Form participle 1 from the verb to lie. Communion in English. Simple communion. Present Participle Simple

Which has the properties of a verb, adverb and adjective.

English participles are divided into the present participle ( Participle I) and the past participle ( Participle II).

Present participle denotes an action occurring simultaneously with the action expressed by the predicate:

look at the man crossing the street.
Look at the man crossing the street.

The present participle is formed with the ending -ing:

To learn - learn ing

To speak - speak ing

The present participle is used to form continuous tenses:

They are watching a new film now.
Now they are watching a new movie.

they were watching a new film at that time last night.
They were watching a new movie at this time last night.

They will be watching a new film at this time tomorrow.
They will be watching a new movie at this time tomorrow.

Despite the fact that and gerund, and present participle have an ending -ing and coincide in form, they can be distinguished by the shade in the meaning. The participle in its meaning is closer to the adjective, and the gerund is closer to the noun:

That man shouting at the policeman seems familiar.- sign designation - participle
That man yelling at the policeman seems familiar to me.

Shouting will not do any good.- designation of a certain actor or object - gerund
Yelling won't help.

Past participle- this is also an impersonal form of the verb, also having the properties of a verb, adjective and adverb. But unlike the present participle, the past participle has only one invariable form, in fact, this is the third form of the verb. The past participle in English corresponds to the Russian passive participle:

To give (give) - given (given)

To teach (teach) - taught (trained)

To break (break) - broken (broken)

Delivered goods will be stored in our warehouse.
Delivered goods will be stored in our warehouse.

Past participle formed in the same way as the temporary form Past Simple, that is, with the help of the ending -ed. For irregular English verbs in this case, you need to use their "third" form:

Look-look-look ed

Do-did- done

Past participle(Participle II) used for the formation of perfect (perfect) tenses. These tenses are formed with the help of an auxiliary verb have, has, had, will have and the third form of the verb, i.e. past participles.

recently they have watched a new film.(Present Perfect)
They recently watched a new movie.

They had watched a new film before I came.(Past perfect)
They had seen a new film before I arrived.

They will have finished watching a new film by the time I come.(Future Perfect)
They will have finished watching the new movie by the time I arrive.

The past participle is also used to form the passive voice:

Museum was opened only last year.
The museum was opened only last year.

Flowers are grown almost in any part of the world.
Flowers are grown in almost every part of the world.

Past participle used in functions:

  • nominal part of compound predicate after the verbs: to be (to be), to feel (to feel), to look (to look), to get (to become), to become (to become), etc. In this case, Participle II is translated into Russian by a passive participle, an adjective or adverb:

My pencil is broken.
My pencil is broken.

She looked scared.
She looked scared.

Joe felt depressed.
Joe felt depressed.

  • definitions- the participle can be both before the noun and after it:

Clara looked at the broken vase.
Clara looked at the broken vase.

Clara looked at vase broken by someone.
Clara looked at the vase, broken by someone.

  • circumstances of time- participle answers the question: when? And in the function of the circumstance of the cause, the questions are: why? for what reason?

When asked what he intended to do, he said he didn't know.
When asked what he intended to do, he said he did not know.

hello there! Today's article is devoted to fantastic creatures (not creatures) that you probably heard about, but did not want to know - participles in English. We will tell you what types are, what they mean, how they differ from the gerund, what functions they perform, and, most importantly, how to “tame” them and use them in speech.

Participle in English- this is an impersonal form of the English verb, which can have the properties of the verb , both adverbs and adjectives.

The good news is that sometimes the English participle matches the Russian participle.
The bad news: it can be translated as a Russian gerund.
Terrible news: English can be easily confused with the gerund.
Understand and accept: has several forms.

Present Participle (Participle I) - present participle

This participle form denotes an action that occurs simultaneously with the verb-predicate. To make the Present Participle, you need to add the ending "-" to the verb. ing».

