Formation of oud in English lessons in elementary school. Typical tasks for the formation of universal educational activities in English lessons

Consider cognitive learning activities, what they represent

Cognitive UUD

At the core successful application these learning activities- selected UMC.

We are working on a series of teaching materials "English in focus" - "Spotlight". This TMC meets all the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The modernity of the course, in particular the section Study Skills, which includes a description of the methods of learning activities, advice and recommendations for students on the development of various educational and cognitive skills necessary in the process of mastering the English language.

Consider the 7th grade textbook. In each new module, a grammar reference is given under the heading “Grammar reference”, with the task Study the theory box (study the theory) and tasks are immediately given to consolidate a new grammatical rule. Find examples (find examples). General educational activities are developed by a grammar reference presented in modules. Thanks to the material of the handbook, students apply the skills to use reference material, act according to the model, work with tables. What does this give us?

New grammatical material is presented to students in the form of an element of research and independent summing up under the concept.

For example, in the first module of the workbook, the task is given to use verbs in present simple or Present Continuous (p. 5 No. 3). The first option that students work on is to independently study the background information and apply it in practice. Joint error checking and correction allow you to analyze and summarize the new rule. Thus, the organization of the student's activities to comprehend the phenomenon under study, the analysis of the existing language speech experience.

The second option, the teacher, without explaining the rule, gives 1 the right pattern performance on Present Simple and Present Continuous.

Students analyze changes in verbs, use Do / Does, use the verb to be and endings - ing, compare, bring under the concept of what Present Simple and Present Continuous are. Reinforce the topic with reference material.

In this EMC, a communicative-cognitive approach to teaching a foreign language develops and educates in schoolchildren the need to use English as a means of communication, cognition, self-realization.

Tutorial consists of 8-10 thematic modules, each of which includes 9 lessons.

New lexico-grammatical material is mainly contained in the first three lessons of the module. Its development is organized through the integration of all types of speech activity.

This approach maintains a high motivation for the development of oral and written speech. New vocabulary is introduced in phrases. Speech situations are created in which the ability to build speech utterances develops.

In the first module (p. 6 No. 1), in the first task, students show the ability to extract information from the text they have listened to, act according to the model, build speech statements.

  1. Listen to the sounds.

What can you see, smell, and hear?

How do they make you feel: stressed/ relaxed/ free/ worried/ happy/ lonely…

b) Use the phrases and your own ideas…

The most successful in the use of logical UUD are projects. At all stages of work on the project, all components of general educational and logical UUD are used.

At the end of each module, there is an Extensive reading page, Writing #4 includes a Project on the topic covered.

For example, the project given at the end of module 3.

The stages of work on the project include the following tasks:

Development of skills to work in a group

Translate the plot of a fairy tale from Russian into English (monologic speech)

derivation of morality

The result of the project is a book of fairy tales

Stages and UUD

General educational UUD

Logic UUD

Distribution of work for the number of participants

Self-selection of a fairy tale

Vocabulary analysis, keyword extraction

Discussion of the ways of translation: semantic and literal

Ability to work with text, use reference material

Comparison of expressions in English and Russian

Distribution of roles

Definition of primary and secondary information

Analysis of working with text

Independent work

Structuring knowledge, understanding and adequate assessment of the language

Summing up under the concept, translating direct speech into indirect

Intermediate discussion. Work on the structure of the translated text.

The use of information retrieval methods using computer tools, the construction of a retelling, a monologue.

Solving the problem of a creative and exploratory nature

Project Protection

Reflection, performance evaluation

MBOU gymnasium №2

Educational and cognitive UUD at English lessons on the example of UMK "Spotlight»

Danielova A.V.

Dyulgarova D.F.



"Formation of UUD at foreign language lessons"

Presentation on the topic:

"Formation of UUD at English lessons in initial stage training"

Done by: English teacher

Ardatov special (correctional) boarding school IV species Verkhova I.A.

Ways of forming UUD in English lessons in primary school


According to the requirements of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards, the most important task of the modern education system is the formation of universal educational activities that provide students with the ability to learn, the ability for self-development and self-improvement.

The beginning of the formation of universal educationalactionschoolchildren are provided at the junior level of education. Therefore, the primary task of every teacher working in an elementary school is to organize the conditions for the formation of universal educational activities, taking into account the subject content of his educational discipline for an elementary school. The English language, which, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, begins in the 2nd grade, provides certain opportunities for the formation of UUD. The modern system of teaching English is characterized by the fact that, along withknowledge component (functional literacy of a younger student - the ability to read, write, etc.) in the content of education isactivity component : activities that include specific universal learning activities that ensure the creative application of knowledge to solve life problems, the initial skills of self-education.

Target my speech - to consider ways of forming UUD in elementary school by means of the subject "English", whichof interest for English teachers working in elementary schools, as the formation of UUD is one of the main provisions of the Second Generation GEF Concept. I will try to describe the types of UUD, how to form them in English lessons using the example of a lesson summary on the topic “How old are you?” based on UMC "EnjoyEnglish» Biboletova M.Z for class 2.

The concept of "universal learning activities"

The term "universal learning activities" means the ability to learn, i.e. the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious appropriation of new social experience. In its own psychological meaning, this term can be defined as a set of student's ways of action that ensure the independent assimilation of new knowledge, the formation of skills, including the organization of this process.

UUD functions:

Ensuring the student's ability to independently carry out learning activities, set learning goals, search and use necessary funds and ways to achieve them, monitor and evaluate the process and results of activities;

Creation of conditions for the harmonious development of the personality and its self-realization on the basis of readiness for continuous education, ensuring the successful assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills, abilities and competencies in any subject area.

Allocate 4 blocks of UUD :

Personal actions provide a value-semantic orientation of students (knowledge of moral norms, the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior) and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. With regard to educational activities, there are3 types of personal actions:

Personal, professional, lifeself-determination ;

- meaning formation, those. establishing a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive;

- moral and ethical orientation.

Regulatory actions provide students with the organization of their educational activities. These include:

- goal setting - setting a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students and what is still unknown;

- planning - determination of the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

- forecasting – anticipation of the result and the level of knowledge acquisition;

- control in the form of a comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard;

- correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the actual action and its result;

Cognitive universal actions include:

general educational generic actions:

Independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal;

Search and selection of necessary information;

Structuring knowledge;

Conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech statement in oral and written form;

Choice of the most effective ways solving problems depending on specific conditions;

Semantic reading, extracting the necessary information from the text, determining the main and secondary information;

Statement and formulation of the problem, independently creation of activity algorithms;

Sign-symbolic actions.

brain teaser generic actions:

Analysis of objects in order to highlight essential and non-essential features;

Synthesis - the compilation of a whole from parts;

Selection of grounds and criteria for comparison, seriation, classification of objects;

Establishment of causal relationships;

Building a logical chain of reasoning;


Construction of hypotheses and their justification.

Statement and solution of the problem :

Formulation of the problem;

Independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Communicative actions provide social competence, the ability to listen and engage in dialogue, participate in a collective discussion of problems, build productive interaction with peers and adults.These include:

Planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers;

Asking questions - proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information;

Conflict resolution - identification, identification of the problem, search and evaluation of alternative ways to resolve the conflict, decision-making and its implementation;

Management of the partner's behavior - control, correction, evaluation of his actions;

The ability to express one's thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.

The formation of UUD in the educational process is carried out in the context

learning different subjects. Each subject in

depending on its content and methods of organizing educational

activities of students provides certain opportunities for

the formation of universal learning activities in English lessons

language in elementary school.

- grade - highlighting and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation;

- self-regulation.

Formation of UUD in English lessons

Let us first consider the formationpersonal UUD means of the English language. Acquaintance of students with the culture, history and traditions of other peoples and world culture, the discovery of the universality of the children's subculture creates the necessary conditions for the formation of personal universal actions - the formation of a civic identity of the individual, mainly in its general cultural component, and a benevolent attitude, respect and tolerance for other countries and peoples , competence in intercultural dialogue.

The student realizes what a person is in a dialogue with peers, in interaction with a teacher. At the initial stage of education, a child develops an idea of ​​himself as a person when he briefly talks about himself in English (like his name, how old he is, where he is from, what he likes to do). The student begins to realize that there is another language and that he can communicate in this area. He begins to realize why oral and written assignments are performed, why homework should be done. At the initial stage, students get acquainted with the names of the countries of the language being studied, the traditions and customs of these countries, the heroes literary works, the lives of their peers and begin to compare them accordingly with their country. At this stage, there is a moral and ethical assessment of the content being digested, based on social and personal values.

