Composition-reasoning on the topic: "Our planet Earth". Report: Earth is our common home, ecological situation, problems of preserving life on Earth "We need to be wiser, not more fashionable"

Essay on the topic: "Earth is our common home"

Prepared by a student of 3 "A" class Daniil Sarsenbaev.

Earth is our common home, our breadwinner.Native land, Motherland - the place where a person was born, which will forever remain dear to him.Each of us should protect it, but we often forget about it. Rivers, soil, air are polluted, due to the thoughtless actions of people, species of plants, birds and animals are dying and even disappearing from the face of the earth. But man is a part of nature, he is inextricably linked with it. If there are no rivers, forests, how will people live?

In our lives, we often do not notice that we are harming nature. Many people don't even think about it. But it's worth thinking about! Each of us is responsible for our actions. And we must save what is left. After all, in many years it may already be too late.

Plants were the first thing that appeared on our planet. Life is impossible without them. So why do people destroy them? After all, they are harming themselves. At the lessons of the surrounding world at school, I learned that plants are the lungs of our planet, and people cannot live without lungs. But still, often through the fault of man, entire forests are destroyed.

The water is also polluted with chemicals. This kills fish and aquatic animals. But how we, children, rejoice at the arrival of summer! How nice on a hot summer day to come to the river and swim. But you don’t even want to approach some places on the shore, because everything is littered with waste, garbage. In all cities, even in small villages, there are garbage dumps that are not cleaned up. But a lot of people don't care. Who will take care of our planet if not us?

Once upon a time, our ancestors only grew plants, bred domestic animals, and now huge factories are being built, thousands of cars drive along the roads, forests are cut down. Of course, the development of our civilization does not stand still, and I think this is good. But we must remember that it is necessary to use the resources of the Earth reasonably, carefully and take care of the cleanliness of the environment. After all, the Earth does not forgive a person for bad treatment.And you have to start with yourself!You can't break tree branches, because trees are our friends. They give off the oxygen we breathe. Flowers delight us with their appearance, birds sing for us, the sun shines for us too. What if all this doesn't happen? What will happen to us?

If we do not immediately help nature, it will die. I believe that nature conservation is a matter not only for adults, but also for schoolchildren. We make bird feeders and birdhouses, we fight garbage, we help diseased trees, we plant flowers.

I hope that all the people of the planet will come to their senses and stop destroying the Earth, because it is our common home.

Branch of MBOU "Pervomaiskaya secondary school"

In the village of Staroklenskoye, Pervomaisky district, Tambov region

Essay on the topic of:

"The earth is our common home."

Made by 3rd grade student Ozhereleva Lyubov

Teacher: Frolova T.N.

2013 – 2014

For friendship, for smiles and for meetings

We inherited the planet.

We are bequeathed to protect this world

And this amazing land.

/ Words from the song: “We are bequeathed to protect this world!” /

We live on the Earth. There are many of us, but she is one, one for all. The earth is our common home. So, everyone who lives on Earth is one family. It is both man and nature. And let's not forget that nature also created man, so we call her mother. She loves us and gives us everything we need for life: food, clothes, air, warmth, medicine, water. In response, she expects us to always help her, save her from danger. But we, the children of our planet, very often forget about her, do not notice that she needs help and care. People, take a look! Look at her forests, rivers, seas, meadows, and you will see that they need help.

The forests need help.

The forest is a natural oxygen factory on the planet, a natural filter that purifies the green atmosphere. One hectare of green spaces can absorb 2 kilograms of carbon dioxide per hour. Do we care enough about it? Every year more and more fires occur due to human fault. This leads to the death of not only trees, but also animals. So let's follow the rules of behavior in the forest!

Animals need help.

Many different animals and birds were exterminated by people. Some were hunted too hard, others were not left with a patch of forest or steppe where they could live. And if you do not help them, the animals will die more and more. Scientists have compiled a special Red Book. The red color of the book is a forbidding color. This is an alarm. The Red Book consists of colored pages. On the black pages are lists of those animals that we will never see again. Particularly rare animals are recorded on the red pages. On yellow - animals, the number of which has always been small. On the gray pages are those animals that are still little studied. On the green pages are animals whose numbers have been restored.

I think we need to make sure that no living being is on the black page lists anymore.

Plants need help.

There will be no trace of the beauty of the meadows if everyone picks one flower at a time. Each flower is associated with other inhabitants of the meadow. Insects fly to it and feed on its nectar. Wild flowers should remain in nature. For bouquets, you need to grow flowers in flower beds, in gardens, in greenhouses.

