The world around (grade 4): a message about one of the animals of the tropical, temperate or polar zone. Outline of a lesson in geography (grade 5) on the topic: Flora and fauna of temperate zones Flora and fauna of temperate zones

Steppe plain, overgrown with grassy vegetation, in temperate and subtropical zones Northern and Southern hemispheres. characteristic feature steppe is the almost complete absence of trees (not counting artificial plantations and forest belts along water bodies) plain grassy vegetation temperate subtropical zones of trees

Steppes are common on all continents except Antarctica. In Eurasia, the largest areas of steppes are located on the territory Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Mongolia. Average temperatures winter months from 0ºС to 20ºС, and summer from +20ºС to +28ºС. Antarctica Eurasia Russian Federation Kazakhstan Ukraine Mongolia

A characteristic feature of the steppe is a treeless space covered with grassy vegetation. Herbs that form a closed or almost closed carpet: feather grass, fescue, thin legs, bluegrass, sheep, etc. Plants adapt to adverse conditions. Many of them are drought-resistant or active in spring, when there is still moisture left after winter. bulbous plants(tulip).tulip

Animals are active in summer mainly at night. Of the ungulates, species are typical that differ sharp eyesight and abilities for fast and long running, for example, antelopes; from rodents, ground squirrels, marmots, mole rats and jumping species building complex burrows: jerboas, kangaroo rats. Most of the birds fly away for the winter. Common: steppe eagle, bustard, steppe harrier, steppe kestrel, larks. There are numerous reptiles and insects.

Deciduous forests A forest consisting of deciduous trees and shrubs. Also called deciduous or summer green for the characteristic annual shedding of leaves before the onset of cold weather. foresttreesshrubsleaves to share deciduous forests Europe accounts for 24%.

The forests of this type are high, 2540 m, mainly represented by two tiers of trees, a tier of shrubs and a grassy cover, in which two or three tiers can also be distinguished according to the height of the grasses. characteristic feature deciduous forest is the predominance of the species diversity of grasses over the diversity of trees. trees shrubs herbaceous linden

Deciduous forests are divided into broad-leaved, in which the trees of the upper tier have large and medium-sized leaves, they are highly shade-tolerant and demanding on the soil, light-requiring, these include oak, maple, linden, ash, and elm. Broad-leaved forests grow in a relatively mild climate; broad-leaved oak-maple, linden-elm, small-leaved forests, in which the prevailing tree species have small leaf blades, these are birch, aspen and alder forests. Small-leaved forests are more light-loving and less demanding on soil fertility, they are also more frost-resistant. small-leaved forests tree species birch aspen alder Maple

The fauna of deciduous forests is characterized by seasonality, this is due to seasonal changes climate and the fact that in winter the forest, devoid of foliage, does not provide reliable shelter forest dwellers. The deciduous forest is mostly inhabited by migratory birds, species of birds living in hollows and crowns of trees are also characteristic. faunaclimate winter period migratory birds Nightingale

The main tree species that form these forests are oak, linden, maple, ash, elm, beech and others. deciduous trees.

In the north - in the tundra and even in the taiga - water is not a problem. Every spring melt water saturate the soil in excess. In these high geographical latitudes even in the very middle of summer the sun does not rise high and does not bake so hard that drought threatens the vegetation. Therefore, the structure vegetation zones it is not precipitation that determines it, but the temperature and duration of the growing season. That is why the tundra and taiga encircle the Arctic in two concentric bands.

South of the taiga strip next vegetable belt no longer forms a third concentric circle. It breaks up into several separate segments, differing in different humidity conditions.

AT temperate climate temperature is no longer the most important factor in the life of plants and animals. Here, the most important role begins to play humidity - the amount of water available to plants. At the same time, the distribution of precipitation by seasons during the year is especially significant.

The deciduous forest is the most demanding formation of a temperate climate in terms of environmental conditions. For the life of this forest, a moderate temperature is needed - without severe frosts in winter and heat in summer. In addition, the deciduous forest needs a relatively large amount of precipitation - at least 500 millimeters per year, fairly evenly distributed over the seasons. Of course, such conditions can be found only in regions with maritime climate where the land is under the softening influence of the ocean and where winds from the sea bring frequent and heavy rains. For example, Europe is western shores which are washed warm current, and frequent northwest winds carry the Atlantic air deep into the mainland.