I looked at her realizing that was the first time I saw her after a long time.
I looked at her realizing that it was the first time I saw her after a long time.

A few spelling rules:

  • If the word ends with " e”, then it is omitted, however, if the word ends with “- ee", then it does not go down.
com e-com ing
s ee-s eeing
  • If a word ends in a consonant preceded by a short stressed vowel, the consonant is doubled.
  • If the word ends in " ie", then " ie» change to « y».

Present Participle Functions in a Sentence

  • Definition(will come before or after a noun).
It was a very smiling boy.
It was very smiling boy.
Look at the trees growing in our garden.
Look at the trees growing in our garden.
  • Circumstance(at the beginning or at the end of a sentence, translated into Russian by a gerund with the ending “-aya”).
Reading an English book he wrote out many new words.
Reading English book, he wrote out many new words.
Traveling abroad, he attended few courses.
Traveling abroad, he attended several courses.
  • Part of the predicate(together with the forms of the verb "to be" forms the tenses of the Continuous group).
They will be working at that time tomorrow.
They are they will work tomorrow at this time.
They are swimming together.
They are swim together.
  • After verbs of perception(hear, listen, feel, find, notice, watch, smell, see).
I see him looking at me.
I see that he is looking at me. (I see him, beholder on me)
She notices us studying.
She noticed that we were learning. (She noticed us students)

Past Participle (Participle II) - past participle

Such participles are formed with the ending "- ed” (if the verb is correct) or 3rd form(if wrong).

The museum was just opened last year.
The museum was only open Last year.
Flowers are grown almost in any part of the world.
Flowers grown in almost every part of the world.

Rules for adding the ending "-ed":

  • If the word ends with " -e”, then only the ending “- d».
  • If the word ends in a consonant preceded by a short stressed vowel, or if the word ends in "- l”, preceded by a vowel, the final consonant is doubled .
adm i t - admitt ed
travel l- travell ed
  • If the word ends in "- y”, then “y” changes to “ ie».

Past Participle Functions in a Sentence

  • Definition(before or after the word being defined).
An opened book was on the table.
open the book was on the table.
The methods used in this research were quite effective.
methods, used in this study, were quite effective.
  • circumstance of time or reasons(answers the question: “When?”, “Why?”, “For what reason?”).
When asked what he intended to do, he said he didn't know.
When it asked what he intended to do, he said he did not know.
Squeezed by the ice, the steamer couldn't continue the way.
Since the ship was compressed by ice ( pinched ice), he could not continue his journey.
  • Complex addition(with noun or pronoun).
She heard her name mentioned.
She heard her name mentioned (she heard her name mentioned).
I want the work done immediately.
I want the job done immediately (I want the job made immediately).
  • Part of the predicate(together with the verb to have it forms a predicate in the tenses of the Perfect group).
He had translated the text before I came.
He translated text before I came.
  • Predicative(after the verbs be, feel, look, get, become)
My pencil is broken.
My pencil broken.
She looked scared.
She looked frightened.
Joe felt depressed.
Joe felt oppressively.

IMPORTANT! Russian past participles ( what did- who came, who arrived) are translated into English with the help of subordinate clauses without the participation of participles.

The delegation that arrived yesterday is staying at the hotel.
Delegation, arrived yesterday, stayed at the hotel (the verb "arrive" has a second form, Past Simple).
The policeman who came up to him asked him to show his driver "s license. Policeman, approached to him, asked to see a driver's license.

Communion in passive (Passive participle)

If an object or person performed an action not independently, but the action was performed on it, you need Passive Voice .

It also happens at communion. For this we need "be" + "-ing" + "V3"(being done, being built).

The food being served at the party was very tasty.
Food, filed at the party it was very tasty (being served is a passive sacrament, because the food did not serve itself, someone did it).

What is the difference between gerund and participle?

