Interspecific hybrids in animals. 10 Farm Animal Hybrids You Might Not Know About. The immune system rejects foreign cells

Bold naturalist researchers have worked on both birds and pets, and even engaged in the inhabitants of the wild. Their offspring are the fruit of a bizarre passion of various kinds. What marvelous animals settled in this list?

Notable hybrid birds

Back in the late 19th century, hunters practicing the use of birds of prey thought about breeding them in captivity. Shortly before the Second World War, the master of the Order of German Falconers, Reinz Waller, received offspring from peregrine falcons, and his followers - artificially bred Saker Falcons. But what if not every creature has a pair? In the 1970s, Irish ornithologists Stevens and Morris, having crossed a peregrine falcon and a saker falcon, received the first hybrid bird. Subsequent experiments yielded even more interesting results.


A feathered creature, born from the union of a peregrine falcon and a derbnik, is famous for its hunting abilities. This falcon, very popular among English aristocrats, helps in catching small birds in open spaces. Its main prey are partridges, larks and pigeons. The name "perlin" is formed from the addition of the first two syllables of the parent breeds: peregrine (peregrine falcon) and merlin (derbnik).

Eagle hybrid

The recent experiment of the St. Petersburg falconer Sergei Shchegolkov was followed by ornithologists from all over the planet. By crossing the imperial eagle and the golden eagle, he got an elegant bird of prey. As long as a golden eagle's, the tail helps to maneuver well, and the wide span guarantees high speed. The hybrid has been tested in winter hunting and is now used for catching hares.

Bullfinch and canary mix

In 1961, an article appeared in the German magazine Deutsche Gefliigel Zeitung describing a captive-bred canary chick and a female bullfinch. The lower half of the cub's body was rusty red, and the wings and tail were brown. Foreign experience managed to repeat only once. As the scientist Boris Manteifel proved, crossing tropical birds and the inhabitants of the forests is not an easy task.


From Arabic, the name of a small colorful bird, which appeared from the goldfinch and the canary, is translated as "rogue". Banduks can easily become a decoration of any home. From the bright canary they inherit a greenish back and yellow breast, and from the goldfinch they inherit an orange mask around the beak. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to obtain offspring from such hybrids.

Breeding birds is a troublesome and thankless task. It is much more interesting to create new, unusual pets.

Domestic animals obtained by crossing

By selecting two animals with similar genes, scientists try to get offspring with better qualities than their parents. Most often, crossing turns out to be fruitless, but sometimes very cute pets are born.


In 1998, a study by the American Veterinary Association showed that more than 300,000 wolfdogs live in the United States. The combination of two related species is very productive. This is how the Alaskan Malamutes and Siberian Huskies originated. Even German Shepherds have both wolves and dogs in their pedigree. The only disadvantage of such genetic intervention is unpredictable behavioral and physical characteristics toothy baby.


In appearance, livestock, born from the incest of a domestic cow and a yak, looks like a bull with a horse's tail. Its weight exceeds three centners, and the milkiest cow in the village can envy the amount of milk. Hainak is very popular in agriculture Mongolia, Tibet and Nepal. Males have good stamina and are used to transport goods, while females bring 9 more calves in a lifetime than the heifer we are used to.


On January 14, 1998, the world learned about the new inhabitant of the Asian barnyard - the camel. Scientists have done their best by artificial insemination animals that differ not only in size, but also in habitat. cub villagers South America and Asia has a long, camel-like tail and short ears. Its strong legs are able to withstand the longest trip through the desert.


In 2001 the list International Association cats replenished with a new registered breed. Savannah, which appeared as a result of crossing the African serval and the common murka, is very devoted and affectionate. This animal is different huge ears, can be led on a leash and even trained.

But the most daring and crazy experiments were carried out on non-domesticated representatives of the fauna.

Wild animal hybrids

At the beginning of the 19th century, menagerie owners, dreaming of attracting an audience, began work on creating strange creatures. In 1837 the first famous history the feline hybrid was presented to Queen Victoria in India.


The animals, born from a tiger mother and a lion father, are considered the largest cats in the world. The height of the Hercules liger living in Miami is about 3 meters. Although these animals rarely bear offspring, in 2004 two little ligers were born at the Novosibirsk Zoo. By the way, tigers, which are the result of crossing a lioness and a tiger, on the contrary, are distinguished by their miniature size.


