Oceanarium monsters deep in which city is located. The largest aquariums in the world. The museum exposition includes

The color of the Earth, as astronauts assure, is blue. It cannot be otherwise: two-thirds of its surface is covered with water. Half of all vertebrates on Earth are water dwellers.

In the name of higher justice, one can come up with a proposal to rename the planet Earth into the planet Water, because the inhabitants of rivers, lakes, seas and oceans can be considered its main owners. The secrets of the underwater world attract people. Therefore, every year new oceanariums (aquariums) appear in different countries, where you can see real miracles behind thick glasses.

Ocean! He has always attracted people with his harmonious beauty and many secrets hidden under the water column. The world ocean strikes with its grandeur, the world hidden in its azure waters is unique and incredibly interesting. To admire it, many master the skill of scuba diving and go to the most protected corners of the planet. There is also a more affordable way to admire the beauty of the underwater world - to visit one of the most famous oceanariums on the planet. In the coolest aquariums, visitors can not only see the rarest marine life, but also walk through long transparent labyrinths surrounded by sea water, dine in underwater restaurants and even stay overnight in one of the halls and sleep next to sharks lurking behind glass.

The oceanarium is an "underwater museum" with live exhibits - the inhabitants of the aquatic environment. It contains marine animals and fish for the purpose of observation and study.

One of the most famous and amazing in the world is the Churaumi Aquarium, located in the northern part of Okinawa, in the city of Motobu. The oceanarium, which guests of the city can visit today, was opened in 2002, during the first 8 years of operation it was visited by 20 million people. The very first aquarium in this place was built back in 1975, and later it was decided to build a new four-story building for it. In total, 77 aquariums were placed in this building, the collection of the oceanarium includes 26,000 marine animals, which belong to 740 different species.

The main feature of the oceanarium is its central aquarium, the volume of which is 7,500 cubic meters. Its observation panel is made of Plexiglas, the thickness of which is 60 cm, its width is 22.5 meters, and its height is 8.2 meters, respectively. At first glance, it resembles a huge screen, similar to that which can be seen in the most modern cinemas. Comfortable soft chairs are installed in front of this “screen”, so visitors always have the opportunity to sit back and watch how sharks and exotic fish slowly swim in the azure water.

Thrill-seekers will definitely like Churaumi Oceanarium as it has a special hall dedicated to sharks - Shark Research Lab. Here, in addition to aquariums with animals, an interesting collection of exhibits is presented, including the huge jaws of a 16-meter shark. The oceanarium is also distinguished by high-quality technical equipment; water for its inhabitants is pumped directly from the ocean, having previously been cleaned and heated to a certain temperature.

Year of appearance: 1988. Population (attendance): more than 1 million people per year.
Another world-famous oceanarium is located in Sydney. It opened in 1988 and today presents to the attention of visitors one of the richest collections of marine life in the world. This aquarium is famous for its impressive system of underwater tunnels, a walk through which promises to be unforgettable. Visitors have a realistic feeling of complete immersion in the sea abyss, huge sharks and flocks of colorful fish swim above their heads, and marvelous underwater landscapes open up around them.

The Sydney Aquarium is home to over 11,000 marine animals and fish spanning over 650 different species. The vast territory of the oceanarium is divided into several thematic zones. Visitors will have the opportunity to look into the Fur Seal House and watch some of the friendliest marine animals in the world. One of the most impressive halls is the “Open Ocean”, where sharks weighing up to 300 kg swim in a huge aquarium.

No less impressive is the Great Barrier Reef area, where you can see the most amazing marine life: miniature bright fish, seahorses, colorful stars and polyps. More than a million people visit the Sydney Aquarium every year, and 55% of them are tourists from other countries. It does not lose popularity among the inhabitants of Australia, according to statistics, every Australian visits the aquarium in Sydney 2-3 times in his life. Such figures are not surprising, because the Sydney Aquarium has the world's largest collection of sharks, and it also houses the longest acrylic tunnel in the world with a length of 160 meters.