The zone of deciduous forests includes southern Norway, southern Sweden and all of Western and Central Europe. In the east, deciduous forests form a gradually narrowing strip that crosses European part Soviet Union and reaching the Urals.

Another area of ​​deciduous forests covers the Ussuri region in the Soviet Union, most Japan and Korea, as well as China - approximately from Beijing to the south to the interfluve of the Yellow River and the Yangtze and a narrow strip stretching west from Chongqing to Tibet. This area is also under the strong softening and moisturizing influence of the ocean.

Finally, the third band of temperate deciduous forests is found in North America, where it occupies the eastern United States, ranging from the Great Lakes in the north to nearly Florida in the south, and from the Atlantic in the east to the Mississippi basin in the west.

Of course, one should not imagine that everywhere there is a sharp border, to the north of which there is a taiga, and to the south - a deciduous forest. Between these zones, a fairly wide border strip is formed, where animals and plants of both biomes meet and mix with each other.

The typical climate for this zone is well known to us - this is the climate of Eastern Europe: winter with frost and snow, trees lose their leaves, the growing season is long, covering the rest of the year, precipitation is distributed fairly evenly.

The animal population of deciduous forests is rather homogeneous everywhere. Naturally, in each area of ​​this zone we find species that are characteristic only for it, but on the whole, the composition and ecological appearance of the fauna are similar. Everywhere there are arboreal and terrestrial animals, herbivores and predators, while the ratio between them in different areas of the zone is similar. For example, let's take a look at the life of deciduous forests in Europe.

Reptiles and amphibians are especially sensitive to climate change: after all, cold-blooded animals are especially sensitive to ambient temperature. In the zone of deciduous forests, the number of species belonging to these classes of animals doubles compared to the taiga. For example, in Poland we meet over twenty species of animals of these classes.

The next significant factor that determines the richness of the animal world is the diversity of vegetation. AT deciduous forests much lighter than in the taiga, especially in early spring, when the leaves on the trees have not yet fully blossomed. The abundance of light determines the rapid development of undergrowth - young trees growing under the arch of the forest, undergrowth of shrubs and the lower tier of vegetation - various, sometimes luxuriantly overgrown grasses. Thus, the forest has a distinct vertical layered structure.

It is easy to imagine how many new opportunities open up for animals, apart from those that the taiga gave them. Here you can live in the bush, and under it, in the grass cover. Food supplies are more diverse. In such forests, even the tree crowns themselves represent a large selection of food - already due to the diversity of species. To this we must add a lot of seeds, fruits (for example, nuts, acorns, beech nuts), the bark of young trees and shrubs - important food items available at any time of the year, as well as leaves, bulbs, rhizomes and herb greens.

The number of animals that find fertile conditions of existence here is great. The diversity of the environment and the milder climate mean that the fauna of invertebrates (insects, spiders, gastropods) and other groups are more complex and abundant than in the north. The same can be said about birds, of which songbirds are especially numerous both in terms of the number of species and the number of individuals. For example, the blackbird is characteristic of the deciduous forest zone. (Turdus merula), common in almost every city park Central Europe, western nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos), a small brisk robin (Erithacus rubecula), brightly colored great tit (Parus major) and blue tit (P. coeruleus)

In every deciduous forest you will meet a finch (Fringilla coelebs) with conspicuous two white stripes on the wing and a very spectacular greenfinch in yellow-green plumage (Chloris chloris). It is impossible to pass over in silence the oriole (Oriolus oriolus): everyone knows her voice well, but few have seen this beautiful bird with a golden head and chest and black wings and tail. In the forests and in the depths of neglected parks, one can often hear the muffled voice of the wood pigeon. (Columba palumbus).

