Positive properties of the amino acid arginine in sports nutrition. Arginine is a beneficial amino acid for the health of athletes. Arginine for potency

- this is one of the most useful amino acids for the body, which stimulates its coordinated work. In some cases, the human body does not contain the required amount of I-arginine, but you can get it by eating certain foods or special supplements.

Such an additive as I-arginine is gaining more and more popularity every day and this is primarily due to its availability. It helps to solve many health problems. This is due to the fact that arginine can have different effects when it enters the human body.

L-arginine is one of the most beneficial amino acids for the body.

So, many women use this supplement in their diet for weight loss, or use it to improve the condition of their skin and hair. The male half of consumers use I-arginine in order to build muscle mass.

A particularly effective supplement in bodybuilding, provided that it works in tandem with creatine.

I-arginine is necessary for the body, as it is responsible for the performance of important functions. This amino acid has the following properties:

  • Gently and gently cleanses the body of toxins
  • Increases testosterone production in men
  • Promotes the production of growth hormone
  • Beneficial effect on liver function
  • Controls cholesterol in the body and prevents its increase

L-Arginine controls cholesterol in the body and prevents its increase

  • Strengthens the immune system, thereby making the body resistant to most diseases
  • The body under the influence of arginine produces the necessary amount of nitric oxide, which is also used by it. In sports nutrition, this supplement is used to build muscle mass, as well as to build new proteins.
  • Normalizes pressure.

The impact of l arginine on the male and female body

I-arginine is an essential amino acid for the body of women and men. Due to the fact that this amino acid contributes to the production of a huge amount of hormones in the female body, it is possible to prolong its youth. Your hair will look healthy. The skin will become hydrated and fresh. Also, the use of I-arginine is necessary in order to save women from a depressive state, depression. In addition to the fact that a good mood will appear, the fair sex will be able to feel a surge of strength and energy, and their performance will increase accordingly. An important fact is the property of I-arginine, which contributes to the cure for infertility.

I-arginine is an essential amino acid for the body of women and men

The amino acid also has a beneficial effect on the body of men. In addition to improving the general condition of the body, it becomes possible to increase potency. Due to the fact that I-arginine promotes the production of nitric oxide, there is an influx of blood into the male genital area and an erection appears. Regular intake of the supplement will ensure a good erection and increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

L-arginine in sports nutrition

This supplement is very popular not only among people who want to lose weight and tidy up their bodies, but also among people who are involved in sports. Sports nutrition of most athletes involves the use of this supplement for a reason. The fact is that the correct use of I-arginine allows you to restore muscles in a shorter time. In addition to arginine, creatine is often present in sports nutrition, which helps to increase fat lipolysis. I-arginine, in turn, takes care of enhancing anabolic processes, and creatine is used as a supplement to increase strength, muscle mass and anaerobic endurance.

Quite often in sports nutrition you can find arginine and creatine. These supplements can be used simultaneously in sports such as bodybuilding, because their properties allow you to achieve amazing results. Provided that creatine, which can be found both in liquid form and in powder form, if all this is taken correctly, then you can achieve:

  • Increasing the energy that can be channeled into sports and achieving greater results
  • Increase in muscle mass
  • More nitric oxide production.

I-arginine promotes the movement of nitric oxide throughout the body and improves mood

I-arginine provides the movement of nitric oxide throughout the body, and helps to improve mood. Therefore, arginine and creatine will ensure the proper functioning of the body.

Arginine is commercially available as a powder, capsule, tablet, or liquid supplement. Men and women who have tried arginine and creatine in all forms prefer it in powder form. Supplements in powder form have the same properties as in any other form. Taking I-arginine, and even more so at the same time as an additive such as creatine, is possible only after consulting a specialist. But to be honest, there are no contraindications for taking creatine with other supplements. Only individual intolerance is possible ...

Slimming with l arginine

When losing weight, most women use I-arginine as a supplement, because it has good properties. If you introduce this supplement into your diet and use it correctly, then in a short time you can get rid of excess weight.

Women should not worry about the fact that this supplement helps to increase muscle mass, as is the case with men who have introduced an amino acid into their sports nutrition. After all, the supplement provides the female body exclusively with weight loss.

