Management of the transport complex (on the example of the Department of Improvement and Transport of the Administration of the Municipal Formation "City of Izhevsk"). Transport management at the state and municipal level

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Features of the management of the transport complex of the city

The transport complex of the city includes an intracity passenger

transport (bus, tram, trolleybus), intercity and suburban passenger

transport, freight transport, specialized transport (transportation

bread, milk, gasoline, export household waste, medical transport

etc.), transport parks or depots, garages, tram maintenance services

ways, contact network electric transport, railway stations, parking lots, gas stations

stations, repair and other services. In some cities for

intracity transportation is used by rail and water transport,

in the largest cities - subways. Such a complex complex requires

municipal regulation and management.

The federal law of 2003 assigns to the competence of settlements the creation of conditions

for the provision of transport services and the organization of transport services

of the population within the boundaries of the settlement, and to the competence municipal districts -

inter-settlement transportation within the boundaries of the region. A particular problem is

municipal regulation of passenger transportation in a competitive environment

municipal and private transport.

When organizing the management of the transport complex.

For urban passenger transport, it is important to comply with the necessary compliance

capacities of separate links of the transport system. Based on these calculations

lies the definition of passenger flows for all types of movement in different

periods of the day, day, season and year. The average daily passenger traffic is determined by

the general nature and volume of transport work in the city. Passenger flows

during peak hours determine the nature of mass movements and serve as the basis for

determining the need for rolling stock when resolving issues of transportation

and bandwidth transport and road network of the city.

The distribution of passengers along the routes is determined using the coefficient

irregularity characterizing the occupancy of the rolling stock according to

route length. It is the ratio of the product of the maximum

the number of passengers per haul length to the total volume of transport work per

this direction. This coefficient is used when calculating the route

city ​​systems.

Municipal management of the organization of passenger transportation in the city

designed to meet the needs of all segments of the population with minimal

loss of time. The mode of operation of transport should be linked

with the work schedule of large city-forming enterprises.

Tasks municipal government transport

The main tasks of municipal government in the field of transport:

Ensuring the reliable condition of transport lines and the development of highways;

Modernization of traffic management systems, dispatching

and quality control of transport services to the population;

Bringing municipal rolling stock into proper condition,

conforming to technical parameters and standards;

Ensuring the safety of transportation.

Functions of local governments in the management of the transport complex

cities are shown in fig. 4.5.2

Local governments can be vested with state powers

for financing municipal and private transport enterprises

and carriers to compensate for the transportation of preferential categories of passengers

(subject to receipt of subventions from the federal or regional budget).

In the context of a variety of forms of ownership of vehicles and competition

municipal and private transport by the main regulatory mechanisms

passenger traffic favor the municipal order for transportation

and traffic control.

Abroad, the main tool for managing the urban passenger system

transport is project financing as one of the varieties

municipal order. A competition (tender, auction) of projects is being held

different companies organizing transportation, with the involvement of ex-

Perth. Based on the results of the competition, a project is selected for which

municipal order. This choice of performers contributes to the development

healthy competition in the field of urban passenger transport.

General indicators of the work of urban passenger transport are shown

in fig. 4.5.3.

Problems of the transport complex of the city

The urban transport system of most Russian cities has accumulated

many difficult problems. One of them is the problem of fare control.

To solve it, automatic turnstiles are installed abroad, in some

cities of Russia stimulate the purchase of travel tickets for various

period of use and further holding of cash and clothing lotteries for

number of tickets purchased.

Another problem is the wear and tear of the rolling stock. In most Russian cities

municipal passenger transport is worn out almost by half.

City budget funds, as well as part of the revenue of municipal passenger

there are not enough enterprises to repair the rolling stock, since a large

part of them goes to compensate for the travel of privileged categories of the population. Raise

the cost of travel causes only an outflow of passengers to private buses,

as a result of which the municipal transport works “idle”.

A serious problem in many cities is the road network, its throughput

ability. Overpasses, bypass roads are needed; in selected

cases it is necessary to expand the carriageway of the streets, which is extremely difficult.

Taking into account the state of the road network, the choice of the type of mobile

transport composition.

Mass motorization necessitated the creation of a large complex

service providers that ensure the operation of transport. serious problem

represents the organization of parking lots for individual vehicles (parking lots)

on the territory of the city, the construction of collective garages, including multi-storey ones,

downtown. In some new residential buildings, the first floors and basements

are designed as garages, which is convenient for residents. Another problem is gas stations.

stations and points, car washes, urgent repair and tire fitting workshops.

They should also be located throughout the city.

It is necessary to link the work of intracity and external transport. Control

objects of external transport (railway and bus stations, river

and seaports, airports, etc.) is carried out, as a rule, by state

enterprises or large joint-stock companies. Organs

local governments are obliged to ensure the "docking" of these objects with the routes

urban transport, a network of trade enterprises and public

food, other city services.

Criteria for the effectiveness of the functioning of urban transport

Criteria for the effectiveness of the functioning of the municipal passenger

transport can be divided into criteria for the efficiency of transport

and performance criteria

Interconnected Performance Criteria and Criteria

management efficiency are able to characterize the system quite capaciously

urban passenger transport as a subject and object of municipal


Municipal transport authorities

In majority administrations major cities there are structural divisions,

in charge of urban transport. Preferred is

scheme with a single structural unit in charge of transport issues

structure (municipal institution) of the service of the municipal customer

transport services. In this case, for the structural unit of the administration

issues of legal regulation of transport

activities on the territory of the municipality and financing of transportation

The customer service distributes traffic volumes between municipal and private

carriers, establishes traffic schedules, carries out dispatching

The concept and elements of the transport complex. The form and structure of the management of the transport complex. Assessment of the management system and analysis of the financing of the transport complex of the municipality of the city of Izhevsk, directions for their improvement.

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2.2 The main indicators of transport services in the Moscow Region, the city of Izhevsk

2.3 Analysis of the financing of the transport complex of the Moscow region, the city of Izhevsk


3.1 Assessment of the management system of the transport complex in the city of Izhevsk

3.2 Development of proposals for improving the management of urban public transport




In the conditions of transition to market relations, the role of increasing the efficiency of transport management increases significantly. On the one hand, the efficiency of the work of individuals and legal entities depends on the development of the transport complex, and on the other hand, the market itself implies the exchange of goods, which is almost impossible without the use of transport services. Therefore, the transport complex is the most important integral part market infrastructure.

This topic is relevant and is of great interest, since the successful transformation of the social system, the deepening of market relations, the formation and development of a diversified economy are problems of crucial importance for Russia, regions and municipalities. The decisive role in their solution belongs to the service sector, the state and efficiency of which depends on the country's successful progress along the path of economic and economic development. social progress. This fully applies to the provision of services for the transportation of passengers by motor transport of the municipality. That is why it is becoming increasingly necessary and practically significant to steadily improve the quality management of such services as the basis for increasing their efficiency and competitiveness in a market economy.

object research are the relations that arise in the process of interaction between the Department of Improvement and Transport of the Administration of the Municipal Formation "City of Izhevsk" and the transport complex of the Municipal Formation "City of Izhevsk".

Subject research is the management of the transport complex (on the example of the Department of Improvement and Transport of the Administration of the Municipal Formation "City of Izhevsk").

aim WRC is the study of the transport complex of the municipality "city of Izhevsk" and the development of proposals for improving the management system of the transport complex in the municipality "city of Izhevsk".