It will be impossible to confuse you if you remember 2 details:

  • Gerund in Russian can always be replaced by a verbal noun (even if it comes out clumsily).
Walking is so pleasant…
Walking is so nice.
I don't like being offended by you.
I don't like that you hurt me (I don't like "offending").
  • The participle is always attached to the noun, while the gerund walks on its own.
That man shouting at the policeman seems familiar.
That screaming on a policeman Human seems familiar to me. ("shouting" refers to the noun "man" - participle)
Shouting will not do any good.
screams they will not help the cause ("shouting" - gerund).

Perfect participle

Such a participle is formed from the verb " have" in Present Participle (that is, with the ending "- ing") and semantic verb Past Participle.

This formula " having» + « V3” looks like this: having done (having done), having translated (translating), having visited (visiting).

The perfect participle shows that the action being expressed happened before the main action in a sentence. In the latter, it performs the function of a circumstance and corresponds to the Russian gerund participle of the perfect form.

We use the perfect participle to connect sentences and make speech flow more smoothly.

Having bought a bike, she cycled home.
Having bought bicycle, she rode it home.
having lost the key, the boy couldn't get into the house.
Lost the key, the boy could not get into the house.
having graduated from the University, he decided to go to the Far East.
After graduating from the university, he decided to go to the Far East.
having lived there for a long time, he didn't want to move to another town.
Having lived there for a long time, he did not want to move to another city.

If it is difficult to understand this, then just use " after» + gerund(will be the same in value):

After graduating from the university, he decided to go to the Far East.
After graduation University, he decided to go to the Far East.

Perfect participle passive voice formed as follows: having been» + « V3».

Having been cooked, the food looked delicious.
When the food was cooked being cooked), she looked very tasty.

Forming participles in English


So, English participles are not an easy topic. Let's simplify and summarize their use:

1) Present Participle (doing, translating) answers the questions: “ What do you do?», « Which?»,« Doing what?».
2) Past Participle (done, translated): " Which?», « What has done?».
3) Perfect Participle (having done): " Having done what?».

We hope that this article will help you understand English like never before!

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

, participle in english has the properties of a verb and or .

Participle Forms in English

The most important forms of participles are:

  • Present Participle– present participle (in the active voice).
  • Past Participle- past participle.

Usually the study of participles is reduced to the study of only these two forms, as the most important. In this article, we will look at them first, and then return to other forms.

Basic participle forms: Present Participle and Past Participle

In other sources, you may come across the names Participle I and Participle II - this is the same as Present Participle and Past Participle.

Present Participle - present participle

Despite the name, the present participle can refer not only to the present tense - it denotes an action that occurs simultaneously with the action of the predicate. That is, if the predicate is in the present tense, then the participle refers to the present, if in the past, then to the past, etc.

The present participle is formed with -ing at the end of a word: waiting, living, thinking.

Present Participle used in the following cases:

1. For the formation of longtimes

That is, all tenses of the verb Continuous and Perfect Continuous

I am waiting for you. - I'm waiting for you.

I have been waiting for you. -I was waiting you.

2. Before a noun as an adjective

The participle defines the noun, shows the sign as an adjective.

It was an amazing film. “It was an amazing film.

He was trapped inside the burning house. “He was trapped inside a burning house.

3. To indicate simultaneous actions

When two actions occur at the same time and are performed by the same person or object, one of the actions can be expressed by a participle.

whistling to himself, he walked down the steer. Whistling, he walked down the street.

He sat on the bench reading a newspaper.–He was sitting on a bench reading a newspaper.

It is also possible to express the first action with the sacrament if the second, performed by the same person or object, occurred immediately after the first.

dropping the gun, she put her hands in the air. Dropping the gun, she raised her hands up.

Putting on his coat, he left the house. He put on his coat and left the house.

If you need to emphasize that one action happened before another, the Perfect Participle form is used (see below)

4. To express the circumstances of the cause

The participle can be used in place of a cause beginning with conjunctions as, since, because. In this case, the participle turnover explains the reason for the action.

