Sources of air pollution. Atmospheric air pollution

The problem of air pollution is one of the urgent and intractable problems of our time. Mankind is trying to find a way out - environmentally friendly fuels are being invented, new ways of waste disposal are being developed, harmless materials are being created for production and construction.

The main sources of air pollution are anthropogenic and natural. A natural source is something that happens in nature with more or less regularity. There is no escape from this - we are unlikely to ever be able to prevent a volcanic eruption, guarantee protection from forest fires, or The process of decomposition of animals or plants also contributes to the gradual pollution of the atmosphere.

Anthropogenic impact on the atmosphere comes from humans. Here one can distinguish rapidly developing and expanding industrial enterprises, the fuel and energy complex, engineering enterprises and, of course, transport.

A lot of gaseous substances enter the atmosphere that harm it, but do not forget about solid particles - dust, soot, soot. In areas where industrial enterprises are concentrated, such hazardous heavy metals as nickel, copper, cadmium, mercury, lead, vanadium and chromium have already become permanent components of the air. Airborne problem a large number lead becomes especially threatening.

In general, in the 20th century, the content of ozone and carbon dioxide in the air has changed significantly. The daily burning of fossil fuels increases the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air. This is aggravated by the narrowing of the area rainforest, which convert gas composition atmosphere.

The consequences of air pollution are multifaceted. Dirty air adversely affects the quality of natural ecosystems. How polluted the atmosphere in a particular region can be judged by the state of the green cover of the planet - forests.

Forest biocenoses suffer from the impact acid rain. Such rains are also caused by sulfur dioxide. Scientists have established that conifers trees are more susceptible to the negative effects of acid rain than broad-leaved trees. Needless to say, plantings in large industrial centers suffer the most.

No less important is the problem of depletion and thinning of the ozone layer, the formation of ozone holes. This is caused by the excessive use of freons in everyday life and production.

In addition to freons, atmospheric pollution is also caused by gases that have never been present in its composition before. Yes, the volumes of these gases are incomparably less than the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but still they can be much more dangerous.

In the 20th century, atmospheric pollution also occurs through radioactive elements. The source of such pollution - it's test explosions when testing a new type of weapon - hydrogen or In addition, the production of nuclear weapons, and nuclear reactors. Even minor damage and accidents at nuclear reactors lead to air pollution, and such a global catastrophe as the Chernobyl accident has dramatically and significantly worsened the state of the atmosphere.

Natural processes occurring in the biosphere are subject to negative impact more and more consequences. Fortunately, at this stage, the biosphere still retains the ability to self-regulate, so far it can neutralize or at least minimize the harm caused by humanity. However, there is a limit beyond which - the inability of the biosphere to maintain the necessary balance. When this happens, environmental disasters occur, which people have already experienced in some regions of the world.

Pollution of the Earth's atmosphere - a change in the natural concentration of gases and impurities in air shell planets, as well as the introduction of alien substances into the environment.

For the first time about at the international level started talking forty years ago. In 1979, the Convention on Transfrontier Long Distances appeared in Geneva. First international agreement emission reduction was the 1997 Kyoto Protocol.

Although these measures bring results, air pollution remains a serious problem for society.

Substances polluting the atmosphere

The main components of atmospheric air are nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%). The share of the inert gas argon is slightly less than a percent. The concentration of carbon dioxide is 0.03%. In small quantities in the atmosphere are also present:

  • ozone,
  • neon,
  • methane,
  • xenon,
  • krypton,
  • nitrous oxide,
  • sulfur dioxide,
  • helium and hydrogen.

In pure air masses carbon monoxide and ammonia are present as traces. In addition to gases, the atmosphere contains water vapor, salt crystals, and dust.