Ermine, weasel, badger, fox, wolf, lynx and brown bear live in deciduous forests, as well as in the taiga - species that are distinguished by high biological plasticity, which allowed them to spread widely throughout Europe (with the exception of the subtropics) and a significant part of Asia . Chipmunk is a taiga animal; it does not occur in the zone of European deciduous forests, but on Far East feels great in the deciduous forests of the Amur-Ussuri region.

Unfortunately, many species of animals in this zone have to be spoken of in the past tense. forest cat (Fells silvestris), once widespread throughout Europe, today almost exterminated; it survived only in the most deserted corners, such as the Polish Bieszczady or the mountains of northern Scotland. The ecological niche of the sable in Europe is occupied by three types of predators: the pine marten (martes martes), leading mainly tree image life, stone marten (Martes foina) and ferret (Mustella putorius).

The abundance of plant foods in deciduous forests leads to a significant diversity of herbivores. In the deciduous forests of Europe, it is found and in some places still numerous. Noble deer (Cervus elaphus), and in the Far East - red deer (Cervus nippon). The chamois is also closely related to the deciduous forest zone. (Rupicapra rupicapra). The area of ​​its distribution almost completely coincides with the territory of this biome. Bison is very typical in this zone. (bos bonasus) who survived to our time only thanks to the caring care of nature lovers; until the 17th century, another wild bull was also widespread here - the tour, now already exterminated everywhere.

Mention should also be made of the Central European horse, which is called the forest tarpan (as opposed to the real steppe tarpan). The forest tarpan was undersized, lightly built, of a mouse color. It was a very hardy and cold-resistant animal that died out in the first half of the last century. Bilgorai horses, common in the Polish Zamość, are probably very close to the wild horse, and it was possible to breed a breed from them that outwardly resembles a forest tarpan.

But another species of ungulates, the wild boar, is much more typical of the deciduous forest. (Sus scrofa). He is a consumer of acorns, beech nuts and hazelnuts and grass rhizomes. The crown layer is inhabited by squirrels and four types of dormouse: garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus), forest dormouse (Dryomys nitedula), dormouse (glis glis) and hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius). These small pleasant animals are a bit like squirrels, but their muzzles are mouse-like, and their tails are not so fluffy. These dormice are widespread, but few people have met them, because they lead night image life.

The forest reservoirs of this zone are inhabited by those that have been greatly reduced at the present time and are valuable for their fur. large rodents- beavers. They build their huts from tree branches and trunks and build dams on streams and forest streams. The formed dams help the beavers to reach new coastal thickets and transport the trees cut by their powerful incisors through the water. The beaver feeds exclusively on young branches, buds and leaves of trees. This typical inhabitant of deciduous forests penetrates the taiga zone only along the rivers, where willows, aspens, birches and mountain ash grow along the banks.

The biocenosis of deciduous forests is extremely diverse and consists of many plant and animal components. There are whole groups of species with a very close way of life and with similar needs. These species replace each other in similar biocenoses. The natural forest is a balanced system. But the balance is dynamic: everything is in motion, someone devours someone, someone is born, someone dies in the struggle. Each organism takes its place in the biocenosis, maintaining the natural balance of the complex.

Artificial plantations created by man, for example, pine monocultures, as well as crops of grain crops, are biocenoses that are very poor in composition, having the same weakly differentiated structure as biocenoses. arctic tundra, moreover, unstable without constant human care.

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Russia is a huge country in terms of territory, with a rich wildlife, while many representatives of the fauna live or prevail in certain climatic zones.

Our country is a habitat for the bulk of land animals from more than one and a half thousand vertebrates, over 700 species of birds, about three hundred species of mammals.

Also, more than 85 species of reptiles live in Russia, 350 - freshwater fish, the number of species of marine fish exceeds one and a half thousand, and amphibians - 350. The presence of animals in a particular territory directly depends on the landscape and climatic properties of this zone.