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved in the work: tasks:

The concept and elements of the transport complex are investigated;

Considered domestic and foreign experience in managing the transport complex;

The general characteristics of the transport complex in the municipality "city of Izhevsk" are considered;

The main indicators of transport service in the municipality "city of Izhevsk" were studied;

An analysis of the financing of the transport complex of the municipal formation "City of Izhevsk" was carried out;

Models of the organization of management of the transport complex are presented;

A program for improving the transport complex of the municipal formation "City of Izhevsk" has been developed.

Research methodology compiled the following methods: analysis and synthesis, statistical processing of information, mathematical methods of analysis.

The theoretical basis of the work compiled: federal legislation, regional regulations, statistical collections, educational literature and the works of leading scientists (V.V. Ivanov, V.G. Ignatov, Yu.M. Kossoy, A.I. Radchenko, R.Zh. Sirazhdinov, F.I. Shamkhalov and others), whose works considered management problems transport complex.

The structure of the WRC consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and references.


1.1 The concept and elements of the transport complex

Transport in Russia is a state-forming industry, the most important factor in the integrity and security of the country. Pikulkin A.V. The system of public administration: a textbook for universities / A.V. Pikulkin. - 5th ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI, 2008.

The transport complex is a vast sector of the economy that meets the needs for transportation by various modes of transport, affecting the efficiency of production and the quality of life of the population. Novik A.A. Legal regulation of passenger traffic by urban public transport / A.A. Novik // Transport law. - 2005. - No. 1.

The transport complex of a modern municipality includes intracity, intercity and suburban passenger transport, freight transport, specialized transport, as well as various services and subdivisions that ensure its functioning (transport parks or depots, garages, tramway maintenance services, electric transport contact network, stations, parking lots, gas stations, repair and maintenance services). The organization of the coordinated work of these parts of the transport complex requires management by local governments. Management in the urban economy: textbook / ed. R.J. Sirazhdinov. - M.: KNORUS, 2009.

The main types of municipal transport in Russia are buses, trams, trolleybuses, minibuses. With regard to these types of transport, the municipality uses direct methods of regulation, which consist in determining the optimal number of vehicles, determining socially significant and economically viable routes, etc. The quantity and quality of vehicles in the territory of the municipality are the main issues in transport management, along with the correspondence of the number of vehicles to the capacity of the local transport network; optimization of passenger traffic on the territory of the municipality; improvement of the traffic management system; organization of the security system traffic etc.

Transport activity is not accompanied by the creation of new things (objects of the material world). Its value lies in the economic effect that is created as a result of the movement of cargo, passengers and baggage to the agreed place and at the appointed time. Therefore, transportation relations arise when there is a need for the territorial movement of objects or people using vehicles. Usually two subjects take part in them: a transport organization (the owner of the vehicle) and a person interested in transportation. Mishina A.A. Features of national transportation / A.A. Mishina // Calculation. - 2009. - No. 6.

All transportations are classified into transportations in local, direct and direct mixed traffic. Local transportation is called transportation within one transport company. Transportation is recognized as direct, in the performance of which, according to one document, several enterprises of the same type of transport participate.

Straight multimodal transport a shipment is considered when, on the basis of one document, the cargo is transported by various enterprises by several modes of transport.

In road transport, transportation is divided into urban, suburban, intercity and international. Urban transportation includes transportation within the boundaries of a city (another locality); to suburban - transportation outside the boundaries of the city (another settlement) at a distance of up to 50 km inclusive; to intercity - transportation outside the city limits (another settlement) at a distance of more than 50 km and to international - transportation outside or from outside Russian Federation crossing the state border of the Russian Federation. Urban, suburban, intercity and international transportation of goods and passengers are carried out by the carrier on the basis of a license issued in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Egiazarov V.A. Transport law: textbook / V.A. Egiazarov. - 4th ed., revised. and additional - M.: Yustitsinform, 2009.

All transport of the municipality can be divided by purpose into three types: passenger, freight and specialized.

The economic and social role of passenger transport is to provide passenger transportation services, i.e. in meeting the needs of the population in transportation.

In turn, depending on the use of vehicles and their ownership, passenger transport is divided into mass - general use, public - individual use (taxi, departmental cars and buses) and individual - personal use (private cars).

The normal life support of a modern municipality is impossible without convenient and reliable transport links. Highest value for the life of the municipality, at the same time, they have mass types of passenger transport, the role of which is to provide amenities and reduce the time spent on movement. Mass types of passenger transport operate on predetermined routes and have a large capacity and high carrying capacity. Depending on the mode of movement of transport units, which affects the speed of the route, the following types of traffic along the routes are distinguished:

Stopover (usual), in which passenger exchange is carried out at all stopping points of the route; with stops at the request of passengers;

High-speed, in which transport stops only at some stopping points of the route;

Semi-express, in which transport at the beginning of the route collects passengers at several stopping points, and then delivers them to the final destination (collective route) without stopping.

The bus is the most common mode of transport. A bus is a trackless street type of transport with an autonomous power supply, which has high maneuverability and does not require the construction of special track devices. The bus provides an opportunity to easily change the route network in accordance with fluctuations in passenger traffic and organize routes in new residential areas. Samoilov D.S. City transport: a textbook for universities / D.S. Samoilov, V.A. Yudin. - M.: Business yard, 2008.

Its advantages over other types of passenger transport include: good maneuverability, relatively small capital investments in the organization of traffic, high operational mobility and the ability to quickly change the route route, a wide variety of types and types both in terms of capacity and cost.

The main disadvantages of bus transport are associated with significant operating costs, relatively small capacity of vehicles, pollution environment, high noise level. However, due to the advantages of bus transport over other modes, it has become widespread and is the only mode of transport in settlements with relatively small passenger flows.

The trolleybus is almost as good as a bus in terms of operational performance, but it requires large investments in the organization of traffic. The main advantage is an economical and environmentally friendly type of urban transport. The tram has an increased carrying capacity, but a complex moving track device, in addition, the tram as a type of passenger transport is characterized by extremely low maneuverability. Rail transport is characterized by very high fixed costs associated with the construction of tracks, the purchase, repair and maintenance of rolling stock, with the creation of the maintenance centers themselves. Zanadvorov V.S. Economics of the city: textbook. allowance / V.S. Zanadvorov, A.V. Zanadvorova. - M.: Business yard, 2008.

Electric transport enterprises consist of the following items: rolling stock, repair base (trolleybus depots, tram depots), energy facilities (contact network), track facilities (tram). Urban management: textbook / ed. R.J. Sirazhdinov. - M.: KNORUS, 2009.

In the largest cities of the country, non-street types of passenger transport operate - the subway, the functioning of which is within the federal competence.

In intracity and suburban transportation of passengers, rail and inland water transport is also widely used.

The listed types of transport differ in technical, economic and operational indicators, which determine the area of ​​their expedient application. From an economic point of view, one of the main components of the cost of transportation and depending on the type of transport is the cost of fuel or electricity. Therefore, where there are nearby sources of electricity, the scope for the efficient use of electric transport is expanding. The organization and coordination of transport activities, as a rule, fall within the competence of local governments and, if necessary, are subsidized from the relevant budget.