Concerningregulatory universal learning activities, at the initial stage of training, it is often necessary to change the types of educational activities, taking into account the psychological and age characteristics of students. At the initial stage, they learn by playing and playing, develop and learn. And at the same time, it is important to teach students to regulate their gaming activities. Self-regulation occurs when staging fairy tales, when playing out dialogues, when compiling a story in a chain, according to a reference scheme, according to pictures, when answering questions from a teacher. It is necessary at the initial stage to teach children to predict their results. Younger students can use self-control to see if they are doing well by checking their answers against a benchmark. In the TMC Biboletova M.Z., which we use in our work in primary school, after each quarter there is test tasks for self control. With self-control, the written and oral speech of the student is corrected. If positive, children develop positive emotions and increases self-esteem.

Let's move on to reviewcognitive universal educational activities.

In elementary school, cognitive actions formed in English lessons are focused on the use of a new language in the future as a means of acquiring and processing information: find, read, summarize, present in oral and written form, create your own text. At the initial stage of training, it is important to teach the student to independently set cognitive tasks:

Learn to highlight the main thing in the text;

To teach consciously and arbitrarily to build their statements based on pictures on diagrams;

Understand the meaning of the text and the ability to predict the development of its plot;

Compose original text based on the plan.

Children at this stage are already learning to answer the teacher's questions in writing or orally, and with self-control and mutual control they can evaluate the process and results of their activities and each other.

Logical UUDs have not yet been formed at the initial stage, but, nevertheless, at the English lesson it is necessary to develop logical thinking in the child using supports (texts, grammatical material, linguistic and cultural material, etc.). When studying grammatical material, it is advisable to use geometric shapes. For example:

actor - quadrilateral,

quality, object - shaded quadrilateral,

action verb - black triangle

verb denoting attitude to action, feeling, state - triangle,

linking verb - a triangle with an arrow inside,

scene - circle, etc.

Modeling is formed with the help of geometric figures.

Students can be taught to analyze when passing grammar material. Synthesize - with monologue and dialogic speech or when doing exercises in a textbook:

Insert missing words

Insert missing letters

Complete the offer

Fill in the table

Guess about the rule for the formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives, etc.

Problem posing and solving is done by project activities younger students.I often invite my students to create their own projects on a specific topic and present them in the form of presentations. At the initial stage, it can be such creative projects as draw and describe your favorite toy, draw and tell about your family, about your friend. In grade 3, we use project activities in working on the topics “School breakfast menu for a forest school student”, “ New Year's gift”, “Birthday card”, “My favorite fairy-tale hero”. In 4th grade, you can use projects when studying topics such as “Upcoming Holidays in a Magical Land”, “Composing Fairy Tales”, “Fashion Magazine for New TV Stars”.

The largest number English provides opportunities for the formationcommunicative universal learning activities in younger students.In English lessons, children learn:

Conduct etiquette dialogues in typical situations of everyday, educational, labor and intercultural communication;

Keep up the conversation by asking questions and asking again;

They master various communicative types of speech: description, message, story, characterization;

To perceive by ear and understand the speech of the teacher in the process of communication in the lesson, verbally and non-verbally respond to what is heard;

Write a short letter to a foreign friend following the model, inform brief information about yourself, request similar information about him.

In conclusion, I want to show how the development of universal educational activities of younger students is realized using the example of a lesson summary on the topic “How old are you?” based on UMC "EnjoyEnglish» Biboletova M.Z. for grade 2.Synopsis of an English lesson according to the new GEF.

Subject : English language

Class : 2

Lesson topic : "How old are you?how old are you ?

WMC : "English with pleasure"Enjoy English ”M.Z. Biboletova, O.A. Denisenko, Title, 2011


How old are you?

Goal and tasks

To create conditions for the formation of students' ability to make a sentence based on a diagram using numerals

1 .Educational : To form oral counting skills from 1 to 10

2 .Developing : Develop speaking skills: conduct a dialogue-questioning. Develop verbal and cognitive abilities.

3 Educational : Cultivate a culture of communication.

Planned result

Item Skills



    Conduct an elementary etiquette dialogue in a meeting situation, using numbers up to 10.

    Accumulate baggage of new lexical and grammatical material and gain experience in its application.

    Personal: To be able to choose the optimal Pronounce and distinguish by ear sounds and sound combinations [i:],[ h],[ w],[ ei], [ b].

Play graphically correctly

forms in relationships with classmates.

Communicative : To form the ability to listen and enter into a dialogue to maintain an educational and business conversation, talk about yourself based on the model.

Cognitive: To be able to consciously build a speech statement according to the model, formulate answers to the questions of the teacher and classmates.

Regulatory: Model situations of behavior in the classroom, participate in the distribution of roles for the scene and their improvisational expressive embodiment.

Basic concepts

Numerals from 1 to 10.

Lexical units and phrases on the topic "Acquaintance"

Space organization

Intersubject communications

Forms of work


Mathematics, physical education,


Phonetic and speech warm-up (storytelling)

Work with schemes-supports.

front poll.

pair work

Individual work



Teacher's book

Audio app onCDMP 3

Support schemes

Poster " English alphabet»

Number cards, animal pictures

Poster "Numerals"

hand puppet

Letter cardsaa, bb and the sound b]

Multimedia presentation with images of animals

Asterisks for grading

Stages of work


Organizational stage training session


Resources Used

    Org-moment(mood for the lesson)

2 minutes

Crow hand puppet

Teacher activity

Student activities


Target- set up to communicate in English.

Greetings students:

Good morning children! I'm glad to see you. Sit down, please! ” Let's say hello to our guest. On behalf of the doll, I greet the class "hello !”After the choral response, I approach weak students individually.

Target- engage in foreign language communication, reacting to the teacher's remark according to the communicative


Responding to remarks: "Morning , teacher ! Glad to see you too.” Hello

Communicative: listen, respond and respond to the cue adequately to the speech situation.

Regulatory: use speech to regulate their actions.

    Speech and phonetic charging)

3 minutes

Teacher activity

Student activities


Target- develop pronunciation skills, adjust students' articulation to English speech.

I tell a story with English sounds, which students must repeat correctly. “Let s tell the story together . Tricky decided to hang portraits of friends in the theater, hit his finger with a hammer and screamed[ai ]-[ ai -[ ai ], [ v ]-[ v ], [ v ]; started blowing on my fingerh ]- [ h ] -[ h ], [ w ]-[ w ]-[ w ]. But then all his friends gathered, they liked the portraits so much that he forgot about his finger.”

Repeat after me! [h]-hello, who, Harry; [w]-what, Wendy; [t]-tiger, elephant, cat;


Target- repeat after the teacher phonetically correct English sounds and words.

Repeat sounds and words, trying to copy the teacher's articulation

Regulatory: exercise self-control of correct pronunciation.

Personal: to form ethical feelings - benevolence and emotional and moral responsiveness.

Cognitive: Extract the information you need from what you hear.


Goal setting stage


Resources Used

Goal setting and motivation

2 minutes

Cards with numbers on the board

Teacher activity

Student activities


Target - set a cognitive task

Brainstorming session

I use questions to guide students to the goal of the lesson. “How many portraits did Tricky hang, do you think? How many friends does he have? And you? What helped you answer my questions? What will you learn to do today? (count) What do you need to know for this? Why else do we need numbers?

Target - formulate the task of the lesson

Answering leading questions, they themselves draw conclusions about the purpose of the lesson (numerals, count in English)

Cognitive: Take part in the conversation, formulate and set cognitive tasks .

Regulatory: Be able to plan your activities in accordance with the target setting.

Personal: Motivation of educational activity (social, educational and cognitive)

Communicative: Interact with the teacher during a frontal conversation


The stage of repetition of the studied material


Resources Used

Survey on previously studied material

(examination homework)

6 minutes

Animal slide, animal pictures, stars

Teacher activity

Student activities


Target - develop the skills of oral speech, check the level of assimilation of previously studied material.

1. Frontal survey

a ) I show slides depicting animals: “cat , dog ,

Fox , elephant , crocodile , tiger ". I ask students to name them, recalling the word “the c names of specific animals from the slide.

b ) I distribute pictures and ask you to answer my questions on behalf of the animal from the picture: “hello ! Who are you ? What is your name ? (Remember the names from the last lesson)"

2. Work in pairs

I organize work in closed pairs (a strong student asks questions - a weak one answers) Two best couples Act out the scene in front of the class.


The most active receive stars. (At the end of the lesson, the stars are counted, the best student lesson.)

Target - review what you have learned

Name the animals on the slides;

Answer questions on behalf of the received animal from the picture.

Hello! I'm fox…My name is…”

They interact in pairs. A strong student helps a weaker one if necessary.

Cognitive: To update the acquired knowledge

Communicative: Develop the ability to listen and engage in dialogue

Regulatory: choose actions in accordance with the task, use speech to regulate their actions.

Personal: To form self-esteem based on the success of educational activities, the motivation of educational and cognitive activities.