Men can also use I-arginine for weight loss, but the effect will be somewhat different. The fact is that excess fat will go away, and muscle mass will increase. Regardless of gender, a person who uses I-arginine can get rid of hated fat deposits and put the body in order. So, by adjusting the diet accordingly, and adding this supplement to it, it will be possible not only to lose weight, but also:

  • Bring the body in order and cleanse it of toxins that create enough problems for the body
  • Ensure the smooth and uninterrupted functioning of organs such as the kidneys and liver
  • Create all conditions for the safe breakdown of protein slags and their removal from the body.

With the help of such a supplement, losing weight can be made a pleasant and not so difficult process. The best option is a supplement in the form of a powder. Its introduction into nutrition will become almost imperceptible, because in order to take the next portion of I-arginine, you need to add it to water, juice or other liquid. Changes in the body will become visible after a short time of taking the supplement, but in the event that the intake was carried out according to the instructions.

With the help of such a supplement, weight loss can be made a pleasant and not so difficult process.

L-arginine is suitable for both women and men, because besides the fact that it promotes weight loss, it also leads to the normal functioning of vital organs. Normalization of the work of the heart favorably affects the well-being of a person, his mood rises, the influx of strength increases, a person enjoys life.

Where to Buy L Arginine

You can buy L arginine on the American website, where promotions are always held, and using our link you are guaranteed to receive an additional 5% discount. It also works. Therefore, if you have already decided which L arginine suits you best, then you can find it on.

Greetings to all lovers of a healthy lifestyle and sports!

Your hobby is fitness, bodybuilding, powerlifting, you actively lead a healthy lifestyle, you have a healthy diet. Then useful substances should be supplied to the body on an ongoing basis, including arginine. What is it? How to use? The benefits and disadvantages of arginine - as a dietary supplement for sports nutrition for athletes.

L - arginine - an essential amino acid necessary for life activity. It is produced naturally in the body, through incoming food. It acts as the main subject for the formation of nitric oxide, the latter ensures the flexibility of blood vessels. Some time ago, nitric oxide was considered harmful to humans, but the last scientifically proven studies have proven the health benefits of this process. With the plus that this amino acid brings.

But we are still active visitors to gyms and fitness centers, where we gain muscle mass, create body relief. From here I would like to learn more about the benefits of this product for the life of athletes and people in general.

Useful functions of L - arginine

  • Acting as a structural element of the cyclic interaction (ornithine - citrulline - arginine), it serves as the last tool for removing protein breakdown products from the body. The formation of the required amount of urea depends on the power of the cycle, followed by the release of the body from slags of protein formation. Therefore acts as an antioxidant .
  • Nitric oxide promotes the free passage of blood flow through the vessels. Regulates the cardiovascular system. Necessary nutrients are quickly supplied to organs and tissues, including muscles. An unsplit essential amino acid is directly involved in the emergence of new muscle tissues and the construction of proteins. With a lack of arginine, the risk of spasm, increased blood pressure increases, so the vessels narrow the heart works hard. Amino acid interpreted by nitric oxide donor .
  • Strengthens the immune system .With its deficiency, our body is prone to diseases. It is imperative to maintain the desired level in order to prevent the development of serious dysfunctions.
  • Positive effect on growth hormone and testosterone .With the required level of the essential amino acid in question, the body accelerates the production of testosterone. Thanks to unsplit arginine, growth hormone is enhanced, the pituitary gland functions correctly (correct metabolism depends on it).
  • Promotes the pumping process in bodybuilding .By accelerating the flow of useful macro and micro substances to muscle cells. An increase in muscle structures during training is guaranteed. Add on the effect of the body for the quality of the relief.
  • Improves male fertility .With great physical exertion, an additional amount of the presence of arginine contributes to the activation of the movement of spermatozoa due to rapid blood supply. It relieves stress and fatigue like a hand. Muscle recovery after training takes place as usual. Hence, the additional intake of arginine along with yohimbine doubles your chances of sexual life after pumping a complex of strength exercises. Therefore, in order to increase potency, we will describe below how to take arginine correctly.
  • In the process of losing weight, provides the release of subcutaneous fat .Due to the breakdown of lipids, this amino acid helps the body feel comfortable during a healthy diet.
  • Reduces bad cholesterol .The presence of this substance does not allow bad styrene to destroy the structure of blood vessels. Reduces the negative impact and development of atherosclerosis.
  • Normalizes insulin production .With the help of L - arginine, blood sugar levels are normalized. Agree, this is not unimportant during the training process. It also improves mood.