Area: 11,000 sq. meters.
In Valencia, travelers have the opportunity to visit not just an oceanarium, but a real oceanographic park with an area of ​​11,000 square meters. meters. It occupies a spectacular building in a futuristic style and presents an incredible collection of marine life from all over the world to the attention of visitors. The total volume of the center's aquariums is 42 million liters.

The Valencia Oceanographic Park is the largest of its kind in Europe and one of the largest in the world, with a collection of over 45,000 fish and marine animals. Visitors to the center will have the opportunity to see not only fish and sharks, traditional for aquariums, but also dolphins, fur seals, beluga whales, walruses and even penguins. The huge oceanarium is divided into nine thematic zones, each of which is equipped for a certain type of animal and recreates the features of a certain ecosystem as accurately as possible.

There are two huge tunnels in the Oceanographic Park of Valencia, a walk through which is an integral part of the tour. Another interesting feature of the center is the Submarino underwater restaurant, one of the best places in the city for a romantic dinner. The outer walls in the hall of this restaurant are made of acrylic glass, so during dinner, visitors can admire the fish swimming by. Daily shows with dolphins are more popular among visitors with children. In the Aquarium of Valencia, everyone will find a place to relax to their liking.

Year of appearance: 1998.
In Lisbon, on the territory of the Park of Nations, there is a wonderful oceanarium, which is also one of the largest and most visited in Europe. The structure of this oceanarium is very interesting, it is equipped with five huge aquariums, each of which represents a collection of the inhabitants of one of the oceans: the Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Indian and Arctic. The opening of the oceanarium took place in 1998. It is housed in a building that was built specifically for the World Expo.

Since its opening, it has gained immense popularity among both locals and tourists; now the aquarium in Lisbon is visited annually by more than a million people. It features more than 16,000 marine life belonging to 450 different species. The volume of the largest aquarium is 5,000 cubic meters, it is designed in such a way that it creates the illusion of an open ocean.

This aquarium features more than a hundred species of marine life, including various types of tuna, rays, sharks, barracudas, moray eels and even the mysterious moonfish. Around the huge central aquarium there are four others. One of the most unusual is the aquarium dedicated to the inhabitants of the Pacific Ocean. In it, in addition to exotic fish, you can also see incredibly beautiful algae forests. In the aquarium dedicated to the Indian Ocean, the central place is occupied by a coral reef. It is incredibly interesting to watch the life raging around it.

Atlanta is home to the largest aquarium in the United States and is a national landmark. The total volume of its aquariums is 32,000 cubic meters, about 120,000 marine animals and fish live in them. The vast territory of the aquarium is divided into several thematic expositions, there is also an excellent Dolphin Tales dolphinarium on the territory of the aquarium.

Quite unusual is the Cold Water Quest exposition, which introduces guests to the inhabitants of the coldest oceans. Here you can see the Beluga family, as well as African penguins, which have adapted to the harsh living conditions. The Tropical Diver exposition, on the contrary, is dedicated to the inhabitants of the warmest seas. Here you can see the incredible beauty of tropical fish, exotic jellyfish and corals - in a word, everything that divers from all over the world “hunt” for.

One of the most impressive is the Ocean Voyager Aquarium, which is home to four whale sharks. Its design provides for the presence of an acrylic tunnel, so it is incredibly interesting to observe marine life. At the Georgia Aquarium, visitors are offered a huge selection of educational excursions, thrill-seekers will be offered to go diving and, together with an escort, swim in an aquarium with sharks. Among other original entertainments, it is worth noting the opportunity to spend the night in the aquarium - these are just some of the surprises that one of the most incredible aquariums in the world has prepared for its guests.

Year of appearance: 2012.
Singapore also has its own incredible oceanarium; the total volume of water in its aquariums is more than 45,000 cubic meters. They are home to over 10,000 fish and marine animals belonging to 800 different species. Among the outstanding features of the aquarium, it is worth noting its central aquarium, its observation panel is the largest in the world. Its width is 36 meters, and its height is 8.3 meters, respectively. Against the background of this huge screen, people look very tiny, it allows them to enjoy the effect of presence and feel like part of a huge ocean.