In 2006, Jim Martell, who was hunting in the Canadian Arctic, shot a wondrous beast. The identification of the corpse, carried out in the laboratory of British Columbia, confirmed that this grizzly cub and polar bear came into existence without human intervention. Hybrid cubs have been born before - for example, in the zoo of the German Halle back in 1874.

killer bee

An experiment in crossing European bees with species from Africa is notorious for its unfortunate results. 26 families born in the laboratory of the University of Rio Clara broke free and long years terrorized the entire region. The victims of the bites were 150 people and hundreds of animals. Not even flamethrowers could save them from the monstrous hybrids.

It is difficult to list all the creations created by an inquisitive mind and painstaking work. But both old and young know about this creature.

The most famous hybrid animal

A cross between a mare and a donkey, called the "mule", was used as far back as the Middle Ages.

Mules accompanied the conquistadors in the conquest of America and transported cannons in the years civil war. And now this pack cattle, which inherited speed from its mother and endurance from its father, is very popular in the economy. Although mules do not reproduce, they can work up to 40 years.

Many animals are surprising, and not just species obtained by crossing. .
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There are many strange and unusual creatures in the fictional world, and with the help of Photoshop you can create various non-existent animals.

In the same list, all animals are real. These real hybrid animals. Did you know about such animals as leopon, narluha or hainak?

1. Liger - a hybrid of a lion and a tigress

Ligers are the offspring of male lions and female tigresses. Although legend has it that ligers prowl the wild nature, at the moment they exist only in captivity, where they are specially bred.

There is a misconception that ligers do not stop growing all their lives. They don't, they just grow to enormous sizes in their growth range. Ligers are the largest felines in the world. Hercules is the most big liger weighs 418 kg.

2. Tigon - a hybrid of a tiger and a lioness

The tigon or tigrolev is a hybrid of a male tiger and a female lioness. It was believed that tigons are smaller than their parents, but in fact, they reach the same size, but they are smaller than ligers.

Both ligers and tigers are able to produce their offspring, which leads to the birth of hybrids such as titigons or liligers.

3. Zebroid - a hybrid of a zebra and a horse

A zebroid is a mixture of a zebra and other equines. Zebroids have existed for a long time, they were mentioned in Darwin's notes. As a rule, these are males with the physiology of a non-zebra parent and stripes adorning certain parts of the body.

Zebroids are more wild than pets, difficult to tame, and more aggressive than horses.

4. Coywalk - a hybrid of a coyote and a wolf

Coyotes are genetically similar to red and eastern wolves, from which they split off about 150,000 to 300,000 years ago. Interbreeding between them is not only possible, but is becoming more common as the wolf population recovers.

However, coyotes are not very compatible with gray wolves, from which they are genetically separated by 1-2 million years. Some hybrids, although they exist, are very rare.

There are different hybrids of coywolves, inhabiting mainly North America. They are usually larger than coyotes, but smaller than wolves, and have characteristics of both species.

5. Grolar - a hybrid of a white and brown bear

Grolar, also called "polar grizzlies", are a hybrid of a polar bear and a brown bear. Most polar grizzlies live in the zoo, but there have been a few cases where they have been seen in the wild. In 2006, an Alaskan hunter shot and killed one.

Outwardly, they look like both whites and brown bears, but in behavior closer to polar bears.

6. Savannah - hybrid domestic cat and serval

It's amazing, but rare breed is a hybrid of domestic cats and servals wild cats living in Africa. They are very large and act like dogs, following their owners around the house, wagging their tails to show pleasure, and even playing catch.

In addition, savannahs are not afraid of water and adapt easily. However, these cats are very expensive.

7. Killer whale - a hybrid of a killer whale and a dolphin

From the male of the little black killer whale and the female bottlenose dolphin, killer whales appear. They are extremely rare, and only one representative is known to exist in captivity.

8. Cow bison - a hybrid of a cow and a bison

A hybrid of a cow and a bison has existed since the 19th century, when they were called katalos. Cow bison are healthier than cattle and cause less environmental damage to the prairies where they graze.

Unfortunately, as a result of breeding, there are now only 4 herds of bison that do not have cow genes.