We must take care of the cleanliness of our home. On the streets of cities and villages, on the banks of rivers, you can see a lot of garbage. Sometimes this garbage turns into large landfills that pollute water, soil and air. Can't it be removed? Of course you can. But people are in a hurry somewhere and do not think that nature will one day get angry and punish us.

Each person should feel responsible for the health of mother nature, love her and pass this love on to their children.

Nature gives all its treasures to man, and asks us only to treat her with care. We will answer her with warmth for warmth, love for love. Let us remember that by taking care of nature, we take care of the Earth. After all, the planet Earth is our common home!

Essay "Earth is our common home"

Trusov Artur. Grade 10.

What could be better than watching the sunset on the river bank? Complex issue. Everyone, looking there, into the distance, sees something of his own. Something that is so dear and precious.

Observation of nature makes people an order of magnitude more peaceful. No wonder the well-known expression about fire and water goes from mouth to mouth: fire and water are the same equal parts of nature as the same river and sunset. Contemplating the primordial beauty, a person involuntarily begins to think about something distant and lofty. If a person did not look at the stars, neither astronomy nor spaceships would appear. Marvelous! Nature is a real storehouse of thoughts and ideas. Most importantly, this source is, in fact, inexhaustible. However, nature is not only enthusiastically good-natured. Man, especially in our day, is often forgotten. Many of us have long since separated from this "nature" with a characteristic peevishness: it is dirty and disgusting there. However, people are not gods, but just the same as everyone else, children of nature. And like a good mother, nature can be strict. Compared to the history of the entire Earth, the history of mankind is a mere zilch, a second. What is this person? Insect! We can all perish literally in an instant, but we consider ourselves the kings of the world. It's funny, isn't it? However, we are still alive and still imagine ourselves great. Perhaps someone needs it? Perhaps this is all for nothing? Who knows! However, for now, we humans are given a chance to live. This is our right and our duty. Isn't it wonderful? After all, we are obliged to do what we are privileged to do! Isn't the whole point of life just to live? After all, life, as part of nature, is beautiful.

However, we are not only children of nature in the context of our entire planet. We are part of our small, local nature. Our country. Our city. Our home. Our family. Awareness of the big comes through the small. Nature is everything that surrounds us. We ourselves are nature. From the realization of this thought you come to a genuine delight: we are all something single, whole and so good.

At the same time, we should not forget about our responsibility to the universe. Our world is our home. And, unfortunately, or fortunately, but it is we who are destined to decide how it will be: sweet and cozy or empty and lifeless. It's terrible, but in the power of man there is even the possibility of destroying his own planet. A couple of nuclear missiles will do everything for us: after that there will be nothing at all. No house, no river, no sunset, no ourselves. A gloomy picture. And I love my home, my Motherland, my world. I love my country. I love my hometown. Every summer I spend at the dacha in the suburbs. It was there, sitting on the banks of the Volga, that I first realized what it means to love your home. To protect your home you need to be a good citizen. To be a good citizen, you must be human. To be human, you need to understand that you are just a part of something bigger. Unfortunately, many people do not understand the value and fragility of the world that surrounds them. Perhaps their time has not yet come. One can only hope that they will come to the realization of this fact themselves and in time. IthisveryI am waiting.

What can be better then sitting in front of the river and watching a nice picture of sunset? It "s difficult to answer this question. Everybody can find something personal in the nature. We love it, but each of us do it special.

Nature makes us calm and patient. It gives us so many themes to think them over. Nature is an essential source of thoughts and ideas. Mother nature is unique and ideal. But nature can be hard and even violent with us in cases we forget the fact that we are just a part of it. Wild, strong, it can destroy the whole humanity in a second. When we compare our history with history of Earth we will see that the time of humanity is the only one second for our planet. We are not the kings, the lords of nature. We are just its bad children. It seems fun, isn't it? But we are still alive. It can mean the only one thing: our world still needs us. So we can and have to live. It is our right and our duty. As for me it" s wonderful. The main aim of our life is just to live, because the life is beauty. The life is beauty of it "s a part of nature.

And we are not only the parts of nature in such a global meaning. We are the part of our local nature, of our small home. My country, my town, my house is my home. My family is my home. And wild nature outdoors is my home too. And the only one thing I can do is to feel rapture being a part of such a huge life machine. I want it will be ideal.