The Singapore Aquarium is also famous for rare specimens of marine life, it houses more than 20 specimens of amaline dolphins, as well as a bronze hammerhead fish, which can not be seen in every large oceanarium on the planet. The opening of the oceanarium took place in 2012; from the moment of its opening to the present, it has been the largest on the planet.

In addition to the oceanarium itself, the large-scale center also includes an amusement park, which will also be interesting to visit with the whole family. In the colorful water park, many interesting attractions have been prepared for guests, as well as traditional water slides, mysterious grottoes and an incredibly beautiful underground aquarium. Fans of unusual entertainment will love the underwater restaurant, which overlooks a giant aquarium. The surprises do not end there, all visitors have the opportunity to stay at the hotel, which is located on the territory of the oceanarium, its rooms also offer a magnificent view of the aquariums.

Year of appearance: 1984.
In Denmark, in the city of Hirtshals, there is the famous North Sea Oceanarium - a unique entertainment center, an unforgettable experience from visiting which is guaranteed to everyone. The total volume of the aquariums of this center is 4,500 cubic meters, 70 species of fish live in it. To some, such a collection may seem quite modest, but each of the inhabitants of this amazing oceanarium is the rarest marine inhabitant. Only in the North Sea Oceanarium can one simultaneously watch several moonfish, whose unhurried movements are simply mesmerizing.

The opening of the oceanarium took place in 1984, among its outstanding features is a huge aquarium, which is designed in the form of an amphitheater. The height of its glasses is 8 meters, through them it is very convenient to observe flocks of mackerel and herring, as well as huge sharks. Every day, an interesting show is held for the guests of the aquarium, they can watch a scuba diver dive into the aquarium to feed the fish.

In addition to a huge indoor aquarium, the center also has a large outdoor pool, which has become a home for seals. Travelers with children will be interested in visiting the oceanarium in the warm season, when the Krabbekysten interactive zone is opened for the youngest visitors. It is a large playground with a pond, a "touching" pool and a pier from which you can fish for crabs. In summer, excellent picnic areas, cafes with outdoor terraces and souvenir shops are available to visitors.

Perth, Australia also has an aquarium that can surprise even the most experienced travelers. The Aqua Aquarium has a luxurious design, the volume of its main aquarium is more than three million liters. Specialists tried to make all the inhabitants of the oceanarium feel as comfortable as possible, the decoration of the tanks was carried out with great care. The main entertainment for visitors to the aquarium is a walk through a transparent tunnel, the length of which is 98 meters.

During the "underwater" walk you can see the most beautiful exotic fish, huge sharks and even sea turtles, which are also an important symbol of Australia. The coast of Australia is rich in representatives of a wide variety of marine life, in order to get to know them more conveniently, the territory of the aquarium was divided into five thematic zones. They are dedicated to the inhabitants of the Perth Coast, the Great South Coast, the Marmaillon Marine Park, the Far North and the Shipwreck Coast.

For Perth, the Aqua Aquarium is a real historical landmark. A beautiful story is connected with its opening. The founder of the center is Morris Kahn, one of the richest people in Australia, who opened several of the largest amusement parks in the country in the 1970s. His son was very fond of scuba diving and during one of the dives he injured his eardrums, further scuba diving was out of the question. To console his son, Morris Kahn decided to build for him the best oceanarium on the continent, which travelers from all over the world are now eager to visit.

Year of appearance: 2003.
Surprisingly, one of the most incredible oceanariums on the planet should be looked for among the desert steppes of Kazakhstan. The Duman Oceanarium, which was opened in 2003, presents to the attention of visitors a rich collection of marine life, which numbers about 2.5 thousand individuals. The volume of the central aquarium is 3.5 million liters. The best specialists from the Chinese company Asiocean internationa, as well as specialists from Russia, worked on the oceanarium project.

The Duman Oceanarium holds the Guinness Book of Records record; In fact, Duman is a huge entertainment complex, in which, in addition to huge aquariums with marine life and a traditional acrylic tunnel, many more interesting surprises await visitors.