9. Loshak - a hybrid of a stallion and a donkey

Basically, a hinny is the opposite of a mule. The mule is the offspring of a donkey and a mare, and the hinny is a hybrid of a stallion and a donkey. Their head is similar to that of a horse, and they are slightly smaller than mules. Also, hinnies are less common than mules.

10. Narlukha - a hybrid of a narwhal and a beluga whale

The narwhal and the beluga whale are two members of the narwhal family, so it's not surprising that they are capable of interbreeding.

However, they are extremely rare. Recently, they have been seen more often in the eastern part Atlantic Ocean, which many consider a sign of climate change.

11. Kama - a hybrid of a camel and a llama

Kama did not exist until 1998. Some scientists at the Camel Reproduction Center in Dubai decided to cross a male one-humped camel with a female llama through artificial insemination, having received the first kama.

The goal was to produce wool and use the kama as a beast of burden. To date, five camel-llama hybrids have been produced.

12. Hainak or dzo - a hybrid of a cow and a yak

The zo (male) and zomo (female) are hybrids between domestic cows and wild yaks. They are mainly found in Tibet and Mongolia, where they are valued for their high yield of meat and milk. They are larger and stronger than both cows and yaks, and are often used as beasts of burden.

13. Leopon - a hybrid of a leopard and a lioness

A leopon appears from a male leopard and a lioness. This situation is almost impossible in the wild, because all leopons were raised in captivity. Leopons have the head and mane of a lion, and the body of a leopard.

14. Sheep-goat hybrid

Goats and sheep seem very similar, but they are much more different from each other than it seems at first glance. Natural hybrids between these animals are usually stillborn and extremely rare. The animal, called the goat-sheep chimera, was artificially reared from goat and sheep embryos.

15. Yaglev - a hybrid of a jaguar and a lioness

Yaglev is a hybrid of a male jaguar and a lioness. Two yagles, named Zhazhara and Tsunami, were born in the Bear Creek Wildlife Refuge in Ontario.

16. Mulard - a hybrid of wild and musky duck

Mulard is a cross between wild duck and Muscovy duck. Muscovy duck lives in the South and Central America and is distinguished by bright red growths on the face. Moulards are raised for meat and foie gras, and they themselves cannot produce their offspring.

17. Zubron - a hybrid of a cow and a bison

Zubron is a hybrid of a cow and a bison. Zubrons are superior to domestic cows in many respects, as they are stronger and more resistant to disease.

They were considered as a possible replacement for cattle, but now bison remain in only one herd in Belovezhskaya Pushcha in Poland.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the whole world literally turned upside down. It was a period of crazy ideas, experiments and discoveries. It was during this period of time that it seemed to scientists that they were on the threshold of the greatest discovery. For the first time, the news that a human and an animal would interbreed appeared in 1909. Biologist Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov told the world congress that it is quite possible to create an ape-man. And, he was not the only scientist dealing with this issue.

Who and when was involved in the creation of the ape-man

In 1910, the surgeons Voronov and Steinakh made the first attempts to transplant monkey glands into humans. The business of xenotransplantation gained such momentum that Voronov had to open his own monkey nursery in the south of France.

Rozanov Vladimir Nikolaevich, a well-known surgeon who operated on Stalin and Lenin in his time, also conducted numerous experiments in this area. He transplanted chimpanzee glands into humans, and it seemed to be a resounding success. Local newspapers constantly published stories about how the glands of the primate can cure dementia, reduced potency and aging. But have these attempts been successful? Over time, the world came to the conclusion that these experiments were just a placebo. That is, the effect that was observed after xenotransplantation was nothing more than self-hypnosis.

Traces of unseen beasts

In the writings of Bernard Euvelmans, biologist and famous zoologist, there are a huge number of references to the so-called "Yeti". Whether Bigfoot really existed is still not known for sure. A large number of scientists are of the opinion that the Yeti actually lived near human settlements, but there are no fewer skeptics who deny this. Once two cowboys managed to film a female Bigfoot. The famous plot of Patterson - Gimlin, on which a yeti is clearly visible, has circled the whole world, however, here too there were scientists refuting this event. They believe that since it is impossible to cross people with animals, the photos and videos provided by many eyewitnesses are nothing more than a montage.