According to Article 784 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), the carriage of goods, passengers and baggage is carried out on the basis of a contract of carriage. General terms transportation is determined by transport charters and codes, other laws and rules issued in accordance with them. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Part 2: fed. law of 26.01.1996 No. 14-FZ (as amended on 05/05/2014) // PBD "Consultant Plus 3000" (Electronic resource)

Roads are an integral part of the transport complex. Roads are divided into public and non-public roads. By value, the following types of roads are distinguished: federal, regional or intermunicipal, local, private. By type of ownership, roads are divided into: federal, owned by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal, owned by individuals or legal entities.

A road is a facility of the transport complex intended for the movement of vehicles, it includes:

Land plots within the boundaries of the right of way of the highway and structural elements located on them or under them;

Road facilities that are the technological part of the road.

A characteristic feature of municipal transport is the uneven distribution of passenger traffic over time and territory of the municipality, which creates maximum and minimum loads on the route network.

Issues of transport services to the population, including road safety, are entrusted to local governments. Vaneev O.N. Transport service of the population at the municipal level: to the problem of legislative regulation / O.N. Vaneev // Transport law.

In connection with the involvement of commercial vehicles in the transportation of passengers, local authorities need to solve the following main tasks: ensuring the coordination and control of the work of transport various forms property; ensuring equal tax conditions for enterprises operating on routes of different profitability.

The main streets are the transport arteries of the municipality, which take up to 80% of the transport.

The main district streets with a width in red lines from 35 to 45 m and an estimated speed of up to 80 km/h provide transport links between the districts. Management in the urban economy: textbook / ed. R.J. Sirazhdinov. - M.: KNORUS, 2009.

Streets and local traffic roads are residential streets and driveways. Pedestrian roads (sidewalks) stand out as an independent system of viaducts.

Thus, the main elements of the transport complex are vehicles, rolling stock, track devices, power supply system and devices for storing and repairing vehicles.

There are rail, sea, river, air and road transport. Legal entities act as carriers: railway departments, sea and river shipping companies, motor transport enterprises, etc.

In most cities of Russia, municipal transport is worn out by almost half. Funds from local budgets, as well as part of the proceeds of municipal transport enterprises, are not enough to repair rolling stock. The increase in the cost of travel only causes an outflow of passengers to private buses, as a result of which the municipal passenger transport suffers additional losses. The most important problem of organizing effective transport services for the population is the involvement of private bus transport in the citywide transportation of passengers. The authorities are forced to solve this problem on their own in the conditions of a budget deficit and the absence of a unified concept for reforming municipal transport by searching for various mechanisms for transferring this sphere of urban economy to a market basis. At present, commercial vehicles in different regions carries an average of 15 to 40% of passengers.

1.2 The form and structure of the management of the transport complex

In the domestic practice of management, a unified approach to choosing an effective model of transport management has not yet been formed. There is also no universally recognized unified model for managing the transport complexes of the largest cities.

R.J. Sirazhdinov identifies the following approaches to organizing the management of public passenger transport: strict centralization of the traffic management process (as a rule, this is a local monopoly on transport services) and decentralization of management, limited intervention of local governments in the management of public passenger transport based on the competitive selection of carriers and development contractual relations. Each transport management model has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage of the first model is the creation of a monopoly in the field of public transport, which leads to an increase in costs, the preservation of a costly management mechanism and, accordingly, to high costs. Until recently, this model was used in almost all cities of the Russian Federation, since it provided a fairly high level of transport services and satisfied the needs for passenger transportation. Currently, it is applied in certain regions of the country. Management in the urban economy: textbook / ed. R.J. Sirazhdinov. - M.: KNORUS, 2009.

I.A. Gerikhanov notes that the transport service for the population in municipalities is developing in three directions. According to the first direction, municipal transport remains under the jurisdiction of the subject of the Russian Federation. The second direction includes the creation of municipal unitary passenger transport enterprises on the basis of previously operating state-owned urban passenger enterprises. The third direction is to create conditions for stimulating the participation of business structures in the implementation of the function of transport services for the population in the municipality. Gerikhanov I.A. The competence of local governments in the field of providing the population with transport services (municipal-legal aspect) / I.A. Gerikhanov // Society and Law. - 2009. - No. 1.

Each direction has its own advantages and disadvantages. Thus, the first model can provide a clearer technological component of the problem (reliability of vehicles, compliance with safety regulations, etc.), which is inherent in large enterprises. But here the role of local governments is reduced. In addition, clear interaction between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments is required. In addition, this direction is impossible without the previously existing material and technical base. An alternative is such an organization of relations (the second model), in which urban transport is entirely transferred to the jurisdiction of the relevant municipalities, while the subject of the Russian Federation retains mainly control functions and the obligation to provide support. In the latter case, increased requirements are imposed on local governments in terms of creating an appropriate regulatory framework and financing the activities of transport enterprises. Spirin I.V. Motor transport law: textbook / I.V. Spirin. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Academy, 2009.

K.S. Nikolaeva notes that “municipal passenger transport enterprises can hardly cope with the huge flow of people, which is increasing day by day. For large cities, as well as regional centers, the issue of lack of passenger transport has become a social problem. In some cases, getting to your destination on time and in comfortable conditions is possible thanks to the work of transport companies and individual entrepreneurs". Nikolaeva K.S. Passenger transportation / K.S. Nikolaev // Vmenenka. - 2009. - No. 3.

The introduction of market relations in the provision of transport services created opportunities for organizing competition and competitive selection in the performance of transportation, which contributed to the transition from the first management model to the second. Its main advantage over the first model is the possibility of reducing the cost of service and, accordingly, the cost of transport services through the use of competitive selection of carriers. At the same time, local authorities are not removed from the management of the transport complex. Their tasks include the formation of an order for transportation based on the identified demand and the conclusion of an agreement with carriers. In fact, the role of authorities in this model is significantly reduced, but only in terms of passenger service, and management functions remain within the competence of the authorized body. local government.

Among the issues of local importance, significant importance is attached to transport services for the population on the territory of the municipality. Every year this problem only worsens, given the fact that the number of cars is steadily increasing, and the roads in most municipalities of the Russian Federation are not being expanded and are not being repaired in the proper amount. It should also be noted that the public transport fleet (trams and trolleybuses) is becoming obsolete. Gerikhanov I.A. Rule-making and law enforcement activities of local governments on the organization of transport transportation on the territory of the municipality / I.A. Gerikhanov // Society and Law. - 2009. - No. 5.

With regard to urban and rural settlements, the legislator defines issues of local importance in the area under consideration as follows (Article 14 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On general principles organizations of local self-government in the Russian Federation"): creating conditions for the provision of transport services to the population and the organization of transport services for the population within the boundaries of the settlement; road activities in relation to motor roads of local importance within the boundaries of settlements, as well as the exercise of other powers in the field of the use of motor roads and the implementation of road activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

With regard to municipal districts, issues of local importance in the field of transport services to the population are formulated as follows (Article 15 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”): creating conditions for the provision of transport services to the population and organizing transport services for the population between settlements in the boundaries of the municipal district; road activities in relation to motor roads of local importance outside the boundaries of settlements within the boundaries of a municipal district, as well as the exercise of other powers in the field of the use of motor roads and the implementation of road activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

With regard to urban districts, the relevant issues of local importance look like this (Article 16 of the Federal Law “On the General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”): creating conditions for the provision of transport services to the population and organizing transport services for the population within the boundaries of the urban district; road activities in relation to motor roads of local importance within the boundaries of the city district, as well as the exercise of other powers in the field of the use of motor roads and the implementation of road activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Federal Law No. 131-FZ of October 6, 2003 (as amended on May 27, 2014) "On the General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation"

It can be noted that the wording is generally similar for all types of municipalities.