Fauna of the arctic belt

The fauna of this part of Russia is simply unique, despite the generally accepted opinion about this region as a lifeless corner of the planet, it is inhabited by a huge number of living organisms. But still, the Arctic is characterized by the homogeneity of the animal world throughout its territory and the scarcity of species diversity with the dominance of marine representatives. Perhaps the main animal in the life of the peoples of the North is a deer - for the indigenous small population, this is meat, and milk, and a skin, and antlers. The most numerous population of these domesticated northern animals lives in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

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The musk ox, the largest and oldest ungulate in the Arctic, the same age as the mammoth, took its place in the Red Book of Russia. This herbivore is unpretentious in food, and the long warm coat reliably protects from the wind, so it feels great in the harsh northern conditions.

The Arctic coast is inconceivable without coastal birds - kittiwakes, fulmars, cormorants, guillemots, terns and other species. Only for short summer 280 species of rare and quite common birds for Russia have time to nest here. Most rare bird Earth - the Siberian Crane, lives in Northern Yakutia and is otherwise called the white crane. Also, this belt inhabits eighty percent of all white geese of our Planet.

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The main symbol of the Arctic - polar bear, although the north coast is inhabited by others marine mammals, for example, sea ​​hare, bearded seal, walruses and seals listed in the Red Book, and whales, beluga, narwhal, cod, herring, salmon and about 430 species of fish fauna swim in its waters. Foxes, ermines, wolverines, arctic foxes, hares, lemmings, hamsters and other rodents also live in the Arctic region.

Fauna of the subarctic belt

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Animals of the subarctic pole are inhabitants of the tundra and tundra forests, who feel comfortable in conditions of long low temperatures and excess moisture. Due to the reduced salinity of the water and its saturation with oxygen, plankton and other diverse marine fauna. The largest marine mammals in the world live here - walruses and seals, whales and polar bears.

In the tundra species diversity the animal world is much richer than in the Arctic. A significant part of the animals living here has a light color and thick fur, which allows them to survive in local conditions. also in summer period pastures are inhabited in large numbers by reindeer.

Fauna of the temperate zone

The temperate zone occupies the main part of Russia and is characterized by a difficult climate with a large amount of precipitation and strong gusts of wind, but, despite this, it is extremely rich and diverse. animal world. A large number of various herbivores and birds live in green forests, with a predominance of granivorous and insectivorous, many predators, among which the wolf is especially common.

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The environment turns out to be favorable for lynx, hyena, cheetah, tiger, jackal, arachnids and invertebrates. Most often in the forest zone you can find moose, which can easily wander into the residential part. Also, the temperate zone is inhabited by squirrels, hares, capercaillie, wild boars and roe deer. You can meet brown bear, mink or pine marten. For rodents such as squirrels, this is simply a paradise, since the temperate forests are rich in nuts, linden, coniferous and maple seeds, acorns, which are also a favorite food of wild boars, bears and other animals and birds.

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Orioles, tits, woodpeckers, cuckoos, thrushes, finches, nightingales, owls make up a large proportion of the bird family of this belt. Until recently, the area was abundantly inhabited wild bulls- huge bison, but today it is almost impossible to meet them here due to extermination by poachers. It will also be a great fortune now to see river beaver that attracts the hunter valuable fur. But there are a lot of frogs, lizards, vipers, snakes, moles and hedgehogs here because of the large number of insects they feed on.

Fauna of the subtropical belt

Subtropics are favorable conditions Black Sea coast for the existence of living organisms, but in general we can say about a mixture of species of the animal world of the tropical and temperate zones. In the mountains of the Greater Caucasus and on the coast of the Black Sea, the fauna is especially rich and diverse. Grouse, chipmunks, sable and wolverine, marten and squirrel, spotted deer are widely represented in the Far East. Legendary local predators all over the world are the leopard, the Ussuri tiger and the bear.

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The subtropical zone is rich in wild ungulates - wild boars, roe deer, wild deer, saigas and moose. Fur hunters are attracted by the distribution of fur-bearing animals - squirrels, mink, muskrats, foxes and arctic foxes. Grey Wolves, huge bears are only part of the heritage of the subtropics of Russia, which must be preserved for our descendants.

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Today, the animal world of Russia has changed a lot under the influence of man, and therefore the authorities are taking various protective measures to preserve it. Some animals have almost completely disappeared, the number of some is sharply decreasing, and they fall into the Red Book, are under the protection of the law.