They will be able to visit an ultra-modern cinema, relax in one of the cozy cafes, go shopping and even try their luck in the casino. Those for whom marine entertainment is of paramount importance are offered the most interesting entertainment and educational programs every day. The widest range of entertainment is available to the guests of the oceanarium, from the traditional shark feeding show to scuba diving and the opportunity to swim in one huge aquarium with some of the most dangerous marine predators. Those who have long dreamed of learning to dive will also like the entertainment center. Here you can work out under the guidance of an experienced instructor and get a certificate.

Year of appearance: 2002.
In England, travelers are invited to visit the Deep Aquarium, which is located in a picturesque area - at the confluence of the Humber and Hull rivers. The oceanarium was opened in 2002. Today it is home to 3,000 marine life, including seven species of sharks. The total volume of its aquariums is 2.5 million liters. Not everyone knows that Deep is not just an oceanarium among others, but one of the largest marine research centers on the planet.

Among its regular guests are not only inquisitive travelers, but also scientists from all over the world. For schoolchildren and students, the most interesting educational programs are offered here. The oceanarium is famous for its rich collection of exotic fish, whose flocks can be admired endlessly. In addition, rare species of waterfowl live in it, and one of the most unusual is an aviary with penguins. Among the sights of England, the Deep Aquarium has long been one of the leading places. It is especially popular among tourists with children.

Year of appearance: 1992. Area: 3,100 sq. meters. Population (attendance): 1.2 million people per year.
In Italy, the largest aquarium is located in Genoa, it is the second largest in Europe. The opening of the oceanarium took place in 1992; it was built specifically for the opening of the Genoa Expo’92 exhibition. Initially, the center has an important educational, ecological and even historical significance. Its opening was timed to coincide with a significant day - the 500th anniversary of the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus.

Genoa Oceanarium introduces visitors to the typical inhabitants of the Ligurian Sea, representatives of the northern waters of the Atlantic Ocean, as well as typical inhabitants of the reefs of the Caribbean Sea. Thus, the presented exposition actually reproduces the sea route that Christopher Columbus made more than 500 years ago. It is also worth noting that the exposition presented to visitors focuses on the most important environmental problems of the planet, interesting educational excursions and lectures are held for visitors. The area of ​​the oceanarium is 3,100 sq. meters, every year it is visited by about 1.2 million people.

Its visitors will have the opportunity to admire the most incredible inhabitants of the deep sea, who now live in a huge aquarium, as well as watch the rays that live in a large open tank. In total, there are 70 tanks in the aquarium, and it takes more than one hour to get to know the inhabitants. There is also an "exclusive attraction" in the center, which is called "Night with Sharks". Once a month, everyone can spend the night in the aquarium and watch how its inhabitants behave after dark.

Year of appearance: 2005. Area: 10,000 sq. meters.
In Bangkok, in one of the most popular shopping and entertainment centers Siam Paragon, you can visit the Siam Ocean World aquarium, which was opened in 2005. It is the largest oceanarium in Southeast Asia. Here you can also see huge aquariums with a screen comparable in size to a cinema screen. Here visitors can see a lot of the rarest inhabitants of the deep sea, including luminous jellyfish, rare species of tropical fish and starfish.

The oceanarium has an impressive area of ​​10,000 sq. meters, and the total volume of its tanks is 5 million liters. Guests of the Siam Ocean World Aquarium are offered a variety of types of excursions, from classic to the most expensive and exclusive. The latter include special types of entertainment, guests are offered to ride around the largest aquarium on a glass bottom boat, as well as enjoy the popular spa treatment - fish peeling.

The most inquisitive guests will have the opportunity to visit the most hidden corners of the oceanarium, where ordinary visitors are not allowed, as well as watch an educational film in a 5D cinema. Rare species of fish that swim vertically, huge spider crabs, rare blue crayfish and unique marine life are just a few of the amazing things that guests of the Bangkok Aquarium will be able to see. Like many aquariums, this one is divided into many themed areas with different tanks, which makes the tour incredibly exciting.

In search of the most original aquarium in the world, many travelers go to Berlin. Here is the famous aquarium Aqua Dom, which is located in the luxurious Radisson Blu Hotel and is the most important element of its unique interior. The height of this cylindrical aquarium is 16 meters, it carries not only a decorative, but also a functional load. Inside a huge cylinder made of high-strength acrylic, there is an elevator, the ride on which remains the most exciting attraction for customers and guests of the hotel.