The stage of studying new educational material


Resources Used



10 minutes

Textbook, number cards, audio CD, toy

Teacher activity


Target - to form the skills of using English numerals from 1 to 10 in speech in accordance with speech situation»

1)I show cards with numbers and call them in English: “Repeat after me !” (I pay special attention to the clear pronunciation of sounds) “Let s count boys / girls !” I show the numbers on the poster. “look and repeat !.”

2) Formation of lexical skills.

Work with the textbook. Ex.1 p.8:

-Name the numbers on the artist cards. “All together

-Name the artist by number: “number three - the cat

-Name the number under which the artist performs: “the tiger - number two

-Working with ex. 2 p.8 Announce the release of the artists.”number five the dog ! (based on the example in the textbook)

3) Listening - presentation of a new question “how old are you ?”

- I turn on exercise 3 p. 9 for listening, giving the task to list questions from the dialogue. Check if students understand the last questionhow old are you ?” If not, I translate it.

- I work out the pronunciation of this phrase in separate words and intonation.

-After re-listening, I propose to repeat the lines of the dialogue in chorus.

I take a toy and act out a conversation with it:

-Who are you?

-I am the crocodile.

-My name is Alex.

-How old are you?

- I am three .

4 ) Formation of the ability to conduct a dialogue-questioning.

I call the student to the board, the rest choose their favorite animal for dialogue from exercise 1. The selected student questions them. Praise: "Fine ! Very good!”

Target - to acquire speech skills in the use of new LU (numerals from 1 to 10)

Repeat aloud with visual support. Count boys/girls aloud. Repeat numerals based on the poster.

Perform the task of the teacher in the frontal mode. The most active get stars.

Listen, isolate questions from the dialogue. Trying to guess the meaning last question

They repeat a new question, then, after listening again, they repeat all the replicas of the dialogue in chorus.

Listen to the conversation, try to remember questions and forms of answers.

Answer questions on behalf of the animal they like.

Cognitive: Update new LUs based on the learning situation and personal experience.

Regulatory: Accept and save the learning goal and objectives.

Communicative: Listen to the teacher and each other to reproduce and perceive the necessary information and maintain an educational and business conversation.

Personal: develop skills of cooperation in different situations


The stage of consolidating educational material


Resources Used


8 minutes

Textbook, table with numbers, support schemes

Teacher activity

Student activities


Target- expanding the development of acquaintance forms in speech, the development of monologue speech skills using new LU

1) A task - make proposals on the basis of schemes.

I place a reference diagram on the board, I remind you what the signs of the diagram mean (spread of the textbook with symbols). I name a few suggestions based on the scheme.

I am Jane .

I am 5.

I am the cat.

I ask you to draw up a few sentences according to the scheme about the age of our artists.

2) The task is to compose a monologue statement according to the reference schemes.

Working with the textbook exercise 4 p.9

To tell on behalf of one of the participants of the sports festival about yourself: who he is, what his name is and how old he is.

If students find it difficult to say age or call only numeralsone , two , three , I organize the repetition of numbers on the poster with the table "Numerals"

    The task is to ask questions to a classmate. Work in pairs

What is your name?

Who are you?

how old are you ?

Strong students without support, weak students use support in the textbook.

Target- learn to talk about yourself based on grammatical models.

Repeat the schema value.

Make sentences about each artist from exercise 1 p.8

Perform exercise 4 from the textbook, making up a monologue statement of 3 sentences.

I am the dog.

I am Jack.

I am 2.

Interview in pairs.

Cognitive: Consciously and voluntarily build verbal statements in oral form .

Communicative: Use speech, reference and visual aids to complete the task .

Regulatory: To exercise self-control and analyze the mistakes made.

Personal: To form ethical feelings, first of all, benevolence.


Dynamic pause


Resources Used

3 minutes

Teacher activity

Student activities


Target - change of educational activity in the lesson, repetition of numerals.

I call everyone to the board. Please make a circle. I show a card with the number 5 (7,3,8,10) Children slowly circle around the account. They stop when they hear the number on the card.

Target - fix the numerals in English and take a motor break.

cognitive: Consciously and arbitrarily use new LEs in speech.

Communicative: Understand and arbitrarily pronounce new LES.

Regulatory: Perform educational actions in materialized and loud-speech forms.


Stage of formation of reading and writing skills


Resources Used

    Development of phonemic hearing, reading skills

(learning the rules for reading a letterbb and correct pronunciation agreeo th sounda [ b ])

6 minutes

Cards with letters, sounds. Alphabet. Workbooks

Teacher activity

Student activities


Target - continue to work to familiarize students with the English alphabet.

1) Repetition of the letter Aa.

Let's remember what letter you learned in the last lesson? Is it a vowel or a consonant? What sounds can be read? Let's repeat the words in which there is this letter. (Name , cat , Kate , Ann , lake , apple , make )

2) Let's get acquainted with the new guest - the letterbb . On the board are cards with a letter and a sound[b ] What is it - a vowel or a consonant? What sound will be read in words?

Target - get acquainted with the graphic image and the rule for reading the letter Bb

Remember and name a letteraa , its sounds and reading rules. repeat the words

Consider the letter, determine that it is a consonant, repeat the letter and sound aloud.

Cognitive: Analysis and selection of essential features.

Communicative: Be active in interaction to solve cognitive problems

Regulatory: Perform learning activities

    Development of writing skills

Student activities


Target - introduce students to the graphic image of the letter Bb

Open your workbook, please.”

I explain and show on the cards and the board the graphic image of the letter. I correct writing errors. The letter is carried out under the account.

Target b- Learn to write capital letters lowercase letters

They look at the samples, prescribe according to the models proposed in the workbook, first in the air, then in the recipe on page 4.

Cognitive: use sign-symbolic means, including models as a model for writing

Regulatory: Adequately perceive the suggestions of the teacher to correct the mistakes made




Resources Used

3 minutes

Teacher activity

Student activities


Target-summarizing the studied material of the lesson, to establish the conformity of the result obtained with the goal.

Thank you for your work! Let's remember together what was the purpose of the lesson today? How did we achieve this goal? How can we use the knowledge you have acquired today? Who learned to count in English today?

I summarize the results of the competition by the number of stars."Let's

count your stars. Who is the best pupil today? Let's clap!

Target- carry out ascertaining and predictive control on the result and method of action.

Answer the teacher's questions. They draw conclusions. Those who wish to count aloud at the blackboard.

Children count the stars and call the number out loud in English. Applaud the winner.

Cognitive: Evaluate the process and the result of the activity.

Communicative: Formulate your own opinion and position.

Regulatory: Identify and formulate something, carry out step-by-step control over the result.

Personal: To form an adequate motivation for learning activities, to understand the importance of knowledge for a person.


The final stage of the training session


Resources Used


2 minutes

Textbook, workbook

Teacher activity

Student activities


Target - developing writing skills while doing written homework.

Explain what they have to do during the homework process.

open your diary , please . Your homework is ex .1, p .4 Review and practice writing lettersaa andbb ” Try to write as in the sample. Don't forget to repeat the count! Show your parents that you already know how to count in English.

The lesson is over. Goodbye!”

Target - Comprehend and write down homework.

They write down their homework and ask questions if they don't understand something.

Say goodbye in English.

Cognitive: Perform information analysis.

Communicative: Ask questions, ask for help, formulate your difficulties.

Regulatory: Use speech to regulate your actions.


    Asmolov, A.G. How to design universal learning activities in elementary school. From action to thought / Burmenskaya G.V., Volodarskaya I.A. - M .: Education, 2011. - 152 p.

    Biboletova M.Z. and others. "English with pleasure" for grade 2 - Obninsk: Title, 2012 ..

    Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N. The program of the English language course for teaching materials "EnjoyEnglish"for grades 2-11 of educational institutions - Obninsk: Title, 2008

Formation of UUD in elementary school in English (on the example of EMC "Enjoy English» Biboletova M.Z.)

aim modern education becomes a general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, providing such core competence like the ability to learn. The most important task of teaching foreign languages ​​is the formation of universal learning activities that provide students with the ability to learn, the ability for self-development and self-improvement.

The concept of the development of universal learning activities was developed on the basis of a system-activity approach (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, P.Ya. Galperin, D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov, A.G. Asmolov) by a group authors: A.G. Asmolov, G.V. Burmenskaya, I.A. Volodarskaya, O.A. Karabanova, N.G. Salmina and S.V. Molchanov under the direction of A.G. Asmolov.

In a broad sense, the term "universal learning activities" means the ability to learn, that is, the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. In a narrower sense, this term can be defined as a set of learner's ways of doing things (as well as skills associated with them). academic work), providing independent assimilation of new knowledge, the formation of skills, including the organization of this process.

