Aquarium cleaner or clown. What does a cleaner fish look like and what “professions” does it have? Why a pair of cleaners is better than one fish

Those who suffer from external enemies know perfectly well where they will be sanitized and sail to the places of sanitation in whole flocks. The fish substitute the most affected parts of the body for the orderlies, and those, treating ulcers and wounds, touch the patient's body with their fins. The patient at the same time finds out where the cleaner is, and seeks to create the most favorable conditions for him to work, as Forex brokers do for their clients. Dark unicorns even change color to a lighter one so that orderlies can better see their enemies against a light background.

Although cleaners cannot earn money for their work, the benefits of such an alliance are mutual. Doctors get all the food on the affected bodies, and the fish get rid of foci of disease and infection. For six hours of diligent work, a cleaner can serve more than three hundred patients. And stingrays and sharks even have to be processed on the go, because they cannot freeze on the spot.

Cleaners are almost never out of work, just like successful forex traders. To attract a client, they perform a ritual dance that no fish can resist. It stands upright like a parrotfish, or freezes head down like a mullet, spreading its fins and opening its mouth, allowing little orderlies to fearlessly examine the most inaccessible areas.

Who benefits from the aquarium?

Every aquarist, sooner or later, but such a question arises.
First, we acquire unpretentious fish, easy to keep. Gradually we are interested in more complex fish, more interesting and rare. Often, we choose fish for the beauty of color, shape, behavior.
But, there comes a time when we are looking for useful fish, albeit not so bright and interesting in behavior, but which make it easier for us to take care of our aquarium world, which clean the aquarium, are its orderlies and bring unconditional benefits!

I also had this moment. And I am interested not only in healthy fish, but also in healthy shrimp and shellfish. I have different types of algae in three different aquariums in terms of parameters and population. It was the fight against algae, without the use of aquarium chemicals, that prompted me to this search.

I propose not to evaluate the degree of usefulness of certain inhabitants, but simply to create a list of hydrobionts that bring clear benefits in a freshwater aquarium.
I think this list can be replenished with your help.

A lot has been written about these fish, almost every aquarist has representatives of these species. Their benefits have long been tested and proven!

algae-eating shrimp

These wonderful creatures have recently become increasingly popular with aquarists. Our members of the forum also appreciated the contribution of shrimp to the fight for the cleanliness of the aquarium. In confirmation of this, a number of articles about shrimp appeared on our website.

The cleaners of our aquariums, which are all, without exception, shrimp, eating up food particles, microscopic organisms, rotten leaves of aquarium plants.

Snails algae eaters and orderlies

Straight from the top! Watch an interesting video story about theodoxus - just awesome cleaners, 100% working!

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Some aquarists call it the tiger snail. It is said that it is impossible to find two snails with the same shell ornament. The birthplace of these snails is hot Africa.
The temperature of the content is 25-27 degrees Celsius, pH from 7.
The lid of the aquarium must be tightly closed, because. snails escape from the aquarium. For a short time, this snail can live on land. Frequent attempts to leave the territory of the aquarium may indicate that zebras do not like the water parameters. Zebras live in an aquarium for about 4-5 years, the size of the shell grows up to 2-2.5 cm. This snail does not breed in an aquarium.

Snail Neretina "Hedgehog" "Neritina juttingae"

The shell of this snail is decorated with spiral ribs and spikes. The size of the snail is 2-2.5 cm. Life expectancy in the aquarium is about 4 years. The optimum water temperature is 25-28 degrees, the pH is above 6.5.

Snail Neretina "Black Ear"

Conditions of detention, dimensions are similar to the previous instance, the lower temperature threshold can be 22 degrees.
All Neretins are excellent aquarium cleaners, they tirelessly clean stela, large-leaved plants, stones, driftwood and decor from algae. Moreover, they do not damage aquarium plants at all. The only disadvantage of these snails is the laying of eggs on the glass of the aquarium.