Main air pollutants:

  • Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that affects the heat exchange of the Earth with the surrounding space, and hence the climate.
  • Carbon monoxide or carbon monoxide, entering the human or animal body, causes poisoning (up to death).
  • Hydrocarbons are toxic chemical substances, irritating to eyes and mucous membranes.
  • Sulfur derivatives contribute to the formation and drying of plants, provoke diseases respiratory tract and allergies.
  • Nitrogen derivatives lead to inflammation of the lungs, croup, bronchitis, frequent colds, and exacerbate the course of cardiovascular diseases.
  • , accumulating in the body, cause cancer, gene changes, infertility, premature death.

Air with heavy metals. Pollutants such as cadmium, lead, arsenic lead to oncology. Inhaled mercury vapor does not act with lightning speed, but, being deposited in the form of salts, destroy nervous system. Harmful and volatile in significant concentrations organic matter: terpenoids, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols. Many of these air pollutants are mutagenic and carcinogenic compounds.

Sources and classification of atmospheric pollution

Based on the nature of the phenomenon, the following types of air pollution are distinguished: chemical, physical and biological.

  • In the first case, an increased concentration of hydrocarbons, heavy metals, sulfur dioxide, ammonia, aldehydes, nitrogen and carbon oxides is observed in the atmosphere.
  • With biological pollution, waste products are present in the air various organisms, toxins, viruses, spores of fungi and bacteria.
  • A large amount of dust or radionuclides in the atmosphere indicates physical pollution. The same type includes the consequences of thermal, noise and electromagnetic emissions.

The composition of the air environment is influenced by both man and nature. Natural sources of air pollution: volcanoes during the period of activity, Forest fires, soil erosion, dust storms, decomposition of living organisms. A tiny fraction of the influence falls on cosmic dust formed as a result of the combustion of meteorites.

Anthropogenic sources of air pollution:

  • enterprises of the chemical, fuel, metallurgical, machine-building industries;
  • agricultural activities (spraying pesticides with the help of aircraft, animal waste);
  • thermal power plants, residential heating with coal and wood;
  • transport (the “dirtiest” types are airplanes and cars).

How is air pollution determined?

When monitoring the quality of atmospheric air in the city, not only the concentration of substances harmful to human health is taken into account, but also the time period of their impact. Atmospheric pollution in the Russian Federation is assessed according to the following criteria:

  • The standard index (SI) is an indicator obtained by dividing the highest measured single concentration of a pollutant by the maximum allowable concentration of an impurity.
  • The pollution index of our atmosphere (API) is a complex value, the calculation of which takes into account the hazard coefficient of a pollutant, as well as its concentration - the average annual and the maximum allowable average daily.
  • The highest frequency (NP) - expressed as a percentage of the frequency of exceeding the maximum allowable concentration (maximum one-time) within a month or a year.

The level of air pollution is considered low when SI is less than 1, API varies between 0–4, and NP does not exceed 10%. Among the major Russian cities, according to Rosstat, the most environmentally friendly are Taganrog, Sochi, Grozny and Kostroma.

At elevated level emissions into the atmosphere SI is 1-5, API - 5-6, NP - 10-20%. High degree air pollution differ regions with indicators: SI - 5-10, API - 7-13, NP - 20-50%. Highly high level atmospheric pollution is observed in Chita, Ulan-Ude, Magnitogorsk and Beloyarsk.

Cities and countries of the world with the dirtiest air

May 2016 World Organization Health has published an annual ranking of the cities with the dirtiest air. The leader of the list was the Iranian Zabol, a city in the southeast of the country that regularly suffers from sandstorms. This atmospheric phenomenon lasts about four months, is repeated every year. The second and third positions were occupied by the Indian cities of Gwalior and Prayag. WHO gave the next place to the capital of Saudi Arabia - Riyadh.

Completing the top five cities with the most polluted atmosphere is El Jubail, a relatively small town in terms of population on the coast. Persian Gulf and at the same time a major industrial oil producing and refining center. On the sixth and seventh steps again were the Indian cities - Patna and Raipur. The main sources of air pollution there are industrial enterprises and transport.