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The purpose of the lesson: To organize the search and cognitive activity of students aimed at establishing cause-and-effect relationships natural features temperate zone.

Facilitate the acquisition ability to work with various sources knowledge.


Form UUD:

Personal UUD: formation of a respectful attitude towards Russia, native land, the nature of our country, the formation of an estimated, emotional attitude to the world (the ability to determine one's attitude to the world), moral and ethical regulation. To cultivate a culture of behavior in frontal work, individual work.

  • Regulatory UUD: independently discover and formulate the topic of the lesson, set and solve educational problems, the ability to manage one's activities, show initiative and independence, express one's assumption (version) and determine the success of one's task in a dialogue with the teacher; learn to distinguish between a correctly completed task and an incorrect one, etc.
  • Communicative UUD: to form skills: to perform various roles in the group (leader, performer, critic); express your point of view and try to substantiate it, giving arguments; make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion; adequately perceive proposals for correcting mistakes made; respect the position of the other, try to negotiate; highlight the main.
  • Cognitive UUD: formulation of a cognitive goal, search for information, analysis in order to highlight features, independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative nature; ability to work with information: ability to work with textbook material, presentation slides, handouts.

Basic concepts, terms: biosphere, steppe, taiga, deciduous forests.

Planned educational results:

  • subject- to know and explain the essential features of the concepts "steppe", "taiga", deciduous forests". Be able to give examples of typical plants and animals of the temperate zone. Identify, describe and explain the essential features of plants and animals of the temperate zone. Be able to argue the connection between climatic features and distribution of animals and plants.
  • metasubject- work with the text, highlight the main thing in it. Conduct an independent search for geographical information: climate, plants, animals of temperate zones.
  • personal- to form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity, the ability to put learning task lesson, plan your work in a group. Education of the aesthetic perception of nature.

Lesson type- a lesson in the "discovery" of new knowledge

Lesson Form: "exploratory journey"

Required technical equipment: PC, multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard, vegetation map, cases with tasks for groups.

Structure and course of the lesson:

Organizing time. (1 min)

Stage 1. Motivation to learning activities(7 min) ( Presentation 1)

Teacher: (slide 1)

“The long-awaited moment has come again -
It's time for us to go.
He calls us to mysterious world,
The mysterious world of nature.

We continue our journey around our beautiful planet Earth.

Updating of basic knowledge .

Teacher: To travel, we need a certain baggage - knowledge. Let's check if we are ready for the journey.

1. What belts of illumination are distinguished on the surface of the earth?

2. What lines limit the Earth's illumination belts? (To show on the map.)

3. We have already made a trip to the hottest zone, it is called ....

4. What natural areas can we meet there.

Teacher: Let's remember the highlights of the trip. Remind us of the issues we discussed. (GP, climate, moisture, plants and animals, adaptations).

Teacher: Learn from the description and continue the story about the natural community of the tropical zone. How do animals and plants manage to exist in such conditions?

- (slide 2) The sun bakes mercilessly. From the top of the dune on which we are standing, only free-flowing sands are visible in all directions. Seems like we're surrounded high waves suddenly frozen sea At the top of the dune flashed a lizard. Only in the oases everything is fragrant ... (desert).

- (slide 3) These are plains covered with grasses. Among animals, herbivores predominate quantitatively. There is a dry and wet season ... .. (savannah).

- (slide 4) Plants are presented in several tiers. Under the canopy of the forest is humid, stuffy and damp. The tree trunks are entwined with vines. Most animals live in trees ... (equatorial forest).

Teacher: Why natural communities so varied? Try to give reasons. (approximate answer: adaptations of animals and plants to the illumination of the territory, moisture)

Teacher: what science studies the patterns of geographical distribution of plants and animals? (answer: biogeography)

Teacher: Where, in our life, we will need knowledge about tropical zone? (example answer: Know growing conditions indoor plants because monstera, begonia are residents rainforest They need warmth and moisture. The inhabitants of the savannas, pelargonium, violet, chlorophytum, require moderate watering in winter. Aloe, desert cactus, their conditions are warmth and light, sand.