Harmful moments of the action of arginine on the body

  1. The side effect of taking dietary supplements containing this imunofan lies only in excessive abuse. Therefore, before starting the course of administration, be sure to read the instructions for admission. glands, pancreatitis. With a pronounced herpes virus, refuse to use such drugs. Problems with the kidneys and liver are not recommended. Mental disorders are taken into account.
  2. For girls, taking arginine is not allowed during pregnancy, with subsequent breastfeeding, as well as with individual intolerance, hypersensitivity.
  3. Young people under the age of majority (18 years).

When building a muscular figure, getting the required amount from food is not enough, but it would be wrong not to name the foods from which you can get the most essential amino acid.

Table the content of arginine (100g.) in everyday food

raw pork20.95 g1394 mg
raw chicken fillet21.23 g1436 mg
raw salmon fillet20.42 g1221 mg
egg12.57 g820 mg
cow's milk (3.7% fat)3.28 g119 mg
Pine nuts13.69 g2413 mg
walnuts15.23 g2278 mg
pumpkin seeds30.23 g5353 mg
Wheat flour13.70 g642 mg
corn flour6.93 g345 mg
rice7.94 g602 mg
buckwheat bread13.25 g982 mg
dried peas24.55 g2188 mg
cottage cheese18 g700 mg
sesame19 g3300 mg
spinach2.9 g3300 mg
lentils7.8 g2100 mg

You will get more effective results from the action of galactan only while taking sports nutrition containing the essential amino acid described by us, of course, in combination with physical activity.

The best representatives of this class of sports nutrition today that you can buy in sports nutrition stores in the form of tablets and capsules.

L-Arginine from NOW

Arginine AAKG by Maxler

Arginine Power from Ultimate Nutrition

If you do not have free money on your pocket, then look for this drug in the network of pharmaceutical pharmacies. The amino acid is contained in gelamine and martimidine drugs.

How to take arginine during bodybuilding fitness

The recommended dosage in the form of capsule tablets is from 3 to 9 grams per day, but do not exceed the 10 gram barrier. You can determine the accuracy of the dose for yourself from 115 mg per kilo of live weight. Start small and gradually increase. If you have a powder version, dilute it with a glass of water, green tea, juice, milk. For better absorption, drink pomegranate, grape or cranberry juice. Of course, you want to get the maximum effect and there is a desire to increase the dose, but this will only harm your health.

When familiarized with the dosage, take it with you to the gym and consume half an hour before the training process and after completion. This will promote muscle growth and recovery. To increase growth hormone, add a dosage before bedtime. On rest days, to avoid slowing down absorption, take one hour before meals , after, after one hour. After a fatty meal after 6 hours. For medicinal purposes, the drug is taken with food. In liquid form, 5 ml, in tablets 2 pcs.

It is allowed to combine this product with creatine. This increases the potency to achieve results. It is great to use creatine and arginine alpha-ketoglutarate (AAKG) together.

To answer the question of how to take arginine, let's first understand what it is. L-arginine is an amino acid similar in properties to B vitamins.

It is considered conditionally essential, since our body is able to synthesize it, but the amount of the substance produced by the body is not enough for it to fully function.

Of the many types of arginine that exist in nature, L-arginine is considered the most harmless and yet effective. Its important advantage lies in its relative cheapness.

The participation of L-arginine in metabolism is the production of enzymes. Without it, many systems could not function correctly: immune, nervous, cardiovascular, muscular, sexual.

In this article, we will talk in detail about how to take argenin, what it is and what benefits athletes can get from it.

The effect of L-arginine on the human body

This unique substance performs a number of functions in our body:

  • provides enzyme systems with nitrogen;
  • participates in the formation of urea, which removes toxins from the body that occur during the processing of protein compounds;
  • participates in the production of growth hormones;
  • reduces the number of free radicals;
  • enhances the effect of drugs to reduce pressure and prevent angina attacks; maintains vascular tone;
  • prevents the appearance of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques;
  • contributes to the normalization of blood sugar levels in type II diabetes;
  • positively affects the functioning of the liver and brain;
  • enhances the production of the hormone of joy - serotonin.