In most cases, air pollution is an actual problem for developing countries. However, deterioration environment is caused not only by the rapidly growing industry and transport infrastructure, but also man-made disasters. bright volume an example is Japan, which survived a radiation accident in 2011.

The top 7 countries where the air condition is recognized as deplorable is as follows:

  1. China. In some regions of the country, the level of air pollution exceeds the norm by 56 times.
  2. India. largest state Hindustan leads in the number of cities with the worst environment.
  3. SOUTH AFRICA. The country's economy is dominated by heavy industry, which is also the main source of pollution.
  4. Mexico. The ecological situation in the capital of the state, Mexico City, has improved markedly over the past twenty years, but smog in the city is still not uncommon.
  5. Indonesia suffers not only from industrial emissions, but also from forest fires.
  6. Japan. The country, despite the widespread landscaping and the use of scientific and technological achievements in the environmental field, regularly faces the problem of acid rain and smog.
  7. Libya. Main source environmental woes of the North African state - the oil industry.


Atmospheric pollution is one of the main reasons for the increase in the number of respiratory diseases, both acute and chronic. Harmful impurities contained in the air contribute to the development of lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke. The WHO estimates that 3.7 million people a year die prematurely due to air pollution worldwide. Most of these cases are recorded in countries South-East Asia and the Western Pacific region.

In large industrial centers, such an unpleasant phenomenon as smog is often observed. The accumulation of particles of dust, water and smoke in the air reduces visibility on the roads, which increases the number of accidents. Aggressive substances increase the corrosion of metal structures, adversely affect the state of flora and fauna. Smog poses the greatest danger to asthmatics, people suffering from emphysema, bronchitis, angina pectoris, hypertension, VVD. Even healthy people who inhale aerosols can have a severe headache, lacrimation and sore throat can be observed.

Saturation of the air with oxides of sulfur and nitrogen leads to the formation of acid rain. After precipitation from low level pH in reservoirs, fish die, and surviving individuals cannot produce offspring. As a result, the species and numerical composition of populations is reduced. Acid precipitation leaches out nutrients, thereby impoverishing the soil. They leave chemical burns on the leaves, weaken the plants. For human habitats, such rains and fogs also pose a threat: acidic water corrodes pipes, cars, facades of buildings, monuments.

An increased amount of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, ozone, methane, water vapor) in the air leads to an increase in the temperature of the lower layers of the Earth's atmosphere. A direct consequence is the warming of the climate that has been observed over the past sixty years.

On the weather noticeably affect and formed under the influence of bromine, chlorine, oxygen and hydrogen atoms. Apart from simple substances, ozone molecules can also destroy organic and inorganic compounds: freon derivatives, methane, hydrogen chloride. Why is the weakening of the shield dangerous for the environment and humans? Due to the thinning of the layer grows solar Activity, which, in turn, leads to an increase in mortality among representatives marine life and fauna, an increase in the number of cancers.

How to make the air cleaner?

To reduce air pollution allows the introduction of technologies that reduce emissions in production. In the field of thermal power engineering, one should rely on alternative energy sources: build solar, wind, geothermal, tidal and wave power plants. The state of the air environment is positively affected by the transition to combined generation of energy and heat.

In the fight for clean air, an important element of the strategy is a comprehensive waste management program. It should be aimed at reducing the amount of waste, as well as its sorting, processing or reuse. Urban planning aimed at improving the environment, including the air, involves improving the energy efficiency of buildings, building cycling infrastructure, and developing high-speed urban transport.

Hello my dear students! I welcome you to the pages of the ShkolaLa blog.

Today in the section "Projects" there is an important topic dedicated to the problem of modernity. Air pollution - global issue that humanity had to face. Who is to blame for the fact that over the past 200 years the level of concentration of harmful substances has increased by 30 percent, and environmental pollution has led to environmental damage and climate change on the planet? Is it possible to stop this process and how to protect our Earth?