The functions of local authorities for the management of the transport complex are as follows: adoption of rules and procedures for organizing work; development of a traffic scheme; development of a road network development scheme; setting tariffs for transportation; development of schedules and scheduling of traffic; monitoring compliance with traffic schedules; issuance of a municipal order for passenger and freight transportation, conclusion of contracts; control of environmental parameters of transport operation.

The process of decentralization of the management of the transport complex was called "separation of the functions of the customer (in the person of the authorities that give the order for transportation) and the carrier." At the same time, the degree of detail of the order for the performance of transport operations for transportation can be different: from a strict prescription of certain rules to more general requirements depending on the characteristics of the municipality.

The analysis of the described models does not make it possible to determine the ideal economic and organizational model of transport management. So, for example, the first model allows, from the point of view of the economy, to obtain an effect: from the scale of enterprises; cost reduction due to lack of profit; cost reduction due to exemption from a number of local taxes and fees; there is the possibility of centralized regulation of the wages of employees of the enterprise, etc. The disadvantages of this model include the lack of flexibility of the transport system, costly pricing mechanism and monopoly with its negative consequences.

The second model assumes greater use of market mechanisms, and the main one is the creation of competition in the transport service market, which makes it possible to reduce the costs of service providers to the market level. The disadvantages of such a system include the need to increase the number of employees who provide the management process, prepare a competitive offer and control the execution of ordered transportation. Both models are potentially social in that they provide an opportunity for local governments to social policy in the field of transport services. State enterprises receive subsidies from the budget in case of excess of enterprises' expenses over incomes, and the share budget funds in the total income of the enterprise reaches 60-70%. In municipalities applying the second model, there is also an opportunity for social policy, through compensation of expenses to carriers under the contract. However, as a result of the decline in the role of the state, the share of budgetary funds in this management model is much lower, which is associated with a decrease in the costs of enterprises during competitive selection by an average of 30%. Management in the urban economy: textbook / ed. R.J. Sirazhdinov. - M.: KNORUS, 2009.

Currently, most cities have switched to managing the provision of urban public passenger transport services according to the second model - the introduction of competition in the field of municipal public passenger transport and the development of contractual relations according to the "customer-carrier-consumer" scheme. Under this scheme, local authorities or organizations authorized by them act as the customer, and enterprises producing urban public passenger transport services act as carriers.

The most important functions of municipal transport management in the "customer-carrier-consumer" system are forecasting, planning, regulation, organization and control.

Forecasting is necessary to justify options development of transport, taking into account the development of the municipality and trends in the transport mobility of the population.

It is advisable to plan municipal transport services to determine the required number of services provided to the population.

The organization allows you to determine the management structure and the method of selecting carriers to perform the required volume of transport services.

Control Provides feedback between the subject and the object of management, allows you to assess the degree and quality of the transport services performed.

The main levers of management according to this model are economic (direct and indirect) and legal methods of management. A certain role in terms of fulfilling the mandatory requirements and conditions is played by organizational and administrative methods of management. The following are used as direct economic management methods: targeted financing of specific areas, programs, projects and activities, agreements and contracts. Indirect economic regulators are local taxes, payments, preferential loans, contract prices (tariffs) and a number of others. Organizational and legal methods of management are necessary for the conclusion of contracts for the performance of work, the implementation of tax and financial and credit policies in the field of transport management.

To manage the transport complex of the municipality, the administrations of most large cities have created structural units in charge of municipal transport issues. In this case, the issues of legal regulation are assigned to the structural unit of the administration. transport activities on the territory of the municipality and financing the transportation of preferential categories of passengers through the municipal order system.

Transport enterprises may be owned by municipalities. Local self-government bodies on a contractual basis involve enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership in transport services to the population. They coordinate routes and traffic schedules for mass transportation in their jurisdiction. Shugrina E.S. Municipal law of the Russian Federation: textbook / E.S. Shugrin. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Prospekt, 2007.

Contractual relations between the authorities (administration) and the carrier can be formalized in different ways, one of them is the conclusion of a state (municipal) contract for the carriage of passengers. The presence of contractual relations between the customer and the carrier for the provision of passenger transportation services on the territory of the municipality is mandatory, since it provides for the obligations of the parties, responsibility for their non-fulfillment and is a certain guarantee of high-quality services, streamlines traffic in the city, ensuring the safety of both transport and and passengers. Gordeeva S.N. Transport service of the population within the framework of the state order / S.N. Gordeeva // Transport services: accounting and taxation. - 2010. - No. 1.

Thus, the most optimal is the organization of transport services for the population in the municipality, in which the main, mainline vehicles (trolleybuses, large-capacity buses, trams) belong to the municipalities. It is advisable to manage this activity through the creation and operation of municipal unitary enterprises. This will provide transport services on the main passenger lines.

1.3 Domestic and foreign experience in managing the transport complex

It should be noted that in many developed countries of the world, passenger transport services are defined as socially significant. Therefore, the system of passenger transport and the problems of its functioning are under close control by government authorities at various levels.

Practically in all developed countries, the income of passenger transport enterprises covers from 23 to 76% of current operating costs. The rest of the costs are reimbursed by subsidies.

The participation of authorities at various levels in the financing of passenger transport abroad is presented in Table 1.

The study analyzes the management structures of public transport activities abroad. The analysis showed that in most developed countries, the functions of public transport management are carried out by local governments. Only in some small states the management of passenger traffic is carried out centrally at the state level.

A typical urban passenger transport management structure used in many countries around the world is as follows:


transport companies;

Center for operational management of services provided by passenger vehicles;

Technical Center.

Local authorities organize the public transport system through the "Governance", which can be a specially created, separate from the local government, but controlled by it structure or structure within local governments. In New York, for example, under the mayor's office, as a municipal company, an economic management of passenger transport was created. In the Île-de-France region (arrondissement of Paris), public transport management functions are entrusted to the Paris Transport Syndicate, which is formed with the direct participation of the state, and its structure, under the presidency of the prefect, includes representatives of 8 departments of the region.

“Transport enterprises”, regardless of the form of ownership, work on the terms of a contract with the “Managing Authority”. Within the framework of the named contract, enterprises have autonomy in management.

"Center for Operational Transportation Management" performs the functions of the organizer of the transportation process. Organizationally, it can be included as a subdivision in the "Management Body" or act as an independent legal entity. Kossoy Yu.M. Economics and management in urban electric transport: a textbook for universities, Moscow, 2002.

Table 1

Participation of authorities of various levels in the financing of passenger transport abroad (in %)


Regional and local bodies

capital expenditures

operating costs

capital expenditures

operating costs



United Kingdom


"Technical Center" provides technical support transport system (providing research, design and engineering work on all issues related to the development of the transport system).

