Form of occurrence of rocks with a gentle slope in one direction? What is the name of the natural phenomenon referred to in the text below?

federalism in Russia is unique in many ways. it is difficult for him to find analogues in the modern world. it is not reduced to either a national-state system (which distinguished the Soviet model) or a territorial one (characteristic of many countries). attempts to copy the experience of the United States, Germany and other states were not successful, because they were at odds with Russian realities and contradicted the interests of the country's development. the asymmetry present in the constitutional provisions on the federal organization of Russia reflected the complex composition and past of the country. in this regard, references to international experience, examples of other states, and even more arguments in favor of using foreign experience, are conditional. as a rule, they are used by Russian politicians and scientists to reinforce an ideological position. for example, "the development of the principles of federalism is the strengthening of the principles of democracy." in international practice, however, the opposite is true. Since almost three-quarters of the subjects of the federation are not the status of a state within the Russian Federation, but 32 subjects are formed along ethnic lines, Russia, which has proclaimed a federal structure, justifiably retains many structures inherent in a unitary state. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that cases are more typical in the world when, when forming a federation, the subjects unite, the center and part of its powers. in Russia, according to the constitution, powers from top to bottom, from the center - to subjects whose independence is unevenly increasing. moreover, the subjects of jurisdiction and powers between the state authorities of the federation and its subjects are delimited by the constitution, federal and other treaties. “other treaties” would have remained a hypothetical possibility, unclaimed practice, as it happens in other federations, if there were no serious problems in the relations between the center and individual subjects of the federation. separatist sentiments in the regions largely depend on the instability of the central government. but this stability is, in turn, conditioned by regional separatism. Everyone wants more or less independence. each subject of the Russian Federation, based on its ability to put pressure on the center, builds its own model of relations with it, trying to fix it with a bilateral agreement. therefore, each subject of the federation has arguments and examples based on international experience. used, however, not all, but only what fits under the political. in international experience, wide recognition in legal doctrines and in practice has received territorial autonomy. At present, two types of territorial autonomy have developed. The first is the granting of part of the territory of the state with broader rights than others, taking into account the characteristics, nature, and the presence of a compactly residing group, under the concept of "national minority." The second is the giving of a special status to territorial entities throughout the country.

Entrance test in geography Grade 7 with answers. The test includes 2 options. Each option has 11 tasks.

Option 1

1. Determine on the map the distance on the ground in a straight line from the spring to the well. Round the result to the nearest tens of meters. Write your answer in numbers.

2. Determine on the map in which direction the spring is located from the well.


1) 1:100 000
2) 1:500 000
3) 1:50 000
4) 1:20 000

4. During the excursion, the students made a schematic sketch of the occurrence of rocks on a cliff in a quarry.

Arrange the rock layers shown in the figure in order increase their age (from youngest to oldest).

Write down the numbers that represent the rock layers in the correct sequence.

1) limestone
2) loam with boulders
3) quartzite

5. Using the atlas, determine for which of the listed countries tsunamis pose the greatest danger.

1) Bolivia
2) Mongolia
3) Finland
4) Japan

6. Continent washed by the waters of 4 oceans

1) Eurasia
2) North America
3) Africa
4) South America

7. inland sea

1) Arabian
2) Black
3) Beringovo
4) Kara

8. Set match:

1) Earth's crust
2) Mantle
3) Core

A) Thickness from 5 to 80 km
B) The main element of the composition is iron
C) Thickness up to about 2900 km

9. Set match:

1) a recess in which water flows
2) the area from which water flows into the river
3) main river with all tributaries
4) the beginning of the river

A) swimming pool
B) channel
B) source
D) river system

10. Determine which of the points with the following geographical coordinates is located on the island?

1) 48°N 52°E
2) 40°N 44° E
3) 52°N 36°E
4) 16° S 48°W

11. In December 2006, off the coast of the island of Sumatra, at a point with coordinates 2 ° N. 98° E there was an earthquake with a magnitude of 8, followed by a series of repeated aftershocks. A wave formed after the earthquake hit a fishing village on the island of Sumatra, destroying hundreds of houses.

Off the coast of which country did the earthquake described in the text occur?

Option 2

Tasks 1 and 2 are performed using the topographic map fragment below

1. Determine on the map the distance on the ground in a straight line from point A to a separate tree. Round the result to the nearest tens of meters. Write your answer in numbers.

2. Determine on the map in which direction from point A is a free-standing tree.

3. On a map of what scale can you show the area with the greatest detail?

1) 1:10 000
2) 1:100 000
3) 1:50 000
4) 1:20 000

4. The earth's crust under the continents and under the oceans has a different structure. Determine which figure correctly shows the structure of the continental crust.