We'll figure out.

Lesson plan:

Why and from what does the atmosphere get polluted?

Atmospheric air pollution is the ingress of chemical, physical and biological substances into it that affect the quality of the atmosphere. This is the main reason for changing the natural state of the environment. Air pollution occurs due to natural processes but most of all as a result of human activity. Therefore, the sources of harmful emissions are divided into:

  • natural, coming from nature itself, and
  • artificial, man-made.

At natural sources mineral or vegetable origin.


When they erupt, a huge amount of gases, solid particles and ash, water vapor and dust are released into the air, which are kept in the atmospheric layers for several years.

Data. In 1883, during the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano, a black cloud 27 kilometers high rose into the air, 80 kilometers up, 150 billion dust and ash were thrown up. Gases, sand and dust dispersed over a distance of 827,000 kilometers.

Forest and peat fires

Smoke from burning forests pollutes the air and spreads over large areas. The cinders from peat bogs fill the air with fine suspended particles.

Data. In 2010, due to peat fires in the capital of Russia, an emergency environmental situation developed. The maximum allowable standards of pollutants were exceeded dozens of times. Due to the smog, residents of Moscow could not breathe freely and used respirators and gas masks. Many were forced to leave the city.

dust storms

They are at strong wind, which lifts debris from the ground and carries over long distances rocks. Tornadoes and hurricanes pollute the atmospheric air with tons of dust.

Data. In 1928, in Ukraine, a powerful wind lifted up 15 million tons of black soil and carried it to the west at an altitude of 750 meters. A layer of earth settled in the Carpathians, Romania and Polshuna with an area of ​​6 million square kilometers.

Artificial air pollutants are the most dangerous. They can be solid, liquid and gaseous.

Household waste

They appear when fuel is burned indoors, for example, when cooking, smoke from stove heating, as well as what is left of human consumption, in other words, household waste.


Received as a result of the work of industry and represent emissions from technological processes. The most dangerous of them are radioactive substances, the sources of which are explosions of atomic bombs, the work of enterprises that use radioactive components, nuclear power plants and reactors.


Sources of such pollutants are cars, aircraft and ships, trains.

Data. In 1900, there were only 11 thousand cars in the world, in 1950 there were 48 million, by 1980 the number increased to 330 million, and today there are about 500 million. The gases exhausted by machines contain approximately 280 components harmful to atmospheric air.

What pollutes the air?

Scientists have identified the main air pollutants that most adversely affect human health.

carbon monoxide

A colorless and odorless gas, which is also called carbon monoxide. It is formed during incomplete combustion of fuel with a lack of oxygen and low ambient temperature. When it enters the human body, it blocks the flow of oxygen into the blood. This is one of the causes of frequent human poisoning, leading to loss of consciousness and death.

Carbon dioxide

The gas we breathe out is colorless, but it has a sour smell. Its excess content in the air we breathe leads to headaches, depression and weakness.

sulphur dioxide

A colorless gas with a pungent odor, produced by the combustion of sulfur-containing fuels such as coal. Long-term exposure to it on a person leads to loss of taste, difficulty breathing, disruption of the heart and pulmonary edema.

nitrogen oxides

They are formed during combustion, for example, during the operation of cars and heating plants, and are also obtained during the activities of enterprises that produce nitrogen fertilizers, acid and dyes. Exceeding the permissible norms of this gas can lead to diseases of the respiratory tract and organs of vision.


Considered the most toxic of all gaseous pollutants. It is formed from photochemical processes and is found in emissions from industry, transport, and chemical solvents. Prolonged exposure to ozone in humans leads to lung diseases.


The toxic silvery metal is used in the manufacture of paints, in printing houses and in the manufacture of ammunition. Exhaust gases are the main source of lead. The accumulation of lead in the body leads to impaired mental activity, affects the liver, kidneys and skeletal system.