Aqua Dom is the largest cylindrical aquarium in the world, it is filled with salt water, like in any real aquarium, live fish and other inhabitants of the deep sea swim in it. The volume of the original aquarium is 1 million liters, which allows it to remain a world record holder. Constantly in the aquarium lives about 1.5 thousand fish, which belong to a hundred different species.

Caring for such an unusual piece of decor requires considerable time, physical and material costs from the hotel staff. Since the opening of the aquarium in a luxurious hotel, full-time scuba divers have been constantly working to keep the aquarium clean and feed its inhabitants. The best way to appreciate the most unusual aquarium in Germany in all its glory is to become a guest of a luxurious hotel. There is a huge cylinder in the courtyard, which is equipped with cozy seating areas, the windows of some exquisite rooms also overlook the courtyard.

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Today, many people install aquariums at home. Typically, home aquariums can hold up to 60 liters of water. But sometimes people also own much larger aquariums, for example, with a water capacity of 1000 liters. And there are those whose dimensions allow the audience to demonstrate many marine life. Let's find out where the largest aquarium in the world is located and what it offers as a spectacle.

The biggest in the world

Atlanta boasts an incredibly huge aquarium, which is considered the largest in the world. This is The Georgia Aquarium, containing 24,000,000 liters of water and over one hundred and twenty representatives of sea waters. Visitors can see whale sharks, dolphins, rays, and beluga whales here. This place has 5 thematic expositions, and to visit them you need to immerse yourself in different ocean ecosystems. Visitors to the aquarium get acquainted with the representatives of sea waters, crossing a thirty-meter long tunnel.

A smaller size is the Sydney Aquarium, which is considered the main attraction of Australia. It was opened after renovation in 2012. Today, visitors to this huge aquarium can observe marine representatives, of which there are about 700 species. A glass tunnel runs along the bottom of the aquarium, from which visitors can see incredibly huge sharks swimming so close that one can freeze with fear and admiration.

The aquarium in Dubai, which opens its doors to visitors to The Dubai Mall, is designed for 10,000,000 liters. 33,000 representatives of the ocean and the sea live in the waters of this oceanarium. The huge aquarium became record famous due to the presence of a huge glass panel, which, unfortunately, leaked in 2012, which led to the rapid evacuation of visitors. But all the problems were quickly fixed, and again a stream of visitors poured in to marvel at the wonders of underwater life.

The largest in Europe

The largest aquarium in Europe is the Oceanographic Park in Valencia (L'Oceanogràfic). On 110,000 m2 of area there are two huge underwater tunnels in which you can watch for hours how marine life (Canadian walruses, beluga whales) swim in the water. This oceanarium was conceived as a place for leisure and entertainment, but it is also a research laboratory. But scientists and visitors never intersect, however, the "scientific" nature of this place is immediately visible.

Aquariums in Russia

Oceanariums of considerable size in our country are represented in the capital and Sochi. The largest oceanarium in Russia is called "Sochi DiscoveryWorld Aquarium", which invited visitors in 2011. Twenty-nine aquariums are located on a truly impressive area, which is 6000 m2. And the largest oceanarium in Sochi holds 5,000,000 liters of water.

The sight of visitors is delighted by colorful fish, corals, sharks, whose life can be observed from the underwater tunnel. The main feature of this amazing place is a waterfall in a hot forest, which can be reached by walking across the lake on a bridge. In the Sochi Oceanarium, you can see a lot of freshwater fish brought here from various places on our planet.

One of the halls is completely connected with representatives of the sea and ocean depths - there are 13 small aquariums and a winding tunnel, passing through which it seems as if you are surrounded on all sides by a huge ocean. Behind the fragile glass, which is only 17 cm thick, marine representatives swim among the sunken ships, not paying attention to the people looking at them. But the peaceful life of the oceanarium is disturbed by the appearance of bloodthirsty sharks, which people watch with bated breath. This oceanarium has become a real symbol of Sochi - all tourists aspire here, and city residents love to spend their leisure time in this beautiful place, which was created using high technologies and at least $ 25,000,000 was spent.