L-arginine is of interest to women primarily as a tool that gives a good effect for weight loss, especially in combination with carnitine. But in bodybuilding and other sports, the following properties of L-arginine are especially valued:

  • the ability to increase the endurance of athletes;
  • stimulation of accelerated recovery of muscle tissue;
  • muscle building, accompanied by fat burning.

The list of contraindications is much smaller: idiosyncrasy, pregnancy and lactation; severe disorders in the work of the kidneys and liver; herpes, schizophrenia.

That's why it's so important to know how to take arginine correctly, for how long you can take it, how much and how to take it on training days and on rest days.

The best sports nutrition for mass gain

How to take L-arginine

L-Arginine is not without reason so actively used by bodybuilders and athletes involved in power sports. They especially need full-fledged regeneration of muscle cells after intense training, enhanced supply of muscle tissue with oxygen and creatine.

The optimal effect will be achieved when L-arginine is combined with complexes containing other amino acids, or.

L-arginine is available in tablets, capsules, powder, and liquid form. For medicinal purposes, it is taken three times a day with meals, 5 ml in liquid form or 2-3 tablets. 3 g is the maximum daily dose.

How to take arginine bodybuilders? For them, the daily dosage is from 3 to 9 g, maximum 10 g. Reception for beginners in bodybuilding should begin with a minimum dose, followed by a gradual increase.

In general, the dosage is best determined on an individual basis by a specialist in sports nutrition. It is generally accepted that the dosage is determined at the rate of 115 mg of arginine per kilogram of weight.

Another important question: when is the best time and how to take L-arginine? The optimal time for taking is considered to be half an hour before training, during and after it.

It is believed that this time is sufficient for the start of an increase in the level of nitric oxide, due to which the capillaries expand and, as a result, more active oxygen consumption by the tissues occurs.

This process is accompanied by the so-called pumping, when, due to vasodilation, blood flow is accelerated and nutrients are supplied to the muscles. This, in turn, causes an increased set of muscle mass, which is one of the goals of bodybuilding.

L-arginine is an amino acid, one of the components of protein. It is considered to be a conditionally essential amino acid, since arginine can both come from food and be synthesized in the body. . The synthesis of L-arginine is a rather complicated process. It occurs with the participation of dimethylarginine (ADMA), citrulline, ornithine, as well as many different enzymes.

The action of arginine

Arginine is a popular sports nutrition supplement. Its main purpose in sports is a nitrogen donator. Under the influence of many enzymes in the body, NO (Nitric Oxide) is synthesized - nitric oxide. This is the so-called mediator, which is responsible for regulating the tone of blood vessels and arteries, and as a result, affects blood pressure and blood saturation of all organs, as well as muscles.
L-arginine is very popular among bodybuilders. It can often be found both in its pure form and as part of various complexes. It plays a very important role in transporting nutrients to the muscles, recovering from hard training, cleansing the body of toxins and maintaining immunity.

Effects of taking arginine

  • lowers blood pressure;
  • positively affects the tone of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • improves muscle supply;
  • promotes faster transport of creatine to the muscles;
  • increases the pumping of muscle fibers - pumping;
  • improves erectile function;
  • has antioxidant properties;
  • participates in an increase in the natural production of growth hormone;
  • reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • helps to strengthen the immune system.

In addition to sports nutrition products, arginine can often be found in pharmaceuticals. It is present in the composition of hepatoprotectors, drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, burns.

Mode of application

As a sports supplement for muscle building, it is recommended to take from 3,000 mg to 9,000 mg per day. It is not recommended to take more than 10,000 mg of arginine in a 24 hour period. To study the body's perception of this supplement, you should start taking it with a lower dosage, gradually increasing the portion.

When using very large portions, side effects are possible in the form of weakness, indigestion, and pressure reduction. If these effects occur, the dosage should be reduced to the level recommended by the manufacturer.

Arginine (or L-Arginine) is a conditionally essential amino acid that can be produced by the body itself, but often in insufficient quantities. The L form of arginine is an amino acid isomer, it is a component of peptides and proteins. It is not produced in childhood, so for children it becomes an essential amino acid.