UUD- this is generalized methods of action that open up the possibility of a broad orientation of students, both in various subject areas and in the structure of the learning activity itself, including students' awareness of its goals, value-semantic and operational characteristics. Thus, the achievement of "the ability to learn" involves the full development of all components of educational activity, which include: 1) learning motives, 2) learning goal, 3) learning task, 4) learning activities and operations (orientation, transformation of material, control and evaluation) .

Functions of universal learning activities:

Providing student opportunities on one's own carry out learning activities, set learning goals, seek and use the necessary means and methods of achievement, monitor and evaluate the process and results of activities;

Creation of conditions for the development of personality and its self-realization on the basis of readiness for continuous education in a multicultural society, high social and professional mobility;

Ensuring the successful assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, the formation of a picture of the world and competencies in any subject area

The composition of the main types of UUD includes 4 blocks:

1) personal

2) regulatory

3) cognitive

4) communicative

Undoubtedly, students mastering UUD occurs in the context of different academic subjects. It is quite obvious that there is no rigid gradation for the formation of a certain type of UUD in the process of studying a particular subject. In some topics, great attention may be paid to the formation of some types of ULD, in others - to the formation of other types of ULD. But in general, in modern English lessons, all four types of universal learning activities are being formed: personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative.

Consider the example of the teaching materials "Enjoy English" for elementary school, edited by M.Z. Biboletova and others, what tasks and exercises can contribute to the formation of universal learning activities in accordance with this classification proposed by A.G. Asmolov.

Personal universal learning activities contribute to the development personal qualities and abilities of the child.

With regard to educational activities, it is necessary to highlight three kinds personal actions:

- personal, professional, life self-determination;

- meaning formation, i.e., the establishment by students of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive, in other words, between the result of the study and what prompts the activity, for the sake of which it is carried out. The student must ask himself: what is the significance and meaning of the teaching for me? - and be able to answer it;

- moral and ethical orientation, including the evaluation of digestible content (based on social and personal values), providing a personal moral choice.

The student realizes what a person is in a dialogue with peers, in interaction with a teacher. At the initial stage of learning, a child develops an idea of ​​himself as a person when he briefly talks about himself. The student begins to realize that there is another language and that he can communicate in this area. He begins to realize why oral and written assignments are performed, why homework should be done. At the initial stage, students get acquainted with the traditions and customs of other countries and begin to compare them accordingly with their own country. Professional and life self-determination occurs during role-playing games, acquaintance with various professions, awareness of various social roles of adults and children, including rights and obligations, acquaintance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle, etc. The moral and ethical orientations that underlie the daily educational and extracurricular activities of the student are set both by the content of the texts and role-playing games in the textbook. At this stage, there is a moral and ethical assessment of the content being digested, based on social and personal values.



cognitive development

Guessing riddles, puzzles, performing tasks for quick wits, developing memory and attention

Formation of the foundations of civic identity

Getting to know your native country, positioning yourself as a citizen of the city, region, country.


Comparison of the positive features of the native country and the countries of the language being studied

Tolerance and kindness

Development of cultural and socio-cultural awareness, understanding of the features of intercultural communication, including non-verbal behavior and value system.


Acquaintance with aspects of life that are of theoretical and practical interest to the child

Action types

Tasks and exercises

Actions in personal self-determination

Describe your favorite animal, choose your favorite character, ask a question to one of your classmates


meaning formation

Explain why I am learning English, in what situation the knowledge gained today in the lesson will be useful to me

Actions of moral and ethical evaluation of the material

Fill in the language portfolio (portfolio)

Regulatory universal learning activities ensure the organization and regulation by students of their educational activities. At the initial stage of training, it is often necessary to change the types of educational activities, taking into account the psychological and age characteristics of students. It is impossible not to note the effectiveness of the use of games in the learning process, because they help the natural learning of the language. At the initial stage, they learn by playing and, by playing, they develop and learn. And at the same time, it is important to teach students to regulate their gaming activities. Self-regulation occurs when staging fairy tales, during dialogic speech, when compiling a story along a chain, according to a reference scheme, according to pictures. It is necessary at the initial stage to teach children to predict their results. Younger students can use self-control to see if they are doing well by checking their answers against a benchmark.

Action types

Tasks and exercises


goal setting

Determine the purpose of the lesson based on visuals: illustration, slide, toy, etc.



Fill in the table - a plan for compiling a story, fairy tale, etc.



Guess what knowledge and skills you will have after studying this topic



Independently check and evaluate the results of their work on the proposed scale



Do bug fixes


Say what I learned today in the lesson, what I did well, and what needs additional study



Participate in various competitions at the lesson: the best storyteller, the best journalist, etc.; work as part of a project team

The formation of regulatory actions in the course "Enjoy English" is carried out from the very first lessons. The skills of control, self-control and self-assessment are developed during the self-examination work that concludes each section of each textbook, and during the self-correction lessons (revision lessons) that follow the self-control lessons.

Self-control skills are also developed with the help of exercises from educational computer programs released for each of the course textbooks.

The skills of goal-setting and setting a learning task are developed in the course of work with instructions, step-by-step explanations of the task, the obvious communicative outcome of the lesson and work with projects that are part of each section of the textbook.

For example, verification work and repetition lessons from 3rd and 4th grade textbooks and project work. (see images). The obvious communicative outcome of the lesson is the farm example from the 2nd grade textbook. Just learning the names of pets is boring, but playing journalists and doing interviews is fun. We set a goal - to interview, and in the process we also learn the names of animals.

Goal setting skills

Cognitive universal learning activities include:

general educational

brain teaser

Problem setting and problem solving activities.

At the initial stage of training, it is important to teach the student to independently set cognitive tasks:

Learn to highlight the main thing in the text;

To teach consciously and arbitrarily to build their statements based on pictures on diagrams.

Children at this stage are already learning to answer the teacher's questions in writing or orally, and with self-control and mutual control they can evaluate the process and results of their activities and each other.

Logical UUDs have not yet been formed at the initial stage, but, nevertheless, at the English lesson it is necessary to develop logical thinking in the child using supports (texts, grammatical material, linguistic and cultural material, etc.). When studying grammatical material, it is advisable to use geometric shapes. For example: the subject is a quadrangle, the semantic predicate is a black triangle, the nominal predicate is a shaded triangle, the definition is a rhombus, the circumstance is an oval, etc. Modeling is formed with the help of geometric figures. Active formation of sign-symbolic UUD with the help of grammatical modeling is distinctive feature course “EnjoyEnglish”. The use of grammatical models in the course allows you to specify abstract information about the grammatical structure of the language, give younger students a speech support, and also provide a tool for self-testing (the model allows you to understand whether the statement is correct or incorrect). The ability to extract information presented in a sign-symbolic form allows students to actively develop the skills of analyzing and synthesizing information necessary for the development of critical thinking. (see images).

Students can be taught to analyze when passing grammar material. Synthesize - with monologue and dialogic speech or when doing exercises in the textbook:

Insert missing words

Insert missing letters

Complete the offer

Fill in the table

Guess about the rule for the formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives, etc.

The formulation and solution of problems is carried out during the project activities of younger students. (I will elaborate on the project method below.)

Cognitive UUD in the course “Enjoy English” is formed with the help of an extensive orientation apparatus, a detailed grammatical reference book, exercises aimed at a comparative analysis of phenomena from the native and studied languages, as well as a methodological apparatus of pre- and post-text exercises for texts that not only allow students to learn work with various types of texts, but also guide the development of their cognitive sphere with the help of supports in exercises, streamline existing knowledge and correlate new knowledge with existing information. (see images).

Action types

Tasks and exercises

general educational


Self-selection and formulation of a cognitive goal

"How to find out what time it is in English?",

"How to compare objects in English?"

How to write an address on an international envelope? etc.

Finding and highlighting the necessary information

Highlight the necessary information when reading and listening, find the second form of the verb in the grammar guide, find information on the Internet about the celebration of holidays in the UK, etc.

Conscious construction of speech utterance

Describe your favorite character on your own based on graphic symbols, write a letter to a friend on your own based on the proposed plan

Choice language tools in accordance with the communication situation

Complete the sentences by choosing one of the options for the proposed scheme,

Choose right time verbs according to satellite words

Reflection of activities for mastering the English language

Discuss the material covered in the lesson: what new things did I learn, what did I do in the lesson, what did I learn, what did I like the most, etc.


Creation of activity algorithms

Determine the stages of creative or project work, individually or as part of a group

brain teaser


Analysis of objects in order to extract features

Listen to the words and determine the rule of education plural nouns

Synthesis - making a whole out of parts

Make words from letters, sentences from words, text from fragments

Choice of bases and criteria for comparison and classification of objects

Write in different columns words with open and closed syllables, adjectives in comparative and superlatives and etc.