The main form of creation competitive environment in public transport foreign countries is the competitive implementation of route concessions. This form is based on the organization of annual competitions for licensed carrier companies to obtain the rights to carry out municipal route orders. The advantage in obtaining route concessions is given to the transport company that has declared the lowest cost of fulfilling the order, subject to the established volume and quality parameters. At the same time, the local authorities retain the right to control the specified company in the performance of the conditions of the municipal order.

Concession contracts provide for sanctions against violating companies: in exceptional cases, the latter may be deprived of concessions, as well as licenses for the right to carry out this type of activity.

The Russian experience in solving the problems of managing and organizing passenger transportation in the municipal economy in Krasnoyarsk, Penza, Cherepovets and other cities of Russia is also considered.

For example, in Cherepovets, all private carriers operate in public transport mode, i.e. carry all categories of passengers, including privileged passengers. For this, they receive compensation for shortfalls in income on the same terms as municipal auto enterprises. This makes it possible to ensure compliance with social legislation by all subjects of the transportation process and avoid the redistribution of passengers who pay and do not pay for their travel. The needs of the population of the city in the transportation of passengers are almost completely satisfied. Ignatov V.G. Local self-government: Russian practice and foreign experience: textbook / V.G. Ignatov, V.I. Butov. - 3rd ed., revised and additional. - M.: March, 2007.


2.1 general characteristics transport complex MO city of Izhevsk

Izhevsk has a developed system of transport communications: a railway junction, an airport, and highways.

Intercity bus routes connect the capital of the republic with all regional centers, as well as with the cities of Perm, Ufa, Nizhnekamsk, etc.

Despite the fact that the city is located on the non-navigable Izh River,

the road linking the city with the port of Sarapul on the Kama River (67 km) enables river-sea ships to deliver cargo to the Black and Baltic Seas.

Izhevsk compares favorably with other Russian cities stable job urban transport. Convenient transport infrastructure, optimization of transport routes, thoughtful location of public transport stops allow the city's transport organizations to improve the quality of services provided.

The city transport of Izhevsk is represented by buses, trams, trolleybuses and fixed-route taxis.

Transport services for the population of the city are carried out mainly by OAO Izhevsk Production Association of Passenger Vehicles, MUP Izhevsk City Electric Transport.

Transport services to the population are also provided by private carriers.

Water transport is represented by three vessels that operate on the waters of the Izhevsk Pond.

Hosted at

Hosted at

Figure 1. Transport system of the city

Air transport is represented by the only airport in Udmurtia. JSC "Izhavia" carries out regular passenger, cargo, custom and charter flights on An-24, An-26, Tu-134, Yak-42 aircraft across Russia and the CIS countries.

The Izhavia route network includes 15 regular and 12 charter flights, including international destinations (Yerevan). In 2013, JSC Izhavia launched a pilot project for the development of regional air transportation in the Volga Federal District.

Currently, the issue of opening an international sector on the territory of the Izhevsk airport is being considered, which makes it possible to fly abroad from the Izhevsk airport.

To this end, it is planned to create a customs control point and other necessary objects for passenger service.

In recent years, significant work has been carried out to improve road safety, improve the system of organizing transport services for the population.

Further development of the transport infrastructure of the city of Izhevsk is provided for by republican target programs, such as "Comprehensive development of suburban and urban transport in the Udmurt Republic for 2010-2014", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Udmurt Republic of 07.09.2009. No. 246. Investment passport of the city of Izhevsk

The general management of the transport complex in the city of Izhevsk is carried out by the Department of Improvement and Transport of the Administration of the city of Izhevsk.

Figure 2. Structure of the Department of Improvement and Transport

The Department of Improvement and Transport of the Administration of the city of Izhevsk (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is an industry body - a structural subdivision of the Administration of the city of Izhevsk, which performs managerial functions in the field of the use of roads, the implementation of road activities and ensuring traffic safety on local roads, the organization of landscaping and landscaping of the territory city ​​district, organization of funeral business and ritual services, maintenance of burial sites, street lighting, as well as in the field of creating conditions for the provision of transport services to the population and the organization of transport services for the population within the boundaries of the municipal formation "City of Izhevsk" (clause 1.1 as amended by the decision of the City Duma Izhevsk dated December 15, 2011 N 233)

The Department is guided in its activities by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Udmurt Republic, laws of the Udmurt Republic, decrees and orders of the President of the Udmurt Republic, decrees and orders of the Government of the Udmurt Republic Republic, the Charter of the city of Izhevsk, municipal legal acts of bodies and officials of local self-government of the municipality "City of Izhevsk", as well as the Regulations on the Department of Improvement and Transport.

The Department acts as a higher governing body for the municipal institutions of the city of Izhevsk and coordinates and controls their activities.

The full official name of the Administration is the sectoral body of the Administration of the city of Izhevsk, the Department of Improvement and Transport of the Administration of the city of Izhevsk, abbreviated as UBT of the Administration of the city of Izhevsk.

Legal address of the Office: 426053, Udmurt Republic, city of Izhevsk, Voroshilov st., 67a. (clause 1.6 as amended by the decision of the City Duma of Izhevsk dated December 15, 2011 N 233) Decision of the City Duma of the city of Izhevsk dated April 24, 2008 No. 391 "On the establishment of an industry body - a structural unit of the Administration of the city of Izhevsk - the Department of Improvement and Transport of the Administration of the city of Izhevsk" (as amended by the decision of the City Duma of Izhevsk dated December 15, 2011 N 233)

Let's consider long-term targeted programs, which are currently being implemented by the Department of Improvement and Transport of the Administration of the city of Izhevsk in Table 2.

table 2

Program name

Program approval

Long-term target program for the development of outdoor lighting in the city of Izhevsk for 2012-2016 "Bright City"

Approved by the Decree of the Administration of the city of Izhevsk dated 05.12.2011 No. 1240

Long-term target program "Improving road safety in Izhevsk for 2012-2016"

Approved by the Decree of the Administration of the city of Izhevsk dated 05.12.2011 No. 1254

The Department also participates in the implementation of Republican target programs

Republican target program "Integrated development of suburban and urban transport in the Udmurt Republic for 2010-2014"

Approved by the Decree of the Government of the Udmurt Republic dated September 7, 2009 No. 246

At present, urban transport is represented by two leading enterprises of the city in terms of passenger transportation, these are the Izhevsk Production Association of Passenger Transport (OJSC IPOPAT) and the Municipal unitary enterprise"IzhGorElectroTrans", there is also a commercial sector of bus transportation in the city.

Below is a brief description of these enterprises.

The Izhevsk production association of passenger vehicles was officially established in 1973, but its history dates back to June 8, 1932, when the first bus entered the streets of Izhevsk.

Today IPOPAT serves more than 90 routes - urban, suburban, intercity.

The capital of Udmurtia is one of the most prosperous regional centers in terms of transport infrastructure development. Only the staff of JSC "IPOPAT" serves 30 permanent intra-city bus lines.

The total length of city bus routes is 273.3 km. During peak hours, up to 350 buses operate on the city's routes. Every day, on average, more than 400 thousand passengers are transported by buses. ipopat.rf

The main activities of the enterprise are the transportation of passengers by road and the delivery of luggage, the carriage of goods by road, maintenance and repair of vehicles, the implementation of trade and procurement activities.

The main goal of the enterprise is maximum satisfaction of the needs for urban (suburban, interurban) passenger transportation with the rolling stock available and intended for this purpose.