Separately, I want to dwell on a tiny snail -
Horned snail Neritina Clithon

These snails have a fairly wide habitat in Japan, Thailand, the Philippines, China, and Indonesia.
The photo shows that there are many color options for horned snails. A common feature is the presence of small horns on the shell of snails.
Life expectancy in an aquarium is up to 5 years. The size of a snail is only 1-1.5 cm. But its capabilities have earned the love of aquarists: snails can crawl even into the most inaccessible places, cleaning them to a shine.
According to the reviews of aquarists: the horned snail perfectly cleans diamond algae from anubias leaves, glass, stones, decorations.
The water temperature must be at least 24°C, pH 7-8. Recommended for 100 liters of 10-15 pieces.
Like all neretins, the horned snail does not breed in fresh water.
This video, in high speed playback, shows how successfully the tiny horned snail copes with algae.

Septaria porcelain (Septaria porcellana)

This extremely slow snail is also called the turtle snail. It belongs to the Neritidae family.
Other names for Septaria porcellana are Green Turtle Snail, Cellana toreuma, Neritia Crepidularia, Bourbon Nerite.
The size of the porcelain septaria is from 1.5 to 3 cm. Conditions of detention: temperature 22-26, pH from 6 to 7.5. Filtration, aeration, water changes are required. The lifespan in an aquarium in the presence of food (algae growth) is about 2 years.
This wonderful snail was first discovered in 1758. The homeland of the snail is Indonesia and the Philippines.
This snail, in addition to its slowness, is also distinguished by an unusually shaped shell - a flat shape. Snails are of different sexes, but they breed only in brackish water, so reproduction of Septaria china is not possible in a fresh aquarium.
The snail firmly sticks its foot to the surfaces. In no case should you try to tear it off, thereby you can pull out the leg of the snail, which will lead to its death. With rotational movements, very carefully, you can try to peel off the snail from the glass.
Like the previous types of neretins, porcelain septaria is also an aquarium orderly and feeds on algae. Perfectly cleans the aquarium from algae, including Vietnamese. Does not damage plants. Gets along with all peaceful fishes and shrimps. Caution should be kept with tetradonts, crayfish and other predators. I saw these snails in a cichlid. We felt great, and the windows were already shining from cleanliness.
- without algae, a snail can die of hunger!
- the snail is not able to move on sandy soil!
Here are the rave reviews from happy owners of these snails:
“This little one has already picked up two bunches of flip flops in an hour, and is clearly not going to stop”, “Not able to move on the sand. Excellent crawling on the ground 1-2mm! Tries to climb on some plants with low and wide leaves. It easily climbs from glass onto leaning snags. Still - along the glass it is buried in the sand, where algae sit between the sand and glass, and happily eats them out of there. I need another septaria”, “in a week in quarantine, they cleaned a 30-liter jar of greenery, the glass is already shining, it’s worth waiting for them, an impossibly overgrown aqua snails are waiting for them.”

Septaria also hangs her caviar on the scenery

And these mollusks are very interested in me !!
And it all started with this photo:

Two aquariums are filled with water from the same reservoir, but in the second aquarium they put freshwater mussels, which are living filters!
They perform the same function in aquariums.

Java snail (Corbicula javanicus)
or Sharovka yellow Javanese or golden bivalve

R one of these mollusks: China, Indonesia, Vietnam and other Asian countries.
Optimal parameters for keeping: temperature 15-30 ° C, pH 6.4-8.5, gH 10-24.
They are not demanding on the quality of the water in the aquarium, but there must be a good saturation of the water with oxygen, which means aeration in the aquarium is a must. Water changes and filtration in the aquarium are also needed. Corbicula grow up to 3 cm in size. Life expectancy: 4 - 7 years
The recommended soil is sand with a fraction of 1-3 mm, corbiculae burrow almost completely into it. The soil layer should be at least 2-3 cm.
Corbiculae are excellent helpers in the aquarium against water turbidity, as they are filter feeders.
Passing water through themselves, they feed on the microorganisms contained in it.
According to various sources: someone recommends keeping one corbicula per 100 liter aquarium. There is information about the content of two or even three individuals in 20 liters.
Such mollusks are recommended to be kept in spawning grounds, where the need for clean water is especially important. Corbicula passes through itself 5 liters of aquarium water per hour!
In the aquariums where these mollusks live, the water is always crystal clear, does not bloom and does not have suspension and turbidity!