And if you want to find out where the largest oceanarium in Moscow is located, then by all means go to the Moskvarium Center for Oceanography and Marine Biology, located at VDNKh. This oceanarium, opened this year, is 53,000 m2 in area. This is indeed the largest oceanarium in Moscow, designed for the simultaneous presence of 1200 people. The oceanarium with 80 aquariums has no analogues either in Europe or in Russia. Here you can see more than 8,000 fish and marine animals (seahorses, sharks, rays, pikes, etc.). The Moskvarium has a children's area and a hall for spectators, where performances, training seminars, and film screenings can be held.

There are a huge number of oceanariums in the world, each of which is unique in itself. They differ in size, inhabitants and variety of animals represented. The largest of them attract annually a huge flow of visitors who want to get to know the life of underwater creatures.

The top 10 included largest aquariums in the world to date. When selecting them, the area, the number of individuals and the species represented were taken into account.


Opens the ten largest aquariums in the world. Over 6 thousand individuals live here, among which there are about 650 species of various underwater inhabitants. Its opening took place in 1988, and in 2012 it was completely rebuilt and restored. The Sydney Aquarium is a permanent home for sharks, fur seals, sea lions, penguins and other animals. It also houses one of the largest collections of sharks in the world.


Sochi discovery World Aquarium is the largest oceanarium in Russia. It occupies an area of ​​just over half a hectare and has gathered its entire exposition on two floors. On the territory of the Sochi Aquarium there are 30 aquariums with various types of inhabitants. The central aquarium is a tunnel 44 meters long, where sharks and other fish species live. It took 5 million liters of water to fill the aquarium. The opening of the Sochi Oceanarium took place in the winter of 2009.


LAquarium de Barcelona included in the list of the largest aquariums in Europe. It is located in the capital of Catalonia, Barcelona and covers an area of ​​approximately 1.5 hectares. L'Aquarium de Barcelona is inhabited by about 12 thousand underwater inhabitants, represented by 450 different species. It has several thematic areas. Of particular interest is the oceanarium itself in the form of a large tunnel 86 meters long. It is part of the Mediterranean Sea. L'Aquarium de Barcelona is considered one of the most popular and visited among tourists.


Oceanario de Lisboa- the largest oceanarium in Portugal, located in the city of Lisbon. It is inhabited by about 16 thousand marine inhabitants, represented by 450 species diversity. The area of ​​Oceanario de Lisboa is 1 hectare, and its depth is about 7 meters, which allows visitors to create the illusion of an open ocean. The pride of the oceanarium is the moon fish, which is not available in all aquariums due to the specific conditions of detention.


The Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium with an area of ​​about 2 hectares is included in the list of the largest oceanariums in the world. It is located in Japan, in the Okinawa Exhibition Park. About 80 aquariums are located in the four-story building, where sharks, deep-sea inhabitants, tropical fish and other marine inhabitants live. There are about 80 species of corals in the aquarium.


Dubai Aquarium included in the list of the largest in the world. Its total area is about 273 square meters. It is located in the capital of the United Arab Emirates, the city of Dubai, and is part of the Discovery Center shopping and entertainment center. It was opened in 2008 and has become one of the most visited in the world. It took 10 million liters of water to fill it, in which more than 200 species of marine life and 33 thousand species of fish now live. Dubai Aquarium is notable for being included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest indoor aquarium. The Dubai Aquarium's panoramic panel is over 30 meters wide and over 8 meters high. Dubai Aquarium has an arched, half-kilometer tunnel 11 meters high and 20 meters wide.

4. L "Oceanographic

L'Oceanografic, located in Spain, is considered one of the largest in the world. Its area is just over 1 hectare, and over 45 thousand marine inhabitants live in it, among which 500 different species are represented. In addition to the diverse flora, there is also a rich fauna, consisting of 80 species of plants. In Europe, L'Oceanografic is considered the largest. The oceanarium is divided into ten zones, which are inhabited by the inhabitants of the Mediterranean, the polar oceans of the Arctic, tropical seas, the Red Sea, etc. The total volume of water contained in the aquarium is about 42 million liters.