Self-derivation of the rules of English speech

Formulate a rule based on several examples of its application

Establishing causal relationships

Building a logical chain of judgments

Tell me what is my favorite season and why

Examples of tasks aimed at the formation of regulatory actions

Grammar Modeling

Communicative UUD promote productive interaction and collaboration with peers and adults. Students should be able to listen to another, participate in a collective discussion of problems. To successfully solve communicative problems, the teacher needs to create a favorable environment in the classroom. psychological climate. The more favorable the atmosphere in the lesson, the faster the formation of communicative actions.

Communicative actions in the course "Enjoy English" are developed in the course of interaction between schoolchildren and classmates and with the teacher to complete learning tasks, getting acquainted with the rules of polite communication.

Action types

Tasks and exercises

Planning learning collaboration with teacher and peers

Determine the goals, functions of the participants in group work, ways of interacting with each other and with the teacher

Proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information

Independently find material in external sources for the design of a stand, postcards, newspapers, etc.

Partner Behavior Management

Control the partner when composing the dialogue;

Check and evaluate the work of a neighbor

The ability to express one's thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication

Compose a monologue, act out a dialogue, write a letter, fill out a questionnaire, etc.

Development of universal learning activities through innovative technologies

To develop communicative UUD in students, I use the following learning technologies:

1. Technology of interactive learning. The use of interactive technologies in the work of the teacher helps to increase the motivation of students to learn.

2. Information and communication technology of education. In my opinion, the active and effective implementation of ICT in the learning process allows the teacher to work more successfully on the development and improvement of foreign language oral and written speech skills in students, increase motivation and cognitive activity due to the variety of forms of work. Educational computer programs included in the teaching materials“Enjoy English” meet the requirements of the conditions for the implementation of the training program (FSES) and are designed to work with interactive whiteboard, personal computer or multimedia projector;

3. Technology of problem learning. Problem-based learning in English lessons has practical significance in the formation of personality. The use of problem-based learning technology contributes to the development of communicative UUD, stimulates interest, maintains high motivation for learning foreign languages.

4. Game technology. Learning a foreign language at an early stage should be based on the game. Playing in a foreign language class is not just a collective entertainment, but the main way to achieve certain learning objectives at this stage. The game must have a motive, purpose and result. The imagination of the children is also quite developed and is not only reproducing, but also creative. Therefore, tasks of a creative nature can contribute to the formation of universal learning activities. For example:

1. Guessing a crossword puzzle.

2. Compilation of crossword puzzles, riddles on the passed vocabulary.

3. "Draw a picture and write a description of it." For example, when studying the topics “My pet”, “My family”, “Our House”, etc.

4. "Put the words in a logical order to make a sentence";

5. Read a story in which some of the words are replaced by pictures. Try to come up with such a story for your friends.”

6. Come up with a riddle for your friends (for example, when studying the topic "Animals")

7. "Draw a picture to read the text", etc.

These tasks are always perceived with pleasure and interest. Despite the apparent simplicity, such tasks contribute to the development of "learning skills".

5. Method of projects. By creating projects, students are given an excellent opportunity to systematize their knowledge and skills, as well as the opportunity to realize their intellectual and creative abilities. Let's take a closer look at this technology.

Pedagogical experience of teaching English according to MZ Biboletova's EMC “Enjoy English” in grades 2-4 made it possible to test and systematize the use of projects to achieve the formation of UUD, subject and personal results.



Project type


Subject Results

Personal Outcomes



Creative project (draw, depict, describe, make a toy, craft with a subsequent description), art technologies.

Any studied topic of oral speech

(Animals. My family. Toys. Fairy tale characters. Food. In the store. Etc.)

Projects: Make a book "The ABC"

Make a funny bookmark

book about a friend

Acquisition of initial communication skills in oral and written form with native speakers of a foreign language based on their speech capabilities and needs.

Development of creative abilities, development of memory, writing skills, communication skills.

3 - 4 class

Creative projects (using songs, poems, dramatization).

Research and information projects.

1. Appearance.

2. My favorite fairy tale characters.

3. These strange aliens.

4. How diverse is the world of people.

Projects: Forest School Menu

Lesson - role-playing game "Birthday":

1. Making postcards and gifts.

2. Wishes for IA.

3. Concert number - a gift for a foreign language (poems, songs, skits, competition games, crossword puzzles, etc.)

4. Dialogues about birthday.

5. Competitions for FL.

New Year and Christmas in different countries.

New Year's toys.


"Who is the best cook?":

1. Competition of decorated recipes (menu).

2. Making dishes with commentary

3. Dialogues of speech etiquette (treat, invitation, expression of opinion, gratitude).

4. Competition for best dish and the best connoisseur of IA.

5. Rewarding.

"School of my dream":

1. Plan of the school.

2. Schedule of lessons.

3. Description of the dream school.

4. Rules for students and teachers.

"Visit to Magic Land"

"Write your own story"

"In a Fashion Magazine"

Mastering the rules of verbal and non-verbal behavior. Mastering the initial linguistic representations. Expansion of linguistic horizons. The formation of a friendly attitude and tolerance towards native speakers of another language based on acquaintance with the life of their peers in other countries.

Ability to initiate learning interaction:

To enter into a dialogue, ask questions, the ability to conduct a discussion, the ability to defend one's point of view, the ability to find a compromise.

Interviewing skill. The development of purposefulness, diligence, mutual assistance, tolerance .. The ability to confidently hold on during a speech.

Artistic skills.

Academic independence

The project method is based on the idea of ​​the orientation of the student's educational and cognitive activity towards the result obtained in solving the problem.

The external result (subject met-subject results) can be seen in real practice. The internal result - the experience of activity (personal result) - becomes the student's experience, his knowledge and skills, competencies and values. The project method is of great importance for solving the problems of the Federal State Educational Standards and the formation of UUD students.

Working in groups enhances the motivation for learning, creates a comfortable environment, facilitates the formation of communicative competence and stimulates speech creativity.

Responsibility for completing a task in a group contributes to educating students' independence, makes it possible to learn how to plan their work: define goals, request Additional information extract it yourself from different sources, analyze what has been done, plan work and evaluate the result.

Pedagogical techniques for the formation of UUD

Consider pedagogical techniques for the formation of UUD in English lessons in elementary school.

Universal learning activities

Pedagogical techniques

Results of UUD development


Going beyond.

Delayed response.

Catch the error.


The perfect job.



"Protection Sheet".

We discuss homework.

Entrance to the lesson.

The perfect poll.

question for the text.

We repeat with control.

Get to know the criteria.

Organization of work in groups.

Entrance to the lesson.

Illustrative answer.

Traffic light.

Self-regulation as the ability to overcome obstacles.
Evaluation - the selection and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation. Forecasting, control, correction, evaluation. Self-regulation as the ability to mobilize forces, to volitional effort.
Control in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard to detect deviations and differences from the standard. Planning, correction.

Goal-setting as setting a learning task based on the correlation of what/what is already known and learned by students, and what is still unknown.


Your examples.

We repeat with control.
"Yes" and "No" say.
Chain poll.
Poll-total. Training control work.
Blitz control

Search and selection of necessary information; reflection of the methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activity.
Independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature.
General educational universal actions - search and selection of the necessary information, structuring of knowledge.



Organization of work in groups.

"Yes" and "No" say.


Planning educational cooperation with peers, asking questions - proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information, the ability to fully and accurately express one's thoughts. Planning educational cooperation with the teacher, proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information

Description of pedagogical techniques Array specification

1. The teacher can set any of the levels of homework in an array. For example, the teacher gives ten tasks, from which the student must choose and complete at least a predetermined minimum amount of the task.

2. A large array of tasks is given at once - within the framework of a large studied or repeated topic. For example, out of 60 tasks, the student must complete at least 15, the rest are optional. And to stimulate this desire with relay control work, composed of tasks from this array. The more done - the more likely to meet a familiar task and save time and effort. Such an array is set not for the next lesson, but for a longer period of time.

An important psychological effect: an independent choice of a task provides an additional opportunity for self-realization.

Delayed reaction

The teacher, after asking a question, is in no hurry to question the students. There is a certain pause. This allows those quick-witted children who, due to their personal qualities, react more slowly to the changed educational situation, to “pull themselves up”. In elementary school, the student is often in a hurry to express his own Self: he pulls his hand up, sometimes not even having a ready answer to the question posed by the teacher. At the same time, a phlegmatic student (outwardly - slow-witted), after thinking, can give us a brilliant answer.

Get the error!

1. Explaining the material, the teacher deliberately makes mistakes. First, students are warned about this in advance. Sometimes, especially in the lower grades, they can even be told "dangerous places" by intonation or gesture. It is important to teach children to react quickly to mistakes.