An interesting fact is that in aquariums where corbiculae are kept, ichthyophorosis diseases do not occur, according to aquarists, corbiculae delay ichthyophthirius cysts that float in free flight.
You can keep corbicula with all peaceful fish and shrimps.
Corbiculae are hermaphrodites, there are no problems with reproduction in the aquarium. Corbicula are viviparous, reproduce tiny snails, barely visible to the naked eye. In the aquarium, newborn Corbicula look like a cloudy cloud, then sink to the bottom, where they continue to grow and develop.
If plants with a weak root system grow in your aquarium, then corbicula, plowing the soil, can easily dig them out.

Everyone likes clean aquariums with crystal-clear walls, bright, smooth and shiny plant leaves and water that resembles mountain stream jets. But this idyllic picture is constantly striving to break the algae. They cover the glass with a brownish-green film, form a vile fringe on the plants, and give the water the color and smell of a swamp. And the aquarist has to deal with them. It's good that in this fight he has allies - algae-eating fish.

Algae are lower, relatively simply arranged unicellular or multicellular plants that live in an aquatic environment. They can float in water or settle on underwater objects and attach to them, forming plaque, films, threads, fluff and so on on them. They have different colors. Representatives of several departments of algae can live in an aquarium:

  1. Green. They form a green coating on glass, soil, underwater objects or a cloudy green suspension in water.
  2. Red - Vietnamese or black beard. Brown or black tassels, tufts or fringe on glass, plant leaves.
  3. diatoms. Single-celled, form a brownish-brown slimy coating in insufficiently lit parts of the aquarium.
  4. Blue-green algae, or cyanobacteria. They form slimy, bubbling, fetid films of aquamarine color on plant leaves and underwater objects. (Let's say right away: an outbreak of these algae is a catastrophe that must be urgently eliminated by completely turning off the light, massive cleaning of the aquarium and antibiotics, no biological control methods work here).

Algae is always present in any aquarium, but a sharp increase in their number occurs only when the biological balance is disturbed.

Therefore, to combat them, first of all, it is necessary to normalize the quality of aquarium water: optimize the lighting and carbon dioxide supply, reduce the amount of nitrates and dead organic matter, and plant more plants. And already with the remnants of the enemy army, algae-eating fish will fight.

Types of aquarium cleaners

There are several dozen aquarium fish that can eat algae with varying degrees of enthusiasm. This includes Ancistrus catfish and pterygoplicht catfish, viviparous platies and mollies, representatives of labeo cyprinids and many others, and we do not count shrimps and snails. However, only a few species are recognized as professional aquarium cleaners: otocinclus catfish, Siamese algae eaters and girinocheilus.


Otocinclus (usually Otocinclus affinis) - a representative of the family of chain-mail (lokary) catfish, small - up to 5 cm - catfish with big sad eyes. A favorite of the famous Takashi Amano, who recommends adding him to an aquarium with plants at the start.

Otocinclus specializes in the extermination of diatoms, outbreaks of which are often observed in new aquariums.

And later, when the biological balance is already established, otocinclus will not hurt. He does not touch anyone, does not harm plants at all, and with the tenacity of a professional gardener, scrupulously cleans their leaves from diatoms and green algae. Cleaning glass, soil, underwater objects usually interests him less. If there are few algae in the aquarium, otocincluss are fed with vegetable food, best of all, lightly boiled zucchini, which is attached to a snag or stone with an elastic band or clip and left for two days. In an aquarium with otocincluss, there should be clean water (nitrate level no more than 10 mg / l).

Siamese algae eaters

The Latin name for this species is Crossochelius siamensis(synonym Epalzeorhynchus siamensis), they are often referred to by the abbreviation SAE (from the English Siamese Algae Eater), sometimes affectionately as Arctic Sailings or Arctic Sailings. Cute, peaceful schooling fish up to 10-12 cm long. Their mouth is adapted for eating algae growing in the form of fluff, tassels or fringes.

Siamese algae eaters are the only ones who are able to rid the aquarium of red algae - flip flops and black beard, which are very difficult to remove in other ways.