Data. Russia occupies a strong position among countries with poor ecology. Only in 15 cities the atmospheric air complies with the established norms. 125 Russian cities record an excess of the level of concentration of harmful substances by 5-10 times. Among the most polluted cities are Magnitogorsk, Cherepovets, Chelyabinsk, there are both Moscow and St. Petersburg, but Norilsk is on a par with the world's dirtiest Mexico City, Cairo and Los Angeles. The main source of pollution in Russia is industry.

How to help nature?

Human activity leads to irreparable consequences for the life of the planet. Up to 20 billion tons of carbon dioxide enters the air every year. And he belongs to the greenhouse. An increase in the amount of greenhouse gases and aerosols heats the lower layer of the atmosphere and entails a change in temperature in the oceans, disrupts circulation.

Rising temperatures could lead to ice melting, which would raise water levels and gradually cover small areas of land. Due to displacement climatic zones floods, droughts and dust storms are possible. In list environmental impact- acid rain, which is obtained due to the release of acid oxides.

Data. The cleanest air today is in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. The list of favorable areas includes Antarctica, Chilean Patagonia, the Brazilian city of Natal. But in China it is more and more difficult to breathe atmospheric air every year. Big cities drown in the smog. Among the dirty countries are Pakistan, Iran, India and Qatar. Once upon a time in Japan it was bad with clean air, and in the 70s there appeared oxygen bars where you could breathe pure oxygen. But in the dirty cities of China they carry clean Canadian mountain air in cylinders of 7.7 liters. A piece of freshness costs $15 and is enough for 15 breaths.

Environmental protection includes measures to protect nature.

  • Usage ecological species energy - solar, wind and geothermal.
  • Landscaping. All plants actively absorb carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen back. Some indoor flowers, such as geranium, ficus and asparagus, are biological filters, absorbing heavy metal particles and toxins.
  • Emission regulation. To do this, they install special equipment in the mechanisms of machines and develop environmentally friendly fuel. In addition, mechanical engineering is gradually moving to electric vehicles.
  • Protective filters. To clean the waste released into the air from the activities of industry, enterprises install modern treatment systems.
  • Juristic documents. Accepted international organizations documents regulate harmful emissions in the process of enterprises. The money paid by organizations goes to measures to overcome the effects of global warming.

If we can only have a small impact on natural phenomena, then reducing the human impact on environmental pollution is our direct responsibility. Let's take care of nature and try to prevent what you see in the video below.

I hope the information was useful to you. And also I recommend to look also to find out when the World Environment Day is celebrated.

On this I say goodbye to you. See you soon on interesting projects.

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Exist various sources air pollution, and some of them have a significant and extremely adverse impact on the environment. It is worth considering the main polluting factors in order to prevent serious consequences and save the environment.

Source classification

All sources of pollution are divided into two broad groups.

  1. Natural or natural, which cover factors due to the activity of the planet itself and in no way dependent on humanity.
  2. Artificial or anthropogenic pollutants associated with active human activities.

If we take the degree of impact of the pollutant as the basis for the classification of sources, then we can distinguish powerful, medium and small ones. The latter include small boiler plants, local boilers. The category of powerful sources of pollution includes large industrial enterprises that emit tons of harmful compounds into the air every day.

By place of education

According to the features of the output of mixtures, pollutants are divided into non-stationary and stationary. The latter are constantly in one place and carry out emissions in a certain zone. Non-stationary sources of air pollution can move and thus spread hazardous compounds through the air. First of all, these are motor vehicles.

Spatial characteristics of emissions can also be taken as the basis for classification. There are high (pipes), low (drains and ventilation openings), areal (large accumulations of pipes) and linear (highways) pollutants.

By level of control

According to the level of control, pollution sources are divided into organized and unorganized. The impact of the former is regulated and subject to periodic monitoring. The latter carry out emissions in inappropriate places and without appropriate equipment, that is, illegally.