Being poor, he didn't spend much on clothes. Because he was poor, he did not spend much money on clothes.

Knowing that his mother was coming, he cleaned the flat. Knowing that his mother would come, he cleaned the apartment.

5. In circulationcomplex objectwith verbs of perception

Past Participle - past participle

The past participle is formed:

  • For regular verbs: using -ed at the end of the word: danced, liked, lived, invited.
  • For irregular verbs: in a special way, see.

The past participle is used:

1. For education timesPerfect

That is, the tenses of the verbs Perfect and Perfect Continuous

I have read the book. - I read the book.

We have decided to leave. - We decided to leave.

2. For the formation of forms of the passive voice

I am given a mission. - I was given a task.

I have been trusted with a great secret. I have been entrusted with a great secret.

3. As a nominal part of a compound predicate

In this case, the predicate consists of the verb to be + Past Participle

My heart is broken. - My heart is broken.

The problem is taken care of. - Problem taken care of.

4. As a definition for a noun

The participle is used before a noun as an adjective:

A purchased item can be returned. – Purchased goods can be returned.

They fixed the broken cup. They fixed the broken cup.

After a noun, the participle replaces the adjectival clause with a passive verb:

This is the letter received this morning (which was received this morning) - This is the letter received this morning.

a man betrayed by his friend (who is betrayed by his friends) - A person who was betrayed by friends.

5. To express the circumstance of time or reason

In this case, the participial phrase replaces the adverbial clause with the verb in the passive voice.

Frightened by the cat, my puppy ran away. Frightened by the cat, my puppy ran away.

Asked for help, Jim called the police. When asked for help, Jim called the police.

These sentences can be replaced by similar ones with subordinate clauses:

As my puppy was frightened by the cat, he ran away. Since my puppy was scared by the cat, he ran away.

When he was asked for help, Jim called the police. When asked for help, Jim called the police.

Other forms of the present participle

The present participle can take four forms:

Active passive
Present Participle Writing being written
Perfect Participle having written Having been written

We have already considered the main, most important form - it is crossed out in the table. Let's see why we need the rest.

Present Participle Passive

This form is formed according to the scheme: being + Past Participle; being held, being taken, being crushed etc.

It is used:

1. As a definition

As a definition, this participle form is used in participial phrases corresponding to subordinate clauses-definitions with a verb in the passive voice.

The car being towed(which is being towed) is mine. “The car being towed is mine.

The house being demolished(which is being demolished) is haunted. The house that is being demolished is haunted.

2. To express cause and time

This form is used as a circumstance in participial phrases, where it expresses reason and time. These phrases are equivalent to subordinate clauses of cause and time with a verb in the passive voice.

being left alone, the puppy felt lonely. - Being left alone, the puppy felt lonely.

Being asked for explanation, he didn't refuse to answer. When asked to explain himself, he did not refuse to answer.

Perfect Particle Active\Passive

Communion in the form Perfect Participle in the active or passive voice expresses an action that happened before the action in the predicate.

Education scheme:

  • Active Collateral: having + Past Participle
  • Passive voice: having been + Past Participle

This form is used

1. To express the circumstances of the cause.

Having worked in the company for ten years, he had good connections. Having worked for the company for ten years, he was well connected.

Having been wounded, he asked someone to call the ambulance. Being wounded, he asked someone to call an ambulance.

2. To express the circumstance of time

finished the painting, he opened a bottle of wine. Having finished the picture, he opened a bottle of wine.

Having been packed, my books were sent to the library. After they were packed, my books were sent to the library.

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In learning English, there comes a moment when you no longer want to be content with simple sentences. There is a desire to dilute the text with beautiful turns so that they sound not only competently, but also effectively. In such cases, the sacrament in English comes to the rescue, which will be discussed today.

Participle or participle in English it is an impersonal form of a verb that has the features of a verb, an adjective, and even an adverb. The participle in English sentences is quite common both in speech and in writing. Therefore, let's look at the types of participles in English, their formation and role in the sentence.