Teacher: Run test. (slide 5)

I affirm that:

1. In the equatorial forest, summers are hot and winters are cold.
2. there are 2 seasons in the savannah.
3. There are very few animals in the savannah.
4. winds often blow in deserts
5. equatorial forests difficult to pass, because a lot of cereals grow there.
6. Deserts occupy particularly arid regions of the Earth
7. The rainforest is the most species-poor natural community.
8. Desert animals hunt during the day.
9. The largest animals are found in the savannah.
Mutual verification. (Answer: 2,4,6,9) (slide 6)

Job using interactive whiteboard. (5 minutes.) ( Presentation 2).

The game "Russell residents home." Students correlate animals and plants with the zone in which they live, indicating the names of animals and plants, adaptations to living conditions.
Problem situation: Why did the residents stay? Where can you find these animals and plants?

Stage 2. Goal setting.

Today, another thermal belt will reveal its secrets to us.

Listen to an excerpt. (Nikolai Matveevich Gribachev “Tales about the hare Koska”) (slide 7)

Hare Koska accurately determined when to prepare for what. If there are green leaves on the maple and strawberries are ripe, you can enjoy the warmth and warm your gray coat in the sun. If the maple leaves turn red, it will soon become cold and the fur coat will have to be replaced with a white and warm one. Koska greatly appreciated the help of the maple, but he always persuaded the tree not to shed its leaves.

Teacher asking questions:

1. Name the phenomenon that this passage tells about. (Answer: Change of seasons.)

2. How do the laws of nature explain this phenomenon? (Answer: The reason for the change of seasons is the rotation of the Earth around the Sun.)

3. In what thermal zone an event occurs? (Answer: In moderation.)

4. What natural communities are typical for the temperate zone?

Teacher: To find out about this, we need to guess the riddles now.

This is a house. Huge house.
There is enough space for everyone in it.
And the squirrel, and the hare,
And a toothy wolf cub.

What kind of forests are there? (answer: Deciduous, coniferous - taiga) (slide 8, hyperlink excerpt from the side presentation, without sound.)

Teacher: And we will talk about one more community today: (slide 9)

For all directions:
No forest, no mountains.
boundless surface,
Boundless space!
(answer: Steppe. Associate with the place of residence)

Teacher: What areas will we explore?

Teacher: Let's make a research plan.

1. Location on the map.
2. The climate of the natural zones of the temperate zone.
3. Flora of the temperate zone.
4. Fauna of the temperate zone.
5. Fixtures. (slide 10)

Stage 3. Studying new material. 15 minutes

We will carry out our expeditionary research in groups. Each group receives a case with tasks, a travel route. Appendix 1(Task case and response plan). Work with textbook, map. Do the job within 7 minutes. The group must submit a report on their research. (slide 11-12)

  • I group Steppes
  • Group II Deciduous forests
  • III group Taiga

Guys in each group:

1. Analyze the text and illustrations of the textbook.

2. Work with the map.

3. Summarize the information received in the group.

4. Discuss.

5. Explain.

6. Issue in the form of a report. Give a description of the natural area by filling out the table.

Health-saving stage of the lesson. Physical education minute . 1 min (slide 13)

We are like trees in the thicket of the forest, (we drive our eyes behind our hands)
Branches swing under the wind in winter,
In the spring we grow higher and higher, (We raise our eyes)
And reach for the sun night and day
And in the fall, shake the leaves gradually.
And circling, and circling their autumn wind. (we follow with our eyes how the leaves are spinning)

Stage 4. Discussion of the results of the work.

During the group report, keep a journal (slide 14-18)

Report of the 1st group according to the plan "Steppe".


What expanse and freedom is here!
Wherever you look - expanse fields!
South of the forest strip
There is a carpet of herbs and flowers.
Here is space for winds and birds,
Rodents, wolves, foxes.
Here dry winds love to sing.
And it's called... (Steppe.)

Report of the 2nd group according to the plan "Deciduous forests".(slide 19-24)

Teacher: Dressed in summer and undressed in winter.