In addition to red ones, filamentous green algae are eaten with pleasure. Plants are practically not damaged, the exception is Javanese moss, adult fish are often not indifferent to it. The SAE has a poorly developed swim bladder, so they cannot swim for a long time in the middle layers of water, often lying on the bottom. At the same time, they are quite jumpy, so the aquarium with these fish must be closed. It has not yet been possible to achieve their reproduction in the conditions of an aquarium, therefore all specimens for sale are wild, imported. And here lies the problem.

The Siamese algae eater rests on the caudal and ventral fins, and not on the pectorals, while resting.

The fact is that in the same rivers and streams where SAE is caught, there are several more very similar related fish species. They are caught along with Siamese algae eaters and then sold together in pet stores. Therefore, there are Thai or false algae eaters ( Epalzeorhynchus sp. or Garra taeniata), another name for them is Siamese flying foxes; Indonesian algae eaters or red-finned epalceorhynchus ( Epalzeorhynchus kallopterus); Indian algae eaters Crossocheilus latius) and other representatives of the genera Epalceorhynchus, Crossocheilus and Garra. All of them are outwardly almost indistinguishable, but differ from each other in character and efficiency as cleaners - the Siamese flying fox, for example, is quite aggressive fish, but it is reluctant to destroy algae. Therefore, if the goal is to acquire a peaceful and hardworking StrAU, you should pay attention to the following signs:

  • fins are transparent, without yellow and orange shades;
  • a black stripe on the side of the fish runs from the nose to the tip of the tail;
  • the upper edge of this strip is zigzag;
  • on the sides of the fish there is a mesh pattern (the edges of the scales are dark);
  • at the tip of the muzzle there is one pair of dark antennae;
  • when the fish is resting on the bottom, rocks or plant leaves, it rests on the caudal and ventral fins, not on the pectorals.

Flying fox.


Girinocheilus, or Chinese algae eater ( Gyrinocheilus aymonieri or less common Gyrinocheilus pennocki), like CAE, refers to cyprinids. Its mouth apparatus is arranged in the form of a sucker.

Gyrinocheilus is the best specialist for the destruction of green algae, which often appears in herbal aquariums with powerful lighting.

They reach a length of 15 cm, the color is gray-brown with a dark stripe or, more often, light golden albino. Adult fish show pronounced territoriality, attacking other fish, which they consider their competitors. The disadvantage of gyrinocheilus is their tendency to damage the soft leaves of higher plants. It cannot be said that they eat the plants clean, but they can leave small scratches and scuffs. Therefore, it is important to ensure that they have enough food. To do this, you need to observe the density of their planting - for each individual at least 40-50 liters of water. If there are few algae in the aquarium, it is recommended to feed Girinocheilus with plant foods: cucumber, cabbage, lettuce and dandelion.

Feeding algae eaters

Why do algae eaters stop eating algae? Quite often there is evidence that CAE, as well as girinocheilus, are engaged in diligent cleaning of the aquarium only at a young age, and when they grow up, they completely lose interest in algae and switch to dry food. Indeed, this happens, but only when they have plenty to choose from. If there is no excess dry food in the aquarium, then algae eaters have no choice but to do their direct duties. Therefore, the recommendations here are as follows: feed the fish only in the evening, if there is little algae, try to feed the fish not with dry food, but only with vegetable food, or, even better, specially grow algae in other aquariums or simply in jars of water installed in bright places.

It should be noted that there are no such complaints about the otocinclus, he is engaged in cleaning the aquarium from algae, not paying attention to dry food.

Girinocheilus example

Aquarium Algae Eater Compatibility

Since the life of algae eaters directly depends on the size of their pasture, the issue of competition for food resources is very acute for them, and the behavioral characteristics of these fish have been formed under its influence. Many of them have a pronounced territoriality, the manifestations of which complicate the life of their neighbors and the aquarist.

The only compatible algae eaters are Otocinclus and CAE. Since they have a different structure of the oral apparatus and, accordingly, different food preferences, they will not compete. In addition, both species are quite peaceful. No other types of algae eaters can be housed together.