2. The student receives a text with specially made mistakes - let him "work as a teacher."

Traffic light

In many ways, the problem of increasing the effectiveness of oral survey is solved by a technique called: "Traffic light"

A traffic light is just a long strip of cardboard, red on one side and green on the other. When questioning, students raise the “traffic light” with the red or green side towards the teacher, signaling their readiness for an answer. How traffic lights are used depends on the type of survey. Red signal means "I don't know!" This is an alarm. This student, as it were, gives himself a deuce - even if she does not go to the magazine. Green signal- "I know!"

Going beyond

In the course of constructing a lesson, the teacher goes beyond the limits of the textbook, the subject, harmoniously weaving into the fabric of the lesson the latest events, examples from the surrounding reality, plots from popular cartoons (for example, when studying the topic “Healthy lifestyle”, one of the series of the cartoon “Smeshariki” is discussed) or children's series.

Ideal Job The teacher asks students to do homework.

Theatricalization. Playing out scenes on an educational topic.

"Protection Sheet"

Before each lesson, always in the same place, there is a “Protection Sheet”, where each student, without explaining the reasons, can enter his last name and be sure that he will not be asked today. But the teacher, filing these sheets, keeps the situation under control.

Discussing homework

The teacher, together with the students, discusses the question: what should be the homework in order to new material was it well-established? At the same time, of course, the studied material is reviewed once again. Reception with regular use significantly increases the consciousness of doing homework. The technique works especially well when the methods and types of homework that the teacher usually gives are quite diverse.


Pupils answer questions in writing, reflecting their attitude to the lesson, subject, teacher.

Entrance to the lesson

The teacher starts the lesson with "settings". For example, let's look at the lesson plan. This is best done in a semi-joking manner. If there is a technical possibility, the lesson can be started with a short musical phrase. It can be major-exciting, like Khachaturian's Saber Dance or Ravel's Bolero. Or in a minor-soothing way, like Sviridov's romance... From the traditional analysis of homework. From the intellectual warm-up - two or three not too difficult questions for reflection. From a traditional oral or short written survey. A simple survey - because its main goal is to set the child up for work, and not to make him stress with a brainwash ... There may be other options for "entry" into the lesson.

Ideal interview

Students themselves assess the degree of their preparation and report this to the teacher.

Let yourself be helped: the teacher makes the most of situations in which students can help him. He invites students (on a voluntary basis!) to develop material that is applicable for further use in the classroom (this can be assignments for tests, a crossword puzzle for repetition).

Organization of work in groups, moreover, groups can receive both the same thing and different ones, but working on overall result tasks.

"Yes and no"

The game puts students in active position. This game teaches:

connect disparate facts into a single picture;

organize existing information;

listen and hear the students.

The essence of the game: the teacher thinks of a number, an object, an animal, a hero of a fairy tale, etc. The students must find out what the teacher has thought of. To do this, they ask questions to which the teacher answers only with the words "yes", "no", "and yes", "and no".



Students signal their emotional state with the help of cards with pictures (emoticons) symbolizing a good, calm or bad mood.

Blitz control

The teacher conducts a written survey at a fast pace for 7-10 minutes to identify the degree of assimilation of the learning skills necessary for further successful study. Works are handed over to the teacher, or self-examination is carried out (the teacher dictates or shows the correct answers). In this case, it is important to set the assessment standards (for example, if six or seven tasks out of seven are completed correctly, then a mark of 5 is put, 5 tasks - 4, etc.).

Get to know the criteria

The teacher introduces students to the criteria by which marks are given for different types works.

Writing(from English right - right)

After completing the work, the student puts himself a mark. Then the teacher evaluates it. The fraction is written. For example: 4/5, where 4 is the student's mark, 5 is the teacher's mark. Reception is used to agree on the criteria for marking. After a while, the numerator and denominator increasingly coincide. Another goal of using this technique is to develop the ability to regularly evaluate your work.

Forms, methods, tools for monitoring meta-subject results

The main object of evaluation of meta-subject results is the formation of regulatory, communicative and cognitive UUD in students. The level of formation of UUD depends on the ways of organizing the cognitive, communicative, personal and regulatory activities of schoolchildren. This determined the need to single out in exemplary programs not only the content of knowledge, but also the content of activities.

Control methods: observation, design, testing.

Forms of control: individual, group, frontal forms; oral and written questioning; personalized and non-personalized

Control tools: UUD tasks, observation map, test, monitoring map, self-assessment sheet or diary.

Grading system


1. Evaluation is an ongoing process, naturally integrated into educational practice.

2. Evaluation can only be criteria-based. The main evaluation criteria are the expected results that correspond to the learning goals.

3. Only the results of the student's activity, but not his personal qualities, can be evaluated using a mark.

4. You can only evaluate what is taught.

5. The evaluation criteria and the algorithm for setting the mark are known in advance to both teachers and students. They can be developed together.

6. The assessment system is built in such a way that students are included in the control and assessment activities, acquiring the skills and habits of self-assessment.

Sources of information for evaluating the achieved educational results - homework, reports on project activities and experiments, presentations, dictionaries, memos, reports, greeting cards, letters, posters, illustrated essays, crafts. The final assessment can be carried out:

In the form of accumulating an assessment of the progress of learning (synthesis of available information about educational activities child);

In the form of data collection of learning outcomes (final tests, independent and control work).

Criteria for assessing the formation of UUD in students.

The criteria for assessing the formation of UUD in students are:

Compliance with age-psychological regulatory requirements;

Compliance of properties of universal actions with predetermined requirements;

Compliance with the requirements for the level of language training of graduates of primary school (Federal component of the state educational standard primary education)

As a result of studying / teaching a foreign language, younger students should be able to:

in the field of listening:

In direct communication, understand the speech of the teacher, classmates and native speakers;

In mediated communication, understand the main content of simple authentic texts based on visual clarity and linguistic guess;

in the field of speaking:

Participate in an elementary etiquette dialogue (acquaintance, congratulations, gratitude, greeting, farewell)

Conduct a dialogue-questioning in typical situations of everyday communication (3-4 replicas on each side);

Briefly talk about yourself, your family, friend, school, etc.

Compose short descriptions of the subject, pictures;

in the field of writing:

Write a short congratulation (happy birthday, happy New Year) based on a sample;

Write a personal letter based on a sample;

Fill out a simple form about yourself.

Summing up the above, I believe that the CMD Biboletova M.Z. “Enjoy English” for grades 2-4 has the potential necessary for the successful formation and development of universal learning activities in accordance with the requirements of the FGOS IEO. And the main pedagogical task of an English teacher is to organize favorable conditions for successful learning activities in the classroom. The teacher must clearly know: what to teach, how to teach and why to teach.


  1. Abakumova I.V. Learning and meaning: meaning formation in the educational process / I.V. Abakumov. - Rostov N / D., 2003.
  2. Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N. The program of the English language course for teaching materials "English with pleasure" for grades 2-11 of educational institutions. - Obninsk: Title, 2010.
  3. Gin A.A. Methods of pedagogical technique: Freedom of choice. openness. Activity. Feedback. Ideality: A teacher's guide. - 4th ed. - M.: Vita-Press, 2002.
  4. How to design universal learning activities in elementary school: from action to thought: a teacher's guide / [A.G. Asmolov, G.V. Burmenskaya, I.A. Volodarskaya and others]; ed. A.G. Asmolov. - M.: Education, 2008.
  5. Kudryashova M.G. Pedagogical techniques in elementary school. Magazine "Primary School" №9, 2011
  6. Planned results of primary general education. L.A. Alekseeva, S.V. Anashchenkov, M. Z. Biboletova and others. Ed. G.S. Kovaleva, O.B. Loginova. - Second generation standards. - M.: Education, 2009.
  7. Exemplary programs of primary general education. Exemplary program in English. - M.: Education, 2009.
  8. Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education. - Second Generation Standards. - M.: Education, 2010.

The system of exercises for the development of reading skills and abilities as a means of forming universal educational activities

(on the material of UMK Spotlight W. Evans

for the 9th grade of the basic school)

Beleneva Anastasia Viktorovna,

English teacher

GBOU secondary school No. 7 "OC"


Samara region

The main goal of foreign language education in primary school is the formation of students' communicative competence, understood as the ability and willingness of students to communicate in a foreign language within the limits determined by the standard of basic (general) education in a foreign language. This goal implies the formation and development of students' communicative skills in speaking, reading, understanding sounding / oral speech by ear and writing in a foreign language.

The federal state educational standard of the new generation establishes the requirements for the results of mastering by students of the basic educational program of basic general education. In particular, the achievement of meta-subject results involves the development by students of inter-subject concepts and universal educational activities, the ability to use them ineducational, cognitive and social practice, independence in planning and implementing educational activities and organizing educational cooperation with teachers and peers, building an individual educational trajectory.