There is another evidence of the existence of at least one Bigfoot. In the pre-revolutionary forests of Abkhazia, an unusual woman was caught by one prince. Her height was more than 2 meters, in addition, she was all covered with hair and could not speak. Some scientists believe that human-animal breeding experiments could lead to the birth of such an individual. She was forcibly brought to the settlement and long time kept locked up because she was very aggressive. There are facts confirming that snow woman had intimate relationship with men (people in the settlement) and gave birth to at least 4 children from them. Khvit - one of her sons, subsequently had his own family and children.

Strong workforce

It is known that at the beginning of the 20th century, Joseph Stalin was sorely lacking, having learned that certain animals were carried out in Germany, he also decided not to hesitate. Under his leadership, numerous experiments were carried out on people. Crossbreeding with animals was supposed to help create incredibly hardy, and at the same time quite docile ape-men. In addition, according to scientists, such a creature should have reached full maturity in just 4 years. Stalin planned that the new work force can not only mine coal, build railways, but also, if necessary, fight.

First attempts

The first experiments of the French scientist Sergei Voronov were aimed at rejuvenating people. While studying in Egypt, he drew attention to the eunuchs. They looked much older than the rest of the men. At this moment, the scientist thought about the influence of the gonads on the state of the body. In 1910, Voronov successfully transplanted a chimpanzee testicle into an elderly English aristocrat for the first time. Local newspapers wrote that the effect of xenotransplantation was not long in coming, and after a while the Englishman looked several years younger. In this case, the question arises: why this method rejuvenation is not used in modern transplantology? It is clear that this was in fact

Secret experiments of Professor Ivanov in Guinea

Almost at the same time, the Kremlin also began to wonder if it was really possible to cross between a human and an animal? All scientific activity in this area was entrusted to two biologists - Ilya Ivanov and Vladimir Rozanov. At that time, they were already successfully engaged in artificial Vladimir Rozanov, like his French colleague Voronov, performed transplantation of the gonads of chimpanzees. The difficulty was that the demand for transplantation was so huge that the scientist did not have enough monkeys.

In 1926 Dr. Ivanov and his son went on an expedition to Guinea. They needed to capture female and male chimpanzees for experiments. In addition, they faced the task of persuading at least a few to take part in the experiment. Ivanov wanted to try to fertilize a woman with chimpanzee sperm, and a female chimpanzee with human semen. However, finding a resident of Guinea who agreed to such experiments, even for a lot of money, turned out to be impossible. Then the scientist, together with the Kremlin, decided to do it secretly. Under the guise of examination, several African women were injected with chimpanzee sperm. How this crossing of animals and humans ended is unknown. Soon the scientist Ivanov left Africa and went to conduct experiments in the Abkhazian town of Sukhumi.

Sukhumi Monkey Reserve

In 1927, in Abkhazia, in the small and little-known town of Sukhum at that time, in order to cross animals and humans, a monkey reserve was created.

From Guinea, Ivanov brought the first chimpanzees and gorillas, among which were two large and healthy females. The professor tried to impregnate them with human sperm. After some time, the female monkeys died. At autopsy, it turned out that conception never happened. At that time, Ivanov did not yet understand why the experiments were not working. Modern genetic scientists explain this quite simply.

Is it the same with chimpanzees

It turns out that despite the fact that humans and monkeys have a lot of similarities, there are also significant differences. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes for a total of 46. Chimpanzees have 24 pairs for a total of 48 chromosomes. If such individuals produce a descendant, then it will have an odd number of chromosomes - 47. Such an individual will not be able to produce offspring, since the set of chromosomes will be 46 + 1 - one chromosome will be without a pair.

An example of such a barren animal is a mule. It is known that his parents are a donkey (having 31 pairs of chromosomes) and a horse (32 pairs of chromosomes). In science, obtaining offspring from parents who belong to different types is called interspecific crossbreeding. Human and animal can only be crossed if they have the same DNA, similar karyotype and anatomical features.

Therefore, it turns out that the crossing of animals and humans in normal conditions impossible due to significant differences in their karyotypes. It has been proven that 18 pairs of human and monkey chromosomes are almost identical, but the rest have a lot of differences. The sex chromosomes, which are responsible for the future sex of the offspring, also differ significantly.