Also, its level of synthesis decreases markedly in old age. Today, arginine is considered one of the most sought-after nutritional supplements in sports nutrition. It is the main donor of nitrogen. When it enters the body, it is converted into NO - nitric oxide under the action of NO-synthesis enzymes.

This compound is a mediator that determines vascular tone. This not only can lower high blood pressure, but also provides a better supply of nutrients to tissues, including muscle tissue.

When arginine is deficient, blood pressure rises. But the regulation of vascular tone is not the only plus of arginine. It removes the end products of protein breakdown from the body, has antioxidant properties, reduces the amount of adipose tissue in the body, helps in the secretion of growth hormone, and is involved in the synthesis of muscle tissue. The latter aspect attracted manufacturers of sports nutrition and therefore made it so popular among fitness and bodybuilding enthusiasts. Some proponents call it literally an amino acid or an elixir of youth. Growth hormone - growth hormone - slows down the aging of the body.

The effect on vascular tone reduces cholesterolemia, improves heart function, strengthens the immune system, and enhances potency in men. Sperm is 95% arginine.

American nutritionist Robert Atkins generally called arginine the most powerful amino acid in the field of cardiology and immunology. For the discovery of its properties, American researchers - F. Furchgott, F. Murad and L. Ignarro - received for achievements in cardiology and physiology in 1998. Nobel Prize.

What else does arginine do:

  • it is closely related to metabolism;
  • its nitric oxide acts on nerve endings, improves the transmission of nerve impulses and is beneficial for the central nervous system;
  • increases endurance;
  • improves mood and sleep;
  • increases resistance to infections;
  • stimulates the production of testosterone;
  • improves microcirculation, due to which it exhibits a reparative ability;
  • reduces thrombus formation;
  • cleanses blood vessels and blood;
  • stimulates the liver;
  • improves the work of the heart and coronary vessels;
  • expands them; helps detoxify the liver;
  • improves tissue nutrition and increases oxygen consumption;
  • improves the condition of the skin and hair;
  • participates in the creation of protein structures.

Its optimal structure for better assimilation is contained in apiproducts: royal jelly, pollen and drone homogenate. Therefore, Parapharm produces a whole series of beekeeping products with arginine: Elton P, Eromax, Cardioton, Leveton P, Apitonus P, Memo- and Osteo-Vit, Osteomed-Forte, Elton Forte. Today, the amino acid in question is produced in the form of a dietary supplement called L-arginine.

Sports and arginine

First of all, it improves athletic performance, increases the athlete's tolerance for high loads and increases his performance with an increase in results during training; restores muscles after heavy loads, helps in the absorption of oxygen, promotes the removal of nitrogenous toxins, helps burn fat. By stabilizing blood pressure, it improves the endurance of the heart muscle.

Deficiency Consequences:

  • immediately there is a decrease in immunity;
  • the work of the cardiovascular system worsens (vasospasm, increased blood pressure);
  • from the side of the central nervous system - memory loss, insomnia, nervousness;
  • depression;
  • violations of the sexual sphere;
  • premature aging;
  • liver disease;
  • infertility; cholelithiasis;
  • obesity.

Foods high in arginine

Arginine is found in nuts, meat, seafood. If you arrange the products in descending order of content, then for every 100 grams of products you get:

  • in pumpkin seeds - 5.4 g, peanuts - 3.5 g, sesame and spinach - 3.3 g;
  • pine nuts - 2.4 g, walnuts - 2.3 g, dried peas and lentils - 2.1 g;
  • pork and chicken fillet - 1.4 g each, salmon fillet - 1.2 g;
  • chicken egg - 0.8 g, cottage cheese - 0.7 g, rice and wheat flour - 0.6 g each;
  • cornmeal - 0.3 mg;
  • milk - 0.1 g;
  • buckwheat bread - 1 g.

A diet using these products will benefit everyone, without exception, and not just those looking for arginine. The need for it on average per day is 6.1 g. By the way, arginine is extracted from animal products worse. Therefore, nuts remain the main source.

Sportpit arginine for professionals

Of course, arginine can also be obtained from foods, but it will no longer be an amino acid in its pure form. Together with products, for example, with the same chocolate, nuts, both fat and carbohydrates will pass into the body, etc. In addition, the amino acid in fat is poorly absorbed.