1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D

5. What representative of the vegetation of Canada is depicted on the national flag of the country?

1) birch
2) maple
3) pine
4) larch

6. Geographic feature that is a strait

1) Panama
2) Suez
3) Magellanic
4) Belomorsky

7. Part of the world's oceans with the highest salinity

1) Baltic
2) White
3) Red
4) Arabian

8. Set match:

1) a piece of land surrounded by water on all sides
2) a piece of land surrounded by water on three sides
3) part of the sea or ocean that protrudes into the land

A) a peninsula
B) Island
B) Gulf

9. Establish a correspondence between the names of the traveler and the perfect discovery.

1) H. Columbus
2) A. Nikitin
3) A. Tasman
4) F.F. Bellingshausen, M.P. Lazarev

A) Journey from Russia to India
B) Discovery of Antarctica
C) the discovery of a single mainland of Australia
D) Discovery of America

10. Determine which of the points with the following geographical coordinates is located on the lowland?

1) 48°N 52°E
2) 40°N 44° E
3) 52°N 36°E
4) 16° S 48°W

11. Using the Plate Boundaries map, explain why strong earthquakes often occur off the coast of Sumatra?

Answers to the entrance test in geography Grade 7
Option 1
1. 200 210 220
2. Yu
8. 1A 2C 3B
9. 1G 2A 3B 4B
11. Indonesia
Option 2
1. 200 210 220
2. C-z
8. 1B 2A 3C
9. 1B 2A 3D 4B
11. Fracture of the earth's crust


I have never heard such a word in my life, which is not surprising - the problems of geology are alien to me, but as the dictionary told me, this form of rock occurrence is called the beautiful word MONOCLINE - if the slope is carried out only in one direction.

lady 1

Only 1 .

Why did the golden rose in the story “Precious Dust” become a symbol of writing? The story itself is below.

The protagonist of this story is Jean Chamet, a Frenchman, a resident of Paris. At a young age, he served in the army and went to war with Mexico. Not having had time to visit a single battle, he fell ill, and after recovery he was sent to his homeland. At the same time, the commander asked Jean to take his daughter Susana home to France. On the way, Jean became very attached to a small, taciturn eight-year-old girl. He told her stories from his life all the way, but most of all Susanna liked the story about the golden rose.

A rose made of gold Chamet saw in an old fisherwoman. She lived in poverty, but flatly refused to sell the rose, because she believed that it brings happiness. And indeed, after a while, her son-artist returned to her and prosperity appeared in the house.

Many years later, after parting with Suzanne, Jean, working as a garbage man, saw her crying on the bridge. She lived with him for 5 days and told that she had quarreled with her beloved. After the lovers reconciled again, Jean began to collect dust from the jewelry workshop, hoping to collect some amount of gold particles and make a golden rose for his Suzy. He succeeded only a few years later, but by that time the girl had left for America, and no one knew how to find her.

Jean soon became very ill. No one examined him and no one visited him, except for the jeweler who made him a rose. And when Jean died, with a happy smile on his lips, the jeweler sold the golden rose to a local artist and told the story of its creation.

Guest 7

Poetry -
radium mining:
Per gram extraction -
per year labors;
Issuing a single word for the sake of
Thousand tons
verbal ore.

The same metaphor.

Guest 6

Only 1 .

Why hasn't anyone thought of digging a hole to the Earth's core yet?

Kirill Canary 5 Source:

Trust me, you are not the first person to come up with this idea! People tried 🙂 Here is what Bill Bryson writes in his book A Brief History of Nearly Everything:

“The distance from the surface to the center of the Earth is 6370 km, which is not that much. It is estimated that if you dig a well to the center and throw a brick into it, it will reach the bottom in just 45 minutes. Our attempts to move towards the center were truly modest. In South Africa, one or two gold mines reach a depth of more than 3 km, and the depth of most mines and mines on Earth does not exceed 400 m. If the planet were an apple, we would not even pierce the peel. In fact, we wouldn't even come close to it.”

“By the 1960s, scientists were pretty frustrated with their own ignorance of the earth's interior to try to do something. In particular, the idea arose to drill a well from the bottom of the ocean (the earth's crust on the continents is too thick) to the surface of Moho and get a piece of the Earth's mantle in order to study it at leisure. It was thought that if you understand the properties of rocks in the bowels of the Earth, you can get closer to understanding their interaction and thereby, perhaps, learn to predict earthquakes and other undesirable phenomena.

The project was almost immediately dubbed Mohole, and it suffered an almost complete failure. The plan was to lower the drill to a depth of 4,000 meters in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Mexico and drill 5,000 meters of rock into the relatively thin crust of the earth. Drilling from a ship on the high seas, in the words of one oceanographer, “is like trying to drill a hole in the pavement of New York from the height of the Empire State Building with spaghetti.” Every attempt ended in failure. The greatest depth that the drill went through was only 180 meters. So Mohole became known as No Hole. In 1966, due to ever-increasing costs and lack of results, Congress ran out of patience and he closed the project.

Four years later, Soviet scientists decided to try their luck on land. They chose a site on the Kola Peninsula near the Finnish border and set to work, hoping to drill a well to a depth of 15 km. The work turned out to be harder than expected, but Soviet scientists were distinguished by commendable perseverance. When they finally gave up after 12 years, 12,262 meters had been drilled. Taking into account that the earth's crust is only about 0.3% of the planet's volume and that the Kola well has not penetrated even a third of the thickness of the crust, we can hardly claim to have conquered the bowels.”