To date, IPOPAT serves more than 100 routes - urban (30), suburban (70), intercity (5), on which about 400 buses work daily.

Bus service of intracity bus lines is developed both in the city center and between all major residential areas. The total length of city bus routes is 374.2 km. During peak hours, up to 350 buses operate on city routes alone. Every day, on average, more than 400 thousand passengers are transported by buses. Annual report for 2013 of the open joint-stock company Izhevsk production association of passenger vehicles (JSC IPOPAT)

The Municipal Unitary Enterprise "IzhGorElectroTrans" of Izhevsk (MUP "IzhGET" of Izhevsk) is the legal successor of the Municipal Enterprise "Tram and Trolleybus Administration".

The founder of the enterprise is the municipal formation "city of Izhevsk", represented by the Department of Property Relations of the Administration of the city of Izhevsk.

The enterprise was created to meet the public needs for transport services to the population, therefore the main type of its activity is the organization of the transportation of passengers by electric transport in urban traffic.

MUE "IzhGET" of Izhevsk today is 120 million passengers transported per year; two tram depots operating 229 trams and two trolleybus depots operating 232 vehicles; 181.6 km of tram tracks and trolleybus lines, more than 475 km of contact and cable networks, 25 traction converter substations with a total capacity of 60 thousand kW, 12 control centers, 12 tram and 9 trolleybus routes and more than three and a half thousand employees providing comfort, convenience and safety of travel.

In 2009, the reconstruction of tram tracks was carried out at 2 intersections on the street. Lenin - st. Khalturin using the technology of wide-plate slabs in the under-rail base, which are part of the highway. A contract was signed with the Czech Republic for the supply of equipment for the modernization of 3 tram cars. The modernization of 4 tram cars has been completed. Purchased 6 trolleybuses. Overhaul and restoration of 8 trolleybuses was carried out at Izhtransservice LLC. Started construction of a trolleybus line on the street. 10 years of October - 9 January st. The carriageway of the intersection of st. K. Liebknecht-st. Vorovsky with the reconstruction of the contact network for trolleybus route 14.

Completed overhaul tram line:

· on the street. Vanguard, Voroshilova

· on the street. Trunk

· on the street. K. Marx, Gagarin.

Throughout the year, there was big job to attract passengers to urban electric transport:

· The 10th tram route has been extended to the city of Metallurgov;

· 12th tram route - the route is organized not only on weekends, but also on weekdays;

· 6th trolleybus route - extended to Trud during peak hours;

· 7th trolleybus route - extended to Vostochny Market;

· 14th trolleybus route - the route from st. K. Liebknecht turn on the street. Vorovsky through the street. Udmurtskaya to st. Labor.

MUP "IzhGET" of Izhevsk today is a large modern transport company, a member International Association enterprises of urban electric transport, a member of the All-Russian Industry Association of Employers "City Electric Transport", a multiple winner of city, republican and Russian competitions. The staff of the enterprise is listed on the board of honor of the Udmurt Republic for a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of the Udmurt Republic.

In Izhevsk, commercial routes of passenger vehicles operate:

· Route number 10 message:

"Plastic Plant - Stankostroy

Route: st. Avtozavodskaya, st. Petrova, st. Youth, st. Lenina, st. Soviet, st. M. Gorky, st. Lenin, Deryabin Ave.

Carrier: LLC "ATP-S", CEO- Dorofeychik Stanislav Georgievich, 427007, UR, v. Pozim, 1v.

· Route number 18 message:

"Park named after Kirov - 8th microdistrict"

Route: st. Union, st. Lenina, st. Youth, st. Petrova, st. Voroshilov, st. January 9, st. 10 years of October, st. Udmurtskaya, st. Maiskaya, st. Pushkinskaya, st. Kholmogorov, st. 50 years of the Komsomol, st. Fruit, st. 50 years of the Komsomol, st. 30 years of Victory, st. Kirov.

Carrier: LLC "ATP-S", General Director - Dorofeychik Stanislav Georgievich, 427007, UR, village Pozim, 1v.

· Route number 39 message:

"St. V. Chuguevskogo - East Market"

Route: st. Pervomayskaya, st. Youth, st. Petrova, st. Voroshilov, st. January 9, st. Dzerzhinsky, st. Bummashevskaya, st. Udmurtskaya, st. Kholmogorov, st. Pushkinskaya, st. Chuguevsky, st. K. Marx.

Carrier: OOO "ATP-S", General Director - Dorofeychik Stanislav Georgievich, 427007, UR, village Pozim, 1v.

· Route number 45 message:

"microdistrict. Mashinostroitel - Oktyabrsky settlement"

Route: st. Lenina, st. Vorovskogo, st. K. Liebknecht, st. M. Gorky, st. Novoazhimov, st. Club, st. Baranov.

Carrier: OJSC "IPOPAT", General Director - Pivosh Dmitry Nikolaevich, UR, Izhevsk, st. Bummashevskaya, 5.

· Route number 49 message:

"1 RKB - SGAT (Spetsgazavtotrans)"

Route: V. Highway, st. January 9, st. Voroshilov, st. Labor, st. Youth, st. Rocket, st. Industrial, st. Chuguevsky, st. K. Marx, st. Floodplain, st. Gagarin.

Carrier: OOO "Avtosila", Director - Matveev Pavel Anatolyevich, 426039, UR, Izhevsk, st. Novosmirnovskaya, 16A.

· Route number 50 message:

Route: K. Gerda, st. Club, st. Novoazhimov, st. K. Liebknecht, st. Udmurtskaya, st. Dzerzhinsky, st. January 9.

Study of the strategic planning process as one of the functions of strategic management. Assessment of the socio-economic situation, analysis of goals and development of recommendations strategic development municipality of the resort city of Anapa.

certification work, added 09/19/2011

The concept and essence of management at the enterprise. Property valuation methods. Property complex management system. Analysis of financial and economic activities of OAO "Express UAZ". Development of an advertising company as a way to manage the company's property.

term paper, added 03/27/2016

Assessment of the socio-economic situation, external and internal environment of the municipality using SWOT-, SNW-analyses. Determination of strategies and target priorities for its development. Development of a program for the development of the agro-industrial complex.

term paper, added 03/11/2014

Characteristics of strategic management. Education management system at the municipal level. The role of interschool methodological centers in development general education municipalities on the example of the institution "Interschool methodological center".

thesis, added 07/21/2011

The role of municipal government in the economic life of the village, the legal aspects of leadership locality and small-scale agricultural production. Socio-psychological types of administration workers p. Drowsiness and daily egograms of employees.

thesis, added 07/25/2011

The concept and essence of municipal government. Its basic tasks and functions are: strategic planning; control over the implementation of regulatory legal acts; personnel Management; activity regulation. The structure of municipal government.

test, added 07/23/2010

The concept and theoretical and methodological foundations of strategic management, the logic of business planning. Economic base for managing the development of the municipality and methods of its regulation, features and role of local budgets.

practice report, added 08/10/2011

Description of the normative-legal base that ensures the functioning of the municipal formation Ust-Tarksky district. Characteristics of the municipality, modeling the management of the health care system. Financial and economic analysis of activity.

Local self-government bodies are not included in the system of state authorities. Such a distinction between local self-government bodies and the system of state authorities does not exclude local self-government from the system of general government.

Local self-government bodies are elected directly by the population and bodies formed by the representative body of the municipality, endowed with their own powers to resolve issues of local importance.