Report 3 groups according to the plan "Taiga"(slide 25-29)


Come with me to our quiet forest,
There's blueberries and cloudberries
There are all sorts of miracles
One hundred thousand - and a little more!
Sitting down under the cedar to rest,
Let's breathe in the resinous smell of cones,
And let the chest breathe evenly,
Shaking off excess fatigue.

Stage 5. Initial check of understanding(3 min) (slide 30)

Game "Guess the natural area"

1. Winters are cold here. But coniferous trees: spruce, pine, fir - have adapted to such conditions. From animals there are a bear, a wolf, an elk and others.

2. Here it is dry in summer and frosty in winter. This natural area is rich in herbaceous plants, but there are few animals here.

3. In this natural area heat-loving deciduous trees grow: oak, maple, linden. The animal world is diverse.

4. If there are many insects, then there will be many birds: gray partridge, little bustard, field lark, steppe lark, bustard, demoiselle crane. Birds build their nests right on the ground. Not large animals also live here: marmot, field mouse, jerboas, ground squirrels, hamsters. And if there are birds, small rodents, then there will be predators: the steppe eagle, steppe viper, steppe polecat.

Stage 6. Inclusion of new knowledge in the knowledge system and repetition. (8 min)

Teacher: What wonderful landscapes we got. (slide 31-34)

I so want to visit these places!

Are these places you would like to visit? (slide 35-37) (slides with footage of pollution, deforestation, desertification).

What to do?

Student message. (leading task)

Annex 2, Annex 3 Protection of Nature. Ostrovtsovskaya forest-steppe. State nature reserve"Privolzhskaya Forest-Steppe » in the Kolyshleysky district Penza region. (slide 38-39)

Lesson summary

Teacher: And now I suggest you test your knowledge on the topic.

Working time 6 minutes.

Test (individual work, peer review) Appendix 3 or (slide 40-44)

Reflection(3 min.)

There is a statement by the German zoologist Alfred Brehm: “It is not enough to know that one creature lives in the forest, and the other in the steppe, and the third in the sea. It is necessary to know how these forest, steppe, sea are arranged. Each individual animal is characteristic of its homeland. It is always adapted to the climate, relief and depending on them flora. Thus, it bears the stamp of its fatherland, and only when we compare the environment, image and living conditions of the animal, we comprehend its life.

Self-analysis and self-assessment of the student

Where in Everyday life Can we use what we have learned?

  • What was your favorite activity in the lesson?
  • What task caused problems? Why?
  • What new did you learn in the lesson?
  • How did you help each other in completing the task?


  • Selectable reference Par. No. 22, pp. 136-137 game p. 137.
  • Task 4. Make a crossword puzzle "Animals (plants) of temperate zones" of at least 8 words. (slide 47)

Rainforest animal - tapir.

The rainforest is very rich in animals.
Near the reservoirs in the thicket of the rainforest, you can find an animal that resembles a bit of a horse, a bit of a pig, and even more - a rhinoceros. This is a tapir
Tapirs are densely built animals with a stocky body, covered with short, thick, usually brown or black hair.
The height of a large tapir is about 1.2 m, the length is 1.8 m, and the weight is up to 275 kg.
Upper lip, elongated into a small proboscis, used to pick off leaves and young shoots.
The eyes are small, rounded ears stick out to the sides.
The legs are short, the front ones are four-toed, the back ones are three-toed. Each toe ends in a small hoof.
The tail is very short, as if chopped off.
Tapirs feed aquatic plants and leaves of forest shrubs. They are good swimmers, divers, and can stay submerged for a surprisingly long time.
Animals are predominantly nocturnal; they wait out the heat of the day by lying in the thicket. They gravitate towards a solitary lifestyle and are rarely found in groups of more than three individuals. In nature, they have few enemies - the jaguar and puma in America, the tiger and leopard in Asia.
Tapirs live for about 30 years.
The number of tapirs around the world has been greatly reduced due to hunting for them and clearing forests for agricultural land.
All types of tapirs are listed in the international Red Book.