Therefore, unfortunately, people have to explore the composition of the Earth in other ways.

Ekaterina Sorokina 93

Total 7 .

During the excursion, the students made a schematic sketch of the occurrence of rocks on a cliff in a quarry.

Arrange the rock layers shown in the figure in order of increasing age (from youngest to oldest). Write down the resulting sequence of numbers in the table.
1) granite
2) quartzite
3) limestone
gop mer 4

If there was no disturbance of the layers, for example, during an earthquake, then the lower the layer is, the older it is. But here there was no such violation: all layers lie evenly. The oldest granite, younger quartzite, even younger limestone and the youngest loam.
Answer: 123. Brlum Zhybyzhy 2

Only 1 .

What transformations occur with rocks as a result of the circulation of substances?

Alexander A. 4

The initial substance of rocks is the mantle of the earth, which is squeezed out to the surface through tectonic shifts and volcanic eruptions. Mountains are formed from the collision of continental plates. Once on the surface, the rocks begin to feel the effects of wind, water, sun and temperature, and over many centuries they are destroyed, turning into dust. This dust, like the remains of everything organic, forms sedimentary rocks on the ocean floor. Gradually, sedimentary rocks are compacted and sink deep into the earth. And from high temperature and pressure, they melt, crystallize and are again squeezed out to the surface. Thus the circle is closed.

Ekaterina Shmeleva 1

Only 1 .

Earth's crust and lithosphere. Hydrosphere. Biosphere. Geographic cover.

1) gray clay 2) dolomite 3) sand with gravel

Which of the following statements refers to karst processes?

1) These caves were formed as a result of a very long dissolution of limestone by rain or snowmelt water seeping through cracks in rock layers.

2) When coal is mined, “waste” rock is stored near mine shafts in the form of waste heaps up to 60–80 m high.

3) Soil sliding occurs more often on slopes composed of clayey rocks, or where layers of clayey rocks are found in the rock mass.

4) The rivers of Kamchatka are characterized by slow self-purification, therefore, water management activities in this region should be aimed at stopping the discharge of wastewater into the rivers.

Which of the following rocks is igneous?

1) marble 2) granite 3) limestone 4) coal

Which of the following rocks is sedimentary in origin?

1) limestone 2) basalt 3) pumice 4) granite

5. During the excursion, the students made a schematic sketch of the occurrence of rocks on a cliff in a quarry.

Arrange the rock layers shown in the figure in order of increasing age (from youngest to oldest).

1) granite 2) quartzite 3) limestone

6. During the excursion, the students made a schematic sketch of the occurrence of rocks on a cliff in a quarry.

Arrange the rock layers shown in the figure in order of increasing age (from youngest to oldest).

1) limestone 2) fine sand 3) coarse sand

On the territory of which of the following countries is there a desert located in tropical latitudes along the ocean coast?

1) China 2) Egypt 3) Turkmenistan 4) Chile

This phenomenon is waves propagating in the ocean, resulting from earthquakes occurring under the ocean floor.

In the deep regions of the ocean, these waves travel at speeds of over 700 km/h. When entering the shallow areas of the coast, the speed of the waves quickly decreases, and their height rises to 50 meters, while the destructive force of the waves becomes enormous.

9 . Which of the following countries is most likely to experience earthquakes?

1) Finland 2) Belarus 3) Australia 4) Mexico

What is the name of the natural phenomenon referred to in the text below?

Mountain dwellers call this phenomenon "white death". A calm, silent snowy slope can suddenly turn into a boiling, roaring cauldron. A giant shaft of snow, dust, fragments of rocks and trees rushes down the slope, sweeping away everything in its path. Sometimes the volume of moving snow reaches hundreds of thousands and even millions of cubic meters. Gaining speed and mass, the snow whirlwind becomes more powerful every moment.

What is the name of the natural phenomenon referred to in the text below?

On the high right bank of the Volga River stood the old Russian village of Fedorovka. One summer night in 1889, the population of the village was awakened by an extraordinary phenomenon. The walls of the huts were shaking, cracks appeared. Residents poured out of their houses into the street. They saw that the village, together with a whole section of the coast, was slowly moving down to the Volga. The journey took about three days. Several dozen houses were completely destroyed.

Which of the following ocean currents is cold?

1) Peruvian 2) Gulf Stream 3) Brazilian 4) Guinean

Which of the following islands has active volcanoes?

1) Madagascar 2) Ireland 3) Cuba 4) Honshu

What is the name of the natural phenomenon referred to in the text below?

This happened in 1884 in Saratov on the high bank of the Volga. At first, the earth began to move slowly down to the river, cracking on the surface. For several days at night, the crackling of breaking houses and the clinking of glass were heard. Many of the prudent inhabitants, noticing these ominous phenomena, hastily left their homes. At 11 o'clock in the morning on September 20, the movement of the earth suddenly became rapid, and a significant part of the mountain collapsed into the river with a noise.

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