The impossible yesterday became possible today

Experiments on the crossing of man and animals, probably, did not stop and will never stop. The scientists found out that Professor Ivanov was right about something. can really bring great benefits to humanity. However, this is not about mutants at all and Bigfoot. Here we are talking about stem cells that can be obtained from hybrid embryos.

Modern medicine is in great need of stem cells, as they can be used to cure many diseases. stem cell is able to self-renew and divide, while creating any cells of all organs and tissues. Moreover, experiments in genetic engineering prove that stem cells in the body are responsible for youth and longevity. By old age, there are much fewer such cells in the human body, tissues lose their ability to self-renewal, organs work much weaker.

Secrets and mysticism of experiments

Despite the huge amount of evidence, there were no fewer mysteries in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bresearch. For example, after the death of Ivanov, all documents and materials on crossing were hidden and strictly classified. The question arises: if the experiments did not bring any positive result, why did the Kremlin classify all the materials? Crossbreeding of animals and humans has always been shrouded in mystery. There is evidence that many women participated in the experiments in Abkhazia. They were voluntarily fertilized with chimpanzee sperm. But it was impossible to find such a woman and ask her about the progress of the experiments. What happened to all those people who participated in the experiments, and where did they disappear to?

AT this moment In many countries, experiments on crossing animals and humans are prohibited. However, does this mean that they are not carried out? Who knows, maybe in the next century science will still see a chimera?

There are rumors about the existence of wild ligers, but as far as we know, they live only in captivity, where they are deliberately bred. Animals grow up very quickly large sizes and are considered the largest cats in the world. Pictured is Hercules, the largest living feline on Earth. It weighs over 410 kilograms. ( .)

2. Tigon (male tiger + lioness)

And that's not all. It turns out that ligers and tigons also produce offspring. ()

3. Zebroid (a hybrid of a zebra and a donkey)

In the photo above, a variation of the zebroid zebra + donkey. ()

4. Jaglion (male jaguar + female lion)

Rare combination. Photographs of Jazzara and Tsunami, born in Bear Creek Wildlife Sanctuar, Ontario, Canada. ()

5. Bazly (sheep + goats)

Another rare animal. A goat has 60 chromosomes, and a sheep has 54. Offspring obtained by crossing a ram with a goat or a goat with a sheep are usually stillborn. ()

6. Grolar (English grizzly + polar) or polar grizzly (polar bear + brown bear)

Such an interspecific hybrid of a bear is found both in zoos and in the wild. ()

7. Coywalk (coyote + wolf)

Coyotes and eastern wolves (the North American timber wolf) began to differ only 150-300,000 years ago, and both species are capable of producing offspring. The coywolf shares many common behavioral characteristics from the coyote and from the wolf. ()

8. Zebroid (zebra + any member of the horse family)

Darwin was one of the first to talk about zebroids as violent animals that are difficult to tame. They are more aggressive than horses. ()

9. Savannah cat (domestic cat + African serval)

These beautiful creatures are loyal like dogs, play ball, are not afraid of water and get along well with other pets. Savannahs are very expensive animals. ()

10. Killer whale (male small black killer whale + female dolphin from the genus Bottlenose Dolphin)

Black killer whales actually belong to the same family as dolphins, but the hybrid of these animals is extremely rare. Only one orca dolphin is known to exist in captivity. ()

11. Beefalo (from English beef - "cow" and buffalo - "buffalo")

This bison-cow hybrid has been known since 1800. Unfortunately, scientists believe that as a result of crossing purebred wild bison there are only four herds left. ()

12. Loshak (female donkey + male horse)

They are slightly smaller than mules and much less common. ()

13. Narluga (narwhal + beluga)

This hybrid is extremely rare. AT recent times seen in the North Atlantic.

14. Kama (one-humped camel + llama)

This animal was first bred for fur in 1998 at the Camel Reproduction Center in Dubai with the help of artificial insemination. Only five individuals were brought out. ()

15. Hainak (dzo) (cow + wild yak)

This hybrid is larger and stronger than cows and yaks alone. Hainak is valued in Tibet and Mongolia for meat and milk. ()

16. Leopon (male leopard + female lion)

There are many stories of incredible mysterious creatures, and lovers of drawing in Photoshop create more and more animals that have nothing to do with reality. But in this collection there is not a single gram of photoshop, all these animals really exist. Most of them are bred by man, and some are unique and the only ones in the world. An amazing sight!