The animal of the temperate zone is the raccoon.

The word "raccoon" comes from the Indian word "arakun", which means "he scratches with his hands."
Raccoon - predatory mammal genus raccoons of the raccoon family.
As tall as a medium sized dog. Body length 45-60 cm, tail 20-25 cm; weight 5-9 kg. The physique is dense, stocky; paws are short, with fingers so developed that the traces resemble the print of a human palm. The head is broad with a short pointed muzzle and rounded ears.
The fur of the raccoon is thick, brownish-gray. On the sides of the head, it is somewhat longer and forms "tanks". On the muzzle there is a characteristic mask - black with a white trim. There are 5-10 wide black or brown "rings" on the tail.
He easily adapts and has learned, like many other animals, and especially birds, to live near human habitation and eat food waste or food left unattended by people.
AT natural environment habitat, the raccoon feeds on small animals, mainly living in the water, which it catches by combing the bottom in shallow water with the claws of its front paws. On land, the raccoon digs the ground in search of earthworms, larvae and various insects. Raccoons, before eating food, wash off dirt and sand from it, for which they were given the nickname - gargle.
The raccoon climbs well. In deciduous forests, it climbs trees, where it finds not only food, but also protection from possible enemies.
coniferous forests the raccoon doesn't like it.
Cubs are born in a hole arranged in the hollow of a tree, sometimes at a considerable height. At five or six months, they begin to lead an independent life.
As autumn approaches, the raccoon adds fruits, acorns, and berries to its diet. The female takes with her babies who are already three months old, and does not let them go, calling with a sharp cry.

Animal of the polar belt (Arctic) - Walrus.

Walrus is one of the largest representatives of pinnipeds.
The upper tusks of the walrus are extremely developed, elongated and directed downwards; the very broad muzzle is covered with numerous thick, stiff, flattened whiskers. There are no external ears, the eyes are small.
The very thick skin is covered with short, close-fitting yellow-brown hair, which becomes less with age, and in older walruses the skin is almost completely bare. The limbs are more adapted for movement on land than those of seals, and walruses can walk rather than crawl, the soles are calloused. The tail is rudimentary.
The male walrus is huge: it can weigh 1,500 kilograms, while the mass of a female rarely reaches 1,000 kilograms.
The strong voice of the walrus reminds at the same time both the roar of a lion and the lowing of a bull; while sleeping, on an ice floe or in the water, he snores loudly.
Baby walruses are fed by their mother for two years, and for the next two years they remain under her protection.
Under the skin of the walrus is a thick layer of fat, which serves as both protection from the cold and a reserve supply in case of hunger.
Walruses live predominantly offshore and rarely undertake significant travel. They are sociable and mostly found in herds; courageously protect each other: in general, walruses in the water represent dangerous opponents, as they can overturn the boat or break it with their fangs. By themselves, for no reason, they rarely attack boats.

Animal of the polar belt (Antarctic) - Penguin.

Penguins are birds, but their wings are not adapted for flight: they are too short. Penguins use their wings to swim like fish with their fins. There are 18 species in the penguin family.
Distinguishes penguins from all other birds special structure body. The body shape of the penguins is streamlined, which is ideal for movement in the water. The musculature and structure of the bones allow them to work underwater with their wings almost like screws.
Penguins are found only in southern hemisphere.
They nest most often in large colonies, often numbering tens of thousands of pairs or more. In the colonies emperor penguin sometimes there are 300 thousand individuals.
Both parents alternately take part in incubation of eggs and feeding of chicks. The chicks feed on fish and crustaceans that are half-digested and regurgitated by their parents. The young take refuge from the cold in the lower folds of the parent's abdomen.
The plumage of penguin chicks is usually dark brown, over time they acquire a characteristic black and white color, like in adults.
The ancestors of penguins lived in a temperate climate - when Antarctica was not yet a solid piece of ice. The climate on the planet has changed. The continents drifted, Antarctica shifted to the South Pole and became covered with eternal ice. Animals left from there or died out, but the penguins, having adapted to the cold, remained.

// September 20, 2011 // Hits: 176,685
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