Shanghai Ocean Aquarium (SOA) is the largest aquarium in Asia. It is located on an area of ​​2 hectares and has become a permanent habitat for more than 15 thousand animals, represented by 450 species. SOA is divided into nine thematic areas. The China Gallery houses rare, endangered fish species. The following zones deserve special attention: "Cold" and "Polar". There you can watch the life of seals and penguins. A feature of the Shanghai Oceanarium is its long tunnel, which is considered one of the longest in the world: it stretches for as much as 155 meters.


It occupies the second place of honor among the largest oceanariums in the world. Its opening took place in 2005. For seven years, he managed to maintain the status of the largest, until the S.E.A. Aquarium opened in Singapore. It is divided into five thematic zones. The Southern Company River Scout area features North American river dwellers and some exotic fish species. The next themed section of AT&T Dolphin Tales is for dolphins, of which more than a dozen live here. Every day they arrange a half-hour football show for guests. The largest of the galleries featured here is the Ocean Voyager built by Home Depot, home to the inhabitants of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef. Also in this part of the oceanarium, a huge thirty-meter tunnel was laid. The sea house occupies an area of ​​just over 5 hectares.


S. E. A. Aquarium- the largest aquarium in the world, which is located in Singapore, on the island of Sentosa. Its opening took place in autumn 2012. It was then that he took the honorary title of the largest from the American Oceanarium of Georgia. The total area occupied by S.E.A.Aquarium is 8 hectares, and the volume of water is 45 million liters. It has become a home for 100 thousand marine inhabitants of 800 species. The oceanarium is divided into ten zones and includes about 50 marine habitats. The central part of the S.E.A. Aquarium is an open ocean area with the largest viewing panel in the world, which allows visitors to create the illusion of being at the bottom of the sea. S.E.A. Aquarium is part of Singapore's Marine Life Park.

Russians increasingly began to think about spending holidays and vacations in their native country. The tourist infrastructure of many cities is actively developing. New entertainment centers, water parks, etc. are being built. Today we will tell you about the best and largest oceanariums in Russia. This is an excellent and interesting option for leisure activities. After all, aquariums provide an opportunity to see bright underwater inhabitants at arm's length.

The best oceanariums in Russia. TOP 5 places everyone should visit.

No. 1. Oceanarium "Planet Neptune", St. Petersburg

If you come to get acquainted with the sights of the cultural capital of Russia, then do not miss the opportunity to look into the Planet Neptune. Of course, this is one of the best oceanariums in Russia. The dimensions are impressive. It covers an area of ​​5000 square meters. The total number of large aquariums is 35 pieces. How many representatives of marine fauna live here? You will see more than 4,500 bright representatives of the underwater world, including exotic fish, predators (stingrays, sharks and moray eels), Baltic seals and many others.

Located at the address: Marata Street, 86.

No. 2. Voronezh Oceanarium, Voronezh

The largest scientific and entertainment complex in Russia. In size, it is inferior to the Planet of Neptune, but in terms of the number of unique representatives of fauna and flora, it is worthy of competition. Its area was 4400 square meters. The collection of rare animals is striking: 200 species of fish, including rare representatives, 100 species of mammals. This is not all. There are areas where you can see reptiles, birds, invertebrates. There were also rare representatives of flora and fauna: giant spider crabs, dragon moray eels, tiger sharks, etc.

No. 3. Moskvarium

One of the largest and best oceanariums not only in Russia but also in Europe. Moskvarium is located on the territory of VDNKh. This is a huge entertainment complex that has become home to 7,000 marine life, including different types of moray eels, rays, sharks, sea urchins, octopuses, exotic fish, turtles, killer whales and dolphins. Moskvarium can be divided into several large areas: a swimming area with dolphins, a water stage and a huge aquarium. Of course, one hour is not enough to cover the entire fund of the museum. If you get hungry and want to have a bite to eat, then there are excellent restaurants and cafes on the territory of the complex.