The purpose of my work - analyze WMCSpotlightfor the 9th grade for the presence of exercises on the formation of reading skills of various types, contributing to the development of UUD.

Work tasks :

    Consider the concept and types of UUD.

    Discuss types of reading.

    To systematize exercises for various types of reading in relation to the formed UUD.

Having studied the content of teaching aids UMKSpotlight, cansuppose that it is reading exercises that contribute to the formation of a wide range of universal learning activities.

Universal educational actions, their types and functions.

Modern society characterized by the rapid development of science and technology, the creation of new information technologies that radically transform people's lives. The rate of knowledge renewal is so high that a person has to repeatedly retrain and master new professions throughout his life. Continuing education is becoming a reality and a necessity in human life. The development of the media and the Internet leads to the fact that the school ceases to be the only source of knowledge and information for the student. AT public consciousness there is a transition from understanding the social significance of the task of the school as a simple transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities from teacher to student to a new understanding of the function of the school.

The priority goal of school education is to develop students' ability to independently set learning goals, design ways to achieve them, monitor and evaluate their achievements. In other words, the formation of the ability to learn. The student himself must become the "architect and builder" of the educational process. Achieving this goal becomes possible due to the formation of a system of universal educational activities,functions which is:

Providing the student with the opportunity to independently carry out learning activities, set learning goals, seek and use the necessary means and ways to achieve them, be able to control and evaluate learning activities and its results;

Creation of conditions for the development of the individual and its self-realization based on the "ability to learn" and cooperate with adults and peers. The ability to learn in adult life provides the individual with readiness for continuous education, high social and professional mobility;

Ensuring the successful assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, the formation of a picture of the world, competencies in any subject area of ​​knowledge.

Universal learning activities can be divided intofour main types :

    Personal which allow to make the teaching meaningful, provide the student with the significance of solving educational problems, linking them with real life goals and situations, aimed at understanding, researching and accepting life values ​​and meanings, allow you to orient yourself in moral norms, rules, assessments, develop your life position in relation to the world, people around you, yourself and your future.

    Regulatory , which provide the ability to manage cognitive and educational activities through setting goals, planning, monitoring, correcting one's actions and assessing the success of mastering. A consistent transition to self-government and self-regulation in educational activities provides the basis for future professional education and self-improvement.

    cognitive , including the actions of research, search and selection of the necessary information, its structuring; modeling of the studied content, logical actions and operations, ways of solving problems.

    Communicative actions to ensureopportunities for cooperation - the ability to hear, listen and understand a partner, plan and coordinate joint activities, distribute roles, mutually control each other's actions, be able to negotiate, lead a discussion, correctly express one's thoughts in speech, respect partner and oneself in communication and cooperation.[ 3 ]

Formation of the ability of various types of reading.

There are three main types of reading, the skills of which are formed in the process of studying in the basic school:

    Understanding the main content of authentic texts on materials reflecting the features of everyday life, life, culture of the countries of the language being studied (introductory reading).

    Selective understanding of the necessary / interesting information from the text (exploratory reading).

    Complete and accurate understanding of the content of simple authentic adapted texts of different genres (learning reading).

Reading with an understanding of the main content (introductory reading). This type of reading, to a greater extent than others, requires familiarity with the communicative orientation of the whole text, the ability to determine the topic, highlight the main idea, select significant facts, omitting secondary ones, highlight semantic milestones and supports in the text. A good strategy in this type of reading is to pay attention to the beginning and end of the text, which is often where the main idea of ​​the text is concentrated.

Reading with selective understanding of the necessary information (exploratory reading). This type of reading does not require a complete and accurate understanding of all the facts contained in the text. But this type of reading requires the ability to find keywords and understand paraphrased information, as well as establish a logical sequence of events.

Full and detailed understanding of the meaning of the text (learning reading). This type Reading requires the installation of a complete and accurate understanding of all major and minor facts contained in the text. Based on their comprehension and comparison, the ability to guess what the author means in the text, to draw conclusions based on what is read, is manifested. In this type of reading, the ability to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases in the context is most required, to pay close attention to the structural and logical connections of the text.

Reading skills include:

    the ability to guess the meaning of an unfamiliar word by context or by analogy with the native language, by sound, by word-formation elements,

    the ability to understand information in a paraphrased form (when using synonyms, antonyms, etc.),

    the ability to do without understanding the meaning of an unfamiliar word without compromising the understanding of the text as a whole,

    the ability to predict the development of an utterance,

    ability to understand vocabulary and grammatical means links in the text

    ability to understand causal relationships in the text,

    the ability to understand not only explicitly, but also veiled information presented in the text,

    ability to draw conclusions from reading

    the ability to separate the main information from the secondary,

    ability to understand key words in the text.

As we can understand, some of the presented particular reading skills are universal learning activities necessary when working with texts in any field of activity (the ability to draw conclusions, the ability to understand cause-and-effect relationships, the ability to separate the main information from the secondary, and others).

Analysis of exercises for teaching reading in teaching materials Spotlight 9 for the formation of UUD.

WMCSpotlight"English in focus" for the secondary school (grades 5-9) meets the requirements of the Federal State Standard for Basic General Education in Foreign Languages, provides an opportunity for students of the secondary school to reach the pan-European pre-threshold level of foreign language competence (level A2 in terms of the Council of Europe).

Into the UMCSpotlight9 includes a book to read (reader) and is a mandatory component when working on each module. However, based on the specific learning environment and class level, a reading book may be used optionally to organize differentiated approach to students (without prejudice to the development of the main educational material and the achievement of the goals of the module).

In all UMCSpotlightIt is customary to use samples of classical literature as reading materials. The texts are adapted in accordance with the level of language proficiency of students and are divided into episodes for ease of use in the classroom. Rich illustrations can be used to develop prediction skills, effective organization of speech activity based on what has been read.

The main textbook has a modular structure, and a module is a block of lessons designed to solve a group of goals (reading, listening, vocabulary, grammar, speaking, writing, etc.).

To confirm my hypothesis, I decided to analyze specialized sections on the development of reading skills (sectionReadingin each module) for the formation of universal learning activities. Apart from sectionsReading, reading assignments are also presented in sectionsCultureCorner, GoingGreen, AcrosstheCurriculum. All sections contain exercises for different types of reading and actively form different types of UUD. Formation of various UUD during training various types readings in English can be presented in the form of a table.

Table 1. Formation of UUD when teaching various types of reading in English

Read type

Formed UUD





M 1a. Reading . An article about festivals and holidays in various countries.

Exploratory reading.

Learning Reading


Planning your work.

Goal setting.

Search for information. Comparison, comparison.

Ability to express your thoughts

M 2a. Reading . An article about the life of astronauts on the space station.

Introductory reading. Learning Reading

Assessment of life situations in terms of moral and ethical values.

Goal setting.

The ability to highlight the main idea in the text.

The ability to express one's point of view and understand the point of view of another.

M 3a. Reading . An article about unusual creatures.

Exploratory, exploratory reading.

Determination of the plan and purpose of their work.

Information search, comparison.

Ability to express your thoughts

M 4a. Reading . Article about robots.

Learning reading.

Mastering the personal meaning of teaching.

Ability to use a dictionary.

Ability to establish logical, semantic connections.

Ability to express your point of view and understand the point of view of the interlocutor.

M 5a. Reading . Article about unusual species art.

Exploratory, study, introductory reading

Moral and aesthetic assessment

Setting the goal of the task.

Search for information, the ability to predict the content of the text from illustrations, the ability to highlight the main idea.

M 6a. Reading . An article about charitable assistance to animals.

Introductory reading

Assessment of life situations and actions.

Checking the correctness of the task

Ability to understand the main idea.

The ability to express their attitude to what they read.

M 7a. Reading . Article "Fears and phobias".

Studying, introductory and search reading.

Assessment of life situations in terms of norms of life and behavior.

Planning your work, checking assumptions, mutual checking

Search for information, the ability to predict the content of the text

Ability to express ideas in oral and written language.

M 8a. Reading . "Never give up!" An article about people who have physical disabilities, but continue to lead an active life and do what they love.

Exploratory, introductory, learning reading

Assessment of life situations from the point of view of universal norms and moral values.

Work planning, verification and correction.

Search for information, the ability to present information in a compressed form.

Ability to express your point of view. Ability to express thoughts in writing.

Thus, it should be noted that the studied UMCSpotlight9 complies with modern requirements for teaching aids. Regardless of the proposed type of reading, the entire exercise contributes to the formation of universal learning activities. Moreover, I would like to note that the most diverse blocks of cognitive and communicative UUD are presented. This is logical, since the ability to work with text and information is required for any person in all areas of activity, and communicative actions provide opportunities for cooperation (the ability to hear, listen and understand a partner and express one's point of view). That is why, in my opinion, reading exercises are of such importance in achieving the meta-subject results of mastering the main general education program.