Another option for dividing the sources of air pollution is by the scale of distribution of pollutants. Pollutants can be local, affecting only certain small areas. There are also regional sources, the effect of which extends to entire regions and large zones. But the most dangerous global sources that affect the entire atmosphere.

According to the nature of the pollution

If the nature of the negative polluting effect is used as the main classification criterion, then the following categories can be distinguished:

  • Physical pollutants include noise, vibration, electromagnetic and thermal radiation, radiation, mechanical impacts.
  • Biological contaminants can be viral, microbial or fungal in nature. These pollutants include both airborne pathogens and their waste products and toxins.
  • Sources of chemical air pollution in the residential environment include gaseous mixtures and aerosols, for example, heavy metals, dioxides and oxides of various elements, aldehydes, ammonia. Such compounds are usually discarded by industrial enterprises.

Anthropogenic pollutants have their own classifications. The first assumes the nature of the sources and includes:

  • Transport.
  • Household - arising in the processes of waste processing or fuel combustion.
  • Production, covering substances formed during technical processes.

By composition, all polluting components are divided into chemical (aerosol, dust-like, gaseous chemicals and substances), mechanical (dust, soot and other solid particles) and radioactive (isotopes and radiation).

natural springs

Consider the main sources of air pollution of natural origin:

  • Volcanic activity. From the bowels earth's crust during eruptions, tons of boiling lava rise, during the combustion of which clouds of smoke are formed, containing particles of rocks and soil layers, soot and soot. Also, the combustion process can generate other hazardous compounds, such as sulfur oxides, hydrogen sulfide, sulfates. And all these substances under pressure are ejected from the crater and immediately rush into the air, contributing to its significant pollution.
  • Fires that occur in peat bogs, in the steppes and forests. Every year they destroy tons of natural fuel, during the combustion of which harmful substances are released that clog the air basin. In most cases, fires are caused by the negligence of people, and it can be extremely difficult to stop the elements of fire.
  • Plants and animals also unknowingly pollute the air. Flora can give off gases and spread pollen, all of which contribute to air pollution. Animals in the process of life also emit gaseous compounds and other substances, and after their death, decomposition processes have a detrimental effect on the environment.
  • Dust storms. During such phenomena, tons of soil particles and other solid elements rise into the atmosphere, which inevitably and significantly pollute the environment.

Anthropogenic sources

Anthropogenic sources of pollution are a global problem modern humanity due to the rapid pace of development of civilization and all spheres of human life. Such pollutants are man-made, and although they were originally introduced for the good and to improve the quality and comfort of life, today they are a fundamental factor in global atmospheric pollution.

Consider the main artificial pollutants:

  • Cars are the scourge of modern humanity. Today, many have them and have turned from luxury into necessary funds movement, but, unfortunately, few people think about how harmful the use of vehicles is for the atmosphere. When fuel is burned and during engine operation, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, benzapyrene, hydrocarbons, aldehydes, and nitrogen oxides are emitted from the exhaust pipe in a constant stream. But it is worth noting that they adversely affect the environment and air and other modes of transport, including rail, air, and water.
  • The activity of industrial enterprises. They may be involved in metal processing, the chemical industry, and any other activity, but almost all large factories constantly release tons of chemicals, particulate matter, and combustion products into the air. And if we take into account that only a few enterprises use treatment facilities, then the scale negative impact the ever-evolving industry on the environment is simply enormous.
  • Use of boiler plants, nuclear and thermal power plants. Fuel combustion is a process that is harmful and dangerous in terms of atmospheric pollution, during which a lot of various substances, including toxic ones, are released.
  • Another factor in the pollution of the planet and its atmosphere is the widespread and active use of different types fuels such as gas, oil, coal, firewood. When they are burned and under the influence of oxygen, numerous compounds are formed, rushing up and rising into the air.

Can pollution be prevented?