The structure of local governments includes:

  • - representative body of the municipality;
  • - the head of the relevant municipality;
  • - local administration;
  • - control bodies of the municipality;
  • - other bodies of local self-government.

The presence in the structure of local self-government bodies of a representative body of the municipality, the head of the municipality, the local administration (the executive and administrative body of the municipality) is mandatory.

The representative body of the municipality is legislative, formed from deputies elected in municipal elections. Deputies of the representative body are elected by secret ballot of the population of the municipality. The chairman of the representative body is elected from among the deputies. Meetings of the representative body of the municipality are held at least once every three months. The issues discussed during the meetings are prepared by the structures of the representative bodies, their number varies depending on the size of the municipal body, as well as on the volume of tasks to be solved. The number of deputies of the representative body of the settlement, including the urban district, is determined by the charter of the municipality and cannot be less than:

  • -7 people - with a population of less than 1000 people;
  • -10 people - with a population of 1,000 to 10,000 people;
  • -15 people - with a population of 10,000 to 30,000 people;
  • -20 people - with a population of 30,000 to 100,000 people;
  • -25 people - with a population of 100,000 to 500,000 people;
  • -35 people - with a population of over 500,000 people.

It should be noted that the representative body of the settlement is not formed if the number of residents of the settlement with the right to vote is less than 100 people. In this case, the powers of the representative body are exercised by the gathering of citizens.

The name of the representative body is determined by the charter of the respective municipality. It can be a Duma, Committee, Council, Assembly. In turn, the main structural units should be assigned to each representative body of the municipality. The competence of the representative body of the municipality includes:

  • 1) the adoption of the charter of the municipality and the introduction of amendments and additions to it;
  • 2) approval of the local budget and a report on its execution;
  • 3) establishment, change and abolition of local taxes and fees;
  • 4) adoption of development programs of the municipality, approval of reports on their implementation;
  • 5) determination of the procedure for managing and disposing of property that is in municipal ownership;
  • 6) determining the procedure for making decisions on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of municipal enterprises, as well as on the establishment of tariffs for the services of municipal enterprises and institutions, the performance of work;
  • 7) determination of the procedure for the participation of the municipality in the organizations of intermunicipal cooperation;
  • 8) making a decision to remove the head of the municipality into resignation.

Deputies forming the representative body are elected for 4 years. The composition cannot be changed during the current convocation. They do not have the right to work in public authorities, to be a member of the management commercial organization, engage in other paid activities, with the exception of creative, scientific and pedagogical activities, be members of management bodies, boards of trustees or supervisory boards, other bodies of foreign non-profit non-governmental organizations.

The head of the municipality is the highest official, may be elected by voting or selected from among the members of the representative body. He does not head the representative body, but he can control its activities. In particular, he signs and promulgates normative legal acts adopted by the representative body of the municipality. The head of a municipal formation cannot be both the chairman of the representative body and the head of the local administration. Exceptions are made only for local governments with a population of less than 1000 people. Control and accountability for its activities is within the competence of the representative body.

The following requirements are imposed on holding this position - it must be a citizen of the Russian Federation at least 21 years old and living for at least three years on the territory of the corresponding municipality. The main areas of activity of the head of the municipality include planning the development of the territories of the municipality, organizing the work of the local budget, determining the structure of the administration, exercising control over the activities of the local administration, etc.

The head of the local administration is the head of the municipality or a person appointed to the position of head of the local administration under a contract concluded based on the results of a competition for filling this position. The terms of the contract for the head of the local administration of the municipal district are approved by the representative body of the municipal district, for the head of the local administration of the settlement - by the relevant representative body of the settlement in the part affecting the exercise of powers to resolve issues of local importance, and the law of the subject of the Russian Federation - in the part relating to the exercise of certain state powers, delegated to local governments by regional and federal legislative acts.

The local administration is the executive and administrative body of the municipality. The administration prepares an annual report on the results of its activities and sends it to the representative body of the municipality for approval. Also, the main functions of the local administration are:

  • - development of draft budgets, programs for the socio-economic development of the municipality;
  • -budget execution;
  • - ensuring the functioning of the municipal housing and communal services, transport, municipal institutions, educational structures, health care and cultural institutions, and other municipal institutions;
  • -disposition and management of municipal property.

The local administration, in fact, executes the orders of the representative body. The very structure of the administration is formed by the head of the municipality upon the approval of the representative body. The representative body of the municipality and the local administration, as legal entities, act on the basis of provisions common to organizations of this type.

The control bodies of local self-government are formed by municipal elections or, in some cases, by a representative body. These are the Chamber of Control and Accounts, the Audit Commission, etc. The results of inspections of these bodies must be made public.

Municipal government is the primary level public authority in the country and closest to the population. This is a legitimate form of organizing local groups of citizens to manage public and partially state affairs according to their needs and living conditions.

Thus, the effectiveness of public administration largely depends on the cooperation of state authorities with municipal authorities. In particular, interaction is necessary on such issues as: the establishment of minimum state social standards, which are important conditions for the development of the human potential of the territory; legal issues of the implementation of state powers transferred to the levels of municipalities; a clear distinction between the relationship of the local level of management of public and state affairs and state affairs with the regional and federal level and others. Until now, the competence of municipalities has not been clearly defined by federal legislation. For example, the issue of funding the authority to register citizens at the place of residence has not been resolved. This does not apply to the competence of local governments. However, in practice, municipalities perform this function by spending funds from local budgets.

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Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects municipal management of the transport complex .......................................................... .... ............................. ................ .............. 4

    1.1 Features of the management of the transport complex

Cities........................ .........…….............. ..... ............................. ............... ....4

    1.2 Municipal transport authorities and their

Tasks ………….....……….…..…............. ................... ......................6

    1.3 Criteria for the efficiency of the functioning of urban transport and its problems .............................................................. ........... .............................. .......…eight

    1.4 State regulation of transport unitary

    enterprises…................. .............................. .............................. ..............ten

Chapter 2 Organization of the management of the transport complex in the Nizhny Novgorod region ............................................. ............. ................. .......................……….... fifteen

Chapter 3 Ways to overcome the problems of municipal management of the transport complex of the Nizhny Novgorod region .............................................................. ............ ....25

SOURCES AND LITERATURE………………….....………………………...30


Life activity in the cities of the Russian Federation is more dependent on the work of public transport services than in any other country with a comparable level of national income. At the same time, due to the specifics of Russian conditions, about 64% of passengers from the total volume of traffic carried out by all types of passenger transport combined are transported by urban and suburban transport. Compared to this, the share of public urban transport services in the same Western Europe, is approximately 20%, and in the US - 3%. If public transport works poorly, this immediately affects the functioning of Russian cities, towns, factories, institutions, schools, shops or families.

Thus, in Russian conditions, among the numerous problems associated with the harmonious development of modern cities and towns, one of the most important places is occupied by the problems of the functioning of urban public passenger transport. It is no coincidence that in many models that assess the standard of living, the transport service factor often comes first.

The underdevelopment of the transport services market, especially in large cities, can lead to territorial social injustice for residents of peripheral and residential microdistricts, which is a phenomenon of people not receiving basic vital services, leading to a significant decrease in the quality of life. Elementary vital passenger transport services include: transport accessibility of the place of work, the ability to visit hospitals, schools, institutions.