Mastering universal learning activities by students givespossibilityindependentsuccessful assimilation of new knowledge, skills and competencies based on the formationability to learn. This possibility is ensured by the fact that universal learning activities are generalized activities that generate a broad orientation of students in various subject areas of knowledge and motivation for learning.


    English language. Grade 9: textbook for educational institutions / [E.Yu. Vaulina, V. Evans, J. Dooley, O.E. Podolyako] . – M.:ExpressPublishing: Enlightenment, 2012

    English language. The book for the teacher. Grade 9: manual for educational institutions / [E.Yu. Vaulina, V. Evans, J. Dooley, O.E. Podolyako] . – M.:

    Karabanova O.A. Universal learning activities. -

    Methods of teaching foreign languages: general course: [Textbook] / otv. ed. A.N. Shamov. - M.: AST: AST MOSCOW: East - West, 2008.

    Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education. -

Formation of UUD by means of modern educational technologies.

This article describes various types assignments used in my pedagogical work in English lessons within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard: individual work, work on differentiated tasks, work in groups, project creation, portfolio.

Formation of UUD

in English classes in elementary school

From the experience of an English teacher

MOBU "Secondary School No. 3", Orenburg

Klunova Valentina Alekseevna

“A student is not a vessel to be filled,

but a torch to be lit."

The most important task of the modern education system is the formation of a set of universal educational activities that provide competence "teach to learn", and not just the development by students of specific subject knowledge and skills within individual disciplines.

Second generation standards define the following goals of teaching a foreign language:

  • The development of foreign language communicative competence in the aggregate of its components: speech, language, sociocultural / intercultural, compensatory, educational and cognitive competences.
  • The development of the personality of students.
  • Formation and development of universal educational activities (UUD).

I work on the teaching materials by Bykova N.I., Dooley D., Pospelova M.D., Evans V. "English in focus" for elementary school of educational institutions (grades 2-4). Formation of UUD in UMK Bykova N.I. offers a wide range of exciting tasks that allow you to expand and deepen the material being studied.

Personal universal learning activities contribute to the development of personal qualities and abilities of the child.

Formation of Personal UUD:

- Tell me about yourself, your family. (Actions of self-determination)

Tell me about your toy.

Personal UUD make the teaching meaningful, provide the significance of solving educational problems, linking them with real life goals and situations. Personal UUD are expressed by the formulas "Me and my family", "Me and other people", "Me and society", "Me and school", "Me and knowledge", "Me and Me", which allows the child to perform different social roles(“son or daughter”, “schoolchild”, “student”, “interlocutor”, “classmate”, “citizen”, etc.).

Situations of communication in the EMC are close to life and correspond to the educational and educational goals, as well as the interests and age characteristics younger students, which increases their motivation. In the second grade, all modules begin with the word “my”: “My family”, “My home”, “My toys”, etc. In the third and fourth grades, the subject also covers the student’s immediate environment, and children talk, read, write about your favorite food, holidays, school, friends, etc.

Task examples:

- Dialogue with peers and teacher. (Actions of self-determination)

Use of group work. (Self-determination activities - Student asks questions to classmates)

Acquaintance with the traditions and customs of the native country and the country of the language being studied. (Meaning-making actions) Students learn to explain why I am learning English, in what situation the knowledge gained today in the lesson will be useful to me.

The formation of personal UUD is effectively carried out with the help of the Portfolio section of the UMC, in which students are invited to complete a project or creative task. (Actions of moral-ethical and moral-aesthetic evaluation of the material).

For the formation of personal UUD with the above purpose, I turn to the section "Spotlight on Russia", which offers texts about Russia on various topics. The tasks of this section not only allow students to form the ability to represent their native culture in English in an elementary form, but also form a personal, emotionally positive attitude towards themselves and the world around them. The tasks in the section “Spotlight on English-Speaking Countries” help to develop a life position in relation to the world. Acquaintance with various aspects of life in English-speaking countries helps to educate students in tolerance, respect for other peoples, acceptance of their values, customs and traditions. The sections “Spotlight on Russia” and “Spotlight on English-speaking Countries” are studied in parallel, which helps students to form a holistic picture of the world.

Regulatory universal learning activities provide organization and regulation by students of their educational activities and are formed with the help of:

Games in the learning process.

Playing out dialogues.

Drawing up a story in a chain, according to a reference scheme, according to pictures.

Test tasks for self-control.

Example "Introduction to the topic of the lesson" by solving the rebus.

Goal-setting actions. Students determine the purpose of the lesson based on clarity and solving the rebus. The children name the topic of the lesson and the tasks.


Game "Detectives"

Group work (3 groups)

Each group receives a description of a portrait of a person and cut parts of the portrait. The guys in groups read the description of the portrait of a person, translate and make portraits from the cut parts. Each group has different descriptions and portraits. (2-3 min). Each group presents their portrait and describes it. Students match their portraits with the correct ones on the slide.

Game "Artists"

Group work (3 groups)

Students draw (circle on tracing paper) a picture-toy and describe it.

Regulatory UUD help students to ensure the organization of their learning activities. They include goal setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction, evaluation, self-assessment and self-regulation. Don't let these scientific words scare you. A module page will help students with goal-setting, planning and forecasting, on which it is written what students will learn in this module, what they will learn to do. Children are invited to flip through the pages of the module; ask them, “Which text do you think will introduce us to …? What task do you like the most? What do you think we will learn to do by working with ... a paragraph? etc. The module page can be discussed in Russian, and in elementary school English classes with two hours a week, it is quite clear that students can plan and set goals only in cooperation with the teacher.

For the formation of self-control and correction skills, the EMC offers sections “I love English” and “Now I know”. With the first, students work at home, check with the textbook, and then the assignment is checked in the classroom. The second section is for independent work in the classroom: when completing tasks, the children check the answers with the correct option, which the teacher writes on the board, and count the number of correctly completed tasks. They see what concepts still need to be improved and, with the help of the teacher, plan actions to achieve a better result. (Forecasting actions. - Assume what knowledge and skills you will possess after studying this topic. Control actions. - Independently check and evaluate the results of your work. Correction actions. - Work on mistakes.)

Test execution(Actions of control and self-control. Independently check and evaluate the results of your work on the proposed scale.)

Individual cards (differentiated tasks) to create a situation of success for each student.(Actions of control, self-control and mutual control.)

Playing out dialogues. Pair work. Based on the sample, students make mini-dialogues. (Goal setting. Action planning.)

Cognitive universal learning activities:

1) general education;

2) logical;

3) the actions of setting and solving problems.


1) general education

Work with texts - learning to read.

The ability to highlight the main thing;

Ability to build statements based on pictures;

Understanding the content of the text;

Compiling your own original text based on the sample text.

Working with texts - learning to listen.

Extracting the necessary information from the listened texts. After listening to the text or listening to it, students master the following general educational learning: match the pictures with the names and enter the corresponding letter, make an alternative choice, finish the sentence, mark the answer in the table.

2) logical

Working with grammar and lexical material. Learn to analyze.

3) the formulation and solution of problems is carried out during project activities

Draw and tell about your favorite toy.

Communicative UUD

Formed in all types of speech activity:

 listening,

 speaking,

 reading,

 letter.

This is the ability to listen and engage in dialogue with peers and adults within the speech needs and capabilities of a younger student. General speech communication skills are being improved, for example, starting and ending a conversation using speech clichés.

  1. Ability to listen and dialogue. In elementary school, these are three types of dialogues: an elementary etiquette dialogue in a limited circle of typical communication situations, a questioning dialogue and a motivation dialogue. The following UUD are formed: the ability to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, maintain a conversation by asking questions and asking again; answer the questions of the teacher, classmates; observe the simplest norms of speech etiquette: say hello, say goodbye, thank you.
  2. Ability to work in pairs. The ability to interact with others is formed, performing various social roles, as well as the ability to plan one's verbal and non-verbal behavior.
  3. Ability to work in a group. Communicative actions provide opportunities for cooperation: the ability to hear, listen and understand a partner, plan and coordinate joint activities, distribute roles, mutually control each other's actions, be able to negotiate, correctly express one's thoughts in speech, respect partner and oneself in communication and cooperation.

Rules of our work:

  • Children should be interested in learning, it is important that they go to school with great desire.
  • Parents should see the positive results of their children's work.
  • The teacher should enjoy every lesson with the children.

I believe that the program for the formation of UUD is relevant, and every teacher, after carefully reading it, will be able to see the lesson through the prism of UUD and will teach children to learn. I would like to end my thoughts with a quote from the 19th-century German philosopher and sociologist Georg Simmel: “An educated person is one who knows where to find what he does not know.”

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