Unfortunately, in the current modern conditions It is extremely difficult to completely eliminate air pollution in the life of most people, but it is still very difficult to try to stop or minimize some of the harmful effects exerted on it. And only comprehensive measures taken everywhere and jointly will help in this. These include:

  1. The use of modern and high-quality treatment facilities at large industrial enterprises whose activities are associated with emissions.
  2. Rational use Vehicle: switching to high-quality fuel, the use of emission-reducing agents, stable work machines and troubleshooting. And it is better, if possible, to abandon cars in favor of trams and trolleybuses.
  3. Implementation of legislative measures on state level. Some laws are already in force, but new ones with greater force are needed.
  4. The introduction of ubiquitous pollution control points, which are especially needed within large enterprises.
  5. Transition to alternative and less environmentally hazardous energy sources. Yes, you should use more windmills, hydroelectric, solar panels, electricity.
  6. Timely and competent processing of waste will avoid emissions emitted by them.
  7. Greening the planet will be an effective measure, as many plants emit oxygen and thereby purify the atmosphere.

The main sources of air pollution are considered, and such information will help to understand the essence of the problem of environmental degradation, as well as stop the impact and preserve nature.

Global environmental issues

Global Environmental Issue #1: Air Pollution

Every day, the average person inhales about 20,000 liters of air, which contains, in addition to vital oxygen, a whole list of harmful suspended particles and gases. Air pollutants are conditionally divided into 2 types: natural and anthropogenic.

Consequences of ozone depletion

As a result of the destruction of the ozone layer ultraviolet radiation passes freely through the atmosphere and reaches the earth's surface. Exposure to direct UV rays adversely affects human health by weakening immune system and causing diseases such as skin cancer and cataracts.

Ways to solve the problem of ozone depletion

Awareness of the danger leads to the fact that the international community is taking more and more steps to protect the ozone layer.

1) Creation various organizations for the Protection of the Ozone Layer (UNEP, COSPAR, MAGA)

2) Holding conferences.

a) Vienna Conference (September 1987). It discussed and signed the Montreal Protocol:

- the need for constant monitoring of the manufacture, sale, and use of the most dangerous substances for ozone (freons, bromine-containing compounds, etc.)

- the use of chlorofluorocarbons in comparison with the level of 1986 should be reduced by 20% by 1993 and by half by 1998.

b) At the beginning of 1990. scientists came to the conclusion that the restrictions of the Montreal Protocol are insufficient and proposals were made to completely stop production and emissions into the atmosphere as early as 1991-1992. those freons that are limited by the Montreal Protocol.

World Environmental Issue #3: Global Warming

Like the glass walls of a greenhouse, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and water vapor allow the sun to heat our planet and at the same time prevent infrared radiation reflected from the earth's surface from escaping into space. All these gases are responsible for maintaining the temperature acceptable for life on earth. However, an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide and water vapor in the atmosphere is another global ecological problem called global warming (or the greenhouse effect).

Causes of global warming

Consequences of the greenhouse effect

If the temperature during the XXI century increases by another 1 C - 3.5 C, as scientists predict, the consequences will be very sad:

  • sea ​​levels will rise (due to melting polar ice), the number of droughts will increase and the process of land desertification will intensify,

  • many species of plants and animals adapted to existence in a narrow range of temperatures and humidity will disappear,

  • hurricanes will increase.

  • rising prices for fossil fuels,

  • replacement of fossil fuels with environmentally friendly ones (solar energy, wind energy and sea currents),

  • development of energy saving and waste-free technologies,

  • taxation of emissions into the environment,

  • minimization of methane losses during its production, transportation through pipelines, distribution in cities and villages and use at heat supply stations and power plants,

  • introduction of carbon dioxide absorption and binding technologies,

  • tree planting,

  • reduction in family size

  • environmental education,

  • application of phytomelioration in agriculture.

Global Environmental Issue #4: Acid Rain

Acid rain, containing fuel combustion products, also poses a threat to the environment, human health, and even to the integrity of architectural monuments.