Girinocheilus and SAE will be irreconcilably at enmity with each other, as well as with Ancistrus and Labeo. If the aquarium is small and there are few shelters, then adult Siamese algae eaters will also sort things out with individuals of their own species, and girinocheilus will fight to the death. Some authors indicate that gyrinocheilus are aggressive towards all the fish around them.

It is also not recommended to keep algae eaters with predatory cichlids. The only exceptions are the aggressive counterparts of the SAE - Siamese flying foxes. They are bigger and can stand up for themselves.

Thus, non-predatory peaceful fish of small or medium size, not interested in algae, can become good neighbors for the heroes of this article.

Algae-eating fish can become indispensable helpers in the fight for the cleanliness of the aquarium. Having dealt with their species, food preferences and behavioral characteristics, each aquarist decides for himself which of them will bring the greatest benefit to his glass pond, making it healthier and more beautiful.

Why whales and cleaner fish are friends

Cleaning fish help. They are excellent doctors and specialists in preventive medicine: prevent development of diseases.

Cleaners rarely go unemployed. To attract a client, they perform theirfigurative dance. Before the welcome invitation not a single fish can resist. She is freezes head down, like a mullet, or, standing upvertically, like a parrot fish, straightensfins to make it easier to examine it, opens mouth, raises gillslids, and little cleaners are fearlessincessantly rush to the monster in the mouth,sure that they will not be swallowed.

When the client decides that the procedure is time finish, he abruptly shuts his mouth, closingthere are gill slits for a few seconds, and then releases the cleaners, shakes himself,and the orderlies working outside are finishing yut procedure.

From the community of cleaners with fish mutual benefit. orderlies all feed sobi burrow on their bodies, doing a colossal work. For a six-hour working daythe body nurse manages to serve more than three hundred clients. Tropical fish without chistylists also can not do. odonce on the reefs off the Bahamasthe socialists fished out all the orderlies. And what? Most of the fish have left this reef, and those that remained, on the body and fins re appeared wounds, tumors, covered the skin fungal colonies.

An aquarium is a wonderful decoration of our house and an interesting hobby for its owner. When we think about having this wonderful underwater world at home, our fears, first of all, relate to the fact that it will be very difficult to maintain it so that it always remains clean and beautiful ...

As the proverb says “you can’t even pull the fish out of the pond without difficulty ...”, the aquarium needs your care (feeding the fish, changing the water and monitoring its quality, cleaning glass and decorations, caring for plants, etc.), but in a properly running and balanced aquarium with adjusted lighting, it will not take you much time. If you are willing to spend about forty minutes a week on the aquarium (not counting the time for feeding the fish), this will be enough.

Everyone knows the problem that over time, algae develop in the aquarium, which significantly spoil its appearance. Usually they are a brown or dark green coating that covers the walls of the aquarium, soil, stones and aquarium plants. Also, algae can be in the form of dark or light green threads, tassels, fringe, formed in the same places. If you are a novice aquarist, then when such “decorations” appear in your aquarium, you should seek the advice of specialists, because. some types of algae are destroyed only with the help of chemicals. But in most cases, cleaner fish or water-eaters help well in the fight against overgrowth in the aquarium.

Let's dwell on them in more detail:

There are several dozen species of various algae-eating fish, including a large number of catfish, individual species from the carp family and other herbivorous species.

Blackmollies Poecilia sphenops , belonging to the family of viviparous fish, perfectly destroys green filamentous algae (filamentous). This fish does well in aquariums with dense vegetation and plenty of free space. It should be remembered that it can not only destroy algae, but, with a shortage of vegetarian feed, eat the shoots of young plants.

Recommended for beginner aquarists catfish-corridors (genus Corydoras) . This variety of armored catfish is compatible with any peaceful tropical fish, but in a poorly balanced aquarium, it can stir up the water and eat the rest of the fish. These fish are more suitable for living in an aquarium designed in the style of a rainforest reservoir.

