kirienko, Sergei- Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko Sergei Kiriyenko speaks at the World Economic Forum in Davos. January 26, 2000 ... Wikipedia

    Kirienko, Sergei- Vladilenovich (b. July 26, 1962, Sukhumi, Abkhazia) Russian statesman and public figure. In March 1998, after the resignation of the government of V. S. Chernomyrdin, he was introduced by the president to the post of chairman of the government. The State Duma… … Political science. Vocabulary.

    Kirienko, Sergei- Director General of the State Corporation Rosatom General Director of the State Corporation Rosatom, former head of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency of Russia (2005 2008). Chairman of the Board of Directors of Atomenergoprom (since 2007), head ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    Sergei Vladilenovich Kirienko- Director General of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom Sergey Vladilenovich Kirienko was born on July 26, 1962 in the city of Sukhumi, Abkhaz ASSR. His father Vladilen Yakovlevich Izraitel was a teacher of philosophy, later ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

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