The effects of acid rain

Solutions of sulfuric and nitric acids, aluminum and cobalt compounds contained in polluted precipitation and fog, pollute the soil and water bodies, adversely affect vegetation, causing dry tops deciduous trees and oppressing conifers. Due to acid rain, crop yields are falling, people are drinking water enriched with toxic metals (mercury, cadmium, lead), marble architectural monuments are turning into gypsum and eroding.

Solving an environmental problem

In order to save nature and architecture from acid rain, it is necessary to minimize emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere.

Global Environmental Issue #5: Soil Pollution

From time immemorial land resources considered one of the most important material assets. However, there is currently a significant load on the soil cover.

Main reasons

Soil pollution and depletion is currently a special kind degradation of the land resource. There are two main reasons for such negative changes. The first is natural. The composition and structure of the soil may change as a result of global natural phenomena. As a second factor, which results in soil pollution and depletion, anthropogenic impact can be called. It is currently doing the most damage.

Negative anthropogenic impact often occurs as a result of agricultural activities, the operation of large industrial facilities, the construction of buildings and structures, transport links, as well as the domestic needs and needs of mankind. Among the impacts on land resources anthropogenic factor the following can be named: erosion, acidification, destruction of the structure and change in composition, degradation of the mineral base, waterlogging or, conversely, desiccation, dehumification, and so on.

Soil pollution and depletion: ways to solve the problem

Of course, initially it is necessary that each person understands the measure of his responsibility for a favorable ecological situation on the planet. In addition, even at the legislative level, restrictions on the conduct of economic activities should be established. An example of such activities can be considered an increase in green spaces, as well as the establishment of control and systematic inspections rational use lands.

Global Environmental Issue #6: Water Pollution

Pollution of the oceans, underground and surface waters of land is a global environmental problem, the responsibility for which lies entirely with man.

Causes of the environmental problem

The main pollutants of the hydrosphere today are oil and oil products. These substances penetrate into the waters of the oceans as a result of the collapse of tankers and regular discharges. Wastewater industrial enterprises.

In addition to anthropogenic petroleum products, industrial and household objects pollute the hydrosphere with heavy metals and complex organic compounds. The leaders in poisoning the waters of the world ocean with minerals and biogenic elements are recognized Agriculture and food industry.

The hydrosphere does not bypass such a global environmental problem as radioactive contamination. The prerequisite for its formation was the disposal of radioactive waste in the waters of the oceans. From the 1949s to the 1970s, many powers with a developed nuclear industry and atomic fleet purposefully stockpiled harmful radioactive substances into the seas and oceans. In the places of burial of radioactive containers, the level of cesium often goes off scale even today. But "underwater polygons" are not the only radioactive source of pollution of the hydrosphere. The waters of the seas and oceans are enriched with radiation as a result of underwater and surface nuclear explosions.


Rational use water resources is currently a very pressing issue. This is primarily the protection of water spaces from pollution, and since industrial effluents occupy the first place in terms of volume and damage that they cause, it is in the first place that it is necessary to solve the problem of their discharge into rivers. In particular, it is necessary to limit discharges into water bodies, as well as to improve production, purification and disposal technologies. Another important aspect is the collection of fees for the discharge of wastewater and pollutants and the transfer of funds collected for the development of new waste-free technologies and treatment facilities. It is necessary to reduce the amount of payment for environmental pollution to enterprises with minimal emissions and discharges, which in the future will serve as a priority to maintain a minimum discharge or reduce it.

Environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources and disruption of ecological ties in ecosystems have become global issues. And if humanity continues to follow the current path of development, then its death, according to the leading ecologists of the world, is inevitable in two or three generations.

Global problems are a challenge to the human mind. It is impossible to get away from them. They can only be overcome. Moreover, to overcome the efforts of each person and each country in strict cooperation for the sake of the great goal of preserving the opportunity to live on Earth.

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