Our world is our home. And we are responsible for him because we have a power to destroy it. It might be a cozy, nice house. Or it might be a lifeless desert. I "m scared of thought that we have so much power. It" s terrible. A few small nuclear missiles can exterminate our planet. These rockets have an opportunity to destroy our home, our nice river, our sunset and us ourselves. I do love my home. I do love Yaroslavl. I spend every summer in the village near the city. There I have felt for the first time that I "m a part of this village, of Yaroslavl, of Russia and of the whole world. When I want to protect these things I have to be a nice citizen, nice child of nature, nice human . It "s a pitty that there live some people which can" t understand what is written there. I hope they will do it in time. I wish.

Theme description: It takes 20 minutes for a plastic bag to carry purchases from a store to a home, and it takes 400 years for nature to recycle it.

So the essay will be on the topic: On ecology and respect for nature, namely, the revision of the attitude of all people to our planet, which is one and dear to everyone.

"We need to be wiser, not more fashionable"

Our earth is a unique planet in the universe, our only home. Each person should take care of the environment and not rely on the other. This, like washing your dishes, should become a habit.

The ecology of the Earth suffers more and more every day. New factories are being built, more cars are on the road, rockets and satellites are being launched. This leads to air pollution, global warming, the melting of glaciers, and ozone holes appear. Entire species of animals are dying out due to deforestation, many aquatic mammals and fish have long been endangered due to pollution of water bodies, because many car enthusiasts save on car washes and wash their iron horses in natural sources using household chemicals.

In big cities, people suffer from respiratory diseases due to poor ecology. Heaps of garbage grow outside the city limits, because bags and bottles are not recycled, but thrown away. It's little things like that that we don't think about that cause rodents to multiply and new diseases that they then bring to cities.

To protect our Earth from destruction, everyone must start with themselves. First of all, there should be a careful attitude towards nature, plants that give us air. It is not necessary to pollute the cities with small garbage, which is not difficult to carry to the bin, throw cigarette butts, candy papers, bottle caps along the sidewalks.

If everyone looks into himself and remembers how much harm he has caused to nature, and after that he tries to be wiser and more caring, then our "Blue Planet" will last hundreds of years longer, along with our great-grandchildren and their descendants.

  • Category: Essays on a free topic

The earth is our home, and we must cherish and protect it. But in satisfying our needs, we forget our duty.

Millions of industrial enterprises throw their waste into rivers, lakes and seas. But water bodies are the eyes of the planet. She looks at us with dirty eyes and asks when we come to our senses, we will remember her. Unfortunately, man managed to pollute not only water, but also air and land.

Huge areas of forest are cut down for paper production. But the forest is the most important air purifier. Especially now, when every third person has a car. Exhaust gases accumulate in the atmosphere and are not absorbed by plants.

Many animal species are on the verge of extinction. In order to live in harmony with nature, we must live according to its laws, honor its orders. But man neglects it.

Many people live one day without thinking about their descendants. Let's imagine what will happen in 50-100 years. Mother Nature can become angry with the human race, and animals and plants, fish and birds will disappear from the Earth. Children will see them only in pictures and on TV, they will only feel artificial smells, not like the smell of flowers.

The professions of a doctor and a gravedigger will become the most in demand, because the second one will cope with what the first did not cope with. There will not be a single healthy person. And our children will curse us for not realizing in time.

A terrible picture appears before us, incredible, like from a science fiction film, but quite possible. In pursuit of technological progress, we forget about the eternal values ​​that we can lose.

If you look at our planet from space, you can see two huge spaces - the blue ocean of water and the green ocean of vegetation. Man lives on earth surrounded by plants and animals.

The amazing world of nature! He meets us with a sea of ​​sounds, smells, mysteries and secrets, makes us listen, look, think. We cannot imagine our life without forests, fields, rivers and lakes. But our planet is in danger!

Nature needs our protection, our help. A lot of people are thinking about this right now. Why has conservation become so important and necessary?

People have polluted the seas, rivers, forests, air, plants and animals are dying. I read that on Earth one species of plants and animals disappears every day. This is more than new species appear.

You can't break tree branches, because trees are our friends. They give off the oxygen we breathe. Flowers delight us with their appearance, birds sing for us, the sun shines for us too. What if all this doesn't happen? What will happen to us?

If we do not immediately help nature, it will die. I believe that nature conservation is a matter not only for adults, but also for schoolchildren. We must make bird feeders and birdhouses, fight garbage, help diseased trees, plant trees and flowers.

I hope that all the people of the planet will come to their senses and stop destroying the Earth, because it is our common home. Our Earth is beautiful, so let's appreciate and multiply this beauty!

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