Girinocheil Siamese Gyrinocheilus aymonieri - a cute, very mobile fish that has recently gained great popularity as an indomitable algae fighter. Fits perfectly into the ichthyocommunity of any warm-water aquarium with civilians. Cleans stones and driftwood well. Young individuals are peaceful, diligently clean the algae, the old ones are more aggressive and, with a shortage of space, periodically arrange intraspecific skirmishes. They can stick and damage the skin of other fish. It is advisable to keep in aquariums with well aerated water and low lighting.

Ancistrus vulgaris Ancistrus cirrhosus - one of the most popular catfish in decorative aquaristics. A typical inhabitant of the bottom layers of water, unpretentious, activated at dusk, compatible with almost any tropical fish. It cleans the walls of the aquarium well, stones, driftwood in aquariums with a lot of vegetation, in rare cases it can change its food habits and spoil the leaves of aquarium plants, as well as Girinocheil and Pterygoplicht.

Pterygoplichts perfectly polish stones and driftwood, feed not only on aquatic vegetation, but also on wood. They need to be given special food for chain catfish so that if there is not enough algae, they will not destroy the leaves of your aquarium plants. Compatible with large tropical fish that live in the middle and upper layers of the water. Territorial, do not like competitors claiming the bottom territory. Pterygoplichts grow to large sizes, so it makes sense to settle them in large aquariums. It should be borne in mind that their excrement, which in the usual case serves as a good top dressing for plants, in large quantities can be harmful to fish living in an aquarium. Large pterygoplichts and panaks should not be kept together, because. they will put up fights.

Panak (genus ) , especially Panak royal Panaque nigrolineatus grows to large sizes, so it will feel comfortable in a large aquarium (one individual per aquarium from 200 liters) This is a woody and herbivorous species, it cleans snags well. In youth, they are distinguished by a calm disposition, but with age they become more territorial. Neighbors should be chosen carefully - active and aggressive fish can eat their long fins. The best neighbors are peaceful haracins.

Crossocheil (Epalceorhynchus) Siamese - a moderately large carp fish that has gained popularity as a tireless algae fighter. Well destroys the so-called "Vietnamese" (dark tassels on the leaves of plants, stones, etc.) and green algae. Peaceful in relation to proportionate neighbors, mobile, active during daylight hours. Does not require large volumes for maintenance, is content with modest care. Perfectly frees from algae plaque not only plants, but also any other aquarium interior items. With a shortage of space and food supply, it conflicts with relatives, such as labeo.

Labeo labeo bicolor and- large, dynamic, bright fish. A good candidate for moving into a spacious aquarium with inhabitants of similar sizes and habits. Bully in relation to individuals of his own species, territorial.

Otocinclus Otocinclus vittatus, Otocinclus sp."negros"- dwarf catfish-algae, belongs to the family of chain catfish. Able to get along in an aquarium with large predatory fish. Perfectly destroys brown-brown diatoms, so 4-6 fish are able to keep a 100-liter aquarium clean. It is popular due to its unpretentiousness, peacefulness, contrasting color. A typical inhabitant of the bottom layers of water. Activated at dusk, compatible with any peaceful tropical fish. Works great in an aquarium together with epalceorhynchus.

Japanese pond shrimp, or Amano shrimp they can also act as algae fighters, but for effective work, a large number of shrimp are needed (about 1 pc. for every 1-2 liters of volume). Cladophora balls or Cladophora aegagrophila velveteen balls are excellent for cleaning, which get dirty very quickly, collecting all the smallest dirt in the aquarium on their thin hairs. Amano shrimp get along well with otocincluss, but they should not be kept in an aquarium with large fish.

In aquariums where predators can attack shrimps and otocincluss, it is better to use epalceorhynchus, gyrinocheils, ancistrus and pterygoplichts.

Here are just some representatives of aquarium orderlies, because. it is very difficult to describe in detail these wonderful aquarist assistants within the framework of one article. It is important to remember that the purchase of such fish will not completely solve the problem of algae control, because. The successful existence of an aquarium biosystem largely depends on humans. It is very important to correctly select and adjust the equipment and lighting, properly start the aquarium and regularly monitor the water parameters and the condition of its inhabitants. If the plants in your tank feel comfortable and the fish are fed on time and don't overeat, orderly fish can easily deal with minor algae growths.

Privezentseva Alexandra

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