1. Liger - a hybrid of a lion and a tiger

A liger is born to a tigress from a male lion. It is known that at present the liger exists only in captivity, bred artificially. The photo shows huge liger Hercules, weighing 410 kilograms. And this is not the largest copy: in 1973, a liger weighing 798 kilograms was recorded. In nature, such a hybrid does not occur, because such cats as a lion and a tiger, as a rule, live in different latitudes.

2. Tigrolev - a hybrid of a tiger and a lion

Tigrolev was born to a lioness from a male tiger. It differs significantly in appearance from the liger and is also bred artificially. Tigerlions are much smaller than ligers and weigh an average of 150 kilograms.

3. Zebroid - a hybrid of a zebra and a donkey

Zebroids are derived artificially. To breed this species, male zebras and female donkeys or other horses are used. Today in the world there are officially 4 zebroids.

4. Yaglev, yaglion or yaglon - a hybrid of a jaguar and a lion

Highly rare combination. These yaglvas are born by a lioness from a black jaguar. Male Yaglvs have a short mane. These photos show two different cats named Tsunami and Jazara, bred in Canada.

5. Grolar - a hybrid of a polar bear and grizzly

If you cross polar bear living in Alaska, and grizzlies, they can produce fertile offspring. Such hybrids are bred not only in captivity, there have been cases of meeting Grolar in the wild.

6. Coywolf - a hybrid of a coyote and a wolf

The coywolf adopts the habits of both wolves and coyotes. Outwardly, it looks like a large coyote or red wolf. Coyote interbreeding can occur with any North American wolf species. Maybe that's why coyotes are often difficult to distinguish from a wolf.

7. Zedonk or zonk - a hybrid of a zebra and a donkey

This is a variation of the above zebroid.

8. Savannah - a hybrid of a domestic cat and an African serval

Representatives of this breed of cats were artificially bred in the United States back in the 80s of the last century. Breeders tried to create a large cat with a highly developed intellect. As a result, the savannah weighs 15 kg and reaches 60 cm in length by 3 years. It differs from others in some dog habits, for example, genuine devotion to the owner, tail wagging and lack of fear of water.

9. Wolfin or killer whale - a hybrid of a small black killer whale and a dolphin of the bottlenose dolphin genus

The black dolphin was bred in captivity by randomly crossing a killer whale and a dolphin. From official sources only one individual of this hybrid is currently known to exist.

10. Beefalo - hydride of domestic cow and wild American bison

The purpose of creating bifalo was the desire to breed a type of cow that, like a bison, can live without a roof and even in winter get food from under the snow, while gaining impressive weight. Breeders succeeded, although the bifalo population today has declined significantly.

11. Loshak - a hybrid of a horse and a donkey

The hinny was born to a donkey from a stallion. If you do not take into account the ears, the hinny is not much different from the donkey. It is smaller than a mule, and less hardy. That is why few people have heard of horses.

12. Narlukha - a hybrid of a narwhal and a beluga whale

This hybrid is very rare and little is known about it.

13. Kama or camel - a hybrid of a camel and a llama

Kama is an artificially bred hybrid of a female llama and a male one-humped camel. The breed was bred in 1998 in Dubai with the goal of creating an animal with the stamina of a camel and the rich coat of a llama. These animals do not occur in nature.

14. Zou - a hybrid of a cow and a wild yak

Bred in Mongolia and Tibet, they are prized for their meat and a large number the milk they give. They are larger than cows and yaks.

15. Leopon - a hybrid of a leopard and a lion

Leopon is born to a lioness from a male leopard. This is one of the most beautiful animals ever created in captivity.

16. Mulard - a hybrid of mallard and musky duck

This is an interspecific hybrid that is obtained by crossing drakes Muscovy ducks with a domestic duck of the Beijing white breed. Mularda females do not produce offspring.

17. Zubron - a hybrid of a cow and a bison

This hybrid is obtained by crossing a male European bison and common domestic cow. Zubron - strong and disease resistant cattle. A small herd of bison exist in a Polish national park.

18. Basle - a hybrid of a ram and a goat

The first of these animals was accidentally crossed in 2000, it happened in Botswana. Goats and sheep were simply kept together.

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