There are two types of participle in English:

  1. The first is the group Participle I - present participle;
  2. The second - Participle II - past participle.


Participle I is the present participle. It can be expressed in the Simple and Perfect forms. Consider both of them in the table using the example of the verb read (read):

In the participle, the verbs of the Simple form are formed in the same way as in the Continuous tense. In simple terms, the ending -ing is used to form the real participles of the present. For passive participles, it is used with the ending -ing and the verb in the third form.

Perfect is formed using the verb have with the ending -ing and the third form of the verb. The third English form of the verb is formed in 2 ways:

  • Regular English verbs with the -ed ending.
  • For the wrong ones, on their own, not obeying the rules.

These participles are translated into Russian as a present participle or an imperfect gerund (the Simple form) and a perfect gerund (the Perfect form).

With active and passive voices in the perfect form, only transitive verbs can be used. Note that intransitive verbs are not expressed in the passive form. Intransitive verbs are those that cannot be combined with a noun or pronoun. Study the table with examples for clarity:

Although the present participle in the passive voice is already used much less frequently than in the active voice. Do not think that the passive turnover is biased. It just sounds quite voluminous, and the English language is constantly striving for simplification.

Two or more participles (and gerunds when translated into Russian) are usually not used in one sentence. Avoid too long sentences, it is better to break them into two. And even in this case, it is better to make the participle have only the first or second sentence.

The role of the participle in a sentence

The functions of the sacrament are limited to a few points. So, the participle can be expressed:

  • Definition:

Moreover, the English participle can go both before and after the noun:

The girl talking to Jim is my sister.The girl talking to Jim is my sister.

Determinative participial revolutions of a comma, as a rule, are not distinguished.

  • The circumstance of a condition, cause, time, or course of action. Study on table examples :

But here, as in Russian turns, the adverbial participial turnover needs a comma.

  • The nominal part of the compound predicate:
Brad will be performing at 5 p.m. on the first and second of March.Brad will be performing at 5pm on March 1st and 2nd.


  1. English participles that match the Simple forms:
  • show that the action occurs simultaneously with the action expressed by the predicate. Let's look at an example:
  • characterize the subject:
  1. The Perfect participle is used to show that the action preceded the action expressed by the verb:

In the same case, the use of the Simple form can now be encountered, although from the point of view of English grammar, the Perfect tense is preferable:

Despite the fact that in Russian this form is a participle, in English it refers to participle turnover. In fact, nothing belongs to the gerund, since in English the gerund is a participle. That is, there is simply no gerund in English. Do not be surprised, there are a lot of similar language differences between English and Russian, they just need to be taken into account.

It is important to note that although it is a present participle, it does not mean that it is only used with English present tense sentences.

Participle 1 vs gerund or difference between gerund and participle

The present participle in its appearance may resemble gerund, which is also formed by adding the ending -ing. However, the difference between them is huge, as their functions are completely different. Therefore, in order to confuse the participle with the gerund, you need to try very hard.

The difference is this:

The gerund is used on its own and is expressed by a noun:

The participle refers to the noun and is located before / after it. It's more like an adjective:

The gerund and the participle of the English language can also have a perfect form. As in the first case, one of the main features of their use is that in gerundial variants such a construction is used in a sentence as a subject.

While the participial turnover shows that after completing one action, another was done.

As you can see distinguish gerund and participle and understand between them difference not so difficult.

Participle in English: Participle II


Participle II or the past participle has only one form, namely the Past Participle Simple form. Participle 2 is used in English only in the passive voice. In the active voice, it cannot even be formed. The passive voice has two forms of education:

  • With the ending -ed for regular verbs. Table with examples:
Infinitive / Initial form of the verb Participle II / Past participle
close (close)closed
play (play)played (played)
produce (produce)produced (produced)
motivate (motivate)motivated (motivated)
  • Irregular verbs have their own special form. Examples:

In Russian, these participles in the past tense are translated by passive participles of the imperfect and perfect types.