In sports nutrition, high doses of especially stable forms of arginine are used, which can still penetrate directly into the bloodstream. Therefore, sports special nutrition in dietary supplements is undoubtedly better. Sports supplements solve all the problems of training processes. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to combine arginine additionally with vitamin complexes or amino acids.

Leveton Forte is considered especially good. It consists of apiproducts: drone homogenate, flower pollen. They contain both trace elements and vitamins (E, C, K, P, PP, D), and the entire set of amino acids - 20 types. Drone milk is the most active biological substance.

Arginine is an amino acid for endurance. Analogues are also used: creatine, glutamine, vazoton, tivortin, etc.

How to take L-arginine

The release form of the drug is different - liquid and solid, the best in terms of absorption is powder. For the purpose of treatment and prevention, arginine is taken three times a day 50 minutes before meals or after meals after 2 hours. The daily dose is not more than 6 g per day.

Fatty foods impair the absorption of arginine. Therefore, the difference in the intake of fatty foods and arginine is preferably at least 5 hours. When gaining muscle mass in sports, take from 3 to 9 grams or 5 ml before meals. The dosage is calculated based on 115 mg / kg of body weight. And although the effect depends on the dose, taking megadoses is still not worth it. This is not the case when the more the better. Beginning athletes should generally start with small doses - 1-3 grams and slowly and gradually increase and build them up.

By the way, arginine has a more noticeable effect on beginner athletes. The best time to take it is half an hour before the start of the workout. If the bodybuilder is also taking protein shakes, it is better to take them after drinking arginine. Some athletes take it additionally after intensive training for speedy muscle recovery, bypassing the stage of lactic acidosis. This gives pumping and improves muscle nutrition. In order to enhance the secretion of growth hormone, arginine is taken at night. Admission course in sports for a month.

To avoid addiction, you need to take breaks in the reception. Powder is best absorbed by all forms of release. It must be dissolved in a glass of cold water.

Too much arginine

In moderate doses, the amino acid is harmless. Overconsumption is defined as taking more than 15 g/day of arginine. It is also harmful to take it, despite the presence of contraindications.

In this case, such unpleasant symptoms as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal cramps, and a drop in blood pressure may appear. Long-term use of arginine can lead to the activation of herpes, because its viruses use NO for their replication, the appearance of allergic reactions, mental disorders in the form of nervousness and insomnia.

It has been proven that long-term use of arginine can lead to the development of Alzheimer's disease. It does not combine with Viagra. Immunity may decrease and pancreatitis may develop. With the manifestation of side effects, it is recommended to reduce the dose or stop taking the amino acid for a while. It is imperative to contact a specialist in such cases.

Contraindications for admission:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and HB;
  • pathology of the liver and kidneys in the stage of decompensation;
  • mental illness;
  • persons under 18;
  • oncology;
  • hemophilia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pancreatitis;

The action of arginine is still being investigated. There are many opinions that allow one to doubt the real effectiveness of its reception.

Many studies speak in favor of arginine; you can't write off positive results. Its effectiveness remains controversial, unlike, for example, citrulline. It is believed, according to skeptics, that the success of the intake is due to the latent intake and other nitrogen dispensers. Sports nutrition (sport nutrition) bodybuilders take arginine in large doses, but for other purposes. The main thing for them is pumping, i.e. muscle pump.

Which manufacturers are preferred?

Preparations containing arginine and creatine today: ethyl ester, pyruvate, malate, etc. Famous brands that have already become classics of the genre:

  • Twinlab Company;
  • sports nutrition of the American brand SAN;
  • biotech;
  • ArgininePower, from UltimateNutrition, a sports nutrition manufacturer, produces supplements with a high degree of blood flow.
  • the most expensive and in demand today - L-Arginine is manufactured by NOW.

If you just need to fortify your diet with arginine supplements, you can take arginine alpha-ketoglutarate (Arginine AAKG by Maxler), Noni-NSP juice, and L-arginine hydrochloride. In addition, it is part of pharmaceutical preparations - Gelamine, Solgar, Vazoton, Martimidine. Arginine pairs beautifully and gives great results with creatine; it delivers it to myocytes, improving their endurance. Arginine is also successfully combined with the intake of lysine, vitamin C, E, ornithine and carnitine, zinc, citrulline. Arginine will help only with the complete rejection of CNS stimulants and alcohol.

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