The combination of these circumstances leads to relevance chosen topic of the course work.

aim This work will be the study of the municipal management of the transport complex.


1. To study the features of the management of the transport complex of the city.

2. To study the problems of managing the transport complex of the city.

3. Develop ways to overcome problems.

object research term paper is a municipality - a populated area in which local government is carried out.

Subject of study- socio-economic processes on the territory of the municipality.

Practical significance of this work lies in the possibility of using it as a good example in improving management methods.

Methodological basis course work are publications of domestic and foreign authors, Internet resources, as well as federal laws and legal acts.

The work consists of an introduction, three chapters and conclusions.

    Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the municipal management of the transport complex.

    1.1 Features of the management of the transport complex


The transport complex of the city includes intracity passenger transport (bus, tram, trolley bus), intercity and suburban passenger transport, freight transport, specialized transport (transportation of bread, milk, gasoline, household waste disposal, medical transport, etc.), transport parks or depots, garages, maintenance services for tram tracks, electric transport contact network, railway stations, parking lots, gas stations, repair and other services. In some cities, rail and water transport is used for intracity transportation, in the largest cities - subways. Such a complex complex requires municipal regulation and management.

The federal law of 2003 refers to the competence of settlements the creation of conditions for the provision of transport services and the organization of transport services for the population within the boundaries of the settlement, and the competence of municipal districts includes inter-settlement transportation within the boundaries of the district. A special problem is the municipal regulation of passenger transportation in the conditions of competition between municipal and private transport.

When organizing the management of the transport complex of the city, its features, shown in Fig. 1, should be taken into account.

For urban passenger transport, it is important to comply with the necessary compliance of the capacities of individual links of the transport system. Such calculations are based on the determination of passenger flows for all types of movement in different periods day, day, season and year. Average daily passenger traffic determines the general nature and volume of transport work in the city. Passenger flows during peak hours determine the nature of mass movements and serve as the basis for determining the need for rolling stock when solving issues of the transport and throughput capacity of transport and the city's street and road network.

Rice. 1 Features of the transport complex of the city

The distribution of passengers along the routes is determined using the coefficient of unevenness, which characterizes the occupancy of the rolling stock along the length of the route. It is the ratio of the product of the maximum number of passengers and the length of the haul to the total volume of transport work in this direction. This coefficient is used when calculating the route system of the city.

The municipal management of the organization of passenger transportation in the city is designed to meet the needs of all segments of the population with minimal loss of time. The mode of operation of transport should be linked to the schedule of work of large city-forming enterprises.

1.2 Municipal transport authorities and their


The administrations of most large cities have structural units in charge of urban transport issues. A scheme with a single structural unit in charge of transport and maintenance of urban roads is preferable. A scheme with the allocation of a separate structure (municipal institution) of the service of the municipal customer of transport services is also promising. In this case, the structural subdivision of the administration is assigned the issues of legal regulation of transport activities on the territory of the municipality and financing the transportation of preferential categories of passengers through the municipal order system.

The customer service distributes traffic volumes between municipal and private carriers, sets traffic schedules, and exercises dispatch control.

The main tasks of municipal government in the field of transport:

Ensuring the reliable condition of transport lines and the development of highways;

Modernization of traffic management systems, dispatching and quality control of transport services to the population;

Bringing municipal rolling stock into proper condition, corresponding to technical parameters and standards;

Ensuring the safety of transportation.

The functions of local governments in managing the transport complex of the city are shown in Fig. 2

Rice. 2. Functions of local governments in the field of transport

Local self-government bodies may be endowed with state powers to finance municipal and private transport enterprises and carriers to compensate for the transportation of preferential categories of passengers (subject to receipt of subventions from the federal or regional budget).

In the context of a variety of forms of ownership of vehicles and competition between municipal and private transport, the main mechanisms for regulating passenger flows are the municipal order for transportation and traffic dispatching.

Abroad, the main tool for managing the system of urban passenger transport is project financing as one of the varieties of the municipal order. A competition (tender, auction) is being held for projects of various companies organizing transportation, with the involvement of experts. According to the results of the competition, a project is selected for which a municipal order will be issued. Such a choice of performers contributes to the development of healthy competition in the field of urban passenger transport.

General indicators of the operation of urban passenger transport are shown in Figure 3.

Rice. 3 Indicators of the work of urban passenger transport.

1.3 Criteria for the efficiency of urban transport and its problems.

The criteria for the efficiency of the functioning of municipal passenger transport can be divided into criteria for the efficiency of transport and criteria for the effectiveness of its management. The list of possible criteria is presented in Figure 4.

Rice. 4 Criteria for the effectiveness of the functioning of municipal passenger transport.

The performance criteria used in conjunction and the criteria for management efficiency are capable of quite capaciously characterizing the system of urban passenger transport as a subject and object of municipal government.

Many complex problems have accumulated in the urban transport system of most Russian cities. One of them is the problem of fare control. To solve it, automatic turnstiles are installed abroad, in some cities of Russia they stimulate the purchase of travel tickets for various periods of use and the further holding of money and clothing lotteries according to the numbers of tickets purchased.

Another problem is the wear and tear of the rolling stock. In most cities of Russia, municipal passenger transport is worn out by almost half. The funds of the city budget, as well as part of the proceeds of municipal passenger enterprises, are not enough to repair the rolling stock, since most of them go to compensate for the travel of privileged categories of the population. The increase in fares only causes an outflow of passengers to private buses, as a result of which municipal transport is running “idle”.

A serious problem in many cities is the road network, its capacity. Overpasses, bypass roads are needed; in some cases it is necessary to expand the carriageway of the streets, which is extremely difficult. Taking into account the state of the road network, the choice of the type of rolling stock of transport should be made.

Mass motorization necessitated the creation of a large complex of services that ensure the operation of transport. A serious problem is the organization of parking lots for individual vehicles (parking lots) in the city, the construction of collective garages, including multi-storey ones, in the city center. In some new residential buildings, the first floors and basements are designed as garages, which is convenient for residents. Another problem is gas stations and points, car washes, emergency repair and tire shops. They should also be located throughout the city.

It is necessary to link the work of intracity and external transport. Management of external transport facilities (railway and bus stations, river and sea ports, airports, etc.) is carried out, as a rule, by state enterprises or large joint-stock companies. Local self-government bodies are obliged to ensure the "docking" of these objects with intracity transport routes, a network of trade and public catering enterprises, and other city services.

Description of work

The purpose of this work will be to study the municipal management of the transport complex.
1. To study the features of the management of the transport complex of the city.
2. To study the problems of managing the transport complex of the city.
3. Develop ways to overcome problems.


Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the municipal management of the transport complex .............................................................. ................................................. ...................4
1.1 Features of the management of the transport complex
cities.................................…….............. ................................................. ....4
1.2 Municipal transport authorities and their
tasks ………….....……….…..…................................ ...............................6
1.3 Criteria for the efficiency of the functioning of urban transport and its problems .............................................................. ................................................…eight
1.4 State regulation of transport unitary
enterprises…................................................ ............................................ten
Chapter 2. Organization of management of the transport complex in the Nizhny Novgorod region ............................................ ...............................................……….... fifteen
Chapter 3. Ways to overcome the problems of the municipal management of the transport complex of the Nizhny Novgorod region ............................ ...................25

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