Role in the proposal

The past participle in English can perform a number of functions:

  • Definitions:

It can be introduced into a sentence using the preposition as (as):

His life, as described by biographers, seems to be a tragic one.His life, described by biographers, seems tragic.
  • Less commonly, circumstances using unions when (when), unless (until), as if (as if), as though (as if), if (if), unless (if not), though (although), although (although):
  • The nominal part of the compound predicate:
  • The participle also performs the function of a complex object:


Usually the past participle is:

  1. Expresses a completed action that precedes the main action:
  1. Expresses the property of a person / object:

There are no independent ways to use the sacrament. However, if you are afraid of making a mistake with the construction, you can turn the participle into a separate sentence.

Participle in English: Independent participial turnover

Independent participial phrases deserve special attention.

To form an independent participial turnover, it is necessary to use a noun or pronoun and participle 1 or 2. An independent participle turnover is separated by a comma, performing the functions of a circumstance. The translation of such participial phrases can have two options:

  • In the first case, when an independent participle in English is used at the beginning of a sentence, it is translated as a subordinate clause of time, condition and reason. Such sentences usually contain conjunctions "when", "if" and "because":
  • In the second case, the independent participial turnover is translated by an independent sentence. To form one sentence with an independent participial turnover, the words "at the same time", "at the same time", "moreover" can be used.

Independent sentences, as you can see, sound less "loaded".

We hope that you figured out what participles are in English. To consolidate the topic, translate Russian sentences with gerunds and participles into English, do the exercises and periodically return to this site for self-study of the language.

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For those who are just starting to get acquainted with the grammar of the English language, it would be useful to get acquainted with English participles, which distinguish between two types - present participle(or imperfective participle) and past participle(or the perfect participle). We advise you to make close friends with English participles, because. with their help we will form tenses of the English verb. Both participles are formed from verbs, so let's first remember what the verb looks like in its initial form, so that we can then form new words from it - participles.

The initial form of the verb is the infinitive

The initial form of English verbs, also called the infinitive, looks like this - to be, to read, to have, i.e. all verbs are used with the particle to, indicating that the verb is in the indefinite form. In Russian, the particle to corresponds to the end of the indefinite form of the verb - - be.

  • to sleep - sleep
  • to wash - wash
  • to make - do

English present participle - Participle I

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When forming new words from verbs, the to particle is discarded and we boldly form the present participle by adding the ending -ing to the verb, read + ing = reading (read - reading), play + ing = playing (play - playing). As you can see, present participles - reading, playing - indicate that the action is in progress, it is not finished, hence its second name is an imperfect participle. Let's try to use the received participles in phrases.

  • reading children - reading children
  • playing boy
  • sleeping child

English past participle - Participle II

As for the past participle - Past participle (it is also called the perfect participle), let's first recall the similar participles of the Russian language that you use in everyday life: lunch welded, exercises written, lesson learned, pizza ordered, underwear washed etc. Please note that these words indicate a completed action, i.e. dinner has been cooked and it is ready, it can be eaten, the linen has been worn and it is clean, etc. What is the correct way to translate these words into English? Participles are formed from the corresponding verbs, so to form the word "washed" we need the verb "erase". Like you, probably. you know from previous posts verbs in English are divided into regular and irregular. The forms of past participles formed from regular verbs coincide with the form.

  • wash - washed - washed - wash - washed - washed
  • cook - cooked - cooked - cook - cooked - cooked
  • translate - translated -translated - translate - translated - translated

As for irregular verbs, the past participle form corresponds to the third form of the verb (third column) of the table of irregular verbs in English, which you can find below. The verbs indicated in the table must be memorized in order to use them freely in your speech in the future, otherwise it will be difficult for you to achieve the desired success in learning English grammar.

The participle, being the impersonal form of the verb, has the form of a temporary voice.

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