Located at the address: Prospekt Mira, 119/23, VDNKh

№ 4. Sochi discovery World Aquarium, Sochi

The ocean is rightfully considered a place of ongoing miracle with its magical landscapes and amazing inhabitants. And to demonstrate these beauties, numerous oceanariums and aquariums built around the world were invented. We present to your attention a list of the top 10 amazing oceanariums in the world.

Churaumi Aquarium (The Okinawa Chiraumi Aquarium)

The Churaumi Aquarium is located on the island of Okinawa, Japan. It was opened to visitors on October 1, 2002. It is a four-story building, which houses 77 different aquariums. Aquariums mainly contain deep-sea representatives of the ocean, such as sharks, tropical fish and corals. The oceanarium is located on an area of ​​1.9 hectares and contains 26,000 different animals of 750 species.

Ushaka Marine World is a theme park that opened on April 30, 2004 in Durban, South Africa. It occupies a total area of ​​16 hectares divided into 4 sections: uShaka Sea World, uShaka Wet ‘n Wild, uShaka Beach, and uShaka Village Walk. The aquarium contains about 10,000 animals, including endangered species.

In 2005, the park was awarded for "Outstanding Achievement in Themed Creative Design". It is an exciting place that will appeal to children and adults alike.

Shanghai Oceanarium (Shanghai Ocean Aquarium)

The Shanghai Aquarium covers 2.45 hectares and is located in Shanghai, China. The aquarium has become home to some of the rarest animals in the world. Visitors will be delighted to see chinstrap penguins and giant salamanders here, animals that are very rare in the wild.

The Shanghai Oceanarium also includes a 120-meter tunnel built inside the aquarium. It is one of the longest such tunnels in the world.

Monterey Bay Aquarium

The Monterey Bay Aquarium was opened on October 20, 1984 and is located in Monterey, California, USA. This is one of the most unique attractions on the American west coast because it is home to an impressive variety of aquatic life. The aquarium boasts over 35,000 animals representing 620 different species.

Oceanographic Park of Valencia (L'Oceanografic Aquarium)

This amazing aquarium is located in the east of Valencia, Spain. The oceanarium, covering an area of ​​about 110,000 square meters, contains 45,000 animals, representatives of 500 different species, which live in nine tower-shaped aquariums. The Valencia Oceanographic Park is the largest of its kind in Europe and has twelve structures that have been created to emulate different marine ecosystems.

Sydney Aquarium (Sydney Aquarium)

The Sydney Aquarium was opened to the public in 1988 and is located in Darling Harbour, Sydney, Australia. It contains mainly numerous representatives of the Australian flora and fauna. Over 650 different species with a total of 6,000 individuals. The Sydney Aquarium features a series of unique underwater tunnels lined with acrylic glass, inside which visitors can walk and observe animals and plants.

New England Aquarium

The New England Aquarium was built in 1969 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. It is home to endangered animal species. At one time, the New England Aquarium made a revolutionary breakthrough in the construction of such structures, because the viewing panels in this aquarium are built in the shape of a cylinder. And visitors watch the animals from a spiral platform that runs in a circle from the bottom to the top of the observation deck.

Aquariums of two oceans (Two Oceans Aquarium)

The Two Oceans Aquarium was opened on November 13, 1995. Located near the Cape of Good Hope, on the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront in Cape Town, South Africa. It is here that the waters of the Indian and Atlantic oceans meet, hence the name of the aquarium. Here you can see representatives of the flora and fauna of the above-mentioned oceans. The Aquarium has six themed exhibits housing over 3,000 animals.

National Aquarium in Baltimore (National Aquarium)

The National Aquarium in Baltimore is located in the city of the same name, Maryland, USA. It is one of the most complete aquariums in the world. It has existed since 1981 and during this time it has become home to more than 16,500 animals, representatives of 660 different species.

Georgia Aquariums (Georgia Aquarium)

This amazing aquarium was opened on November 23, 2005 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. It is the largest aquarium in the world. It is also home to some of the rarest marine life on the planet. More than 100,000 animals, representatives of 500 species, live here.

The aquarium is divided into 5 huge galleries where you can see a variety of animals and plants in their natural habitat.

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